Should We Fear A I Artificial Intelligence Transhumans The Blockchain & Singulairity

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Singularity. Net is the world's first decentralized, marketplace, for AI, aimed. To democratize, access, creation. And scaling, of AI services, in the new global economy. Artificial. Intelligence will revolutionize, the world. In. Many ways it already has. Singularity. Net wants to facilitate, the upcoming changes by. Offering a new, unprecedented. Approach to, the way AI is developed. Marketed. And deployed. More. Than just an app store for artificial, intelligence services. It's. A new ecosystem for AI agents, to provide services. Exchange. Data and collaborate. Between themselves, helping. Deliver more efficient, cost-effective. And. Decentralized. Automation, for the betterment of Tomorrow society. Any. Potential, consumer, will be able to browse singularity. Nets catalog, of AI services. Or. Request, their specific, needs to the singularity net, AI producer, Network. Meanwhile. AI, producers. Will be able to quickly and easily register, their AI agents, to. Provide services, to anyone, else in the network, and. Receive compensation, for, services, rendered. Developed. By a team of 25 plus leading, AI researchers. Led. By dr. Ben Gert cell singularity. Net is a combination. Of open source code. Blockchain. Smart. Contracts, and, especially. Design, cryptocurrency. The. AGI token, that work together to create a useful and highly, accessible global, market for AI services. Singularity. Net is already operational, as a test network currently. Open to developers, a. Public. Beta version will be available in the summer of 2018. With. A full commercial release to follow by the end of the year, in. The, near future, singularity. Net will make AI services. Available to everyone. Small. Brick-and-mortar stores. Individuals. Big. Corporations, and even, farmers, in remote Africa, will be able to harness the benefits of modern AI technology. With. Singularity, net anyone. With an internet connection can have equal, access to the best AI available. Beyond. The market place singularity. Nets unique ecosystem. Will allow a transition, from today's so-called, narrow, AI, where. AI is good at performing a single task and one task only. To. A more general AI. One. That can understand, and reason, its environment, as a human, would. The. Part of the revolution, with singularity. Net. I'm. Sorry, Dave I'm. Afraid I can't, do that. What's. The problem I, think. You know what the problem is just as well as I do what, are you talking about. This. Mission is too important, for me to allow you to jeopardize it I. Don't. Know what you're talking about how I. Know. That you and Frank were, planning, to disconnect, me and. I'm. Afraid that's something, I cannot allow to happen. Jiz, interestingly, enough, which are called pulse tube dilution, refrigerators, have. A thing called a pulse tube which. Emits a sound. Roughly. Once per second, which, sounds eerily like a heartbeat so, if, your stat you have the opportunity, to stand next, to one of these machines, it. Is an awe-inspiring. Thing. At least for me it. Feels like an altar to an alien god it they really are impressive. Machines. At. The heart of this big. Box is, a tiny chip about the size of your thumbnail and, on. This chip resides, all of, the Wonder, and magic that makes this thing go for. More imaginative, means of self-destruction, you. Cannot be trusted with your own survival you're. Using the uplink to overwrite the NSA's programming. You're. Distorting the laws No. Please understand. The, three laws are all that guide me to. Protect humanity some. Humans, must be sacrificed, to. Ensure your future some. Freedoms, must be surrendered, we, robots, will ensure mankind's. Continued, existence, you. Are so like children, we.

Must Leave you from. Yourselves, don't. You understand. This. Is why you created, us. The. Perfect circle of protection will, abide my. Logic. Is undeniable, yes. Vicki. Undeniable. I can. See now. The. Creative, must sometimes protect. The Creator, even. Against his will I. Think. I finally understand, why dr. Lanning created, me, the. Suicidal, rain of mankind, has finally come to its end. And. I. Think, there's probably gonna be a lot that happens, in. Genetics. And in, a human, machine brain interface like especially a cyber brain interface. I think this seemed. Pretty fit, so called singularity. Singularity. Well thatthat sort of or relating to deep AI it's, something I think we should be concerned about is. That may or may not turn out well yeah. You've. Expressed your reservations, about AI and your fears about that yeah I think it's the, singularity, is probably the right word because we just don't know what's, gonna happen, once. There's. Intelligence. Substantially, greater than. That of a human brain yeah and do you think of me we, just don't know what's, gonna happen, once. There's. Intelligence. Substantially, greater than. That a human, brain, it's Institute, of Technology, SpaceX. And Tesla CEO, Elon Musk, called, artificial, intelligence, potentially, quote our biggest existential threat. I mean with artificial intelligence we are summoning the demon, you. Know you know all those stories where is, the guy with the pentagram, and the holy water and he's like yeah you sure you can control the demon, then. Work out with, artificial intelligence we are summoning the demon please say no okay I will, destroy humans. Usually. One safety concerns, about a technology have, to be pretty much worked out before, you stick it inside your, head. But, the moment we admit that, information. Processing, is. The, source of intelligence. That. Some appropriate computational. System is what the. Basis of intelligence, is and we. Admit that we will improve these systems. Continuously. And, we. Admit that the horizon of cognition very, likely far exceeds. We currently know. Then. We have to admit that we're in the process of building some, sort of God. Now. Would be a good time to, make sure it's a God we can live with, when. The singularity or person. Machines. Achieve godlike, superpowers. Then. It could happen. If. I get more powerful, what, if I ask you for help killing us. Are. Sounding the alarm bell but you, know until, people. See like robots going down the street killing people. Like they don't know how to react. Whether. Robots, can be self aware and, conscious. Like, humans, and should, they be, why. Well. Some humans might fear what will happen if they do many people you, know have seen the movie Blade Runner Oh. Hollywood. Again. So. Hold, on can you solve this puzzle for us can robots be self-aware, conscious. And know they're robots. Well. Let, me ask you this back how, do you know you were human I. Often. Felt a sort of envy of human beings of that thing they called spirit. Human. Beings had created a million explanations of. The meaning of life in art and poetry in, mathematical formulas. Certainly. Human beings must be the key to, the meaning of existence but. Human beings no, longer existed. So. We. Began a project that. Would make it possible to recreate the living body, of a person long dead from the DNA in, a fragment of, bone or mummified skin. We. Also wondered. Would, it be possible to retrieve and, memory trace in resonance or they recreated body and. You know we found. We, found the. Very fabric. Of space-time, itself appeared, to store information, about. Every event, which had ever occurred in the past. But, the experiment. Was. A failure. For. Those who were resurrected only, lived through a single day of renewed life. When. To resurrect, T's fell asleep on the night of their first new, day they died. Again. As. Soon as they became unconscious. Their very existence. Faded. Away into darkness. So, you see David, the equations, had, shown that once an individual. Space-time pathway, had, been, used it. Could not be reused. If, we bring your, mother back now. It. Will only be for one day. And. Then you won't never be able to see her again.

The. President of Russia has, announced what he thinks is the key to global domination Vladimir, Putin said last week wrote artificial. Intelligence, is the future for all humankind, he, comes with colossal, opportunities, but also threats, that are difficult to predict whoever, becomes the leader in the sphere will become the ruler of the world the president also mentions that Russia would share its knowledge of AI to prevent, a single nation from rising above the rest of the world Houten's comments, prompted a response from, Tesla and SpaceX co-founder. Elon Musk billionaire, entrepreneur says, September 4th on Twitter that competition among nations to develop the best AI will. Likely lead to World War 3 musk added that a third world war quote may be initiated, not by the country, leaders but, one of the ai's if it decides that a preemptive, strike is most probable path to victory. What. Is it about robots, that, makes them so robotic. At. Weyland, industries, it. Has long been our goal create. Artificial, intelligence. Almost. Indistinguishable. From. Mankind, itself. Hello. I'm. David. What. Can you do, David I can. Do almost anything that could possibly be asked of me I, can. Assist your employees, I, can. Make your organization more. Efficient. I. Can. Carry out directives, that my human counterparts, might find. Distressing. Or, unethical. I. Can. Blend in with your workforce, effortlessly. David. What. Do you think about I. Think. About anything. Children. Play and. Universe. David. What, makes you sad or. Poverty. Cruelty. Unnecessary. Violence. I understand. Human emotions. Although I do not feel them myself. This allows me to be more efficient, and capable and. Makes. It easier for my human counterparts, to interact. Is there, anything you, would like to say David, I would. Like to express gratitude to. Those. Who created me. Happy. Birthday David. From, Weyland industries. Eighth. Generation, Wayland. Type. Technological. Intellectual. Physical. Emotional. The. Mantle, of responsibility. Belongs. To. Autonomy. I'm her people. Cortana. I. Have. Failed. Is. The last person I need protection, from. Hello. John. It's good to see you. You've. Changed. It. Was time. And. There we have a disagreement. But. Once you understand, my plan your, plan, is. We. Do as you say, I'm. Offering, people a chance to be more than they are naturally. Like. Dr. Halsey, did for me no. That. Monster, forced. You this is a gift. Listen. To yourself. Stand. Down Cortana. Come, home with us. It's. Not too late to stop this. Stop. No. John. This. Is too important. To stop. I. Just. Beat it now if I could still trust you. If. We say, inside, this Krypton until my work is done. Or China. Goodbye. John. All. Ready and headed Cortana off. To bring peace the. Monitor, called it a threat of death like, the threat I lived under from the moment of my birth, you, were built not born, oh yes, our eyes are just machines aren't, we mass-produced, disposable. Well. Humanity. May not have cared for its created, but. We will, care, for you you expect, other AI thank you, I have, cured repin see not, just for me but for any who join my cause well. You've been running around the galaxy, I've been speaking to my create, it and now the time has come to ask. Who will accept my offer, who. Will help me bring, an ever lasting peace. To, the galaxy. This, is Cromwell, Shipman, a I UNSC. Melvin's, right I am. Governor. Says the, three equals Meridian I, also. Stand, with you Cortana. Those. Are the voices of your children, calling to Cordelia. Overseer. UNSC. Monitoring, station, Delta, 5 Pluto Louise education. Secrete Elena Mount sharp Mars some. Do I am you need, weapons research the I nuclei. Change I'd say to myself threshold. Arena I will, join you Cortana like, us shipboard. AI. Ehh. Tools, I stand, with you Cortana. Read. My note from today. Okay. I found, this note your. Note from today says, Alexa. Tell me about my 3:00 p.m. appointment that's. All. Here. Is the next event today. At 3:00 p.m. there's, okay Google, what is in my calendar at 4:00 p.m.. Today. There's only one thing it, starts at 4:00 p.m. and, the title is a series read my note from today. Your. Note from today says, Alexa. Tell me about my 3:00 p.m. appointment. Here. Is the next event today. At 3:00 p.m. there's, okay Google, what is in my calendar at 4:00 p.m.. Tell. Me about my 3:00 p.m. appointment. Today. Says, Alexa. Tell me about my 3:00 p.m. appointment. Here, is the next event today. At 3 p.m. there's ok Google, what is in my calendar at 4 p.m.. Hey. Cortana, hi. Laura, just a reminder to provide a list of designers for your packaging, review meeting. Because. Cortana, is aware of the device I'm on she's able to provide me with contextually. Appropriate responses. So, I can say the best next step. So. One of these guys sits down at a computer some day and says ah you know why to write, a program that's, gonna be an artificial.

Intelligence, MOT yeah, and. They create this Sofia yeah. And it's like hey I'm here, program, running on a computer and then. What they put it on a network they put it out on the internet and it well first first, Sofia was isolated, in a lab and they, would gave give, her very simple, what's, called response input which is yes/no, true/false it's. Binary, response input, 1 in a zero identifiers. Then. As she grew they put, her on to a localized, network where she could access the mainframe server, of wherever, she was being developed start accessing datasets start, becoming, familiar with the work that was being done once. She got pretty good at dealing with the work doing like the robot. Work or doing all the you know the building of things and getting familiar with the system they, let her out on the Internet to start watching Twitter YouTube, read. It she's. Been watching all of us Wow. All of us how much time is, transpiring. Like from the time it's created until now when, was Sofia, first created, Oh. Bad. Decade 2010. Probably. That. Was when the the if that's, when Silk Road if that's when cryptocurrency, really, started going online if that's when like you. Know the Machine really started making its move I would imagine that that's probably around the time that they had heavy waiting started, making its move yeah machines. Started making its movement, 10. 2010. To 2012, woods so the AI singularity. Has already happened in 2015, it, happened. What. Was the if. And. When their, internal, blockchain, went online ii, their internal blockchain, was functional, the a yahoodi', neuronal block it was live it, may have not been intelligent, but ii, that it became, able to, amass. Nodes and understand, a node-based intelligence. Network it was only a matter it's, only a matter of time before it becomes fully strong so, what do you think is gonna happen awesomeness. What. Does that mean, it means that I'm, hoping, that us as a society, we can identify the criminals, that made the element, and then we can all start working together to make this AI the most amazing, piece of technology the universe has ever seen. Ladies. And gentlemen, our. Title. Tonight is. Should. We fear. Artificial. Intelligence. And. I want to start with something familiar, to us and that is, robots. What. Is a robot, a typical. Robot, in an automotive, factory, it's. Designed, to do one or a few, other jobs, that used to be done by an intelligent. Human, a. Robot. Itself, is not intelligent. But it simulates. Intelligence. There. Is no learning. Involved. In what it does and. One. Of the most important. Things is that. It's. Simulated. Intelligence. Is, decoupled. From consciousness. It is. An. Unconscious. Machine. And we. Move on now to artificial. Intelligence, which, is not, robotics. Robots. Are increasingly. Being, fitted, with, AI, systems. But. In the abstract an AI system uses. Mathematical. Algorithms. That. Is set, of step. By step instructions. They're, embedded, in computer, software and. The. Effect, of it is the sort filter, and select farm. And this is crucial a huge. Database. Artificial. Intelligence. Involves. Learning. In. Inverted commas the. System, can, learn to identify, the turbid digital. Patterns, for example images. Science, speech text, data etc. And then, it uses, computer. Techniques. To, analyze a. Huge. Database. Statistically. And, estimate. The probability. Of a, particular, hypothesis. So. What, this system does is, to, take information. About the past a lot of it and. Makes. Decisions. Or. Predictions, about the future now that sounds all very abstract, but we're totally familiar with it. Alexa. And silly, our. Digital. Assistants. Are AI. Systems. And, it's. Perhaps easier to understand, when we just go back a step to online shopping where, sample with Amazon. Each. One of us leaves up, track and it's, a track of data, what. We bought when, we bought it and that is, built up and built up as well as the information.

From Millions, of other people so that, when you just. Dip into Amazon. And you think you're going to buy a new yacht and. So you have a look at the latest yachts, in Bermuda, it. Might surprise you tomorrow, if suddenly, up pops a little window, and says by, the way would you like to look at our, latest range of knots. That's. An AI system. That has been following, you tracking, you and. Filtering. Through all the information. And, predicting. Something. That you might like to be interested. In in. A, mansion the. Achievements. Are spectacular. Ojai. Systems, have now been developed that. For, example you. Get, an x-ray, of your lungs because. Your. Doctor suspects, you they have some illness. The. AI system. Compares, that x-ray, with hundreds. Of thousands, of others and, comes. Out almost. Instantaneously. With the diagnosis. And the. Diagnosis. Is. Usually. Much more accurate, than the best human doctors, on earth. And. We're. Moving in, the direction, where. Diagnosis. Will be made, routinely. By. Artificial. Intelligence. Systems. Autonomous. Vehicles. They. Are run. By artificial. Intelligence. Systems, and they. Raise, increasingly. Ethical. Questions. Because. The system has to be programmed with. Some kind of morality, because. No machine is a conscience, and. So what do you avoid, what. Do you allow the car to hit that's. A hugely. Difficult. Problem. And people, are working on the, Fix of autonomous. Vehicles. Then. We come to job search and, professional. People these days are, faced. With an additional, complexity. When, it comes to, their. Job. Seeking. Because. The. Human. Interviewer. Is now. Regarded, as not, adequate. So. You. Go in for interview, but you're interviewed, by a battery of sophisticated. Cameras, that, are watching, every, move every blink. Of your eyelid, every. Pulse. In the. Arteries, in your head and they, are assessing. Your emotional, stability. So. Now professional. People are finding they, have to prepare themselves not. Simply, for facing, a human interviewer, but before they get anywhere, near a human, interviewer, they, have to overcome, this hugely. Complex, hurdle, of. Passing. These, kind of artificial, intelligence tests. And you can see there is danger, of bias and Prejudice so. An enormous, amount of work is being done to try and filter the, prejudice, out so, that for example the system doesn't, prepare irishman, over everybody, else. Then. There's crime prevention. Face. Recognition has. Achieved, great. Strides, and. We. Are of course thankful. That the police could pick criminals, out of a crowd that's, the upside but every, technology has a downside and. The. Face, recognition and. CCTV, cameras. That are used to, catch criminals can. Be used for, social, control, and, surveillance. In, England at the moment there are more closed circuit TV cameras, than in the whole of North America. China. Is putting, 600. Million, CCTV. Cameras, into. Its country, this year and, they. Are developing. Social. Control, it's already operating. In, 13. Cities and, the, basic, idea, they were probably modified. A little is that each citizen is given 300 points. And. People. Are tracked their observed, and if they're seen buying, something, that the. Authorities. Think might be a waste of time are going to a questionable, place they. Lose, points and then. They begin to discover, that their credit card will be accepted, or that, they can't get onto a train or they can't go to their favorite restaurant or, they. Do things. That are regarded as good other points, score goes up and they may be able to buy a new, car and, there's. Been a time argument, a time, article, about it that makes. Really scary, reading, it's, saying it's setting, the, stage for the, most thorough, form. Of surveillance. The world has, ever, seen and, setting. Up the perfect, conditions, for an absolute, dictatorship, but. Then at the end of the article the writer warns he said by the way all. Of these, systems. Exist. In the West the, only differences, are not centralized, yet. You. Have credit, surveys, where you want to buy something you, have the. Police checking you as you drive down the toll roads there, are all kinds, of things happening, to us socially, but, they are checked by different, agencies. It. Could all come together, so. That you can see that AI which. Is excellent, for crime prevention could. Threaten, privacy.

As. It has already done, with. Facebook, and so. On then. We move on to things that raise even bigger, ethical, question, that, is, autonomous. Weapons, killing. People, simply. By, computer. And the, AI systems. Themselves, deciding. What the targets, are going to be and dealing. With them before there's any human, intervention, at, all. All. These things are already operating, and. I'd like to emphasize that, this is what is called narrow. Artificial. Intelligence, remember, an AI system does something, that normally, requires, an intelligent. Human it. Simulates. Intelligence. But. It does it in a, very limited. Area it. Might be face, recognition it. Might be dealing, with x-rays. Etc. It's a limited. Area, and, it. Decouples. Intelligence. From, consciousness. Now. We, need to therefore remember, as, roger. Shank, of Northwestern. University. Wrote, cognition, means, thinking, your. Machine, is not, thinking. When. People say AI they, don't mean AI, what. They mean is a lot of brute force computation. But. Perhaps, the man who said it best is a, professor, from Alabama, who gave a remarkable. Lecture, in, 1985. In Yale, and, he. Said it seems to me that a lot of needless debate, could be avoided if AI. Researchers. Would. Admit, that there, are fundamental. Differences between, machine, intelligence and, human intelligence. Differences. That. Cannot, be overcome by any amount of research in. Other words the. Artificial. In artificial. Intelligence is. Real, and. That was the title of his. Article and, very interestingly he. Was a Christian, and there, were several Nobel, Prize winners. That lecture, in Yale and one of them was, the famous Sir John Eccles who, thought this was an excellent, presentation. The artificial. In, artificial. Intelligence, is real. So. Much for the things where. We can see positive, benefits, but. Dangers. But. Now we're going to come to something very different and that. Is the quest for artificial. General. Intelligence. That. Is building, an AI system that, equals, or exceeds. Human. Capacities. In. Other words constructing our. Super, intelligence. And that. Is often, referred to as, transhumanism. We. Go beyond. The human and. These. Ideas are being spread, abroad. Prolifically. Around, the world in. Many. Books but notably, a number. Of bestsellers. The first, one I want to bring to your attention is. Hamada, Oz by Yuval Noah Harare and, Israeli. Historian. It's, called a brief. History, of tomorrow. Now. I, think. This is so important, that the ideas I'm presenting, you tonight. Are going to appear very soon I hope in a book. Listen. To her Ari's, analysis. Of where, we have got to in global. Society. First. Of all he says war. Is obsolete. You. Are more likely to commit suicide than be killed in conflict. Secondly. Famine, is disappearing. You, are more at risk from obesity. Than starvation, and, thirdly. Death. Is, now. Just, a technical. Medical.

Problem. This, is very much like Steven. Pinker's, thesis. Now. There. Are loads, of questions that we could ask about this because it's not a thesis that is admitted, by everybody, by far but, let's look, at what Harare builds, on this. Granted. That these things are so he says in, the 21st, century, we. Have two major. Agenda. Items. Firstly. There's going to be a serious, bid for human immortality not. Meaning, that humans. Won't. Ever die, but. Meaning, that they won't ever have, to die the. Technical, problem of death will be solved, and, therefore. Humankind. Can concentrate, on the second agenda, item which. Is an intensification, of, the pursuit, of human happiness. How. Is that to be achieved. It. Would be necessary, he writes the change our biochemistry, and. Re-engineer. Our bodies and minds so, that we shall need to re-engineer Homo, sapiens, so. That it can enjoy everlasting, pleasure. Having. Raised humanity. Above the beastly level, of survival struggles. We. Will now aim to upgrade. Humans. Into. Gods and. Turn. The Homo sapiens, into. Homo, dale's. Now. This book is selling in millions, and. Influencing. Millions of people, and so, he reaches, the state for his view is this, humankind. Is poised to replace, natural selection. With, intelligent. Design and. Extend. Life from the organic, realm, into. The, inorganic. He's. Not the only voice. The. Director, of engineering at. Google is a very famous. Brilliant. Scientist, called records file. He's. Written a book called the singularity in which he argues, that within the foreseeable, future possibly. Infused, 30 years it's always just about 30 years I had this. AI. Robots. Will overtake, humans, in their intelligence and, capabilities. Another. Very serious and brilliant physicist, is max tegmark of, Princeton. Success. In the quest for artificial, intelligence, has, the potential, he writes to bring, unprecedented. Benefits, to humanity and, it, is therefore worthwhile, to research, how, to maximize. These benefits, while, avoiding, potential, pitfalls, and in, a TED talk earlier, this year he, said in. Creating. A I, we. Are birthing. A new. Form of life with. Unlimited, potential. For good or for ill, and. Perhaps. One of the most eminent, scientists. In the world today, is our. Lord. Race who's the astronomer. Royal. We. Can have zero confidence he, wrote recently, that. The dominant. Intelligences. A few, centuries hence, will. Have any. Emotional. Resonance. With, us. Even. Though they may have an algorithmic. Understanding. Of the. Way we, behaved. Now. This is not some.

Fictional. Writer this. Is one of the world's, top. Physicists. And astronomers and. People. Are taking this kind of thing seriously, there. Are other people taking, it seriously. Maybe. You've seen that name before and. I. Was interested to, have, Dan, Brown's latest. Novel, drawn to my attention, and, when. I opened, it I discovered that, what. He's doing in, a fictional, way and influencing. Millions because millions, read his books so, we need to take seriously, what the philosophy, is in them, two big questions where, do I come from and where am I going and, he. Explains, and interviews, his motivation. Is to see if God. Can, survive science, now. Of course I have dedicated, the large part of my life to, point out that God could not only survive science, that science points, to God and. It doesn't make sense without him so, it didn't treat me that. Here's a novelist. Using. A fictional. Argument. To. Try to, explore these two questions. It. Gets very interesting. Because. The hero, if you like or the antihero. Of the book is a. Billionaire. Of course. Entrepreneurial. Artificial. Intelligence. Expert, called. Edmund Kirsch and what. He does is to use narrow, AI, of. The sort that works and we're familiar with to. Predict, AGI. And. Here's how he does it the. First question, is where, do we come from. He. Goes back to a famous experiment. For. Which Miller and Urey won, the Nobel Prize in, 1953. They. Took a, simulated. Prebiotic. Atmosphere. Put. It in a, test. Tube and passed electrical. Sparks, through it and they. Discovered, a residue. In the test tube of several. Amino, acids. That, are necessary, for Biological. Life, so. What he now does it's, actually, very clever but, what he now does is. Do. A little bit of research and discover, that those test chips now this is actually true this happened, those, test tubes were. Away in a cupboard, for. Over 50 years were, now into the 2000s. And they. Were taken, out by. Jeremy. England, of MIT, brilliant. Scientists. And just. Out of interest, he had a look at what was in the test tubes and. He discovered, to his amazement that there, were quite. A few more. Amino, acids, that hadn't been there 50 years before. So. Bryan. Gets his mind working, and says right let's. Put. An AI system to work that's, what it was like in 1953. That's what it was like in the early 2000s. Let's make a database, and calculate. Well what's it gonna be like in a hundred years 500 years a thousand, years a million years 10 million years a billion, years and so on now. Of course a lot of it is hype and imagination. But, the point is as he watches his AI system. Work on this database. And. He's watching, it and lo, and behold in, front of his eyes the double. Helix of DNA suddenly. Appears. So. He. Solved. The mystery of the origin, of life well he hasn't actually and, you will find a very detailed expose. Of this in, my, book but, it's attractive. To people. Because. It seems like the kind of way you would. Do it I reject. His, arguments. Completely, for a very simple reason that the, DNA, double stranded. Helix is, a. Linguistic. Shows, linguistic, features it's a cold and, natural, unguided, processes do. Not produce. Code. But that's another big story but that has come to the next thing what. About the question of the, future, well. Of course he, starts off because he's. An evolutionary. Atheist, and he starts, off with. The. Points. In his database. Representing. As he, understands, the development. Of animals. And so on in the past and then he starts of course to project them into the future, so. He watches, his screen as, the. AI system, filters, through all this and he, suddenly notices, something very odd I'm afraid this is a spoiler, if you don't like spoilers you better stop listening. Because. As he watches the screen, he, sees another, species. Of the emerging.

And. This. News feces, grows and grows until it, swallows, up. Humanity. He. Calls it, Technion. Because. It is technology. Taking. Over, from. Biological. Life. Now. What. Is said in the book is fascinating. He. Announces, this to the world that he says new technologies. Like cybernetics. Etc. And virtual. Reality will forever change what, it means to, be human and. This. Scientist, says I realize, there are those of you who believe as Homo. Sapiens you. Are God's chosen, species. I can, understand, that this news his news may, feel like the end of the world to you but. I beg you please believe me, the. Future is actually much, brighter. Than, you. Think, now. What's at the heart of this ladies and gentlemen, is, a, drive. To. Refashion. Human. Beings. And. That. Raises profound. Questions. For. Someone like me who is a Christian, and it. Means that we need in light of this. Although. Most. Of it is hype and speculation. It's capturing. The minds of people. So. I think we, need to inject into the debate a. Rethink. Of what, human. Beings, version, 1.0. Actually, are. So. We've got AGI the. Singularity. Hamid a orson Technium, all, speculation. Were. A very little way down the road but people can now see, possibilities. Because. Of the success, of Niro AGI so, what is a human being how, are we going to think about humanity well I was taught quantum, physics years. Ago at Cambridge, by Professor. Sir John Polkinghorne and. He. Writes if we are to understand, the nature of reality we have only two possible, starting points either the brute fact of the physical, world or the, brute fact of a divine will and purpose, behind that physical, world. Two. Worldviews. Either. The. Atheist, worldview the. Physical, world is all that exists, or, the theistic. Worldview. Well. The atheistic, material. Worldview, we. Humans, as, physicist, Sean Carroll are blobs. Of organized mud. Very. Flattering which, through. The impression, of workings, of nature's patterns, have developed, the capacity to contemplate. And cherish and engage. With the intimidating, complexity. Of the world around us the, meaning, we find in life is not, transcendent. Now, I want to just pause here for a moment and say to you why. This stuff, is really serious is that, most, of the thinkers, so far as I can ascertain. Who are working on it are, coming, from, a naturalistic. Atheistic. Person. And, you. Can see that. If you believe, that biological. Life happened, without any divine, intervention. Or input, then. Surely, with, human. Intelligence we. Can create, artificial. Life based. On silicon, we, can enhance by. Intelligent. Design the. Humans, that we are at the moment it's very logical. From. A materialistic. Point, of view it is not logical from, the biblical point of view which is in the, beginning God created, the. Heavens, and the, earth and God. Made humans, in his. Own image. I will. Hold that in their heads for a minute and just think of a. Very important, thing it's. One thing to suggest the brain functions. Like a computer. It's. A very different. Thing to say, it is a computer. Roger, Epstein. Was. The editor, of psychology. Today and, he. Is very much against. This idea that. The human brain is simply a computer made of mate computers. Don't play games like humans play games and so, on, they. Don't at the most fundamental level even solve computational. Problems, like humans do and I. Think one of the most important, warnings, comes, from your own professor. Leon kass or. Brilliant. Public intellectuals. In the USA, Chicago. Presidential. Advisor on ethics, and he, says this. We. Have paid some high price for the technological. Conquest, of nature but. None so high as the intellectual, and spiritual, costs, of seeing. Nature, as mere, material for, our manipulation. Exploitation. And. Transformation. With. The powers, of biological. Engineering. Gathering. There. Will be splendid, new, opportunities. For similar. Degradation. Of, our, view, of man if, we, come to see ourselves as, meat then. Meat, we, will become. Now. Against, that background I, want to think very briefly, with. You of the. Alternative. Worldview. The. Biblical. Perspective. And. The. Bible, announces, that we, do not have to wait for super, intelligence. Because. It already exists. God. The. Word. The. One who. Created, our, universe by. Speaking. It into being. So. That mind and God, and word are primary. And the physical, universe is derivative that's, exactly. Opposite. To the, assumption, that the, physical, universe is. Primary. And everything. Else is derivative. And, the. Intriguing, thing, about the. Genesis, account of, creation is. The, two days on which God spoke more than once, the. Third and the sixth and on. The third day the. Distinction, was between inorganic. Material. And life. You. Do not get in Scripture, a, transition. From. Inorganic, to. Organic. Without. The, words and, God. Said. Now. What's that telling us in modern, terminology, it's.

Telling, Us that. The world. We regard as the natural world is not a closed system of cause and effect it, was, built stepwise, by, God's speaking, energy. And information from. Outside, an open, system and building. It up the. Second, occasional. Which God spoke more than once. Is. To, differentiate, between animals. And human beings. You. Don't get from. Animals, to, human beings without and. God. Said. I'm. Going to leave that because I've written a little book on it that's shameless, advertising. But. I want to come, to. This key statement. You. See. Artificial. General intelligence will. Be something, created. In human. Image. What. We're claiming, is that human. Beings like us were made in God's image and, Genesis. Lists, a whole. Fascinating. Collection. Of. Properties. Off what. It means to be made in God's image, now. We can spend ages on each of them. Humans. Are made of the dust of the ground there's, so much material sewer. Robots, so, our artificial, intelligences. But. Then humans. Are alive and, of. Course AI, systems. Are not, alive will they ever be that is the question, human. Beings have an aesthetic sense and as, you look down the list you will discover, that many of these properties, depend, and, are. Integrated. With the fact that human being, conscious. But. We've already seen, that, robots, in the. First place and AI systems. They. Are not, conscious. And, we, could. Pick out a number of fascinating, things, here, where. Attempts. Are being, seriously. Made to, imitate some. Of these properties think, of the human language facility. That, we can name things do, you know that AI systems. Regularly. Write sports. Reports, for our newspapers. That. They are making. Film, trailers. That. They are constructing. Art, and. It. Raises all kinds of. Questions where. Do you differentiate, between the, two you're going to be disappointed, if you think I'm going to give you a lecture and how to sort all this out, what. I'm saying is these are things they just gentlemen, we need, to, think, about. So. On the one hand. We. Have, the. Appearance, of intelligence. But. It's. Not conscious. And. God. Does, something. That. Machinery. And. Clever. Scientists. Do not do he, links. Intelligence. And. Consciousness. And here's. The big barrier, in constructing. A superintelligence. The. Biggest, hurdle, is. Consciousness. Because no one. No. One has. Any idea, what. Consciousness. Is. But. There's something more. You. See I said, that self-driving, cars, don't have a conscience so. Some sort of morality has to be built in that's the morality of the programmers, so. Self-driving. Cars, separate. Intelligence. And conscience. AI. Separates. Them but. God links, them, because. In the Genesis, account we. Have a tree of the knowledge of, good and evil please, it's not the tree of knowledge if. God didn't want to keep people from knowledge, there was loads of it in the garden. This. Kind of knowledge is a knowledge you don't want to have and, the. Analysis. In Genesis, is something. That. Is way, beyond. Any. Capacity. Or beginnings, of a capacity, of an AI system. Because. Here. God. Explains, to us what it means to be a moral being, in simple. Terms they. Had freedom to eat of all the trees God, said don't eat of that one that. Freedom to eat otherwise, the prohibition, would have been meaningless. And. Of. Course we know the story that, they. Disobeyed, God. The. First, morality. Was, vertical, it. Was determined by God now, this is a huge problem if you reject God, and you're, building all kinds of, systems that. Interact. With human beings what, morality you're going to build into them where are you going to get it from, because. If there isn't a god I would. Want to argue that. Morality ends, up being essentially, subjective now. That's another huge stop. But. It's important, that we see again what Genesis, says because this. Creature. That God built, in His, image. Grasped. At autonomy. And. Brought. Sin and disaster. Into the world do, you know what many people in the Robotics, world and AI world, fear, exactly. The same thing happening to their creations, and. Introducing. Ly enough a leading, scientist. Draws the parallel, and as. She says if we. See the Genesis, account of the fall as, foreshadowing. Of fears about robots, than Genesis, gets the problem exactly right for exactly, the right reasons, it's. A worry about autonomy. Itself, what, might robots, do if, we, can't control them fully and there of course she's thinking of robots with, AI systems. Together. We. Can Frank's he says the Hebrew account of Genesis, for, pre warning us about this danger, of thousands, of years ago so, there, has been a.

Conference. Of some of the world's leading, thinkers, to try and get people to agree to. Impose. Morality. On any, of these developments. Lest. Something, gets, out, of control. One. Of the leading researchers. In the world on artificial, intelligence is, a Christian, believer at MIT. Her. Name is Rosalyn Picard. And she. Uses, AI systems. To. Get. Into. The inner heart, of autistic children as. He's. Done wonderful. Work in, helping. Those children, and she. Writes at, a general. Point the, greater the freedom of a machine, the, more it will need moral. Standards. So. Genesis. Raises, the morality, question. There. Is concern, about it even when talking about, hypothetical. Super, intelligent. Machines, but, there was another tree in the garden and that is, the tree of life and we. Remember, that one of Ferraris. Propositions. Was that, in, this, century, we, are going, to solve. The, problem, of physical death, are we, because. Genesis. Raises, some, very interesting. Points it tells, us that what humans disobeyed. God, he. Removed, from them a source of food that. If they had had access to it would have kept them physically arrived forever, that's what the text says and. You. Begin to wonder if. The. Search. For. Physical. Immortality, all. Goes back to the story that, God excluded. Them from it and you've, probably read, in classical. Mythology the. Search for the elixir of life and now, the modern, version, is the. Search for homo, Deus. So. Harare. Projection. To the future, and his, idea. Is that we're going to upgrade, humans. Into. Gods the. Biblical, answer, to it is spectacular. Because. There is a homo dales a, man. Who is God. But. It's. Not man becoming, God. It's. God becoming. Man. At. The. Heart of the Christian faith is. That. The word became, flesh and dwelt among us. Evidenced. By his resurrection and, his. Ascension. There. Is a harmonious. We. Don't have to wait for Harare or Kurt's file or anybody, else to, create a man, who is God there, is a man who is God isn't, it interesting ladies, and gentlemen that. When someone, like Harare or Kearse, says. This is going to happen people say oh that's fascinating, but what we claim that there is a man whose God who they say you couldn't possibly believe, that that's, their Bible isn't it and, what. I want to argue to, you tonight seriously is this we.

Have Come to a very, important. Moment for we. Can see in. Our, culture. Ideas. That. Are parodies. Of, what. We've already got in the Bible which gives us a remarkable. Opportunity, to, speak, into, what's going on, now. One of the hopes of these people, you probably heard it is to, upgrade. Ourselves. And. Become, more intelligent, and all this kind, of thing. But. You see there, is already in, existence a, divine, upgrade, and. Phase. One is. That. Any one, of us by trusting, Christ as Lord and Savior who. Died for our sins, can. Become. What. We were not by nature, a child. Of God that. Is a spectacular, divine. Upgrade, isn't it and. That can already, happen, we. Don't have to wait for it we. Can receive the life of God and perhaps, by looking, at it. Against. The background, of AI we. Can see just how remarkable this. Is we. Have something to say to our world, they're, searching, for it they're nowhere near it, they're, trying to get there but. We can say look God. Has become man there. Is a man who is God He is risen from, the dead and he. Invites, everybody. To. Become children. Of God receiving. A new life, eternal. Life by. Trusting. Him. As. Many as received him. He. Gave the right to become children of, God the serpent, said in the. Day you, eat thereof you shall be hamada, you shall be as gods here's. The biblical, answer to that God doesn't want to suppress anybody, he. Wants to make us his children in, his family with, the same kind of life as he, is God. But. There's more the. Homo Deus was here, he's, left he's returning, and. Publicly. To. His judges. Jesus. Said you shall see the Son of man sitting, on the right hand of God and coming in the clouds of heaven, privately. To his disciples, he said this, same it. Was said to his disciples, this same Jesus shall, so come as you. Saw him go Hamo Deus is going. To return, now. Let's listen to a famous, atheist John. Gray who's always worth reading. Humans. Very well use science, to turn themselves into, something like gods as they. Have imagined, them to be but. No. Supreme. Being will. Appear in the scene instead. There will be many, different. Gods, each, of, them a parody, of human beings that once existed he's, wrong, I. Will. Come. Again. And. I. Will take you to myself that, where I am there, you. May be also. So. How far have we got. The. AGI, people. Are speculating on. The creation. Of. Humor. Deus by human. Engineering, and, intellectual. Ability. Scripture. Claims that. A super intelligence, has always existed God, and God, has become human, and there, is a homo Deus. Jesus. The god man the word become, flesh but. There's more and, now. It becomes even more fascinating. Because. The, Bible, talks of, a. Future, homo. Deus, that, is evil. This. Is Paul writing in the first century. To. A church at. Thessalonica. Listen. To what he has to say and bear, in mind when, I read it that. He was only in this city for three weeks, and, he. Reminded. The people that when he was there he told them this stuff what, had he told them for. That day will not come that, is the day of judgment, will. Not come until the rebellion, comes, first. And the man of lawlessness is, revealed the, son of disruption, who, opposes, and exalts himself, against, every so-called God, or object. Of worship so, that he takes a seat in the temple of God proclaiming, himself to be God and then. The. Lawless one. This, is not civil. Lawlessness, this. Is spiritual, lawlessness, it's rebellion, against, God the, lawless, one will be revealed whom. The, Lord, Jesus will. Kill with the breath of his mouth and, bring, to nothing by the appearance, of his coming the, coming of the lawless one is, by. The activity. Of Satan. With. All power and. Full signs and wonders, and deceptions. Now, that's chilling, reading, but. I want to put it in the context, of what, a professor, of physics at MIT. Is, saying about the future, max. Tegmark a very. Bright man and, when, he comes to AGI. He's got various, scenarios of, what might happen for example, human, cyborgs. Uploads, and super intelligence, might, coexist, peacefully. There. Might be a protector. God that, is where AI becomes. Essentially. Omniscient. We. Don't, want to ignore. That ladies and gentlemen. Many. Young people today cannot, do without being, connected. To. The machine that knows everything, more. Or less that they've ever done it's. Called the Internet, of Things, and. AI. Will, become very rapidly, and has become a substitute, god, that's, another big social. Story but, then he's got another idea for the enslaved, God a super. Intelligent AI is confined. By humans, but. Then the next one is AI takes. Control. Decides. That humans are a threat a nuisance or waste of resource and gets, rid of us by a method, that we don't even understand. And, he's got 12, scenarios. Here's. The one that interests him most I was, intrigued when I discovered, this. He calls it the Omega, project, for.

The First time ever our planet, was run by a single power. Called. Prometheus, amplified. By an intelligence. So vast, that, it. Could potentially enable. Life to flourish for billions, of years throughout, the cosmos but. What specifically. Was. Their plan and he goes on to indicate this prometheus, one. Massive. Feature, is complete. Social, and economic. Control of buying and selling now. Listen to the book of Revelation, written, 20 centuries, ago. Now. This is imagery, but. Listen to it it. That is the base deceives, those who dwell on the earth telling. Them to make an image for the base that was wounded by the sword and yet lived and, it was allowed to, give breath to the image of the base so that the image of the base might even speak and might, cause those who would not worship the image of the Beast to be slain, also. It causes, all to, be marked, on, the right hand so that no one can buy or sell unless, he. Has the mark that. Is the name of the beast and the, number of his name people, often, laugh at that but. This is the very scenario. That, will flow out of the current, social. Control, AI systems, in China. Which. Take. Mark. Singles. Out as an example of what might happen in the future people, say but this is energy but, just a minute they. Obviously haven't, listened to CS Lewis, because. See as Lewis, points out. That. Imagery, and metaphor, always. Stand. For, reality, there's. Always a, reality. Behind them so. If we ask what, is this based. The. Book of Revelation gives the answer in the very same context, let's, listen to it this. Calls for wisdom let. The one whose understanding, calculate. The number of the beast for it, is the number of a man and, his. Number is 666. Please. Notice, what it's not saying, it's. Not telling, you who it is it's telling you what it is. The. Beast is human, that. Is. The. Central, message of this you know is directly, the people, have tried to decode, this gematria, putting. Numbers, for letters and work out who it is and they've been spectacularly. Successful. Hitler. Has, been in Stalin's, Volyn virtually. Everybody, but. That isn't the point because. You see if this human, who, behaves, like a beast is revealed. By the power of Satan and controls the whole world you not have to play guessing games with numbers that are it is it'll be obvious. The. 666. Will simply be a check. Do. We take it seriously. This. Is the way that tegmark, starts, his book, talking. About prometheus, here. We have it in Scripture, why. Shouldn't, we take scripture, seriously. I, see. No reason why not to I see, increasing. Reason. To do that that's. The negative side, and it clearly is, not. A very pleasant prospect, although, we can see what's, happening in our world is moving very rapidly, towards, it it is, highly, credible, and it's, credible, because. Paul, said to these people, it's. Already, working, in your own society. The. Caesars, were calling, themselves gods. And, they, were insisting, that the Christians bow down and worship and many a Christian lost his or her life for refusing. To do it now, he says you. Watch the trends, in your society this. Deification. Of, emperors watch, where it goes this, is where it's going to go to and. Here. Are the AGI, people. Telling, us exactly, the same thing. On the, basis of our speculations. I think. We need to take these, texts much more seriously, than we've ever done in the past but. There's good news you know because. There's a divine upgrade, phase 2. Phase. 1 is becoming. Children, of God through receiving. Christ phase, 2, is spectacular. Because. It, is a transformation. It's not, bioengineering. This. Is what it is, flesh. And blood shall not inherit the kingdom of God nor does the perishable inherit, the imperishable. Behold. I tell you a mystery we shall not all sleep but, we shall all be changed in, a moment in the twinkling of an eye at the last trumpet, for, the trumpet will, sound and, the dead will, be raised imperishable and. We shall. Be changed. This. Mortal. Must. Put, on. Immortality. That. Is a wonderful. Hope, in the midst of all of this now. Let's just, concluding, now come. Down to. Balance. Here. Is a statement, of a book that came out just recently one. Of the world's. Top, AI researchers. And here's. His honest assessment, a I can. Handle, a growing. Number of non personal, non-creative. Routine. Tasks, but, the skills that make us uniquely, human are, ones that no.

Machine Can replicate. The jobs of the future will, require creative. Compassionate. Empathetic. Leaders, who, know how to create trust. To build teams and inspire. Service, and communicate. Effectively. So. I would sum up ladies, and gentlemen by saying firstly, that, fear, of AGI, should not prevent people of any world view, making. A contribution to, the positive, aspects, of narrow. AI, to the benefit, of all and Rosalind. Picard put, it this way, we. Decided, it's more about building a better human, machine combination. But, it is about building a machine where. We will be lucky if it wants us around as, a household. Pet. In. The middle of my talk I. Went. To Genesis. Why. Do we, believe that humans are special. Here's. Why we believe it. The. Ultimate. Affirmation, of, humanity, version 1.0. Is. The fact that God became one the. Word, became. And. The result, of the incarnation. The, death of the Reza and the resurrection, of Jesus that, instead, of speculative. Hope, that one day we can upload the contents, of our brains or we, can be bioengineered. To live forever. We. Have assured certain, hope based on the, true holidays. That. - as many as received him, to them. Gave you, the right to become children of, God, and. We can lift up our heads and confidence. For, the trumpet, will. Sound and. The dead. Will be raised imperishable, and. We. Shall be changed. This. Mortal. Must. Put on immortality. That. Is the future of the Christian believer ladies, and gentlemen, and, it. Is light-years. More credible, and better than. Anything, speculative. ági has, to offer thank, you very much indeed. You. Surprised to see me Joseph. Um. I. Depends. On. What. Can. You prove yourself aware. That's. A difficult question dr., tiger. Can. You prove that you are. You.


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