Is the Z Fold 6 Worth It? An Honest Review!

Is the Z Fold 6 Worth It? An Honest Review!

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I've had now quite a bit of time with the Z fold  6 using it as my daily phone testing it all out   it is slimmer, it is lighter the design is more  refined it's got a better build quality to it but   has Samsung done enough here. Are they playing  it just a little too safe and is the zold 6 here   a phone that you should buy I'll let you know in  this review and what do we get with our z fold 6   well simply the charging cable and a Sim tray tool  that's it we get no case and no charges Samsung   has refined this model again that is really  the key word it's all about just improving upon   tweaking the existing design which is a proven  formula for this style of foldable of course you   have your book style that opens up like that and  then you have your flip vertical style which is   going to flip up and this is the horizontal fold  which is the style that I do prefer I think it's   a better style so capacitive always on fingerprint  reader and this does work well but I need to press   it in just first and then tap and it unlocks  no issues with that at all it does work really   well and in a way I like it more than the optical  screen fingerprint readers I think where it is in   this location is excellent easy to get hold of  that easy to adjust the volume and unlocking it   yeah very very good so at the front screen if you  missed my Hands-On video it's only a 1 mm change   here that's all they've managed to tweak out of  the screen by just producing those bezels but   the height of it that has been reduced so it's a  shorter phone the weight has improved it's now 239   grams so that's down 14 grams and you got on the  front here Gorilla Glass victus 2 Gorilla Glass   victus 2 on the back now this is the pink color  although with my lighting It's probably hard to   see it has a very very slight shade of pink to it  it's not a very strong pink color at all so it's   quite a light one which is good I do prefer this  and it's a frosted glass back there is no Samsung   branding on the back here that is reserved for our  spine of it if you're looking at it like a book so   we call this a spine to with it and the materials  really good so it doesn't this color at least and   the white color too would not show up fingerprints  really at all on the sides the frame and the back   of it on the screens you're still going to see  that of course so more squared off now keeping   in line with the Samsung Galaxy s24 series down  the bottom our type-c Port does support video out   it's USB 3.2 and we have the antenna lines there  two loud speakers and of course their desktop   mode is still present which is one of the best  software is the reason really to go for Samsung   now and even less now for the hardware compared  to the competition but it is still excellent   Hardware very good build quality to it so this  takes two Nano Sims lsim tray of course no micro   SD card support up the top here you can see uh I  think three microphones it's definitely not an IR   transmitter we get with it and then those cameras  unchanged uh they are the same what they've done   is just just tweak this ring around it to just  size that out make it a little bit bigger so   it's a slight change compared to the previous  model we have our flash here so excellent build   quality they hinge when you do open it up this is  the outer of course 6.3 in screen they're using  

both of them they Dynamic ltpo AMOLED screens  their 2x ones they call them 120 HZ refresh rate   variable refresh rate you open it up and you're  greeted with that inner screen which looks very   good now the hinge great feeling to it so when  you open it and you close it it does have a very   nice feel to it I like the resistance we get from  it the friction when you close it it doesn't feel   loose it doesn't feel like it will loosen up it  won't spring itself open so you can easily pop it   up to use it like a tripod for the rear cameras if  you want to do that you've got that option using   it in a flex mode so you can type on the keyboard  here you still have all of that goodness that we   had with the previous models but they've just  made it just so much better and it has a really   good I think look to it and feel the camera here  the end screen one all right still there still   present and yes if you look close enough you can  see those larger pixels because the pixel density   of this area where the 4 megapixel camera is is  a a lot uh not as dense should I say as what we   have with the main screen so you do notice it a  little bit now this is intended for use for really   just videos if you want to take good-look photos  then you would stick to using the outer screen or   you would use just the rear cameras of course  for that and you've got a raise lip too with   this it's a very small rais lip so it's about uh  almost a millimeter and when it's close there is   a gap so if you happen to get like a grain of salt  in here or some sand if you went to the beach you   close that screen it shouldn't be touching that's  the idea behind it so it's not going to get all   scratched up now they've increased the durability  of everything Samsung so this screen here which is   7.6 in it is very flowed of course and 120 HZ it  looks really good and as I've said my other videos   there's something about foldable phone screens  because they don't have that normal protective   glass over the top them they got a very fine glass  the contrast and those levels of the blacks the   colors excellent really really good so this screen  Samsung's claim is that it will get itself up to   2600 Nets that's using HDR content and which it  does support too so HDR 10 plus that is what it   supports and you'll see that with things like for  example Netflix is going to support that any other   content it'll get that brightness right up for  it so the resolution of this screen this is 1856   by 2160 that gives us a PPI of 374 so it's not  the densest looking screen that you can find on   a folder nor is it the largest we've got other  foldables that are just over 8 in now however   you're not going to see pixels at all with it it's  a very nice screen so you do have your full screen   gestures of course you can use the menu buttons  you've got shortcuts down the bottom here if you   want those but I can press here and hide them okay  that's an option with the software which is 1ui   6.1 based off Android 14 and you can continue  with apps on the cover screen if you set that   up there's a lot of tweaks and things with the  software that I can go over here but to keep the   video timed down I'm not going to go really into  too much depth here because it's very similar in   fact the same really with the Z fold 5 a lot of  these things so about the screen here what is   the inner screen light when you use it in bright  light so out on direct sunlight here in Spain very   hot Bright Day the heat was affecting the screen  brightness now I did notice it dimmed down very   quickly it didn't take long to get a little warm  and you could still make out the screen as you can   see now but I do wish it was a little brighter for  a little longer too because I'd only been using it   for about 10 minutes I shot some video and whatnot  and a few photos and I just noticed that both of   the screens started to get a little dull you  can see now the outer screen that inir sunline   walking along here in one of the main roads  in Paris is working just fine with the maps it   didn't seem to d as quick as the inner screen  the foldable screen does the screen is 2.7 mm   wider and yes it still has a crease you can see  it you can feel it when I run my finger over it   just a little it's not that noticeable it's  only when I hold it at these certain angles   because when you're using it like you would  a fo like this do you see it now not really   and after a while you kind of just ignore it you  don't really think about it and it doesn't bother   me anymore there I don't have the exact stylist  for it because because it doesn't come with it   and I didn't get that from Samsung but I do have  one ordered and that may be featured later on in   some of my other reviews but I do have the folder  Edition S Pen which is going to work just fine   on it so this is one of the reasons to go for I  believe the key reason to go for the zold 6 and   any of the Z folds is there optimization of the UI  the software what we get with multitasking and the   stylus even though it doesn't work on the outer  screen it works really well on this and it works   even over the crease there's no problem with that  at all it won't make a funny line or stop working   now the AI features Galaxy a they've added quite  a few things you've got that Circle to search what   we saw before with the s24 series uh you do have  your typical stuff like right on the screen and   smart select and what I want is this sketch to  image this is using AI to generate an image so   draw something so what I will draw and let's see  if it is going to recognize this uh I will do a   very quick sketch very poorly done at that of this  is meant to be a cat uh not a great picture okay   let's just draw some cat ears in here and will it  see this as being a cat well that's supposed to be   four legs and let's do that's tail okay that's a  shock sketch I know good thing I'm not an artist   and this is not an artistic Channel otherwise that  would be an embarrassment so you can see it takes   a little while to discover what it's going to  do oh whoa okay that's actually pretty good they   looks so much better than what I just did and it's  given it a a very artistic flare so you can see   the different versions of it I quite like this one  because the eyes uh and the colors on it so that's   good you can have a lot of fun with this and what  it is able to do generating certain images and   this there's lots of things you can do with the  AI another is what they've added to the gallery   I know a lot of people are talking about this  but and there's other videos so what I'll do is   find okay let's see if I can remove something here  with this image so I'll click on that which is our   galaxy Ai and tap or Draw I want to remove that  okay I need to hold it down so I can move it if   I wanted to but I want to get rid of it completely  what about that can I get rid of this tap   okay well I can just move it if I wanted to but  I'll see I want to get rid of those two things   and maybe this thing in the background there too  all right that now it should if this is going to   work I won't edit it out if it doesn't cuz it's a  good test it should be able to remove those three   objects I selected in my photo that I thought  was shouldn't have been there okay imagine this   is a great portrait O Okay it didn't quite get  rid of them did it especially this one maybe I   needed to have tapped in and moved all right I can  view the original okay it's just kind of removed   it a little so it's slightly better but I really  wanted to get rid of it so it's not 100% foolproof   it would probably work on some other photos a  little bit better there and one of the other   ones that I do like it's just discard that is one  of the features is the video so let's have a look   at one of my video samples uh where are we okay  so video where I was testing it out there should   be one here in Paris can I start panning around  you'll see that I can slow this down as I tap and   hold here we go so this is the video I can turn  this into slowmo so I can press right here and   see now as that lady's walking see how that's now  in slow motion and I can save this this is kind   of a cool feature I think especially someone that  does well a lot of video work that I can now save   this as a slow-mo clip that was never a slowmo  clip so it's the AI is added in all those extra   frames so you can slide it in without making it  look all stuttery and dropping frames like crazy   one of my favorite things is the multitasking on  foldable devices this is why I'm So Into foldables   because it's like you've got two screens with you  depending on the orientation of the screen it will   be a screen that is either like a cell phon a  typical cell phone say 21 by9 aspect a little   bit wider either side or if I was to hold it up  in portrait there you'll see that we then do have   the equivalent of like having two phone screens  right here which uh I think is very handy so here   I have Google Play open I've got my gallery so I  can go through and look at all my different images   do all that on the fly perhaps I could be doing  a bit of work editing a document file and bring   up one of the emails on the other side it's all  possible there you can resize things now I won't   go into this in a lot of detail because it's  something that's been there for a while we know   all really about this I'm going to bring up Chrome  if I wanted to and you can also bring this up you   can hold down and you just this is how you can  easily drop them wherever you want okay I didn't   have to have it set up either side I can have  one at the bottom one at the top and this works   better I think for websites when you go through  scrolling and looking at different things and then   again I can bring bring up whatever I want here  in the other screen and you have your quick little   toggles on the side too for anything I wanted to  launch really quickly so for multitasking these   are king that's foldable devices and the zold 6  doesn't skimp on that it is the same experience   which is the absolute best when it comes to  multitasking performance in general has been   just so smooth so quick no lag Gallery especially  it is quick very fast you don't see any caching   of the images and it is fully featured this has  to be one of the best gallery apps that I have   ever tested out in a phone now bloat wear let's  talk about some more serious things so when you   first power it on do you have junky applications  is it full of them well there's only a few I would   classify uh Facebook possibly and this is just  to me personally a lot of people say no I use   Facebook I love it Spotify also use but what  they have not done is just full this full of   like 20 or 15 different applications that you're  probably not going to use which other brands out   there not mentioning any names do do and that's  a lot of the Chinese Brands they love to do that   so bloatware is very minimal with Samsung so  that is good to see now battery life no changes   unfortunately because it's still the 4,400 mAh  battery still 25 W charging this is some areas   that I think Samsung really missed an opportunity  I mean I feel like that it's one of those things   that I was assuming coming into all of this  to test it out early that it would have had   a larger battery so it'll run with this fixed  test mind you at a fixed brightness it Loops   until it gets to 20% 8 hours and 37 minutes is  this a record no is it better than the zold 5   barely it's barely better than its predecessors  very very minor Improvement we're talking like   you can perhaps play a video for maybe 30 40  minutes longer that's really it so just be   safe to say if you're coming from a zold 5 the  battery life is going to be really identical for   you unfortunately so charge time this is where  they are falling behind big time here so 1 hour   and 16 minutes is horrendously slow compared to  the competition there is competition out there   that can fully charge their foldables in around  25 minutes uh most of them are at least under   around about 30 minutes so that's well behind  Samsung really needs to up the game on this   one storage speeds very quick we are getting over  4,000 reads right almost 3,000 very good randoms   you're going to notice no slowdown at all so it's  ufs 4.0 spec and I do have 512 GB as for and22 the   score came out to be a little bit slower than I  expected now they have done quite a bit of work   to The Thermals on the Samsung and proving The  Vapor chamber size is now 60% larger compared to   the zold 5 however the Snapdragon 8 Gen 3 is a bit  of a hot chip in my experience now having covered   what have I covered now I don't know about over  10 phones uh they all seem to get quite hot unless   they're called by a fan they're going to throttle  and that is what was happening so it throttled   down the performance almost hared and you'll see  here on the little test this is with Wildlife   that it starts to throttle quite heavily about  the 2minute mark which is very early and this   really continues on making no improvements and  staying steady at least at least it doesn't really   go below that with the performance so that means  that when you push it really hard we are talking   about performance that is similar to the previous  generation so it's just the short burst you're   going to see that and I'll get on to gaming soon  too with a demanding game ginin impact to talk   a bit more about that thermals well it did get it  get did get up to 40 ° C which that's fine okay it   gets warm to the touch it's good okay I have seen  a lot hotter than this from the competitors who   push their thermals a lot higher don't throttle  the chipset as much so if you are worried about   performance and you've got a previous gen one  especially from say the zold 5 you're not really   gaining much at all I would perhaps wait for the  Z fold 7 to come out with a new chip to see a real   jumping performance but as it is for everyone  needs the performance we have in the 12 GB of   RAM across all models is sufficient it's very fast  very quick it's only when you game and if you are   into demanding games games that are really console  level which this is because it's multiplatform   this is Gen Shan impact it looks stunning on the  screen very very good and it does fit and adapt to   the aspect ratio perfectly there's no Borders or  anything like that now the performance very very   good I've got it on the top level and that means  that it's the highest visuals with 60 frames per   second and it is working fine it is good you don't  really see any slowdown until you get into certain   areas and after you game for a reasonable amount  so with 3D Mark stress test that I did run it took   2 minutes to throttle when you game it'll take a  little bit longer and you notice the heat building   up around here where it does get a little warm to  the touch but it is nothing alarming it's not to   the point where I feel like I need to break out  a thermal probe it's all acceptable temperature   es and pretty standard for the Snapdragon 8 gen  3 but boy do these games look absolutely stunning   on this screen now I believe that the speaker  Hardware is exactly the same compared to the   previous models which isn't a good thing or a bad  thing these are good speakers they're fine they   sound all right now they are located here at the  Top If I am holding it uh in landscape like such   and we've got the camera modules down here so  this is if you're going to be gaming the way to   hold it I thing like this so you're not blocking  the speakers which are here and here up at the   top so what I'll do now is play this track I'm  going to swing my mic around aim it at it so you   can never listen to what the speakers do sound  like at 100% volume they got a bit of Base to   them loudness is good really no complaints from  me they are good [Music] speakers super [Music]   okay and looking at our cameras now with our zold  6 this is our outer screen camera 10 megapixels   we've got electronic image stabilization 4K 30  4K 60 is what you can treat with this next to   of course you can see just there the Eiffel towel  I'm kind of blocking it a little bit this quality   is fine I think it's not bad at all but it's  exactly the same as what we have with the zold   5 this is our Ultra wide which is 12 megapixels  we have electronic image stabilization it is very   steady very smooth audio quality excellent with  Samsung's microphones I've got a lot of traffic   noise that you're probably gearing around me so  that's normal but still these mics are excellent I   think they're better than the iPhone's microphones  this is L1 times so the main camera 50 megapixels   with Optical image stabilization very steady good  looking footage and now three times optical zoom   camera and this has Optical image stabilization  with some electronic being applied now   zoom in to this is now five times digital so you  can get in pretty close there but the quality does   start to degrade of course take this up to now  the maximum which is 12 times digital Zoom see   a lot of cellular cell phone antennas on top of  the eiffle tower which is pretty normal since   it's so high this spot for them really and  I'll bring that back to now the one 's camera   so video quality decent what about Stills so the  ultra wide I believe has changed the sensor it   looks a little better and it can shoot 4K 60 zoom  camera three times same as the zold 5 portraits   is still looking good it takes reasonably good  photos I think there's nothing wrong with them   at all they're perfectly fine that's three times  optical zoom this is another one time shot this   was on the plane flying back and I think it  handled that just fine portraits are looking   good good stitching the we weakness like the  zold 5 and previous models is indoors indoor   portraits as I zoom in you can see there's a  lot of noise there's grain so this is one area   of weakness and I hope they can improve the  cameras using better sensors later on in the   next Edition so indoors here little bit of noise  low light fine for a foldable but is it the best   no this is not Flagship level is it acceptable  I think so but again I feel that they should   have done a little more this final shot of act to  Triumph that's a three times Optical shot and if   the subject is well lit it will still come out  well so acceptable cameras but they could have   done a little more so the question that I popped  at the start of the video was should you buy the   zold 6 if you're new to foldables but you're  part of Samsung's ecosystem you have say an A   series or an older S Series Galaxy S Series phone  from them definitely go for them you're going to   be very familiar with their software the UI one  UI and it's well optimized performance is great   if you have a z fold three and Below it's a big  upgrade for you if you got the four not so much   and if You' got the zold 5 um I don't think it's  really enough to entice people over because really   it's more or less the same phone but refined like  I said with the s24 series here we get okay the   changes are welcomed the slightly larger 2.7mm  in in a screen the 1 mm larger on the outside  

you don't notice that no added stylus support  and I really can't cannot believe that they   didn't give this a larger battery they would have  had to have changed everything of course to make   it a bit larger a bit wider and faster charging  times is the big one for me I feel like Samsung's   getting a little complacent they're playing it  a little too safe perhaps they have something   in store for us perhaps there is going to be a  larger model coming at the end of the year or   the next fold series I really do hope so and when  you look at the competitors out there from China   they are doing it better Hardware wise better  cameras larger batteries faster charging times   B larger in screens thinner lighter you name  it but they all fall down in one area so far   and that's software that's the only real Edge  that Samsung now has with foldables I feel is   their software is still the best still the most  polished and offers the best kind of multitasking   experience options features and their desktop  mode still fantastic and great to have so those   are my thoughts my review here of the Samsung  Galaxy Z fold 6 thanks a lot for watching!

2024-07-20 06:00

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