Is AI just hype in 2025? Or are software engineers actually doomed?

Is AI just hype in 2025? Or are software engineers actually doomed?

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Phishing detection despite the fact that large  language models exist doesn't seem to work very   well constantly flagging the wrong things  we've got so much more to do in this area   and actually I'm also as an aside a big fan  of learning about more than one topic because   I think it gives you that broad experience of  how this might apply just knowing how to train   a deep network but no knowledge of who could use  it or how it might apply to something like cyber   security is going to be limiting you want to try  and just know a little bit about how things work   as well it was such an obvious push back  from someone like me or someone like you   and yet Microsoft just seem didn't seem to  see that coming right that we wouldn't want to   just take all our desktop screenshots and just  throw them straight straight up to a server I   think there's a lot of privacy concerns and I  don't think they've been adequately addressed   necessarily/. Everyone it's David Bombal back  with the amazing Dr Mike Pound, Mike welcome.   Thanks for having me back. Really important topic  I think it's 2025 and I written this question down   for you to answer please how would I learn AI in  2025 if I was starting over but perhaps before we   get there you can just give us perhaps an update  of the state of AI I've heard all kinds of things   but perhaps you can tell us you know is it worth  me learning AI what's the state of AI? It's still   worth learning it's not it's not gone away put  it that way um yeah I think my take is that is   this year has been the year of starting to build  systems with AI right so we had a an era let's say   from about 2022 23 24 where we were focusing  very much on just making the language models   bigger yeah and the idea was well sooner or later  they'll just start solving all the problems and   that hasn't been the case as many people people  kind of thought anyway and so now what what these   uh companies are doing is building slightly  smarter systems with what we call things like   retrieval augmented generation bringing data in  to the language model to make it more accurate and   combining that language models together so have  it like draw images but also write text letting   it use tools right so go off for the weather and  actually get a data source rather than just kind   of making up a weather forecast and so I think  that what's changed in the last year is is is   that kind of the way that we're designing systems  is moving towards building llms and other AI into   tools that do other things as well to make them  more performant overall um and that's a really   exciting time because you know these things are  just working much better now that we have actual   data being put into them. Is it hype or is it  getting real because I've heard like Sam say that   AGI is coming in like a thousand days or a few  thousand days. He like he likes to say that um  

I I think that Sam says that I don't know whether  Sam Actually believes that or whether he says it   because it helps open AI stock stock price I don't  I don't know honestly I don't I don't think that   and I think quite a lot of researchers agree with  me I would like to think so I certainly that's the   opinion I see uh when I read around I think that  the fact that we've seen this move over to trying   to build and use LLMs as tools in as part of a  larger system is kind of an admission in a way   that they're not just going to solve everything  on their own and that the ultimate solution may   be one that uses some of these technologies within  other things as well I kind of feel like they're   really really cool they work really really well at  what they're specifically trained to do and so use   them for that purpose don't try and just start  assuming that we can just stick a chatbot in a   car and off it off it drives it doesn't work that  way. Do you call it Math or do you call it Maths   is it aluminum or aluminium doesn't really matter  from a math point of view the great thing is that   Brilliant can help you understand the mystery  and depth of mathematics with Brilliant you can   turn your confusion into confidence step by step  you're going to learn so much more by doing and   that's where Brilliant really shines rather than  you just passively watching someone lecture you   you're going to be solving problems you're going  to be answering questions and quizzes Brilliant   makes learning to code intuitive and fun with  lots of Hands-On interactive quizzes and Labs   Brilliant breaks down math concepts visually  so you're not just memorizing you're actually   understanding what you're doing build formulas  solve real world problems and challenge yourself   every step of the way whether you're brushing up  on mathematics fundamentals or tackling Advanced   topics like calculus Brilliant has a course for  you I recommend that you check out their vectors   course they make even abstract Concepts easier  to understand with their simple interactive   examples try Brilliant for free for 30 days go  to plus you   get 20% off your annual premium subscription learn  something new every day and change your life. When   you spoke to me a year ago ago you were talking  about you know the AI people are hyping it that   it's going to be exponential and then s months  ago I saw also on the computer file Channel you   you mention you looked at this white paper where  it was plateauing so what's your opinion now is   is AI going to suddenly be exponential again or is  it is a plateau is it somewhere in the middle? I   don't think anything has changed from that I think  that the ex this sort of exponential or should   we say logarithmic actually probably uh trend is  still happening right you know GPT 5 hasn't been   released with some massive increase in performance  what we've seen is we've seen things like 01 which   introduces slightly different ways of using these  models but the actual model itself is kind of the   same as it was before there's been another really  interesting paper recently by Apple actually that   showed that you can really easily confus language  models by giving them extra information so suppose   you're asking a question like like a mathematical  question like you've got five watermelons and   you have another three watermelons how many  watermelons you have in total large language   models do really well at this time ask and the  Assumption has always been that it's because they   just know how to add up right which is not really  the case what this paper did so beautifully was   they just created variants of all these questions  with Superfluous nonsense information in so they'd   say things like you know how many I've got five  watermelons that are really small by the way and   I've got another three watermelons how many do I  have in total and and the LM will just completely   break it will just say oh because they're so  small you only have three you know and it'll   just it just won't work and it's because they're  not trained on that kind of data and they don't   actually reason their way through a problem  as we might see that they think that they do   based on the text so I think that using them in  a smarter way is is the way forward and actually   you can see that's what 01 is right it's using an  LLM in a way where it sort of has this monologue   with itself which is a way of coercing better  results out without having to transform the way   the model um performs. Are we in the middle of  a hype cycle because every vendor and everyone  

seems to to have like AI as a product everything  is this plus AI it feels like it's just hype. Yeah   I mean you know we had the new iPhone came out  quite fairly recently and and and all of the the   stuff was about AI basically and the difference  it seemed to me between the 15 and the 16 was the   introduction of AI yeah we very much are in a hype  cycle in the sense that I think companies now feel   that they have to introduce these features as a  way to compete in a market where everyone else is   already doing this and actually when you use these  features I mean you know everyone's mileage May   right other people might really love some of  these features but I kind of find they work some   of the time and other the times they don't work  you know yes I could ask my phone to rewrite my   text message but I actually just wrote the text  message and I'm going to kind of just send it so   you know I'm not I'm not flipping I think some of  these things are really good but I think that we   shouldn't be throwing a at some AI at something  just to say that we have which I think is what's   happening at the moment AI on routers and switches  and firewalls it just seems to be everywhere yeah   yeah it's everywhere like yes and Next Generation  you know firewalls and all these things that   include machine learning I can understand why they  do that and maybe they perform way better I guess   I I'd be more interested in the metrics right does  it actually find these things than kind of what it   says on a tin yeah I think that we're going to  see this for a while but as people get more used   to what AI does and what AI doesn't do I I can I  hope and I predict that the sort of the hype will   die down a bit as people kind of recognize you  know what just because you've written AI doesn't   make this thing good let's see if it's actually  good and then just use it. So coming back to   the original question you know how would you get  started first question is is it is it too late and   should I get into this now you know have I have  I missed the boat. No no not at all it's not too   late I I think um I'm going give you an example I  learned I trained some large language models using   a an efficient technique just a few months ago  yeah mostly just to learn how to do it because   I didn't know how to do it I don't use large  language models most of the time I use Vision   models and I thought well that's an like let's  add another string to my to my bow or whatever   the phrase is and so I went off and I traded it  and it took me about it took me a few hours to   kind of look through the code work out what was  going on get something training yes I have some   expertise But ultimately it's mostly just Python  code right so actually I think you can pick these   things up pretty quickly and the other thing is  that the technology is moving unbelievably fast   and that's both good and bad right you know you  it can give you the impression that you're going   to be left behind but actually what it means is  everyone's just having to relearn everything every   six months anyway um it's a bit like JavaScript  libraries isn't it so you know in a way I think   that it's actually a benefit for people coming  on board that a lot of what we're doing now   isn't what we were doing two years ago because  it allows you to go well we'll just pick up what   we're doing now and let's go with that. So I am not too late but what should I do then? What  

what would you do now if you started again in  2025? yeah so I mean let's think about where   people would be right so if you're if you're an  undergraduate and  you've and you and or you've   been working in the industry and you know how  to code already then the best thing you can   do is take a very quick introductory machine  learning course get that done and then just   start playing around and trying these things out  particularly with things like Google Colab loads   of big libraries that do things like retraining  large language models they come with Google Colab   or other examples that you can literally just  run so the first time you run it it's a complete   Black Box to you you don't know what's going on  you just click play and it runs and like oh I'm   training something this is great you know and then  you start to dive into it a bit and slowly start   to realize what's going on you start opening that  box if you already know how to code for example in   Python then I think the best and quickest way is  just to basically jump right in and start training   some stuff up even though the first time you train  it you're going to feel out of your depth you're   going to feel like you don't know what's quite  going on and then over time you will start to pick   this up pretty quickly. Do you have a course or do  you recommend courses? So I always still recommend   Andrew Ang's Coursera course for machine learning  because I'm a sort of a firm believer in the idea   that if you know how machine Learning Works which  is to say things like what does a learning rate do   what should a loss function do then the rest of it  kind of comes out in the wash right large language   models sound fancy but they're just big versions  of the kind of same networks that were being   trained many years ago and they train in exactly  the same way which is to say you have a loss and   it goes down as you get better at predicting your  outputs and if you know how to interpret that if   you know you know how to look at those numbers  and go right this is what I should do next that's   going to put you're in a really good position if  you jump in and run the code then you'll see this   loss going down and that's great but then when  it doesn't go down you won't know quite what   to do and that's I think where a little bit of the  fundamentals will help and you can do these things   kind of at the same time so you know there are  different levels of machine learning so there's   sort of what we will call maybe sort of standard  machine learning or classical machine learning   these are things like support Vector machines  and small artificial neural networks these are   the kind of topics that are covered in things like  Andrew an course there of course and above them   you've got the kind of convolutional networks and  the vision networks and then transformers and then   above there that you've got the really big large  language models and they're a progression if you   understand what one does it's kind of a level of  abstraction you can understand what the next will   do and what the next will do and you don't the  leap isn't as big you know going upwards almost   all of my research is AI driven now you know it's  I I do sometimes do traditional computer vision   which is to say you know manipulate pixels  s basically um and I can still do that and   I sometimes force myself to do it just to remember  how to do it but actually often a lot of the times   someone present me with a problem and my first  response will be well we probably need to train   a deep Network to solve that problem it's both  true that we are in a hype cycle but also true   that these are incredibly performant techniques  and knowing how to use them is going to help   getting the first ones trained that's not a not  a big ask you know it's it sounds really hard it   sounds intimidating but I kind of feel like that's  a bit gatekeeping right it's a bit people saying   this is super hard look how smart I am yeah  exactly I I don't like that approach right I   I I prefer the approach of saying look they they  developed these libraries to make them easier to   use specifically so that you can have a go and  and use them and then if you if you're willing   to kind of get a little bit stuck in you know one  of the things that I did when I was learning how   to train large language models was I looked at  the data I actually looked at the rows of data   that were going into the model to see how  they were structured how what how how they   shape that data that the large language model  could use and that allowed me to shape my own   data to reflect that and then I could train on my  task so a lot of the time you're kind of learning   by seeing what's been done before and kind of  manipulating that into something that works for   you and then going again you know and then then  once you know how to interpret the results then   you then you're all good. I'm glad you mentioned  gatekeeping because it feels like unless I've got   a PhD or I really know math or maths very well  or you know all this like data science stuff   I've got no hope. I'm I'm a firm believer in an  undergraduate degree as well right sure but it   serves a slightly different purpose there are  loads of benefits to going to a university to   study computer science for three years and that's  all you study because you learn a huge broad range   of topics AI is only a very small part of what  you learn at an undergraduate degree you'll also   learn you know how firewalls work right and how  and how object orientated programming is done if   you already know some of those things then then  you know actually a degree is only going to have   a very small part right maybe a masters might  have some might be more targeted but actually I   think that for people who know what they're doing  for people who've already got a degree it isn't   reasonable really for you to go back and pay again  all those fees to you know to learn a second time   that's when you use the skills you've got already  the fact that you know how to work independently   you can learn on your own you're willing to have a  go those things are going to help and and there's   loads and loads of resources online. So learned  Python that's the first step right? That's that's   100% the first step for better or worse Python  has kind of emerged as the language of choice   for most machine learning that's true of pretty  much most you know any type of machine learning   lots of people work in other languages like mat  lab and and c and things like this for for the   most part people work in Python all of the big  libraries so things like pytorch and language um   large language model libraries like UNS sloff that  we can talk about later those are all based around   Python they all operate in a similar way and so  you very quickly get used to how this works and   the ins and outs learning Python is is the first  thing to do and and I would say also that Python   has a lot of very Advanced language features  that hardly ever come up right you might see   a function call that uses some strange Lambda  expression you're not not expecting yeah but   in general that doesn't happen and actually kind  of standard Python will get you through most most   of the day. So Python then Andrew's course from  Coursera and then? Yeah so I mean there are there  

are going to be lots of courses so if you're  on you know a different platform like Udemy or   something like that there will be perfectly good  introduction to machine learning courses I would   Advocate not getting too over excited and jumping  straight to the large language model on day   because if you do that it will be a black box  for you it's going to be something where you're   training or using a very very large model that  you don't understand and that's that's fine you   can build a product product based on that is what  a lot of startups do but you will you will be able   to use it better if you have a little bit of an  understanding of what's going on underneath and   to do that you need to build up a little bit from  the ground up and it doesn't take that long we   have undergraduates who start projects and they  haven't got any AI background particularly and   they're training things up within a few weeks  right to to the point where they actually know   what's going on right it does require some  effort it's not something where you can just   go on GitHub go to the collab run it and then  consider that problem solved you know you are   going to have to look into these things. Python  Andrew's course or some other courses anything   after that don't need to buy books or? There are  loads and loads of books on machine learning and I   wouldn't necessarily say that's a bad thing to do  I think one of the problems is because everything   moves so quickly yeah those books it's going  to be difficult to have books that are on the   cutting edge version of some live you're trying  to use and so I have learned I found my personal   experience is of learning some of these techniques  is just to just to run them like I say the first   time you run them they're hard and then they get  a bit easier and they get a bit easier until okay   this is pretty routine most of the big libraries  have tutorials they're not all great to be fair   you know so I think your mileage may vary but  I would say that the other thing you can do and   this is a bit like learning to code right if  you want to learn to code I've always thought   that the best thing to do is just to do lots of  coding right it's not something where yes you   can be taught concepts you can be taught you know  about conditions and booleans and things like this   but ultimately when you spend time just answering  questions and solving problems using code you get   better and better at doing it and I think that's  very similar also of machine learning if you train   up a simple classifier and then you go on to a  more complicated topic and so on and so forth   that's kind of a nice progression so maybe we can  talk a bit about that progression right so if you   do something like Andrew Ang's course you'll find  yourself you know pretty well versed in kind of   lowlevel standard machine learning which is to  say things like support Vector machines and and   newal networks the next thing perhaps to do would  be to look into something like a convolutional   new network or maybe a transformer but they're  a little bit of a step up or at least a little   bit different conceptually different there are  you know thousands of collabs or githubschool [Music] and they'll download the data set for you  they'll classify some stuff and they'll learn and   you you can sort of watch the numbers go down and  then you can go into the code and go right how   did that actually happen and then you can start  to build up the complexity if your aim is to go   very much down the sort of modern generative AI  route so the kind of LLM route then at some point   you'll need to start making use of some of those  tools and so those would be things libraries I   quite like so things like Lang chain so Lang chain  is good for putting models together into kind of   working systems and then you've got things like  unso which is really good for fine-tuning large   language models which are pretty prohibitively  costly to tune normally and so yeah there's lots   of these libraries and they all come with you know  pretty good documentation and examples that you   could actually run. Do you have to pay a lot of  money to run this stuff or is a lot of it free?   No it no you can I think some of them have like a  kind of commercial tier but everything that I've   used so far has been you know either you know  free free license uh and I think that's fine   you know you can make a decision later whether  something requires a little bit of payment so   for I mean Google Colab is a good example right  Google Colab runs essentially a notebook a Python   notebook a notebook for those people who are not  familiar with Python is essentially instead of   having one code file you have kind of blocks of  code interspersed with images and texts and other   bits of information they can be very useful  for you know documenting but also looking at   the output as you go and you can also run these  things in different orders so you can say well   okay I want to go back and run that bit see what  the output is and then run something else and see   what changes Google Colab is that but a little bit  posher should we say and also backed by Google's   GPU environment so you basically got the ability  to actually train models on these without it being   really really slow if you want to do more than  kind of token training it's going to need you   to pay some kind of eight eight n pounds a month  monthly fee um else you're going to be waiting   for a few hours for a GPU to free up right and  so you can make that call at the time certainly   you don't need to pay to begin with you can just  get started run a few things try them out see how   you're getting on and if you think okay I actually  need to train this thing for a few days now to see   whether it works that's when you could consider  investing in some resources. We often do this like   list of top skills for 2025 and on our list AI  is number one of the skills that people need to   learn do you agree with that? yeah well I mean I  work in AI I work in AI I may I maybe a cheap I   yeah I think I think there's kind of two answer  that questions so one is is yes I think that AI   is the thing that's most people are discussing  I mean at the University I get emailed a lot   from people who who want to do some AI with their  research they don't have that background they want   to know how to get started so I actually get these  questions quite a lot um which is great for me   right so I get a lot of great contact with loads  of cool cool collaborators in different areas of   science you know there's no doubt that people  want to learn more they don't just want to have   me do it they want to also have a go themselves  and so you know when we asked recently lots and   lots of academics what would you like for us to do  the first response was is there some training we   can use can we put out some training on this in  around University to try and get people skilled   up and I think that's going to be a really  important thing over the next few years I mean   I'll be thinking about this as well what I can  offer. We need you to make of course Mike. Right I   know yeah I'm sure you said this last year and I  have I've been stuck in meetings um but yeah I I   I think that I mean there are Lo of good courses  I think that the difficulty is of course which   to pick I think that's always the always the the  thing I would not worry too much about that right   any content you're consuming that's explaining  how deep networks work and how you train them   is going to get you closer to that goal of knowing  how it works and then just training it yourself is   also going to get you slightly closer to that  goal the only thing I would discourage people   from doing is just run a notebook press play  all the way down to the bottom and then kind   of go to bed satisfied that you've learned some  machine learning today because know if you got   to read decode right read the code see what  it's doing and then you know hopefully you've   learned a little something. Yeah Mike the reason I  asked you this is Dave Kennedy who's really well   known in the cyber security space put out a tweet  in early December 2024 and he said cyber security   automation with AI LLMs is starting to become and  will be one of the most desired skill sets in the   next 3 to 5 years in all of security I mean I'm  assuming you agree with that because you nodded   right? yeah so I mean it helps also so I'm I'm  I'm an interestingly placed researcher because   I research computer vision and AI I also have  Security and cryptography for many years so I   have at least a pretty good knowledge about about  subject even though it's not my main area of of   work and I would say that they're both incredibly  hot topics right I mean security of networks and   the internet is getting more and more important  in some ways I always feel like we've got it so   good now you know we have encryption on every  channel but ultimately actually we also have   huge state actors trying to get at our stuff yeah  we get people get phish all the time phishing   detection despite the fact that large language  models exist doesn't seem to work very well   constantly flagging the wrong things we've got so  much more to do in this area I think that is a a   very you know a very useful thing to know about  you know and actually I'm also as an aside a big   fan of learning about more than one topic because  I think it gives you that broad experience of how   this might apply just knowing how to train  a deep network but no knowledge of who could   use it or how it might apply to something like  cyber security is going to be limiting you want   to try and just know a little bit about how things  work as well. Yes so I mean that example from Dave  

Kennedy someone who's very well known in industry  lot years and years of experience and um owns a   cyber security company and does a whole bunch of  things I think if someone in the field says that   and someone like you doing a lot of research sees  says the same thing that's a real indication to   anyone who's younger or wanting to change career  or help themselves you know better themselves   yeah that they should learn this the reason I  ask like should I learn it is cyber security   definitely need to learn AI others other niches  or fields the same thing applies right? Everyone   is trying to build AI into almost everything right  now sometimes that's a silly idea sometimes this   thing already Works without Ai and we didn't need  Ai and it's just making it more complicated but   on the other hand there are lots of times where  automation or just doing something you don't want   to have to do yourself AI fits right in there and  that's like that's a huge amount of the work we do   every day I think that knowing how to do these  things is going to be a real bonus for even if   you end up not directly researching or working  in AI just using AI in other areas we already   know one of the Nobel prizes went for protein  folding right which is an application of AI   to a completely different area of science that  area of science will be completely transformed   by that field even if that AI isn't AGI or isn't  superhuman and can't seem to drive a car straight   it's still on that particular task has been pretty  transformative and so I think we're going to see   a lot of that we're going to see a lot of places  where there's been an absence of AI and suddenly   it comes in and just starts in problems that  people assumed were not solvable and so kind   of given up. I love what you said though I mean  two fields that I really find interesting is Cyber   Security obviously I have like other loves like  networking but like if you were starting today   cyber plus AI seems to be the like an amazing  combination. It's a it's it's a great combination   they're also both really interesting right so I I  find most of computer science interesting not not   all of it I would say but if you find something  interesting and you're passionate about it it's   so much easier to learn as well so if you enjoy  the fact you know what this network is training   I can't believe it it's actually actually doing  that thing I asked it to do or I've installed   this software and now this network is working so  much better than it was before these kind of if   you're pleased about that kind of stuff you're  just the right person to take on this kind of   Challenge and learn and just go off and learn all  this stuff I mean I'm always trying to learn new   things all the time and I probably should just  take a break and have a nap but I just I think   oh I could learn about this and I go off and  I learn about it and it's so so exciting and   you know AI and cyber security are those two  topics for me they're so they change so much   there's so much interesting news weeks don't go  by without something happening in cyber security   right and I think um AI is just going to make  that more exciting as well. I love that I think  

if I was starting again and this is what I advise  myself and it's you you you seem to be saying the   same thing get into cyber get into AI um two big  fields lots of potential what you learned today   isn't going to be lost tomorrow is it it's going  to lost you for the rest of your life. yeah and and   and also don't don't overestimate the level AI  that's required for a lot of the the platforms   that we see right yes training up something like  Sora is a challenge and requires someone probably   who's done many years of training these models  at scale training a network to solve some task   you had or to write some of emails for you that  doesn't take as as much expertise it just takes   a little bit of knowledge and so you don't have  to start with the big one you can you can work   your way up and actually there are loads of roles  for people who are just doing kind of around the   edge not quite so fundamental you know research  or development in AI which I think that we know   we need a lot of those people as well. It seems  like the world's going to be split into two groups   right those who have the power of AI behind them  and those who don't have that and they're going   to be left behind it seems. As I say there are  going to be some situations where people are   putting AI on a problem where actually they would  have been would have been fine right and we can   all recognize that I'll give you an example just  for fun a few weeks ago I trained so the reason I   trained a large language model was I trained it  to write my emails for me oh nice so I download   all of my emails it turns out I send quite a lot  of emails and what I did was I gave it the I gave   a large language model a task I said right here's  an inut email I received this is what I wrote   learn to do that for me and it it did it right  now it it did it with a few caveats I should say   it Fray it wrote emails exactly as I write them  because one of my one of my bug bears with with   something like trap GPT is it doesn't write like I  write I have a quite specific style it writes much   longer and more fluffy should we say sentences  I would write everyone would know immediately   it wasn't for me right so if I want to sort of  actually take a holiday and not send my own emails   I'm going to need to cover up much better than  that so what I did was I trained I trained this   thing and it wrote emails exactly as I would  phrase them signed exactly as I would phrase   them the only problem was it made up the answers  still so it would say something like absolutely I   can mark your courseworks for you please just send  them over I'd be happy to do it and I'd never send   that to anyone so you know built into a system  where it it's prompted with some of this sort   of my actual calendar invite my actual calendar  information or what my actual response roughly   would be I can imagine a situation where I'm I'm  writing an email and I just give it a bullet point   that says this is roughly what I want to say and  it just turns it into an email fully fledged that   kind of thing would be transformative for my work  right because I just spend a lot of time typing   out words that could have been much easily more  easily done some some other way when in fact there   was just one key message I needed to get cross  and the rest of it was just completely superfluous   those kind of examples I think those are the ones  where AI is really going to really going to help   we aren't there yet because everyone's just trying  to interface with ChatGPT as it is and that makes   it kind of everyone just writes the same kind of  waffly text but I think as these as these tools   start to become a bit more bespoke and a bit  more tailored to an individual that's when I   think we're really onto something being part of  that wave and knowing how those techniques work   is only going to help you deploy those systems  for yourself you can deploy everything I did I   did locally on my own machine just to kind of  prove a point and you can deploy these things   on your own PC if you want you can have you can  have Llama which is meta's large language model   runs perfectly happily on a mid-range graphics  card a little bit more happily on a big graphics   card but you can train it you can you can talk  to it you can coers it into solving tasks for   you and you you know you can do all of that  locally at at just for cost of the hardware   the initial investment in the hardware. The world's  going to change with people who leverage AI just  

like people have the advantage of a phone versus  people who don't like an iPhone or Android phone   it gives you such a such an advantage in life.  I I don't want to give away how old I am but   you know I remember when the iPhone iPhone came  out and of course there were people who said I   don't need this nonsense right I'm happy with my  noia and well what happened there right you know   ultimately people went hang on and it was his  better as I say I think we're in for a couple   of years or a few years of kind of not finding our  feet of learning what's actually useful and what's   just a fun as side before we settle down to go  okay this works let's use this and this didn't   work I mean one of the things that I found really  useful is I don't really use um I don't really   use AI to code now partly because I don't write  as much code as I used to because unfortunately   I'm have lots of meetings to go to but but what  I what I do find it useful for is zeroing in on   a bit of the documentation I need to see in order  to write that code so when I wrote when I trained   this large language model and I was using um Lang  chain to do some retrieval ventage generation and   I couldn't I didn't know how to do a certain thing  I asked it you know which function in Lang chain   would do this and within about five seconds I  was off in the documentation in the right place   you know it didn't write me good code that would  have solved the problem but it did point me to   where I needed to read to then write the code  myself within a few minutes so I found it was   a really nice productivity tool but just as a kind  of guide to just get me a little bit closer to the   problem rather than just trying to solve the whole  problem end to end which I think is where people   assume AI will be useful if you know about AI  you're going to be able to use it in little ways   dotted around your work rather than you just won't  go to work and an AI will do it which I just don't   see is very plausible you know so I think um it's  not going to have quite the impact people think   it's going to be different but I think it will be  nonetheless really really really really big. It's   interesting the flip side of that is what a lot  of people hate and I find it really irritating is   when you do Google searches or whichever search  engine then it's got the AI answers at the top and   it's like the information's not even correct.  Which is interesting right because that's   retrieval augmented generation so to give you a  definition retrieval augmented generation or rag   is this technique where you inject live data into  the prompt to help the LLM write correct text that   assumes that first of all what you've injected is  correct it assumes that you've injected something   useful and it assumes that you've that the llm can  correctly interpr what you've injected to answer   the question and it has the same issues that  I think other large language models have so I   don't know if you ever noticed this when you talk  to something like ChatGPT you say something along   the lines of why is it that this happens yeah but  the thing you say is completely nonsense and then   it gives you a proper description oh that happens  because of this right and it's because your   question was wrong your question said you know so  you might say you know why is the sky Green in the   mornings and sometimes it will say the sky isn't  Green in the mornings but sometimes it will give   you explanation as to Wild Sky scen I mean they're  getting better for this but they still will do it   the point I guess is is because the question that  was asked wasn't quite phrased correctly it just   ran with it right and you don't want your search  engine just doing that and running with it I think   and so we're in this bit now where it's been  shipped as a product but we haven't quite Got   Away of is what they've asked actually something  we can actually answer right is the source we   found to answer it actually correct and has the  llm converted that text properly into a response.   Microsoft recall sounded like a good idea to  some people but there was a lot of push back   about it real worry about you know AI and privacy  what's your point of view on on you know on that. I   thought it was it was fascinating that there was  s it was such an obvious push back from someone   like me or someone like you and yet Microsoft  just seem didn't seem to see that coming like   that we wouldn't want to just take all our desktop  screenshots and just throw them straight straight   up to a server I think there's a lot of privacy  concerns and I don't think they've been adequately   addressed necessarily and I think companies  are going to have to start thinking a lot   more carefully about this I don't think everyone  is just intuitively happy with just here's on my   data please upload this to a language model and do  what you want particularly because a lot of these   companies have very sort of very vague information  on what your data is going to be used to train on   and stuff like this you know so you know look do I  do I mind if Windows does character recognition on   my documents not particularly although some of my  documents are you know confidential student marks   and Records so you know there's that but do I want  them being trained used to train a language model   absolutely not right because it's confidential so  that hasn't been solved I think we need to think   about that a lot harder. yeah I mean Adobe in their  terms and conditions just like hid some stuff in  

there that suddenly anything you create can be  used for the AI it's like huge intrusion. And and   on X right or Twitter as I like to call it but you  know with terms and conditions changed recently to   allow training on tweets uh and that wasn't there  before and so you've kind of got the rug pulled   out right you you're under the impression that  it's not going to be used a certain way and then   suddenly it's sort of and at that point you're  already using the platform and it's difficult   to disengage I I think it's it's a bit of switch  right they be careful doing this. yeah I think it   like Apple even even though Apple say they privacy  company so-called a lot of people would push back   against that but like the the chips directly in  the phones right? yeah if the chips in the phone   then I suppose theoretically that's a good thing  right it stays on the device and actually you know   I train a lot of my language models stuff on my  personal computer specifically because I firstly   I want to see that I can uh and also I think if  there's there's a strong privacy reason for doing   this for people that are using data and they're  not sure about whether they should be uploading   that to the cloud the obvious solution is don't  do that and just use it locally I think keeping   on the device is great I think Apple's policy is  basically if the phone can't do it it's going to   go up to the Cloud and it's secure and they've  got all this these white papers and stuff just   describing how secure it is you time will tell I  think I they are at least trying to answer answer   the question a little bit which I think is is  more than some of these companies are doing. Mike   what's the difference between the GPU MPU TPU  CPU you know why do I care? Mostly I think it's   just names people give things to sound good right  so a GPU is the hardware in our computers usually   that we associate with playing video games so they  were developed as a way of having many many cores   doing small vertex and shader tasks in parallel  all at the same time really really quickly   ultimately AI actually just balls to mathematics  and what it usually is is large multiplications   so basically you have an array of numbers let's  say 2,000 by 2,000 you have another huge matrix   of numbers you have to multiply those two things  together and that actually isn't that difficult it   just takes a long time and it's something that can  very easily be done in parallel if you have a lot   of calls which is what a GPU has a TPU or a Tensor  Processing Unit is just hardware specifically   designed to do that and that's what Google call  it an NPU will depend on what company you're   talking to it's called like a Neural Processing Unit  but for example the NPU or the equivalent in the   new iPhone is essentially a part of their chip  that is responsible for crunching these numbers   really really quickly and allows them to deploy  these models so you can imagine idea where Apple   will train a model behind the scenes on all their  data they will then freeze that model as it is and   then they will deploy it onto a device and the  npu is the thing that is responsible for running   and executing that model on the input right and  that allows it because it's in hardware to be done   really really quickly. Mike didn't Sora just get  released or like recently. yeah Sora was released  

um you know a month or so ago and um I guess  great excitement and you know but it depends on   uh we'd already seen it before right we've seen  all the examples we now are just allowed to use   it Sora is a really interesting one because I think  that once we have got our hands on it we kind of   see that it does exactly kind of what we thought  it would do which is that it it works pretty well   but also doesn't work a lot of the time and  does slightly weird things that kind of   uncanny valley thing where you know a dog sort  of transforms into a slight different animal   and then sort of defies the laws of physics and  you know and something yeah and I think this is   entirely expected right this is exactly the same  thing that we see in the text based large language   models right these are actually the same kind  of technology underneath there are differences   but the you're still talking about a very very  large model just trained on a lot of data they   still have a problem in kind of grounding their  information in the real world right there's no   physics model there running so in a computer game  you have a physics model that defines how your   object accelerates and that at least makes it look  semi-realistic at least depending on the game yeah   that doesn't happen in s there's no gravity  there's no concept of gravity the fact that   someone stays on the ground is only because the  training data has that happened most of the time   it doesn't stop someone from turning into a bird  and flying off which looks which makes for some   pretty cool videos but also videos that are kind  of weird and I'm not sure i' actually use them for   things so. Mike the biggest concern I think for  for a lot of people is I'm going to lose my job   AI is going to replace me um is that true do you  see that happening I mean I have heard instances   where some jobs have been taken or companies are  trying to replace humans with with AI? I I think   there's always going to be a desire for companies  to try and streamline and save money right that's   kind of almost by definition what they do and  that's because there's more money to be made that   way yeah in actual fact I suppose people have to  reflect on what what is it that they do in their   job and can they currently foresee an I replacing  those things right so for example in my job I   might write some boilerplate code and I could  probably see co-pilot or something replacing that   aspect of my work at some point um that's actually  only a very small part of what I do there are lots   of other things like writing formal documentation  that I don't think ChatGPT does anywhere near   as well as I can do because it writes very  differently and so I think that I can't see   chat GPT coming or any of these um models coming  close to what I do as a whole there are Maybe some   kind of administrative task that could be made  more easy or streamlined away by using some of   his AI but actually I don't think it's realistic  to say we're going to be replacing huge sves of   the workforce I think what we might be doing is  is getting you know marginal efficiency gains I   mean I think Google recently predicted that they  would they think that AI could be by 2030 saving   people 100 hours a year okay well that's that's  great right but I'm contractually obliged to work   1,500 hours a year so unfortunately still going  to have to turn up yeah so yeah so I I I think   that companies are going to try and streamline and  sometimes they're going to make mistakes they're   going to replace a bunch of people with a chatbot  that then is accidentally a racist and then and   then they completely embarrass themselves and  those companies will learn that mistake pretty   quickly I think I I can I still think we as humans  want humans involved if I ring a company because   I need help I actually want to speak to a  person because I think they might want to   help me right so actually I think there reasons  to think that humans may still be around for a   while longer. So you don't think like the Nvidia  CEO said that we won't need developers anymore   you don't think that's going to happen anytime  soon? I mean Nvidia has plenty of developers that   they haven't laid off right so I suppose I would  ask why why does he feel that Nvidia needs their   developers but no one else does is it because  he thinks Nvidia developers are better I don't   know maybe they are maybe they're not I think I  don't see that happening I've actually met with   a lot of developers quite recently at different  events and I think the consensus has been that   you know when when these models came out there  was an immediate action of oh they can do   quite well yeah is this a problem but over time  and using them some people don't use them some   people build them into their workflows but  no one I think is realistically replacing   themselves with one of these models because I  just don't think they do that endtoend process   of all the at different aspects of software  development all at once you can try but I just   don't think we're there someone said to me and it  was it was a fantastic point which is very quick   way of getting legacy code right but you can't  understand is to get a AI to generate it because   if you don't have ownership of that code if you  haven't written it yourself how can you possibly   debug it or come back to it in six months time  and fix an issue yeah you know so I think that   in software development for example I think we  we we're going to be around again for a while   for a while longer. yeah mean all the cynic would  say that there's a reason that Nvidia say that   and that's to push the stock price up. yeah I mean  Nvidia stock price is primarily now tied to their  

GPU offerings right and their GPUs are bought  by about four companies mostly my own GPU that   I have which is NVIDIA is not the reason that that  that one card is not the reason that Nvidia has   a high stock price and so I guess it' be really  interesting to see what happens Nvidia and open Ai   and all of these companies are pushing AI really  hard and it's because they want to be seen to be   the ones that are pioneering this and it is it is  affecting their stock price right Nvidia have been   and to to their credit Nvidia have been producing  GPUs that can do this number crunching so fast for   a number of years they've been ahead of the game  and that's allowed them to basically completely   monopolize the market in terms of the way that  we train lots of these models will that always   be the case I don't know will we always want to  train models for size of what we're training now   or will more efficient mechanisms come up or will  will we get bored right and decide you know this   small model is doing just about fine we don't  need the 200 billion parameter model and if any   of those things happen if the consensus is from  the companies you know what we don't this is big   enough that's when I think Nvidia has to is going  to have to change their strategy right and they're   going to have to start offering different kinds  of products just assuming that these companies   are going to continually buy 100,000 GPUs 200,000  GPUs at tens of thousand pounds a piece is not   necessarily a long-term strategy that's going  to hold for many years to come we cannot predict   that. I it's interesting because I saw the Devin  announcement where they were having this like AI   that was writing and debugging its own code and  doing everything and that was like a lot of hype   it sounded like but it was that whole thing like  developers are going to get replaced fully by AI. I   mean it's a nice idea but I don't think it's going  to work right I mean I saw I saw a um there's a   GitHub repo I forget what it's called where  they're trying to replace every aspect of the   software development pipeline so they've got the  software development AI the project manager AI and   the senior developer AI and the junior developer  AI I don't know what the difference between those   two things is it's just one we didn't train for as  long right it's I can see why they're trying to do   this it's kind of fun as well but actually I don't  think a lot of what software development is is is   the actual writing of code I mean I remember Elon  Musk joined Twitter and renamed it and then he   fired half most of his workforce yeah and and and  there was a rumor I don't know whether it's true   or not that they were they were letting people go  based on how many lines of code they wrote if you   talk to an actual software developer we know that  number of lines of code is not indicative of code   quality if anything is inversely proportional to  code quality right it's a bit naive to think that   we can just because of this thing writes code so  fast that must make it better I think is is it's   an interesting way to go but I don't think it's  true. Mike I really want to thank you for sharing   you know and giving us perspective because there's  so much hype so much noise out there and I really   appreciate you you know being willing to come on  and share your perspective on all of these things.   As you know I I mostly like to do online videos  because I just like telling people about computers   and I think this is one of those times where the  hype around AI and the the momentum and not all   of it's bad right some of it's hype because the  performance is so good it's nice to just to be   able to take a step and just reflect on some of  these things and say what which of these things   is going to be transformative and which of these  things can we broadly ignore and not worry about   you know and I think also when something moves as  fast as AI does it can be very intimidating for   someone who's trying to take it on or someone who  has maybe not been doing this for a year and now   they're starting to panic but actually I think  that's kind of working to our benefit in a way   because there are these new libraries that are  coming out where everyone's just learning them   for the first time even people who've been working  in AI for a number of years and so actually we're   kind of all in the same boat. Mike I really hope that  we can convince you at some point to create your   own YouTube channel or create a course so that  you can share with all of us. yeah it's it's on  

my mind I think that there are loads and loads of  training courses out there but as you know a lot   of my videos are kind of just put out there and  if people like them that's great um and I I do   think some sort of fundamental how stuff works  especially with AI could be could be something   I you know I'd think about so you know watch  this space. So for everyone who's watching put   comments below we got to have a vote we got to  get Mike to create content Mike thanks so much

2025-01-23 16:07

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