Internet speed test with Flutter

Internet speed test with Flutter

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Hello welcome to my YouTube channel and  this tutorial on building an internet   speed test application using flutter my  name is Ali and in this video I'll guide   you a step-by-step through the process of  creating a slick and functional internet   test application from scratch I hope  you enjoy the video let's get started First I create a project called speed test and  specify the basic settings of the project such   as project location description and [Music]  organization and after creating the project I   run it and then I create two folders for screens  and widgets and remove the extra codes[Music] Now I install the required depend  es and run the pub get command [Music] then I create the main page of the  [Music] project and inside the speed test screen   file I create a stateful which that Returns the  scaffold and I create an app bar with speed test [Music] [Music] text and now I set the  settings related to material app   and pass the speed test screen to home parameter  in material app and change the brightness to dark [Music]   all right let's start and write the codes for  internet speed test first I create an instance   of speed test package and Define the required  variables that I will use them later [Music]   two double variables for download and upload rate [Music] and two double variables for  final download and upload rate [Music] and some bool variables for test states [Music] and a string variable for the IP address and the string variable for the unit [Music] and then I implement the start method [Music]   for this method I use the start  testing method in speed test package   and implement the related callback methods  and explain them at the same time [Music]   the uncomplete function is called when the  speed test completed successfully [Music] the on progress function is called  during the testing process and   providing real-time updates on  the progress of the test [Music] the on default server selection in progress  function is triggered when the package is   selecting a default server for testing and on  default server selection done is triggered when   server selection is [Music] done and the onError  function is invoked if there is an error during   the testing process and the onCancel is triggered  when a request to cancel the ongoing test is made [Music]   for when the test is completed set a state run test is complete equals [Music] true final download rate [Music]  equals download. transfer rate and   final upload rate equals upload. transfer [Music] rate and for when the test  is on progress set a state [Music] if data. test type equals equals Test  type. [Music] download or else for test type.   upload download rate equals data. transfer  rate [Music] and in else upload rate equals  

data. transfer [Music] rate and for when on  default server selection is in progress [Music] set a state is server selection  and progress equals [Music] true and on default server selection done set a state is server selection in  progress equals false [Music]   IP address equals client do [Music] IP and then on error reset all  data and and cancel reset all data   to after finishing I implement the  method to reset all the values void reset set a [Music] state download rate  equal 0 and final download rate equal 0   upload rate equals z and  also final upload rate equals zero IP address equals none and one test status equals false very well [Music]   now let's implement the user interface of the  project the first widget I create is a round   button to start the internet speed [Music] test  so I go to widgets folder and implement it [Music]   for [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] after implementing the appearance of  the button I also create it section [Music]   now I import the widget and call the  start test method in it section [Music] after creating the start button  I go to the widgets folder again   and implement the loading widget [Music] this widget is used to wait for  Server selection time and usually   this speed test package used by  Netflix as a default server for testing [Music]   now I'm going to implement the main  body of the project that displays the   internet speed which consists of a page  view that contains download and upload   speed gauge and I use page controller to  switch between upload and download gauge [Music] now I created title for download gauge and   also create a general widget for  spacing between other widgets [Music] [Music] as I said I use the gauge to  display the download and upload   speed so let's implement the speed display [Music] gauge for this I create a new widget and  write its required parameters [Music] and now I implement the widget [Music] itself I make a box and I use  the SF flutter gauge package to display   this speed [Music] the SF flutter gauge  package include the data virtualization   wigets Linear gauge and Radial gauge to create  modern interactive and animated gauges [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music]   after creating the gauge widget I call it  and pass the required values to it [Music] [Music] [Music]   and then I use the wigets I made to show the  upload speed and I choose the purple color for the [Music] upload very well now I run the project that  you can see the progress of the project [Music] [Music] well now I create a widget to display  the result of the internet speed test   and it will show the final upload  and download this speed [Music] [Music]   this widget consists of a text for the  title of the download and upload and as   well as the appropriate icon and another  text to display the finalist pit [Music] for [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] after the implementation of the result widget is   finished I import the widget and  pass the reir parameters to it [Music] [Music] [Music]   and I call the run test widget again  so that after finishing the test and   viewing the result the user can perform  the speed test again if needed [Music]   very well! during the speed test the download  gauge should be displayed when the download   speed test is performed and then the upload  gauge should be shown during the upload speed   test so I use page controller to move  between pages [Music] and finally I'm   going to implement the show IP address widget  and display the users Network IP [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] and finally I run the project  so that you can see the result thank you for watching and if this video  was useful for you please subscribe to   my channel and like the video I  will see you in the next video [Music]

2024-12-24 07:56

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