WhyBuy - PlayStation 5 PS5 Controller Games and More

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Hey everybody welcome to WhyBuy, let's talk about the PlayStation 5. it's been a long time coming but i guess the best place to start is that anticipation, right before console launch. You know Sony had a development conference where they went over the specs and details of the console. I mean it might have been looked at as kind of a letdown but, they did deliver on what they said they were going to do, and that was a development conference for hardware and specifications. My takeaway was you know okay so they're working with studios to help develop the hardware much like the playstation 4 asking them you know "what do you want out of a console?" and to me that's a good thing because thinking back to playstation 3 that's kind of where Sony was disconnecting with its core audience here's this monolith console that is all powerful the cell processor could be linked in parallel to be a super computer, you know all of these capabilities and to a gamer it's kind of like "great uh, what about the games?" so when you pick a camp, like a Xbox or PlayStation or PC you have to know like this is the best choice, like this this is the best thing I can do for my money because uh if you pick the wrong camp you're kind of stuck in that ecosystem and it can be very expensive or cost prohibitive to you know switch. Some

lucky few can afford to do both but yeah i remember the playstation 3 um thinking back to playstation 2, I had a whole library of games that i loved playing you know things that if i wanted to could throw them in the ps3 and i could still enjoy it and that was a big deciding factor back then "another first brought by playstation is back catalog compatibility" Fast forwarding to the launch of the playstation 4, this was kind of the first time i started hearing about how sony was spending a lot of time with studios asking them what is the most important thing to you, what do you need more of, and how can we deliver that so you can produce better games? That synergy between the developers and sony is not just good for you know what ends up being the hardware of the console but it's good for the gamers too, because now you have more developers who are having an easier time developing games for the console without losing quality or performance you don't suffer in some of the gameplay elements like the ps3. Which from what I understand was very difficult to develop for. So the the big event, that kind of, the moment where, I was actually with a friend who he was on the fence was he going to get an xbox series x or playstation 5 and we got together to watch it was called the future of gaming, this sony reveal, they're going to finally show the console. They did a great job in showcasing you know what the hardware could do, how it could change the experience of gaming, and of course you know the big reveal of all the actual console. When the console was revealed i had no idea what to expect you saw tons of memes and leaked photos of what this thing was going to be. My actual expectation was "it's going to be you know something black sleek small hopefully that kind of thing" and then they released this huge bizarre design choice you've never seen anything like that i'm looking at it it was actually kind of i didn't like it at first when i saw it i was like that i don't know if it's gonna fit my living room.

You know where you're gonna put this thing so that it kind of blends into the rest of the tech they showed the controller some of the accessories and i was like okay i gotta have this thing i i want it! how do i get it and... so i don't know if people remember but during the future of gaming show at the end this you know pre-orders are going to start the next day on the weekend on friday i think and i was like great i'm going to be first in line i'm going to try and get one and later that night i get a phone call from a friend and he says "I'm on walmart's site right now and i think they're live! I think you can pre-order them i'm putting in my order" I'm like no way, I go to check on my phone i'm just like blown away i'm this must be a problem i can't imagine that you know retailers would go straight to market and start selling them, but i mean who cares. I put in my order and it processed and went through now in retrospect looking at that oh i got lucky man did i get lucky because so many people still today can't get their hands on one and i mean that's largely due to the demand and the lack of supply but it's also scalpers i mean it kind of sucks you know of all times to release a new console during a pandemic where we have to stay inside to not you know be able to get one i can't imagine the frustration i'd i'd be pissed but anyhow i got lucky got my hands on one and um well it's awesome so let's dive into the actual reasons you know why this is a next-gen console so the the big thing the first thing is the ssd or the solid-state drive uh that the console runs off of so the benefit of having a solid-state drive is the speed that it can write and retrieve data so what does that mean well it's fast yes you know moving files and that sort of thing the UI everything works pretty quickly but the big benefit is is actual gameplay so in an open world for example like say spiderman miles morales you have a really rich and full detailed world that you can you know completely navigate quickly and and just look and and the details there the loading time it's simultaneous so you know i can i guess i the best example i could reference would be the uncharted series where it almost felt like as you were playing the game the transition between cut scenes and gameplay in the next level was so smooth that there was no break there was no pause and i was i really enjoyed that, so to now have you know a better way for developers to deliver that experience i think is fantastic so that's the first big thing is yeah the ssd the next thing they talk about a lot is ray tracing so ray tracing the way i see it is is that in reflections they're very dynamic so the world the environment that you're interacting with feels more authentic especially with lighting the way things refract or bend around objects it adds a sense of realism and immersion so it's it's cool to be able to see the processing going on it just it adds that additional level of believability and realism. The other big thing actually for me was 4k, I mean I didn't buy a playstation 4 pro, so i couldn't you know, experience the the benefits i guess of having a 4k gaming experience and i was really excited to see what that looked like and how that would affect games and you know just the visuals you know it's it's it's really it's a nice treat to be able to see uh just how detailed and sharp everything looks. The the one thing i noticed with you know 4k is that not only is it easier on your eyes, but it just feels like you're playing a different game, much like a 4k blu-ray you really start to see things that are just like definitely noticeable you you could tell the difference if you had the two side by side for sure i also like the fact that it's backwards compatible something that i thought the ps3 was you know one of its saving grace was the fact that you could play ps1 ps2 games so with the ps5 being able to play at least ps4 games i like that fact i like that even on some games uh they would be upgraded so not only are you playing a previous game from a different console the previous generation console but now you get an upgraded i guess in the visuals the frame rate the performance and i have noticed a difference there is if not so much the visual assets it's the smoothness of how well the games play another thing that they really pushed is the tempest audio system this kind of 3d audio effect and at first i was like okay well they're just trying to sell these new headphones but uh no it actually works incredibly well um you really do get a sense of where things are coming from and it's distinct and it's not in a weird way where it feels synthetic it genuinely feels you know like if you're wearing headphones it feels like you're in the environment and you can uh you know determine where things are coming from and you don't need the pulse 3d headset personally i didn't uh buy it i intend to buy the the new pulse headset just because i like how they look i've actually worn a pair and they feel very comfortable but for now yeah you can just plug your headphones into the controller and like i said that 3d audio system works quite well with any pair of headphones so the console actually came bundled with a free game which i think is just a tech demo and that's astro's playroom now astros playroom i looked at it and i was like okay i'm installing other games it's something i'll play while i wait it's so much more than just an add-on that is a good game i was impressed i i fired it up and like instantly as soon as the menu comes on screen you feel the haptics in the controller and it really is a tech demo for what the controller can be in the 3d audio system and honestly if you're a playstation if you're a gamer fan playing through this uh world is fantastic so the other big thing with the playstation 5 and i to me what i would probably say is the best thing is uh the controller now uh i had seen photos i had read about you know the haptic feedback and the adaptive triggers and i remember i was like i wonder how that's gonna feel you know how how responsive is it going to be how how much tension can they actually put in mechanically into the controller and this is what i think elevates the console to that next gen so the controller for one i think is a great improvement over the playstation 4. Just ergonomically the heft to it, the creaks and rattles, it's solid like the new one is

a great feeling controller. The the haptic feedback was kind of a surprise to me i didn't realize how much of an impact it would actually have on gameplay experience so things like ground textures, and astros playroom again is a great example of this where if you're on sand or if you're skating on ice you you get these sensations in the controller that it really takes it up a notch it feels more fun and it's more immersive and they uh they definitely knocked it out of the park with you know how can you make the gaming experience better and on the other side the big component to the controller are the adaptive triggers now i am a big shooter fan and i swear they did this deliberately for shooter games because it feels so good really the only game that i've played that uses the the function for shooters is call of duty uh cold war i mean it is incredible like just the the sensation how it can be different it's it's hard to describe how much better it makes the gaming experience now i mean some people don't like it i have a friend who actually doesn't even use the feature he turns it off i should say too that i was actually playing i'm pretty sure is because i was playing call of duty zombies and i was using a you know single fire gun and i'm constantly reefing on this trigger and pulling and pulling and pulling uh what ended up happening was i noticed the trigger started to go limp it was just kind of dangling there uh it's like the spring inside it had broken or something and i think it was just i abused it you know got the console new and i'm just uh you know constantly reefing on this thing and um i contacted sony they're like yeah we can replace it for you'll have to mail it to us and it with kovid and i was like man how long is that gonna take he's like well it could be a while so i just actually took it back to best buy which is where i bought it the second controller i have and yeah i got it replaced and i haven't had any issues since it's been a few months now of using those controllers haven't had any problems but yeah in terms of accessories you can get i mean you have the controller not the gaming controller but like a blu-ray remote i'll probably end up getting it i do have you know one for my ps3 and whatever good accessory i guess um really the only the only accessories i have is an extra controller and a charging stand i'm impressed the controllers do last a long time you know i would say six hours easily it's it's a good accessory to have it looks good matches the you know aesthetics of the console and yeah so i have to talk about the games call of duty cold war is probably the one i'm playing the most right now and you know the campaign was good um activision and treyarch do a great job of you know stories and delivering gameplay experiences that if you don't want to play online or you know with anyone else and you just want to experience a good shooter story they do that well um but the thing they do best and it's fantastic is the multiplayer especially getting together with other people i feel that you know during covid right now it is one of the few social things i can do uh you know to connect with friends and and have a good time it's just a it's a fun experience there are a ton of game modes i think my my favorite new game mode has to be I still love the traditional you know multiplayer search missions that sort of thing but prop hunt so you could be like a wet floor sign you could be a piece of shrapnel you could be a part of a satellite basically anything and you have to hide it while the other team tries to hunt you down and i have to say being on either side is hilarious like the the amount of uh but where are you what the laughs that we have playing that game mode um you have to try it if you haven't it's it's a lot of fun um but the big thing so with call of duty black ops cold war the big one is zombies i'm not even sure if it's still treyarch that makes black ops anyways um zombies is uh an amazing game mode it's um it's a lot of fun to play with friends and you know it's just basically horde style attacks of zombies you have to see how high of a level you can get to and you know there's quirks and and different you know easter eggs and things you have to find in each mission from each game and um it's just it's a lot of fun and again the the actual mechanics and they do it so well the the sensation of the triggers with the haptics the gameplay i mean there's it's an extremely well-polished series of games that i mean yeah call of duty is just uh is one of the flagship brands when it comes to gaming so another game that i like is spider-man miles morales so spider-man miles morales is a continuation from the previous spider-man game and it's honestly it not only is it a good action kind of superhero game but i just really enjoy cruising the city and swinging from building to building and just kind of appreciating the detail and the performance of that game it is very relaxing and it's just i don't know um it's a good experience i i didn't think i'd like that game but it's uh it's really good i mean overall it's just an extremely well polished game and insomniac games is an amazing studio if you haven't checked out their other games they're fantastic really well polished even back to resistance fall of man that series i think is criminally underrated it is a very very good series first second and third game in terms of the library it's a new console so there isn't a lot which is kind of a good thing if you don't have one yet you're not missing a lot the games that are available while they're good there aren't a lot yet and you know i still actually go back and play previous games that i love because they still look fantastic and i figured it's worth showing you kind of what it looks like on a playstation 5 to play some of these uncharted 4 is in my opinion one of the best if not the best action-adventure game i think that naughty dog is the best studio when it comes to delivering that polish that that stunning visual the narrative the game play that is a aaa studio they do such great work whether it's the last of us part one part two or whether it's i mean the unchartered franchise is for me what you know it just hits a note that yes you are playing a movie and it feels like you're you know in the action of a blockbuster film and it's just it's it's so much fun to to watch the characters even going back and playing it again um it's a fun game the gameplay mechanics are great and it's just a yeah bioshock i think is my favorite game because of the story and the artwork and the experience of that was kind of the first time i had played a game from a narrative standpoint where i was just completely blown away as to how much passion there is in these games i think that the team that were developing it at rational games put so much care and attention to detail that it still holds up today because of the love and the care that went into them the meticulousness of the world it's just a fantastic gaming experience so following up uh to ken levine's bioshock is bioshock infinite and wow i remember the first time i walked into that world and i was my jaw hit the desk beautiful amazing amazing environment and that to me i mean that's what video games are all about it's transporting you and realistically placing you in that world uh it's just what an experience yeah it's just beautiful battlefield 5. um can you believe this is like almost three years old now battlefield 5 is such a good game it's uh it sounds amazing it looks amazing the the warfare style of you know how you approach the battlefield um it's just uh i'm so happy that battlefield exists and that DICE exists because in my opinion that's the direct competition to the call of duty franchise and much like sony and microsoft they need each other and they you know constantly pushing the boundaries of like just the spectacular you know kind of bombastic nature of of those games it's awesome so my favorite thing is probably yeah the controller if there is something that gives you the feeling of next gen now as time goes on i'll probably change my answer to my favorite thing is the first party exclusives that sony puts out their games are terrific great studios but for now uh has to be the controller i mean it's just ergonomically it fits great the adaptive triggers i'm still you know have a hard time going back playing other games that don't have that and um you know the haptic feedback um i don't know it's uh it's it's a great product so if you thought this video was helpful please like and subscribe show your support and thanks for watching


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