Information Session: Degrees in the Technology Side of Business

Information Session: Degrees in the Technology Side of Business

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[Music] All right, so welcome, everyone, again,  to Degrees in the Technology Side of   Business. My name is Lori Filippo. I'm the  Assistant Director for Grad Recruitment,   and my colleagues will introduce themselves in  a little bit to go over more on the technology   side of business. To start out with, we're  going to touch on why go to grad school. So,   the benefits of GR and professional degrees  is that it does help you stand out from the   crowd. Only about 14.4% actually hold graduate  and professional degrees. It does give you   those lifelong skills of different leadership,  communication, research, and really helps you   take control of your future. So, why grad school  at UNLV? UNLV is a prestigious R1 institution.   We are one of only 131 universities in the US  to hold this ranking. At UNLV, we do have over  

175 graduate degree and certificate programs with  more than 40 doctoral and professional programs.   We are the second most diverse university in  the country. And then speaking of rankings,   we also rank top 10 in Social Mobility, Community  Engagement Classification, and as you'll learn a   little bit later through my colleagues, aside from  being regionally accredited and an R1 institution,   many of our programs do hold their own  national rankings and accreditations. So, with UNLV Grad School, you will learn  from nationally and internationally recognized   faculty. You'll be able to work a lot with the  community, so you'll be partnering and interning  

with local employers. You'll get to work with  labs, research centers, libraries, but we do   understand our students are very non-traditional.  So we do offer classes in the afternoon, evening;   we have hybrid classes, online courses, and we  even have fully online programs. We also try to  

help out our students any way we can, especially  when it comes to paying for grad school,   which we'll talk about in just a little  bit. One of those ways is through Graduate   Assistantship. So if you haven't heard about  GAs before, again, we'll touch on it just in   a few slides and what those benefits are.  And then, of course, through grad studies,   you do get to form those relationships  with your faculty and your classmates. So if you're not familiar with UNLV, we were  founded in 1957. We have over 5,000 grad students  

currently on campus, and our students really  do come from all over the world. We have over   a thousand international students, and our  students are coming from over 80 countries. Okay, so paying for graduate school. Now, this  is just an estimate to give you an idea of what  

a student may be paying for, to go as full-time.  So they're taking nine credits per semester. Our   semesters are fall and spring. We also have  summer, but for talking about this case with   the tuition and fees, this would be looking  at the fall and spring going full-time. So,   if you are in-state, you're looking at a  little over $7,000. If you're out of state,   you're looking at a little over $24,000. And  again, this is your tuition and your fees,   but we, of course, want to help out any way we  can with that expense. The number one way that  

we help out is through graduate assistantships. If  you have not heard of a GA before, what they do,   these are students that are also working  on campus. They work in the departments for   academia. They also work in non-academic areas.  They could be teaching GAs, maybe they're helping   to teach an undergrad class, maybe on a certain  topic or project. They also might be research GAs,   or they also could be in non-academic areas. So,  at the Graduate Recruitment team, we hire GAs to   work with us, that meet with prospective students.  They do presentations, data entry, and so on. What  

does a GA cover? A GA will cover your full tuition  up to nine credits. It does waive the out-of-state   tuition. So, if you're an out-of-state student,  as a GA, you are treated as an in-state. On top   of your tuition being covered, you also receive  an annual stipend between $17,000 and $22,000, and   there are also benefits such as health insurance,  registration, and summer tuition benefits. So,   with the health insurance, just to point this one  out, is that if you are a GA and you need to use   UNLV's health insurance, your GA will actually  cover the cost of that health insurance. Now,   if you are not a GA and you enroll in nine or more  credits, the health insurance will automatically   be included with your tuition and fees.  However, if you have your own health insurance,   you can always waive out of ours, so just keep  that in mind after you enroll in classes. If you  

are enrolling in nine or more credits, check out  the fees that are being tagged on. If there is   health insurance and you have your own, make sure  you waive out of that. We also offer $5.7 million   in awards, so this does go to new and current  students. We have scholarships, fellowships, there   are even awards out there for research, teaching,  community service, and a ton more. The main thing,  

make sure you're checking out your Rebel email.  You will be notified of any funding opportunities   through that email address. If you're not familiar  with Nevada, we also have a low cost of living and   tuition. There is no state income tax here  in Nevada. There are many residency options,   both on campus and just outside of the UNLV area.  And then, of course, we do have local discounts,   tickets, and entertainment really all throughout  the valley. While you are a grad student at UNLV,   we want to make sure that you are getting  a full experience with us. So we do offer a  

few services. One is the Graduate Professional  Student Association. Through the association,   they do provide certificates, career support,  trainings, and locations just like this image   on campus that is just for grad students. When  you are a grad student, if you want to utilize   one of these locations, you just show them your  grad card, and you can use any of the technology,   whiteboards, the computers, kitchen spaces, and  again, it's just for grad students. There's also  

the Grad Academy that offers many different  career development opportunities, leadership   opportunities, and I actually like showing this  slide to really show a little bit more on what   they offer. So the free certifications, workshops,  badges, these are all ways to really just do more   with your degree, really show more when you go  into the work field and say, "Hey, you know, I   didn't just get my degree at UNLV, but I also went  for these different professional opportunities as   well." And the key thing with these is that they  are all free resources available to you. Okay,   so once you are ready to apply to UNLV, you  will go ahead and submit your application   and materials in the Grad Rebel Gateway. This  is going to be your main portal from start to   finish. So even when you are about to graduate,  you will be completing forms in this portal. So   make sure that when you create your account, it  is an email and a password that you'll remember.   This is where you'll upload all your documents  for your application. For your documents, we  

only need copies; we don't need anything official  unless you've been accepted into your program. The   application fee is $95 for international students  or $60 for domestic students. The main thing with   grad school is know your deadlines. Every single  program has a specific deadline on when you have   to have your application and materials submitted  by, so just make sure you know what requirements   are needed and what that deadline is. Once  you do submit your application and documents,   the Graduate Admissions team will review your  application. This is what they will look for.   They want to see that you have a bachelor's degree  from a regionally accredited institution. For your  

bachelor's degree, they want to see at least  a 2.75 overall GPA. If you fall below that,   they will look at the last 60 credits you've  completed to see if you have at least a 3.0.   They do need to see transcripts from each  postsecondary institution that you attended.  

If your coursework and degrees were from outside  of the US, they will need to see a copy of the   transcript both in the original language and  an English translation if it was not already   in English. If you're an international  student, you may also need to show proof   of English proficiency. This would be through the  Duolingo test, the IELTS test, or if you completed   a postsecondary degree from an institution where  English was the primary language of instruction.

Um, so again, with grad school, we can't stress  it enough: make sure you know your deadline. Some   of our programs only admit once a year; some have  very, very early deadlines. We even have some that   are approaching for the fall term. If you have  to do a GRE or GMAT test, if you have to do any  

kind of letters of recommendation, statement of  intent, give yourself plenty of time and know your   deadline so that you make it the best application  you can and get everything submitted on time. So,   the next steps for you would be to meet with your  admission and recruitment team. Contact us if you   have any questions through the application  process. Make sure you know your admission   requirements and deadlines. Check out the  program pages; those are all available on   our webpage. Contact the graduate coordinators  for your program; each program has a coordinator   that you can contact with any specific questions  or maybe if you have specific questions on even   just the department requirements. But make  sure you're reaching out. Once you're ready,  

go ahead and apply to Graduate Admissions in the  Grad Rebel Gateway. Submit all of your required   materials, and then stay in contact with us  again if you need any help or have any questions   throughout it. I'd just like to mention too that  we have many events going on throughout the year,   so definitely check out our event page on our  Grad College webpage. We'll be at fairs and   have tabling events. We also have Grad 201, which  is a great session to attend as it gives a little   bit more in-depth information on some of those  departmental requirements you may have. So keep   looking out for some events that we'll have  and attend as many as you can. And with that,  

I'm going to go ahead and stop sharing my screen  and pass it over to my colleague, Dr. Davis,   and Dr. Hu, who Marlena and I will be going  back and forth on these slides to talk about   a lot of different parts of the technology side  of business, some of the programs, kind of what's   going on in the student experience, so you'll get  a lot of good information between the three of us. So I'm going to get started; we're going to talk a   little bit about the degrees in  the technology side of business. A little bit about the business school:  the business school is AACSB accredited,   and that's the Association to Advance Collegiate  Schools of Business. Only 5% of the schools   internationally have that accreditation. So when  you look at the R1 status of the University,  

a ranked business school, and some awesome  programs that we offer at the business school,   I think you'll see that there is a lot of value  and return on your investment for whichever degree   you choose. We are again one of 5% of the schools  internationally that have that accreditation,   and we have had the accreditation since  1991. A little bit about the programs:   we have various degrees that are on the technology  side of business. We have the Master of Science   in Management Information Systems, the Master of  Science in Cybersecurity, the Master of Science in   Applied Economics and Data Intelligence, and the  Master of Science in Data Analytics. We also have   dual programs, and one of the benefits of the  dual programs is when you combine two degrees,   like the Master of Business Administration and  Master of Science, you graduate with both degrees,   and there are a few credits that are shared, so  you're not completing both of them separately;   you're completing them together and saving  a few credits while you're doing that. So  

we have the MBA/MIS, the MIS/Cybersecurity  dual degree, the MBA/Computer Science degree,   and the Hotel Administration and MIS degree.  We also have graduate certificates available,   so sometimes that works really well if you're not  sure which area you'd like to go into, and instead   of committing to a full master's degree program,  you could start with one of the certificate   programs, kind of get an idea of what that area  will cover, and then those courses that you've   taken in the certificate will transfer into the  master's degree program. So we do have three here:   Business Analytics, Cybersecurity, and Management  Information Systems. So I'm going to go ahead   and turn it over to Dr. Hu, who's going to talk a  little bit about the different degrees. Thank you. Hi, everyone! Welcome to the information  session. I'm the Graduate Coordinator of  

the MS MIS program, so I'm going to go over  those programs with you briefly, and we   will have time to take your questions. For the  degree of MIS (Management Information Systems),   we focus on applying technology in organizations.  So this is a very broad degree, I would say,   and in every organization, we are going to use  technology in some way. So this is a very good  

degree that has great potential for you to further  develop your career. After completing this degree,   you will be able to understand how to  apply technology, how to assess technology,   and whether it is appropriate to apply certain  technology in your organization. The program   structure is 36 credits, and you will have 12  credits that are elective that you can choose from   any business school courses. For example, some of  our students would like to focus more on finance   or management skills. Then they can take finance  courses or management courses, for example. So  

this is a very flexible program that can go into  different career areas that you currently have.   We also have the thesis or non-thesis track. The  thesis track focuses more on doing research, so   if you are planning to go on a PhD program, then  the thesis track is for you. The non-thesis track   focuses more on application. That means before  you graduate from our program, you are going to   work on a client project with a real client in Las  Vegas. So you will develop a system proposal or do  

an analytics project for them to gain professional  and practical experience. I think this is a very   unique experience for our students. It can be  completed in as little as 18 months because if   you are taking courses in fall, spring, and  summer, you will be able to complete it in   just three semesters. But typically, our students  complete it in two or three years. So, that means  

if you are doing it part-time, then you can take  a little bit longer, but if you do it full-time,   two years is the normal period to expect to  complete the degree. Our courses are offered   in two different modes: in-person or remote. So  you get to choose what is more suitable for you,   and some are offered in hybrid. At the bottom of  this page, we specifically want to emphasize that   this program is STEM designated. So that means  after graduation, if you are an international  

student, you have a longer period of time  for your Optional Practical Training (OPT),   and for domestic students, this is  also beneficial for you with the STEM   designation. That means you are recognized  as a STEM-ed professional after you graduate. So, MS Cybersecurity is also STEM  designated. It focuses specifically   on cybersecurity more as compared to the  MIS program. In the cybersecurity program,  

we expect you to have some background  in technology already. If you don't,   you can still enroll in this program, but we are  going to ask you to take some foundational classes   as a condition before you can formally enroll  in the cybersecurity course. But don't worry,   we have those courses ready, so if you  do not have a technology background,   you are still covered. The credit hours for this  program are 30 credits, and we try to make this   accommodate for current full-time workers. That  means the courses are offered in the evening or  

during the night so that you can still take  the courses while you have a full-time job. We also offer online courses for both  the MIS and cybersecurity programs. That   means both degrees can be completed fully online. So we also have MS Applied Economics  and Data Intelligence. This program   is offered between our program and also the  Econ program, so you get to benefit from both   programs. That means you will know how to use  technology tools to analyze data (that is the   data intelligence part). You will also  learn the basics of economic modeling,  

understanding the theories behind data  analytics. So you're not just analyzing the data;   you understand the phenomena and the theory  behind it. It can be completed in as little   as 18 months because the credit requirement is  also 36 credits, and this is also STEM designated.

The MS Data Analytics course is another degree  that we offer. This is a collaboration between   many different colleges in UNLV, as you can see  we put it on the slide that this is between the   Business School, the College of Engineering, and  also Hospitality and Statistics if you want to   take courses from them. This is unique in terms of  the skill sets you are going to get trained in. It   focuses very specifically on the technological  skills you need for analytics. As you see on   the slide, it's a combination of six different  colleges that will offer the courses for you.   For example, you learn the technical skills from  the MS program, but you may want to apply it in a   different career path like Hospitality. Then, the  MS Data Analytics degree is a very appropriate,  

very good program that you can consider. It's  based on the program I just talked about. We also offer the Dual Degree program, as Dr.  Lisa Davis just mentioned. You can complete two   degrees at once with fewer credit hours.  For example, the Dual MBA/MS MIS program  

is only 54 credits total. That means you  complete 24 credits in MIS and 30 in MBA,   as compared to 36 in MIS because we consider  some courses are overlapping between the two   degrees. So that's why we reduce some of the  credit requirements from the MS side. In the   next slide, you will see that these are the  courses required for the Dual Degree program. On the MBA side, you only need to take 30 credits,  which is 10 courses that cover accounting,   leadership, finance, and everything. So that is  the basics of the MBA program. For the MS side,   you will take courses on strategy, project  management, and modeling of the system,   and more. These are just the  fundamental courses of the MIS side,  

and you also get to choose two elective  courses. As you can see, MS 781 here is   a client project that was the client project  I mentioned that you get to work with a real   client on a system project so that you get  practical experience before you graduate. For the Dual MIS/Cybersecurity, we have  a lot of overlap between the two degrees,   so you will only complete 48 credits,  and then you get both of the degrees.

I think on the next slide, you can  see the details of the courses. On   the MS in Cybersecurity side, you will  take courses in software concepts,   meaning you learn how to program. So these are  the fundamental courses you are going to take   before the Cybersecurity program. Also, the  Cybersecurity program covers more advanced  

security operations and some cyber-physical  system security. We have a designated lab you   can work on to have some simulations between  cyberattacks and defense. We also have a Cyber   Clinic where our students work for clients to  work on different cases of cybersecurity attacks. We also have an MBA/MS Computer Science  dual degree. I think the main difference  

between Computer Science and MIS is that  MIS focuses more on the application side,   but Computer Science focuses more on  the technical background. So if you   are looking for something that is  solid programming and algorithms,   then you probably will go for the Computer  Science program. But if you are looking more   into applying technology in organizations,  then you would look into the MIS program. In the next slide, you can see the MBA  side of the program remains the same:   accounting, leadership, finance, and so  forth. And the Computer Science side is   focused more on the CS courses that you can  imagine, more hardcore technical courses.

So, the Dual Hotel Administration (HOA)/MS MIS  is a very popular degree for those who work in   the hospitality area. The credit hours are 48  credits, 24 for each side. On the HOA side, you   are going to take courses specifically designed  for a hospitality background, like housekeeping,   laws of innkeeping, and food services operations  (INOS) in hospitals, and so forth. The MS MIS   remains the same, so those are the fundamental  courses that we require for the MIS degree. Okay, so we have a lot of variations for  technology depending on what you're interested in,   and that's something that Doctor Who can talk  to you about and find out which option would be   best for whatever you plan on doing for a career.  When you look at all of those different degrees,   we did have some estimates to show you the  return on your investment. You're going to   pay anywhere from in-state tuition between  $22,000 to $25,000 for in-state tuition for   the programs, and out-of-state tuition  somewhere between $32,000 to $48,000,   and those are some estimates. But when you look  at the degree and the knowledge you're getting  

from any one of those degrees, it definitely  allows you a great return on your investment. I'm going to hand it back to Hanen to talk a  little bit more about the types of jobs you can   get in those various areas. Yeah, thank you. So  as Dr. Davis said, this is a very good return on   investment because this is just a breakdown of  salary after getting a master's degree in MIS,   for example. People can work as a project  manager or a developer, and the salary is   above $100K. This is the data from the 2022 IS  Job Index, and you can also consider different   job careers like advisor, consultant, or  analyst, which is very popular nowadays. On the next page, you can see more examples  of jobs that you can work in, as compared to   other degrees like biotechnology, pharmaceuticals,  information technology is still on the top and has   the highest salary that you can possibly earn.  Also, the IT jobs have the highest growth rate,  

and this data is from the US Bureau of  Labor Statistics. You can see that the   security analyst, if you graduate with an MS in  Cybersecurity, is the job you are looking for,   with a growth rate of over 35%, and computer  system analyst and software developer are   also high-demand jobs that you can  consider after getting an IT degree. US News on career opportunities ranks software  developer highest. If you are an MS graduate,  

this is where a lot of our students go to work  for a software company as a software developer.   Security analyst is another high-demand job, as  well as IT manager. These are some opportunities   for technology degrees. From Glassdoor, this  is a little bit old, and the salary is much  

higher than what we have on the slide right  now. Some other jobs that I haven't mentioned   include Enterprise Architect, which means you  will design the system architecture for the   entire organization, or a Cloud Engineer.  Everything is on the cloud nowadays,   so if you work as an engineer for your  company, you are considered a Cloud Engineer,   and the salary and job openings, as  you can see on the side, are very high. So, those slides I just showed you are the  national survey data, but for MIS at UNLV, this   is the survey that we did. Our job placement rate  is really high. Within six months of graduation,   87% of our students get a job, and just in Las  Vegas, the local demand is very high. They love  

UNLV students because I've heard from employers  that if you can survive two years of study or four   years of study at UNLV, then you can survive  Las Vegas. So, we've heard a lot of positions   opened in the past year in Las Vegas, and I hope  you can be one of our graduates who fill those   jobs. The average salary for our graduates  is more than $71,000 with zero experience. These are some testimonies from our  own graduates from the past spring   semester. I will give you a minute to  read the testimonies from our students. Rahim just graduated, and before graduation,  he already got several job offers. Tony is a   graduate from the Cybersecurity program,  and he also took our MIS courses. I know  

him personally as well, and the Cybersecurity  program is right now a very high-demand program. Su is a dual-degree MS MIS/Cybersecurity. She  started as an MIS student but later on figured   out she has more interest in cybersecurity, so she  enrolled in the dual-degree program. I think that  

helps her because the MIS background helped  her develop further skills in cybersecurity. Norman is a dual MBA/MS program, and  from his testimony, you can see that   the MBA/MS is actually a very good  dual-degree program to consider.   It has the two sides of skills you will  need to be successful in organizations. Thank you, Dr. Hu. It gives you a little bit  of information about some of the students,  

and I know we have students that  are dispersed not only locally but   across the states within these different  industries. So I'm going to talk... Well,   actually, Marlene is going to talk a little  bit about her experience within the Lee   Business School as a graduate student,  so I'm going to turn it over to Marlena. Hi, everyone. So my name is Marlena Gatlin. I'm  currently a graduate student at Lee Business   School, so I'm currently pursuing my MBA,  so my Master's of Business Administration.   So I've actually had opportunities to  take elective courses in some of the   courses that Doctor Who touched on, so in  MIS, accounting, and MGT, so management,   entrepreneurship, and technology. So it's given me  that holistic option of taking business courses.

Reflecting back on my journey, Lee Business  School has provided such a supportive   environment where I've had the opportunity  to learn from brilliant professors and then   also collaborate with diverse students  and classmates. So for me personally,   things that I've enjoyed have been the  elective courses because I've had the   opportunity to connect with students in  different degrees. So I've networked with   students who are maybe pursuing a Master's  degree in Management Information Systems and   other technology-related degrees. I'm able to  ask them about their experiences or whether or  

not I should be pursuing a dual degree. So it's  fun to connect with those other students that   are in different degrees with you because  you get a different perspective on things. And also, when you're working on group projects,  you can connect with different people. So you  

have an MBA student, maybe you have an accounting  student, and together you put together this huge   group project and just get a holistic review  of business, which I think is really exciting. And then I've also enjoyed the graduate student  lounge. So it's located on the second floor of the   BEH building, and it's a dedicated study space for  graduate students directly at Lee Business School.   It's nice just to be in there and talk to other  students and see what they have going on. They   also have snacks, and then just that study space  to connect with other students. I think people   often forget that it's here, but it is here.  It's on the second floor of the B building.

And then lastly, something that I found beneficial  was the different course modalities. So depending   on which degree you're looking at, there's  that flexibility of choosing the course that   fits best with your schedule because some of the  courses are hybrid. So one week you're in person,   the next week you're virtual. There  are also courses that are web-based,   and then there are some courses that are  completely in person. So depending on what   fits best with your schedule and the pace that you  want to set for yourself, and also depending on   which type of learner you are, you get to choose  what works best for you and how you learn best. So yeah, pursuing a graduate degree has been a  transformative chapter in my life, and I'm happy   to answer any questions on the student experience  side if you have anything. Thanks, Marlena.

We're going to talk a little bit more about  the student experience as well. I mean,   one of the reasons you're probably thinking about  going back to graduate school is to either maybe   move up the ladder in your current company,  maybe retool into a different area. There's a   lot of different reasons why people do go back to  grad school, so timing is important because you're   going to have time and money that are going to  be put forth to obtain that degree. So we do have  

a Career and Professional Development Office  that kind of helps you wherever you're at in   your career. We do have some students that may be  coming right out of undergrad into grad programs   that may need a little bit more help earlier in  their career. We also have some individuals that   have been working for a number of years, maybe  in one area, and have switched, they're program   switchers. They have a different set of needs that  the Career Services Office can help them with. We also have dedicated interview rooms, so  I think that's really helpful for students   no matter what area they're in in the business  school to connect with them early and often. So  

once they finish their degree program, they're  kind of where they want to be at that point.   And also with the Graduate Coordinator  of the different programs, like Dr. Hu,   she has connections within the areas, and I know  I do the same thing for a lot of our MBA students.   Our alums will come back and hire different  students, they're opening positions, and they   come back to UNLV to recruit for those positions.  So we do share those positions individually,   Graduate Coordinators, and also within Handshake  in our Career and Professional Development   Office. So there are a lot of different ways  to find out what opportunities are out there.

UNLV has a main Career Services Office as  well, and they have a career fair coming up   soon. So they usually do one to two of those a  year where you can connect with employers. And   I think it's a great way to start talking  to employers before you want that job. So   connecting with them early and often so that  when you're ready to make that leap, to really   put in those job applications, you're already  kind of connected with some of those folks.

My favorite thing about the Lee Graduate  experience for students is that you're not just   going to class to get a degree. If you're going to  get a degree, you can just do it online anywhere.   But Lee really does provide you with more of a  student experience. We have student associations,   there's the MBA Student Association, there's the  MIS Society, there's different organizations that   you can get involved with not only as a member  but maybe an active member that you could hold   a leadership role in one of these organizations so  that you can work on some of those skills as well. Speaker series and student mixers we offer,  Rebel Venture Fund is another opportunity.   And then international trips. This picture  is from Alibaba headquarters in Hangzhou,   China. This past year we went to Italy,  and on that Italy trip we had MBA students,  

MIS students, accounting students, and  students from the hotel. So it was nice   for them to kind of get to know each other  while studying business and sustainability   abroad. So there's a lot of opportunities  for you to really connect and establish those   friendships and relationships that, in a lot of  cases, last a lot longer than your coursework. These are some pictures from some of our  previous international trips. We went to China,  

SEI Industries was one of the domestic  companies that we visited there. But we   don't all do just business visits; we  also do culture visits. This picture   from Russia is the oldest Kremlin in Russia,  it's in Nizhny Novgorod, and we were able to   do that cultural visit to find out a lot  more not only about business but culture. And then in Italy also, this was the trip this  past summer with a group of students. We were  

able to learn more about their businesses and the  sustainable practices that they use within those   businesses. We also do social events. I know  one thing for the MIS program, their students   are encouraged through their professors to get  engaged with a couple of events each semester.   So we do offer like I mentioned the speaker  series. We have H bowling, karaoke that we do,   and hiking. We started hiking during the pandemic  to get people together and to connect safely,   so that's been something that's been pretty  popular. But I think the all-time most favorite   event is karaoke. I don't know why, but Lee  Graduate Business School students love to sing,  

so this has been our best-attended year after  year. So it's a great way to get to know the   students in the classroom but then get to know  them more personally outside the classroom. We also add business visits. It's nice. Dr. Hu  mentioned the client project, but also being able   to find out a little bit more about the businesses  that we have locally. And they do look for talent,   so being able to connect with those folks  and find out what opportunities there are.   City National Arena, home of the Golden Knights,  find out a little bit more about how they engage   in the community and what they look for in their  talent. T-Mobile Arena, where the Golden Knights  

play, a lot more about that facility that is  sustainable. And then Area 15, we visited that   when it was just a shell, and seeing that whole  experience come to fruition was pretty amazing. We also do VA Hospital visits, where we  had some of their leadership talk about   the different roles and how a VA hospital is  different than a private hospital. And we did   have one student during that that ended  up with a great job through that visit. President's Innovations Challenge, this is  the second year that we've had the President's   Innovations Challenge. And I think both years,  the top three winners, they did have business  

students on those teams. So we really do make  a difference and allow you to kind of look at   those ideas. This last one was sustainability and  kind of move that idea forward. So that's a great   opportunity for students. We did another business  visit at Blackfire, learned a lot more about what   they do in the community, but not only that,  they have a lot of resources for students there.   So we were able to find out a lot of ways that  students could partner with the Innovation Center.

Third, we'll talk a little bit about the  application process. And again, these are   general because each program, its application  process is similar but different. So these   are the deadlines. We have a fall, spring, and a  summer deadline. I know for some of the programs,  

you can enter the program in fall, spring, or  summer, other programs it might be a fall start.   So definitely after this presentation,  when Lori sends this information out,   please reach out to us and find the specifics  about that particular technology degree that   you're interested in so that we can give you  all of that information about that program. These are some of the options that some  programs, again, will require an entrance exam,   others won't. So finding out the specific  information about the particular degree   that you're interested in. And also, thinking  about this early so that you can meet those   deadlines to be able to get in the semester  that you're interested in. And hopefully,   one of those deadlines will  work with your timeline.

A little bit about the GMAT and GRE. We do have  some programs again that will require these exams,   others won't. But I wanted to just give you a  little bit of an introduction. This will also,   when Lori sends these out, you'll be able to  kind of click through and find out a little   bit more information about these. So the  GMAT information you can find on Both the GMAT and the GRE are in the middle of a  transition. They are streamlining both of those   exams, making them shorter and, I think,  more applicable for students. For example,   the GMAT's going from a 4-hour  test to a 2 and a half-hour test,   and they're using the same content  but streamlining it. So I think that  

experience will be definitely great for  our students that take the GMAT or the GRE. GRE, different process, very similar test.  They both have the verbal and the quantitative   sections on them. Both of them, if you're  required to take it for your program, it's   not a test you want to cram for. It's one that  you want to spend a little bit of time preparing   for. And my experience with my Ph.D. program, I  had to take the GRE. I didn't have enough time,  

I had everything kind of... I didn't have  everything in order to study for the GRE.   And for me, it was a good test because if I  couldn't take the time to study for the test,   I wasn't going to be able to take the time to  study for class. So for me, it was an eye-opener,   and I delayed my admission for a year and made  sure I had everything ready for me to be able   to invest the time and money that I needed into my  Ph.D. program. So that's what the GRE did for me,   was kind of allowed me to help structure my  study time so when I got into my classes,   I was successful because I was used to  dedicating that study time for my GRE. Office of Graduate Student Services. If  you're interested in any of these programs,  

want to find out about the admission  requirements, the process, the deadlines,   please reach out to us. If you're interested in  finding out more about those specific programs,   Doctor Who has the technical expertise and  knowledge that she'll be able to kind of help   you find out which program works best for  you, and we can help you with the nuts and   bolts of the application. So please feel free  to reach out to any of us with your questions.

2023-10-01 13:10

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