I Tested SPY Tech from TEMU

I Tested SPY Tech from TEMU

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we're on temu the place with insanely cheap and also very very questionable Tech sometimes this site promises you can shop like a billionaire all on a ramen noodle budget today we're testing a lineup of privacy gadgets each making Wilder claims than the last do they actually work let's find out first up we have the slim RFID blocking 14p piece credit card protector sleeves says anti- theft safety protection case covers the these look pretty nifty they have a uh what looks like a carbon fiber sort of design on them these came in just at $362 I'm going to take a look at the reviews here I like this one hope this works as an elder person I'm always concerned about people bumping into me if I take the time to measure my feet better all would be great I love your products and all your services keep doing what you do I'm sorry that review looks pretty suspect to me I guess the idea here is if someone um bumps against you or grabs your card they can use NFC to kind of quickly scan your details and I guess steal your credit card information oh wow people actually post pictures oh this person this person's intense every card gets a sleeve O Let's see what the video has I love when they put like house music in the video put it in your fanny pack let's put this to the test it's interesting it has the design of uh what looks like carbon fiber but when you upon closer inspection it looks more like cardboard but um we'll give him the benefit of the doubt here so so this is my uh venmo card right [Music] here it just scanned and it came up with an identifier but if we do read again and we put this in here and it appears to be working I'm going to go ahead and give it an 8 out of 10 again because it's so inexpensive and it does deliver on its use case and there's no uh exaggerated marketing on this one so 8 out of 10 next we have the rbrand mini portable camera with 360° panoramic Wireless HD video recording home Wi-Fi security with mobile phone remote for pet monitoring parking and indoor use it can stay on standby for up to 500 days so that's like a year and a half allegedly I mean who tested that right but it has enough storage to support that and apparently enough battery has a super small form factor basically a little Cube and ooh it comes with a user manual so I love the products that come with a user manual all right so the Wi-Fi band's 2.4 so if you have uh you're a dual band router you're going to want to make sure you're support recording 2.4 comes with a 32 GB memory stick all right and I'm going to go all out and buy the Super HD with 500 Days of standby time and this is going to set me back $36.4 basically um this is a hidden camera so let's go ahead and take a look at this package has a lot of details on it looks like this is coming right out of shenzen as expected okay so we have the user manual we have a micro SD card 32 GB okay so we have kind of like an arm here where you can position it we have a micro USB to USB a connector so that will help us uh get the data onto our computer once we've done our spying so that looks good all right let's take a look at the actual device so you have this kind of rectangular brick there's a number of buttons on here on off Wifi DV there is the the SIM card slot is right there the USB is right there all right so we're going to go ahead and download the app here all right so if we can't just scan this all right 4.6 wow that's impressive all right we're going to open the app so once I had the app downloaded I had to do some initial configuration giving it access to Dev devices on my network as well as my Wi-Fi credentials but once that was set up it started working pretty much right away and I was very impressed with the low latency feed that was coming from the camera onto my phone I even did a little house tour going out onto my balcony and it continued to stream pretty well and with this small profile you could hide this camera pretty much anywhere you need and have a remote feed to be able to stay on top of what's going on in your home so overall super impressed with this particularly given the price point and the software was pretty well engineered which is why it had such a good rating on the App Store I'm giving this guy a 10 out of 10 next up we have a portable professional highdef noise cancelling recorder that can basically fit on your finger and let's take a look so it's this very small sort of discret you can throw it in a purse throw it in a c try to catch your victim in a conversation and then later use that to extort large quantities of cash okay so this next product I think I may have gotten scammed because when I go to the listing page it says this item was discontinued also it says it was a pen and I see what looks like a oldfashioned condenser radio microphone so uh a bit of a disconnect there and is a portable professional highdef noise cancelling recording pen we have a very very cheap looking set of headphones here you know I haven't seen one of these in a long time this is a okay so this does have the three rings so I think that's like TRS or something to USB I don't even this almost doesn't even make sense to me but again um I'll suspend disbelief here for a bit ooh I like this I don't know why they call it a pen looks more like a vape but okay so let's try to record something right okay so we're going to turn it on I believe we're recording so we're recording it's near my mouth so it should be getting a good read although I don't know where the um microphone is on this thing just like hide it put it in someone's purse and just like record a conversation which a later point to be used against them in a court of law okay so it actually worked um obviously you guys can't hear hear that so what I'm going to do is I'm going to try to get that file this is where my computer gets hacked by China you know what for the sake of YouTube if it can't support that I don't see any Drive showing up here this guy works it records comes with headphones lets you take the um wave files on your computer and do whatever you want with them it has an incredibly small profile I'm going to give this guy a n out of 10 because I went from thinking I was scammed to getting something that really delivered okay this one I'm super excited about it's the wireless 4 megapixel light bulb security camera with 5G and 2.4g Wi-Fi 360° HD indooroutdoor surveillance system with night vision two-way audio smartphone app ideal for Home garage pet monitoring indoor camera and you get two of them for $25.99 and this is just very uh kind of

emblematic of sort of Chinese weird Tech uh you know a security camera that goes into a light bulb fixture I mean I don't even know how they get those currents to match up uh I don't think you see stuff like that in the states um I question its practicality but I Marvel at its Ingenuity and uh I'm really excited about this one I think it has potential so I'm going to go ahead get the two white ones let's see what the reviewers are saying so Crystal in the United States says this camera is awesome it's so easy to set up and start using just unscrew your light bulb and put the camera in the app is easy to install and easy to start using you can set the app to notify you when the motion sensor is activated picture quality is really good the circle under the picture allows you to move the camera from your phone I'm sorry I'm a skeptic I don't I just don't see how this is possible possible but if it delivers even like half of those features I'll be giving this a good rating ooh let's watch the promo video more house [Music] music got to love the house music puts you in the mood to surveil your loved ones all right so this thing looks really interesting I've never seen anything like this in the states I just want to take a quick peek at the stats here so it says it captures 1920p which is like approaching 4K 4 megapixels Wi-Fi audio I mean this thing does it all let's take a look at the uh user manual here let's see okay so this is going to be probably what they print out and put in the uh box itself I'm super excited about this one I have High Hopes let's go ahead and pop one of these guys open and see what we're working with here oh interesting interesting so on the web page what you see is this guy and that's really what we got to try right because I mean how do you not try that but it has this sort of adapter here so you could put it into uh I guess a wall outlet if you want just doesn't make any sense at all um you know you'd probably want a power cord or something but yeah sure let's stick it right into the wall all right so we want to use the socket connector I assume that works no guarantees cuz we're we're talking temu okay so uh let's go ahead and download the app here so I'm going to go to my camera and to click this we're going to do download the app opening the App Store all right we see an app it has 4.7 Stars that's always a good sign okay so uh just to get these paired I'm going to use the connector and then we'll we'll put it in the uh socket later once it's uh once we got it working so um I'm on the app here let me get this in [Music] here should work doesn't really like that okay that should be providing power um all right so we're going to go to add device going to go to allow for Bluetooth it's the Wi-Fi bulb camera light bulb camera here we go here we go Wi-Fi connection by QR code okay make sure power on indicator well I know it's on so I'm not going to all right so we're going to give it WiFi sure remember the password this is what's so cool is This Is How They pair them now um see I have a QR code QR code scan is successful connecting to the Wi-Fi I love that feature um and a lot I've noticed a lot of these temu products do that um it's a great feature says it's connecting we should string on the server uh I'm going to call this thousand eyes Okay and actually it seems to be working now all right so we're looking pretty good right now um not literally just uh figuratively with our product but I want to get this into the light bulb socket to see if it works I feel like we're still cheating by using the converter cuz it was marketed as a smart bulb camera so let's see how smart it is nope doesn't look like okay so uh I had to do some rumage rumaging I don't have many outlets here but I do have this one so we're going to give that a shot uh now let's see how to turn on this lamp cuz I really don't know never use this lamp all right we got to switch over here see what happens okay so this is pretty unexpected this guy blew me away um it worked right away the app was solid and the fact that you could move it from your phone like that uh I was very very impressed with I'm sure it has a slew of more features um the upsell is that if you want cloud storage you do have to pay them seems reasonable to me but you can download the videos to your device locally pretty easily so yeah I mean for the price I don't know how you beat this um very very impressed and the fact that it's voice activated and has motion detection and all that good stuff I'm going to go ahead and give this a 9.5 out of 10 okay next up we have a set of six pieces it's called the Smart Car tracker mini car keyfinder keyfinder wireless pet dog cat anti-lost alarm I'm sorry um also you can just see how many keywords they were trying to get into the title I love how that the last one here Valentine's Day gift what so you can track your spouse and sus out any infidelity I don't know where that's going but nonetheless um basically they're trying to take on air tags and I can appreciate that but will it deliver so you get six pieces $884 that's coming in at a little over a dollar a piece which is kind of crazy so let's just recap air tags how do air tags work air tags use one communication modality Bluetooth um Blu 2 and its current Incarnation has a range of about 300 ft but what they do is they use every other neighboring iPhone within proximity to spin up a mesh Network and so that's how it's able to actually give you a location is because it's actually hijacking uh surrounding phones which uh is interesting it's kind of like Amazon sidewalk uh this whole new thing um these whole new encrypted mesh networks I'm not going to get into that but so presumably this is is also using Bluetooth but Bluetooth isn't going to be able to track a car and if they don't have the proprietary iOS net mesh Network I don't see how that's going to work so I'm going to call BS on that GPS tracker for vehicle there's no GPS in this thing that's just a bold face lie but I'm going to give it the benefit of the doubt and again if it can do you know even a fraction of what it claims it can do I might be happy with it and let's see what reviewers say right it does have a 4.6 4.6 of stuff number five top rated interesting Flor Jasmine in the United States says I love them I thought they gone be really tiny but for my surprise they are a comfy size I put them in the keys on the car and on the pets they were great so I I don't know if I can trust someone whose command of the English language is well anyways I'll just give them the benefit of the ah here we go I think that these mini tracker tags are exceptionally good even though they were Bluetooth and not GPS they were rather well I enjoy the alarms that are on them to those that are exceptional thank you and keep up the good work okay so now we're getting a little bit warmer got to love all the ooh we got a trailer video [Music] Diana Ramirez let's go I'll try them out with my kids and then let you know yeah Stakes aren't that high it's only your kids what could possibly go wrong A lot of people are buying these though I I mean The Price is Right but I got to say can they really compete with air tags doubtful we'll see so I don't know if this is just a scam or what but let's uh see what we got here so all right so we've got a bountiful uh number of uh tags along with their little tethers that are quite nice we have key Rings um these have little plastic clips that are probably separating the battery from the inductor okay this one actually looks quite nice the design is really cool actually um they're quite compact they look like the um they an air tag uh competitor uh called like chipolo or something like that this looks like that when the product is out of range with your phone's Bluetooth the alert will be triggered in both of the product of your phone and last lost location ah okay so it's not really going to track my vehicle it's just going to tell me my vehicle is departed from my current location which does have some utility in some use cases actually I'm thinking like maybe for a pet it could make some sense although you know when I'm thinking about Bluetooth range you're probably not going to lose your pet within like 300 ft but I'm still curious how this thing works so took a little finesse on that one all right and then we see an app called I searching 1.8 Stars not looking too promising but let's see here all right so it should should pick up on this thing maybe I have to hold the button oh okay all right so this little thing just made a noise when I held the button I see a blinking blue LED which looks promising and I also see uh my ey tag here so I'm going to click into that I'm going to go to setting device not connected please try again after connecting the device [Music] um okay so I just connected I clicked connect um now there's a button that says click alarm ooh that's cool this thing's already pretty good I mean this I'm literally like 5 minutes in here and this thing's already uh working pretty well so okay so I can talk to this with my phone what else can we do here um I'm going to see if the map is giving us anything I don't see anything okay so I think what happens is um you can press the button on this at any point and it will Mark your location now this doesn't know your location but what it does is it tells your phone which does have a GPS to mark your location so little slight of hand there but still works kind of um but you cannot just throw this on a truck and expect to have uh remote tracking on that truck that's not how this works it is reliant on close proximity and largely Bluetooth so I don't know there's some applications I'm more impress that like it's designed well and it works well but it's nothing new uh nothing groundbreaking in terms of uh its capabilities but I'm going to give this a solid eight out of 10 um because the whole thing was $9 I don't know how that was $9 but it was um so really good job I'm not going to leave this guy on because I don't know if it's siphoning my data or what have you but um I'm impressed with that so overall I'm going to give these an 8 out of 10 just because they were so easy to use they don't quite deliver on the use case of uh for instance luggage finder um basically what they can do is connect to your phone via Bluetooth and then the moment they leave the Bluetooth range on your phone they can start beeping and they can notify you on your phone so you know maybe there's some use cases there in terms of homesteading and having a dog but even there I would be a little hesitant to use them but they do work for um that very narrow use case and uh for the price uh I don't think you can beat it so I'm going to go ahead and give these an 8 out of 10 now they're not quite like air tags air tags they also use Bluetooth but they have a proprietary Network where it can ping off of uh iPhones within proximity and that's kind of what gives them their broader utility but without any GPS or any cellular any long long range communication these are very very limited but I'm still pretty impressed and if you want to keep something nearby and be alerted when it leaves maybe like a phone or something maybe like a butt b or a vesa or something um these might be a good option for you maybe like a bike or a vesa or um an elderly parent these might be a good option for you but if you're trying to keep track of something like I don't know a Vespa or a grandma these might be a good option for you so I'm impressed with the value this one's going to be an interesting one the infrared sensing sweep hidden camera detectors GPS tracker detector so let's take a look at the user manual hello dear how are you all right so this thing has multiple utilities it has a sort of EMF which basically could detect like things like a wireless signal it's supposed to have a GPS tracker and then it's also supposed to have a sort of like infrared uh view scope where you can try to sus out any cameras like this is what you use like when you go to an Airbnb and you want to make sure you're not being filmed in the bathroom and then the footage footage being sold on on the dark web so you can do a scan of your entire Airbnb and you can see if there's like wireless cameras or um uh any sort of like devices in the vents or wall outlets or like in TV shows like the camera's always in the eye of like a teddy bear so that would be my first place to check press the function key to switch the infrared detection funion funion pull out the infrared Optical lens for the precise loing press the function key again to switch the Greenlight GPS positioning detection mode GPS does not use very strong signals well the other thing is the GPS it's GPS receivers like the there's no emission GPS emissions like those those GPS trackers are receiving the waves that are already coming from the satellite so I'm I'm calling BS on that one it just doesn't doesn't make sense in my mind so we got this guy for $12.75 and we'll see if it can deliver

on any four of these capabilities so this one has also been discontinued but packaging is quite nice so if that's any indication this should be promising says anti- tapping anti- pinhole camera antiphone surveillance and anti- positioning I guess that's how it says GPS so let's give this a whirl packaging is on point I'll give it that and and let's see here so we have RS compliant that's always a good thing okay I like the aesthetic here let's see ooh this thing's cool of course probably doesn't come with batteries ooh USBC connector right here that's um unexpected got our old school oh is that as high as it goes we got our old school um little uh antenna there um I'm not feeling any batteries in here let me else ah we got some other goodies all right so we got we got wet wipes that's nice we got a pretty comprehensive user manual I'll take it and we have a USBC to USB a connector quite small but is what it is the new generation of detectors adopts military quality more accurately indicates the strength of the signal and adopts an efficient and convenient method so that all products that violate your personal privacy have nowhere to hide that's some good M marketing copy right there the device uses US military technology I'm sorry I I it's just it's just great and exclusively develops various Market oriented bugs car trackers mobile mobile phone undercover software Wireless pinhole cameras surveillance cameras Casino fraud and cheating equipment scandalous um you got to love there's a category called cheating equipment um the product fully meets the civilian and police reconnaissance functions in this field at the same time the amplitude detection of electrical radiation sources can protect you and your family from electromagnetic wave radiation this this product takes the lead in adopting the digital receiving method which is different from the products on the market it not only broadens the frequency of exploration but also effectively avoids messy signals in life from interfering with your products that is some gr a marketing copy I'm going to give it give it a solid nine in terms of marketing right there this is kind of blinding a little bit this thing totally just vibrated on me so the flashlight seems to work work albeit it's not very powerful when it comes to the EMF detection it it does seem to work in the sense that if I put it near something like my router my phone it will set off the alarm but it's not able to actually detect sources of EMF radiation okay I need you to take this and hide it somewhere in the couch and I'm going to use the uh Wireless scanner to find it but don't tell me okay so just behind one of the pillows or something I had my girlfriend put a camera in the couch and then I swept the couch to try to find it and I wasn't able to find it using this device GPS tracker doesn't seem to work at all there's just a single LED here and and I wasn't able to get it to alarm when it was within the vicinity of GPS enabled devices finally the infrared this is kind of interesting so I had to find something that gives off infrared and it turns out Apple TV remotes have this feature and so I went into my bathroom where it was dark I looked through the uh infrared scope but it wasn't able to show me any of the infrared light and it wasn't able to point out the camera you could see the infrared using my iPhone but you couldn't see it using the infrared scope so that really didn't work either so I put this to the test and it wasn't able to deliver for me in the way I would have liked I put a streaming camera in my couch and it couldn't really find it but there were lots of false positives I could see how that could get someone to think that maybe it's actually working is it detecting something maybe but it's just not accurate enough and there's just too much uh too many false positives to make this thing useful so uh and then the infrared detection thing doesn't work at all I don't see how it could so I'm going to give this guy I mean the Aesthetics nice and uh it seems like it's working but I just don't think it is um I think the designers had good intentions uh but it just can't quite deliver so I'm going to give this guy because the Design's good and it actually did turn on and all that stuff and it gives you it gives you the illusion of functionality uh but doesn't quite get there I'm going to give it a three out of 10 so which one of these items was your favorite let me know in the comments and check out one of my other videos right here thank you

2025-02-10 15:57

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