I Tested EVERY Eight Sleep Pod… This is Best!

I Tested EVERY Eight Sleep Pod… This is Best!

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in this video I'm comparing every single eight sleep pod that I have from the Pod 2 to the Pod 3 to the Pod 4 ultra I want to test their claims what's the power consumption how good and fast is it at Heating and Cooling what are the noise levels like and how's the sensation the Comfort the leak proofness of every version let's get into it now the very first test is doing the Pod 2 this is the OG one I actually purchased this on my own before I getting any of these other ones for free this is the Pod 2 Queen um and typically this is a very original model I did cover it with a waterproof thing just in case so I'm not the biggest fan you can buy a mattress with the eight sleep cover but I'm not a fan it's too firm so I did buy this one it's a little softer um and then when you add the cover on it can slightly change the firmness of your mattress um this one did have one of those special covers where you slide it underneath but we just never put it on but here you can kind of start to feel the tubing oh wow I can even if I stick my finger down like it get stuck on the tubing if I stick it down this is the middle of the tubing how much more compression there is because of these massive gaps very easy to feel on this um which also if you have animals is this potentially getting damaged and leaking much higher because the only thing between this is this thin sheet and it's super thin and then it's the tubing right underneath like I could probably rip this open and we could see the tubing if we wanted to the chances of this leaking is much higher than any of the other versions now remember if you do plan to buy any eight sleap use the link in my description and use discount code shervin it should be stackable when you click that link I make some commission and it helps support the channel so I can keep making videos like this so I really appreciate it it is at no cost to you now let's test how long it takes for the acle Pod 2 to reach its coldest setting put it to the coldest temperature and then we're going to start a clock start starting the stopwatch we got cooling I'm on both sides according to this the ambient temperature is 81° f doesn't feel that warm 41% humidity and we've officially we're inching very close but we're about to hit the 55° mark here on the coldest setting and it took us almost 50 minutes so you could say 45 to 60 minutes probably depending on ambient temperatures to hit the coldest setting we started at about 72° fhe so let's double check that the cover is actually 55 to 56° fhe the first way we test that is with this thermal gun so we're going to pull it off obviously there's a layer of a sheet on here so we'll pull that off too point this at the sheet and we'll get some temperatures we're reading about 68 let's use our Fleer thermal camera here and this is showing 60° on the cover padding so it's definit cooling it's just taking a while or the sensor thinks it's actually warmer than it is so it's about 62 right now or the Hub the hub's definitely emitting hot air and you can see the cold air coming out from the back as you can see here it's actually there's so much heat being dissipated from the main unit that the wall over here is getting warm but it is sending cold water into the bed so we can see it's cooling the mattress but it's definitely heating up the Hub and there's heat getting emitted onto the wall behind the Hub and just to show you this is a dual zone so you can have the left side as one temperature and the right side as another temperature you can see how it's split up there's a small angle here that doesn't get covered but you can have different temperatures for each side of the bed one thing you do want to make sure when you're cooling and heating it have covers on top it's going to allow it to cool and heat as fast as possible but yeah I think it's at 60° F right now and I can feel the cool water below me it's almost like it feels like it's wet below me but it's not in terms of the tubing I think because I'm wearing clothes depending on what you'd wear the types of sheets that you have below it I would say I can feel the tubing somewhat well on my legs but since I'm wearing clothes in my upper body I can't feel it as much but I do feel the cold water below me so the tubing is interchangeable uh sometimes you can have a pod 3 cover and the Pod 2 Hub they all use the same usba a port and then the kind of the four pieces right here so we'll show you uh when I pull it out this is the single usba port it's attached to the tubing itself and that's how they send the data and information to the tubing we pull this out you want to be careful cuz sometimes water can spill but all of the eight sleeves from the Pod two to the pod 4 will have the same exact four inputs so two for the one side and two for the other side of the bed uh as well as a usba a that is adjacent to the tubing ports on the Hub itself might be in a different spot but they're using the same uh four units for water pumping usba this one has a big button here and a small button here you can use that for snoozing the alarm as well as resetting the Wi-Fi and then you have your classic power cable here which a lot of very similar devices will use this power cable um like your PC monitors and things like that so let's plug this bad boy back in let's see how much time the Pod 2 needs to reach its maximum temperature so now it is heating up and then we're going to go to our handy dandy clock hit start for the timer start uh it's currently at 66° F it says it took an hour and 7 minutes to get to the heat which is about 20 minutes more maybe 15 minutes more than the cool this right here says 110° F so we're going to test with the temperature gun as well as a thermal camera oh it's definitely warm so we're getting a surface temperature of 95° FS thermal camera here is showing about 100 1045 it's pretty warm you can see all the heat that's coming from the the cover on both sides and just so you can know the ambient temperature is still 81 it's been 81 during this entire test according to this aware monitor let's check out how the Hub interacts with the cover when it's being hot all right so we know that the cover is being heated it's showing you know very high temperatures and it's even 107 at the tubing itself but if you look at the Hub here the Hub is actually cold so the Top of the Hub is cold there is some heat on the bottom so let's get a little closer in so in the same spots before where it used to be hot right there it's now cold um but it's pumping hot air so it's cooling or it's emitting cold air out of the back and then it's emitting hot water out of the tubing so whatever you do the opposite type of air is going to come out of the Hub thermal camera is showing 90° f as well you can see all the padding right there this is kind of how it looks on the edges there's not as much let's see the noise levels for the eight sleep pod 2 when it's trying to reach its maximum cold and maximum hot temperature all right currently we Heating and it looks like we're trying to go to 110° F it's at 76 at the moment this is Max heating um and you can even see the volume is actually at 42 DB uh so it's actually 10 DB quieter when it Heats versus cooling on the Pod [Music] two and what about energy consumption how much energy does the eight sleep pod 2 use to reach its lowest and highest temperatures so right now 09 amps 5.5 watts and 0 Kow hours we're going to now see how long it takes to heat so we'll come here it's it's at its coldest temperature we're going to go all the way to 110 um and if we come look at this amps now we're getting 2.36 amps 272 watts and 0 Kow hours we're going to see how much power it consumes to get to its Max temperature in the next time interesting so the watts are a little bit higher when it Heats uh the amps are about the same inch a little bit lower a big question I get is how do I change the plus one to the actual temperatures of the eight sleep let me show you how same device different phones as you can see here it shows 110° F and it shows the temperatures all the way to 55° F I can do it by 1° at a time whereas this is actually by + 10 and then minus 10 um and the way to change this because they're going to show temperature in minus or plus here and then it's actually showing Fahrenheit values you want to go to menu experimental features and turn on use real temperatures and that's going to allow you to choose between Celsius and Fahrenheit and then you can see real temperatures if you want this is all beta it's kind of a Labs I prefer it because I have more control in terms of the specific temperatures I can put in and it just looks cooler for videos but that's how you would change your app from this normal view to the experimental view so these are all the devices we've got the total gigabytes used in the last 30 days 6 terabytes download one terab upload um and I could change it if I wanted to um but you can see how much the C like big computers use a ton of data for video our live Nest cameras you upload about 70 GB in 30 days uh and then if we scroll down we have the eight sleep pod 2 which uploaded 18 GB in 30 days 2.4 GHz connection here's the same IP address that we saw we can go ahead and check the past performance maybe we go to 30 days and you can see so last night I slept on it today I also slept on it maybe it uploads 6 gbes per night these nights I was actually not here but it's still uploading about half a gigabyte I was out of town at another house um but you can see 18 GB of total upload and the real time usage right there um in comparison most devices probably you know get around 10 GB 1 to 5 GB of upload download the8 sleep has gotten yep 8 GB of upload in the last 7 Days half GB download next up was the Pod 3 Queen it's one of the newer pod 3s there's actually two variations I'll show you the two different ones this one has a kind of expandable cover it doesn't come with a mattress and you can just put this over your mattress up to here and then this goes underneath your mattress to hold it nice firm and tight so the cover doesn't move or fall off so this is how it fits underneath the mattress you can see there's about a foot maybe of extended pieces that go underneath the mattress and I'll show you the other variation of the Pod 3 which is the older one that I had that came with an actual eight Sleep mattress now sadly this was my first eight sleep that leaked I have four eight sleeps and this one officially leaked so now I just need to go through the warranty process I'll have a video on that soon of what it's like when you get a leak and what to do um and what the experience is like um but yeah let's let's go ahead and test the Pod 3 and how it performs with the Pod 2 versus the Pod 4 these are the ambient temperatures it's 80° F in this room and 67% humidity let's do a quick noise test it's actually running daily maintenance right now which is a task where it kind of just make sure that everything looks good and H is good so it is emitting a bit of noise and I want you to see how much noise it emits in Daily maintenance mode this room is a bit louder Baseline noise levels in this room are now let's see the noise that this is emitting right now what it's that so 47 decimals when it's doing the daily Min there's a little bit of whining and this is kind of what it sounds like so it's using about 50 DB to uh cool it down right now um this is kind of what it sounds like pretty quiet it's actually for some reason quieter than pod 4 right now right cuz that one's a bit just like you know two three DB louder but it's doing its job chugging along it's time to cool so we're going to power this on it's currently at 80° the bed is so we're going to cool to 55 F I guess that is technically disadvantaged because it is a bit warmer than the other ones that we had ran we're going to go ahead and start the timer here reset and start the timer see how fast it can cool down to that temperature and if I feel it right now it definitely feels cold that's for sure just the way I like it freezing cold update it's been about an hour the other two ones took 50 minutes to cool for some reason this guy is like chugging along I think there's something just unique happening here whether it's the sheets the ambient temperature that's causing it to be extremely slow it's currently at 68° F and if we come test it here the cover temperature says 74 on this thermometer now compared to the Pod two there is a little bit more cushion it's like the middle one between the the ones but I can let's see if we can feel the tubing so that right here I feel tubing I can stick my hand in those holes I feel them again this one is square the Pod two pod three are square whereas the Pod four is more of a circular format um so I can definitely feel the tubing still but there is a a just a little bit more of a cushion so you feel it less but if you really press with your fingers you can feel that tubing as you go across you can even see it now with these ridges that I've developed if I just draw my fingers right down there in terms of leaking this one's just a little bit better than the Pod two the Pod 4 is the best and the sturdiest I think out of all of them comfort-wise I they used to sell an h s mattress and they still sometimes do I think their mattress is a bit firm so I don't like it I do have the AEP mattress on this bed I did buy a memory foam that I put between the cover and the mattress and that just makes it a bit softer and I don't feel it as much so that's something you can do the one thing to know is cuz the other model I had it thickens your m mattress it can cause the cover to move around a bit so just keep that in mind if you're adding layers I recommend you get a mattress that you love nothing else and then the eight sleeve cover and if you do use discount card shervin to get the best deal possible it usually stacks on discounts and click the link in the description cuz that also helps support the channel we make a little bit of money and it's at no cost to you we're just going to stop this and we're actually going to switch it to heat and see how long it takes to heat from here to 110° f um hopefully it's the same amount as the other ones but for some reason this guy's acting a little wonky what do we get in here 91 1 90° f with a thermal gun let's feel the temperature here wow it is warm I think just because this room is probably much warmer the ambient temperature we can reconfirm ambient temperature in here is 77° f and 53% humidity so it is quite warm in here so I think it's just easier and uses less energy to heat the room is warm also 110° f it is officially done and it took about 38 minutes not sure why this bad boy is taking a bit longer than the other ones it's cooling right now and it's using about 2 amps of power and 234 Watts so far it's used .14 Kow to cool um it is a bit warmer in here than the other rooms and the humidity is higher not sure if that's having an impact but it's taking a bit longer than expected so about an hour it used .19 kwatt hours it's not using as much energy as the other hubs so that might also be why it's not cooling as fast power wise for heating we're getting 1.54 amps and 180

wats and 31 Kow since I think 0.15 so it took about .25 Kow to heat up and last is the Pod 4 ultra this one is hands down my favorite tubing um these are the current ambient temperatures it is 75° F 47% humidity we're going to see how long it takes for the eight sleep to cool and heat noise levels and power consumption compared to all the other pods this is the final boss of the other pods it should be the quietest it should be the most powerful and the quickest um and when you do any kind of test like this or if you are cooling at home make sure your bed sheets are on because that's just going to be the fastest that it can cool uh Baseline we're going to turn it on right now it's currently at 77° F I'm going to set it to its coldest temperature right there uh 77 F we'll come here and start a stopwatch for how long it takes to cool from 77 we'll grab our thermal gun here just confirm the surface temperature we're getting a baseline read of 78 cool we'll use the thermal camera just to double triple check as well we're getting a baseline of 70 oh so it's kind of like unnoticeable no temperature change right there power consumption so while it's cooling it's using uh 2.2 amps of power and 274 Watts now out of all the eight sleep this one has the best leak proofness the team told me that they've extensively tested this and the only thing that was able to cause it the leak I think was an animal like scratching it so just be careful if you have dogs cats but this one is supposed to be the strongest the tubing is the most flexible also because the base is adjustable so the bed's going to be moving up and down up and down U and you want to have very leak proof cover I personally always recommend having a waterproof cover underneath your eight sleep cover the comfort and tubing comparison so this one I literally cannot feel a tubing at all in the Pod two you know we were able to stick our thumbs in this one is a pretty soft cover on top and I think that might impact the actual surface temperature of what it feels like when it cools and it might just feel different I I think if the tubing is like righted against you you're going to feel colder so this one you can't feel the tubing I know a lot of people think it's uncomfortable with your original tubing for this one literally I could have no idea where the tubing is the tubing is also different wait wait we can feel it a little bit if I really press I can feel the tubing because I know I know that it goes in a half circle like this so I can kind of feel the tubing if I really press but if I press like with my whole hand I can't feel as much if I really use my finger I can tell a tube there let's confirm with the thermal camera oh yeah so here we go so there's a tube there tube there and let's see if I can follow the tube so I kind of lost I can follow it it's a bit hard but I know the tubing is right there and I can kind of feel it they're much thinner than the other other ones the best and most comfortable eight sleep pod that I've ever tried so at maximum cooling we are getting 3.29 amps and 390 wats approximately and it's already used 03 Kow but we'll work our way up um this is supposed to be the quietest out of all the pods uh and I I assume once it hits its temperature the the noise levels are going to drop so it's only really when it's like actively trying to go from warm to cold um these extreme temperature changes that it's going to be the loudest and then once we're done with this test we'll also test the time to heat as well and all the noise and power consumption too all right it's done 55° F the lowest setting on the eight sleep it took about 48 minutes which is pretty on par with kind of everything else we've seen with the other eight sleeps it's still using about 386 watt 3.25 amps and it took about3 kwatt hours to get down to this temperature now the real test is it says 55° but what do the temperature actually oh it's cold wa what do the surface temperature actually say on this gun right here it's telling us 73° 75 this feels cold right put your hand on it does it feel cold it's cool it's cool maybe not freezing cold all right so as you can see here the thermal cam um this one's actually showing 58° F on the surface temperature with the uh gun if we bring it a little closer the tubing is said definitely 59° F and think the question is how much ises the padding actually dissipate that heat so it might be a little bit warmer with the extra padding on this one that's kind of one of the downsides the more padding you have the less you feel the tubes but the more likely it is that you're not going to feel the temperature as much it is cool though and another thing to factor in is how much heat The Hub actually generates so if we come look at this right now you can see there's cold water going through the tubing on the top right there but the Hub is generating a massive amount of heat we can zoom in it's almost 91° so make sure you have good air flow and uh just something to keep in mind like your bed's going to be cool but there's hot air coming out from behind the Hub let's make it hot baby we're going to turn this up full blast 100 10° F and we want to make sure we cover this up because that's the best way to make sure that the speed Heats and cools the fastest we're going to start our clock here start and now we'll see do the power consumption noise levels change if it's heating from the coldest temperature all the way to the highest we'll see in a little bit I'm going to guess it's going to take an hour and 10 minutes here's an update on ambient temperatures 84 F 52% humidity we hit 110° F or plus 10 depending on if you have it turned on in the settings it took us about 28 minutes to get that maybe a little bit faster we're filming another video in between so under 28 minutes now 110° fit on the cover Let's test to see how how hot does it actually feel what do this temperature gun show and what the thermal camera show and noise levels and power use let's feel and see is this cover actually warm is warm that's for sure let's see how hot it is 92 93 does a thermal camera say anything different 93 94 and the hot tubing cool so that's very similar to our temperature ground as well how much noise does the eight sleep pod 4 make when reaching its maximum cold temperature so now that we've achieved the temperature of uh 55° the maintenance noise levels are pretty much the same right now I'm not sure if over an hour the noise levels will decrease but it's still around 51 is noise levels for 55° fenhe which is the lowest setting ambient we're getting about 40ish Deb right now noise has not changed since we plugged it in so that's good to know Peak cooling output it's about 50 DB so it's a little bit louder than then instant silent so it looks like for noise it's near silent at under 40 DB the room here the ambient room noise is about 40ish DB so the eight sleep is currently just insanely quiet when it's trying to heat terms of power looks like we're getting about 3.05 amp 3.07 amps and 360

w um and we started at. 35 Kow so we'll see the change over time but 360 and 3.05 it's 2 amps and 244 Watts it looks like it actually dialed down in terms of power usage after it's hit its Max temperature and .52 KW .15 Kow the heat which is three times less than the cool now let's get into the final results final results I have all the data compiled here for some reason the Pod 3 was acting up not sure what that is about um but you you can see the time to cool in the Pod 4 was the fastest at 48 minutes the Pod 2 not too far behind with 52 minutes uh but the noise levels were drastically quieter on the Pod 4 and the Pod 3 than the Pod 2 so that's something to keep in mind the power and energy usage much higher on the Pod 4 it's taking in a lot more watts and amps and more kilowatts which is interesting for some reason the heating was way faster on the Pod for Ultra so that was fascinating probably because it's warmer outside right now and it requires less energy to get there the ambient temperatures as we explained in each location the noise levels much quieter when it comes to heating so that was fascinating and the power consumption much lower as well the Pod three and the Pod 4 using the least amount of energy to heat up and the noise levels were pretty much at Ambience so we can see this is the comparison in terms of speed and heating if you have it set up with a schedule this stuff does not matter as much but it seems like the newer hubs are getting faster and potentially a bit more efficient now I'll answer some common questions about all the eight sleep models compared in this video so far what about maintenance and cleaning of the eight sleep pods in terms of cleaning the Pod 2 and the Pod 3 you want to use distilled water and then hydrogen peroxide but luckily with the Pod 4 there's a little cleaning device that goes inside of the tubing itself and if you have the membership they will send you a new cleaning little unit and you just swap it out so just make sure the tubing is somewhat accessible and I think it's every 6 months you just swap that piece out and you have clean water I think it's so convenient to have something where you don't have to worry about so having the unit get shipped to you and you can just swap it out making it effortless is that much better than having a fine hydrogen roide make sure you put the right amount how are the noise levels not only when you start cooling but also throughout the night so I have been sleeping on the Pod too the past few nights uh and it is much much louder than my pod 4 or my pod 3 uh the Pod 4 is definitely the quietest I can I can't hear it at all but when it's cooling this is very loud so when I get into bed it's pretty loud when I'm getting into bed and when it hits temperature it kind of quiets down a little bit and then when it needs to cool again the temperature rises so it is kind of loud you do hear a humming sound not ideal on the Pod two pod three is quieter the Pod 4 almost silent especially with all the sounds inside the room yeah is the monthly subscription required it is not required uh if you bought it early on you'll be grandfathered in if you're buying it now to get a lot of the features you kind of have to buy it not required but they kind of take everything away the same thing with the AA ring a lot with the whoop uh you kind of have to have the subscription for the product to do all the advanced features and if you want peace of mind this does have a lot of moving Parts I do recommend the enhanced autopilot which is the increased subscription model and that'll give you a 5e warranty while you have that subscription you can rest assured if anything happens they'll make sure to replace your pod so I kind of do recommend doing that do I love that do I love the subscription model no it hurts me but I guess this kind of what we got to do maybe if another company comes out and can actually compete with the eight sleep then prices might go down how durable is the cover especially if you have animals and pets the Pod two is probably the weakest pod three got a little bit better and the Pod four has been tested numerous times for leaking I think the eight sleep testing team told me they were only able to get one of them to leak and that was like from a animal like scratching it uh so that's where I would be very mindful from like dogs cats scratching the sheets make sure you have sheets on top of the bed cuz obviously they can rip your own sheets as well uh you don't want the cover to rip because now you won't be able to use it and then the water will leak and it could damage your mattress if you don't have a water repellent cover but there still is potential for leaking the newest ones are just going to be built so well to help prevent that from happening whereas the Pod two will have the most amount of issues and then pod three it kind of decreases in pod four have the least out of all of them how long are the hoses does your massive pod needs to be next to the bed it actually doesn't fit underneath the bed which I don't like but the hose is relatively long and you are able to move it the hose starts at the Middle top part of your bed and it extends to the hub itself uh so you're able to kind of push the Hub away if you do need to there is a fan on the back of all of the hubs and that's where the heat or cold air will be emitted depending on the mode that it's on so make sure there is some room for that air to ventilate uh knowing that if you are cooling the mattress um it's going to emit hot air so you don't want that hot air emitting straight to your face so just put the Pod Hub somewhere where it can kind of dissipate the heat what is the warranty so when you do buy the Pod cover you will get a 2-year warranty if you buy the enhanced autopilot membership you will get a 5-year warranty as long as you're paying that monthly membership during those years where does eight sleep ship to it used to be just the United States but now they do most of the European Union Canada Australia and the United Kingdom the prod two pricing they no longer sell it on eight sleep website but looks like if you want to go on eBay there might be some around like 1,200 bucks the downside is the warranty might be over but if you want to save a ton of money and still get a cover this could be a good option just be careful that it might stop working after some time now which eight sleep pod do I recommend now if you have the money I highly recommend the Pod 4 uh remember to use discount code shervin and that's because I can control the temperature and if you have the base to adjust the bed you can use the button on the side to control that so that makes it super convenient I don't like having to pull out my phone and change the temperature but if you still want a high quality bed Cooling device plus vibration awake sleep tracking eight sleep pod 3 is great I think you lose out on some of the features but you get most of the things that you need since you enjoyed this video make sure to subscribe turn on notifications follow me on all the socials @ shriven shares we'll see you in the next video peace

2024-07-06 07:59

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