in this massive bag of crap that looks like I stole it off of shanty town Santa Claus is a bunch of temu garbage to turn my quest three from this stock loser form into this beast but first today's video is sponsored by the mega memory Merchant Lexar from lexar's absurdly Fast NM 790 nvme drives to their Aries ddr5 that's available in speeds up to 7 ,200 MHz Lexar has your high-end gaming memory needs covered so if you're in the market for some crazy fast modern memory modules check out lexar's luxury labor using the link down below thank you Lexar for sponsoring today's video [Music] [Applause] [Music] oh yeah it's like dumping out a troller net that just caught a bunch of the Pacific Garbage Patch oh yes what a lovely pile of crap now straight off the bat we get some cool decals which I am very good at applying although in standard decal off of random crap purveyor it's kind of crumpled up a bit so hopefully that doesn't show Once We very professionally stick it onto our Quest 3 now of course I needed to get a new head strap this one doesn't come with a battery but I think it comes with headphones oh yeah the quality on that is amazing and we get a Dirty Bit of Velcro with it to kind of hold up the weight of the headset that's cool I'm also very glad to see that they use the same brilliant quality of plastic and padding on the headphones now I'm not sure how these are going to strap onto the strap and how they're going to connect to it maybe Bluetooth h way there's like a 2% chance these won't be significantly worse than the stock headphones on the quest 3 and then finally here's the very sturdy strap bit of this strap which also comes with a ratchet mechanism M wo this charging stand box looks like it had Krav magar practiced on it this is the base which you can also charge your controllers in and then we attach this and then once we've got the top bit on it is also slightly less phallic so that's exciting or disappointing depending on your outlook on life then it also comes with little charging back plates and rechargeable batteries for your controllers so yeah this may actually be useful this box they apparently forgot to close at the factory uh but inside we get these batons we can attach our controllers to for some sword action oh yeah look at the fit and finish on that the most exciting part though is you can connect the two of them with this middle bit to turn it into one Darth mole esque blade can't wait to try that next I wanted to get some different versions of the face pad to see if I can get the headset a bit more comfortable to do that I got ooh this one which is like a latex cover which I guess protects the face pads from people's grossness but what protects you from its grossness next this is a harness for you to strap a power bank to your body to get some extended battery life from your headset which I guess keeps the weight off your head and it'll look real sexy on which is the most important part so this is a silicon protector set for the quest 3 once we get bored of the Iron Man sticker we also have some lips to stick to the front of our Quest 3 it's not just the front we also get a very loud face pad and we get full little sleeves for our controllers so snazzy oh and it even comes with little cups to cover the lenses with that have kind of suckers on the back of it comes pretty dirty nice beat saber stick yeah this will get lonus very excited pull that open wait what does this have to these look like pingpong paddles how this works is you slip your controller into here and then it looks like a ping pong paddle which helps you beat saber better ooh whoo this box had a real bad time although it is one of the things I'm the most excited about I hope it's still okay it didn't break in the box but this is a cooling fan for our meta Quest oh as you can see we've got some tiny little fans on the top here now one of the things that I've actually noticed about the quest 3 is that the fans in it are pretty quiet it's not Disturbed me once so this way uh we can change that oh look at how loose that cable is that Port is already almost broken and it's only been used once this product may be mistaken for a firearm okay okay that is a is a useful warning so that in case you get gunned down by the police they you can't sue them afterwards oh this is the attachment that turns your controller into an assault rifle for like bone Labs or whatever this is going to be real fun I can't wait to try this one out it's such a big controller away bit so it kind of oh that's some nice magnet action next is what looks borderline like a g string that I'm pretty sure you strap to your face like that oh it smells oh it smells really gross I I may need to wash that before I use it uh but you strap it to your face like that so that none of the gross silicon crap touches your face only this gross bit of fabric touches your face go this is for VR fishing it's like a like a fishing pole so then you can use this to fake fish with and then I think all we have left is our little VR backpack which is designed to store your quest 3 so that you can take it to your friend's house and show them all of your new temu accessories feels like a bag I don't know that seems reasonably fine as far as the product goes yeah seems like a reasonable Quest carrier there we go so now that we've had a look at all of our mods we have to attach as much of this crap to the quest 3 at one time as possible and then test all of it so I've torn down the quest to its barest form and I'm going to start adding things on first we're going to start with the stickers on the front The Feathered edges is make this quite a complicated sticker application cuz you know the quest is [Music] curved okay there we go I think I'm going to use the eye holes to align it this is already not going great every time I do this I realize I'm super bad at stickers yeah I'm probably going to need the heat gun okay but before I do that there's also stickers for the IR sensors and stuff stuff W this isn't a surface that likes having things stick on it well that went about as poorly as expected these are kind of like dbrand skins where you need to be some kind of expert to apply them without it looking like this but let me go get my heat gun maybe we can get it a bit better but even with the help of the heat gun it still looked like it was applied by a board toddler okay so the heat gun helped but I did not do a very good job of this but I feel like it's very on brand right I'm uing this thing up so it kind of has to look like this luckily the controller stickers were much easier to apply kind of like the opposite of the PS5 situation next I think it makes sense to attach this cooling mechanism to it I feel like this should be fairly straight forward it's just a replacement face mask right oh no no way unlike the stock pad which has settings for eye relief this doesn't have that functionality so going to this cooler head pad actually reduces the amount of functionality of the headset which is kind of wild there are arrows on this wildly terrible feeling bit of plastic but there aren't arrows on this side so I assume I I just kind of wa this is a shockingly cheap piece of crap it already looks ridiculous look oh oh I almost forgot about these this is very important it then took me ages to figure out how to attach the headphones to the strap I even soft quit at a point but eventually with world class tenacity I overcame the challenge I mean oh oh no never mind there we go okay we're good we're good we figured it out so the secret is to not be scared to break it you kind of just got to you just got to push that stuff down now what's cool is that if we get sick of the very well applied uh Iron Man sticker on the front we can also just throw this little cover over I am going to also add the kind of face rubber bit so that I don't have to touch this bit with my [Music] face it does seem like it's borderline going to get in the way of the the lenses but we'll see that's looking real sick oh and then when we're done with our headset we can pop it on here to charge now with all of the accessories it it is a little topheavy but yeah there we go that fits nicely now I think all of the rest of the accessories that are left relate to the controller somehow so with that uh I think we can move over to testing this out and then we'll try one peripheral thing at a time now of course before I put on my VR headset I have to strap this g string to my face that's just standard VR procedure now I'm not sure what part of my face this is supposed to cover but I'm assuming the bits that that normally is touched by the headset so it does mean that it is kind of suffocating me a little bit I then immediately pulled it off my nose cuz it smelt like I was breathing in Factory feudes whoa It's so noisy it is our R GB though so I guess it makes up for it oh this is kind of weird I can see this bit of silicon it's it's visible in the bottom of my eyes and because it's so uh so light it reflects the light up into my eyes so I don't have the kind of dark Periscope thing going on anymore the headset is actually not that uncomfortable at this point the strap is not as good as the elite strap the The Meta one that I had on before but it's definitely more comfortable than the stock one latex is a problem because sweat is is happening lot lots of sweat is happening and the the G string is wildly uncomfortable now for the Baton accessory when I first tested it I didn't Mount the controller to it correctly the Batton has this rotatable hook that's designed to pull the controller strap tight holding it in place but when I first tested it I just slipped the Rope around the hook and then held it in my hand so that it wouldn't fly off an injur small child immediate problem um because the knives are kind of calibrated with me holding the controller in my hand it feels like the swords are floating above my hands so that's not good uh but we're going to go oh oh that's already coming out oh this is not going great I think I've lost the One controller already no okay oh I keep getting into my mouth but despite technical difficulties due to my own incompetence and weird sword tracking I decided to try Darth mole mode okay this is the business there we go look at that this is how you're supposed to play Fruit Ninja I keep losing my one sword oh oh this is terrifying surprisingly a floppy controller and looking stupid weren't my only problems swinging the single blade around may feel awesome but it confuses the crap out of the tracking even when I tested it again with the controllers properly secured the blades kept phasing in and out of existence as the headset lost track of them so I think this is the kind of accessory that would work way better with base stations this feels so dumb okay I'm done I'm done with whatever this is oh the latex is so itchy I'm going to do the beat saber one next which is just tennis rackets attaching the controllers to the ping pong paddles was way easier you just slip the control rollers into the hole and then clip the little clear plastic bit in place securing the controller down Okay so we've got our controllers which now you have to use like a Pega while you want to navigate around I feel like my field of view is significantly smaller with this head pad that's making so much noise because the lenses are way further away from my from my eyes but my attention quickly shifted to the beat saer floating at a 45° angle way above where my brain thinks my hands are how does this make any sense what in the world I mean I know you're probably going like DAV it this is clearly not designed for beat saber which obviously uh but it said it is on the box so I don't know because the headset was tracking the controllers that were now suspended above my hands at a weird angle beat saber was basically impossible oh I'm so confused by where things are oh this is so much harder oh my God this is probably the hardest thing I've ever had to do in my life because it's so skew luckily beat saer does have the option for you to manually adjust the tracking so that you can set the saber to a point where your brain thinks your hand is a real tedious process but it does make the paddles usable but even with the paddles working I was kind of left cold I still feel like this adds nothing to the experience at the end of the day I was still just holding a bit of plastic now just with a slightly weirder center of gravity and when it comes to an actual pingpong game I couldn't find the settings to adjust the position of the pingpong bat according to where my hands were so that was just unplayable with the rackets my face is getting really itchy okay while it's downloading I'm going to take the G string off because I I can't anymore it's making my beard so itchy oh I don't know there's something weird on that which meant it was finally time for some fishing so I I guess you have the controllers in and then it's basically just a mechanism for you to do this with but after my initial excitement oh what I can use a dildo to lure fish over that's pretty cool my enthusiasm for the fishing game waned quickly after being forced to do tutorial for 40 minutes but eventually I got to the point where I could do some fishing with my new controller but the despite my fancy temu equipment I was really struggling to catch a fish okay apparently that didn't work I don't know I can't imagine that this is my fault for this not working on I don't know am I supposed to be more or less violent so when my pacifist attempt failed I decided to lean into the violence something's breaking [Music] oh I got it waa this is the hardest game ever and considering the fishing rod stood up to that I guess it's a fine addition but when taking off the headset after an hourong session I couldn't say the same about the headset mods oh whoa It's so much less comfortable there's a huge amount of light leak through the top of it through the bottom you can see the the like latex or whatever reflect up and then you can't get your eyes close enough to the lenses anymore so you lose a huge amount of fov the speakers I guess are okay like they they make sound happen I don't know and with that very detailed feedback there was one more accessory left to try now before we head into bone Labs I can already tell that this gun peripheral attachment thing is terrible it already sucks I was really excited about it because when you it you know it seems like it's it's going to be a pretty cool thing to play a game with but then when you take the controllers and you kind of try and attach them which a as you can tell they don't attach very firmly at all and then the other issue is where the controllers end up because that's not how you hold a firearm that just feels really awkward and uncomfortable you kind of want to get it in your shoulder better and this it it just it isn't conducive to correct gun holding uh but with that let's give it a try in in an actual game and then see how that goes and while the first impressions were super impressive oh it feels like oh W the tutorial level quickly got on my nerves can this stop can I can I not do this can I just go to a place where I shoot things the main reason I wanted to skip past the platforming tutorial and all of that is cuz I was worried I was going to get nauseous before I could actually try out the temu Perle but I got there eventually Okay so we were finally at a gun range that's exciting but things quickly went downhill from there lining up the magnets while not being able to see what's actually going on was a nightmare and you had to reattach the front one after reloading every magazine this does not work at all there we go and because the headset hits the controller aiming down sights was even harder cuz then you have to oh it just hit me in the knots oh my and after that assault it didn't take me a lot more fumbling before rage quitting on the controller oh that is honestly horrendous and finally I guess the headset stand was usable if pretty wobbly so with that what did we learn in today's video well if you want to ruin your quest three hit up some temu and if you enjoyed that video subscribe to the channel for more videos like this one and until the next one bye-bye [Music]
2024-07-03 17:18