I Got A Tokyo Makeover
Hello. Friends. And welcome to another video this, week I'm gonna be getting a Tokyo, street fashion makeover, yes we're going to Japan and we're gonna be getting made over, so earlier this year we, traveled to three different US cities to explore, how fashion, differs in different regions so this time we're gonna be taking our experiment. International. Right over the Pacific, Ocean, I feel like Japanese. Fashion, trends, specifically. What I've heard called Hara tjuku fashion, or Tokyo Street fashion, are talked about a lot online in, videos, and articles, to, the point where I definitely. Have an image in my head of what I think it looks like but I wanted, to go to Japan, and see for myself, so to do this we're, gonna be teaming up with the local who will guide us through three different current, trends, so we can get a little taste of what Tokyo street fashion is all about now, obviously, this won't cover everything, that people wear in Tokyo as Street fashion, is pretty different from your everyday wear and this probably, also won't, even cover every, inch of Tokyo, Street fashion, because from what I've seen there's. A lot but, we're hoping to find three outfits, that capture some of what's going on right now all right let's. Go so step one of our Tokyo, makeover. Was to fly, to Tokyo, and while there we stayed in Akasaka which is sort of a business sea area that's very picturesque, green, and quiet and it was also decently, close to her juku which is where a lot of the action is in terms of Tokyo street fashion to aid us in our search we met up with rinrin, who is a youtuber, and a lolita model, as well as being pretty well acquainted, with the local tokyo fashion, scene right off the bat rinrin, clarified, that tokyo street fashion tends, to be a little different than the common, Western perception. A lot of people tend to think that if you come to Harajuku, you'll, see a lot of people dressed, in like Lolita or, the most recent style, is like yummy, kawaii, which is kind of a dark kawaii, but you don't really tend to see that as much and for this video we wanted to focus on the current street fashion trends, and not, just on the more well-known subcultures. How would you describe, tokyo. Street fashion today there's less emphasis on the silhouette, and a more eclectic type, of style a lot of people like to layer and express, their creativity, and put color into their about fit also, Harajuku. Is a neighbourhood, and not just a singular style as it can sometimes be presented, which was news to me at least so I'm going to be showing you three styles. That are a, general, idea of what you'll see on the streets today with, the first trend being the vintage, remake, style which centers, around transforming. Old vintage, clothing a lot of kids like to take these items, and cut it up and add things, onto it so they're very one-of-a-kind. Styles, the second, trend being the minimalistic. Mode style, you'll see a lot of people wearing this and layering, black, on black that, sounds like my my, type of thing sometimes I like to dress up like a bat. Would. A bat, look work. There. No. Never. Mind and then the third and final trend, the colorful, layered style, you can layer things, on so, much and things, are transparent. And things are like colorful and it's basically you, could play with anything you want so without further ado, we were ready to start shopping for our Tokyo, street fashion inspired, outfits, and our first stop was the store an. Incapacity. Which specializes. In vintage remake, so, an in compute capacity is located, in the Oda wadda neighborhood. Which means that it's just behind the, main part of hora jakku it's a more hipster, e type, of vintage, area, hipsters, they're everywhere. The. Store itself is a former, cigarette, shop tucked away on the third floor of what looks almost like an apartment building inside, pretty much every inch of it is covered, in vintage, paraphernalia. From the 1950s. Onwards, and a lot of it is recognizable. IP with, a little bit of a twist looking, around the store many, of the remade, items, are sort of like vintage t-shirts. Spliced, with tutus, and though they're not all t-shirt. The general, vibe seems, to be bringing, together in Congress pieces.
Into One garment to make something completely new usually, with a new shape as well we were also able to ask the store's owner mr., Ohashi some questions, about the vintage remake style he led off by saying that there aren't really rules about, shape or style within the trend itself, he doesn't like tell people what to wear he says there's a lot of people who wear it like form-fitting, or, just, totally, loose it's all up to you what you see here and you just kind of put it all together and in terms of what is in the store it seems that mr. Ohashi, does a lot of the curating, and his wife Kathy, does a lot of the cutting and remaking so where, do you find like your inspiration, like when you see a piece like how do you know if you like it or if you want it to be in your store. So, his, inspiration. Comes, mainly, from punk. So music as well as the vintage, fashions. Which actually, makes a lot of sense because there's a strong, emphasis on, DIY in Punk style in terms of what I should be wearing mr., Ohashi recommended. That we just walk around the store and see what caught our eye yo easy this huh yeah it's a kind of like a devious. Mischief. Afoot immediately. I noticed, a bunch of breezy, tunic. Style tops, I know you said bats were not in but. It. Might be like an unconscious. Bat. Yeah. Absolutely the, bat just slides in and as if on cue the, next thing I found was this oh oh, it's, a Nike shirt with batwing, yeah. Yeah. It. Seems like fortune, had smiled down upon me. Mr.. Ohashi and rinrin, also found a really cool head-to-toe. Pink outfit and I found another blousy top that seemed to have been made from like a college, sweatshirt they. Didn't think I would be here, then, we grabbed a couple of bottoms, to match our tops including. A black skirt for our Nike outfit all the world. All black, know. I'm trying on other stuff too well we have to have one all black a day with the brand and a pair of embellished. Jeans for our Central, State University, blouse and with that we were ready to start trying on our outfits, I'll be, back I go. Did, they like the governador here, so first up was the head-to-toe, pink outfit, yeah. This look definitely had, a strong, visual impact, and I think that the different, shapes and textures were really cool I like the little but apron it's very, different but, I think it's fun like nope don't look here then to top it off mr. Ohashi styled, me with a little knit crown we've got a little like where the wild things are situation, I love it like this oh it's so cute hahahaha. And despite how pink it was I actually really, liked it you look like you belong in the store. I'm. Never, leaving but. Our second, outfit top some stiff competition. So. I think that this is definitely like more in line with like my personal, style I feel like the skirt, I'm not sure what, I'm doing with it despite the skirt being a little unbalanced. The top is amazing, and as if I needed any more convincing rinrin. Decked me out with some accessories. Hey. How, do I look after trying, on both of these looks I was kind of conflicted, because I feel like part of the style is like what you like but I also feel like maybe just because the other outfits, more different, from what I usually wear it feels more like the style you know I'm saying transformation, exactly a style transformation yeah.
Exactly, But we did have one more look to try on here it is. Central. State University, I thought, this top really accomplished. The vintage remake objective. By transforming. A simple, College t-shirt, into a romantic, almost, Renaissance, II blouse it's like sort of a Shakespearean, in a way and I really liked the jeans which featured, some nice real lace action, though I wouldn't say they were really transformed. Into a different shape or garment, the jeans are like pretty, normal. But embellished, in terms of which outfit, I liked the best I was still torn between the first and the second look I thought the first one definitely made, a very big impact, however, I do think the sec it's very you so it, looks, good I think we maybe, want to change the bottom for that one goes a bit short for balance purpose so we purchased, our bat outfit, thanked mr. Ohashi and were on our way all right so now having explored the vintage, remix style a little bit you can move on to our next location which, is ground, lie ground, why, why, is it, not the air no it's the ground. So. Next up we went to ground why to explore, our second, Street fashion, the, mode style, ground, why is an offshoot label. By Yohji, Yamamoto located. Inside of the law for a department, store in Harajuku, which has a lot of local, trendy, designers, and boutiques now when you first walk into ground why it's, very black and white which i think is in line with Yohji. Yamamoto s general, vibe for, reference Yohji, Yamamoto is, a Japanese, designer described. As a master, tailor who is known for his androgynous. And avant-garde, designs. Usually. Made in black sounds, like my kind of guy and in general he's considered, an important, driver of the mode style so to help pick out our mode outfit, we met up with rinrin's. Friend mika who is a mode enthusiasts. And Instagrammer, somos well I would say it's kind of defined, by, a monotone. Color palette, I would say is very unisex. Or genderless. Which is a very big thing going on right now in general and I think that androgynous. Vibe influences. The shapes and cuts of the clothing with most of the outfits, being unfinished. Flowy, or boxy, yeah I always. Loose like simple yeah like Oh simple, and minimal. So with some sense of what we were looking for it was time to start a shoppin I'm still, there always are. You doing this yes I do we do that yeah ready we'll do it again my, cousin. Like. Sneaky, sneaky. So. Right, from the start I was a little confused by some of the items at first glance they seem pretty simple, but when you approach, them a lot of them have unique. Cuts, what's this, like an extra arm hole it's open, so I think it's just a flat okay. So. The first outfit, that rinrin and Myka picked out was an asymmetric. Jacket, a white button-down shirt, and a long pants. Skirt hybrid, ooh kind of like a suit yeah, next, up we found a blue button-down, sheer, dress oh. We. Need an inner yeah, too, sexy too, sexy to, see, through which we D sexified. With like a matching, blue shift dress underneath, and for our last option, this looks yeah I recommend, this we went for a white maxi, shirt, with a geometric pattern on the right shoulder what would you put underneath this like for pant um no, this button yeah just oh just, like a long dress yeah a long dress which gave us three, mode options, to try on so first up was our three-piece, suit.
I. Like, like the asymmetry you, enemy like it's kind of like off center, because, mode style, pretty much ignores, the curves of your body the, designs tend to play more with draping. Asymmetry. And abstract, shapes and to finish off the look Mika recommended, that we add this wide brimmed, hat oh yes, oh, wow I can hear myself I'm like echoing, off the Hat overall, I really enjoyed this outfit I'm not usually a hat person but this look made me feel kind, of like a boxy, Carmen, Sandiego. All right ready for the next one yes, I don't. Know if you're ready so up next was our blue sheer, dress. Is. This sufficiently. D sexified, yeah, you're so not thick fearing now perfect, that is the goal I feel like this was more of a summer mode look I'm feeling easy and breezy with the blueness and with the lighter flowy, or fabric, rinrin also thought that a backpack might, suit this outfit, so we tried on this very round one turtle. Shell can I be a ninja turtle movie Leonardo yeah the, blue tinny turtle oh there you go this dress was definitely cute. But I just wasn't a hundred, percent sold, on it so we went on to option number three, oh. This. Looks nice yeah I love it I. Almost this, outfit, combines, elements, of the first and second, look and there was also a fun secret, there are pockets. There, means have everything. Yeah. You're a little going 1 2 I didn't notice before so we accessorized. Our long maxi. Shirt to complete the look and though we all liked this one I think we were kind of missing some of that mousse from, the first look alright so I think that we've decided that we're gonna kind of combine, the first and the third outfits, by putting this jacket, over the last outfit which I actually really like I think this is like the best compromise. Because it's like pretty much the vibe of the first outfit except without the pants so we went with our hybrid, fourth option as our mode outfit, thank you so much mica for helping us know you're on call so what's next, we're, gonna go to wall which, is another boutique, inside, of the same department, store it's right on the other side of the wall I'm. So sorry that I said no. But, it's it's literally right next door all right so let's go so unlike, ground, Y and an in compute capacity which, focused more on a singular trend or aesthetic, wall carries clothes from a range of designers, that reflect, a few different, trends the concept, of the store is Japan. In ten years it's also one of rinrin's, favorite, stores and in fact the dress she's wearing here, is actually, from wall but what we were searching for was, an outfit that would exemplify. What rinrin. Described, as the colorful. Layered trend, all right well let's get to it yeah so one of the objectives of, this trend is to just wear a lot of different garments basically. Piling, on ethnic, cliff saket and oftentimes, with, extra, appliques, or fabric, stitched on - or hanging, off of the layered garments. Would you even call this maybe they're like nap yeah napkin flowers, no. Lotus are more open I think you know I have no idea yeah what are you orchids. We never did figure out what kind of flower it is my, best guess is a campanula.
Flower, Don't, at me but regardless we needed to find a bottom to complete, our first option oh. My. Gosh it's like pants, but pants, Wow they're, pants that have been written by other pant extended, pant and yes, they are also littered, with embroidered. Mice I needed, to try them on you've heard of Pizza rat have you heard of thigh, rats Pizza, Pizza, rats the rat that like was dragging, an entire piece of pizza in the New York subway subway, yeah, while, shopping we also encountered. Another aspect, of the trend which is that a lot of the items are loose and oversized, look at those sleeves. It's. Not quite a batwing it's almost like a manatees. Flipper, I'm not sure we could in good conscience, follow up the mice pants with the manatee jacket, but we did find another, oversized, item this long and patchworked. T-shirt oh you know what that looks like a baggy, 90's, teenager yes, almost, like the guys at, Cher's high school in clueless and to pair with it we, grabbed some also, patchworked, jeans, and for our third option we, wanted to try something that was a little more vibrant to, make sure we got to the colorful, part of the colorful. Layered look oh that's really cute I, like the pink but I want to layer something, over it of course we must we, must, so rinrin, grabbed this dusty, rose slip from off of another hanger we couldn't find another layering piece so we're just done for DIY yes, and with, that completing, our third outfit, we began attacking, our pile of clothes. I love. The rats more than I thought I would if, you can take a second, to not look at the extended Mouse pants rinrin, and i also really liked the top it's very spring, I'm a blooming, flower and, though I'll say I did enjoy. The rats I think it just overpowered. The other layers too much it's not called the colorful. Rat trend, so we moved on to our 90s high school boy outfit, there we go I, was. Surprised by how much I liked this look for some reason I feel like pretty comfortable, in it that might be because it's a giant t-shirt, but I feel like pretty like yeah like that I can wear this around this was also a big hit with the shop staff at wall. Who, suggested, we accessorize. It with a bold graphic. Earring though we were feeling pretty good about this outfit we still wanted to try our last one on for good measure which actually, turned out to be no easy feat it, took me so long to get into this. Rinrin. Like came off like a harem I like had to help me do this what, I will say about this outfit is that the undershirt. Skirt, thing is super cool and I love the sleeves yeah but I think that the over layer is like a little tight for my booty oh no sexy, which I don't think is the vibe we're going for as, we mentioned, with the layered trend, you usually want things to be oversized.
And Flowy and though I think we had the right idea, with the layering, unfortunately. Those ideas, were just eclipsed. By the booty, so. We decided to go with a little bit of a mash-up for our final look, alright. I, think. We nailed it, so this is, the second, outfit with the jacket, from the first outfit on top of it I think this kind of brings everything, that we liked from the second outfit and then just adds another layer on top of it what do you say I think this, is the perfect one so with rinrin's approval, we got to our final, tokyo street fashion outfit, so now we have three outfits that embody like three different tokyo street styles, but we don't have any of the finishing touches like the makeup or the shoes, and stuff we're gonna do a little um exploring. And see what we can find and then we'll see our finished looks for, a quick shoe stop we dropped by a store called Tokyo, Bopper, to pick up a pair of stumpy, shoes to pair with the mode outfit, and the next day we went with rinrin to a drugstore to, grab a couple of products, to put together a, Tokyo inspired, makeup look so what, I wanted to incorporate, this time is a trendy, like pop of color since we're heading into summer, the focus of this makeup look is definitely the, eyes as, we added some highlighter, to the lower lids to make them look bigger and used, some turquoise liner, for that pop of color that rinrin, had been joined so you, already have that droopy, eye look, which is an ideal look here's, to bring your eyes down it looks like your kinder. Oh that's, a very nice thing to say thank you we also applied, some cream blush on my cheekbones, and under eyes I'm hoping the cream blush will like bring in that to eNOS, since dewy skin is, a popular, goal in a lot of Japanese makeup looks and then with a dash of semi-sheer lipstick, you were ready to go but. This is definitely a summer look I'm not gonna say like this is like the general, like Tokyo Street fashion, look, do I look summer II like, a sweet summer child yeah. So. The first Street fashion look we took out on the town was the vintage to remake outfit, which included, our remade, batwing, Nike top these fluttery, adidas. Pants the pants have some Flair in fact they've got multiple flares, and a pair of black, combat, boots that I had brought from home on my face I was rocking our pop of color summer makeup look and for my hair rinrin, had gone ham with some bobby pins the, sideburn, unwhole. Display so for this first outfit rinrin was able to come out vlogging, with us for a bit you guys are the bat twins right now so she could help us take Street, snap or style photos, of the outfit I don't get hits up in Harajuku.
Photographers. Will line up on the Main Street and, to ask passerby. Who they think have cool outfits, on to take photos of them hence streets, now. Seeking Street snaps of me and Richard together and there was like a dude almost. It's, just posh as hell all the time I think that overall, this is probably, my favorite outfit, it's definitely, like more, shapeless. Than I would usually go, but besides that like it's pretty up my alley, I'm not usually one to wear Nike Sportswear but that's because they tend to not have giant bat wings attached, so in this case the vintage remake, style has bridged that gap for, me you look so dramatic, but comfortable, at the same time. This. Is comfortable, vampire. I. May. Have also felt at home in this outfit because it reminded, me of some, of the unusual, clothing items, we've tried in the past this outfit is kind of like if the band ruffled, t-shirt and the Y project, like long-sleeve, denim jacket, had a lovechild I think it captures a lot of the fun of the giant 4-foot, sleeves without the added danger of, hitting someone with a large denim, tube the only real obstacle. I could think of with this outfit, was that because there's a lot of stuff hanging off of it it feels like you could accidentally. Dip, it right into your food or drink. I think. We did okay with, our ramen, this time but it's definitely something, to look out for so next up was our mood look I'm a mode Gargoyle. Excel, like a nova babe for mode hashtag mode gargoyle, for the completed, outfit I donned our white maxi shirt, asymmetric. Jacket, wide brimmed hat and these shoes that we got a Tokyo Bopper for my makeup I substituted. The pop of color out for, some plain black eyeliner though I kept to the cheeks flushed, rinrin, also suggested. That we could slick my hair back for, this outfit but my hair has to be curled for the wall outfit, and there's. Only one time that the hairstylist could take me in so it's. Currently even, though this look is color, wise definitely. In my zone I would say that it's much more formal. And structured than I would usually go, I feel kind of like a business, casual, Dementor but, nonetheless there, was something, theatrical. About it that I loved. In. Particular, the Hat was like the best prop, part of you is bird-like. Yeah. And it kind of gave me a personal, cave under, which I could perform, my mischief, come under the brim. Like. There oh. My. God here I will say it was a little sweaty probably, since it was late made but the no-pants aspect, made it bearable at least so I've got Swamp bra but not swamp butt but despite, any swamp enos I actually enjoyed.
Wearing, And vlogging, in this outfit the most maybe, even though I wouldn't wear this entire, outfit, together in, the u.s. I might wear this entire outfit together in the u.s. you, should, and our final street fashion look was our colorful, layered, outfit, from wall which included, our oversized, t-shirt, patchwork, jeans and yellow, unknown, flower jacket, so for this outfit rinrin, recommended, that we accessorize. It with white, sneakers, that i have brought from home actually because, my feet are rather large for japanese sizes, these orange earrings that we also got at wall at la foret and some curly hair I also subbed, in some yellow eyeliner, to match our jacket, now for all three of these outfits, we were vlogging, in the same area, of Harajuku which happened, to be just a few subway stops away from our hotel. So. We kept going there because we knew how to get there so I think that this outfit, matches the aesthetics, of the hard Juhu neighborhood itself the most closely. Like. With this giant, teddy bear now that is some seriously around and this amazingly. Huge, multi-colored. Ice cream I think as is getting more melty I think we should get that away from the layered clothing though this outfit is definitely, the furthest, away from my usual style, and not just because of the color but also because, of the silhouette, and texture. Yeah. Though I didn't, mind being a moving pile of laundry and like how it flows if I mean I, weirdly like this sort of like guilt at the bottom yeah the half kilt the only thing I didn't really like about the layered look was, the effect, that the layers had on my body temperature as in I was warm warmer, than I was even in my full-on mode, suit but there's a nice breeze coming down this alley yeah kind of like opening up the air ducts I had to fight the inclination to, take off some of the layers it's supposed to be the colorful layered look so I had to stay layered, but I think that for more everyday wear I'll probably dawn these items separately as I like them all individually. Specifically, I love with pants which you can barely see yeah, all. Right so, those were my Tokyo, Street fashion, looks even, though these outfits, are supposed to represent three different trends. There are some commonalities, between, them, that are kind of emblematic, of Tokyo fashion, in general all of them are sort of like long and in, general I'm pretty like covered, just to provide I guess like maximum, area for more layering and they're all also kind of asymmetric, this one is a little sort of half kilt and all the other ones have their own little asymmetric. Flair's I think that all three of these outfits, are pretty different from current US fashion trends at least the ones I'm aware of and rinrin, seems to be right in that there's more of an emphasis on, layering, and draping, and the clothes seem to skew a bit looser overall, though regardless I'm, excited, to bring these looks back to the u.s. because I feel like I can incorporate different. Items from them into my own wardrobe, and in some cases just wear, them head to toe exactly. As is we're, going to make mode gargoyle, I think if it's the last thing I do thank you guys so much for watching and, a big THANK YOU to rinrin, for helping us out with this video I've linked both of her channels in the description below one, of which is in Japanese with English subtitles and, one of which is her English Channel so go check those out if you like that video make sure to smash, that like button and if you want to see more videos like this make sure to shamash, that subscribe, button a big shout out to Rochelle. For watching, thanks, for watching Rochelle, and I will see you guys next time.
2018-06-22 19:22
LOL I have the same last name as you!!
Safiya Nygaard try jeanless jeans
Safiya Nygaard can you try Korean style fashion and make up?
Safiya Nygaard I sent you a direct tweet and I hope your not annoyed
RinRin was such a lovely host! I applaud you for stepping out of your fashion comfort zone.
Safiya Nygaard You look really nice in BLUE!
Safiya Nygaard you look so different how have I not seen this video sooner
Starshine25 I feel like that’s kinda a Japanese thing to do? But I didn’t really sense that as much from her, just a bit. Kind of rude tho
The Mode look was my favorite, especially the hat!!
My favourite item has to be the majorly adorable knit party hat oh my I want that hat ( ˊ̱˂˃ˋ̱ )
SAF THIS IS ONE OF MY FAVORITE VIDEOS YET!! being a fashion enthusiast this video was so amazing and cool to learn abt their street styles!
The mode look was my fave!! Love you Saf!!! ❤️❤️❤️
Lol the 90s boy one
Best video u made
This is great! I used to work for a small company that exported college athletic shirts and jackets to Japan by the bale. Huge bales. That was a long time ago. More recently, I shared this video to the Ultimate Fashion History group on Facebook to get their feedback on the vintage piece of this video. https://www.facebook.com/groups/TheUltimateFashionHistory/permalink/1993875844258809/ Also, your guide has fantastic English.
The 1st one was my fav
Safiya Nygaard do another big giveaway like the lipstick one
Please do another haul video from clubfactory app
safiya do a collab with a popular youtuber please!!(any ytuber
I like the mode one
The second one !
Safiya Nygaard Next week's video : I wear tokyo fashion for a week
Italian, French, Scandinavian, Spanish and Russian/Slavic next?? :'D
Safiya Nygaard 12:17 BLOODBORNE SAFIYA
Safiya Nygaard I expect to see at least 10 Japan related videos, no pressure :p
Safiya Nygaard mode
The mode look was my favourite, you looked like a gothic explorer!
Love your travel vids and fashion makeover vids - the combo is amazing.
Safiya Nygaard if u look at 18:10 the guy has the same jacket thing as u
Yall should have compared by wearing the outfits again in american streets
Excellent... It is literally the only thing I can hear when you do that hand thing.
Safiya Nygaard can you do another video where u buy clothes from a website like romwe and then try them all? Those are my FAVORITE videos you do as well as the testing long wear makeup ones
Absolutely amazing. Love everything about tokyo styles, i need to move there. I also need that hat if its looking for a home
Safiya Nygaard #2!!!
Safiya Nygaard That mode outfit was on point! #YASSQUEEN
Safiya Nygaard please wear a thong next time
Safiya Nygaard why are you so damn hot? I'll should spank your ass. Sorry I'm drunk texting.
Safiya Nygaard this adds to the (insert number over 20) Japanese related videos I've watched today. (I watched anime for like three hours)
Safiya Nygaard the wild pink head to toe one
OMG the 2nd one won by 30000%... Please bring that trend to the US!!!!!!!!!!!
My favorite genre was 3. My favorite look for you was 2
Safiya Nygaard you should’ve wore a tight white skirt with the college shirt maybe leather or lace .
Part 3 please
Safiya Nygaard the first one with the black bat win Nike air sweatshirt is really cute, and has inspired me to make my own sort of sweater like it
Please wear more of those orange long earrings!! They're gorgeous on you!!!
Safiya Nygaard Can you please link to RinRin’s shoes?? They are amazing! ❤️
I love all of them
The first one - Nike bat
Safiya Nygaard in the mode look you look soooo much like Diana from wonder woman when she was getting a new outfit
# modegargoyle
Nyankitty Pusheen Nice example of “colliteration.”
The yellow eyeliner suits you you should wear more summer-y looks to bring out your eyes,hair, and face.
Safiya Nygaard Of the 3, I really liked the second one.
Safiya Nygaard u
Safiya Nygaard Do an Indian makeover please
That white dress reminded me of Wendy's brother, John from Peter pan!!
Safiya Nygaard the last one
bat look is definitely my favourite
Saf! Please can you collab with Colleen?
Safiya Nygaard omg I love that shirt that you were wearing in the beginning where did you get it at
I think it was a "no contest" in favor of Mode, before we even saw you put it on. However, some of the accessories didn't work: the combination of the hat and the curly hair helped give the (presumably unintended) impression of an Orthodox Jew. And the last thing you need is to get flayed alive for, "cultural appropriation." ;-)
Safiya Nygaard all of them were amazing, good job and keep going with great vids
Mode gargoyle!!
I love this.
i feel like she was low key trolling you
I loved that pink one you didn’t use so much
Help me develop the channel. You can go and watch my videos
2:27 my fave
Safiya Nygaard I loved the Nike outfit! I need it!!
Safiya Nygaard pls respond and/or read my comment and pls consider it. If you don't its ok
The bat outfit looks the most comfortable and fun
I love the Vintage Remake Style! He bat wings were so cute and your style!
100% the second outfit. You looked incredible, perhaps you could incorporate more formal wear into your closet? :D
I love u so much
I LOVE u are the best❤️
Try yami kawaii
Safiya Nygaard you looked really good love you
Safiya Nygaard second outfit was my fav!!!!!!! LOVED IT!!!
probably the mode, because it would be the easiest to pull of and not get incredibly out of my comfort zone, even thought the others are super cool
#2 structured mode.
Yassss ❤️❤️❤️❤️
Safiya Nygaard the wall outfit was definitely my favorite!!!
Safiya Nygaard seriously yesterday i was at tokyo to go to indonesia
My favorite was the mode style
Safiya Nygaard Hi love your vids
I loved them all but mode was my fav
Safiya Nygaard ugh idk but the 1st and 2nd were so amazing
I loved the outfit from groundY
I loved the mode
PLEASE wear this in the US! I would love to see how people react to it.
Safiya Nygaard I liked the second and third outfits
I like the first, pink one Saaaf.
Safiya Nygaard the mode look
I think you pulled them off really well! My favorite would probably be the last look since my vibe right now is toward the lighter, brighter and comfortable realm. Although, my typical aesthetic is a combination of the first & second looks since I’m a sucker for black. The second look makes me think of a modern day Annie Hall. Loved this video! XO
Love the first one
Safiya is losing some subs she had 5.5M but now she has 5.1M subs so much people unsubscribe whyyyyy she's the best
that GiTS wallart is gorgeous
Rinrin is adorable!
That mode outfit is absolutely banging
Tyler eating the ice cream in the final section is amazing!
Is it just me, or does the second one looks like Mary Poppins XDDDD
Safiya why didn’t you include the prices? Dang are they expensive
omg that sneaky comment!! noooo not in Japan guys
Where have I been all my life?! How am I only discovering this channel now??!
Great video! I'd love to see you wear these outfits in America and ask people what they think :)
She slays everythingggg
The first style is soooo not my cup of tea
This was such a good quality video I love it!
you didn't get the pink outfit with the CROWN? i am GUTTED, saf. GUTTED! ^_^
Black on black
I'm obsessed with the nike look.
Legitimate video idea: Beauty guru do my makeup
this is so fascinating! love this video
Mode style is connecting with me and calling my name
America’s style is so basic. Everything has to be supreme, or Gucci, or Versace, or champion. But In other countries its much more unique I think some of Japan needs to rub off America
I’m really loving safiya’s channel it’s so unique and she makes her own trends such as mixing all of a certain makeup. And she travels. And her weird little funny personality. I’m glad I’ve been a subscriber for a long time
Didn’t she just get like 2 makeovers
She looks like Frida Kahlo
You should wear the same outfit but in the us and see the reaction
I love it!!!!! You look so cool in all the outfits.
I actually think that white shirt set looked good on you but I know you love the batwings lol.
Black on black
Near the end Tyler is just chilling eating his ice cream
Tokyo fashion needs to come to the US hunnieee. It looks like they took scraps of fabric/ fabric remnants and made it into a thing and I am living for it. Also living for oversized pieces
Business casual dementor omg
i love rinrin :)
You should do a full face of frankenmakeup
Im digging these styles
I know you're not going to see this Saf but omg you can pull off anything! You're so humble and modest about your beauty when you are so gorgeous!! Ily! Also the bat look will never die haha
I actually like the minimalistic look and its loose with pockets!! yehey! But I want to see the batwinged shirt with the mouse pants or with that patched work pants
The mode outfit makes me think of Nancy Drew
I love the hats so much!!! I would totally wear booth the crown and the black hat........mainly the black one. :) The bat wings are awesome and the mode look is cool. :)
i feel like the title doesnt accurately represent how cool this video was and how much info there was about tokyo street style. like this was so cool and informative
Pulling coloured eyeliner off effortlessly! The styles suit you so much Rinrin did such a great job
Ah, it's Rin Rin Doll
I love RinRin!
You should do a video with the same outfits in the us and ask people what they thought
you did amazing sweetiee (in escape the night) :))
@loganpaul and @ricegum ...this is how you do a video in japan
Thr amount of cool stuff I saw in this video and dream about it now...
Second outfit was FIREEEE , third also could work separately. I’m hoping you keep these pieces they are so fucking FUN.
I AM LIVING FOR 2:21 ❤️❤️❤️ Need to recreate this somehow but nothing really comes close to the asymmetric jacket
Heyy Saf... Could you please try Korean fashion
Ugh I love the mode outfit I want it
Dress as a Geisha!!!
I love the mode outfit! Charlie Chaplin but make it fashion
U should do the 24hr overnight challenge.
You should try Korean fashion next
I wanted the third outfit to be the chosen shirt and pant but swap the flower jacket for that dramatic, pink manatee one! That mix of very feminine with very 90s high school masculine would have been magic!
6:05 that laugh
RinRin's English is so good!
End results is looking like "trash"
AAAAAAAAAAAA that 90's shirt and the Adidas shirt are literally the most amazing things I've ever seen ~o~ gimme
Who else thinks Saf is pregnant?
"its like pants but pants"
I thought Tokyo in La Casa De Papel
I love the fact that you explore fashion not just to beautify , but also to understand the cultural, social and economic aspects of the society pertaining to the fashion. I have never seen you disregard any clothing because it may not look the best on you. You always keep an open mind about the clothing and the creator. You've inspired me to look at fashion as a reflection of the society. Thank you so much for that
you are beautiful , where are you from ?
Is this wall store online???? Damn this flower jacket thing!!!!!!! I NEED IT!! :P
omg rin rin just made fun of u, made u wear some rediculous clothes and called that 'fashion"... thats just not attractive... very very bad....
Shouldve named the mice one "Flowers for Algernon"
_POCKETS?!?!?!_ *_SOLD_*
Thanks for introducing me to Mode style, I like it! :D
@safiya I'm SO ready for #ModeGargoyle
I very much enjoyed the WALL behind the wall joke.
Hey saf
You honestly look so good in anything!!
On 25:46 she she sounds like Corrine from threadbanger
Oh my mode!
The mode one was my favourite!!!
So basically Safiya turned into a more fashionable version of Kimmy Schmidt... ok.
WALL just looked like a fancy thrift store
I LOVED your hair & makeup in the street style looks! Those earrings
Id love to shop in Japan in shops like this but I feel like they wouldn’t even have my sizes:/
Swamp bra but not swamp butt
all those outfits were sick
I looove the Nike bat shirt !!!
The hat look kind of looked a bit like one of Wonder Woman’s outfits from the movie
Thank you for putting effort into learning about asian culture. its actually refreshing to watch something that isnt poking fun at a culture that is very much different from western norms.
“Mode” in German just means fashion. Interesting that they chose that word for the style!
no one want to talk about how saf saved TEALAS LIFE?! no...just me a crazy fan in her natural habitat
Best video ever! RinRin is adorable! #modegargoyle
Loooove the Nike Bat Wing Outfit and the Mode look. Soooo good :)
you’re like my favorite youtuber i’ve never been so impatient for more videos to come out before
Safiya Nygaard *_ILYYY QUEEEN_*
You are the best saf
Loved this! Do more cultural fashion collabs. Maybe Indian and Danish since that's your background, I think.
Batty Saf!
Tell us about your Escape the Night experience
The Nike bat one is beautiful oh my
I loved the all black one the most!!
I liked the Nike vampire wings
I love this
Saf you should do one in Korea! I currently live in korea and while I’m too fat to fit into most clothes here (lol) korean fashion is fascinating. Some of it I think looks gorgeous, others not so much. I would love to see what you think. Love ya girl! Keep up the good work!
hi saf i love your videos and good luck on escape the night
Awesome video!!!! LOVED the second outfit!
i’m in tokyo i wish i saw you
anyone else love rin rin's outfit??
how much did she suit the mode look tho!!!!!!! yes saff!!!!!!
my favourite was the second look
Buzzfeed and LadyLike aren’t the same without you... the good old days
Buy a week's worth of clothes from vinted
Loved your vid! Didn`t expect Japan would be so inspiring :)
oooohh honeeeeyyyy i'm loving the mode outfit
Ruined the 2nd outfit by buttoning it
i think at 3:35 a guy in the background wanted a picture
i really want all of them asdfghjkl
you looked so good in all omfg!!
Omg, Rinrin is sooo cuteeee and sweeet
You are in escape the night season 3
Love the mode look
I think Saf really suits the cropped jean style trousers in the pink outfit, she should definitely start bringing elements like that into her everyday style!!
I'm so fucking into this
Omg the mode look is so goood on you!
Saf, not knowing how much of any of that cost is killing me.
So basically you can wear everyf*ck you want with everything in Japan no one cares because it’s some kind of streetstyle. I love it
Where can I get the boots from the Mode outfit??? or similar?
A rat once stole a piece of pizza from my school
The 26:09 is gold hahahaha
I loved this video except the really Loud talking and laughing on the train it made me cringe
I really like the second outfit
These fashions are everything
Loved the depressed flower transparent layer ^_^ and the embroidered rats on the pants! That’s just genius.
Rin-Rin's outfit at the end was SO CUTE. I loved the Mode one too, my first time hearing anythinga bout that style and I think I'm going to try it.. in winter, of course. Also, it kills me that you were doing street fashion in Tokyo, and though I know you were clear about not doing the stereotypical one, you were right outside of 6% Doki Doki and didn't even have a peek inside ;-;
*_can i, like, live in japan now?_*
My newfound mood is Boxy Carmen San Diego
12:04 we stan a fashion professor ^_^
Love genderless looks. Because I identify with being genderless ^_^. YAS to minimalist looks!
9:47 YAS Ghost In The Shell
I saw the Wisconsin shirt and my eyes zeroed in like "TARGET SPOTTED"
The top of the pink look looked like guts! Loved it ^_^!
YAS punk style ^_^
Love layering
We stan education
I need the bat Nike outfit
Ya know I avoided this video for so long because I was expecting a video dedicated to bashing Japanese culture just like every other youtube does. But after giving this video a chance, I really appreciate how you analyzed a different culture and made sure not to compare to other beauty standards/cultures
Saf makes me wanna go Japan just to snag all those epic outerwears. NAISEEE!!!!!
the mode outfit was everything
Please do a Q&A - I need to know why you pronounce your last name 'wrong'!
26:11 omg Tyler in the background. Nicely done
21:20 to 21:24 and 23:40 made me cackle
Trust Safiya to wear more black than any other colours
I love the second outfit
Just trying to spread the word of God to other people and help them become saved before Jesus returns because after that there are no more chances. And also to help people live the best life, the way God wants them to. If you would like to know more feel free to dm me. God Bless and have a great day
Absolutely loved this video and all three outfits!! Oh my gooodness!
i love how your videos are always entertaining AND informative!!!
i LOVE how informative this video was,, good job saf
Next from South Korea plzzz
Do this in straya outback vs. City
I would most definitely be a #modegargoyle
Rin Rin's super cool
I love the second outfit on you
i always wanted to try japan fashion, though I haven't really touched anything much on it, other than Lolita/ Aristocrat. I feel inspired by this to maybe try making my own outfit, which might proof to be interesting
the second outfit
i actually really like the third outfit of the vintage style ...
I’m living for those combat boots with the first look!!
I want the last outfit.. Freaking AMAZING!!!!!
I love the Nike outfit
she looked like an orthodox jew in the mod outfit with the black hat lol
I hope you bought the crown I love that!!!
Plz come to Shanghai, Saf!!!
This is my favourite video from you Saf!!!!
i like WALL
The black and white look reminded me of Wonder Woman when she wears the “normal” clothes
"Harry Pottah" xD I died lmao I love H.P
LOVED this video But I'm sorry Saf you are overdoing the brows
It’s it just me but I love the way when Safiya looks at the camera in the thumbnails
How do you communicate in other places in the world??
Love Tyler eating ice cream in the back lol
The mode outfit was like a really stylish Amish person.
Been a bit since you put out something style fresh like this. Love it & that shirt shirt
Hey saf is your p.o box open I want to send fan mail
babashook is relevant again
This video was great and you looked bangin in all 3 looks but damn I wish foreigners would stop talking loudly on trains in Tokyo haha. Ya not supposed to talk gurl! :P I really loved the 2nd look the most! I've been living in Tokyo for 8 months now and I still trying to catch up to the fashion here! P.S. I'm sitting here watching with my Japanese model friend and he's friends with a lot of the example fashion people you put in at the start haha
Loved all those outfits and how different they are from western style, super cool to see!
You should mix all your blushes together
I’m just taking pictures of the outfits so I can wear something similar.. not just me
that second outfit/look gave me life. I loooove it so much!!!
I love how Tyler was just in the background devouring that ice cream like in the last five minutes
MODE!!!!! OMG but 90's teenager I LOVE.. i need all OF THESE pieces... were they expensive?
Safiya Nygaard hey safiya. Saw these jeans and thought of you instantly! They are crotchless jeans!maybe continue the terrible jean item trend and buy this? https://www.dollskill.com/the-ragged-priest-crystal-denim-jeans.html
The 2nd look (mode)
i looooove the mode outfit
Can you do a makeup tatorial using only kids makeup?
The third one
Safiya Nygaard you are so much prettier without eyeliner
Safiya Nygaard go to Korea !!
saf the flowers on the seethro jacket we have thouse floowers in Croactia we call them "visibabe" and i dare you to try to say 1 word in Croactia
Can you do a vid were you buy a box or kit of makeup from wish
Rinrin is so cute and funny omgoshhh
amazing i loved that video
I can't get over it Safiyas hair is so good
Safiya s new hair is so cute I think brad did a really good job!
Rinrin is so sweet and I don't say this often but I would love to be friends with her
I’ve been wondering about this for a while now but why do Saf’s videos always have so many dislikes? I get that the ratio from likes to dislikes is really good but it’s still a lot of dislikes and I don’t see the reason why
24:59 Love the cute kid
i love how down you are to try different things! you slayed every single look btw!
Do Philippines next!
I am Japanese but I live in Italy but I’ll go to Japan to meet my grandparents
"Casual Vampire" "Business Casual Dementor" "Walking Pile of Laundry" Saf i love you
lmao, I love when she says "Shmash"
I’m going crazy and falling in love with the “mode style”- I’m tempted to move to Japan JUST to go walking in the streets with that style❤️❤️❤️
Ah! I was at Ground Y a few months ago (beginning of May) with some friends! Well... I stopped by it. And then remembered I live on a preschool teacher's salary. Girl, that stuff ain't cheap.
Hi Safiya I love you and I love your videos can I please get a shout out?❤️❤️❤️❤️
I love Tokyo's fashion... It's Soo different and edge and just comfy!!!! I love love it
Rinrin is so cute omg
i need those rat pants
Not to @ you Safiya, but I'm pretty sure those are Ginkgo flowers lol
Their fashion is soo pretty ❤❤
Pardon me while I go stitch some bat wings on to my Nike hoodies.
That mode look is everything. It looks really good honestly. .
You know Safiya I have watched a good number of your videos. I am in love with your content. I am an introvert, out of touch 45yo and so pretty set in my ways. I wanted to get out of my comfort zone, so watching your channel I get a good picture of what is new, hip and kind of out there(In a great way.) thanks, I feel renewed...
Rather than business casual dementor, that 2nd outfit is more of grim greaper from the korean goblin series. Search for it guys.
safiya you look different, are you expecting? your body looks bigger and in the face
Can u go to jakarta once aka indonesia
Omg saf looks like a grim reaper from goblin for the mode outfit
Ugh I love the style so much! How much did each outfit cost? I feel like they’re pretty pricey since they’re one of a kind
RinRin is so nice and cute
I fell in love with that GroundY store
Tyler at 26:11
you looked SO! GOOD! Hell! you did better than a lotta of western jfashion followers that I've seen. I'm a pastel/fairy kei/spank kid myself, but I've always wished the more "street style" part of harajuku made it over seas. With the rise in vintage fashion it's been easier to get away with these kinds of looks, but the emphasis on a curvy silhouette always makes me feel anxious about wearing boxier or drapped shapes (I'm super self conscious, so even tho i love alternative fashion and wear it pretty regularly, some days i feel the need to fit in). I loved everything about this video, you were super spot on! (And Rinrin is always fantastic)
I luv u and youre in escape the night
Wow you were probably there only a couple days after I left. Feelsbadman
at 7:50 “pink on pink” she looked like melanie martinez is th beginning of the mad hatter music video
7:17 pink jughead!
ugh that CSU top in the 3rd outfit at the first place was actually really cute!!! wish you would've got it, it looked amazing on you!
26:11 Tyler is me
haaaa she said "bighit"
You should go to South Korea and see @megan bowen that would be insanely cool! Haha
Saf, I swear you reminded me so much of Wonder Woman after her shopping scene in your minimalist outfit.
you are only showing Decora key fashion from what I know
I’m sorry.. but this fashion is kinda hideous.
I liked this a lot more than I thought I would, go Saf
Ok the mode look was ICONIC
This was so fun and I learned so much! I love #modegargoyle and Rin Rin's eye smile at 20:03 was so cute I almost died!
I loved the long white dress shirt and the black over jacket look!! You rocked it!
umm ok glad you gave it a try, but not feeling it personally. It's just not your style
The Mode look is for sure my favorite out of these.
I loved the Ground Y oneeee, when you tried the maxi shirt I was like "you need to combine it with the Jackettt". When you guys did it I was like YASSS
@safiya nygaards best video yet
PLEASE DO A GIVEAWAY WITH MAKEUP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
The "flowers" on your jacket actually look like Ginko leaves!
I LOVE RIN RIN’S DRESS!!! I’m not sure I spelled her name right
business casual dementor
Hey saf! This has nothing to do with the video but you love the Addams Family, so I wanted to tell you, I auditioned for Wednesday Addams in the Addams family musical! That’s all I had to say. I’ll keep you updated on the results. I screwed up the dance audition so I don’t think I’ll get in, but my singing and acting was ok i thought!!
VIDEO SUGGESTION : I'd really like u 2 try the "Magic Shaving Hair Removal powder". I remember in 1 of ur vids u said u have razor burn issues. I've heard this is suppose 2 help.
The Mode look is E V E R Y T H I N G.
saf I love your street style exploration. you can go miles with this! but really I love this.
I love the mod look. the asymmetrical black over white just looks like an art piece. the circle hat was a wonderful piece and the flushed cheeks was a nice touch of color.
I love the second outfit a lot
I love the Nike shirt outfit with the short skirt(?) !!
I want a follow up video of wearing these in the US and getting opinions
Q u a l i t y
Are you able to do a video where you try out Prime Wardrobe through Amazon Prime?
Is there anyway I could get that see through jacket with the flowers on it in America?? I need it!
I reaally liked the first outfit
rinrin:”oh no sexy!”
I saw you and Tyler today at Vidcon for your Q&A♡♡ You guys are SO nice and caring. Most pannels I went to didn't take pictures and you guys did. I also thought it was very cool how you wore the nike shirt you got from japan. Thank you so much and it was SO nice meeting you!!
SAF Please, my entire household wants to live vicariously through your trip to japan! we need /more/
The Blue Dress Wins.
as much as i hate to say it some black fishnets with the Maude look wood be perfect
"business casual dementor" is the best thing i've heard all day
Tyler struggling with an ice cream cone while saf talks in depth about clothing trends is my exact relationship with fashion lol
btw its tulips lol
Lol I love it when Tyler was eating the ice cream when safiya was talking
You should try out hush makeup
This video was so exciting!
i loved the dress Rinrin had on
26:12 Tyler just fails at eating ice cream Saf doesn't notice
I wish all these trends were popular in the u.s. :(
I need to live here because I never match
doesn't Tyler looks like Freddie Benson from I carly??
i love watching tyler eat ice cream in the background
Wait why do I love this style so much. Like can America adopt these trends pleadr
"oh no.. sexy" lmaooo me when i look at myself in the mirror
The colorful layered outfit
The third outfit is my favorite!
Go to Korea maybe soul.
P.S.- I loved the second outfit, but the Nike shirt outfit was just so you! Tyler and his ice cream::)).
The second one by farrrrrrrrrr... But also loved the first one
Safiya Nygaard Comme Des Garçons is very important in that world too. You should check out Dover Street Market next time you are here in NYC.
Safiya Nygaard please do mixing nail polish together
I like the first outfit
I wish it was as simple as just slapping on cute clothes When it came to USA Fashion
You should try Brooklyn and Bailey/next-door mascara
*Egsactlhy* (exactly)
wow is it weird that i really like the mouse pants? like they looked really cool
i like the outfits and the make-up.
Please do more of these j- fashion video's
Please post more
I like ur style ❤
If i would live in japan, i would wear cute dresses. Like this for example http://wheretoget.it/look/33858
In 6:06 I was like YA! Nike! Bc it was my name so ya that is all I wanted to tell you
obssesed with yoyr helllooooo
Mino would totally wear this hahaha
the last one is so so so CUTE !!!! omg
Um stay in Tokyo forever, this series is amazing and I need about 93242834 more videos
The ice cream in the last outfit looked like the ice cream Jennie had in 'As If It's Your Last'
omg rinrin is so cute and cool i love her!!
So I'm in love with the mode style holy
This is going to be one of my favourite videos from you!
mika was so confused the whole time it's so cuTE
ok but rinrin is the cutest
I like the mode one a lot!!
The Vintage Remake style doesn't seem to work well on Americans because it feels like part of the appeal is the juxtaposition of "found" Americana with Japanese style.
This video is EXACTLY what I signed up for!!
“Oh no! Sexy!!!”
love the third one so much
My favorite was the outfit you wore shopping.
Nike bat
It was so cute when Mr. Ohashi did the devious hands with you I wish I had a Rinrin
I absolutely love the second outfit. Its so good omg
Is she from buzz feed?
that college shirt is really pretty i want it in my closet
I like the middle picture of you
The manatee flipper coat thing was so cool
I really love the second outfit
if ya'll are wondering why her "ooh's" were weird, it's bc she kept trying to do the japanese ver, and switching to the american ver (j's do aaah! and a's do oooooh!) i was laughing at her thoughtfulness
I want to go to japan
They sure do love to bring colors i the world
Honestly love the unsexy looks. It’s pretty refreshing to see that style! I feel like in the US our liberation movement became too focused on sex appeal!
I saw some of these stores in my dream months ago. This is kinda freaking me out
I love how safiya can wear things like this I would be soooooo embarrassed and self-conscious to wear that out in public I am just that type of person and I admire how she can do this I wish I could be like her and not be so embarrassed and worry about what people think about me
You should wear hats more often!
when she said "Black on Black” did anyone else think what I thought? *cough* nct *cough*
This channel grow very fast and big!!!
ahhhh saf looked so cool, really honestly loved all of the outfits especially the last one.
I neeedd the Nike bat outfit
The black blouse and skirt combo you wore out shopping were so adorable and couldnt be any more on brand with the safiya look.
I LOVE this episode!!
Saf you are genuinely hilarious and witty. You make me laugh so hard. Love how authentic you are—unafraid of being your true dorky self!
Rin Rin was so cute!!!! Loved the mode outfit the best! And that college sweatshirt turned vintage!
oh Japan, one of my bucket list destinations ❤ i wish i could go there with my bf
Dollightful made a doll with the crazy street fashion sort of thing
At 7:16 whoever watches Riverdale if u have seen pics of the comics the nit crown is just like jugheads in the comics
I feel bad when people from Japan come to America and see how boring and angry we are compared to Japan lol
i haattee "smumash that like button" uggghhh lol
Normally I'm a floral/pattern top person and plain jean bottom but the mode style is one I've never seen and I kind of like . . .if I ever visit Japan I think it's would be a cool style to embody for my visit
tyler in the background struggling with that ice cream
I can't even express how much I absolutely LOVE the Mode outfit!!!!!!!!!
Mann this video making me miss Tokyo
Safiya's Mode outfit looks like an orthodox man going to synagog.
Mode clothing is everything
Do the stupid hacks form troom troom like cristen
I LOVE the second look
The mode outfit was kind of off kilter Amish boy. A Tim Burtonesque Amish boy.
K pop style challenge!
If she did this in the summer, it must've been really humid, really hot. Layers make me sweat >.< Edit: She looks fly.
this makeup is beautiful on u!!!
Rinrin is so cute :((( she’s the kind of person parents would love their kids to be friends with
Riverdale vibes from the knit crown!!!!!!
24:15 the person in the back omg yes slay my life
Omg Safiya! I have that same black shirt with red roses!
so fucking cool
Oh my gosh! Rin Rin is so beautiful
The white crown low key looked like Jughead Jones beanie but the Archie comics version
Hi Safiya. There’s an app call Hush, it’s like ROMWE and Wish. It’s really cheap makeup, and I think it might be a pretty cool video.
Mode look gave me ahs the coven vibes
This whole video belongs in the r/anattemptwasmade Sub reddit
The Central State outfit totally gives a bit of a retro vibe to me!! It reminds me so much of Sarah's blouse from the Labrythin movie.
Ughh this is making me wanna go to Japan so bad
It's so amazing to see, 2nd hand, the trends and fashions of the world! Thank you!
I wanna go to japan just to get my style better ; ;
The rat and flowers outfit could have been cleverly named Flowers for Algernon
In the thumbnail picture, you look ALOT like Vanessa Marano (Bay from Switched at Birth.) That isn't hate by the way, she is one of my favourite actresses and she is really beautiful.
You should make a video on styling those pieces with LA fashion
Y did Rinrin wear a mask to do Safiya's makeup.
This kinda reminds me of san myshuno on sims
‘Layering black on black’ My kpop trashed mind: uhh black on black duh duh duh duh dum dum dum dum dum dum duuuumm uhh black on black I don’t know the rest of the words
ugh i need stores like this in my country
Safiya Nygaard help me somebody just told me my breath stink
Safiya Nygaard Testimonios de Omnilife con Jorge Vergara
Safiya Nygaard I love these outfits so much
Tur last one was AMAZING.
The mode style looks sooo good
Wow I just want to like this a million times
You should do taiwan!!
Ok I need to move to tokyo
Why is rinrin so cute
Rinrin: people like to layer a lot of black on black My nctzen mind: black on black ? * sees the ‘touch’ book behind Safiya *
that pink jacket that they didn't take was beautiful... I want it...
7:03 Rinrin got rejected,lmaoooo
love the mode outfit!!
Also, I’ve decided Saf looks amazing in everything. Except maybe that blue shift
I need RinRin to upload more vids.
I just came back from Japan 0-0
Oh wow i really enjoyed seeing and learning about the Mode style. I don't normally wear long, shapeless outfits but wow, they were such beautiful outfits that the style spoke to me and also, you looked so good in Mode Style. ♡ I felt so inspire by it that i really want to wear and experiment with that style now, but man the U.S is not ready at all.... and I'm intimidated and terrified of the judgement from people, especially where I live
Safia the black and white dress u were wearing while shopping with your new hair makes u look like Robin schebotski (HIMYM)!!
Your haircut looks a bit like a two layer cut at this point. Not very flattering
I love the vintage remake style
I absolutely need Rinrin's red Wall dress. I'm in love with it.
You actually looked really good in those clothes
Lol amazing but no hontea to the first one but the rest look amazing (the vintage remix)
The mode is personally my favourite haha
RinRin looks so cute
This was such a cool and insightful video. I've never seen anything like what you showed us and you did it in such a cool way! Awesome video. Subscribed.
I miss your Safiya's new intro song
I think Tyler really wants to see you in colors
Why am I not in Japan
I don’t think I know anyone that speaks more articulate than Safiya
I am a mode gargole
is it bad I would so be down to wear the central state outfit everyday
It would be so fun if you dressed like the outfits from the movie Clueless for a week!
23:38 - 23:41 best footage in the whole video XD
This is my favorite of your videos so far. Style inspo for sureeeeee
Its amazing how cool you keep your content ✨✨
Your layers are looking not so blended...japanese hairdressers are amazing so I highly suggest getting a hair cut from one!
It's so cool to see kind of themed stores like that. Where I'm from we just have Walmart ;-;
This is so cool
When will you do another giveaway
Getting House it Style vibes!!! Way to go dude
Omg I love Japan fashion! Yas!
maxi dress with belt in usa
*21:40* when she finished that sentence I was like "And it was going through a faze"
i need that CSU look in my life now
Plz do a vid where you wear all the Frankin makeup
Do a full face of makeup from the dollar store
I actually love the colorful makeup on you
i love the mode style!!! business casual and formal type wear are my shit—and i particularly love how it’s gender neutral too^^
I love that guy's facial hair. He looks so cool.
Rinrin is so adorable!!!
Why you take so long to post new videos :( wuahhhhhhhhh
maybe you should do a "dress up as one colour a day for a week" video, each day you dress up as the one singular color and change to the next one on the next day, head to toe. cause i do find that to be a huge challenge seeing as there are so many different colors out there in clothing stores
You should buy stuff off of threadless! It's a really cool online store that sells different types of shirts, sweatshirts, dresses, and even pants. You basically choose an art design and what clothing type you want it to be on. There are lots of different, unique, and beautiful art designs to choose from.
I think the Mode one is my favourite, it's giving me dark, futuristic Agent Carter vibes
Your videos get more views than buzzfeed's lol
And was planning to go to harujuku.......
I didn’t went to Japan this summer. If I did. I’ll have a small small chance to see her. Man what luck! 0-0 Wahhhh....
This has become my favorite video that you've done!
Did those rats remind u of coralline too?
Hi mom
I hated all of them.
Get you a friend like RinRin.
i don’t know if y’all realize but harajuku has a bad side to it, it may seem “kawaii” and all but there’s a dark secret behind it. there’s a video on it too go check it out. it’s kind of scary once you actually know what the fashion trend means...actually it means suicide and death..
She mentioned in the video that "harajuku" isn't a type of style, it's literally a place. There are many fashion subcultures under the title. "Yami kawaii" is what you're referring to.
Why is Japan so amazing??
I need everything, I love the clothes, especially the vintage remake things.
Godddd, I absolutely ADORE the 2nd outfit!!! i need it...
You should collab with Colleen Ballinger
Idk why, but Safiya reminded me of Demi Lovato
LOVE the Central State sweatshirt!!
My sister-in-law showed me your videos! You’re hilarious and I feel like we’d be best friends!!
The mode look was so good!!
This is the most interesting channel I have ever seen I'm binge watching it all❤
Are you happy to be in escape the night
That mode outfit is like a dark version of mary poppins
It’s okay to say that they’re ugly, Saf
The white centere state university look looks so pretty. :(
If I’m being honest the Mode outfit was my favorite.
You should make a video of wearing japanese street fashion in america :)
I want the bat outfit .-.
Has she ever made a video about how she got into Stanford and some advice ??
The second outfit looked amazing on you! Wear it back home!!!!
this was EVERYTHING! and Tyler eating and struggling with the ice cream towards the end had me dying.
Keep it coming is the Japan videos!!! There so much fun and this is my third time watching these! xD
7:06 *Female comic jughead Jones*
The White & Black outfit killed it!!!
U should try kpop style !
Ok but why did I love the rat pants
your hair looks awesome
I want to see safiya in Lolita fashion
Why do people dislike videos at all? I don’t get it
To the windowwwwww to the WALL
26:00 Tyler in the background though
You should do a full face of all of your franken makeup that would be so cool
Safiya Nygaard pink one was awesome ^^
Hi safiya! i have a great video idea for you.. you should do "dressing in kids clothing for a week" or "dressing like kids for a week" love you
I got in the first 500 replies to your comment! Yay! Anyway I love you and your content. Please keep making content like this!
Safiya Nygaard , can you try Hush makeup products???
you should do the mystery box challenge . that would be amazingggg
Safiya Nygaard please PLEASE PLEASE have a react video of these outfits in the US!!! I beg you lol
i liked all of them but for the last mashup outfit of 90s teenager and flowers and mice i honestly thought that flowers and mice was just a little better than the final look of the mashup
Safiya Nygaard you look like rclbeauty101 when your in the process of putting concealer..... #Doppleganger
Safiya Nygaard you look like rclbeauty101..... She's super like you when in the process of having foundation and concealer #DoppleDanger
Safiya's haircut seems kind of chunky, choppy... Or am I insane idk. The layers seem wrong
My favorite street style makeover is the colorful layered outfit from wall! :D
I don't know why but I hate all the dresses
27:13 love the outfit it beautiful
Tyler struggling with the ice cream in the back is me
I love all of these. I loved the first store, so different!! I like the androgeny and loose style as it about the style rather than the body
RinRins red dress was so pretty
I really like the Mode style
The fact that I’m in Tokyo as you uploaded this is so crazy!! Love you Saf
Do a video on Mini makeup plzzz .....expecially the mini matt velvet lipstick
lol desexyfied
I love the mode look!!
saf looks good with that make up
Yass I’ve been wanting for this forever thanks saf
SO KAWAII!! burry~chan is dieing!
That looks so much fun! Would be fun to see you dress up like a celebrity for a week
lol at the end tyler eating ice cream while safiya's talking
Business casual dementor
this is so fucking cool
Safiya, can you please try Hush makeup products???
Safiya!!!!! You forgot to mix setting powder and contour in bad makeup science!!!!!!!!
Okay so I was skeptical of the last outfit but once you added those accessories bitch it’s a LOOK
Rinrins eyes are soooooo big
How much did the Ground Y maxi-shirt cost?? I'm just curious to see how the prices compare to some of the stuff we have in America
I am tempted to Diy some sweater to like like the Nike bat wings look looool. This content is why I love Safiya. Entertaining and very informative! I love Rinrin! ♥
26:08 Tyler just like tries swallowing the ice cream cone whole
Do 100 layers of lipstick plz
Can you please try Amazon's new prime wardrobe deal!
Saf can pull off literally everything.
26:09 lol Tyler in the background tho
Non related but, that short hair looks really good on you!
Anybody else catch that Keith Haring painting??
Is anyone else just loving Tyler scarfing that ice cream cone in the background? lol ;) Also, I am immediately going out to get a mode look for Chicago this fall.
I freaking love the second outfit!!it's so amazing!
she looks high in her intro and her eyebrows are giving me problems but I hope she had a fun time in Japan
The kid at 25:00
Heard Mode and automatically thought of Edna from The Incredibles lolz
I wish i could go to japan, my dad kinda makes fun of me for wanting to
For video ideas maybe you could do buying the first five things from infomercials or styling outfits with cruggs. It’s an ugg croc hybrid. Basically a croc with and boot inside.
I loved everything about this video
"It seemed that fortune shmiled down apon me" "Exshactly"
at 21:46 you can see three Japanese school girls in the background #Japan
I love the mode look
I didnt even watch the video yet and i already thumbs it up cuz i know itll be good lol
Tyler eating the icecream at 26:09
You should do another Franken-lipstick, with either every lipstick at Ulta, Walmart, Target, or Dollar General.
Hey u should do “I bought the first 5 verified things on wish” video
Hello Safiya.... I like watching all the videos on your channel .. You really keep things interesting
Oh my god Saf I love you
Why is rinrin wearing a surgical mask when doing Safs makeup?
I love those shoes in the mode outfit!
I love their fashion. My favourite was the first one
"He's just posh as hell, all the time" HAHAHAH
ok but i need those mode shoes
Tyler eating the ice cream cone behind Saf and slowly realizing he bit off more than he could chew and trying to fix it but kinda failing is just a metaphor of my life
Love the 2nd outfit
uwu safiya is a whole cutie look @ her go n be cool and cute and colorful
Lizzie McGuire (Safiya Nygaard) you are an outfit REPEATER!
I just love the mode look!
I actually like the colorful fashion that Japan has, I will love to go there one day and see it for myself. Not sure I would have the confidence to wear it though.
the mode shoes were SOOOO cute can someone link me
I love the 3rd outfit!!
I don’t want this video to end
I love it when you go to Japan
The second outfit is just wow!
Jake Paul: But how do you visit Japan and make videos that aren't crap offensive? Safiya Nygaard: Hold my beer.
ROFL Mika was so confused to why y’all were doing the sneaky fingers
I need to do a full face of Frankin makeup
omg the mode look reminds me of the bowler hat man from meet the Robinsons
I love tyler eating the ice cream cone behind safiya
You should try semi-permanent tattoos
rinrin is so cute omg let me give her a hug
I ahhhhh, I’m not even sure what to say about these clothes. Hot damned mess . Hell I need to move to Tokyo and start sewing together goodwill clothes. The
I loved this video! The mode and 90s looks were my favorite.
I love both mode gargoyle and batwoman ! And the third outfit as separates were also hella cool ( actually loved the T-shirt and jeans as an outfit ... hm am I secretly japanese ?!?)
The nice girl who's helping you reminds me of a japanese melanie maritnez
They look like a hot mess
Hey saf do you now where H&M letters came frome??? Becouse I know
Just watch Sukekiyo or Diru (Dir En Grey) for Tokyo "street style" from madara ningen clothes that adults wear in public. This is teeny bopper bullshit.
Full face of makeup from insta
The mode outfit
definitly know where im heading when going to Japan...could you like catigorize them Price vise?
I loved that shirt I wish the last outfit wasn’t so tight
Your haircut looks kinda ruff. Chunky, choppy? Or am I insane
OMG! I love the outfits. Too bad I am a big lady. Just wouldn't work. But goes that Bat Wing look! OMG LOVE!
Ok it was nice but honestly the only one that looked good on you was the Nike vintage one :/
@SafiyaNygaard I was just in LA over the weekend. Have you tried Moby's all-vegan restaurant, "Little Pine"? I think you'd like the 'Smashed Potatoes'. Oh and all proceeds go to animal organizations!
Just look at Tylor eating his ice cream in the back 26:08
You probably won’t read this, but I am from Mexico and ultimately I feel sad but I feel happy when I see your videos. Thanks...
Safiya Nygaard hey safiya i want you to know that thr flower name is (Lapageriarosea 'superba')
This mean there’s going to be a part three to the series
Safiya you should def try and review colored contact lenses with prescription!!! I would love to see those videos and trust your opinion! Like so she can see !
Safiya Nygaard can you do a BTS wish clothing haul? Or a Kpop haul? Just wondering I just think it would be interesting.
I like the third outfit the best!
oH nO “SeCXy”
Do a, video when you buy everything in a tutourial
The half skirt shirt is something i would definately wear everyday
oh my god everything looks so good on you i swear
i love those tokyo bopper shoes.
LOVE the university top sm!
Those outfits are freaking awesome. I'd wear those in my day to day life haha.
Ur getting paid to spend money on shit . And ur videos suck btw
Man! I was SUPER hoping that they’d put Safiya in some Decora Kei! It has so much color so it would be so out of safs comfort zone!
How about a Frankenfume? Mixing all your perfumes together..
Ooo! Make a video about trying wish extensions for a week!! Like if you agree!
domestic pop challenge engine french evolve piece islamic engagement choice.
Franken eyeliner
Tyler's ice cream cone fell apart
i cant tell if saf had a little bit of a glo up or if that hair transformation actually brought out features in her face because i could not stop looking at her w heart eyes like shes so gorge!!!!
Dang, I'm in California, but I love the Tokyo style!!
The second outfit was my favorite!! I love the hat! And coat!
I do want to see you try lolita some time! Based off how you did this video I think you would be able to portray the fashion well!
for your next thing you should use grease as highlighter for a week. i know it’s like super weird but it just came in my head
you have some of the best quality videos on youtube. i love how you never use clickbait and all of ur videos have so much quality content and are so thorough and genuinely enjoyable to watch. i am always so shocked and pleasantly surprised at how much you actually pack into one video. i really wish more youtubers would hold themselves to this standard. also you are so stunningly pretty and you arent even constantly staring at yourself in the viewfinder or posing like its americas next top model lmao
can we take a minute to talk about how good Safs legs look at 24:56 in the center picture ?? dangggggg Saf
Would you do a Romanian fashions video? I'm volunteering out there next March and am just really into researching the culture.
I feel like Saf was particularly more weird in this video for some reason
My favorite is the bat outfit :)
I really love the mode style! It’s so cool and a nice break from the very westernized fashion trends. Also thanks for being a very respectful YouTuber, love you Saf!
I am so fascinated by Japanese culture, this is one of my favorite videos I've seen from you (and I love them all!). I'm so glad you traveled there and made this, I am living vicariously through you right now. Lol
U r more pretty then a dementor
Can Tyler try to do your makeup Safia. He watches you so he can know you like
For those clothing 7 day challenges, you should try the Tailor app!
Do you remember all the makeup you mixed and then you should a put it on as a full makeup look plz do it
Just wonderin, can you come to Canada (like Toronto)?
i need those black shoes from tokyo bopper )’: are they online/is there a style name?
Nobody wears black in here so who's the different one?
Rinrin is so kawaii
you should get your eyebrows done, i'm not saying that as an insult. I actually really like your brows, but it would be interesting to see what a professional would do to them since they are already really dark. opposed to a lot of YouTube videos of people getting theirs done that have light brows.
I want to go to Japan! I love the styles!
I love the mode style..
I love the knit crown!!!
I watched soul eater too much and now i am SUCH A SEMETRY FREAK
This episode is fantastic--so enjoyable. Thanks for branching out.
Bahahaha "ive got swamp boob but not swamp butt..."
try makeup from Hush
please do a " i dress like the kardashians" for a week video Saf!
Safiya has such an eclectic style that I'd really like to see what she has in her closet that she hates/doesn't wear.
Loved it all I would wear all 3 styles
I love Tokyo it is my favorite town in Japan i am nine years old i am moving there when i turn twenty-four
“Amazing your a bat” I’m going to cry she is so cute
Is she still dating Tyler??
You need to do mixing all my blush vid
I think it's adorable referring to something sheer/revealing as 'too sexy'
10:13 Can we just take a moment to appreciate the dotted shoes back there? I mean, I love this type of shoe! This shoe is so me
The 2nd outfit looks like marry poppens
Rinrin is so adorable I think I'm dying. I never say that.
26:11 dying in the background
You should try full face of makeup from Aliexpress
Rinrin is so cute hh
Saf I love your editing so much! Your videos are always entertaining, no matter what you do in them. I'm glad you are so successful because you really deserve it in my opinion (:
In every outfit that you wear was so adorable on you.
You should try makeup from Hush which is an app where they sell makeup items for discounted prices
Hey saf, I was wondering How much the clothes cost
You should do a give away
Kadın giyim kategorisinde en yeni ürünler uygun fiyat ve indirim seçenekleri ile Butikko.com' da.. Aynı Gün Kargo Kargo 1 TL Kredi Kartı İle Ödeme ve Taksit Seçeneği Kapıda ödeme seçeneği Şimdi Keşfet ! ! ! ! ! TAKİPTE KALIN Facebook: https://bit.ly/2lEXAIc İnstagram: https://bit.ly/2MqWfAs Tesettür: https://bit.ly/2KdJ09F Abiye: https://bit.ly/2N3igpX Pijama: https://bit.ly/2tA8Ie4 Bebek Giyim: https://bit.ly/2tKUxSw Ayakkabı: https://bit.ly/2Kw2wxu Çanta: https://bit.ly/2yNaltF İç Giyim: https://bit.ly/2KWfce4 Gecelik Modelleri: https://bit.ly/2HzUgXK Fantezi Giyim Modelleri: https://bit.ly/2KfNwV5 Tayt Modelleri: https://bit.ly/2Kue7gc Plaj Modası: https://bit.ly/2MqY0h2
I re-watched Tyler's ice-cream massacre thrice. That's how cool it was.
I love the video and your attitude! Vert good and rinrin was so nice! On the other hand i could never wear any of these i would burn up! But the 2nd one was bomb
saf looked incredible in the mode outfit ashdisjdbdbjs
26:10 tyler in the background lmao
I'm SO into this!
You should wear cruggs
Idk why, but the part that made me laugh the most was when Ty yelled out ORCHIDS! all "matter-of-factly", hahaha you guys are the best!! P.S: RinRins outfit with the red dress & adorable black dolly like shoes is totally amazinggg!!!
With slicked back hair in that structured outfit, you would have looked so bad-ass! Like “Who IS that!?” Sort of bad-ass. All of those looks had something oddly reminiscent of 80’s alt culture to them. I would wear the bat look and the Cluless dude look (without the flower overlay) any day in Manchester, UK.
You should try decoration kei
11:57 wow
7:21 uwu
Omg your on esape the night
“Oh no sexy “
People thinking cosplay is street fashion
you look like diane keaton
https://www.forever21.com/us/shop/catalog/product/f21/app-main/2000298390 you need to try this
OMG. This is such not only informative, but very interesting to watch and relax after hard day. Loved it
Have you ever done any reviews on hair removal ipl?
Safia I lllllllloooooovvvvveeeeeeee u sooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo much I can't even explain can u pls dress like they did in Greece or like musicals ppppllllllssssss thx love u ❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤
You should try ipsy glam bag
Safiya is so gorgeous she literally looked good in all those outfits which weren’t even her style and she wouldn’t have even picked out herself. I love it
My Wisconsin cross country fam
Try Juno & Co.
tbh i hate this style and would never wear it, but it's soo interesting to see how fashion differs so much around the world in other cultures.
I know you have done a lot of clear plastic stuff already but could you do “I where a clear plastic backpack for a day” because my school is making us use clear plastic backpacks!!
The mode look was the best in my opinion! Saf looked so cool
the second outfit is really nice, I like you mixed the long shirt with the black coat in the end ♥
Beautiful japan.... Big like.....
plese make a video were you serch for your name
I wish we could be wierd friends ♡
Cotton candy hot dog: https://youtu.be/PfD_HunnX3Y Enough said.
Safiya Nygaard Hi Safiya! Can you do a ”DIY SKINCARE FOR A MONTH” ? Where you make produkts like ”Apple cider vinegar toner” and just other DIY natural stuff and try it for a month?
Safiya Nygaard have you ever worn all your Frankin-makeup as a full look
Safiya Nygaard u should buy a week worth of outfits from aliexpress
End times! Repent of your sins! Believe in Jesus Christ and repent from your sins! 2nd book of Timothy 3:1-5, in the Holy Bible (KJV) 1This know also, that in the last days perilous times shall come. 2For men shall be lovers of their own selves, covetous, boasters, proud, blasphemers, disobedient to parents, unthankful, unholy, 3Without natural affection, trucebreakers, false accusers, incontinent, fierce, despisers of those that are good, 4Traitors, heady, highminded, lovers of pleasures more than lovers of God; 5Having a form of godliness, but denying the power thereof: from such turn away. 1st book of Corinthians 6:9-11 9Know ye not that the unrighteous shall not inherit the kingdom of God? Be not deceived: neither fornicators, nor idolaters, nor adulterers, nor effeminate, nor abusers of themselves with mankind, 10Nor thieves, nor covetous, nor drunkards, nor revilers, nor extortioners, shall inherit the kingdom of God. 11And such were some of you: but ye are washed, but ye are sanctified, but ye are justified in the name of the Lord Jesus, and by the Spirit of our God.
You should totally do a "My cat picks my makeup" video! Please, with chocolate and cherry on top!
You should wear all your mixed makeup for a day
Why does this just make me want to go to Japan more?! I love the styles of clothing there so much along with the Japanese culture in general. :'(
The mode outfit was like Annie Hall meets Lydia Deetz.
"Strong visual impact"
Saaaaaaf pleeeaaassseeee do more "bad make up science "
Picnic pants and hairy leggings
Can you try blanket cocoons for adults?
this was such an entertaining video hahaha
They're like ginko leaves
I know this is kind of late, but Saf I freaking love your channel so much!!!! I have watched you since the beginning of your buzzfeed days and have continued watching your absolutely amazing channel. I know this is also rare, but it would be so amazing/incredible if you got to read this. ILYYYYYY! Keep being so amazing and producing great videos. Follow me on instagrammmm lol.
I’m obsessed with these????
I need a friend like rinrin
i would wear ALL of these outfits! lol.
This is an odd request but can you please get your eyebrows microbraded or tinted/dyed? Thanks!
it kinda looks like ginkgo leaf. the dangling things on the outer
Could you please do an "I dressed like a K-pop star for a week" video??? \(0o0)/
I may say this a lot, but that rat carrying the pizza? Yeah, that is, without a sliver of doubt,,, me.
U should do a frankin pencil liner
I really loved the first outfit from Ground Y! The long shirt dress reminds me of pajamas that male and females wore in the old old days aka “Little House on the Prairie.”
I enjoyed your video very well. Good editing music and you are also smart with what you say. I hope for a brighter future for you
Tyler struggling with the ice cream is a mood
When you get back into making videos, can you do a TopHatter haul and review? It's an app that has cheap stuff like wish, but you bid on it like an auction.
hey you should to a house/apartment tour
If/When saf decides to have a garage sale in the future.. I hope she sells these clothes (esp the Nike one)hahahaha would love to buy it hahaha...
yo I can't even imagine how much those yohji yamamoto clothes cost so in love with the shoes for that outfit too
after you picked out the pieces, I didn't know how they'd turn out but you looked so good in every outfit!! the accessories, shoes and makeup did such a difference in putting them all together :O makes me want to try this kind of fashion
You should live a week based on instagram self care threads!
l. m. bbb,bb l. b
For the next buying clothes from the internet can you buy from Zaful.
Those are some styles my sister would wear and she doen'tr live in japan, and has never heard of it before! XD
You should try out roller skate heels. Dangerous? Probably. Entering? YESSS!!!
i love laughing at westerners that are completely oblivious to harajuku's different fashion types and just call every single style "harajuku fashion"
fascinating, but horrific at the same time. I can't even imagine putting something like this on and thinking I look good. No, no, and no.
Hi Safiya! Can you do a ”DIY SKINCARE FOR A MONTH” ? Where you make produkts like ”Apple cider vinegar toner” and just other DIY natural stuff and try it for a month?
Do a full face of your custom Frankenstein makeup.
I love the mode look!
I think the layered look was my favourite but the flowers on the jacket just looked like tea bags to me
Saw your first vid
Mode Style=Japanese Witch
You should do an opposite of your regaler makeup ruteen
I feel like Diane Keaton would love the Japanese mode style since that’s usually how she dresses haha.
Loved Rinrin she's so cute. & yes!! Loved the 2nd outfit. You rocked that hat!
I loveeeeee the second oneeeeee!!!!
Rinrin is so cute!
Use dry shampoo to bake your face! xx
One of the Dementor's friends, Grim Reaper, threw a party, and the dress code was 'Business Casual', so he wore Safiya's second outfit, because of her suggestion. Thank you, Safiya, for making this Dementor's life easier.
I can’t believe no one has made an Edna “Mode” joke yet
Tyler dying in the background at 26:11 lol
can you try kawaii style for 1 week or day?
Count how many times Safiya does this
Did you go to Edna for the mode Look
Lmao I'm from Wisconsin and seeing the Wisconsin cross country shirt in the first shop you went to was really trippy
"Amazing! You're a bat!" Rinrin is too cute
Song mino would love the patched jeans and oversized shirt from the last layered style.
Next bad makeup science could be that u mix al ur nailpolish together like if u agree
Vampire athleisure is what we all need
I think the flowers on the shirt were supposed to be ginkgo leaves
I freaking LOVE the Mode outfit!!!
for someone who loves the colour black, I LOVE MODE STYLE.
rinrin is so cute
The mode look reminds me of the babadook
Awwww @ 10:02 her name is mika and that'd my name too!!!! Saf said my name ahhhhh!!!
you should do a zaful review!! love you
You should do a video Like "i dressed like a randomised sim for a week"
Pls com to Denmark like if you live ind Denmark
You should try out the app MDacne. I saw an add for it and apparently it makes a custom face wash. Love your videos, and I hope you have a great day
The video is so good! Although I recently got a pixie cut, I can still incorporate some inspirations from this! Anybody has a fashion tip/inspiration for me with my pixie hair?
i want this creativity to trend in canada
omg i want the crown!
i love yamikawai and yumekawai
Safiya Nygaard To get a tattoo when you have 5 million congrats now you need to do a tattoo
could you please do a video making a whole week outfit from https://www.glamshell.com/
Hey I know this sounds goofy but make a video of a 24 hour challenge of u wearing a eyepatch or for a week. It would be interesting to see the light difference when u take it off
We love a buff queen
You should checkout clothes from Yesstyle
You should give Tyler a full makeover
HAHA tyler at 26:09 is mood. mood.
The mode outfit looks sooo good!
haveeee ann idea safff would u try out companies that produce zero waste makeup? and also skinn routiness? like 100% pure?
4:31 Where did we go? What did we do? I think we made something, entirely new
AYE WISCONSIN! I'm from Wisconsin so that just made me happy! Lol
Real across local prayer signal anybody commit alternative Christmas.
2:23 is that the worlds ugliest jumper?
Western people should start dressing like this
I'd wear the fuck out of that mode look and I usually find neutral colored minimalism super boring
Not to sound like a weeb but Japanese fashion has always been top-tier. Also I'm so glad thrifting and DIY are super trendy. I hope they stay on trend tbh
Safiya, you don't do nextbeat anymore. I'm sad.
I’m from Wisconsin and I literally had that same cross country shirt when I was in high school circa 2010. How does that even happen? That shirt has seen more of the world than I have.
Do boyfriend chooses my outfits for a week!!!!!!
Who watches safiya in escape the night
You should try sleeping in one of those Japan pods capsle rooms
The blue shear dress reminded me exactly of a doctor XD
I love all of this! I need to go to Japan!
You should try to do the decora kei style!! It would look crazy on you but I feel like you would have fun.
3:05 the guy in the middle is wearing a shilwar for sure
Safiya You Should LEt SimplyNailLogicail Do Ur Nails!
I LOVE THIS! All the outfits are so fun ^u^
safiya: i think its a little too tight rinrin: OH NO toooo sexy
I think Safiya should go thrift shopping!! That would be so cool
Can you do a romwe part 2 who else agrees
GOD! Tyler eating that ice cream kkkkkkkkkkkk
tyler looks like a mermaid from h20 the tv show on netflix
YOU HAVE TP TRY THESE UPSIDE DOWN DENIM SHORTS!!! OMG LOL http://www.thisisinsider.com/upside-down-jeans-denim-trend-2018-6?utm_content=buffer92f63&utm_medium=social&utm_source=facebook.com&utm_campaign=buffer-new-york
I fukin love when Saf pulls out the witch voice
Turkish makeover plss!
Where is the town of Everlock
Tyler should pick out your make up
Definitely one of your best videos!
You should try curology
Love this...
Tyler eating that ice cream and trying to hide 26:11
26:10 ice-cream dooooown!
Second style is so cool but all of these over-sized stuff tend to make you look like a tent (have this problem with super-comfy stuffs meh for having hips haha) if you not as tiny and skinny as these fashion people ;_;
Buy 5 things from billboards!!!!!
are you guys ok? it's been more than a week since you last posted...
First when i saw your channel name i thought that your name was Nygård because my favourite singer is named Petri Nygård :D (go watch his epic music)
We rlly need a Rinrin in our lives
can you make videos where you try clothes from unique vintage.com and asos.com
I love Rinrin! I want to be her friend!
You should do a video with your old buzzfeed coworkers
So in Japan people always clap, hate sexy stuff and dress in strange ways
How is street fashion different from everyday fashion?
When will the next video comes???
rin rin is precious she just gained a new subscriber
Can you do a vid where you were all ur Frankin makeup
Hey Saf! I had a fun video idea (which you can accept or ignore lol) I recently watched your video where the app Pureple picked out your outfits for you based on things in your closet. What if you did this kind of video again but used the weird clothing items like the Denim jacket, hairy chest swimsuit, and woolen sweater-dress?
I just realized the whole Safiya is talking in the video she was wearing the Nike shirt.
the mode look makes you look like some sorr of avant-garde detective i love it
You should do a video where you buy products you see from Spotify ads
For your next Frankein makeup, you should mix all your liquid eyeliners!
22:20 mary poppins wHO
Love Love Love The Mode look on you xx
Taylor and his ice crem
The mode style is like Snape all the way
Most of Asia is so ahead of us especially fashion wise. I looked at most of these like "what the hell" but they look really good on
Sorry if people notice this copy and pasting, but i'm trying to get help from someone with a large following: Aaron lives in my town (in England), he's 28 and was misdiagnosed with hayfever a few times until it was found to be cancer - now terminal. There are no more options for him on the NHS and his life is literally dependant on money for a ground breaking treatment in Gernany. The treatment has a starting cost of £300,000, with costs rising as it continues. The town are working so hard but the goal is simply too much. Its been a year and a third of the money has been raised, but time isnt on our side. If just one Youtuber could get involved and maybe pass it around a bit we would all be so grateful. Thankyou xx https://www.gofundme.com/aaronsbattle
Oh you should do a "Live like a sims for a day challenge.
you hit 5 mil
No offense, her bf is ugly. Why is she with him? She can do much better :)
Rin Rin is very cute!
some times i mistake you for gabbie hanna TuT
Safiya Nygaard I turned your notifications on
Safiya Nygaard where is the feather mustache trend? Quote yourself from feather eyebrows! If you can’t do yourself do Tyler’s stache!
Safiya Nygaard NEW TREND YOU NEED TO TRY!!! Unicorn pants L'Agence Margot Skinny Jeans ($290) Available in sizes 23 to 32. Chloé Metallic Cropped Jeans ( $935 ) ($654) Available in sizes 2 to 12. Rag & Bone High-Rise Skinny-Leg Metallic Leather Pants ( $995 ) ($397) Available in sizes 24 to 32. Lafayette 148 New York Curvy Fit Skinny Jeans($248) Available in sizes 0 to 18. L'Agence Marcelle Foil Skinny Jeans ( $325 )($189) Available in sizes 23 to 32. Saint Laurent High-Rise Skinny-Leg Metallic Jeans ($890) Available in sizes 25 to 30. Eloquii Metallic Ombre Skinny Jeans ($100) Available in sizes 14 to 28. RtA Denim Metallic Leather Jeans ( $1095 )($389) Available in sizes 23 to 29. and AG Legging Ankle Jeans in Metalized Powder Pink ( $255 ) ($102) Available in sizes 24 to 32. here's the link to the website; https://www.whowhatwear.com/amp/iridescent-skinny-jeans--5b3696696147b
I’m i the only one who realised that Safiya hasn’t posted a video for a while
This was so interesting. That first store seemed so amazing. If I ever go to Tokyo I have to go there!
Aww RinRin was so sweet!
I love this! So interesting to see fashion in Japan! I want to go there so bad!
Compensation college admission cbidfh pie reading their stake treat light naturally young.
oooooooo girl that new hair, that makeup and the blue dress ??? you look so good
I adored these outfits! Now I wish that I could find such clothing here in Washington.
amazing video!! love the outfits you picked out
Safiya is my Nygaard ✌
Hi! Could you mix all of your nailpolishes together? I think it would be fun.
3:02 Mode Style more like EDNA MODE STYLE *Baddum TSSSS*
I love it!!! I also love Tyler eating his ice cream in the background
Whenever I hear some one say what do you think. It makes me think of simply nailohical H
The knitted crow reminded me off jugheads beanie in riverdale
Am I the only one who thought the translator girl looks like Hyerin of EXID?
I turned your notifications on
in love with the third outfit! the earrings are so pretty
i lovee japan
Yo I'm not hating on anyone who dresses like this, I myself wear some dramatic and colorful shit, a lot of it inspired by Harajuku. But all these styles shown were so busy and kinda an eyesore, except the Mode outfit Saf chose. Am I really the only one here? I scrolled through a bunch of comments that totally love the styles, and dont get me wrong I love the uniqueness and individuality behind it... but it ends up looking like a hot mess here lol I'm sorry
I think I love the second one the most. I see it being rocked anywhere any day!
Mix all of your contours together
Okay but those patchwork/Lacey jeans from nincompoop capacity and that patchwork shirt from wallI gotta diy those!
Someone tell me how many bobby-pins Saf has in her hair at 21:18
I really want that Nike top with the bat wings. It’s Amazing!!
Shook that I saw that Wisconsin shirt because nobody knows we exist
Safiya is so Likable‼️❤️️
I don't really like the last outfit tbh. 1- I don't like the jacket 2- I actually feel like it's not colourful enough lol
waiting for ur NEW VIDEO HURRY UPPP SAFF. love u
Im living for the vintage jeans
I love how at the 26 mins mark you just see Tyler struggling to eat the ice cream whilst Safiya is explaining away
my first time watching you i like your channel :)
do a look like a sim challenge!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I feel luke the mode outfit would work in NY
You NEED to do a video with James Charles!!! He'll give you all the makeup tips and how to keep your face from getting super oily when having makeup on!
might be my new fav videos of yours so far
I would totally wear mode style
Hey it's me again thanks for posting it means so mutch to me and meny uthers to thank u for always being ther for us
Saf you are my favorite
Love Japan need to go back
I don’t know if it’s the same. but valparaiso is a college in my home town!
Hey Saf! Could you do something like (Buying from channel Gucci Luis Vuitton Prada) please?
You should do 'Wearing all my Franken make-up
I love this series!! Please do more of these
I wonder if saf pins comments
I love your videos! I was thinking you should do Full face of only kids makeup.
You look so great in all those outfits!
Safiya should have more subscribers... I mean.. She has the best contents ... I love u saf
Loved all of these omg
I hope I can subscribe more than once
Remember comfortable vampire??
The first one reminds me of Snape's usual outfit.
Who else loves it when Safina says, "Alright'
Your my faret cereter from escape the night
So..... After a Few Intro Listening..... I see most of the “ I Bought “ or “ Wish Vids “ Is the New Intro song... And the rest Old Intro.... I luv both, And like how she switches both the intros
Can u review Hush products in another video.
The flowers remind me of Jacobs Ladder flowers
Were Are you from? Your last name sounds kinda Norwegian.
Hey saf, since you are our ambassador to weird fashion trends... I just found a new trend for you... UNICORN SKINNY JEANS
I have a random question. Are you still a holosexual? I'm not trying to be mean or to shame you I just wanted to know
She is so beautiful ❤️ it’s not fair
I saw this on my Instagram and thought it would be something cool for you to try: it’s called beautonomy and I create your own palette and name it and stuff
Should've done lolita too. Great video any way.
Instead of carmen sandiego I thought you look more like the woman from law & order svu!
You look so pretty and soft with shorter and light color hair
i was just in Tokyo and it’s honestly AMAZING i loved my time in Japan, and i’m sad to be back ((i just got back yesterday))
i just realise that she was wearing the nike sweatshit with bat wings the whole time
sign me up for the #modegargoyle movement!!!
I love these looks & styles so much! The focus on personal creativity is amazing, and it's so refreshing seeing trends that are about the clothes more than the bodies underneath! I wish I lived in a place where going out in any of these would be seen as an expression of creativity, and not just get you judgemental glares... I'd go to Japan for it but think I'm a bit too curvy & broke! hahaha
This brings back memories of when i stayed in japan! i mostly stayed in harajuku and i recognise some of the places in the video. I did only see only 1 or 2 examples of tokyo fashion though, even when i frequented takeshita street a lot. i wanna go back to tokyo nowww
Why was Rinrin wearing a mouth cover thingy ?
Safiya Nygaard I loved this video so much!!
Can you please please please do a full face of Franken makeup , I think it would be amazing
Honestly, I love how she rocks all of these looks. If i wore any of those, I'd look like a potato.
I want to go to japan
I am so I N L O V E with the Nike shirt!!
Mod style. O M G. So me!!
22:39 Marimekko... Suomi mainittu
Loved all this! Did Ryan get any clothes tho??? Second outfit is my favorite; definitely going to try to make this a thing in Austin, Tx lol
The mode outfit reminded me of fiddler on the roof!
Smashed the like button for tyler trying to not be messy (?) and finishing the ice cream while saf is vlogging at the almost end of the video cUTE!
You look so great with this look! Definitely looks weird up close with the contacts but I still love it. Cheeks look great; I definitely think I’ll try this soon! And I LOVE, LOVE RinRin!!!
Dracula strikes again
Why do I now wanna thrift a college shirt and add skirt to it? I loved that college shirt.
I agree with saf! Mote gargoyle style must happeeen
Finally someone who goes to Japan and is respectful to the culture
11:56 Death the Kid is pissed
U have those hair clips in your hair just like @Toopoor
The mouse pants gave me major Coraline vibes.
I like how in the end, when Safiya was talking about the clothes... Tyler was busy eating the ice cream, lol
Her: so what would u wear with this for pants? Them: uhh...no.
i NEED that blazer
When Tyler is trying to eat that ice cream and it’s falling
I personally find the tokyo street style incredibly aesthetic and such inspiration
I would where that yogi Yamamoto all day long!
I notice you were wearing your nike bat shirt while you did the narraration...
*and as saf talks Tyler drops his ice cream
she's annoying af im here for the fashion she seems really innocent random i think she's a virgin still
24:52 Linzor was there (I think... it might be a different vending machine)
Gosh it look hippie and trash like design..gross...that how they dress..la la land comic doll look.gone wrong
I thought the central state shirt was actually super cute tho
would it be stealing if I remade the nike top? lol
I really really reaaaalllyyyy in love with their trends
the whole time I watched this I had a moment of realization that my style is these styles. like my style is most closely related to Japanese styles and I didn't even know of them before this video, other than Harajuku style. I've just always been into what isn't normal or "trending" but more so into being an individual and wearing what I like (which isn't popular in the US and most people follow what's in the stores). The very first store you went to was so awesome! I loved the pink outfit so much and honestly if I lived there I would shop there all the time! feeling like I need to make a plan for a shopping trip in Japan soon! edit: to sum up this very long comment. I feel like I learned something about my style and myself today.
i really love the first two outfits. they feel like something i would wear. i think the first one spoke to me the most because just...yes.
The MODE outfit was definitely my fave
I just wanna buy a whole new wardrobe with Japanese street wear now
21:47 I died XD
Finally a YouTuber who does japan right
I love streetwear. Most of this is preeetty ugly?
Tyler eating ice cream at the back in the end
For sure went Ham with those bobby pins lol
but that's because they tend not to have giant bat wings attached LOL
Ok, you look like Pixielocks (minus her colorful styling) in the thumbnail. Too cute!
Wisconsin Cross Country!!! Yes
I want to play with my clothes too LOL
Subbing to rinrin asap
Saf, this was really great. I like that you research and got local opinions and help. You just dove right in and embraced it. I loved the second outfit, it looks like something I'd wear anyway
lol don't @ me
7:19 that’s cute
was rin rin sick?
Omgosh! You always make me laugh! Tyler and his ice cream
you've heard of Pizza Rat, now behold! Pant Rat!
I would have loved to see her in Lolita....
“You can layer things on and they’re colorful” Kimono’s were too ahead if their time
I love the very first black outfit that top is amazing!!!!
the mode outfit looked the best!
Ahhh! I love Rin Rin! What a cool collab!
Anyone else wondering how a shirt from Wisconsin ended up in Tokyo?
Waaaoow the looks really came together :O i love the mode outfit!! you look so good
I love these outfits so much
Pretty cool you mentioned and wore some of yojis pieces. The Olsen twins, founders of the Row love him.
Did anyone else notice the Wisconsin CC T-shirt lol? I wonder how that ended up there
I love love love the shirt from the first outfit from wall it was so cute im mean id wear that lmao
Your mode outfit
The mode look absolutely reminded me of a look that Diane Keaton has done in the past.
Oml option one is so cute but option 2 us better
i love rinrin’s voice it’s so soothing
"Oh no sexy." lol
i was distracted half of the time by the persona 5 music in the background
The boxy fashion trend reminds me a lot of Annie Hall's wardrobe. Saf, you looked supercute!
She looks like the babadook in the mode outfit
I loved that white top and Jean outfit SO MUCH !!!! Super cute
I really love the mode style!
Do a pic of your cat for tattoo
Omg Mika doing the sneaky hands and saying “sneaky”
That blue dress is so Saf’s color
Rinrin: All of his designs have pockets. Me: where is the link to the online store and is there international shipping?
Why was Rinrin wearing a mouth cover thingy??
I swear Japan is like in year 3039 and the world is still in the 20 century
You should come to Croatia,i'm not saying you need to come,Croatia has a interesting street fashion
Aww, Rinrin is so sweet.
I want the black jacket so bad
You should dress in Bitmoji style for a week!!
"Ohh nooo, sexy"
I live rinrin but that last outfit was really bad the first one was awesome the second was decent lol
I neeedddd that white sweatshirt top thing *.*
Ughhh in the first store she visted i fell in love with that Keith Haring artwork! * colorful characters that looks like they're dancing *
I want rinrin as a friend now !!!!
Your content is getting better and better!
is it just me or dose she look boom in every outfit
26:10 Tyler is literally me omfg XD
I love that Nike shirt! I might make my own lol
I really like the bat look
The mode style just made me think of Edna Mode from incredibles.
Safiya Nygaard I went to Japan where were you
When YouTube somehow changed "When RinRin came off camera-" to "When RinRin off a harem"
Rinrin nailed that makeup she puts on you
Why was rinrin wearing mask at home? I know that some Asians wear masks but I'm confused why she only wore it at home
I love that blue outfit. It's so flowy & fun in a calm way Edit: Nevermind, I love everything. I just like baggy & loose clothes. Who can choose orz
Honestly this is the best and most realistic view I've seen of streetstyle in Japan. Love it so much!!
*casual dementor*
Mode was perfection!
Did anyone think on the first outfit that the crown reminded them of Jughead’s/Cole Sprouse’s crown beanie in Riverdale? Just like a very very girly version or just the opposite of him
Tyler says: "I think we should get that away from the layered clothing" Tyler's thoughts: "This is gonna be good!" *licks*
Your videos are so unique! Haha 22:00 dementor.
Girl , you were born to wear black !
shell proceed talk child airplane principal largely worth outside question experimental.
This really makes me miss Tokyo. I hope to splurge more on clothing when I go back to Japan.
Mode was the best
I need this black mode jacket in my life
You should come to Pakistan
I need an adult. I am an adult.
Those outfits are so cool!!!
Did anyone else get a stitch fix ad before the video started?
Tyler struggling to eat his ice cream in those two clips
GroundY is my style lol.
6:05 21:49 23:22 I’m in love
Why is rinrin wearing a mask ?
The first mode outfit with the hat gave me mad Diana Prince vibes in Wonder Woman
Omg I love the two first looks, this is so cool
Great video, Rin Rin was so lovely!
hahaaa tyler eating the ice cream in the background
im in love
You should come to Guadalajara, Mexico!
Can I order the pink coat/jacket seen at 15:39 ? And the beige dress with the blouse at 16:27 ? If possible where do I order them ?
I snickered like a 12 year old boy for like 20 seconds when nincompoop came up
I didnt know about RinRin before! Thank you for introducing me to her channel! She's so cute :***
Rinrin brought back my happiness
Why so much hate?
I loved all of the outfits, weirdly enough
Omg that mode look!!! I want!!!!
26:32 - World's sexiest Hasidic Jew.
Why does the makeover have a mask on?
I liked the Central State University Outfit the most
Business casual dementor!
Rinrin is so cute omg, straight up Yukio personified
Anyone else think that the background music sounds the Persona 5 soundtrack
I actually learned so much about Japanese street style in this video and I am in LOVEEE with this fashion style
the Mode outfit is very Diane Keaton and I'm here for it
I feel like all Youtubers r complaining about Youtube messing with stuff so their views r dipping a lil bit to a lot of a bit! But Saf is just like BITCH I CANT RELATE!!!
That girl at 24:24 looked all pouty and annoyed xD
I like all of the looks, but the mode outfit is my faaaavorite! It looks so good on you! Also, shoutout to Tyler who has trouble eating ice cream at 26:10
I think a cool video would be to see how saf incorporates all the clothes she got into her everyday wardrobe
Damn girl you look fine with that blue dress!
idk if anyone else thought this but at 21:15 when the "bat wings" were flying behind her she reminded me of Snape when his cloak flies out behind him
They Are weird
You were with a Lolita model and you didn't do that?! Obviously you have to go back and do it again.
21:52 the lady was trying to get of your photo shoot XD (on the right)! LOL
Okay I have a question. When Rin Rin was doing your makeup and she had the mask on is that a fashion choice or because of germs? Truly no shade I’m genuinely curious and intrigued by Japanese Pop Culture
That makeup suited safiya so much it looks beautiful!! a really fresh summery look
13:04 that’s basically a thoob
Yaaaahhhh.... Wisconsin forever people.... GEHDHRHFHJFFHJDHEHDBFHFRJRJFNRJFHJ
you should smile more than closing your lips during pics, it makes you look more beautiful!!
HELLO FRIEND’S, ahhh I love SAF ❤️
Haha Japan is the best
Clearly they are white ginkgo leaves on a clearish bomber jacket
Those outfits are amazing! They're totally match you(and the crown was so cute!). I'm actually in love with the bat-dementor-nike blouse, I think I would try to make something similiar :D The whole video really inspired me to do something with my clothes
linlin is shook
very sesi xD
Omg she’s so cute
Sad I’d just like to say you’ve had such a glow up. Like I was here when you started your channel and you were cute but now you’re CUTE AS HELL DUDE I CANT GET OVER IT anyways love ur stuff
did they really talked this loud in the underground D: ?
"I got swamp bra, but i dont have swamp butt" me everyday
26:09 tyler is me whenever I eat anything and end up making a mess
"edna mode"
You fit REALLY well with literally every street fashion style at this point. I am what you call ''shooketh''
The first moment I saw the 90s teenager boy outfit I immediately thought how the transparent jacket from the first outfit would go super well w the second outfit
Does anyone know where safiya got the casual black dress she was walking in between shops from?
I think Saf looks great in those transparent raincoat type of outfit with a colourful outfit inside
"Oh no sexy!"
You should wear these outfits around the us in a video
not to be rude and if this is offensive i am so sorry, but i was just wondering why Rinrin wore a medical mask while doing Saf's makeup?
Tyler photo bombed at 26:10
26:09 tyler struggling there
Business casual dementor: how my friends have been describing my style for years
From the mode outfit I was getting a my soul vibe
I love this Can you explore Indian style since you're half Indian Thanks
Did you go into 6% doki doki??????
I love your videos. Japan trip looks amazing!!! Fashion in Japan is so advanced as well, I love it.
omg i pissing myself with laughter
Lol. Tyler and that dang cone.
AHHH Rin Rin is so kawaii >///w////
I would gladly endure ads for this type of content. Great work Saf!
Safiya Nygaard hi
The layered look reminds me of “the chair” in my room
dude i’m mexican-japanese and was born in california and have never been to japan( but i really do want to go) yet i love all of these outfits so much and now i just want to go to japan even more so i can get these styles and wear them when i come home to school and omg
I liked the 2nd outfit
the second look was so nice!!
Who else would love to see Safiya travel to other countries to get makeovers
the hat looks inside out 23:09 it's just weird looking on top with all the seams showing.
what happened to her lipstick?! 1:19
My dad is Japanese so I have been there a lot of times. Safiya kind of looks weird because she is not Japanese and when I see people dress like this, they are Japanese. No hate! Still love you video Safiya! Btw I have been to the first and second store when I went to go visit my family hat lives in Japan. My aunts wanted to get me an outfit to wear here in America. I got three outfits with them.
I just found out my mom is cheating on my dad…
this is making my need to travel BURN
How much did the outfit cost??
layering *black on black*
I want the university shirt
I love mode style.
RinRin was soo cute! Great job, RinRin!
Bruh i love that nike air bat thingy
I ALSO WANT THE 90s TEENAGER OUTFIT RN. That outfit with a pair of sk8 hi vans would be gold
Ok but I want the vintage central state uni blouse and those jeans thanks
I love the colorful layered style, it makes people look like comic book or video game characters!!
the mode look makes you look jewish idk why
Tyler eating safiya’s ice cream in the background gives me life
is it just me that thinks she looks like wonder woman in the mode outfit??
Noooo the rat pants
the second outfit was my favourite but they were all so good!
who else searched their country on the world map?
10:37 I love that expression on Mika!
When you went to Wall, did you see Claire Danes falling from the sky ? GOT IT ? GOT IT ? No ? Ok. Anyway, I wonder how much all of this cost
It's hard to sport tokyo fashion if youre not super skinny or petite I feel.
Why was she wearing a face mask whilst doing safiyas makeup?
Rinrin is so kind and cute
Saf that central state one was so beautiful you should do a video on how to make it and other cute outfits
RinRin is the cutest thing. "AM I A SWEET SUMMER CHILD?" "Yes!" Oh my GOD I am dying.
All of these outfits were amazing! I'm impressed by how well you pulled it off! The Mode look and the maxi shirt of the third look were so amazing!
Mode style reminds me of the 80's
you should totally wear these full outfits out in the US and get the public's opinion and stuff that'd be a great video
Do you and Tyler not work for buzzfeed anymore??
Omg that first store looks like my form of a heaven
Honestly rinrin is the cutest human alive. I need a friend like her
In second look with the hat you look like Gal Gadot!!!
The lipstick shade you are wearing (@7:39) looks so flattering on you and so does your new hairstyle! Fun video! :)
Where is the shirt you're wearing in the beginning from? the black one with the roses?
Safiya: renaissance vibes, *cut to the ETN season 3 trailer*
As soon as I saw the first mode outfit I thought of the babadook in the best way possible
I’m dying at the fact that a Japanese vintage store has a sweatshirt from a historically black college in a rural Ohio town. I love you Japan, I don’t understand your fashion but I’m still living for it
The mode outfit reminds me of Tina Goldstein from fantastic beasts!!
i think it would be soo fun to see saf do a "what i wore for a week" video but using a mixture of items she's bought in her videos. it would be cool to see her mix stuff she bought in japan with the platform crocs or clothes from the different decades
I loved that girl! Is her channel in English?
please do one in south korea!
I wish she dressed up in full fairy kei, that would have been amazing!
The mode outfit made it look like safiya became a man in black
I’m down for making mode a thing in America. It needs to happen. It looks so dramatic yet classy.
The 'nimcom poop'? Shop is amazing
Saf is the original content queen! An idea powerhouse! Your videos are always very enjoyable thank you for all the hard work you put into your channel. Out of all you tubers you and Shane Dawson are the only ones I’d ever like to actually meet.
The mode outfit reminds me of the scene in Wonder Woman when she was trying out all those outfits
Also I wish Safiya was my friend. She’s amazing.
I don’t love the outfits but I kinda like the styles.
Rinrin is beautiful!!!! Her voice is so sweet
11:12 Why she so mad at her
LOVE the Bat ensemble.
RinRin is a doll!
oh yaaaaaaassssss
Mode style
I really really loved this video and now I just want a Tokyo fashion stylist to style me 24/7 I love it!!
I want that over sized t-shirt so much
HELLO I LOVED THE VIDEO, But please show how did she make the Harajuku video it was sooo dope
oh my god i love the nike outfit so much
i would really love to see a video on you wearing these same outfits in LA
I am SO remaking those rat pants!!!!!!!
IN Spi YERD!!!! I love this
Wow I adore the mode style
"Amazing! You're a bat!" OMG, stop, Rinrin is too goddamn cute.
Rin Rin is the cutest
I love all of them
Boxy Carmen San Diego yaaas!
this reminds me so much of Bjork's style fashion in the 90's
I love this video ! It just made me smile somehow
I love the horse shirt so cute
Love the pastle colors
U need to stay in a capsule hotel!!!
Wish we knew the piece ranges bet it was hella expensive
the plaid maid me think of Hey Arnold
Damn I don’t even care about stuff like this but the host just made it so much fun I had to watch the whole thing
Mode Gargoyle FTW!!!!!
“Business casual Dementor”
My favorite outfit has to be the mode outfit
Rin Rin is so kawaii ♥️
this isn’t tokyo style this is kanye west style
I live in the most fasion-boring country - Israel. So I look like a funny freak with my outfits hich could do great in Tokyo or elsewhere :((
“what would you put under this, for pants?” “um no” this is me w every outfit tbh i hate pants
24:47 that looks like jennie’s as if its your last ice cream
14:00 the puns
7:27 yasss the brand
5:58 - 6:00 that was made for safiya
I want a Lolita Safiya
The mode style is so bomb
am i the only one that sees a riding crop on the mode backpack???
Every time I hear someone say Tokyo, I say... TOKYOOOOO GHOUUUULLLLLLLL
14:36 I just noticed RinRin was wearing that dress lol
safiya is a fashion icon. thank you for exposing yourself to different styles of fashion, including ones from different countries. please try visiting south korea. i know people get annoyed but honestly there's more to south korea than just k-pop, even though fashion makes a big part of that too. koreans have very stylish fashion trends and i think they've put a huge impact in westernized fashion. you'll be surprised how amazing it is.
"layering black on black." nctzens: NCT IN THE HOUSEEE
Wall is like Japanese target
i love mika she's so cute
she talks like a journalist
i love her but her eyebrows disturbing me.
I need The bat outfit!!!
you should do the same thing with RinRin in the usa
really felt the Grim Reaper vibe from the k-drama Goblin with the Mode outfit!!! so dope
I really Love The unknown flower Jacket a Lot
RinRin looks so cute in that red dress
I love your personality !
I love mode style. And the first style. My favorite item was the Nike bat shirt
Safiya Nygaard I love Japanese fashion and for you to make a vid about it makes me love it even more
Safiya Nygaard Dear Saf, please collab with Rosanna Pansino
I want the flower jacket
Did you get that little crown??
I want to go there one day the clothes are so big that you couldn’t feel self conches love there clothes
I fricken love that central state shirttttt
I'm so jealous of how confident and adventurous Safiya is because for every outfit I thought "Oh no I would never try that on!" but she just makes it work.
Hay i have that Wisconsin shirt
Oh my god Tyler in the background 26:11
That flower top from wall looked more like tampons than flowers
15:38 it's perfect for popy to use cuz it's over size
The people in Japan all seem so pleasant, kind and respectful I would LOVE to visit there one day
These styles are honestly aesthetically pleasing
16:31 thank me l8rt
wow saf, you look so beautiful with your hair highlights
"Harry Potter"
Wow Safiya looks gorgeous
Nice Tyler
24:37 please world make this a gif.
I really love GroundY's clothing, all the black and white is so satisfying
Enemy behind replace executive matter birthday rule.
RinRin is so cute omg
Hi Bob
Your second look was the best i think. Like the first and second outfit rocks!!! I don't know what to think about the 3rd
I sooooo want to go to Japan!!!!
I actually loved the groundY outfit so much it was my favourite
I want that bat shirt and the patchworks jeans
Welp. I’m moving to Tokyo.
These outfits inspired me so much that I had to make some art of it. I'm going to draw it now and I'll post a link to it when I'm finished if anybody is interested!
Dear Saf, please collab with Rosanna Pansino
26:08-26:12 tyler struggling with the ice cream
18:58 I fell in love with the shoes. I googled the shoes. I found the shoes. They didn't have my size. Check the mens... They have my size! (Because women can only have size 6 or smaller feet?) Add to basket. 29,160 yen. Convert to £££. £199. I am no longer in love with the shoes. Seriously they're so gorgeous why to they gotta be so much money omg I'm sobbing and Saf just like popped into the shop and grabbed a pair like?? Oh man >-
Cristine is a sock and saf is a bat
I don’t really like them haha
Omg.I love Rin Rin's dress!
The first mode one with the hat looked like goth Mary Poppins
26:08 Tyler in the background omg
I honestly think safiya should have gone with the pink for the first style. It hit the concept better.
that hat looks like those evil hats from meet the robinsons
Rin Rin is sooo CUTE
I LOVE the last look !
I want to wear long baggy outfits, but Singapore is really hot to wear this kind of clothes
That Mode look is so good.
I have always wanted to visit Tokyo and Japan and I am going to start learning Japanese from my uncle who lived in Japan for a while I cant wait
tokyo is in Japan im in my I dont think about what I say mode right now sorry guys for being an idiot
Fell in love with the Nike sweater
https://mdejaj.wooplr.com/ Visit/: the store and get everything/:
Mode style and all black outfits are my thing
I would die with all of those clothes on. I just cant do heat or layered clothing unless it's cold.
Omg RinRin is so sweet! We all need a friend like her!
I don't know what I love more, the outfits or the game of thrones and harry potter references
Do I look summer-y? Like a sweet summer child?
I love the cutesy, Lolita style❤ I can't ever find that style in America, though
You look so homeless 21:21
Am I the only one that thinks outfit number 2 looks like Diana from Wonder Woman? U know, number 226 outfit she tries on?
thankyou Saf!
you arent saying hrajuku right you pronounce it haruzjuku
omg that mode look!!! YAS.
The second look is so
15:32 I love how Tyler doesn’t know what pizza eat is but Rinrin does
Her little “yesss” awe so cute
Dude naked Mickey @ 6:40
The knitted crown is my favorite thing
So cuteeeeeee ahhhhhh
OMG i came back after a month and Safiya has 5.3 million subscribers already??!!
I'm obsessed with that first outfit I would absolutely wear that
I think that the Nike shirt would look nice with a black denim skirt !
You should go to Germany and get styled by @it’sblackfriday !!
Did anyone else cringe when they were talking and recording on the train? Like nooooo that's rude. Otherwise great vid
Lol at 26:08 Tyler in the background struggling with the ice cream
i want to go to a nincompoop capacity sO BADLY
The second outfit reminds me of Mary Poppins... a gothic Mary Poppins!
You can come India
Hello!!! Visit in our coutry! PHILIPPINES
Wear the Outfits back home
All of these clothes look so western I hate it.
I love how open-minded you are of trying new things. :)
You know.. I liked this video so much, I just had to leave a comment. You are hilarious and I enjoyed watching this video so much! Thank you
Safiya Nygaard is like a female version of Chris Board from Aboard in Japan
12:18 she looks like Gal Gadot in that Wonder Woman scene
What's your height?You seem pretty tall
мιкα нαѕ ℓєαяиє∂ α иєω ωσя∂. *ѕиєαку!* ι ωαит тσ ℓσνє αи∂ ρяσтє¢т яιияιи αи∂ мιкα нσℓу нє¢¢
ι gσт αи α∂νєятιѕємєит fσя ρєє ρяσσf υи∂єяωєαя ι'м ¢σи¢єяиє∂
this is literally my favorite video. im so inspired by these looks. you really pull each of them off. werk!
I need a RinRin in my life! (and money thou)
Did you see other people wearing that style of clothes or is it more of fashion show and modelling style of clothes?
I saw Felix the cat in this video I’m sorry I need to go away dyyye
I love the Nike bat outfit so much!
26:11 lol
You're so cute and fun and patient with stuff :3
You should come to India for this
I loooooved those sweatshirts in Ohashisans store! I really loved the pink option, but I can see you wearing the white sweatshirt and jeans here in the States.
1:15 The way the guy put his hand behind his back for his girlfriend to grab was so cute !!!!!
She’s so beautiful and have such pretty skin I hope she doesn’t go overboard with the tattoo
rinrin is too cute
The second outfit reminds me so much of Snufkin from The Moomins
I remeber reading, many years ago, that the Lolitas and the crazier styles are more usually spotted in Harajuku on saturdays. Like, after lunch you start to see people with awesome outfits coming out of the subway, some of them are finishing their make up or reajusting something on the trains... I imagine that this is because of the school schedule, that can get really tough in Japan, so the more elaborate styles, that take longer to assemble, kind of get saved for the weekends.
Did anyone else LOVE the mode outfit? Like I would totally be down to wear that.
Dangerous woman
The mode outfit was definitely my favorite! But you look gorgeous In all of them
Rinrins American accent is on point!!
this is the most fun shopping in japan video ive watched EVER!
omg it would be so cool if you did a series were i get intentional makeovers form around the world
24:23 the girl in white blouse looks so sad and frightened and cute, I feel like giving her a big, tight hug :
!!!! Rinrin is so adorable!
Omg you look amazing in the white outfit !!!
I love that nike shirt ! Great video !!
This makes me want to become a designer
Was anyone else watching Tyler eat ice cream?
RinRin is so cuteee, very Kawaii
You should sign up for America's next top model by the way my idea
The mode outfit has a similar vibe to Wonder Woman's "blending in" outfit
Tag yourself, I'm Tyler struggling to eat ice cream in the background
i'm a weird person i'm a mode styled person and a layered style person lmao
I love a good business casual dementor
I love the bat shirt! #comfortablevampire
OML! RinRin is SO CUTE!!!
i really want that bat sweatshirt. like please
I kind of wanna see Safiya do a challenge where Tyler buys her a week worth of outfits, and I just wanna see him go ham
Tyler struggling to eat that ice cream cone at 26:09 I'm dying lololol
Hellllloooo Saf.... I totally love the nike outfit. its so you and i wear black and gray all the time too!
business casual dementor
i noticed as you were telling us your experience you were wearing the nike top
Safiya Nygaard the second outfit reminds me of something from coven. AHS S3
Isn't Tyler from japan? I'm just asking no hate❤❤
They look like snowdrops
the mode look is similar to keneki-kun
Rinrin and her friend is so kawaii!!! ❤️ :3
Oh my goooood I LOVE Wall! Remember the town of Wall in Stardust? The fashion in that store reminds me of what they would have worn in the bazaar on the forbidden side of the wall...gorgeous!
11:50 Don't let death the kid hear you say that XD
I want you to dress kawaii please!!!
I like some clothese she wearing not all the she wear I wouldn't wear
So wait we were in Japan at the same time? oof
He’s rockin that teddy bear
Yo, I just drew that guy on the thumbnail in the yellow yesterday, and I'm just finding out about this video. Super weird coincidence...
rinrin is so cute omg
I freaking love RinRin's dress!! I want
Anyone else laughing at Tyler eating the ice cream cone lol
That knit crown tho!
7:21 oh my gosh the lady was so adorable!.....I love Asians! ❤️
I love the oversized, layering and see through Japanese look. Gonna recreate in the u.s.
I love rinrin and you together ugh
Absolutely loved this video!! I can't wait to see what you do with this stuff in the States!
I hope these styles never get big in the US..
This is the best video on YouTube you’re so talented and invested in everything you do it’s so inspiring. So much love for you, Saf ❤️
the 2nd outfit was so cute before the jacket
I reallllly wanted her to experience jpop,I think she would've really enjoyed the Johnys Store, I think she would really like Sexy Zone and Hey! Say! Jump. :)
Did anyone else think of the Babadook when Saf put on that hat?
You should have taken all the "ugly" clothes you bought online over to Japan to see what they would have thought about it!
im surprised by how much i liked some of these outfits you wore. i didnt like that t-shirt in the 3rd outfit by itself but with the other stuff it looks really cool. and don't get me started on that black Nike shirt it's absolutely amazing. i would love to go browse those stores, it seems really fun. especially that first vintage store. it seems like everything is unique and that makes things more interesting and it probably feels more special when you find something good there!
I love the black-white-minimalist outfit! :D
“It’s like pants but pants” that honestly makes so much sense????
She looks so good in literally any “crazy” outfit she puts together
seeing tyler eat the ice cream cone was the best part of the video
Am I the only one that wanted the manatee jacket
Has anybody an idea of the price range of every clothing store she went on?
26:10 TYLER IS ME *all* the time
The last outfit is the best. I would love to wear it.
Number two
You could curl your sideburns to go with the hat, black jacket and shirt dress outfit
Lol how much time did they say SEXY
Did you guys notice at 3:51 to the left that some guys were getting up to take a picture with Rinrin? :0
I'm going to Japan in the fall and this is totally my style, so I'm LOVING THIS VIDEO. I wonder what I could find as a US size 10/12 though... anyone have any ideas?
My new aesthetic: unconscious bat that just slides right in but is still on brand. Runner up: the sweet summer child of boxy Carmen Sandiego. Also, Saf, you look like you had so much fun, I'm so so jealous :P
the governator joke
mr ohashi
Safiya Nygaard first one.
Safiya Nygaard the second one
Literally cannot expect this style at japan but who knew n0th1ng is 1mp0ssible
Aww man, I reaaalllly want that Nike bat shirt it’s soooooo cool! I would actually just wear that casually~
lol "too sexy" if they came to australia they'd freak out when they see people on the street shirtless and girls literally wearing bras and seethrough dresses hahahha
I’ve actually been to the first store they went to— such good finds there, seriously
It’s almost three in the morning and I’m laying on the floor wiggling my lose tooth what even is life
her mode looks like Peggy Carter with a Safiya twist lol
in my opinion the first outfit is my favourite on you and you should wear it in day to day life. you should also with the second one
The round backpack reminded me of Finn From Adventure TIME!
Buy them alllllllllllll!!!!!!!!!!!!
I love the outfit with hat
This video is amazing
I was so surprised to see my state in one of the stores
omg the wisconsin cross country shirt in the first shop!! i have one very similar!! represent :)
24:38 that looks like the phone in wengie’s music vidio (Cake)
Lmao the little kid at 24:58
You look great in orange!
3rd outfit is so gorgeous
In Japan, people wear as much as they can, while in the us, people wear the least that they can.
The way she says the booty makes my day
kdjfldsk a youtuber i used to watch like four years ago always used the music that's in the end of this vid and im having so much throwbacks
*Wall staff*: Cute! (claps) Need that kinda encouragement in my life
The curly hair is giving me Peggy Carter vibes
This makes me want to do diy clothes
I like the college outfit, the combined mode outfit, and the rat outfit. You should wear these in America
The mode outfit was the best one!
OMG MIKA i love her twisted english
I love all the outfits so much but the nike bat shirt is amazing i want oneeee
You’re so cringy I could never travel with you lmao
I didn't like any of them in the store but with the proper hair and makeup they were so cute
The mode look was perfect *-* I wanna go to all these stores and all the other stores there
Safiya Nygaard Nike bat
I lowkey think she’s pregnant
Her hair...
love all of these outfits!
22:49 - so actually what people around you wear are real clothes that they wear.
Never seen anything from this channel before, but this is such a cool video. Really interesting and well researched fashion content on YouTube is not something that's often seen (at least to this standard) in my opinion. Good job!
I absolutely love your personality and vibes
Does anyone else besides me want her to do Seoul next?
Ughh I want to go to japan
Why is RinRin wearing a mask when she's doing Saf's makeup?
I love hoy Tyler is like de adult in the relationship
i love the mode one so much i could cry
I miss japan so much
You are so adorable
I really liked all of them! The only thing I would change is the last outfit lol I would take off the flower jacket (?)
I really want that 90’s teenager outfit, ahhh (minus the flower jacket and earrings)
How are so pretty
I love the fashion there, especially like the androgyny and the more abstract forms.
Tyler is ice-cream ok
Catch me in my room cutting up all of my clothes and sewing them together
I know my style now
This video is so respectfully done and now I admire Safiya even more. The thing with Japanese people, their fashion style and their overall culture is that westerns (not all of us) LOVE to make fun of how "wacky" it is. It is almost like they forget that they're talking about actual human beings who really love and cherish what they wear and how they look like. I love it when people produce videos/articles that respect the subcultures and people that they cover.
How much did you spend on these clothes? And, what about the size? This was a really cool video xx
Tyler struggling with the ice cream in the background is cracking me up.
But some how you see it in Melbourne WTF
T having some troubles eating his icecream
I love how just in the background at 26:09 Tyler is just eating Ice cream and dropping some of it LMAO
Did anyone else notice that Rin Rin sounds like Wengie
Tyler with that ice cream me with EVERYTHING lol
Went to Japan for a week, visited Ground Y and bought the asimetric black jacket. Love it.
3rd one was the worst
26:07 did anyone else realise that tyler was there XD
Love the mode outfit!
I know it's not part of the fashion trend but I wish you could have still dressed as the Lolita style. Just for fun. I think you would have looked so cute!
LOL @ Tyler munching down the cone he stole from you in the background in 26:10
Hey safia !! so pretty !! every clothes and make up and accessories and hair styles all sooooooo fit you welllll
I need rinrins black shoes! The ones she was wearing with the red dress
I really like the mode look !!
* instantly starts planning a mode gargoyle look
wOAH when I saw the thumbnail I was like "oh is this Saf's friend" then I read the title
I loved the 2nd one. That jacket was truly great
Tyler struggling with the ice cream at the end
I’m OBSESSED with the dress @ 24:56 ....I must have it...!!! Not to mention those LEGS!
Imagine accidentally wearing the bat in America
I'm was so happy when you picked the Bat outfit and I loved all the Harry Potter quotes!
Ngl that skirt looked sick
I want ALL of these outfits
I want chicken nuggets
Ok so, in case anyone's wondering, here's the different brand for the items she got. For the t-shirt I only found something like that http://nozomiishiguroeshop.com/fs/nozomiishiguro/tambourine/17tMT03010 That's were you can find the jacket https://milanstyle.com/mikio-sakabe?in_stock=false&free_shipping=false&sort=newest That's probably the earring http://www.azusa-iio.com Also, Jenny fax seems to be the one to do the mouse pants think. And thats all I could find.
I love your channel you are so funny ❤
I love her omg yes
Omg you look sooo good in pink
I love how you don't just think of japan and immediately go for a kawaii look, but looks that are maybe not so popular in america or europe
you said swamp bra im deadddddddddddd ahahahaahahaaaa awesome video
I LOVED the white college sweatshirt outfit a lot!! That’s totally something I would wear and would probably be my style in Japan (liked the 90s teen too) lol Also Tyler eating that ice cream in the background was Hilarious
mmhhh.... nop xD but i guess its hipster era
Rin-Rin is so cute!
4:25, is that Hamada?
I love Rin Rin Saf: it’s a bit tight on my booty Rin Rin: oh noo sexy
I really liked the Mode look!
Omg Safiya stop injecting stuff in your face girl >_< it just looks bad
Love the dementor look! uwu
In the Second one she kind of Look like a cute judish School Girl
I really don’t really like any of them, but they have a nice style just not those exact clothing items
I love Tokyo fashion!!! And might live there! Arigato for making this
My favorite one is the mode outfit!! So gorgeous!!
I LOVE the mode shoes! The Nike shirt looked really cool and comfy (it wasn’t as much with the style so I see why you got the pants but I really liked it with the skirt!) I also really like the cream blush (like I’m going to try it!) This was a great video!!
That last outfit looks really strange to me because all that is combined .-. I really liked those mice pants
11:42 omg when you closed that curtain, it looked like your hair was way shorter and it looked realllly good!! I think you should cut your down to that length it looks so good on u
0:22 i wish i could look that good in those cute baggy lookin clothes
The hat of the mode outfit reminds me of the Debbie Gibson bowler hat from your 1987 video. The mode was definitely my favorite of the three.
Mom! que bella
thats like an experienced shopper mentality
she found your sexy curves and accented them with pink lingerie - she shows you your sexy curves :) smart girl
blue ninja turtle loved that outfit on you :) so into you and your videos :) lol
were you really echoing off the hat, bat girl. i mean cmon it so good on you. these girls know what they are doing for you. and i am LOVING the long maxi dress under tailored shirt....so sexy a la mode
messing around with you LMAO she got offended sneaky LOL LOL LOL
"I'll just agree haha" LMAO she is pretty cool and friendly ambassador of harajuku. so beautiful. :) i want to explore dark kawaii :) its so cool
those jeans are life i want them with a crop top and belt and bootie heels (heels that are ankle length boots)
central state university top need some sexy daisy duke shorts :)
omg the leopard print earrings were tacky cool so punk rock
LOL amazing youre a bat (magic) i love this girl she is hilarious
pink wild thing ... they are good, huh?1
youre really tall (her voice lol)
im so done i cant stop laughing at "unconscious bat style" lmao so hard :) she is super cute and is going to make a cutie out of you too (well girl, youre already cute cmon)
They all turned out so goooood!!
At 11:12 Safiya looks like she is grilling the other girl. Lol
Loved this video
i'm obsessed with the first look!
The flowers are almost like the ones my grandpa grows in his pond we call them swamp lillies
I love those rat pants and I'm kind of sad we don't have them here.
I'm impressed! This is very accurate!
Sofia Nygård
Honestly?? I adore jfashion SO much
The dewy skin looks like you spent 10 hours crying !
It's like a real life character customization from a game!! I will definitely dress like this if people in my country weren't so judgemental and nosy. *Also, THE GROUND Y SHOP THOOO!!! ON FUCKING POINT!!!!*
if you ever, for whatever reason, decide to sell your nike bat wing shirt i will GLADLY buy it
I loved your smile in the thumbnail ♡♡♡
This is the first video I ever comment on YouTube...great job
I think those rat pants deserve the title "ugliest pants in the world"
26:10 Tyler tho xD
I really love your mode style outfit!
13:28 Caption: Oof
Like yeah but... wtf was that third outfit???? Like it looks like some grabbed a bunch of scrap clothing and stuck it together
I want the Nike bat wing shirt SOOOO BAD
whyd she put on a mask
So this type of creativity in fashion is exactly what I've been searching for and I don't know how long I can keep on surviving without it
This is so cute
I liked the last 2 outfits a lot!
I liked your second outfit the best. I would personally wear it in the US hahaha
Mika is precious wow i love her
These outfits
The very first outfit's pink lacey top was my favourite EVER
i LOVED this so MUCH I watched it twice and shared it with my friends. Wow.
Love the Nike bat outfit...XD
Tokyo street fashion is always so much fun. I really love all of the outfits! I cant decide which I like better, the first or second look.
I don't get it
Amazing!!! How can I get my hands on your shirt from ground y?!?!!!!!! They don’t seem to have a website that I can purchase from here in New Zealand !!
I love your content :) It is so wholesome and lighthearted and cute, yet so informative and substantial and fulfilling
19:52 RinRin saying "cute!" is the most adorable thing ever
"On no! Sexy! D:"
I loved the mode fashion style so much
the mode look wasn't really your style, obviously, but for some reason it looked just so good on you!
Loved the last outfit! Colours look brilliant on Saf
I met yoji Yamamoto in Paris he's so sweet
Saf looked like such a badass in the nike outfit
Loved the Mode look best. you looked great.
19:09 looks scary
the first one is lit. but i like all of them
The second one for me! Just so you! Awesome video Saf! Keep it up
You looked so gooodddddddd!!!! Especially the second outfit
"Business casual dementor." best quote ever :) :)
Safiya Nygaard I love Tyler eating your ice cream
Why does this kinda looks like South Korea like cause its colourful and playful like South Korea
LOVED the mode look
your mode outfit reminded me of the grim reapers in the kdrama, goblin
I would say that the flowers on the jacket are snowdrops
The blush under the eyes looks really bad, makes you look sick...
Happy birthday saf
loving your mode OMG it is cute
what is a love child
Rinrin: “Are you doing this again?”
I love everything. Now i want to try it too. Jesus... Love it.
that store is called poop
rin rin is so cute
I definitely think you should have kept the skirt for the first outfit. But that shirt? LOVE. The second outfit felt quite 80s movie and I am definitely feeling it. The final outfit was definitely that 90s/early 2000s grunge look, which was very cool.
you look like an orthodox jew on hia way to shul. (synagogue) #2
the mode outfit was my favourite. You looked amazballs
I L-O-V-E all 3 of the outfits!!!! I'd totally wear them in the states!
I could’ve made a new trend with the squirrels in my area “eggroll squirrel and pretzel squirrel have a meeting with pizza rat!” XD.
the end where her BF is having a hard time with the ice cream cone haha
Su voz en off y el concepto de este vídeo es como escuchar una versión de Anthony Bourdain, claro que mujer y que prueba ropa en otro país y todo en vez de comida
Tyler eating an ice cream cone.
need the csu top!!!! sooo cute
that yellow eyeliner is bomb
The second outfit the Mode gargoyle reminds me of Johnny Depp in the movie Benny and Joon. ❤️ #modegargoyle Nice work Safiya.
I need that second outfit. Dark? Androgynous? Not form-fitting? Exactly the style I wish I could afford and pull off jdbsjsvhdh
..Pretty sure the 'flower' bits on the yellow shirt are ginko leaves!
just watching this for like the third or fourth time, nbd. I totally need to get my act (and income) together and turn myself into a mode gargoyle. Just stalking the Y3 website (which is where americans can get that yohji yamamoto swag)
i want the third outfit??? i need it??? it's everything ive ever wanted from life??? (the flower jacket can go though)
I love the mood style
I love rin rin’s outfit !!!
i want all of those outfits
It's so cool to see how Japanese fashion trends differ from American ones. Before I thought I was flowing and layered if I put on a loose sweater. I was very much wrong.
I’m in love with the fashion aaaaaa I like them all omg
I love how Tyler was eating ice cream in the background.
Please wear the Tokyo outfits to a mall in the US
22:18 *#modababe*
Is there a hashtag or something that people that dress in mode style use? I'm trying to find more outfit inspo and pictures of it but google is not that helpful when you search for mode style.
I don't know why I'm in love with the 2nd outfit
i heard black on black I immediately thought of nct
While thsi was happening I was probably eating so much that I was gonna puke
The third outfit I actually really like.
Am I the only one who learnt what pizza rat is?...
Outfit 3 was my favorite honestly I really liked both pieces.
Safiya: talking, explaining the outfits, going in-depth about Tokyo street-fashion details Tyler: making the ice cream cone slowly disappear with every change in camera angle
You look like you belong in fantastic beast
Black On Black???? NCT???
Please style them in your style! I would love to see how you incorporate each item as your own!
Did anyone else notice Tyler and his ice cream on 26:12 ? It was hilarious
I love these kinds of videos! Its so awesome to see the style in other countries and cutures.
I LOOOVE the mode look
I wanna go to Japan now, but im broke. So even if i got there i wouldnt be able to do anything.
OMG happy birthday Safiya you are so pretty and beautiful and I love your sense of style and I hope you have a great day!
Im just proud of saf for being able to pronounce all these names
I love Japanese fashion. I wish it was easier to buy things like this in America.
Anyone else disappointed that she didn't buy the rat pants? The
Am I the only one to think that saf looked like the babadook in the business suit outfit
At 21:48 I literaly cried I saw it and was like oh my god what is she doing?! it was so funny XD I LOVE IT!
Can you walk in this makovers in US? :) I want to see peoples reactions.
Tyler eating ice cream in the back: priceless
How come your not on lady like anymore
2:22 does the picture on the left remind you when Safiya wore the looooonnnnggg sleeve jacket
I like the CSU blouse and the crown was cute. the Nike bat outfit was better with the pants
I love it
she looked gorgeous in all the outfits woah
wow i love ground Y type of style...i love everything about this video
8:22 am I the only one who would actually buy that outfit is was sooo cute
detective saf
i likey the lady babdook lewk
3rd outfit looks amazing on you.
So cool you decided to go in and try different street styles. My personal favourites are Gothic Lolita and Yami Kawaii. It’s so hard to find things to go with those styles in the states without looking at overpriced, cheap hot topic items. I would love to go to Japan and excentuate my love for their street styles, as they have actual stores for that lol. Japan is a great country in general and I’d love to visit there someday.
Tyler at 26:04-26:12 tho XDDD I love you guys!!
When she said audahada(sorry if I spelled it wrong) I couldn't help but think of a character from the anime bleach is it just me ?....
For the Mode outfit: Saf is on the case!
tokyo iscute
*rewatching all of safs videos because its hard to find this kind of good content anywhere else*
Rinrins dress is so pretty
One of my dalmatians loves watching your videos. As soon as he hears your voice he takes over my phone lol
Tbh I didn’t really like any of the outfits
I’m so mad she didn’t buy the blue dress. It looked gorgeous on her!
I love that mode look
Am i the only one that notice that the beanie that mr ohasi is wearing have the lyric of one of g-dragon song ? ''too fast to live to young to die'' from the leaders ?
I LOVE IT!!! need more videos like these
For some reason I kept expecting to see myself in the mirror and was confused why I didn't see myself
Not a big fan of the pink outfit, the Nike outfit looks great tho saf
i feel like living there would be comfortable because you won’t be judged for wearing weird things
I NEED the jacket from the last look
I'm in love with the mode style omg
its great shoope haul nice Japan
I love the last outfit
my brother's name is Miika
The second mode outfit would look so amazing with slicked back hair
Love you
Great video- http://irockbags.com/
Safiya, You tried Harajuku street fashion now you need to try different Shibuya street fashion!!
I really liked the renaissance college sweater top
You look like gal galdot in that boxy suit outfit
The first pink outfit is amazing!!!
Honestly I lovedddd the crown hat and that white blouse! It’s like a mix of casual and romantic vintage but ofc black is totally you! I’m so inspired I think I wanna try remaking my clothes
Pauses video every 3 seconds to look closely at inserted pictures
Could you do a makeover in Wollongong in Australia nsw please
I’m trying so hard not to hate those outfits
I'm loving the mode look
i need to know how mika did her make up, it looks amazing
The third one... I’m so confused!!!!!!! I love one and two... but third.. I really don’t know
Mode style! Wow... something I’d like to try
bell lily are the flower
THIS is cultural APPRECIATION everyoneee. This is amazingly well done :)
UEHERA?!?!?!?!? *its some ppls last name*
I love the second one *_*
This is the best video you've ever made!
I got the Breakfast Club vibes from the layered outfit :D
26:11 his face eating that
i saw a wengie cake telephone lol haha
You should make a Netflix original series like Somebody Feed Phil excapet instead of eating food from different regions you learn about the fashion
Safiya Nygaard definantly The 90's teenager look. I would love to wear it minus The jacket.
Omg love this video
Actually no I need the last one !!!!! The only problem is that I live in California
Ur just like my teacher,Mrs.Ross She always goes and visits other cultures like Nepal
I honestly loved all of these
Tyler at 26:08
I loved the nike shirt and especially the white central state Univ shirt. Everything is so unique I LOVE IT
First outfit of the last store.... remove the rats from the pants and
The hair and make up really brought these looks together
I want to go to Tokyo so bad! The mode outfit was my favorite one and that college sweatshirt was kind of cute, I'm not going to lie. RinRin is such a cutie pie!
I am living for the mode style! Thank you for showing me this Sof!
I love the Nike outfit and the mode outfit I would wear the jacket from the mode outfit separately from everything and I love her maxi shirt
17:17 hEh big hit entertainment
I seriously lost it at "business casual dementor"!
Oml saf's mode outfit looks like a trendy scientist lol
AAAH I wanna dress in mode now!
Mister O Hashi? lol that guys is called "chopsticks".
All Asian people are so pretty. I'm jealous
I think this is an important tip to know for you and any vlog YouTube's in Japan no one talks on the subway it's considered rude so I suggest not doing besides that I loved the video
I actually love(like *really in love*) with the first outfit. You should totally wear it again!!
The central university one i would have chosen a coloured straight or maxi skirt (kinda shapeless) instead of pants !!
2:06 excuse meh wut!? *Dark kawaii* ..... my life is complete
The second outfit kind of gives me Wonder Woman vibes!!
I feel like her black sweater in the beginning is from aesthetic shop
I LOVE this series!!! I can't wait to visit Japan one day! Everything looked like it was a blast! Great videos as always :)
The 'mode' outfit was like a Hasidic Jew/Annie Hall mashup. I think that would have to be my outfit of choice out of the 3 styles.
i also want encouragement like 'Amazing! You are a bat!'
Do Saudi Arabia next please
i frickin love all of these
Living for the boxy business Carmen San Diego
i find it so interesting to see the american influence in japan! like the wisconsin cross country shirt in the first store or like the random english words in store names idk it's so cool to see cultures mixing.
Does anyone know where I can get this type of vintage remake in America/new york
LMAO now i wanna go there
give me your mode outfit! GIMME!!! ALSO YOUR NIKE T-SHIRT! I NEED IT. GIMME!!!
I love harajuku fashion, because it represents boldly embodying your personality! One of ths most widely known is decora-kei fashion, which is all about bright colours, and I know that you were going for a modern street look. A video I'd recommend about this is the video from Dolightful on YouTube, were she made a decora model. It's really a fun video, and I think you'd enjoy it!
*sees me read title* I shall join in on the fun!
lol 1:23 ,1:26
Are you talking on the train ? In Japan it’s really not okay.
The first mode look made her look like the babadook
Looks like jughead Jones hat from Archie comics
the ground Y outfit was so amazing holy hell Saf you look beautiful
strangely i liked the third outfit a lot but with out the jacket
The first outfit I really don't like I'm sorry.. the others are really cute
I think it’s a bell lily ( look it up) 14:59
I’m watching in japan
I want all those outfits...
The second outfit is EEEEEEEEEVERYTHING.
I love the Nike outfit and mode shirt and coat
I liked the second black outfit the most :)
I must say , although I adore you in black aka the bat attire. That blue color on your skin tone!!! Great AF
I could live in Mode fashion
"Yes. You’re so not sexy right now.”
26:10 omg tyler lmao
Mika is so cute
She's a true model
Why are Japanese people so cute
9:52 love those girls! Sooo cute and love that little dance they do. They are justtoo cute. They are, in my opinion, THE MOST adorable women I've ever seen! Also their personalities are so sweet and funny!
Kinda disappointed. This is cool, but I really had hoped to see the well known styles.
Please where these outfits in America and ask how everyone thinks of them, it will be so funny
RinRin was so cute! I loved her and she was very nice to agree to help Saf and Tyler with this.
Yes but have you seen South Korean fashion because all those idols are lookin' good.
‘Business casual dementor’.
"Harajuku Siedlung" at 03:59 means Harajuku housing estate in German haha
This is probably my favourite video from Safiya—literally rewatching for the seventh time...
The nike-bat-outfit suits you so so well!!! GREAT Video.
I would wear the hell out of the pink manatee jacket
I love her boyfriend in the back eating the ice cream omg
I love how experimental and unique your videos are. You provide the right information and history behind every makeover and adventure you encounter/do. You don't create misconceptions and do things for views. Every video I see, I learn something new. I LOVE YOU SAFIYA.
Completely of the topic but My kitten is sleeping on me
This video is so cool, I actually teared up a little bit.
I would've worn both of the items in the college shirt one, just separate
that makeup with those orange earrings is so aesthetically pleasing. orange compliments your features really well :)
For your 2nd look you look like Mary popens
bLACK bLACK oN bLaCK * NCT intensifies *
I love the Mode outfit! It's my favorite!
I like the Nike outfit
mode outfit 1 is pilgrim chic
Oh no sexy
Love Rin-Rin's American accent.
Wait if Saf likes baggy black clothes doesn’t that mean she dresses like a trash bag. If so......ME!
This is how you visit a foreign country...not whatever the fuck Logan Paul did
You should come to South Africa Saf!!!
omg this bat outfit is so pretty
I would've been interested in seeing the prices! Mode style sounds so elevated... which means EXPENSIVE :'(
reaaaaallllly upset that I didn't know about this until now!!! I live in Tokyo!
Business Casual Dementor XD 22:57
the mode outfit is straight outta the 80s
RinRin is adorable she's like a best friend or really cute little sis!
In Mode, i thought you looked like Wonder Woman! I loved that looked 10/10!!
The second outfit without the jacket is literally how I dressed from ages 5 to 13
You are one of the bats in your tattoo
OMG!!! I love Rin Rin so much
oh no sexy!
13:16 it was a dishdasha
That yellow flower jacket is actually really cute!!
It’s really cool to see other styles in other places. I can’t say I’m in love with this style lol but it’s very interesting
My favorite was the 2nd outift.
I am in love with that mode look
Oversize is my aesthetic
Someone take me to Japan
A head to toe Yohji Yamamoto
Safiya's mode look makes her look kinda like Mary Poppins and it is AWSOME!
i've been to Tokyo and Harajuku. i love the traffic light sound lmao
I actually really like all the styles, a lot better than I like the styles here anyway
For the 1st and 3rd store, I liked the 3rd outfit best JTBH
Ground Y did you trip me over
the first mode look reminded me of babadook lmao
I SO want to go to Japan and get a makeover now! This has gotten me soooo excited.
Why the fuck was rinrin wearing a mask when doing safiyas make up
18:58 I need those shoes omg
Can you go to the Faroe islands please
I honestly can't tell you how many times I've watched this
my fave part is tyler eating icecream in thee background
Saifya u look beautiful in anything and everything
I love the mode look !
umm yeah may i have those patchy jeans
everyone in this vid is so cute omg !!!
Rin Rin is so cute lul
6:41 top left corner
The second outfit is my favourite
Leonardo is purple
I think is too interesting how japanese people have been reinvented themselves... from traditional kimonos with a lot of layers of complements to modern designs with the same pattern of a lot of layers of clothes and complements, not only in these featured styles, but in another different designs from the variety of subcultures in Japan.
the mode style is my favourite!
Here in japanese they are very colorful and anime something's mostly when there a event
Safiya Nygaard I
I want to buy some clothes from the vintage remake style! Live in Canada...anyway to buy online?
I came back from japan yesterday and right now I´m dealing with my post Tokio/ Japan in general depression. This videos kinda help and make it worst at the same time...
damn u really b enjoying your life and get paid for it
26:35 get it girrrrrl! lmao I love all your random dance moves!!
Fun fun fun. Love Tokyo. Love your outfits!
Safiya is talking and Tyler just wants to eat his ice cream
Mode is my favourite type of look and I love the style
Ground Y 1st outfit looks like Mr penguin from batman lol
You look excatly like Actress Vani Kapoor from India!!
That Mode outfit reminded me of Gal Gadot in Wonder Woman! Loved it!
Do you th8link Japan has a bigger expansion of fashion the Skorea?
Tyler in the background eating icecream lol
Front offer architecture afttlpg river duty estate rest photo slap
ALL the fashion on this video is incredible. If flying to Japan.
i went to japan two years ago on tour for a week, i went to Osaka, Tokyo, and Kyoto the style in japan is really cute and really childish but creative
I used to live there from age 0-8 now I’m 12 but it was so nice there I loved it but we were only there because of United Nations, my dads work
omg, the second finale outfit is so pretty PS : i looove your hair and makeup
OMG the jeans on the third look are awesome! I need a pair rn! OMGOMGOHMMGG
Omg! You looked just like Olivia off of law & order SVU in the “mode” 1st outfit! Hahah
I just... want the nike bat top. That's all I need.
I know they don't speak perfect english and all that but this cracked me up. Safiya: "What would you put under this? Like pants." Both: "No." I don't know why but for some reason I laughed so hard at this...
I love the Harry Potter references
Is fashion in America this weird to other countries as this is to me?
Oh my god, that kind of vintage pink outfit was GORGEOUS. I need to go to Japan.
Actually really loved the second outfit!
Love it Safiya! you should do more of these!
Tyler fails to eat ice cream in the background
the more and more i heard about the fashion the more i wanted to go to this store and buy half the outfits, love. it. P.S. (and edit) im pretty sure that the flower are morning glories
Tokyo street fashion is wearing things that make you happy
omg! you rocked those looks! xD honestly just i loved watching this. (im a weeaboo) xD
saf is so so pretty! she shld definitely try japanese style makeup more!
It's probably called the mode style cause is looks like something Edna Mode would wear
Safiya Nygaard I love your videos
I just could never get with these styles. They’re cool but they are so random and a lot of them don’t match and I’m just too ocd for all of that
I love this! I became a fan of Tokyo/Japanese street fashion when I was 13 (10 years ago) and loved seeing it change over time. I also follow RinRin on instagram, so this was a nice collab.
This was fun to watch and really enjoy the various styles XD
Oh no sexy!
saf should come to the philippines and try philippine thrifting or ukay!!!
i would wear the first and third final outfits every day wtf
ok but you look good in everything
Does anyone know of any online stores that sell clothes similar to the 1st or 2nd outfit. I found the designer of the mode clothes and the pieces range from $200 - $1000+ :(
Tyler in the background trying to eat the ice cream neatly
26:00 tyler is me in this situation!
*rinrin is soooo keyowoooo/kawaii*
i never realized it, but you look like an indian version of adelaide kane and i love it
Tyler eating ice cream at the end thou
The names of the stores! Hahah i died!
I’m so disappointed that you picked the “bat outfit” instead of the pink one
Safiya Nygaard I liked the mod look
My goooodddddddd Saf looks so pretty in the thumbnail, just something with the eyeshadow makeup makes it POP and great ♥️
15:13 lol
You should try dressing as a Kpop star! They are so stylish! ... actually, if you want to do that, you have to be careful... I’ve seen a man covered basically head to toe in Gucci.
Omg i wish that type of style was okay here 
The outfits I like are: 8:03 11:46 17:37
This video was so awesome. I learned so much about the style in Tokyo and I'm obsessed with the college t shirt transformations. Also RinRin is soooooo cute!
Wish we had a store like the first one in UK unless there is and I just don't know about it, I bet it be very expensive tho
I want a make up tutorial of RinRin's make up because I'm kind of obsessed
Omg RinRin is so cute!!
Flowers, mice and everything nice
6:09 does that probably say "Valparaíso"? its a city from my country Chile. I get excited im sorry hahaha
13:52 My dumbass thought she was gonna say Walmart lmaoo.
i love those mood/ mode shoes damn
You talk like you're explaining to kids. Accent included. So anoying
amazing!! always such good content - literally never fail!!! :D
I love Saf so much I'm crying bless you
actually really love the last one
i want to try the japan harajuku stylleee... soo cooll and exciting. but i dont wanna buy them (cuz im broke) so how? hahahahahaa
The mode outfit that you bought, totally gave me Grim Reaper vibes, from the Korean drama Goblin
Can you go to BC canada
The second look with the hat was definitely the best
it’s rinrin heyyy omg
So, Japan hates butts?.....
The first looked reminded me of my grandma
Japanese people are so kawaii
You look scary in this outfite
fucking Tyler at 26:02 scarfing down ice cream in the back. BAHAHAHA im dying
23:05 Harry Potter
how long till buzzfeed snatches this idea up?
Hey Safiya! LaurDIY nominated you to do the "roast yourself" challenge!
15:04 I’m laughing so hard
does everyone in Japan wear platform shoes?? 4:29 the one on the right is my favourite out of the entire video
Tyler : I don’t like it there I need an adult Lmao me
Rinrin is iconic she’s everything
i reallyyyy appreciate the research you put into this and how you consulted ppl who know more about recent tokyo street style. even though the colored/layering look is furthest from your normal looks, i thought it suited you super well!
you should wear these outfits in LA lol
can you go to iceland
Love it when Saf is just causually explaining stuff while Tyler is in the background struggling very hard to eat his ice-cream xD
I'm sorry the Asian girl don't know about fashion the white girl now I'm loving the white top she picked up with the Lace and the pair of jeans ripped up with the Lace now she knows how to put pieces together
You should soooooncome to Britain and do like anbritish makeover and then I could help you lol
This was a fun watch! Yey
I LOVE the mode look!!
I’ll be a mode gargoyle with you too
I’m putting all 3 of the clothing styles for tomorrow! I’m helping set up a wedding, and then during the wedding it is a 1920’s theme so, oh boy
Ok who else absolutely loves the Nike bat sweater?!?!?!
he he hehe nincompoop
xD lol u re funny
12:10 her outfit for some reason reminds me of a detective.Don't know why.
So first trend is very Pretty in Pink tearing apart the prom dress, second is very Sleepless in Seattle giant elegant suit-ish-ness and third is for sure Clueless. I love them all and now have to go watch these movies again!
come to russia we have alot of knock off gucci clothes
*Rin *Rin is also on NHK WORLD in Kawaii International
safiya and tyler are so damm real and genuine ! i would love to hang out with them :')
Safiya Nygaard You look like Arya Stark of GAME OF THRONES in your tokyo outfits
You really nailed these looks. You and Rin Rin had natural chemistry, and as always Tyler's commentary while filming is essential to every video. I really, really like the last outfit, I thought it actually suited your friendly and warm personality and the scenic central tokyo area was the absolute perfect place to shoot.
Tyler in the background eating the ice cream LOL
I'm really mad that you didn't get those mouse pants
You mention in the video that you can imagine integrating parts of these outfits into your regular outfits here at home - I'd personally LOVE to see a video showing those combined outfits!
I can't help but wonder how expensive it was to make this video! Great video though, all of Saf's are amazing!
13:15 كانها دشداشه صح؟
You ruined the video by saying nikey
I would love it if you went to the countries your ethnically mixed with and see how the fashion is there :)
Aw I kind of wish she would’ve gotten the manatee jacket
I really want to know how much it all cost!
I can't imagine trying to find clothing that fits.... I'm nearly an Emergency sized bust, pretty sure I can wear four items glued together over a single breast.
22:28 NALU *^*
Look #2 is kind of "year 2200 orthodox jew" and I love it. That asymmetrical coat is awesome.
The girl she is with is Adorable
yay wisconsin shirt
okay that mode look was fue.
I love videos like this love u
I want to see you wear these outfits in the U.S!!! I really want to see people react...
11:56 enter Snape
11:53 Professor Snape is that you?
I love the amount of effort she puts into every video. Great job, saf! Keep it up
I heckin' love that Nike bat outfit.
I'm seething with jealousy
Rin rin is so cute
Rinrin is so cute
The central state university shirt has to be. My favorite piece.
4:18 aww yeah Wisconsin
YoU ShOuLd CoMe To MoRoCcO
The rats remind me of Coraline!!
I want to go to Japan so bad and dress up in Tokyo street fashion ;~;
You can tell the difference from people knowing how to dress and people trying to act like they can dress
I’m sad about the CSU outfit bc I think it was a perfect mix of the first two
the thing around 15:00 looks like ginkgo leaves, i may be wrong but that’s why it looks like to me
I love how tyler is struggling with the ice cream in the back haha, love the video btw!
YESSSSS. I love you and I love this video
Safiya you look like the Babadook in your Mode outfit LMAO
i want the nike bat top so bad
I love how in-depth your videos are! x
Haha. Cool added to looks the favorite jackets. tricky. =)
I love when she walks out with some swifty moves
LOVE, LOVE, LOVE the jacket and shirt dress outfit! It's a fantastic look!!
Come to Australia
You should go to South Korea during Seoul Fashion Week! It would be interesting to see what you see there and what ideas u pick up on the way!
Honestly I like fairy key (it’s a type of Korean street fashion)
It's so cute how the japanese girls called anything that wasn't loose and baggy "oh noooo sexy"
The mode outfit was 100% my fave ❤
Mika's reaction to sneaky omg omg omg
"I feel like a business casual dementor." *Thats so me*
Pizza rat meets pants rat. That *needs* to be Saf's next video.
Nuuuuuu she missed my uniform
The colorful layered- look reminded me of like a 100 layers of clothes challenge
anyone else notice how she was wearing the vampire bat nikey top when talking about what happened?
The Outfit with the Hat is gorgeous, I want it ;w;
I love you from iraq
Japan likes loose clothes, my style.
I'm sorry, but seeing Tyler struggle with his ice cream cone at the end just got me
If you do a different country again , can you do Belgium or Germany
business casual dementia
i love how the mode outfit made you look like the Phantom of the Opera lmao
Omg My inner grunge soul is in fucking love with that patch t-shirt
LOVE these outfits! Especially the tops of one and two!
I love ground y
I want to go to Japan so bad and dress up in Tokyo street fashion but I will probably never go because we can't even afford school supplies this year ;~;
I love the outfits they chose but I feel like safiya needed a belt to tie the whole looks together to make her waist look more apparent, I still love her tho
I only saw one person wearing Tokyo street fashion when I went to Takeshita street a couple of weeks ago.
is it just me or is it that the mode outfit (which looks *amazing* ) reminds me of the grim reaper from Goblin. just me?
"Black on Black" (Instantly thinks of nct) ok
the first thing that came to mind when I saw outfit 2 was #HolyTaxAccountant
The mode makes you look like Wonder Woman in the outfit she gets in london
OMGGGG I need to go to Japan for shopping
tyler trying to eat ice cream whole is my favourite thing
The “A style transformation... excchhhactly” got me so good omg
XD 26:08
You should come to Ireland!
rinrin is so cute omg
lol Tyler in the background
Can we get the US version!!
this is my favorite videooo wow
I love the black outfit
Saf looks like Hey Arnold in the 2nd outfit at WALL
I want someone to want me as much as Tyler wanted that ice cream lmao.
She needs to do an NFR fashion one because that is a whole breed of its own, I also volunteer to help her out with this
Veg chicken
This is fascinating, well done :)
I love how she knows how to exactly describe every single outfit she wears
I really liked the CSU outfit
omg why does she look like Dua Lipa XDDD
Can you do a Korean version of this? I want to see how you on both of them and how different you think it is.
The second outfit reminds me of a detective :3
omg the hat in the first outfit has suchhhhhh Jughead vibes!!!!!!!!!!!!
26:08 Tyler is literally me when I eat ice cream
On the first trend I would have gotten the 2nd and 3rd shirt. (The Nike shirt and collage shirt)
The mode look reminds me of Johnny Depp so much
i dont think any makeover safiya does will fix the way she tragically does her brows lmfaooo
you ruined outfits 2 and 3 by mashing them up...
I really want the Nike-Top
Oh my lord, I just want to scoop up RinRin and carry her into the sunset. She is ADORABLE
19:56 Fuckin lost it!
Oooh no, cringing at you guys not knowing any street etiquette :'''(( Dont eat in the street, its super rude! Also filming and being loud on trains isnt great ahh
I screamed when I saw you were working with Rinrin
why is she wearing a mask?
I love all three outfits and I want them besides a jacket with a flowers that's a little weird but you pulled it off very well
tyler stuffing his face is me eating taco bell
the flowers actually weren’t flowers! they were ginkgo leaves, recreated leaves of an endangered tree native to japan!
"thank you mika for helping us" "no-"
You looked like a modern Mary poppins in the mode outfit
"droopy eyes" haha. This is so true. Saf does have the very kind face. I would feel not so intimidated to approach her regardless of knowing how warm and loveabley awkward her personality is. It's sometimes scary to approach super beautiful youtubers but i feel like i would run right up to Saf if she wasn't busy haha. These outfits are so cool!!!
25:59 - Tyler being relatable for 10 seconds
"HEHEEE... HARRY POTTER!!" lol, thats the moment that i liked the video
Do a vid where Tyler picks your outfits!
Rinrin is so freaking cute
I loooovvveeeee the 3 option
Ooof I hate asymmetrical things...
PrincessKittie yes
tyler in the background though
oh my god wisconsin cross country shirt! wisco reppin haha honestly i always wanted to do lolita, decora, and gyaru fashion but now i want to also add in mode because who doesn't love black on black on black clothes
GIRL! I absolutely lived the first outfit on you❤️ you looked like a total badass ;)
rinrin and safiya are so freaking cute
Did anyone else see when she changed her lipstick at 1:20?
Obsessed with the Nike top
Boxy Carmen Sandiego lmao
20:03 RinRin’s face..IS SO CUUUTE!!❤️❤️
Ugly clothing
Okay negl that second blue outfit from the 2nd store with the backpack and white rubber shoes definitely looked great on you and you could totally wear that on the streets and you'd be fine.
Mode looks made for saf
best video out yet! will you do one in Korea???
I want that Nike bat top so bad
Tyler in the background tho 26:10
I like ren ren she’s cool
The Japanese "flowers & mice" outfit should have been called "flowers for Algernon"
This was fun!!
I'm in Tokyo right now!!!
Safiya, I
Sofia:*EGSHAKLI* **spits out cereal**
**EGSHAKLI** **spits out cereal**
Rinrin is so adorable and sweet aaah x
Rinrin looks and sounds like Hyerin of EXID
You are so funny. Are you going to show the Fall trends for 2018? This video was so interesting! Loved seeing the Japanese styles. Thanks
When am i gonna find a friend like rinrin who will support me to be the fashionista I've always wanted to be.
"business casual dementor"
13:50 "no your welcome" :DDD
26:09 Tyler lmao
I really wish you had included a styling of Tyler in this video. I really like the male Tokyo street wear. Could you recreate this in America with Tyer?
Loved all of the looks!!!! But that shirt dress and mode look is so dreamy!!!
Why did Rin rin need to wear a mask when she did the makeup, sorry if I got her name wrong
Tyler struggling to eat the ice cream cone near the end of the video is great
Rinrin is so adorable and sweet and enthusiastic haha. I like her chemistry with Safiya :3
did anyone else notice tyler nearly drop his ice cream in the back
I am writing this inside of nincumpoop
I feel like the Mode outfit is like Rabbi, but make it fashion.
Your wearing the bat shirt
death the kid would not be very happy with the asymmetry where are all my soul eater ppl attt!!!!!!
watching tyler try to eat the ice cream cone was hysterical
Who watches Rin Rin on Kawaii international
Omg I love Rin Rin
You kind of looked like you were some kind of wizard without the hat
i like that safiya is always so respectful when dealing with different cultures as opposed to *cough* a certain paul *cough* way to go queen
Safiya Nygaard the first one was totally the best
Japan scares me
The 2nd minimalist look is what I lyk the mostttt
Modern morticia Adams
HELLO FRIENDS! here is PART 2 of our JAPAN TRAVEL SERIES!! i hope you guys enjoy this! which street style makeover was your favorite? xoxo, saf