Hydreight Technologies (TSXV: NURS / OTCQB: HYDTF) 2023 Financials Investor Webinar

Hydreight Technologies (TSXV: NURS / OTCQB: HYDTF) 2023 Financials Investor Webinar

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good morning or afternoon everyone thank you  so much for joining us we're just going to   give it a few moments here while we wait  for everyone to join from the wait room as   I see some people just coming in just  a reminder we will be going over some   uh future catalysts uh so we do want  to remind everyone to take a look at   our forward-looking statements as  well and this will be a 30 minute webinar and if you do have any questions  throughout please do not hesitate to put   them in that Q&A section as well just down below  and we'll try to get to as many questions as   possible if we can't get to your questions please  email them into ir hydrate. comom and we'll make   sure that we uh do address them too I'll put that  in the chat section for you just a reminder this   webinar is being recorded and we will be sending  the recording out shortly after as well just in   case you do have to uh leave for any reason we'll  be emailing them out all right I think we can   begin now if there's any other people joining  we'll let them join in uh but just be mindful   of everyone's time I think we can begin I'll pass  it off to our CEO Shane Madden uh to get started   here thank you Abby um hi everybody thank you for  your time um I know everybody is busy so I really   appreciate everybody jumping on the webinar and  um spending some time with us to hear the hydrate   story so um I do encourage we are going to discuss  some things obviously at 2023 audited financials   statements and the progress of the company we  will be discussing some plans and some future uh   um some future numbers so I do encourage you to  look at our forward looking statement um I will   give a I will give a brief overview um of hydrate  for anybody that is um new to the story or to   refresh people that have heard um uh met with us  in the past and possibly uh need a refresher on on   the company so um hydrates uh goal as as a company  since its Inception and since it was founded was   to be the nation's first Mobile Medical Clinic um  so essentially a Mobile Medical Network across all   50 states so a nationwide lift um we are the first  company that has put a structure together where   uh nurses so service providers in the healthcare  industry can monetize their credentials outside of   the traditional setting of a hospital or a bricks  and water so essentially we get referred to as the   Uber for nurses because we allow them to work in a  1099 capacity on our medical Network across all 50   States so as we discuss some of the progress that  the company has made um financial and otherwise   uh I will be reverting back to our overall  vision for the company because there has been   significant movement towards the the finality of  of the of the initial proof uh you know Inception   and and and where the company wanted to be and  and what the end Vision was so uh we started   off essentially creating a medical Network  across all 50 states um we had to obviously   uh to build a mobile network like that we had to  go state by state there's three state boards in   each uh State um medical nursing and pharmacy so  again um you can see that this from a national   perspective is quite an Endeavor um and we were  the first two Market preo which is very important   for some of the things that we'll discuss in a  little bit uh we were founded pre-co and um we   you know structure our company compliance wise  you know uh before any laws were we lacked so   we essentially are are are known as the disruptor  or we've revolutionized Healthcare in many ways   because we're the first company that essentially  has tried to create a Mobile Medical uh Workforce   so um to that end we we started with a very  attainable service that was very much in demand   and I'm going on kind of the Journey of the of of  the of the uh of the company here so we started   out with IV Therapy um we started out offering um  you know our ends the ability to join our platform   under the same uh governance uh medical Direction  compliance that uh that would make that legal to   to monetize their credentials in that state with  the vision of again becoming the the the nation's   first Mobile Medical Clinic to do that obviously  we have to have other services we have to have a   foothold across 50 states and that's why I'm going  to discuss uh some very exciting things that we   have achieved in 2023 which which really were were  the final pieces of of the eventual goal so um   we're known for revolution izing Healthcare from  the mobile side uh this company due to its model   um there's 4.5 million nurses some of the numbers  that we're about to discuss are based off of 3,000   nurses in the country uh or ends specifically um  we are we are coming at this from a very different   way in that we are trying to be in addition  to not replace of um the current health care   System we're trying to relieve the stress from  the hospitals we're trying to improve the the   working practices and the lives of the of the  healthcare professionals which are the backbone   of the healthare system in the United States if  that goes down there is no healthcare system so   some very exciting uh things that we have that  we have achieved in 2023 of course um we'll go   into that um from a financial perspective as  well as as well as a structure perspective um   some of the things we'll discuss are the amount  of patients that we've served the branching off   into additional Services uh some of them higher  level of medicine and obviously the scaling um   of our pharmaceutical site and the widening of  our offering that is not just nurses and healthc   Care Professionals it's also bricks and mortars  that also need our our structure our compliance   to be able to offer these types of services so  we'll go into those things um as as we scroll down so um again from from a from an operational  highlights perspective in 2023 um our Focus was   very much on structure what whilst we're very  bullish about the opportunity that this company   has and and when we talk Revenue numbers and year  on-ear growth you'll see that trajectory uh whilst   we're very bullish of where this company will go  can go and um you know the the types of revenues   that we're expecting and the dent that we're going  to make in the healthcare industry um we're very   cautious on how we get there so um 2023 was  very much a structure um both operationally   and um uh the underlying compliance structure so  we we actually Co from a pandemic perspective was   not actually finished until early 2023 most people  don't know that so from a legislation perspective   Co did not actually end the pandemic that we know  of Co did not actually end until early 2023 so   laws that were relaxed within that time we wanted  to go back and look at legislation again um what   our company is is medical company across all  50 states so we wanted to look at the boards   again so we we did a um very um very um analytical  down to the minutia of each uh of the three state   boards across all 50 states uh from a legislation  perspective what is being brought back in after   Co what is coming down the road what has changed  within that so that we could set the company up   for Success so that we could plan accordingly  for the years to come like we had done in 2018   preo so that was a huge Endeavor because it it  it set the company up for success for expanding   our services expanding them in the right  way not getting surprised by things from   a compliance perspective in six months time  um so that was a really really core thing we   also um expanded our operations uh we added  some divisions in our business to support our   nurses from a success perspective so we added um  tremendously into our onboarding um and training   uh from initially so from a tech perspective  from an understanding of the business model   perspective and then obviously from um getting  these these nurses to get their first clients   and get and get off to a off to a successful  start of their of their Journey here uh we   also added a business success um that works with  them throughout the uh throughout the throughout   the year in many ways um not just marketing or  not just um you know getting more clients but uh   being able to offer more services being able to  stay in touch with the with with the the nurses   as to as these Services roll out and that has had  a tremendous impact um we expanded into 700 cities   um obviously an increase from the previous year um  we expanded into um higher levels of medicine and   services I'll get into that in a second but one  of the things that come from our compliance and   again while we're we're spearheading this mobile  medicine um you know Endeavor across 50 states we   we known as the company to follow the company to  watch what we're doing um so we actually expanded   our doctor Network in in reaction to some of the  things that came from our from our um uh 50 state   review uh of the compliance so we expanded our  doctor Network to over a 100 doctors to facilitate   the services uh to so that our nurses and our  patients are acting in a compliant fashion again   um integrating all of that into a seamless system  is something that nobody else has so the amount of   planning work and execution that went into that  was tremendous our team did a tremendous job um   and you can see from the from the financials um  uh and the amount of services given that this was   a tremendous success so that was a big those two  on their own were a really really heavy lift so   to speak for the company um we we we planned very  in depth from a um compliance side of things from   a execution side of things and then a roll out  perspective and it has been a tremendous success   and I'm very proud of all the all the team members  and the work that has gone into that um one of   the other things that we did was we expanded our  customer base if you want to think of it that way   rather than just being Healthcare professionals  and our traditional model that most people know   hydrate we have solved a lot of problems in this  industry because of our structure so we have   actually expanded into uh the bricks and markers  that need elements of our structure whether that   is the um Mobile Medical Network whether that  is the um the legal compliance from a from a   from a medical Network perspective from a from a  state perspective um or whether that's access to   Pharmaceuticals in a compliant way access to  our doctor Network um we have we have solved   a lot of problems there so our expand our white  label solution we have expanded out into 107   locations that's growing month- on month um really  aggressively um as I said we we had we had an eye   for the overall vision of the company to start  increasing our service offerings from Simply IV   Therapy um which was done in a very strategic  way so we added obviously NAD plus which is   like a super drug for the body very much in demand  high level of medicine requires a service provider   perfect um type of product uh for for for a a  mobile service Army we added um the glp1 side of   things which is semi glutide tepati these glp ones  that everyone has heard of but hydrate has done   this in a very different way um the Poison Control  Boards New York specifically went up I think it   was at 3,000% in one month from from overdosing  because of how it is being done in the in the uh   in the market right now which is essentially the  wild west people are going to websites they're   ordering these gp1s which are high level drugs  and they are self- administering um um without   pretty much any medical oversight H hydrate went  about it a different way and hydrate went about   it a different way because we are the only company  that that is set set up to go about it a different   way no other company has a mobile Healthcare  professional Workforce so could not go this way   how hydrate handles the uh semi glut glp1 is very  much from a medical perspective um our nurses go   out they collect a blood sample uh because of our  our 50 state lab partnership we're able to send   that blood sample back results come back to the  app in 24 to 48 hours um that those results are   reviewed by a doctor again connected to our app so  this is all C for the patient um upon the results   of that teley medicine uh visit um glp1 may or may  not be ad issued um and the dosage is required our   nurses then come back on a monthly basis for a  BMI check uh again a doctor visit is initiated   and dosage um for the following month is is given  appropriately at that point so this is the highest   level of care in this glp1 space and what we're  seeing now is akin to uh um you know it's again   to any kind of um praise that that happens this is  this is just the start of this glp1 um you know um   um kind of kind of kind of offering there's going  to be a lot more of these so hydrate is coming at   it from a from a medical perspective we launched  this in December a very soft launch just because   there was a lot of moving Parts as I have just  described we wanted to to monitor the success of   this uh for our patients and our service providers  and obviously we were integrating with with a lab   so we wanted to do that very strategically uh  ramped it up again in February and we we have   seen tremendous uh results here that we'll get  into into shortly so these additional offerings   are really adding to the um the services that can  be given by our nurses which in which in um in a   direct result of the success of those nurses  uh we are subscri subscription model so then   obviously the followup uh year um from a from a  from a renewal perspective is very strong and in   the overall offering one thing to add to this it's  not just the fact that hydrate has a has a Mobile   Medical Workforce because of our pharmaceutical  Network and because of the way we work with these   pharmacies across all 50 states um we are able to  offer what I just described cheaper in many cases   than the traditional way they're getting their  gp1s from a website with almost no oversight   um from a medical perspective so it's very very  attractive for the customers and patients it's   very very attractive for the nurses and just to  highlight before I move on we are the only company   where Healthcare professionals can get involved  in this type of service so it makes the platform   incredibly attractive um just moving on with some  other operational highlights um so as we have been   obviously growing the platform um we we have  really focused on our organic growth initially   for for 2021 2022 uh we wanted to empower the  nurses we had to get a footprint across the the   country uh to be a national uh Nationwide Medical  company um and to be a household brand we had to   get across all 50 states we had to get a foothold  in the cities and we had to do those things that   are that are challenges for any model of this  type um we had to get that Workforce before   we could do some of the bigger things some of the  bigger things that I'm referencing um and there's   many more of these to come but this is the one  that we can actually speak about uh because it   was announced is alla digital health so Alla  digital indirectly and directly has access to   approximately 10,000 retail pharmacies across the  United States we we went into talks with them for   a number of months regarding the ability for them  to turn the front of house into wellness centers   use utilizing our hydrate Network and and and and  service providers to actually provide the services   so for the for the bricks and martar they do not  have the overhead of having a a nurse or an MP or   somebody on site or a doctor to do teley medicine  visits um we handle all of that from the hydrate   side and the service provider will come and  provide the service they also will are actually   purchasing the Pharmaceuticals because it goes on  the 503a side uh five 503b side excuse me uh they   also are purchasing the Pharmaceuticals from us  so it's it's like having the ability to get 10,000   new subscriptions if you want to think of it that  way but even bigger than that um these um this   initiative they will be marketing aggressively  their facilities which mean that uh there's   going to be um downloads to hydrate patients  are going to be driven to the hydrate app to   book the service uh nurses are going to be a lot  busier um and we are obviously going to be um you   know aggressively uh growing that we have launched  this uh last month so this is not something that   we're future forward facing we are you know uh  monitoring an a beta test with 10 10 locations   in Florida and um we're very very excited about  this one I see more of this type of endeavor but   again we had to have the workforce across 50  States we had to have at least achieved that   threshold to be able to service these types of  initiatives I see this type of thing um happening   I see hospitals uh utilizing our mobile force  and these are some of the things if you've heard   me talk on webinars before that is the future of  this company um this company had to get here this   company has to keep going on the trajectory it's  on but we will eventually um be able to service   these large Healthcare organizations um the SEC  one of the bigger things to to support all of this   um outside of our operational um uh you know  scaling of our departments and that I have spoken   about was our technology um to be able to Branch  into these other services um requires you know   um customize customized software just the flow I  described for semi glutide is not a traditional   flow that we use for other services that had  to be built some of the offerings that make   us very attractive to the bricks and mortars for  example again some of that has to be customized um   and also building everything with a with with an  eye of scalability when we have you know tens of   thousands of of of users hundreds of thousands of  customers we we had to build things accordingly   so um very much very much um um building year  on on that side of things and and it's already   paying off as we'll talk about in the numbers  here um legal research from 50 states um   kind of alluded to that um that was the that was  underpinning the the um the overall business model   um setting the SS um very very clear for hydrates  future um and going from there some of the some of   the more fun ones we got named as Canada's uh  you know top uh fast 50 companies to watch by   Deo um obviously that was very exciting that's not  something they hand out very easily um so that was   a bit of recognition I think in the marketplace  um we are in the middle of um identifying   and obviously speaking with some potential  Acquisitions that could expedite some of the   things um again on webinars I've been on before  or speaking with uh speaking with individuals   interested in the company I have I have talked a  lot about this company um not being tremendously   difficult to to 10 20 30X uh other companies  can be very difficult but because of our model   um we can we can expedite the revenue um with W  with minor moves so we are looking at some very   strategic Acquisitions that would directly benefit  our revenue streams and our and our Revenue um our   overall Revenue so um there'll be more to to come  on those um some of the spaces they're in just   so just so that we're know we're talking about  would be the pharmaceutical side um the lab side   of things and then obviously um the marketing side  of things to drive patients to the medical Network   um in terms of financials um 20 23 was was 102%  increase on the year before 17.05 million Topline   Revenue 11.51 million uh Gap Revenue which is  170% increase on the year before and an overall   uh gross margin of 4311 per which is in line uh  little increase but in line with the previous year   um some of our some of our priorities for 2024  so much as 2023 was a structuring and um planning   year if I would call it that whilst continuing  the revenue increase of course uh we're very   much passionate about um turning turning the scw  on the profitability side now so um all of that   work that has gone into 2023 is already showing  off in 2024 um obviously q1 and things like that   I cannot speak about but 2024 is on a tremendous  trajectory um we are very um confident that   forward you know no later than Q3 of this year we  will be profitable um from a cash flow perspective   um and we will continue to push that as one of our  one of our absolute main agendas um Capital Market   exposure obviously we're we're new to the Capital  Market um you know at December 2022 we went public   um we we have done um quite a few uh conferences  we have done uh quite a few one-on ones we have   done um some some investor relations multiple  multiple companies and and and and multiple   Endeavors we're going to really push that in  2024 um we're going to get the word out in a in   in a different way we're going to we're going to  we're going to really push the the um we're going   to really push the the press releases we're going  to really push the the messaging that's going out   um uh larger investor relations um um strategies  and and and really get that word out so we have   a few strategies that are that are based around  that and um there'll be there'll be more coming   on that point um scaling the business and driving  organic platform hading nurses and customers that   is something obviously that we had really pushed  on in 2023 we have a number of initiatives that   we are that we are going to push into um that are  going to drive customers to the platform customers   and patients in in large numbers um won't go into  it too much on this call because it's more of a   it's more of an overview but we are um absolutely  one of our biggest strategies for 2024 is to   increase the number of patient visits dramatically  um flooding the platform flooding the nurses um   not just in the traditional sense but sometimes  in a B2B relationship like you've seen with our   Ola digital and on other things but that is one of  our biggest initiatives um increasing the service   levels um more products to come so of the of the  of the services that I said we added to make us   a true mobile clinic not a not a one service um  company uh we're adding at home health at home   lab testing um in Q2 of this year um again that  requires its own specific flow that's slightly   different to the other services so uh this that's  scheduled for Q2 of this year that will offer a   whole host of Home Health Care testing um that our  nurses will go with our lab partner results come   back immediately and then Future Care can be added  from those results um so that's really really into   and phenomics is something that is big um  individualized Healthcare is where Healthcare   is Going H not just general I want this because  I feel like this no no no what exactly is wrong   what exactly are your um are your Tendencies with  your body so DNA testing lab testing these types   of things to give you specifics and then the  care can be appropriated from that but you need   a network to do that so those are some of the  things we're super excited about releasing this   year and we're going to have a tremendous impact  um uh some of the other ones that we're looking   at is as I talked about the the bricks of mortar  um offering we're going to uh release a point of   sale system um for our bricks and mortars um in  Q3 of this year um this is going to have a pretty   dramatic impact and a pretty quick impact on not  only Revenue but engagement um with patients and   the bricks and mortars so the way we facilitate  our bricks and mortars right now is more from   a service side of things the pharmaceutical  the medical the tele medicine the tech that   side of it um we're actually going to Branch into  offering an in-house Point of Sales system to to   be the One-Stop solution for all of these bricks  and mortars again why are we doing it now because   we had to have customers to begin with so it's  similar to our nurses branching out across 50   states and then it opens us up to do other things  like the Ola digital and other b2bs we had to have   our our stabilized um our stabilized core of  bricks and mortars to actually make this viable   um so we're there that side of the business is  scaling not only on our white label side but our   facilities that actually that actually utilize  all of the hydr features um so we're going to   release a point of sale aspect which is going to  be pretty tremendous um we're also looking at an   AI aspect um following up the um the customer  data so like I just spoke about with the lab   testing the phog genomics the individualized  healthcare having an AI platform that actually   takes all of that data based off of obviously um  you know protocols policies and procedures and   gives um a determination of what should be given  by one of our healthc Care Professionals that is   also going to be incredibly powerful so um all  of these things are are super exciting coming   for uh coming for for 2024 um so that's kind of  the overview of 2023 I know I I ran um a little   bit longer but there was quite a bit to get there  um so um I'd like to um first of all ask V sh if   he has any comments um or else we can go straight  to some questions no I appreciate it Shane um very   quickly because there's not much time I'm just  going to add a few pointers uh regarding uh you   know what the focus was in 2023 and and and 2024  so as Shane mentioned in 2023 we focused a lot to   uh become the Mobile Medical solution for every uh  every individual every company wants to offer that   and not only to for nurses so our system our flow  our technology can be used by break and Motors by   people who um you know have site business by  nurses and all that now if you want to look   at some similar comp in the market it's a very  similar business model as company like trills the   troops they have come up with the full flow with  technology and connection with thees and all all   that that you know they become the technology of  that offering that some larger companies come in   and you know wide label the whole thing put their  skin everything else being done on the background   hydrate has become that solution right now that's  why you see this many uh new white label locations   this many new white label franchises coming in  the other area of the focus was if you look into   the United States Healthcare there are some larger  uh chaines such as bvs Walgreen and all that they   have tried and they're trying to to start offering  services at locations uh which has a direct um   solution through a healthcare professionals uh the  Chen the main challenge that these uh pharmacies   have they don't have the structure and the and the  force uh behind them to have the resources to us   that offering those which in case of the Hydra we  have access to that so the the the other project   that we started with Ola digital is the perfect  marage of the two units they have access to these   facilities we have access to their structure and  also we have access to technology and the nurses   and we can also Empower our nurse Network by  giving them a place to offer these services and   startop marketing their services through these  pharmacies that people are going into so those   are the two you know comp that you can look at  it on some of the things that hydrate does now   when you look at the SAS modotto companies usually  the SAS modotto uh when you look look at anywhere   between 30 to 40% year-over-year growth is a very  high number for assas businesses now if you look   at even larger companies that you know right  now they're unicorn companies um for the first   few years you don't see much of a profitability  because it's all about bu building the foundation   and a structure that the business can be built  on now we're talking about the business that   year-over-year had over 100% growth now again  one year maybe we had 98% but almost like you   know um triple digit growth for a business and  continue growing in in that sense therefore in   2023 uh we had to invest in the business on some  areas that if it didn't would have been the most   expensive decision for the business such as some  structure around the legal some structure around   the technology some structure around our medical  Network and all that so as Shane mentioned in 2024   our main focus is aiming to be uh you know a  profitable company uh by um you know if not   earlier by end of Q3 now one thing to consider if  you look at the recurring operational cost of the   business that means if you take off what we spent  around the Capal Market activities from audit to   everything that is related to the capital market  and if you take out um a potential liability which   is a sales tax that is again it's under review  and it's not a firm on that the company you know   has done a um good job in a way that invested in  the business that had this much growth in 2023 and   open many new doors from the potential business  that is coming in and diversify the type of The   Bu businesses that is underneath and go from there  obviously in 2024 profitability is one and the   second thing is exposure in the capital market now  one of the advantages that we have in this uh for   for the Capital Market we have many partners per  se which are these nurses that are helping us and   and coming on board and their patients that um you  know again we had like one question earlier today   in this webinar that one of our providers wanted  to see how to become an investor so that's one   group that uh we're going to start educating them  on who we are what we do because at the end of the   day uh they have a direct impact in our growth  and we're here to serve them and you know they   are the best potential partner for us to become  an investor so H anyways uh Shane walk you through   uh you know uh over the whole thing for 2023 I  just wanted to add a few pointers on the vision   of the company and why we invested that much uh  time and effort in 23 on those areas so with no   further ades we can go to the Q&A uh we'll keep  it short and if there is anything question that   we can answer we'll be more please email us at ir  hyra.com and we'll be more than happy to to answer those um I can uh uh read the question question  um uh someone asking uh do you have the number   of the nurses in 2022 versus 2023 so the total  number of the nurses uh on uh on the platform   in 2022 was roughly about 2,000 in the end of  23 they the the whole number of the nurses was   around 4,000 um that you know including everything  that you know we have some license holders we have   some uh people that work under somebody else's  license but the people has gone through our   platform um is there any way to Branch out into  the home uh dressing changes for the patient that   have been discharged from the hospitals but they  still need a service for dressing change and one   monitoring here in Canada my fiance work in  the Home Care uh through the hospitals so H   to answer that question yes the first step  for us was to create the structure that we   have access to the pharmacies we have access  to the nurses we have access to the doctors and   we also have access to uh the lab that's the  main four uh pillars of having the Mobile Medical   Network um definitely getting into the essentials  which those are all included is one of our plan   to get into that um and as Shane mentioned uh you  know we focus on adding more products and offering   to be to be offered because again for us is not  only adding one product for people to get it we   review the legal uh uh legality based on for 50  states in three different boards work with our   medical director our doctors our pharmacist and  come up with the flow to make sure it's fully   compliance per States because those are different  but to answer the short answer to your question   yes that's part of our plan that is GNA be done  uh Jane if you want to add more to that question   please no that's a great question and that that  is kind of hinting at what I was what I was saying   at the start is when you release a a uh idea a  a um a revolutionizing company like hydrate um   there's steps to it right uh and hydrate is kind  of a doublehead we we have the the business model   at hand which is the first company that gives  nurses the ability to monetize their credentials   we connect patients and and nurses and doctors  like never before but once we expand that Network   which is what I kind of touched on that 2023 was  that pivotal moment it opens us up to the second   one which is actually to be the the first line of  defense in the eventual solution of the healthcare   problem which is the over um the overpopulating  of the hospitals because it's all reactionary   there is no first line of defense preventative  medicine uh mobilized Healthcare to get the first   step so that it doesn't get to the hospital that  is the eventual goal so great question and those   are things will be absolutely um absolutely but  you have to have a foothold you have to have a   presence in all 50 states to be able to do those  big initiatives uh thanks Shane um next question   I'm a provider how do I become an investor uh  again it's amazing to hear that uh we're publicly   traded company as we talked earlier about our you  know public exposure um in us uh we're at on the   Q QTC uh QB and the terer is hdtf uh do your own  due diligence and uh you can have access to um to   basically that platform and our stock in that on  the platform is the AI pce built so um we're going   to have more information about the AI just to give  you a background and highight on that right now we   hear a lot of stories and news that is coming  from AI but AI is only as powerful as the data   that you have and you should be able to monetize  what is coming from AI we don't want to have   another story that hey we're building an AI but  hey we need the data and we need to monetize that   right now after adding the blood test we do have  access to a lot of patients data in a way that   we look at uh different uh blood test uh uh you  know deficiencies uh based on the area race age   uh medical conditions and all that and based on  that we have some solutions that is preventative   is you know it can help them with their health uh  so the what we are working on the AI it's going   to be an addition to the hydrate app which is not  going to be you know writing from scratch that by   having all these data we come up with a treatment  plan that is going to be done in six months 12   months or 18 months based on their goals and some  of them is based on deficiency for example like if   you're in this age and this is your uh blood test  and you know you know these are the criteria that   you have you have and you're living in in an area  that you don't get my son and based on your blood   test you have um deficiency as vitamin indeed so  now uh you know based on our our phes and medical   director that we're going to have a full menu  and full kind like a uh treatment plan you're   going to be on that and it's going to be offered  the same services that we have so basically what   we're trying to do with same data that we have  the same product that we have we're going to use   an AI machine in between base on this data and  the results that we're getting we uh formalize   what they should get to get the best results we're  going to have more info on that piece um you know   in the next few months but that's uh part of the  plan that we have and again it's everything is   based on what we have today so we don't have to go  and do something crazy uh you know out of uh the   daytoday at planning and the long-term planning  and road map that we have so uh keep in mind that   ultimately the only effect that's meaningful  to investor is the performance of the stock   uh that's understood and uh you know definitely  that's a great point at the end of the day um   there are two parts that we're focusing on one  is is the operation of the company and make sure   there is a company that is growing and we have  the infrastructure and Foundations obviously uh   you know we need to have uh we need to do a better  job in the Capital Market side uh by getting more   eyeballs on our stock but uh the company is moving  forward and this is not a company that is based   on stories and wish list this is a company that  has three years of uh um history on the growth   we're going to continue it that way and uh you  know as mentioned earlier definitely 2024 one   of our priorities is to share our story with more  potential investors that is going to automatically   help the market now there are some few things  against us across the board with the you know   with with the market situation for the Capital  Market especially the small cap but again with   all saying that we believe with the way that the  operation is moving forward and the company is   performing and if we do a better job by sharing  our story with more potential investors and uh   you know um crossing the out uh we should see a  better results on on the capital markets um has   there been any interest from larger corporation  uh to buy out hydrate um these are again uh in any   business there are uh you know again things behind  the scene that you you may get questions you may   get offers and all that so if there is anything  we believe in this company and the growth we're   going to continue putting our heads down and  and you know adding to this and moving forward   um obviously if there is anything uh for lack of  better serious that is going to go we have we'll   share with the market and we let everyone know  and and we'll take it from there uh the elderly   needs uh so much will we we ever be able to take  Medicare on any insurance product or will always   be a cash or credit sh would you like to answer  that question yeah um cash um is definitely the   cash based business is definitely the model that  has the the the longevity once we start going into   Medicare Medicare um Federal um oversight it's  very very complex um and is not a path that I   see um this business going on um the opportunity  isn't as big as one would think believe it or   not um Medicaid Medicare and the companies that  service them are are have been around for a long   time they do very specific things The Wider scope  of having a nationwide Mobile Medical Healthcare   and servicing hospitals and servicing at home  health as well as what we do traditionally is far   greater than that and that can all be done um uh  the way with the model that we're doing now will   we partner with companies that have the Medicaid  Medicare pce absolutely hydrate specifically   are not is not going to get into the space of  accepting insurance payments but we will service   companies that do that so so so yes uh we will be  going down that route in the B2B side of things as   as as we as we scale even more but um accepting  the payments ourselves ABS absolutely not um uh   I'm going to uh read uh one or two more questions  um and then if there is anything left please feel   free to email us and we'll be more than happy to  um to um answer those questions just keep in mind   we're going to continue uh updating the market  uh and again if you look at our record track we   we usually like to update the market on what has  been done rather than you know what's what's got   to be done so you have a high level uh plan from  the company but uh again it's we just want to be   one of those companies that we actually show  and showcase what has been done in the company um so uh how much of the nurses visits are  recurring are you going back the same patient um   that varies from uh the uh state by state city by  city and the type of the uh products that they're   getting so when you go something like you know  on on areas uh such as like Vegas or Scottdale   that you see some IV drips you see some people  that they're just literally for their visit   their visitors they go they do that some do it  on ongoing basis but you see a lot of one timer   or two timers that they do that but when you go  something like glp1 or semi glutide that people   are using it to help them with their weight  loss they have to be on it on the monthly basis   otherwise first of all it takes three to six  months to see the results and then uh if they   go off that uh medication they're going to start  losing the impact that medication has or if they   go on any plus which is anti-aging that they want  to do so or you know uh so it all depends on type   of the services and the areas and the the the the  the kind of like the patience that each nurse has   as their client base that they work so it's very  varies from uh from area to area but and also the   product to product uh so um there's also a  question that uh what's your Revenue Target   for 2024 um as you know uh in 20 23 uh we've been  projecting roughly about 16 million uh Top Line uh   and 10 million uh Gap uh which we could you know  surpass that one in 2024 um obviously again um any   SAS company it's uh anything over 40% it's a it's  it's a really high growth percentage but there are   few external factors for us that we're going to  communicate that to the Market within the next 30   to 45 days including acquisition including some  of the new products that is coming in uh but um   as Shane mentioned as as as one of the priorities  growth steel is one of our top priorities and we   don't want to slow it down now we do have um the  way that this has been structured because um you   know now we are into the breand motors and now  we are into uh some franchises that we're part of   the franchise agreements and they already sold  few hundreds uh if not thousands of locations   that uh we know that business will come for us  this year next year and the year after so it's   kind of like a guaranteed Revenue that we're  going to see from them coming in um obviously   new uh franchises and new location being you know  signed up with us as we speak um and also on the   on our nurse Network side we have a steady growth  on the number of the visits on the service sales   as well as the um the number of the nurses coming  on board with us uh obviously one of our focus on   that area is to focus on the customer side and  and help our nurses to uh to get more customers   and flood them with the new customers coming in  and you're going to hear some news within the   next 30 45 days on some of the initiatives that  we started it um but again for a company um our   size with number of the people that we have  full time and and the amount of Revenue and   the business that we have we always have  to prioritize what we can do to be more   efficient uh for our team for our customers  and more importantly for our shareholders so   I'd like I'd like I'd like to add one thing  on the service side if you don't mind just   so that everybody can visualize the expansion  of this um all of the services that we added   last year um whether it's the glp1 space or the  peptide space are recurring monthly Services uh   for glp1 for example the customer typically stays  on that medication for about 18 months on average   um obviously with different dosages so um these  Services obviously IV therapy for the longest time   for the people who use it you know um for health  and wellness uh that is a recurring uh medication   also but the gp1s and the peptides are monthly  medications um and the flow and structure that is   built with our nurses is monthly engagement so I  just wanted that to make clear that um as we scale   that is an ongoing um um service line um so I I  appreciate um everyone's time and and and support   um just one last question that I think it will be  key uh it's about some line items in our financial   from the cost and Consulting perspective that  that is growing just just to mention few things   for for you guys to know the structure of of our  financial and our business because we are a a med   a SAS medical company the the flow of the money  is one of the most important things from legal   perspective that is coming to our company and  the fund will be distributed through different   channels now um one of the main uh as the company  grows uh many of the the cost per se in the   balance sheet for our company has a very direct  relationship with the amount of the services being   offered because for medical directions for example  for Doctor Network and all that is per visit or is   based on the service that being paid off now uh  you see on the and they're all in our uh the are   a structure they are Consultants to our company  that they have their own legal structure uh for   liability purposes uh that based on number of the  visits based on the volume that is coming in they   get uh you know they charg US based on that so  as our companies start growing uh some of those   line items uh it's going to increase with our um  with with the revenue and that's the structure   that is going to be um for example the medical  uh Direction fee uh is 5% of the services that   is coming in and that be paid by our service  providers but we have to pay them on behalf of   them when we collect the money from the patients  so that is going to be one of the line items as   a consultant that you know there's a you know is  going to go to our medical Direction EV now one of   the things that make us very compliance in every  state is the fact that we mandated every single   service to go uh to be done after a patients and  doctor visits through our app so meaning you can't   even get the IV drips without a doctor to see you  uh you know for you know for a of time that doctor   can sign off on the prescription or you know on  the order for nurse to deliver that so all that   is going to be charged and has to be paid to the  doctor so some of those line items again I see   some uh one question about that just wanted to  point out on that one that that's the nature of   our business and that's how um basically works  and there are all 1099 contractors that has to   be paid off from Farmer account to those and has  a direct uh relationship with our total revenue   so uh again once again I just want to thanks  everyone for attending the webinar um and for   your support uh you know um uh very uh proud  and grateful for the team uh that uh you know   they they have a lot of heart and dedication  for this business to grow we're very excited   for 2024 definitely there are areas that we can  do better and including the Capital Market side   that is going to be one of our main focus uh and  uh you know we're always open for any conversation   if there is any question pleas feel free to email  us and spread the word about the company and see   you know who else might be interested to hear  more and learn about us uh thank you everyone I   appreciate it and we'll send the recording  to everyone thank you thank you so much

2024-05-11 22:52

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