How To Process Million Dollar Pork - Modern Pig Farming | Processing Factory
Hello friends if you want to see how pigs are processed into pork in a factory let's first take a quick look at the Modern automated pig farm the average gestation period for female pigs is 112 to 120 days piglets are very precocious and within minutes of birth they will be drinking their mother's milk everyday pigs will be provided with adequate clean water a pig will drink from 2 to 8 lers of water per day you may be surprised to learn that 85% of growing pigs drink within 10 minutes of eating once they reach adulthood the pigs on the farm are loaded onto covered trucks and taken to Ports for export abroad pigs are periodically lowered by cart from the farm afterward [Music] before the pigs are sent for export they will be thoroughly washed so that there are no stains on them after exporting pigs to different countries they are transported to factories in those countries now let's see how these pigs are processed in the factory immediately after the pigs are brought to the factory they are slaughtered by special machines through the arteries in the pig's throat from the body the pig's hind legs are hung with [Music] hooks these hanging pigs are then washed with hot water so that all the blood on the body is washed off and the pig's hair can be easily [Music] removed feathers are picked up by a machine called a feather picker after cleaning the pig bristles they will be removed from the picking machine the worker hung the pig up with two hooks to make it easier to transport the pig the pig will then be run through a fire system to dry the surface of the pig's skin in addition to helping dry skin excess hair is burned the pigs are then put into the combustible hair removal machine in this machine Pig hair is cleaned very [Music] thoroughly Factory workers take out all the organs from inside the pig these organs are washed by workers and hung on hooks from organ less foreign pigs whose bodies are completely divided into two parts except for the head and this type of division is called icosahedral symmetry the job of the automatic robot displayed on this screen is to cut pork along the spine what's interesting is that this robot Cuts 15 pigs within 2 minutes which means more than 10 10,000 pigs are slaughtered in a day the water that will follow the robot's incision is sprayed three times from the other side to wash away the blood stuck inside the pig as a result the pig will be clean inside and then the pork is put into the [Music] refrigerator frozen pork storage will maintain the same temperature throughout this process even when the meat is taken out for further processing the temperature of the pork is still below 0° [Music] C these frozen pork cuts are cut into different parts such as ham bacon ribs rump jow [Music] Etc first a worker separates the meat from the pigs feet and then separates the ham and tenderloin the worker separates the the pig's head from the line and the worker on the right side of the screen is separating the pig's tail from the ham two hams from each pig produce 28 lb of meat and two loins from each pig produce 23 lb of [Music] meat skilled foreign workers hands separate the Flesh and skin of each Pig each worker is responsible for skinning each part of the pig depending on the weight of the pig workers processing fresh ribs weighing a total of 23 lbs will have a certain amount of meat that will be produced from each Pig's ribs rump and jows which can produce 6 lb 12 lb and 9 lb respectively 23 lb and the last 3 lb of meat we can say that the pig can produce 60 lb of meat [Music] each pork steak is flattened by a worker applying pressure to the line another automated robot cuts the spare ribs by taking x-rays from the pig's side a worker separates the ribs right next to the Tender [Music] Loin pork is fed to the meat cutting machine line to be cut into smaller pieces the chopped pork pieces are run through the pork conveyor belt and then fall into the chopper the market value of minced pork is very high because it can be used for many different [Music] recipes then sprinkle salt on the minced pork and put it into the mixing tank where the minced pork is mixed well with salt the minced pork then goes out of the production line This minced pork is divided into preset weights and put into boxes each box will then run through this special machine to be packaged into finished boxes with the manufacturer's label these packages are then labeled with the company name date of manufacturer weight expiration date Etc these packages are now ready for sale on the [Music] market [Music] on the other hand pork from other parts of the pig is packaged into separate pieces arranged by workers sausages are also made from pork in the same Factory and packaged in the same way by a worker I'm so glad you've made it this far however I need your comments so I can continue on making more content like this now are you ready for the next video let's [Music] start the co beef Farm is not only a place to produce beef but also a place to express the Artistry and the care [Music] process each Co beef is considered a living work of art raised with care and dedication by Japanese Farmers the care process not only ensures premium meat quality but is also a combination of traditional and modern [Music] methods the special nutrition of Co beef is the secret to creating its unique flavor and excellent meat quality besides Ides nutritional meals corn and dry straw feeding barely helps increase protein and fiber in their [Music] food regularly cutting two Nails is not only a medical measure but also a special concern helping cob cows maintain comfort when moving and working [Music] is absolutely essential with only about 3,000 cop cows being cared for in Japan that means each cow gets special attention and care this limited number not only increases the value of each cow but also poses a challenge to meeting High market demand [Music] although there are controversies about the C beef care process it also reflects the requirements and deep understanding of the art of animal care they aren't only called beef Farmers but they are special artists putting their dedication and passion into the production process to create a beef product that is not only delicious but something really iconic of the Japanese culinary [Music] culture the important steps after the Special Care process at the co beef Farm is the auction process where qualified and selected cows will find their New Path after being selected the lucky cows will enter the food cleaning area where all impacts on meat quality are carefully [Music] controlled this process not only helps ensuring the hygiene but also creates comfort for the cows before they start their new Journey next the best representatives of the co beef industry will board special transport vehicles these carts are not only compact but also designed to give Maximum Care to each [Music] cow they can only carry two to three cows at a time but this ensures that the space on the vehicle is large enough to ensure comfort and safety for the transport [Music] Journey each year about 10 Co beef auctions take place in Japan at locations as div verses the cob Meat Market which takes place twice a year in January and July along with several coob be Farms that host it private [Music] auction the unique value and quality of each cow creates special rewards especially the highest price cow ever sold at a price of up to 50 million yen in [Music] 2016 before the auction the cows will be cared for and taken to outside waiting areas cob beef Association employees perform a thorough inspection of every detail including assessing the age weight marbling and overall quality of the [Music] beef participants in the C beef auction are diverse from high-end restaurants to meet retailers and [Music] investors there is no large Beef Processing Plant model for Co beef but instead the processing is done in a manual dedicated manner by experienced and highly skilled [Music] Farmers after being processed beef slaps do not randomly appear on the market but they will go through a Quality Inspection process at the [Music] hall flavor is an indispensable part with a delicious Aroma greasy after taste and characteristic sweetness this brings Co beef to a new level with a quality score of 90 points or higher considered for the premium C [Music] beef the value of Co beef for flicts its Rarity and high quality prices can range from few Millions vnd D to tens of millions of vnd per kilogram depending on the quality and the age of the [Music] cow and particular in Japan the average price is about $2,500 per kilog while at high-end restaurants in Europe and North America the price can be up to $5,000 for a [Music] kilogram many factors affect the price of Co beef including age meat quality and limited quantity this creates a unique Market where each piece of beef is not only a culinary product but also a work of art Dem demonstrating the passion and dedication of the Japanese [Music] Farmers therefore the high value of Co beef is not only due to its quality but also due to the story behind each special piece of meat have you ever enjoyed this beef dish before please let us know in the comments section how did it taste like I bet it tasted really really good huh and for now allow me to invite you to continue watching the rest of video see you [Music] again the Maine Ango depress a beef breed originating from the Maine and Ango regions of France is one of the largest and most powerful cattle in the [Music] world with their enormous size tall stature and the ability to reach weights of up to 2,000 lb these cows are considered Giants in the cattle industry [Music] main Andro depressed cattle are famous not only for their hardiness but also for the variety of habitats to which they can [Music] adapt they have the ability to live and grow well under many different climatic and soil conditions allowing them to be raised in many regions of the [Music] world because of this main Ando depressed cows are often found on farms everywhere from peaceful countrysides to Tropical [Music] environments the main Andrew depress cattle raising model often starts with carefully cared for young cows and [Music] Farms they will be provided with daily food such as dry straw and nutritious seeds to ensure Healthy [Music] Growth every day these cows are taken out to immerse themselves in nature eat grass and move freely in the large [Music] field this helps providing them with a good quality of life and promotes muscle [Music] growth however the life of the main anod depressed cow doesn't stop there so when they reach maturity they will be put up for auction where the largest cows will attract the attention of auctions and fans of the [Music] breed a prime example is a bull named Big John which sold for a huge price in 2019 and that was [Music] $20,000 it is worth mentioning that Big John weighs Epping 2500 lb and has a staggering 100 in [Music] chest M Bellard cattle a typical French beef breed have become a symbol of the strength and and preciousness of the country's [Music] agriculture this breed of cattle not only attracts attention from breeders in France but also from all over the [Music] world with their large size and incredible adaptability Mont Bellard cattle have become famous not only for their excellent meat quality but also for their exceptional engagement at the animal auction in Mont Bard [Music] France The Mont bliard bull auction isn't just an ordinary commercial event it is where breeders have the opportunity to display the largest and most powerful cows of the Mont Bellard [Music] breed in particular mature bows are often the highlight of the ction they're raised for meat and sometimes reach recurred weights with animals weighing up to 2,200 lb which is 1,000 kg the South Devon cattle a beef breed originating from Southern England characterized by its large size with mature males weighing up to 2,000 lb has attracted the interest of many farmers and breeders around the world the ability to grow quickly and delicious meat quality are the outstanding characteristics of this breed of the [Music] cattle feed plays an important role in raising South Devon cattle this is a grass-eating cow that needs to be provided with adequate green food and concentrates healthc care is also an important part of raising South Devon cows South Devon cattle can suffer from a number of diseases such as respiratory diseases gastrointestinal diseases and parasitic diseases Farmers need to regularly check cow Health to detect and promptly treat any diseases the South Devon ball auction is usually held in late winter or early spring at the auction South Devon cattle will be sold to other breeders the largest cows can weigh up to 2,000 lb so there was a record of a bowl named big gem weighing up to 2,200 lb and that is for an [Music] example specific information about raising South de cattle on a farm includes prices ranging from $1,000 to $5,000 an average lifespan of 12 to 15 years the meat that is being yielded from each animal is about 1,000 lb per each [Music] animal the South Devon beef is known for having a ret deep color delicious flavor and low fat content South Devon cattle farming is an important economic sector in many countries around the world including the United States raising Indonesian cemental cattle on a farm requires attention and knowledge of Animal Care Indonesian cemental cattle are hybrid cattle produced from a combination of Swiss Cal cattle and Indian Brahman cattle this has created a breed of cattle that can adapt well to many climatic and soil [Music] conditions when starting to raise Indonesian cemental cattle on the farm breed selection is very important look for varieties that are well adapted to specific local conditions especially climate and soil this includes considerations for growth and development adaptability to hot climates and disease [Music] resistance Indonesia's cemental cattle auction is an important part of the livestock industry auctions are typically held at farms or agricultural fairs and use evaluation criteria such as weight meat quality and fertility to determine value of each [Music] cow the largest cemental cows in Indonesia can weigh up to 2,000 lb the world record for Indonesian semil cattle weight is held by a bull named Big Ben with a robot weighing 2,744 [Music] lb maintaining and managing the Indonesian Cal herd requires Knowledge and Skills in caring for the animals so they grow healthy so they can fit high quality at the auction [Music] phase raising parthenon's cattle on a farm is a job that requires care and patience baran's cattle e typical French beef breed are large and strong typically weighing around 1,500 [Music] lb this creates opportunities for many breeders to take advantage of their meat potential so when starting to raise parthan cattle it is important to choose the breed carefully learn about their health fertility and meat yield to ensure you choose the right animal make sure your barn is solidly built to ensure the safety of your cows and provide enough space for them to move around and live [Music] naturally the Parnes auction is an opportunity for Parnes cattle breeders to sell to dealers and individuals buyers the largest cows can weigh up to 2,500 lb and even the the heaviest cow ever recorded Hercules weighed even more up to 2,800 [Music] lb parthan beef is very popular because of it's high quality it has a deep brid color delicious flavor and is tender making it a great choice for beef lovers [Music] thank you so much guys for watching this video so since we don't really have any clue of what kind of difficulties that you could be facing in your Farms please don't forget to share all the problems you're facing and obstacles you're going through as this will tremendously help us with our upcoming video s
2024-03-10 16:23