How to Make PASSIVE Income 100/DAY 10 Ways to Make PASSIVE INCOME Online

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In. 2016. I made one most popular videos on YouTube 10 ways to make passive income online and a lot of you have asked me to do an updated, video to that because a lot of you are interested in ways that you can make money online and. How you can actually build some kind of passive, income for yourself and this, is not a video for those of you who are lazy or into, get-rich-quick, schemes, because this is gonna require actual. Work but, I'm gonna tell you exactly, how, to do it, hey. Everybody this is roberto blake of helping. You create something awesome today welcome to my, update video 10 ways to make passive income online for. Those of you who might be new to the channel or just stumbled across this video my name is roberto blake I'm creative entrepreneur, I'm a public speaker, and I'm, the founder of awesome creator now. The purpose of this video is not to sell you a course, on internet marketing or passive, income or any of those things it's to show you the, way that I've used passive, income to make thousands, of dollars a month and to give you some insights into how you can do that this, is not for those of you who are not willing to put in hard work now to reap the benefit later if you're looking for videos about different, topics other than this like investing in real estate I highly, suggest that you move on to another video what, I'm gonna be focusing on is the things that I've actually done, to, make money online or the things that I'm actively, doing right, now as of this moment to make money online and they're, the kind of things that have helped me like. Grow, a very, substantial. Revenue, stream from, different, things we're gonna be talking about e-commerce we're, gonna be talking about email marketing we're gonna be talking about using social media and content platforms.

Like YouTube, and Instagram to build an audience and set up a marketing funnel so you can build something around either a product based business, whether that's your own products, or others, so like I said if you have no interest, in making legitimate. Passive income, and doing. It what I consider to be the hard, way then, it feel free to click off of this video it may not be for you if you, are struggling, right now and you need money in the next 30 days I would actually recommend watching, my video on start. Freelancing if you're broke and watch the videos in my how to become a freelancer, series that is completely free and it will actually help you make, money by, either. Leveraging a skill that you already have or, providing. Something, through an online platform such. As up work or something in terms of data entry there are ways to make money right now if you, need to do that I highly, recommend you watch those videos this. Video is, not that this video is about building a system that, you're going to benefit from in the long term so now we've got that out of the way I want to talk to you about the ways that I've made money online obviously, you guys probably realize that made money online from, YouTube, both, in passive, income and active. Income, there are videos on YouTube that make me hundreds, of dollars a month that I shot, a year, ago two, years ago maybe. Longer and I still make over a hundred dollars a day from. Individual. Videos here on YouTube that I did a while back in addition to all the money that I made upfront on those, videos whether they had sponsors, there, are affiliate, links in nearly every, single video that I make so they have the ability to make me money. No matter what regardless of what YouTube's policies, are and I also leverage, the Instagram, platform, I grew over 10,000, followers there I have the swipe up feature so, that I can sell my merchandise, I can sell products, that I've developed I can do any number of things I also have, enough of a platform to, be able to work directly with sponsors, that's active, income so there are a lot of options, for you making money online and, there are a lot of diverse ways to approach it and to do it I'm gonna walk you through the. Ways that I did I'm gonna walk you through ten ways that I did it and what, you need to actually pull, this off both in terms of resources, skills. Knowledge. And again. Access. To the ability to build an audience I'm. Not very blunt there's. Very little chance of you building consistent. Powerful. Passive income and making over a hundred dollars a day if you are not willing to build, an audience or. Leverage. Advertising. Or do. Content, marketing and if, you don't either have a skill, a trade. Knowledge. Or the ability, to develop a product or the, salesperson, ship to sell an existing, product as an, affiliate, then, making.

Passive Income online may. Not be for you yet or if you need to develop those skills I've made other videos on this channel they're completely free so, you can get a skill like video editing or, Photoshop. Or any number of things that would put you a position, to, make passive, income one of the best ways you can make passive, income online is your, own direct. Product. Sales and why I talk about this in this case I'm talking about digital, products, you know why digital products are amazing well one I make a lot of money every month off of digital products, and I'm very happy about that because it keeps me independent. By, making a digital product a very, little overhead, the platform, that I use for my digital products, whether they're digital download, products, or online, courses which we'll talk about in a minute and other things is I use a platform called kajabi, you can use other online, platforms you don't have to use kajabi I'm actually building something out on teachable, as well and you can also use think if ik and there, are things like Clickbank, there are so many different places where you can make digital products if you are on a budget you can use a website called Gumroad there's also self. I those. Are platforms, that allow you to sell digital download products I sell. A graphics. Pack because I had a backgrounds a graphic designer, hold, the You Tube starter, kit I've recently branched out and I'm launching a new product around Instagram, templates, as well and it's, cuz I had the background skills of graphic designer Peter, McKinnon, someone else who's very large here on YouTube is a photographer, and filmmaker and he sells. Nuts. Which are you know something that you would need for color. Grading in video and he also sells Lightroom. Presets for. Adobe Lightroom and he does that through self I so there are plenty of people that are actually making passive, income with their digital products they're based in a skill, or an expertise, that they had so, like I said if you don't want to use a platform, that, focuses. On things. Like digital courses, per se um and. Things of that nature then you can use something like Gumroad or self I or, II junkie, and you could sell like any digital, download product if you're doing templates, like website, templates, or. Graphics. Packs and things of that nature illustrations. Then if, things like graphic river comm and websites, in the Envato network and those are all really great opportunities, for you but there's, other things you can do like I said digital. Downloads, are just, one, source, of revenue if you, want to go and you want to do something just a little bit more tangible let's, say then, I would say you could do print on demand products. That's something I've done in the past with, websites like. Oh calm, and, CafePress. Calm, and even deviantART, and you. Know there could be ok. Money there the reason I like digital download, products a little bit more is the, margins, are better when, I make a digital download product. I keep, more than 95%, of, all the money on that, product because I have cheap it is to, host it on that. Other platform. Ok but. If you want to do something else and you want to do like posters, and other print-on-demand products. Then, you should look into that the margins, will not be as good on that but, it is something that you can do and a lot of you will say well Roberto you know I need to build an audience, to accomplish, that but you.

Should Be doing that no, matter what anyway in the age of social media building, an audience is free, and that's free, website, traffic and back, in the old days a lot of us had to buy ads and for some of my product sales I still buy ads. Now. If you don't feel you have the skills to, do print on demand products, as maybe you don't have a background in design. Or illustration, or you don't feel like you have the knowledge to, sell with like you know doing a digital product you have another option you can actually do what's called affiliate, marketing, and this, is actually gonna go beyond, like the third way and also into the fourth way cuz I'm gonna explain something really cool to you guys so with affiliate marketing you can sell someone, else's, product, and you can get a commission, so you can get these sales and it's really, convenient, because you can use a website like Amazon, and you can get affiliate, revenue commissions, their problem, with something like Amazon though is you're gonna only get like two to, four percent, usually. On average on that, affiliate program but there are better programs, out there directly. With companies Amazon. Just has the most robust. Offering. Of diverse, products, for whatever John or niche or hobby or expertise, that you're dealing with or whatever audience you're dealing with that's why so many people go to it but if you go into very, specific categories. For example if you're somebody that's either in websites. Web, hosting, web, design, or online. Business, or e-commerce you, can do stuff with web hosting companies, I do affiliate, marketing with Wix and Bluehost, and I, can make anywhere from 85, to 100, dollar plus commissions. On every, one of those sales so in terms of making $100, a day that's, really straightforward because it translates to a single. Transaction, or at least two transactions. To accomplish, that but also for. People that are saying to the YouTube niche I have another affiliate program that I use called epidemic, sound it's for the background music it's for the like royalty stock music that I'm able to use as an online content, creator and that's, $30. Per sale for, a 30, day free trial, so, if people sign for a 30 day free trial, I still, get a commission on that and it's a pretty nice, Commission for what it is so if three people use. Any of the links and be literally, over, 1,000. Videos that I've made I have, the opportunity, to make a $30 sale there, so, again if, you find the right affiliate, program for your niche it can be a lucrative opportunity, and it may not be that challenging, even with a small audience, if it is the right audience, to, do $100, a day now. Here's where that gets into an interesting and forth way to Bank passive income because we talked about affiliate, sales but. Let's talk about referral, sales you might be thinking Roberto, aren't those the same thing, the way that I'm phrasing, this they're, not because.

You See the way that I'm talking about this is if you have your own digital download, product you, can have your own affiliates, and so you're making referral, sales so. The way that that would look is let's, say that somebody. Was an affiliate for me then, I give a 30%, commission on a $100. Product, if that product is sold at full price no coupons, and it's, $100, and somebody. Is getting a 30%. Referral. Commission, on that then, guess what happens without me, doing, the work of making the sale ivory made the product, but, I get $70. And they, get 30 so, if you, build a digital, product and you do referral, commissions with your own affiliates, you're, making the majority. Of the money on their sales they're, still getting something you, own the product you own the brand they're. Just operating, as a sales force for you and it's, not like you're paying them hourly for that you're paying them only on the sales they make so, again. Referral. Sales are, very lucrative, to you as someone, who owns a product, and so, this, kind of leads into the fifth way of making passive. Income is an addition have your own digital download products if you are skilled, at something you, can make a course, for it and that's, another. Passive. Income stream that you can make so that's number five, but ties directly to number four because the more products, you have between. You know make, a digital product make, an online course that's a product that you own and having, those. Referral. Sales, puts. Money back in your pocket for. Somebody, else making, the sale for you and reaching, an audience that you may not have so. Again if you, are struggling to build an audience or you. Would like to, access someone, else's audience, those. Referral, sales are a good. Way for, you to make more money that's how you can scale your business. Speaking. Of building an audience building. An audience on YouTube gives. You access to, the YouTube Partner, Program where. You can make passive, income through advertising. So, usually. I say, that passive income means building a product based business, but it could also be building, a content, based business if you're gonna leverage, advertising. Placements, and spots now, there, are a couple of ways to think about this you can also do this with a podcast, by the way it's just easier. In general, to do it with YouTube, because, it's, all handled, for you but. From, a passive income standpoint, YouTube. Places ads before the. Top potentially, after or, in, between, your videos they could do banner ads on your videos there, could be pre-roll, and postural, ads if you do a very long piece of content there can be mid-roll ads that are just like the ads in between television shows so, you could do that, and it, can be lucrative there. Are some creators that don't make a lot of money per view with it and there are others that make an extraordinary amount, of money per, thousand, views with it and what. I will tell you about this and I've done dedicated. Videos on this that you can check out on the channel is one I can tell you how through, those videos to build an audience on YouTube but the thing that I want to caution you on is if you want to go there and you want to make money you have to consider whether the genre, and niche that you're playing in is one. That has money to back it in the, form of the advert, so, you want to do some research there you won't watch the other videos I've done covering this but it is a valid way to make passive income and I make a couple thousand dollars a month directly, off the advertisers. That's not counting active, income in terms of sponsorships. Live.

Donations. Via chats, that happen through what YouTube called super chat etc. Etc there, are so many ways to make money on YouTube and I've covered a lot of them here on the channel the, other great thing about YouTube, is that YouTube, could be a distribution. And marketing funnel, for you to sell your other digital products whether that's your, print-on-demand products. Whether it's your online courses, whether, it's the, digital products, you, can sell all of that whether it's the affiliate, marketing, the, referral. Sales, there's so many ways to leverage that through YouTube and through podcasting. Vlogging, or Instagram, that is ridiculous. Which actually brings us to number six. Number. Six is. Merchandise. By. Selling your own merchandise your, own t-shirts. Or hats or whatever you, can actually make substantial, you know revenue, from, your existing audience and the thing is I like Instagram, for this almost, as much if not more than YouTube, and yes. I'm aware to make real money with this you will have to build an audience once again I think you should be doing that anyway I don't think that should be a barrier for you and I've done free content to help you build an audience the great thing is with, merchandise, though is people. Don't, even have to be so insanely. Enamored, of the content, if the shirts, are cool, enough so just. Make a dope t-shirt, and you're. Good to go and like, I said you can put marketing, behind this I think Instagram, is undervalued. Not only as a content, marketing platform. That can result in real sales but, also people. Refuse. To do even a modest, advertising spend, in order to put money in and make more money on the back end so I really think that that's something you should look into so, far we've covered making your own digital products, we've talked about making print on demand products, we talked about merchandise, we've talked about YouTube. We've talked about affiliate, sales and we've, talked about referral, sales let's. Talk about. Royalties. Number. Seven, royalties. So in my case there, are a lot of ways you could make royalties but the main way that I'm focusing, on royalties were now is that actually. Licensed. A course, of mine to, And LinkedIn, so they have, exclusive. Publishing rights for that but, I and, getting, royalty. Checks from that so that's something you can think about is where you can license content and the thing is it doesn't have to be a course you can do this with music there are so many ways to, do licensed, content and here's, another thing that that could tie into let's talk about number eight let's talk about stock. Media, by doing stock, media licenses, in terms of stock photography images. Illustrations. Video, audio. You, have the ability to go, to all these different platforms. That those things are distributed on and marketers, and advertisers and, creators, could buy those things and you will get a commission, you will get a cut of that so, you, know you're paying for the distribution on the back end of you, know them taking, some of the money upfront but you're making sales, you'd never make on your own because as we pointed out building an audience is hard getting traffic is hard I'm gonna recommend black, box I'm gonna link to that down below in fact everything I'm talking about I'll have detailed, stuff, and I have links they'll probably be affiliate links to, those things down below for you guys to use as a resource but with black box it automatically. Distributes, you to multiple, stock websites so you don't have to re-up load, the same assets, over, and over and over again so this is a very, good way for, you guys to make passive income off of things you might already have sitting on your hard drive you my array have images.

Graphics Photos, video, that, are going to waste that somebody could take advantage of and you could make money off of let's, talk about number nine number nine is a really interesting one because it's something that I'm working, on right this moment but a lot of my friends have benefited from this and they've inspired me, to tackle this one and that. Is going, into ebooks. And, audiobooks. And, again I've talked about some of these things but not as in-depth, I think in previous, videos but with ebooks and audiobooks the thing that intrigues me is that, with, an e-book there's the opportunity to. Link out to, resources, and to tie it to number 10 which is email marketing which I'm gonna go deeper into but, with your ebook, you can link out to, the, opportunity, for email marketing by, offering, free, downloads, in the e-book or the audiobook. And resources. That go to that and in, exchange someone, has to give you their email address now, you've captured that email address you can give them the free things that they signed up for but, you can also put them into an automated, email sequence, that could mark it to them in other ways and through this email marketing, you have the ability passively, through a system, to. Potentially. Sell them your existing, digital download products your print-on-demand product, your merchandise, your, online course. Affiliate. Links. To things that fit, the, thing that they asked for in terms of the value proposition so, every, other form of passive income for the most part that we discussed, is now, accessible, through, the distribution of email marketing because we're talking about building, a system here so, by, building this system by being within this ecosystem of. Having. All these diverse revenue streams or a few of them are the ones that fit you and then being able to tie that to content, marketing email marketing or even online advertising, you, have the ability to grow this even, bigger and so, that's how people really, make a living, off a passive, income it's, not something they do overnight it's not something they do in 30 days it's not something they do in 60 days this, is a long haul, incremental. Process and I wanted to walk you through, that and I wanted to give, you a little bit more insight and depth into. How, it actually works. Something. That I won't cover in future videos so if you found this helpful and you want me to give more details, about this or you want me to break down these things individually, I'm happy to do that in other videos and there's actually a couple of videos now linked down below and, I'll link in the info, card where, I've actually covered. Some of these topics I think I've actually touched on quite a few of them so there we go ten ways ten legitimate. Ways you.

Can Make passive, income online. This. Is something that I feel is accessible, to more of you than you might be thinking there are a lot of you who already have a skill there are a lot of you already have knowledge, and thing. Is building. An audience is something, that you can do, it's not something, that isn't. On the, table I've done, so many videos on the shell to help you build an audience whether it's in YouTube, or grow that email list or even. Build your own website or start, a podcast and, I'll link to those resources, as well because they're totally free, and like I said I don't need to sell you a course on any of this anybody, selling you a course on this this is fine and it might help you might be the person who learns and benefits from that and there are people who are gonna learn and benefit from your online course, I want you to stop thinking I want people to stop having this conversation that, passive income is somehow a scam, or its scummy or, it's a daydreamer it's for the people who are lazy it's for people who are smart, and for people who respect and value their time it's, for people who want to start a family it's for people who want to spend more time for their family or is for people who don't feel they've been respected, and earned what, their knowledge is worth in. Traditional. And conventional means. And jobs so, if that's someone like you then I hope that this video was helpful and, I hope it helps you take your first steps toward. Either some, extra money on the side or real financial, freedom if you, have questions please feel free to drop those in the comment section down below I'm gonna answer as many of them as I can especially, the first day, in the first hour this video is out that's why I'm most active, on the, video so you'll want to get in on that early if there's a question that you really want an answer from me, on I'll, try and tackle it liked this video if you liked it don't forget to subscribe hit, the notifications, if you want to actually catch the rest of my videos because YouTube. Is YouTube as always. You guys thanks so much for watching and don't forget create, something awesome today you, can work hard now and reap the benefits later take. Care. You.


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