How Freshly uses technology to become more sustainable

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you know one of the attributes of gen z is like  they they kind of want everything right like you   know they they want super convenient they want  low price point they want healthy they want   sustainable packaging right like they want all  of it and we're like okay we can do that we can   figure out how to give you all of it um so you're  not having to make any trade-offs or compromises scott have you used a meal service before i  any meal service have been soaked i've come so   close i've come so close to signing up for one of  these services you get the things in the mail 30   off 60 off five meals free 12 meals free all  these promos and i sat down one day and i looked   at the promo card i said you know what let's try  the dang thing get some of these free meals but   then i just didn't you know you need to sign up  you use credit card information this and they   gotta like do the whole thing i'm not good at  just the minute tasks of like booking flights   and ecom like you have to just go there's steps  nora filling out filling out your information   i mean you got to do it all the time and i just  there's a lot of friction there for me personally   wow you were making yourself sound like an old  person i i am an old person but i just i just   you know i have so many things to i have  so many emails and uh but meals i love   to eat the bottom line is i should sign up for  these things i think i am going to try freshly now   try it have you tried it um i don't think it  was freshly specifically but i was signed up for   a meal delivery service for a while when i  first moved to an apartment in the financial   district and i had stopped using it because  i was getting too many meals like i wasn't   able to go through them so they ended up in  my freezer i never returned to my freezer   but then hearing from anna that's something that  they're tackling with freshly is making it easy   for you to opt out of certain meals and change the  frequency so maybe i need to revisit it again too   but the meals that i had were pretty delicious  honestly stick it in the microwave and it it   kind of tastes like a home-cooked meal so i'm i'm  pro i think yeah the more i think about it because   i'm so i every morning i make breakfast and i  make eggs or avocados or something and there's   you chop the onions and the mushrooms for the uh  there's just a lot of prep i'm getting a little   sick of the dish dish work afterwards you know  yeah yeah i i think i think i can try i'm ready to   try i've reached my tipping point it's convenient  it's convenient and the user experience these days   make it really easy even for people like you  so you gotta check it out so let's get to the   conversation today we are sitting down with  anna fabrega who is the ceo of freshly that is   a leading prepared meal subscription service that  aims to break down the barriers of healthy eating   and in 2020 nestle acquired freshly in a deal  that valued the company at 950 million dollars   and prior to joining freshly anna served as a  managing director at amazon she helped drive   the launch of amazon go and amazon kitchen anna  joins us today to discuss the marketing challenges   associated with healthy eating their growth plan  for freshly how they come up with their recipes   and her approach to new product launches our  conversation with anna is after a quick break   this episode of business casual is sponsored by  grayscale the world's largest crypto asset manager   and provider of crypto investment funds so you've  probably heard about crypto by now you're curious   but you don't know where to start it's true  getting into crypto can feel intimidating and   you probably have a lot of questions like what's  a safe way to invest in crypto and is there a way   to invest in the brokerage account you already  have that's where grayscale comes in you can   invest in grayscale's public products simply by  searching for its ticker symbol in your 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things to to  different people um so you know from a from a   meals perspective you know what we try to  be is is far less processed if at all um   less sugar more nutrients um but we're not we're  not polarizing people and so we don't we don't   think that to be healthy you have to eat a bucket  of kale um or that you have to be you know zero   carb um it's more about whole food it's about um  you know fruits and vegetables and you know high   quality proteins um and then you know the other  piece that's a barrier is is just the the time   and the convenience you know we did a study and we  we found that every day you make 35 000 decisions   um and like trying to figure out dinner after  all of that like you just don't want to do it so   you know the convenience of having a service  that can be delivered directly to your home the   convenience of having these meals already prepared  knowing that they're going to be good for you   because they've been designed by a nutritionist  that they're going to taste great and that you can   have it ready in three minutes is really what  we're all about and you can have your mac and   cheese you can have your chicken parm that's right  and we might we might sneak in some butternut   squash and we might use almond flour instead of  refined bread crumbs but you'll never know so yeah   and so it took to to fully explain what freshly's  product and how it differentiates in the market   because it has become a crowded market these  meals subscription services delivery services   this is not one of those things where you're  sending the ingredients and you make it at home   these are fully prepared fully cooked and you just  pop it in the oven or the microwave even and it's   that convenient yep they are fully prepared um we  have both single serve meals and then we also have   multi-serving like mix and match proteins and  sides and they're all microwavable ready in   three minutes i frankly have never used a meal  service i i don't feel like i have barriers to   healthy eating but i i feel like i have more  of a barrier to signing up for a meal service   so there there's that barrier as well  right and that's that that seems to be   in my mind it might even be a more  difficult barrier uh to address   how how do you i mean frankly what is like the  total addressable market for for people who   would subscribe to a meal service have you  done the research on that and of those people   you know what their demographics are are i  assume you have to make a certain amount of money   to afford these services or how does that well  it's it's funny i mean our demographic is pretty   broad from an income perspective and from an  education level perspective what we find is our   customers do tend to be um you know we call them  busy balancers you know they're they're juggling   lots of things they tend to be single we do have  some married couples and some people with kids but   the vast majority tend to be single and they tend  to gravitate around you're like you know kind of   around big life changes so for example you know we  serve a pretty wide age age range you know 20s to   30s to early 40s and then and then we see like  another spike for people who are empty nesters   who are now coming up with a different routine  or who don't want to cook big meals anymore um   and so it's pretty broad i think you know to your  point one of the challenges is it's a subscription   um and that feels like a commitment and and  so you know what we're trying to think about   is kind of the end to end customer experience and  say you know what it's subscription should not be   it should be a convenience not a commitment um and  so we make it super easy for customers to kind of   skip a meal whenever they skip an order that  is whenever they want um and i think the other   challenge is fatigue right like you kind of  like you it get you it gets old after a while   and so you know one of our the distinguishing  factors about freshly is at any given point in   time we'll have 50 to 60 emails on the menu and  we're constantly rotating them out we constantly   have seasonal offerings so that you don't end  up having to deal with that fatigue factor   and just looking at the meals that are available  on the website sounds great it's 490 calories for   cauliflower shell beef bolognese and there is  quite a big variety but because you are coming   up with new recipes and keeping the menu fresh it  sounds like that could become a little bit cost   intensive as a team but you're also trying to  make it cost effective for customers as well   how do you strike that balance of making sure  the menu is high quality and there's variety but   keeping it affordable for your customers yeah  i mean it's it's really about you know we we   produce at scale um and so that obviously helps  quite a bit um we're also looking at you know   we're constantly iterating and so we don't have  like if you think about a normal you know packaged   product the product development life cycle is  massive and intensive and very very expensive   for us we're very scrappy with it we have a  nutritionist we have an r d kitchen we develop   a recipe and then we go out and we produce it and  then we're constantly looking at customer feedback   saying okay like do we need to add more sauce do  we need to you know change something about this   um and if a meal isn't performing then  we we can pull it right off and so   part of i think what what makes us unique is  that we have this level of agility that a lot of   food companies don't have what is the what are  some of the trends in what people are interested   in because i'm seeing every item on the home page  is gluten gluten-free which i'm happy about i'm   gluten sensitive but obviously there's more focus  on plant-based options generally what are people   most interested in these days yeah so um we we  are actually introducing some meals with gluten we   actually have a few noodle bowls that are really  really popular um we rolled out plant-based we   rolled up purely plant a line towards the end of  last year because what we were finding is you know   60 of consumers are saying we want to eat more  plant forward 65 of freshly customers identify   as flexitarian um you know plant-based is is  like a seven billion dollar industry and so   we were like okay if this is what customers want  like that's what we need to go produce but let's   be really thoughtful about it let's come up with  a proprietary protein blend let's make sure that   these items still meet our macros they're not too  carb heavy that they're not too you know fat heavy   um and so and and let's make sure that we have  enough to have variety within plant-based so that   if you do choose to only eat the plant-based meals  there's enough to kind of keep you interested did   you say you have a proprietary protein blend  so that's that's developed in-house at freshly   yup and why that root instead of you know going  with all the other companies that are working   on plant-based proteins yeah it's a good question  um you know the primary reason is a lot of plant   alternate plant uh meat alternatives have gluten  um and we went towards a gluten-free option and   so that kind of eliminated quite a few and then  we also uh you know a lot of meat alternatives   also tend to be highly processed uh and so you  know one of our key focal areas is again minimal   processing and then we have an entire list of  band ingredients that we just won't use because   we don't think that they're that they're wholesome  for you um so that was one of the reasons why we   said okay we got to go do this ourselves because  we can't find a product that we feel good about   including interesting that could be an opportunity  to spin that out into its own stand-alone you know   product we spoke to ethan brown of beyond meat i  mean that there's a whole business and just making   making plant-based proteins um you mentioned the  r d kitchen and i'm just curious about the the   recipe development process and the testing do you  have you know just a bunch of taste testers who   are giving feedback on this because you know once  you put it out there it's out there i guess you   can get feedback from from customers but you know  is it that kind of iterative tech process where   let's just get something out there get feedback  and iterate or you nail it you gotta nail it   we do go through pretty rigorous testing  we go through rigorous testing so first we   have we have an amazing team of chefs and meal  developers um you know study at the cia you know   former restaurant owners like they're they're  fantastic um and and the recipes they produce   are awesome so you know what we tend to try  to do is look at okay what are the what are   the flavor profiles that are trending what are  the flavor profiles where we have gaps you know   we don't need to have six different chicken  breasts with a side of vegetable meals um but   we may want to add you know a barbecued chicken  taco or something so we're constantly looking at   where do we have potential gaps in our menu what  are the flavor profiles that we want to consider   you know how do we drive diversity into the  menu taste test it pretty rigorously at the   recipe development stage and then you actually  have to what we call commercialize the recipe   and figure out how do you how do you produce  this but you know thousands at a time yeah um   and then and then no it's actually like we are  it's it's nearly all human you'd be shocked and   we have some cool equipment like this massive  we have this massive uh grill um and it just it   grills like just thousands and thousands and  thousands of chicken breasts like perfectly   amazing um but for the most part it's very manual  we use humans because you know again it's the   quality it's the plating it's you know and that's  that's somewhat hard to do in certain areas   if you're using too much automation so we test  it again very rigorously when once we're going   into production to make sure it's right and then  we have a whole quality quality check process   that's interesting intentionally leading leaning  into the human element versus just trying to   rapidly produce stuff at scale with with machines  so just yet for sure and to scott's earlier point   about this space becoming more crowded there's  more options it does feel like a commitment when   you're signing up for a subscription what is  your approach to marketing and to cut through   the clutter and the noise reach your target  audience i personally have been targeted by   freshly on my social accounts so curious what  your approach is there to acquire new customers   yeah we've actually you know historically we've  leveraged social and that worked um and you know   to your point with more competition and also just  with you know kind of more more people trying to   advertise on social um and and once you get to a  certain size it's just not as effective anymore   and so we've we've tried to focus more on okay how  do we think about you know kind of the full funnel   of marketing so how do you start to build brand  awareness how do you start to build affinity for   the brand as opposed to just trying to like you  know almost just like click bait people into like   going to the site let's make them want to go to  the site let's make them want to learn more and   so a big part of that is up leveling our content  a big part of it is talking to customers about the   problems that we help them solve as opposed to  just saying hey we're fresh and ready meals in   three minutes because everybody says that um so  how can we differentiate ourselves from everybody   else and how can we build that personal connection  can you just explain that a little more what you   mean by up leveling your content and making sure  it's not just clickbaity or the same messages   other platforms what does that actually mean yeah  so it may be instead of strictly advertising um   hey hundred dollars off your first three orders  um we're putting out content that's talking about   you know 35 000 decisions that you make in a day  and how we we can help solve one of them right or   something along those lines where you're like oh  yeah that's me like i i empathize with that person   right i am that person um and so it's not it's  not that one one or the other is better it's that   you have to kind of do a combination you have to  bring people along that journey of like i know who   you are um i think you can solve a problem for me  i'm ready to try you we're talking about marketing   freshly and breaking through the noise the  clutter out there you know thought just occurred   to me we're constantly bombarded with things in  our mailboxes our physical mailboxes catalogs   or value pack coupons or all these marketing  materials right and sometimes there are free   samples and things have is it possible or have you  considered just you know sending people meals just   a you know a free meal and say hey obviously  you figure out you figure out who might be the   best high quality potential customers hey shoot  them a meal here we go on us is that legal or   we've we've done a ton of experimentation  um we have a refer a friend program that's   very very successful because we find that  our customers are our greatest advocates   um we definitely tested into a uh refer a box  where you could literally send your friend a   box of meals um and it and it worked but it  probably it wasn't the most cost-effective   way of going out and getting a new customer but  what we have started to do which i really love is   develop partnerships with other brands that kind  of align with our philosophy so for example um we   partnered with tough mudder we're also a sponsor  of the baltimore ravens um and so we'll we go out   to these events so like we'll go to tough mudder  events and we're like hey hungry have a meal right   like you start to get it into your hand people's  hands because to your point like trying the food   makes a world of difference and when you're a  direct to consumer like e-commerce only business   it's really really hard to get people to see you  and to get that trial there's the taste test the   supermarkets for you know people yeah it's a  little different with a subscription you're   not you're not have that physical that's right  yeah physical presence i'm just hungry so yeah   me too scott so one of the you know harder demos  to get and what every brand is trying to get after   of course is gen z but you guys have been on the  list of ad age's 20 brands gaining gen z love in   early 2022 which is a great honor what has been  your strategy for gaining traction with gen z   why has it been successful and what is it about  that demographic that you think allows them to   be drawn to a brand like freshly yeah i mean it's  i think part of it is you know we're we're really   trying to um create the most effortless experience  for for customers as possible and i think you know   one of the attributes of gen z is like they they  kind of want everything right like you know they   they want super convenient they want low price  point they want healthy they want sustainable   packaging right like they want all of it and  we're like okay we can do that we can figure   out how to give you all of it um so you're not  having to make any trade-offs or compromises um   so i think i think that's a big piece of it that's  what we're constantly thinking about in fact we're   we're getting ready to launch a packaging  recycling program because you know that's   one of the challenges and we hear it from our  customers all the time like i love your service   but i hate that like it's the box and there's gel  packs and there's all this waste so you know how   do we make that easier for customers and make them  feel good about about subscribing to the service   well that's a that's actually one of the reasons  why i tend to not go for subscription services or   even have food delivered i remember one time in  pandemic i ordered you know amazon delivery or   something and it was absurd how much waste the  bags and the boxes and the plastic for a few   items there was almost more waste than the items i  ordered you mentioned this is a consideration but   what are some steps that you take currently to cut  down on that waste and to be as efficient with you   know obviously it saves money the less packaging  you use but it's also better for the environment   i understand healthy eating is part of the  mission but is is that eco-friendly aspect   part of the mission as well it is it is um so we  actually we have a we actually have our own team   of packaging engineers that are trying to leverage  um the latest technology to minimize you know kind   of real waste and so for example um there's been  a lot of strides in terms of compostable packaging   um but right now the compostable packaging  that's available on the market um there's a   liner on it so you actually have to you'd have  to remove the liner to be able to compost it   and so we're trying to get ahead of the next round  of technology that won't include that liner and   that's fully compostable um we're looking at you  know like we've we've looked at multiple ways of   trying to cut back on like the cooler packs um our  liners are made out of denim which can be recycled   um and so we're constantly trying to figure out  how can we innovate but but do it in a way that   will never ever ever compromise safety um and  food safety and the safety of our customers um   and that's and that's the balance that we have  to strike because you think about you know we're   shipping these these boxes across the country um  and we have to make sure that that we we keep the   food at a at a decent temperature to be safe  how about edible packaging anna there's right   the meal is the box i mean i i'm i'm just  waiting for like the corn bowls to come   out and you can just like you know chip it out  it'll be great willy wonka style just eat the   door eat the factory a new meaning for packing  peanuts maybe use real peanuts i don't know   um anna i'd love to get into your career and maybe  tap into some advice for women who are trying   to navigate their career journey so you joined  freshly in 2021 as the chief commercialization   officer and then just 10 months later you're  promoted to ceo so what do you attribute your   success in getting promoted so quickly at  freshly oh wow that's a great question um you know i think i think part of it is um i  don't i don't recognize lanes and so even though   i came in as chief commercialization officer i  immediately kind of got my hands into every part   of the business both to try to understand it and  learn it but also to try to understand where there   was opportunity um and so just kind of looking  across the entire company trying to think through   you know um especially because we were at this  critical point where this the playbook and the   strategy that had worked for us for so long wasn't  working as well anymore and we really needed to   pivot strategically as a business um and so i  think that kind of positioned me to you know when   when the previous ceo and founder um decided to  step down to kind of be his successor did you have   to change anything about the mindset or strategy  to shift away from that that start of mindset to   a more established and growth company that's  sustainable but not so focused on sort of the   hyper growth that you might see in an early stage  startup yeah i think so there are parts of the   startup mentality that i actually never want to  lose there's there's kind of scrappiness there's   um fail quickly you know be willing to take some  risks um i i think that's there's a place for that   even in a scaled business um but but where we had  to kind of start to think differently in pivot was   building out more financial rigor more  operational rigor so as an example   um you know oftentimes early stage startups  they're not worried about their costs   at all they're not thinking about it they're just  thinking about growth and i'm at this perspective   that constantly thinking about how you can reduce  costs over time is like breathing you you do it   no matter what no matter where you are in the  life cycle of the business um the second piece   is as the organization scales you can't be a tops  down culture you have to start empowering you know   the entire organization to think critically and  to make recommendations and so i will often say   um i'm not the decision maker i am the  recommendation approver so come with your   recommendation and be ready to talk about how  you got to that recommendation because just   because you're a vp and you say this is what i  think we should do doesn't just mean that i'm   going to accept it i'm going to want to know how  you got there and because if we're aligned with   how you got there then it's almost guaranteed that  we're going to be aligned with what you want to do   show your work show your work and big things  happening in the last couple years at freshly   uh did this happen while you were you were there i  guess i could i guess it didn't because you joined   in 2021 but nestle acquired freshly in 2020  just before you arrived at the company valuing   fresh valuing freshly at 950 million dollars with  potential earnings up to 550 million contingent to   the successful growth of the business i mean this  is this is big leagues now now you have nestle one   of the biggest international corporations at  the helm um what is the strategy to meet these   these earnings expectations and growing this now  that you have a corporate overlord to answer to   you know nestle nestle's been great and  that you know they've been very hands-off   they kind of like you know you guys go and you  know meet your meet your financial targets um but   we're not going to impose like our you know  our systems in our ways because we understand   that you're that you're different right we're  a very different model very different business   um so in that regard it's been it's been awesome  because you know where where we where we want and   need support they provide it um but but they're  not pushing anything at us um and so that's that's   been great um you know the approach is really  how grow the company in a in a profitable way so   which is different than a lot of startups right  um so that's what we're doing is we're saying   all right like now to what i mentioned before like  let's establish some rigor around operations let's   establish the right set of metrics let's make sure  that we are um looking at the right numbers that   we're identifying defects and then you know um  getting root causing them and getting rid of them   um and and do that and kind of grow at the same  time so it's almost like you know the plane is up   in the air and we're doing maintenance and we're  flying at 500 miles per hour but you know so we're   trying to do all the things and and innovate on  you know how do we accelerate growth let's dig   in a little bit more into that innovation that  you started to mention so as you think about   new product launches as you are in this family uh  with nestle what is that process in coming up with   new product lines and leaning into new areas like  you were mentioning the proprietary proteins that   seems like it's its own business almost to try to  develop that further so what is that process when   you're thinking about new product launches for  the company yeah i mean i think you know one we   we try to identify what what what do customers  want um and then what can we do really really well   so as an example a year ago we were like all hands  on deck trying to go develop salads salads are   really really hard to do well and keep fresh and  ship it across the country just really hard um and   so we kept running into all of these roadblocks  and i finally said you know what if we can't do   it well um if we can't give customers the best  possible salad then we're not going to do it let's   not do it um so it starts with like what what are  our capabilities and what can we do well what do   customers want um you know another thing that that  is top of mind if you if you go and talk to people   what they want now is customization and so we're  thinking about how do we give people the ability   to customize maybe they want their sauce on the  side maybe they want the ability to you know   add um you know avocado slices to something or or  whatever so you know we're also thinking about you   know what are the current trends what do people  need and and and you know how can we innovate not   just in new with new product lines but also with  the kinds of meals that we offer as our core line   um and then the last part is you know right now  like we're primarily a lunch dinner option and   you know people eat breakfast people eat snacks  and so you know you can see where that's going   for things like the customization personalization  is that something you might decide to charge   more for or how do you think about premium  services and getting more revenue out of these   custom experiences or elevated experiences it i  mean honestly it could be it really depends um   you know i think about you know for example if we  if we have a stew and you want to add a baguette   to it like yeah we why wouldn't we let you add  that to your order for a couple bucks or something   um so you know i think part of it is um that i  that i think about a lot as well is um you know   there's a convenience to having a recurring order  but not every week looks the same and so how do   we make it super flexible for you if you want one  week to order six meals and the next week you want   10 meals and then the next week you only want four  meals but you want um i'm making it up like four   granola bars added in like let's make sure that  you can do that really really easily and that   you're not always locked in i have questions about  the logistics of of the operation you mentioned a   few times shipping across the country is there  one centralized location where you have this   4 000 square foot grill that you're cooking  everything from or are there satellite kitchens   throughout different regions of the country  because you know there's a freshness aspect   to this like you mentioned with the salads  you have to get things on time and also   are you beholden to a shipping company to make  sure that these meals arrive at times i mean   you're saying lunches and dinners and now you're  talking about breakfast how do you get something   to arrive in the morning versus afternoon versus  the night you know it seems like uh there's a lot   of a lot of issues here yeah it's it's complex  we have we actually have um four places where   we manufacture the the food and then we have um  four different distribution sites um kind of east   coast west coast uh so so it's interesting you  know 93 percent of our shipments arrive next day   uh to a customer so that's that that's helpful  um because with fresh food you have you have no   margin for error right so if the shipping company  is late like you're kind of screwed um so so we   actually partner with a lot of several different  shipping companies and we're constantly trying to   trying to balance you know different service  levels and performance to make sure that we're   not disappointing customers it's definitely  been more challenging lately with all of the   supply chain issues and the labor shortages like  truck drivers are impossible to find right now   but our logistics team has done a really good job  of kind of constantly moving things back and forth   to make sure that we've got the right coverage and  you have a lot of experience on the logistic side   and navigating all of that you were at amazon  previously it's very cool you were part of   the launch of amazon go and the just walk out  technology zooming out a little bit thinking   about customer preferences when it comes to  commerce generally what do you think are going   to be the big movers as to how we shop how we get  food delivered other items delivered is it going   to be this sort of automation where you walk into  a place it knows what you want you walk out don't   have to take any credit cards out what do you  think are going to be sort of the big frontiers   when it comes to to delivery and commerce yeah i  mean i i i do think i think i think convenience   is king and i think conveniences is um it can it  can be different things and so there's i from my   perspective there's kind of a hybrid omni-channel  approach that is probably the the right model so   you know sometimes i i want to be able to get  something in 15 minutes sometimes i want to be   able to plan sometimes i want to be able to go and  touch it and feel it and try it before i buy it   and so from my perspective it's not all e-commerce  it's not all on-demand delivery it's a combination   and to the extent that the you know companies can  can offer that choice um in the most convenient   way possible um i think that's how you win and  so you know just walk out again the the premise   with with the amazon go stores and just walk out  we we started out locating them in really dense   urban environments because and and our primary  customers were commuters you know on their way   into work on their way out of work and its impulse  almost um and so that's not something where   doordash or ubereats or whatever is is is gonna  solve your need um so i think it's i think it's   a combination of a bunch of things okay anna we  are gonna do a couple of fun bonus segments if   your game um our first bonus question for you is  called well the segment is called shoot your shot   where we ask you what is your moonshot idea this  is your biggest dream your wildest ambition it can   be personal it can be freshly related it's up to  you it's your shot your chance to shoot your shot   okay well let's see from a personal perspective um  i've always kind of dreamed of buying a giant plot   of land and having my family and all my closest  friends like build their houses there and like   village raise our kids um and i might invite my  husband i haven't decided yet but like that's   i i talk about it with my friends all the time um  so that's that's my thing um you know more from   a professional level if i could go blow up the  medical industry and figure out how to make um   good health care a basic human right that everyone  has access to um i i would do it and there's a   lot of different companies out there that are  doing really interesting things in the space   but um you know i think i think that industry  is right for transformation not not only for   the fact that not everyone has access but also  because the entire industry is built around being   reactive um which doesn't isn't isn't great like  we really need to be proactive and preventative   and offer healthy meals to everybody so there  you go full circle yes you're contributing to   a healthier society that's right this week's quiz  is all about subscription-based delivery companies   hmm you might know something about these and you  do have i hope so [ __ ] i'm terrible at trivia   you do have you do have nora here to lean on okay   for these so let's get down to it kumero numero  uno which of the following subscription meal   delivery services does not offer a vegan option  hello fresh purple carrot green chef or sprindly isn't purple carrot like vegetarian so i   think they have a carrot i  think they'd have vegan options uh what was the second to  the last one um green chef   green chest is green right it  sounds like they're beautiful   chef but because springly makes me think it's like  vegetably sure yeah vegan and vegetarian different   i'm asking about they all have vegetarian options  but yeah a vegan menu who does not have vegan   oh i don't know anna what does your  gut tell you i'm gonna i'm gonna go   green chef all right we're going green  chef green chef green chef happens to be a healthy and organic meal kit service that  does offer vegan options hello fresh hello   fresh while offering vegetarian options does not  go full vegan no man i should have known that   hellofresh now you know goodbye fresh  hello freshly that should be your that's   the next billboard i don't know if you want it head-to-head all right let's try q2 here  which of the following companies   is not a subscription-based shaving  slash razor company oh another one of   these not questions so three of them are  one is not billy harry's athena or terry billy and harry's stuff is definitely yes what  was the last thing it sounds like it is athena   and larry what is this terry terry just throwing  random names mary terry gary barry for sure is not   terry larry larry is not one is terry um i'm gonna go terry yeah same feels like a like  a trick answer because it rhymes with harry's   i know yeah terry's harry's yes terry is not a  subscription base anything as far as we can tell   nice job you're one for two years let's make it  two for three and win it out all right what is the   name of ellen degeneres's quarterly subscription  box laugh box be kind sugar wish or bloom box   hmm doesn't her whole thing be kind yeah it is her thing ironically it's a bit of a controversial subject um i don't  know you want you want to go with this be kind all   right sometimes the obvious is the right are we  in the right direction scott you certainly are be   kind rewind be careful so the only one i  missed is in my industry thank you for that   that one was a very specific question though  it's okay it's okay do you offer vegan does   freshly have vegan options um i don't think  we do i think we're just vegetarian yeah yeah   yeah lots of gluten-free though i'm  into that yeah lots of gluten-free   well that's it you got two for three  congratulations you are a winner baby if you like what you saw and you like what you  heard you can listen to the entire episode of   this podcast business casual anywhere you get  your podcast and please go ahead and subscribe   to the morning brew youtube channel  and go ahead and click on that alarm   bell that thing right there so you can  be alerted anytime there's a new video


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