Sarri after Pep De Bruyne s worth Brahim or Foden Q&A Part 2

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Hello my guys is Steven here back with another video this is the second part of the Q&A that problem just after the first half which is a bit more fun according to Nikhil who's just that over there basically, was a bit more personal we had a chat and all that kind of stuff this one it's a lot more football oriented, because it was absolutely loads, of questions I don't want to go through quite a few of them because there's some very interesting talking, please nobody other weekend games tomorrow I really why tomatoes Q&A as I have been promising, here so I mean the best thing to do really is just crack on obviously, I can't answer all the questions it was like hundreds, of them so the best I'll do is about another 25 feet today so if, you haven't already seen the first part gone click up there when the first question comes from Andrew, for I've got my phone here by the way and sorry you pronounce your names Ron I'm really bad at this kind of thing but and said now that the league is pretty much done dusted you drink a deer being agüero should be rested or should they be played a break for more individual records well and. I think general some games there will be rested I'm not sure the league is done yet and if people keep playing are relatively, full Stremme team until the league is actually, done everybody, I think after it's done will see one or two players rush it will see some young players get games that's probably rightfully so, I mean you've got to keep the players charlo you can't like send them off on a two free week holiday we've got big, competition. Game two coming up this is kind of hold like, you got a playoff the benefits, of them resting, I gave you some benefits of losing sharpness, having, in general Guardiola, will not want to see a massive dipping League for him because he knows that's, a sudden, kind. Of run of negative results, in the Premier League even you don't mean anything can I also affect the performances, of the players he'll want him to be absolutely.

100% Focus. And a suspect will find a balance between very, strong games where, we name more or less a full 11 or some games where we maybe switch, out two or three players and, the real David Barry hello, real David Murray said do you have a day job well of course I think I wish this was my full-time job but it isn't a new social media for a retailer which basically involves tweeting. Facebook. And Instagram all that kind of stuff doing the unimportant, stuff does, basically it's a little boy's job for an ad or basically I should be do some a lot more important but I get paid through it so I'm not gonna complain max, P said who do you want and think we'll replace Guardiola, once he leaves in a few years that day terrifies, me because there's no one like, Guardiola, simply, a man with a vision that's more or less unrivaled, and we'll football an absolute, genius and the hardest thing for us is gonna be replacing. Someone. With that kind of influence over plays that's status, and obviously the way you play is it's almost iconic but. System II has to be sorry and Napoli he's doing sensational. Things as stylistically. There's obviously a vast. Similarities. There's loads of mutual respect in Guardiola, and sorry too they love each other they love how they play football which, I'm sure would also rub off on City players city long as he played them twice, this season they appreciate how good they are as a team so I'm sure the likes of deployer and silver, and so on or whoever is still there at the time appreciate. How good he is as a coach or maybe someone like him I can't really see anyone else who plays at a very similar way to Guardiola, that could fit in and do the same job sorry, for me it makes a lot of sense personally, Romo Pham said should we play youngsters if we win the league with matches like well I'm just disgusting a previous question I'm almost saying we will play a few young lads I wouldn't mind seeing a few day buds be made even though it is kind of tokenism it also kind of sets, up nicely for next season given the chance to give these young lads a taste at first in football maybe see I wanted, to react in that kind of scenario I don't think they'll be loads haven't been totally honest but I see the likes of Brahim Fodor maybe in a major get, a few games definitely because, he'd be good for them to get a Premier League winners medal for one it was so nice to be able to see these, your lads have been in the club for a long time especially people like fold-in who's a city fan I pick up a Premier League winner medal for the team at 17, years old that I'd be phenomenal, ordinate joão Bosco said how do we prove in the summer and will Joe have made a big video and that already go watch it it says he's, dream summer 11 transfers come watch that answer all your questions there for you instead, alternately. If it wasn't YouTube what would you want to do for a living well. I guess he was my band stuff I was pretty good at one point but that sadly faded, BAM I take, YouTube that I'd be quite nice so that's why I push the page by the way because it'd be nice to be able to do this full-time because you to doesn't pay that much unless you're absolutely huge, so fingers crossed I'll get there one day the ghost said you think toes in will get much game time because, he looks great every single time he plays I think this can be very very difficult for him never got the poor and stones obviously very young guy I suspect. We'll look, at maybe. Even bringing another centre back in one day one visits a company goes I can't, see him getting loads of gametime if I was him and I think he, will I'll, go alone next season I think he was allowed to go online in general transfer window but he couldn't find anyone suitable for and so it is a very good young player I do start, to think he was looking more and more comfortable with every single game but.

I Just can't see him getting a game time he needs to develop I think the low next season somewhere hopefully the first the style of whoever he goes to regularly will doom the worldly good he live elevating, very quickly all deceive, he's not quite got the ability, or potential to get there much to see but I definitely think in his game time and don't worry he'll be a city next season though college, al-madani said how did you feel when Sanchez moved to the United I wasn't, that bothered and that's my general on his troop my general, theory. At the time was that he was an expensive, kind. Of a pontiff. A signing fee night if I were they were in for him because we were in for him he's obviously a quality player but, it didn't strike me something they actually needed he felt like there was frying money a problem, that wasn't necessarily, there Sanchez. He's a fantastic, little play don't get me wrong he would have been icing, for wasn't a very sweet cake but United it's, not that that they actually do, need. A moment he'd someone to help the control midfield alongside pump, but did he a balance, in that shape and to me feels like throwing things at the wall to see very, little stick Sanchez, is fantastic, but I'm, not surprised at all that United aren't in great form the moment even though they've signed him because it's, all very well signing, loads of ways but you need a shape you identity, you need a plan it doesn't strike me that unite have a plan over than buying lots of very expensive players at the moment they won't like to hear that but that's just my personal opinion, I think the shape and the style talk to give them is lacking quite a bit don't get me wrong Maria's a very good manager they've got a lot of very good players but the football they're playing it isn't good enough for the money that they're spending the, second League in a moment the Fair Play bear I think they've been very underwhelming. And that's even coming from sort. Of trying to be neutral here as double united good enough even regardless of what we've done so far I think they need to be a level higher than they currently are given the plays that they've gotten Sanchez to me he's. A very good player but you need to work out how to use it now they've got a situation where they're playing marchiali Rushford, rarely, on Marshall, out position to accommodate Sanchez and he's just kind of making him less effective, you need to pull, the right holes not just add more, cement, around the hole doesn't leave plugging in the first place Sinclair. Comrie said you like any of us boss I I, don't watch anyone anymore because I just don't have the time and being honest when I was younger watch absolutely, anything be, goal 10 is cricket, and snooker. F1, basketball. Anything when I was younger I used to watch all kinds of sports but now I. Just. Want to be a football see. My girlfriend, and live life and just kind of get my stuff so I'm you had you like I was bored since don't really watch him because I think as you get older and you realize already.

Enough Time I mean totally on especially when you want to create video is more less every night Reese rozanski, said on average how many times would you mention patreon, support their video six point seven will be my guess, I get. The Cygnus ISM there and I mention it twice, actually. Twice once at the start video given the showers that people deserve. Because they put money into to. Get the shoutouts and so on and then at the end board at the end you know my patreon, founder, but to me it's, a lifesaver, I want. To make videos every single day I put a lot of time into it hours, and night doing this and then get, basically, nothing back until patron, until, I decided to start doing patron it's great because I think people who make essentially, free, short TV shows every day that's what I do every night I make a little ten minute videos, that people watch and look at look out for having. In general given the hours I don't spend putting into it I deserve a little bit something back we don't like getting us fair enough and there YouTube, continues. To be free for basically anyone you don't have to get involved but we don't like patreon, that's, your problem in being honest I like it I think I earn the money that I get from people if they ever won it cancel it or not pay that's also entirely their situation, I appreciate, the support that I get from people patron, absolutely, low seriously, it makes my life so much easier, it's just great. You means I can buy a fancy new camera it means I can get tickets for games he's just so, much easy to keep on doing this and the amount of times I've nearly just stopped making videos because I haven't got the time or the energy or, even the, money sometimes, but this just helps a little bit and it means I keep making videos because I know these guys here who, put, into my patreon I know it means something to them I know they want me to keep making a video sorry carry on doing that and that's, why I carry on making videos to Reese because, people are willing to support me and it's really really useful I keeps you going and there thank you very much to everyone does and go City said how much different Dubrovnik is worth you were forced to sell him a world. Record fee in my opinion he's currently maybe in the top four, or five plays in world football he's up there as the best me field in world football my personal opinion he's the best player in the league in, my personal opinion I mean he's getting better I'd want the same as name oh god that's my personal opinion if he's worth more than Contino I want over two hundred million because he's.

A Phenomenal, footballer Kevin de Bruyne he's only gonna get better you might disagree but I think a DB is worth every single penny this question from TG MCFC is such a difficult one to answer in a perfect world where, Foden, and Diaz became will be is which one would you most likely to see this is he. That's really hard because brahim is a favorite, of mine because I've been watching him play for a long time ago he's a member he, just makes me laugh whose style lovelyz direct energy he's a lovely lad I know he's family quite well Chatham, it games are all absolutely adorable, nice people and I've, got it's really a. Massive. Affection, for his, fantastic. Little player I really want to see him succeed to city because he's, a love his energy love his work great love his desire but phil phoned him he's been at manchester city since he was 8 years old he's just city fine he's from Stockport, it's just too good it's a perfect, story and giving, his style given, the fact that obviously cares, about his club but not saying breaking doesn't but behaved hasn't, been here all his life that Fulton has it, has to be fulfilled him just because he's a local lad come good and that would be absolutely brilliant story for the academy sorry, brahim I mean, I want both succeed but has to be photo didn't if I had to choose one and that's if you had I had mine to my front and all kind of stuff VP Phil Feldman cattle, being game I said your favorite player ever growing up and doesn't have to be city player was a seal for. City he was key party at one point and then he was Shaun wright-phillips but, over then City and, various. Players I was, obsessed with the real or an hour before he was absolutely, phenomenal his. Power and his elegance, he was just a phenomenal football if you hadn't had all those interest in my opinion we'd be talking about him alongside Messi, I think uses that good if you use a fantastic.

Footballer He's had a cruel twist, of fate with his injuries and bad knees or whatever it was and then close, to home and, what Arsenal's, team with Omri and Burkham was just special those, do plays were enjoy to watch I love watching that team with Perez, and Lumbergh and Vieira in their prime they were just so good to watch play obviously the destroyed is a few times but it was worth watching just, because they were so entertaining I love watching attacking. Teams and play with such vibrancy. Such creativity such moments of brilliance, and, Perez and Lumbergh and Omri and Burke um they did that so I love watching that team and then love Zola, Jericho's own was absolute quality people like him just. Great footballers, and Zinedine, Zidane is also one of my favorite all-time footballers, it's just the elegance in the way plays he just makes the game look so, so easy I really, want to see that a video where you I, mean as a film that's all made it's a dance set to Mogwai the post rock band because that would be fantastic, I've never seen it but I'm sure it's pure artistry, but those plays all. Those were basically my favors him, James be said can you play a song. On the guitar. Yeah. Hang, on a second, I. Don't. Even know this isn't you or not but this is a CV. I don't get this um in the comments I. Know. Enough of that nonsense yeah, just, the day go change there's a song for you okay exclusive. On this channel I don't know what I've just done I probably, regret it and really but it's happened so let me know a song that was in the comments because why not it was an easy one even being totally honest Darkseid army asked, the most glorious question, ever a guard, of honor or win the league again i did i've all those circumstances. Are absolutely, beautiful army, i'm tempted to say winning the lead just because just. Because the action, see the glory of watching united realized that we've just won the league sing the plays run around the pitch and going, absolutely, mad, you. Know you down the pitch still that would be fantastic seeing, Josie's face looking devastated. But at the same time if Joe is in light of Padma and Lukaku and all that laugh to give us a guard of honour and the Etihad cuz we warned you won the league we're champions oh that. Wouldn't. Win. This overall, our dream scenario let's be honest there there's no bad answering that one so I'll probably just say winning it against United because it'll be even more sweeter but the pretty good circumstances, either way Lucas markavitch said and I'm sure he's not related to Lazar Markovic baby is so. I said, who would you say is the most promising, Manchester seat by you hasn't yet debuted, for the first team well given. All the ones out on loan probably have already played for City like a you know Angelino and Maffeo and money, Garcia and so on and the, majors all you play and fold in and brahim. Probably. Someone like maybe Matt Smith maybe Robbie Matan doumitt Ando is fantastic, a 17 year old flying, winger, bags of skill he's brilliant, little player Latty bode a fantastic. Player obviously captain England under-17s the, local final and he's great then. Maybe someone like Tommy. Doyle he's very young still he's obviously only 16, years old only in under 16 boy he's already played with the under-18 he's, got two years off maybe to the first he level but he's fantastic, I could grr that's kind of by a powerful.

Intelligent. Box-to-box, midfielder not only has he got the kind of that kind of passion and driver Jared but he's got this calmness that comes from playing off very, Spanish kind of technical, style but, yeah this whole host of plays very good but I think most the ones the most promising ones probably, have already played for the first team like brahim voted and the matron so on but I'd love to see maybe you must if Katie's debut one day maybe Davenport, he's back alone people like him I love those kind of plays that poor, shifting for the team also have technical ability maybe D'Amico to Haney as a right-back actually, I've just realized who maybe actually will be are a Moorish, the goalkeeper, he's fantastic he's, so, so so good he's, been waiting with the first thing most of the season but he's a I also, got a young, very, very young very raw obviously but very young cannot new wear with style, I love, our amour she's a very exciting, keeper I don't know he obviously getting the team given how good that listeners but he's fantastic and he would definitely be up there for me and, conveniently paw legends just said it looks as if Claudio Bravo will leave at the end the season in. His opinion but if, he can't but, he can't think of anyone else to replace him any suggestions, well we could look very close to home poll given the fact I've just mentioned more rich he'd be more than suitable, for a number two position the. Amira side is a bit young given the fact he's not played a single game professional, football year but I would have - come back in a heartbeat he's, done very well on alone at Norwich he's an excellent keeper, and though you might want first in football I mean, for a second for one season for him playing second fiddle to Edison, maybe going 10 15 games will be enough for him maybe get a couple of medals hopefully if you win a couple of competitions, angus, is an excellent keeper fully versed in how we play football and he fully deserves to be part of a squad in my personal opinion so. I would choose I'm just good or are or moorage personally, other than that I don't really know I'm not gonna lie it'll, be some old timer someone like bowel as you will do a job maybe I don't know but let me know in the comments who your suggestion would be I think brother might just eight oh by the way true. CT fan said would Pablo Maffeo and Angelina be suitable to come back Pablo my fail definitely, for me I don't know his face in the squad friend given the knee lows there but I would have him back in a harpy I think he's absolutely excellent, one the best young fullbacks in world football he's that good I said a long long time ago my Twitter I'm talking like 2015. That my failure one day play for Spain I still stand by that and it's looking even more likely every, single day and buffet was fantastic, absolutely, brilliant I would have him the, whole Brazilian squad next season who deserves it as a backup to Walker Danilo he was not there it'd be even more ideal until you know he, wouldn't have done any worse and as in chanko he's a better, natural. Full buttons in Jacob maybe he's very poor defensively still but he is so so so good going forward he's been fantastic over, in the Eredivisie and I'm almost certain even, though it's not a see he's gonna be to live always playing - obviously football for someone it might be like a mid-level kind of chump. Measly Club do you know the likes of your, poor toes or you shall, curse or someone. Like that you know a big. German, kind, of middling German team not the biggest one maybe you know Dortmund, maybe eventually but sure Angelina's, fantastic, football is doing very well he's got his mojo back over in Holland and it'd.

Be Great seeing Majid to see I wouldn't be against it I mean he's a very told you footballer do you think'll happen probably. Not I think it'll be Mandy and Delft is awful but snow season I mean dev will be seen as a left back these days and that's probably fair enough given how good he is there I would love to see both though in first team and action in pre-season get him over to America, and get him game time see how they actually get on the Guardiola, and now they're a bit old a bit more mature KP. Son Thomas and Steve who do you think will sign next season and he listed his personal, signing there's preferences I've made a video on that as I said previously go and watch my dream, summer signings at 11 a probably made that after you've made that comment to me 30 people go and watch that it, was while Raina said ma Reza Patrick Roberts for next season it'll probably neither Roberts, is kind of stalled lot of season mainly due to injury but he's done very little at Celtic given the Palace city didn't want to go back to Celtic in the first place and eventually just agreed to let it happen, I think city what I detest him in the Premier League or maybe abroad somewhere I can't, see him coming back to see I think these basically, careers more or less over an hour see I'm being totally honest I can't see City kind, of trusting him in the long term I think the Mabel sell him for a little bit money was just showing him how tall he is Marius, is obviously a much better player as well but, I can't see he's going back in for Maris I but weirdly I mean they'll be someone younger maybe if maybe a strike and we said of a winger who knows but Marez I would have him in a heartbeat I'd never really followed by with taller city until we were linked to in the drama console window and it suddenly it seemed very exciting, but. I never gonna be either I've been who will be I hope. This won't Leon Bailey but I don't he'll be out personally, the, real David Bowie again asking saying how much is left in vinny and. One. Season I was fourth Tristana back in my personal opinion he said yourself they can't play more than once a week in the moment he's body's starting to give up slowly we got kind of a Leslie King kind of scenario where we have to pick and choose which game he plays I would have you ever say next season just given how, good he is is Ali given how inspirationally, is around the ground and given how much you can teach the young lads that we've got on our team but, I think for, Cho said about for him he's almost guaranteed, I mean you might want to leave but I think city will just keep hold him for season and that makes sense to me the real Ryan Bowl said will you travel to chubbies League away games and actually. Simply can't afford it Ryan I wish, I could buy dad the moist put in to traveling your way I also can't get the time off work mostly so no, unfortunately. Well I would, love to but it's just very expensive, got, a lot going on so suddenly. Not I do envy old people who can afford to get over there regularly there good LAN yes and the sport always is excellent, away but fingers crossed one, day I'll be able to do it more regularly Magnus, Fenger said I think the surgery where I was underrated do you agree I, agree entirely, with agüero.

People Give him a lot quitting pretty isn't 100 percent perfect. Who. Is 400, perfect you know agüero is guaranteed. Goals he's fantastic sometimes. He goes in and out of form but the moment when he get him like he is he's, just fantastic he's, phenomenal, he's a real, true, goalscorer, sometimes it's better the devil you know you don't mean we can't always presume that someone else is better I think so sort of lies they recently that we, tend to favor over, team strikers, because we don't watch every 90 minutes they play so we don't see all the chances that they miss and therefore we presume that they're more clinical because we see them taking chances much a day whatever little. Round of videos of the highlights but we forget that most strikers miss a lot of chances to even like came mrs. large auntie slow and danske there's all these plays mischances Kabaddi does, agüero does it's natural, but we just tend to see the ones that grow on us and then we kind, of add more, weight to them because we watch them every week I don't necessarily most, players are ridiculously. More clinical agüero it's just not true we're oh he's up there for a reason he's one of the best Reich's in the world and though he may not be perfect it's very hard to replace that guaranteed, very poor scholar season that he brings he's almost impossibly hard it's a risk so I think we're oh is underappreciated a little bit at times I can understand why some people get frustrated with him but we've got very short attention spans, as football fans, sometimes we forget too easily how good a play you can actually be and we're at the moment he's definitely making a few people you humble pie he was a bit poor about a month ago but the moment he's on fire one song for anyone in the league at this second as a striker dies so people would say came but I don't care oh no we're up at the moment cuz I we're always ours and it means to be more to me when he scores more they would came for example but yeah he's, definitely underrated. And Luke Gumpert said do you think Bernardo, Silva is gonna be a flop for us or that we'll end up selling him in a year or two I don't know I think you'll be okay personally, but the way I see is I'm I'm happy that we're working out it was going to be a flop here as opposed to somewhere else I would always rather Steinar play it that good for a price that's pretty good in today's, market for you had a million giving, the fat most players of his quality around 80 million I'm. Glad he's here at seat so we can find out because he's only youngster, we don't know how good he's gonna be but I'm glad though he's working this out managed to see and not someone like Real Madrid because he could be absolutely. Class and I would be good to do we hunt signed and then if it doesn't work out great for a bit we sell him off to someone for 25 50 40 million maybe even still we won't lose my own in much and. Then we replace him with someone else but I'm just glad he's not somewhere, else in the first place so we don't lose our ones potentially, incredible. Player for a minor, thing you know I'm just glad that were kind of making an experiment here much to say in general one you got to play one the edge even like a producer example and always rather we get them then, worried about how good they're gonna be afterwards because the worst that can happen is the underwhelm a little bit and we haven't paid that much money but out of selling for me he's a quality, player I mean he's getting better every single game obviously, that question was asked even before the. Champions, League a midweek as well and it was, pretty good that game too so it was slowly seeing the signs of how good he could actually be at City and this is the last question there listen Dustin, likens, and it's quite that one actually when, he said what does the future of this channel look like and I, don't really know guys, being.

Honest And just taking it one step at a time he's hard to put too much resources. Into it personally given, the fact that I'm only doing obviously in my, evenings, fitting it around life but hopefully one day it'll be full time that's what I really wanted when it's full time I'll, put a lot more effort into, making, videos a lot more frenzied guess a lot working into production hopefully, when I move as well with Nicola which I'm going to be assuming I've got a bit of space for, a proper, studio vibe, almost, and it'll be a lot more interactive and this channel I want to grow obviously I wanted to it's. Obviously always going to be a quite personal, channel because it's just my opinions, I don't feel ever be a fully fledged fan channel because that's not what I'm really about I like it being fully, creative under my control but I don't know it's, whatever you guys wanted to be I guess in the end long, as he doesn't involve fan comes because they're not for me honest, but one day I would love to do that live streaming to have the technologies, to do a lot and a lot of kind of stuff but fingers, crossed you'll keep growing frustrated and I want to find you guys while keeping, this channel going seriously honestly like all the lights and the fuses everyday I'm checking them see how it goes up and, it's just really nice and what always strikes me is how lovely you are on the comments it really, is really, heartwarming the overwhelmingly, nice Nicola and I always copying how like, how sweet you lies so thank you it does get noticed I do know is here Nicola, notices it - it's. Nice not to see a bunch of people I'll doing like pricks in the comments they're all actually pretty sound so thank you for being him in even the fans of the other teams to watch this I think you just generally, decent people so yeah. I like my little community I've got going around in your class so thank you very much anyway, that's the end this video thank, you for watching sorry, van Richard question there's just so many to get through as ever a really, hard because these hundreds, and loads of repeated ones as well so even though I might not granted yours directly I've hopefully have answered it is some kind of wait guys enjoy.

The We can go tomorrow I'm gonna try and get a get but I might not be able to if not I'll do a much reaction straightaway after the game see you later guys. Hello. Guys is Stephen if thanks for watching the queue and I hope you enjoy part one as well go and check that we haven't already I'll be floating on screen go check out the video too and may where it's my dream summer, signings in the best 11 the next season what kind of stuff is pretty fun up anyway guys you want to get involved in my patreon, patron come forward slash this theme companies loads of things that you can get involved in terms of pledges and donations my stuff you can get your name's going down the spray tube if not as ever just keep watching these videos keep supporting the channel and it'll mean up to do Lilo's to me.


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