[Music] thank you hello everyone bonjour welcome before we start I'd like to join Matt in acknowledging the tragic loss of life the widespread destruction from the earthquakes in turkey and Syria a heart serve with the people there now we're here in France the birthplace of seven giants of Science and Mathematics Blaise Pascal Pierre de ferma Joseph Fourier to name just a few on Whose shoulders computer scientists stand today and for those on the live stream we're coming to you from Google Paris home of one of our Premier AI research centers and less than five kilometers from the final resting place of Pascal my favorite mathematician what a fitting setting to talk about the next Frontier for our information products and how AI is powering the future our very first Founders letter said that a goal at Google is to significantly improve the lives of as many people as possible that's why our products have a singular Focus to be helpful to you in moments big and small think about Google search which would celebrate its 25th birthday today this year such was built on breakthroughs in language understanding that's why we can take a complex conversational query like delicious looking flaky French pastry in the shape of a heart and help you identify exactly what you're looking for but we didn't stop there through our ongoing investments in AI we can Now understand information in its many forms from language to images and videos even the real world with this deeper understanding we are moving beyond the traditional notion of search to help you make sense of information in new ways so now you can simply take a picture with lens to instantly learn that heart-shaped pastry is a palmier cookie or advancements in air are also why if you need to fix your bike chain you can get directed to the exact point in a video that's relevant to you like when they're showing you how to put the chain back on if you're shopping for a new accent chair you can see it from all angles write and search in 3D and place it in your living room with ar augmented reality to see how it looks or if you pop out of the metro in an unfamiliar City you can find arrows overlaid in Google maps on the real world pointing you to walk in the right direction all these examples are a far cry from the early days of search but as we always say search will never be a solved problem although we are almost 25 years in search is still a biggest moonshot the thing is that move that Moon keeps moving the perfect search remains elusive because two things are constantly changing first how people expect to engage with information naturally and intuitively and second how technology can Empower that experience and so we're creating new search experience that work more like our minds that reflect how we as people naturally make sense for the world as we enter this new era of search you'll be able to understand information no matter what language it originated in search anyway and anywhere be it on your screen or to explore the real world and express yourself and unlock your creativity in new ways let's start with understanding information we've seen time and time again that access to information empowers people but for centuries information was largely confined to the language it was created or spoken in and only accessible to people who understand that language with Google translate we can break down language barriers and unlock information regardless of the language of its origin over a billion people around the world today use translate across 133 languages to understand conversations online information in the real world for example translate has been a Lifeline to help those displaced from Ukraine adjust to daily life in new countries and there was early days Ukrainian Google translate queries grew in Polish German and other European languages as ukrainians seeking Refuge turned to it for critical information in their language we recently added 33 new languages to translates offline mode including Corsican Latin and Yiddish to name just a few so even if you're somewhere without access to the internet you'll get the translation help you need and soon it'll bring you a richer more intuitive way to translate words that have multiple meanings and translations so whether you're trying to buy a new novel or celebrate a novel idea you'll have the context you need to use the right turn of phrase we'll begin rolling this out in several languages in the coming weeks but there's still more we can do to bridge language divides to bring the power of translate to even more languages we use zero shot machine translation an advanced AI technique but learns to translate into another language without ever seeing translation pairs thanks to zero shot machine translation we've added two dozen new languages to translate this past year in total over 300 million people speak these newly added languages that's roughly the equivalent of bringing translation to the entire United States well languages at the heart of how we communicate as people another important way we make sense of information is visually as we're fond of saying your camera is the next keyboard that's why back in 2017 we redefined what it means to search by introducing lens so you can search what you see with your camera or photos we've since brought lens directly to the search bar and we've continued to bring new bring you new capabilities like shopping within an image and step-by-step homework help I'm excited to announce that we've just reached a major new milestone people now use lens more than 10 billion times a month this signals that visual search has moved from a novelty to reality and as we predicted the age of visual search is here in the context of translation understanding isn't just about the languages we use it's also about the visuals we see often it's the words with context like background images that create meaning and so in length a new advancement helps you translate the whole picture not just the text in it before when translating text in an image we'd block part of the background now instead of covering the text we erase it recreate the pixels underneath with an AI generated background and then overlay the translated text back on top of the image all as if it is part of the original picture I'm pleased to share that this is now rolling out globally on Android mobile so you can use lens to start translating text into context as you can see with lens we want to connect you to the world's information one visual at a time we're continuing to build upon these capabilities so I'll now turn to Liz to share more less [Music] thanks prabucker already use lens to search from your camera or photos right from the search bar but we're introducing a major update to help you search what's on your mobile screen in the coming months you'll be able to use lens to search what you see in photos or videos across the websites and apps you know and love on Android for example let's say you get a message from your friend who sent a video exploring Paris you'd like to learn what the landmark is that you see in the video so you long press the power button on your phone bring up Google assistant and tap search green assistant connects you to lens which identifies it as Luxembourg Palace and you can tap to learn more pretty awesome huh think about it like this with lens if you can see it you can search it as prabhakar touched upon sometimes it's the combination of words and images that communicate meaning that's why last year we introduced multi-search in lens with multi-search you can search with a picture and a text together opening up entirely new ways to express yourself say you see a stylish chair but you wanted a more muted color to match your style you can use multi-search to find it in beige or another color of yours or you spot a floral pattern shirt but you want to embley Rouge instead you can use multi-search for that too let's see how that works with a live demo we are missing we're missing the phone we will have to we have no okay we're gonna move on we can't find the phone sorry we'll do a lit one later in the special q a okay so what you can do is you can spot a cool pattern on the notebook but then you can swipe up to see the text and be able to search on the search box letting you find something like a rock if you just typed into p or you can find wallpaper similar okay this unique ability allows us to mix modalities like images and text and it opens up a whole world of possibilities and you can imagine a future where even more modalities are at play I'm excited to share that multi-search is now officially live globally on mobile and that means multi-search is now available in over 70 languages that lenses in around the world we've taken multi-search a step further by adding the ability to search locally on mobile in the US you can take a picture or screenshot of a food dish or item and add near me to find where to get it nearby from the millions of businesses on Google in the next few months we'll bring multisearch near me to all the languages and countries for which lens is available to so you'll be able to use near me if you want to support a neighborhood business or if you just need to pick something up right away there are also times when you're already searching and you find something that just catches your eye and it inspires you so in the next few months you'll be able to use multi-search globally for any image you see on the search results page on mobile once you start using multi-search it's striking how natural it feels to be able to use multiple senses to search I hope you give it a try and with that back to Rebecca [Applause] thanks Liz and we'll have to figure out who stole your phone so far today we've talked about how AI is helping us more deeply understand the world's information so we can help you access it more naturally should we only scratch the surface of what's possible with AI we've long been Pioneers in this space not just in our research but also in how we bring those breakthroughs to the world and our products in a responsible way we've made significant contributions to the scientific Community like developing the Transformer which set the stage of much of the generative AI activity we see today and we're continuing committed to continuing to bring these Technologies to the world in a responsible way that benefits everyone it's a journey we've been on with large language models which can make engaging with technology more natural and conversational back at i o in 2021 we unveiled our Lambda AI models a breakthrough in conversational technology next we're bringing Lambda to an experimental conversational AI service which we fondly call Bard you'll be able to interact with bird to explore complex topics collaborate in real time and get creative new ideas for example let's say you're in the market for a new car one that's a good fit for your family bud can help you think through different angles to consider from budget to safety and more and simplify and make sense of them bird suggestion to consider fuel type might spark your curiosity so you can ask it to explain the pros and cons of buying an electric car and get helpful insights we all know that once you buy a new car you'll have to plan a road trip but can help you plan your road trip so you can take a new car out for a spin you might ask BART to help you find scenic routes interesting places to stop along the way and fun things to do when you you and your family get to your destination Bard seeks to combine the breadth of the world's knowledge with the power intelligence and creativity of a large language models it draws an information to the web to provide fresh high quality responses we're releasing Bart initially with our lightweight model version of Lambda this much smaller model needs significantly less computing power which means to be able to scale it to more users and get more feedback we just took our next big step by opening barred up to trusted testers this week we'll continue to use feedback from internal and external testing to make sure it meets the high bar our high bar for quality 50 and groundedness before we launch it more broadly human curiosity is endless and for many years we've helped remove roadblocks to information so you can follow your curiosity wherever it takes you from learning more about a topic to understanding a variety of viewpoints people often turn to Google for quick factual answers like what is a constellation already today we give you fast answers for straightforward queries like these but for many questions there's no one right answer what we call Neural queries questions like what are the best constellations to look for when stargazing for questions like those probably won't explore a diverse range of opinions or perspectives and be connected to the expansive wisdom of the weapon that's why we bring in the magic of generative AI directly to your search results so soon if you ask what are the best constellations to look for when stargazing new generative AI features will help us organize complex information and multiple viewpoints right in search results with this you'll be able to quickly understand the big picture and then go on to explore different angles so say this new information on Constellation speaks your interest you can dig deeper for instance to learn what time of year is best to see them and explore further on the web open access to information is code to our mission we know people seek authentic voices and diverse perspectives as we scale these new generative AI features like this in our search results we continue to prioritize approaches that will allow us to send valuable traffic to a wide range of creators and support a healthy open web in fact we've sent more traffic to the web every year each year than the year prior the potential for generative AI goes far beyond language and text as we mentioned earlier one of the most natural ways people engage with information is visually with generative AI we can already automate 360 degree spins of sneakers from just a handful of still photos something that would have previously required Merchants to use hundreds of product photos and costly technology as we look ahead you could imagine how generative AI might enabled people to interact with visual information in entirely new ways they might help a local Baker collaborate on a cake design with a client or a toy maker dream up a new creation they might help someone Invasion what their kitchen looks like but with green cabinets instead of wood or describe and find the perfect complementary pocket square to match a new blazer and our quest to make search more natural and intuitive we've gone from enabling you to search with text to voice to images to a combination of modalities like you saw with multisearch today that Liz talked about as we continue to bring generative AI Technologies into our products the only limit to search will be your imagination we are under own products it's it's important to make it easy safe and scalable for others to benefit from these advances next month we'll start onboarding Developers creators and Enterprises so they can try a generative language API initially powered with Lambda with the range of models to follow over time we'll create a suite of tools and apis to make it easy for others to build applications with AI from Bart to the new AI powered features in search to image generation apis and Beyond when it comes to AI it's critical critical that we bring these experiences rooted in the models to the world responsibility that's why we've been focusing on responsible AI since the very beginning people are one of the first companies to articulate AI principles we're also embracing the opportunity to work with creative communities and partners to develop these tools AI will be the most profound way to expand access to high quality information and improve the lives of people around the world committing to committed to setting the high standard on how to bring it to people in a way that's both bold and responsible so far you've seen how we are applying state-of-the-art AI Technologies to help you understand the world's information across languages and modalities yeah he's also making it far more natural to make sense of and explore the real world like with Google Maps over to Chris to share more come on up Chris [Applause] foreign ER for 18 years Google Maps has transformed how people make sense of the world it's a valuable tool for over one billion people helping them avoid traffic jams on the way to work find restaurants in a new city and so much more in the latest in advancements in Ai and computer vision are powering the next generation of Google Maps making it more immersive and sustainable than ever before let me show you what I mean before Google Maps getting directions meant physically printing them out on a piece of paper but Google Maps reimagined what a map could be bringing live traffic and helpful information about places right to your phone now we're transforming Google Maps once again evolving our 2D map into a multi-dimensional view of the real world that comes alive starting with immersive view immersive view is a brand new way to explore that's far more natural and intuitive it uses AI to fuse billions of street view and aerial images to create a rich Digital model of the world letting you truly experience a place before you step inside let's take a look at the reichs Museum in Amsterdam if you consider if you're considering a visit you can virtually soar over the building finding the entrances and get a sense of what's in the area with the time slider you can see what it looks like at different times of the day and what the weather will be so you know when you visit to help you avoid crowds we want to point out areas that tend to be busy so you have all the information you need to confidently make a decision about where to go if you're hungry you can explore different restaurants in the neighborhood you can even Glide down the street peek inside and understand the vibe before you book a reservation this stunning photo realistic indoor view is powered by neural Radiance Fields it's an advanced AI technique that uses 2D images to generate a highly accurate 3D representation that recreates the entire context of a place including its lighting the texture of materials and what's in the background you can also see if our restaurant's lighting is good for a date night or if the outdoor View at a cafe is the right place for lunch with friends immersive view represents a completely new way to interact with the map using all the detailed information in Google Maps today and visualizing it in a more intuitive way we're excited that immersive view starts rolling out today in London Los Angeles New York San Francisco and Tokyo and we're bringing it to more European cities like Amsterdam Dublin Florence and Venice in the coming months immersive view is just one example of how artificial intelligence is powering a more Visual and intuitive map it also helps us reimagine how you find places when you're on the go Europe talk about how your camera is the new keyboard and that's also true for the map search with live view uses AI paired with augmented reality to help you visually find things nearby like ATMs restaurants and Transit hubs just by lifting up your phone we've recently launched search with live view in several cities including here in Paris in the coming months we'll start expanding it to more places like Barcelona Dublin and Madrid let's head outside to where Rachel will show us how it works over to you Rachel thanks Chris I'm out here scoping out the neighborhood whenever I come to a new city I'm always on the hunt for great coffee so let's see what I can find tapping on the camera icon in the search bar I'm able to see coffee shops as well as other categories of places like restaurants bars and stores I can even see places that are out of my field of view so I'm really able to get a sense of what this neighborhood has to offer at a glance but let's look at coffee shops specifically because I really need some caffeine all right so it looks like we have a few good coffee options right around here I'm able to see if these places are open if they're busy right now and if they're highly rated this one looks pretty good so I'm gonna tap on it to learn more all right okay this looks pretty good it has a lot it has a high star rating this looks really tasty and cute all right and it's not too busy right now so I'm gonna head over there and grab an espresso back to you Chris wow thanks Rachel [Applause] as you can see pairing our AI with ar is transforming how we interact with the world augmented reality can be especially helpful when navigating tricky places indoors like airports train stations and shopping centers we launched indoor live view in select cities to help you do just that it uses AR arrows to help you find things like nearest elevators baggage claim and food courts today we're excited to announce that we're embarking on the largest expansion of indoor live view to date we're bringing it to 1 000 new venues and cities like Berlin London New York Tokyo and right here in Paris in the coming months today you've seen how the future of maps is becoming more Visual and immersive but we're also making it more sustainable it's all about helping people make the sustainable Choice the Easy Choice we recently launched eco-friendly routing in Europe to help you choose the most fuel efficient efficient energy efficient route to your destination where do you drive a petrol diesel electric or hybrid vehicle and as we're seeing more drivers Embrace electric vehicles we're launching new maps features for EVS with Google built in to make sure you have enough charge no matter where you're headed first to help alleviate range anxiety we'll use AI to suggest the best charging stop whether you're taking a road trip or just running errands nearby we'll factor in traffic charge level and the energy consumption of your trip if you're in a rush we'll help you find stations where you can charge your car quickly with our new very fast charging filter for many cars this can give you enough power to fill up and get back on the road in less than 40 minutes lastly we're making it easier to see when places like supermarkets have charging stations on site with the new EV icon so if you're on your way to pick up groceries you can choose a store that also lets you charge your car look out for these Maps features in the coming months for cars with Google built in wherever EV charging is available to help drivers make the shift to electric vehicles we're focused on creating great EV experiences across all of our products for instance in ways we'll soon be making it easy for drivers to specify their EV plug types so they can find the right charging station along their route but we're not just focused on driving in many places people are choosing more sustainable options like walking biking or taking Transit on Google Maps we're making it even simpler to get around with new glanceable directions for example when you're walking you can track your journey right from your route overview it's perfect for those times when you need to see your path we'll give you easy access to updated etas and show you where to make the next turn information that was previously only available by using our comprehensive navigation mode glanceable directions start rolling out globally on Android and iOS in the coming months making the global impact requires everyone to come together including cities people and businesses that's why we've worked with cities for years to provide key insights through environmental insights Explorer or eie a free platform designed to help cities measure emissions the Dublin City Council has been using eie to analyze bicycle usage across the city and Implement smart Transportation policies and in Copenhagen we're using street view cars to measure hyper local air quality with project Air View with this data the city is designing low emission zones and exploring ways to build schools and playgrounds away from high pollution areas these are just a few ways that AI is helping us reimagine the future of Google Maps making it more immersive and sustainable for both people and cities around the world and now I'll turn it over to Marcia to talk about the work we're doing in Europe with Google arts and culture [Applause] [Music] thank you Chris it's exciting to see how Google Maps keeps getting more helpful for the past decade our daily work at Google arts and culture has also been about finding new pathways specifically those at the intersection of technology and culture together with our 3 000 Partners from over 80 countries we brought dinosaurs to life in virtual reality digitized and preserved the famed Timbuktu manuscripts recrafted he destroyed Mayan Limestone staircase and found a way for us humans to find our four-legged friends doppelganger and famous artworks as for the latter at least one of Chris's dogs apparently spent previous life in Renaissance Venice perhaps you might also have heard of our work through our popular art selfie feature which helped over 200 million people find their doppelganger and famous artworks but what you probably didn't know is that art selfie was actually the first on-device AI application from Google and we have applied AI to cultural Pursuits in our Google arts and culture lab in Paris for over five years so today I'd like to show you what artificial intelligence in the hands of creatives and cultural experts can achieve for our first example I would like to welcome the blobs to the digital stage [Music] thank you blobs now some of you might recognize the Hallmarks of good opera right away bass tenor mezzo soprano and soprano and if you aren't familiar with the world of opera singing this experiment created in collaboration with artist David Lee is for you and will be your gateway to learn more for blob Opera we teamed up with four professional opera singers whose voices trained a neural network essentially teaching the AI algorithm how to sing and harmonize so when you conduct the blobs to create your very own Opera what you hear aren't the voices of the Opera singers but instead the neural Network's interpretation of what opera singing sounds like give it a try and join try and join the many people from around the world who have spent over 80 million minutes in this playful AI experiment to learn about Opera as you've seen and heard AI can create new and even playful ways for people to engage with culture but it can also be applied to preserve intangible heritage esperbacher shared earlier access to language and translation tools is a powerful way to make the world's information more accessible to everyone but I was surprised to learn that out of the 7 000 languages spoken in Earth more than 3 000 are currently under threat of Disappearing amongst them Yori Louisiana creel Sanskrit and calabrian Greek to support these communities in preserving and sharing their languages we created an easily usable language preservation tool called woolaroo which by the way is the word for photo in the Aboriginal language of a yagambe so how does it work once you open woolaroo in your mobile phone's browser select one of the 17 languages currently featured and just take a photo of your surroundings woolaroo with the help of AI powered object recognition will then try to identify what is in the frame and match it against its growing library of words for me this tool is special because it shows how AI can help to make a tangible different for communities and real people like the one shown here in their struggle to preserve their unique heritage now let's have a look of AI in the service of cultural institutions and how it can help uncover what has been lost or overlooked women on the Forefront of science have often not received proper credit or acknowledgment for their essential work to take another step to rectify this we teamed up with researchers at the Smithsonian American women's history initiative and developed an experimental AI driven research tool that first Compares archival records across history by connecting different nodes in the metadata secondly it's able to identify women scientists on variations in their name because sometimes they have to do things like use their husband's name in a publication and third it's capable of analyzing image records to Cluster and recover female contributors the initial results have been extremely promising and we can't wait to apply this technology to uncover even more accomplishments of women in science preserving cultural heritage online is core to our mission we work hard to ensure that the knowledge and treasures provided by our cultural Partners show up where it's of most benefit when people are searching online say you search for Artemisia gentileschi the most successful yet often overlooked female painter of the Baroque Period you'll be able to explore her many of her artworks including self-portrait of Saint Catherine that have been provided by our cult our partner the National Gallery of London in high resolution when you click on it you'll be able to zoom into the brush stroke level to see all the rich detail of the work you'll never be able to get that close in the museum what's more you are actually able to bring this and many other artworks right into your home just click on the view in augmented reality button on your mobile phone to teleport artemisia's Masterpiece in its original size right in front of you but culture doesn't stop at classical art so keep your eyes open for a variety of 3D and augmented reality assets provided by cultural institutions one of my favorite besides the James Webb Space Telescope is one of the most popular queries for students the periodic table for which I'm happy to announce will triple the number of available languages to include French Spanish German and more in the coming weeks 3D and AR models in Google search really unlock people's curiosity and in the past year alone we've seen an 8X increase in people engaging with ar models contributed by Google arts and culture Partners to explore and learn those are just some of the examples of what awaits at the intersection of artificial intelligence and culture and how we work with our partners to make more cultural available online I invite you to discover all of that and much more in the Google arts and culture app thank you and back to prabhakar [Applause] thanks Marcia today you saw how we are applying state-of-the-art AI Technologies to make our information products more helpful for you create experiences that are as multi-dimensional as the people who rely on them we call this making search more natural and intuitive but for you we hope that it means that when you next seek information you won't be confined by the language it originated in you won't be constrained to typing words in a search box and you won't be beholden to a single way of searching although we are 25 years into search I dare say that a story has just begun you have even more exciting AI enabled Innovations in the works that will change the way people search work and play we're Reinventing what it means to search and The Best Is Yet To Come thank you all Mercy [Applause] [Music]
2023-02-12 11:40