Audi e-tron world premiere

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Hello. You. Have a nice time on the boat. Yeah. Let me hear you. Yeah. So. Greetings and warm. Welcome, to San Francisco Bay, thank. You for, being part of this important, evening Ferrari. In, let's. Say exciting, moment a big. Thank you to Scott, Q and his team who. Organized, this and host of this thank you very much Scott. There's. A saying, it dates. Back to Benjamin Franklin and his famous experiments. On electricity. When, you achieve something remarkable. You. Have caught lightning. In, a bottle. Guys. Magic, isn't it. And. That's precisely what. This bottle represents. We. Have harnessed collective. Power of Audi. The. Collective power of our designers, our, engineers, our. Dealers, and our customers, and have, created something. Special, truly. Special our, first, fully. Electric. Car the, Audi e-tron. It. Is truly for us at, Audi and. Unique. Moment in history and as. Such a special moment, you know it's. Considered the proper thing to take some time sit. Down relax. And reflect and turn. It all off, you. Know, we. Know we come where, we come from I think that's, known we have not forgotten our past we, have not forgotten about what happened over the past few years, we. Have to think backwards. From imagination, because, we decided, where to take Audi so. Thinking back from a generation is better that we'll discuss. And think, forward from, our past we. Decided, that our heritage is not a destiny, is not a fate it. Was time for a fundamental change and that's, just what we're doing we. Needed to improve ourselves, to. Assume responsibility and. Become. Better than ever, before. Neutral. Marks a special moment in time it marks the beginning of a new era for us, all at Audi a new. Era in electric, mobility the. H1 is the first of many, to come. Delivering. On our promise, for, strong to, its technique. It's. Of course not the world's first electric, vehicle a Scotsman. I don't know if you know that introduced. An, electric, vehicle in, 1832. My. Ancestors, are Scottish. That's. Why my name is Scott so. It brings full circle. It's. Nice isn't it. This. Is howdy first electric, vehicle it is our first, electric, vehicle for. Strong meaning, being a head is defined. Only by being the first to, do something for. Strong rather means being. The first to. Do something right. Forceful, ones meant Quattro, all. We drive. Aluminium. Construction. LED. Lightning, and what, do we mean by doing, things, right. We. Want to merge the new world of, electric mobility, together. With a hundred years of experience, of manufacturing. Premium, cars. We. Build an ecosystem around. Electric. Car with premium, digital services, like, functions, on demand, we. Strive to live sustainability. In a very consistent way our. Electric, cars, enable, driving, with more, responsibility. And. They. Are built at the co2 neutral, plant, Brussels. Belgium, and. In the future electric, cars autonomous. Driving and sharing, will. Be come together and this, will result in a new mobility system, with more freedom and more, responsibility. For, all of us. So. There's a first time for everything to, be done the, Audi way. Progressive. Consistent. And, without. Compromises. Companies, that are very very successful don't. Make, compromises. So. When you're a DS are bold enough to do things different, you, can change everything. When. Experience. Gives you wisdom you. Can rethink, everything. And that. Is when the time is right for, everything to go your. Way. Muhammad. Ali did, not invent, the knockout punch. Elvis. Did, not invent, rock and roll. Salvador. Dali did, not invent painting, and, we. Did. Not invent the electric, car. No we. Did it our way, we. Injected, it with the Audi DNA. We. Challenged, everything and relentlessly. Tests everything, we've. Combined intelligent, technology. With, white-knuckle, performance, and the, experience, that comes from over 100, years of punching, difficult, in the, teeth this. Is electric. Unleashed. Taking. On mud. Snow. And mountains. With.

Experience. Earned, on the racetrack. This, is full throttled, and, fully. Connected. This. Is a new way to drive, with, high-speed charging. Capabilities. And with the full backing of a global, dealer, network, this. Isn't just a new car this, is a community, of like-minded, doers. Coming, together this. Is electric. Engineered. To. Shake up the world. You. Liked it it's. Good. So. The guest it's, not only about being the first to do things you know you saw that in the film it's. About doing the things right, the, first time doing. Them right when the time is right and. The. Time is right, for electric. To go Audi I assure. You, with the Audi e-tron you, won't miss a thing because. We are putting our customers, first concerning. Safety and comfort this. Is at the core of our. Strategy. And this, is why we, strive to create the digital experience of, tomorrow, our. Cars, will become an integral. Component of our customers, digital, lives. This. Will make mobility safe convenient. And individual. And, Audi we strive to be the trendsetters, for autonomous mobility Gary. Icahn demonstrated. Our vision fully. Electric, fully. Autonomous, and fully. Connected, with. Cars like that we. Want to redefine individual, mobility, and, that. Audi we strive to, take electric mobility to. The next level he, planned to offer more. Than 20 new models until 2025. Some. Will be plug-in hybrids and half. Of them will be fully electric. Following. The Audi e-tron we were launched the Audi e-tron sports, back next year an, electric powered compact, model in 2020. As well. As a 4 there four, doors Gran, Turismo which, will be a spectacular, car in the same year the, Audi e-tron GT, will, be the sporty, spearhead, of our, electric, cars. We. Believe in the myths of the, next decade. 30%. The muscle cars will be electrified. So. The Ali each one is just the beginning of a lot of new, cars is the beginning and the first of its kind and. Our ladies and gentlemen it's time. It's. Time and the moment we're all been waiting for it's time to meet, the car that, strives, to lead away in. Premium, electrification, and. That. Will drive Audi into. Its new future, it's, time to show the world exactly what. We mean when. They say. Electric has gone. Audi. You. Like it. Look. At this card is this state of the Arts top-notch. Expression. Of immobility. Both. Technology, wise and design wise this. Is another. Audi that will, truly make. You, have. Fun. Happy. And proud, to drive and, when, it comes to, talking about design there's nobody better than our chief designer, mark, list who can explain the car mark, where are you.

Thank. You. Thank. Very much ladies. And gentlemen, today. The. Technical, technological, heart, of an Audi is, the, engine and with. A position in the front this engine dick takes the architecture, of a car, with. The ADI turn this will change because. The. New, technological. Heart, is. A battery pack which is located in the, flow of the car and this, describes. The main character, of this car that's. What we came up with the idea to split. The design of this car in two layers a bottom. Layer which, emphasized. The. Score of the power and the center of gravity it's, very visible it's very exciting and, expressive. Designed rocker and in. Contrast the, second layer the upper layer which is super, sleek and light, and. This. Creates a really unique, and new character, for an Audi and if you talk about the front. This. Front gives us still a very familiar, look but. Related. To the new technology, in the drivetrain the single. Frame we came up with the idea that single frame is not, a radiator, anymore because there's no engine behind this why, we came up with the idea what, about we. Invert the single frame by color to, create a new look but still a very similar. Face. For an Audi really. New Ferrari and. If. We talk about the. Face it's very new face the. Second thing is I'd like to talk about this. Efficiency. You. Know for an aerodynamic, for an a, better electric vehicle. Aerodynamic. Is very important, and I'd like to tell you a story this, car is best, in class in a dynamic and there's a very clear simple reason. Almost. Four years ago when, we start. Designing the Audion, we. Are the first sketch, presentation. And I choose the four best, proposals. And told. The designers, I brought, them to the wind tunnel and I told him the. Proposal, the model was the best aerodynamics. We go to production, that's. The result best, in class and, Aaron. Amex it, important. Or extreme deranged but there's something, even more important, imagine. That there is no noise, anymore from the engine that's. Why you're very sensitive to hear all the wind noises because. Of this our dynamic it's. Even, up to high speed levels almost, quiet it's complete new, driving. Experience, you have to try this. Another. Very important, thing is. There's. One detail I like to mention it's my favorite detail and these, are the. Virtual mirrors and this. Virtual mirrors they improve not only their dynamic they. Improve the, aesthetic, and even, the function, and. This. Is you, know where. All the design stands for technology, in perfect. Harmony with design, and with. Aesthetic, and that's, why I really like this detail and I'm really proud how, we integrate, the, rearview screens, in. The architecture, of the interior you know we saw this detailed virtual mirrors on many show cars already that's a first Joker the first car which goes in production with this and always, difficult, to integrate this displays we did it in a perfect way aesthetic. And functional eyes I think that's benchmark, and, if you talk about interior, the. Interior, is. Like the upper, exterior, layer it's very light very sleek, it's, very, aesthetic. It's floating, elements, with freestanding, displays. The. Layout is Drive orientated, its minimalistic, very, functional, and I. Would say that the whole interior is an orchestration. Of shape. Of. Materials. Of light, and found and that's why it's getting almost, a, very holistic design, experience, and that's why I just call it it's. A smart space. And that's why I say, for me that's.

Each One. Let's. Gentleman for. Us designers, and the, US market is very important, especially. California, that's, why we came up with the idea that we will have or we have a design. Studio in the US located. In Malibu. California. It's called all, the design loft and this, shows how important, for us u.s. marketers, but, there's somebody here, who can explain to you a lot. Better, than me how important, US market is for us it's. A pleasure for me to, introduce my. Colleague and friend Scott. Key president. Of America. Scott. Scott. Faces. Up thank you thank, you very much phenomenal. Job. Wow. Mr.. Brue pretty cool to see open together and they look a warm, greeting from my side, worldwide, tonight is of course a celebration, of our first electric, vehicle and for, here in America, it's, the beginning of a new chapter in a story that really began 50, years ago in, 1969. America. Of course put the first man on the moon and now he put a different kind of spaceship on our, roads for the very first time from. Seattle down, to Texas, Salt Lake City all the way to Tyson's, Corner our, first. Dealers many, of whom are here in the audience tonight, introduced. Outtie to, customers, across the country and for, me on Long, Island New York my, father was, actually one of those first customers, behind, the wheel of a 100, LS and ahead, of a curve that would ultimately lead. Us to this very, powerful, moment the, rise of the Audi brand that America started, strong gained momentum in, those early years but success clearly, was far from certain so we injected, a portfolio, with products that proved right, for the times we invested, in the brand in big ways elevating. The r8 supercar, to, superhero, status, and in, turn dealers. Invested, in their facilities, in the very communities. They in fact call home the, result frankly. Is an epic growth story that rewrote, the rule of three to include now four very. Recognizable. Rings today. Howdy owners, give us top marks for customer, satisfaction, Consumer, Reports consistently. Recognizes. Us as a leader in quality and Nats is why we, continue to, break sales, records but. Tonight frankly, isn't about our setting. Records, it's, about setting the standard, for premium, electrification, and, with the e-tron outtie has, unquestionably, accepted. That powerful challenge, we. Had the privilege to collaborate, with our colleagues in English taught to help design an electric vehicle that would meet the demands of the American, market and proved once again right, for the times and since, howdy literally, means to listen they, did.

250. Test vehicles traversed, four continents from, sub-zero temperatures. To over 120, degrees Fahrenheit to prove the e-tron, is engineered. For everyday convenience, at the first mile and for. Year-round adventures. Everywhere, else in, Europe, the results are in de, new and rather strict W LTP numbers give, the e-tron a range of well over 400, kilometers. Stateside. While, waiting for official EPA, certification. We decided. To see just how far our adventure. Might take us not. To make any claims but to at least indulge, our curiosities. On September. 6th we drove an e-tron prototype, from sea level here at crane way to South Lake Tahoe across. 175, miles on just, one full, charge arriving. With 12 miles of estimated, battery life left a very, respectable, feat given that 7,000, foot climb over a leisurely lunch we let the e-tron fully recharge, and then with the AC cranked. The radio blasting two technical wizards at the helm each Ron made, the hundred and seventy-five mile journey back, to this very spot but, this time it, arrived, with an estimated 94. Miles, of range remaining, now, the difference, between those two trips, can be explained by the most efficient, battery, recuperation, system to date that, clearly optimized, performance on the descent from the sierras back, to sea-level in, fact our engineers estimate, this system can be responsible, for as much as 30 percent of the e-tron z' range depending, on the terrain and braking, as you. Know actual. Range, will vary based, on whether road, conditions, vehicle conditions. Or even driving style and a, lot goes in to determining, epa range and, mpge. Estimates, which I of course will, leave to, the experts but we are quite pleased, with the results of our unofficial Tahoe, tests and you can rest assured, we'll, share the, official EPA numbers as soon as they, are available now. Optimized, recuperation, is the type of smart thinking, that ensured our engineers. Could, deliver a true and proper SUV. With, room comfortably. 2 C 5 and available. Matched towing capacity, to pull up to 4,000. Pounds now, it's also important, to note our testing, took us from 50, degrees in the Bay to over 90, an Eldorado National Forest. Yet eat Ron kept, its cool Eevee's, have historically, struggled to, maintain a proper operating, temperature during repeated acceleration. Or at, sustained, speeds so. What did outtie engineers, do they, inserted a cooling Lance through the center of our electric, motor to maintain, a very reliable, temperature. In adjusting, the cooling system, for the 36, cell modules, of the battery is located outside and. Beneath. The cell chamber so that in a collision, fluid, drained safely, below the, cells of course. Howdy owners, don't want to compromise performance. For safety they expect it all from the four rings for, almost half a century these, expectations have, been exceeded with. One very, simple word Quattro.

An E-tron. Will continue, that powerful tradition, with our first electric. All-wheel, drive system an electric, motor located on each axle, distributes, power in fractions. Of a second to create nearly instant, torque for, control in almost, any condition. This, unique Quattro system actually. Performs, with the same driving dynamics, of some of the sportiest outtie models, on the road today, in boost, mode that means acceleration, from 0 to 60 miles per hour in, 5.5. Seconds, in almost, complete, silence. By the way now, it may sound different it may feel different but rest assured you're, 100%. Electric. Driving experience. Will be, 100%. Outtie now. Before. Election. Truly go out E electric. Had, to go everywhere. Every, day and that's precisely what. Electric has done thanks, to a few of our critical, partners, the, arrival of the e-tron is timed perfectly with. A 10 year two, billion dollar investment being, made in this country's charging, infrastructure, by, Electrify America, by, July of 2019. Electrify. America will have nearly 500, fast. Charging sites complete, or under, development throughout, 40 states and 17. Top metro markets, here in California, that includes a hundred and sixty ultra fast charging sites with, 40 in the Bay Area alone. Over. 2000 chargers, we'll be located, no more than, 120. Miles apart on highways, across this vast country providing. Up to a hundred and fifty kilowatts, to charge the e-tron's 95. Kilowatt. Hour battery, as much as 80% in, roughly, 30 minutes and so, tonight I'm excited, to announce a nationwide out each our geing plan powered, by Electrify, America, all us. Howdy each one owners will receive thousand. Kilowatt, hours, of charging at electrify. America sites over, four years of ownership and since, the map that, only Illustrated, the first round of electrifies, investment, their range confidence, will only continue, to increase, on the, open road in the years ahead now. What. About charging, your each one at home well, frankly we've, made that as easy, as shopping on Amazon, literally. I am equally excited, to announce for the u.s. outtie home, charging powered. By Amazon home, services, their, first collaboration with an automaker to, deliver turnkey. In-home, charging, this, premium approach to home charging includes, transparent. Upfront pricing, installation. By vetted, and qualified, electricians, fact, of course by Amazon's, happiness. Guarantee, of course. The, experience wouldn't, be complete until we've heard from, Alexa, starting. With the Audi e-tron and available, globally Alexa. Will be along for the ride to help simplify your, life through, your Audi data. Connect plan, linking. Your life outside each on to the moments spent inside. Alexa. Are you ready Scott. I'm ready when you are very. Cool so there you have it electric, is going everywhere every. Day with the Audi e-tron now. There. Are two other questions I'm sure many of you would want to ask Alexa, and that, is simply how much and when, can I get one the, e-tron will begin arriving at American, dealerships, in the second quarter of 2019. Taking. Its place in our stunning portfolio, at, the right size and the right price to strike at the heart of the premium, SUV market, in a fastest, growing segment.

Ladies, And gentlemen in the United States our first fully electric vehicle will, at an MSRP, of seventy. Four thousand, eight hundred dollars before any federal. Tax credits and as you can see here extremely. Well equipped some, of you may have noticed a few interesting, details on the e-tron I arrived, in from. The day coat Daytona gray finish, to those orange brake callipers well meets the, Edition one a special, design for the first nine hundred and ninety nine each Ron's built, for, America, extremely. Extremely, cool, car so, when. Can you get one well, over the last forty eight hours, we gave loyal outtie owners, and hand-raisers an early, opportunity to. Reserve an e-tron I'm happy. To say some of the first reservations, belonged to the absolute best of the tech and business, communities, in fact, many, of them are here, in the crowd tonight now. Though it's. Your turn I am thrilled to announce the reservation, system for the e-tron is now officially, open at Audi, and audi dealerships, across the country speaking. Of, we're. Of course just up the road from Silicon, Valley and we. Often hear it's only places, like this that innovation happens, or that you have to be lean and nimble, to truly start a revolution well. We agree, sort. Of for. 50 years our, now, 302. Dealer partners have been the heart and soul of audi in America, local, businesses lean, and nimble enough to innovate, as new products, and technologies, arrived, there. When customers, needed them to ease the transition into. Whatever brave new, world we at Audi were entering and I, thank each and every one of them and their, employees including. More than, 3500. Trained servic, technicians, who will remain. Our. Competitive. Advantage, as we, enter a future, where, electric has full-stop gone, ow d together. Together. We, are absolutely ready because, every e-tron rolling, off the line at our stunning plant in Brussels is proof, that that future is now, and when, out e has delivered on its promise of, premium. Electric, leadership, it, will be proof that tonight. In fact, was, only the very beginning, thank, you very very much. Thank. You. Thank. You Scott for. Your vision your, great presentation. And. For sharing an exciting, vision for. Premium electrification, ladies. And gentlemen now. It's clearly the time for electric to go Audi here, in the US and around, the world the. Investment, Electrify. America, is making mirrors. What is happening in other major, markets, in China, our customers, will benefit from a strong charging. Network and a Europe we, will offer our customers the, e-tron charging. Service, on. The one contract, they. Will get access, to more than. 72,000. Public, charging points including. The high-power charging, network of Ayana t-raines. Anxiety, will, become, a thing of the past and the. Open road you'll. Know exactly where. A charge is ready and waiting. But. In most closest cases, of everyday life you. Will not wait for, a car to charge, at all because, you will regain power at locations, that, you never filled up your gas tank and, that's at home and at, work, so. Most. Of your trips you will start with, a full battery, tonight. Ladies and gentlemen it. All has begun, but. Our first electric vehicle the world's, first true, electric, SUV, injected. By, our Audi. DNA. And from. My point of view I'm. Objective, of course the, Audi e-tron is, the best fully electric car you can buy. Because. This car has the highest, charging. Speed in a competition it. Delivers on our promise, for, strong Jewish, technique with, innovations, like the virtual exterior. Mirrors. It. Has electric. Quattro. Extraordinary. Edge design. Remarkable. Quality. Unique. Precision. And sovereign. Sportiness, it. Is a hundred. Percent Audi. Thank. You for being with us and celebrating. This historic moment enjoy. Your evening thank, you very much. What. If you could turn on all, the light. With. A soul flick. Of your fingers. And, shut, off all, the noise. Just. Listen, for a moment. Can. You hear it. Can, you feel it.

Can. You feel the freedom. What. If you could fade out any distraction. To focus. Reflect. And. Rise. What, if you could take a different angle. Be. The clock. Control. Time, and, space. Because. If you want to push the limits you, need, to turn everything, turn. The world upside. Down to. Be the. Game changer. For. Us change. Is not a matter, of perspective, that Audi, change. Is the transformation. Of, perspective. We, take. Mobility, beyond, imagination. This. Is our. Time. To. Waste time for the baseline is formally, resigned to the baseline will work your waistline for the baseline yet or what your waistline to the baseline, sir were to waste time for the baseline you were working assigned to the baseline will work your waistline to the baseline yet or what your waistline to the baseline. Based. On your work your way into the baseline berwick, your waistline to the Baisakhi for Gary site to the recent. With, your waistline to the baseline mark. No. Jeans. Are, made. Disagree. The. World. See. You. We're. Gonna party all night tonight. Thank. You a tegu.


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