From FIRE To FORTUNE: How AUSTIN EVANS Built A Tech Empire | a soloedits documentary | @austinevans

From FIRE To FORTUNE: How AUSTIN EVANS Built A Tech Empire | a soloedits documentary | @austinevans

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oh my God hey guys uh so my house kind of burned [Music] down this is the moment where  Austin Evans thought he had lost it all   I was standing in front of my apartment  on fire thinking what the hell do I do   now a devastating house fire had reduced his  life's work to ashes so this is actually my   very first computer it's hard to believe this  was a three-story building it's just it's just   a pile now but in a face of adversity Austin  found a way to rebuild stronger than before   it was a reset in my life I really think  about things before fire and after [Music] an iPod a phone are you getting it the year is 2007  Apple's first iPhone has just been released   the Wii Xbox 360 and the PlayStation 3  at the T of the gaming World 3 2 1 amidst   this Tech Revolution a 14-year-old  Austin Evans launches his YouTube channel Austin grew up in the United States  when I was growing up we moved a lot I grew   up in Missouri I grew up in a family that was  not very technically inclined Austin was raised   in a household that financially fluctuated we  were up and down all the time there'd be a year   where the whole family goes on a vacation and  there' be a year where my brother and I are in   the car while they're getting food stamps my  dad was always in sales so you know he had a   lot of jobs and like I said we moved a lot so  it was one of those things where it was always   something new going on right so whether it was  you know he sold cars for quite a while he sold   time shares for for a long time like it was pretty  impactful for me as a kid right because I wasn't   used to necessarily like a 9 to-5 it was just very  much sort of like a lot of ups and downs Austin's   school life was also turbulent a fight with a  playground got Austin pulled out of school by   his mother my teacher pulled me aside with her  and explained that I had gotten into a fight   with Mike my mom didn't not like that at all and  decided that I should be pulled out of school and   she started homeschooling me instead so with  all the extra time on his hands and the lack   of friends to socialize with Austin was drawn to  write stories online with a community of others   who shared his passion the biggest thing for  me early was actually much more on the writing   side for most of my teenage years I legitimately  thought I would become an author that is until I   discover this new website called YouTube starting  out Austin's Channel went by Duncan 33303 I didn't   want to use my real name on the Internet so I came  up with a name Duncan that was a old internet name   from I was like 10 Austin's curiosity for gadgets  and Computing advancements fueled his desire to   learn and share you know when I think back to my  earliest memories of tech it's like you know the   first thing was absolutely the Game Boy right even  from a young age Austin's fascination with tech   was prevalent there was a time where uh we were  at a Goodwill with my mom and and my brother and   I like hey there's like a $5 junle PC like hey can  we buy that I just tear it apart and she's like ah   that doesn't sound safe no you you can't do that  but it was like kind of like you know where the   seeds start to play it's like you know what this  is interesting this is exciting and certainly   when YouTube rolled around that I was able to  be exposed to a way wider world of what sort   of tech could provide Austin started building his  audience at the right time hey guys this is Austin   YouTube in 2009 was nowhere near the giant of a  platform it is today there wasn't the depths of   oversaturation in content that there is now nobody  knew if there was any career in content creation   and there was real uncertainty regarding whether  or not YouTube itself would last the the thing   is YouTube came in a really good time in my life  because it was you know right around 16 17 where   I normally would be getting a job it just kind of  like oh well that'll be nice if maybe I could make   that happen someday but it wasn't like some kind  of concrete plan or anything Austin's commitment   to being consistent and delivering honest and  thoughtful content in the early days built him   a loyal fan base that kept him at the Forefront  of the Tech Community from the outside Austin's   success might seem like an inevitable rise in the  saturated Market of tech YouTube but his journey   was far from Easy the everchanging landscape  of YouTube required constant adaptation and   Innovation I never ever ever want to get locked  into one particular S I want to be you know doing   whatever works and you know as Trends kind of  go up and down I don't want to be locked into   something so I'm always ready to go oh people  like that I like that can't start focusing on   that Austin's influence in the Tech Community  grew earning him a loyal following his honest   reviews and engaging Tech builds established  him as a trusted name in the industry Samsung   invited me to my very first event it was for the  launch of the Galaxy S3 and I couldn't believe   it they were going to fly me to New York I was  going to see the phone early it was completely   mind-blowing collaborations also played a crucial  role in Austin's rise my name is Marquez and I'm   with Austin welcome to the YouTube Tech podcast  partnering with other Tech YouTubers like Marquez   brownley introduced him to a wider audience and  brought a of community to his channel Austin's   Channel kept growing and he had built a community  of loyal viewers but in the world of YouTube   success is fleeting one moment you're a hero and  the next you are irrelevant the internet waits for   nobody and any delay to Austin's momentum could  have destroyed everything he had worked towards   called them probably 5 minutes ago it's gone  there's nothing they can do now oh my God in 2014   disaster struck Austin had awoken to his worst  nightmare I had stayed up late the night before   I was editing a browser test a video that I used  to do a lot and I don't remember what time it was   almost it was like 8 or 9:00 in the morning  whatever I was asleep but I heard yelling I   looked out and I saw like black smoke up there  and I was like jumped up out of bed like grabbed   my phone and I had grabbed a MacBook Air which was  my laptop at the time thre my jacket on threw my   shoes on sprinted down I was like down like three  huge flights of stairs and I almost fell cuz the   the the block box I had taken down was like heavy  I ran all the way down you know kind of like threw   it in front of the garage went around and you know  the fire was huge the fire that ravaged Austin's   home in 2014 didn't just destroy his equipment  and setup it threatened to halt his burgeoning   career it is one of those moments where you know  you always hear like oh it doesn't hit you until   later but like as soon as I saw I was like oh  this is like it you're hyped up on adren I was   like dead asleep to like you know freaking running  around and like like hard pumping everything but   the thing that got me was there there was a  lady on the other side who didn't know what   was going on she like went to go back inside and  so I literally like ran up the stairs like tell   like knock our door no you need to leave like it  is like on fire right now it was crazy it was just   a blur of so many things happening I remember one  of the neighbors I helped push the car out of the   garage there was just so many things cuz like  I could not sit still I had to be moving I had   to be doing something stuff is stuff but like  you know there's people and you know they have   you know pets there's all these kind of things and  it's just like to me I could not sit still for I'm   you can see I'm getting like ansy thinking about  it right now it wasn't until a few hours later   that I think the the gravity of everything really  hit my apartment at that point had collapsed like   my my apartment was like on the ground obviously  there was like not a whole lot that could be done   and it really wasn't until the next day which  when I shot the video I was told from one of my   neighbors that they were going to come and like  kind of rope it off you if you my my neighbors   like hey let's go over now try to get whatever  we can before were not allowed into the thing   so that's why you can see we're like you know  digging through the wreckage and pulling stuff   out and obviously I wasn't really able to find  much of anything I just dug this iPad out and   if you can see it actually works it still works  despite this tragedy Austin found the strength   to remain positive even throughout the fire video  I mean I I feel like I'm a positive person like I   think that that's always you know I'm a very sort  of optimistic kind of person I always try to look   on like the bright side of things but anytime my  camera is on no one wants to see me being sad and   blah blah blah blah blah I mean obviously there  times in which I've been emotional and then that's   fine that's real I I try to be positive I try to  share that positivity and I think that that's just   kind of who I am it's not like oh I just decide  that I'm going to be happy about it it's not like   oh I'm going to go make some hilarious jokes you  know like for me is like you know that was the   way I felt in the moment that was the way that  I feel about most kind of things and you know   the good thing was while it was obviously a bad  thing that happened it could have been far worse   but even so Austin still felt the weight of his  circumstance ances if I'm being really honest with   you it was what 36 hours between when the fire  happened to when I had finished the video and   uploaded it right so it was a pretty short amount  of time there was definitely a much sort of Darker   emotional time for me after that cuz you know I  didn't have anything to do I still was in like   crisis mode you know that whole day that happened  the day after as I'm making the video I distinctly   remember I was staying with my parents who are  not too far away and you know I came back I made   the video I edited it I remember I hit the export  button and that was the moment I'm like oh this   is like real real all my Pokemon cards in there  my childhood journals that that was really the   moment like what the hell do I do now in the days  following the fire prominent figures in the tech   YouTube Community including Lou from unbox therapy  and Jonathan Morrison stepped up to help Austin rebuild what's up man so uh this ma bro is from  a lot of different people actually yeah it's like   from 14 different people every single person  who makes Tech videos basically contributed   to that the only thing I really have to say is I  really admire your attitude hey what's up Austin   it's Marquez just wanted to send positive vibes  your way and say props for being and staying so   positive through it all hey Austin Mario and I  would like to just say that we uh think you're an   awesome person there's definitely like some days  in there where I just was like I'm going to sit on   the couch and be sad and I think that that's okay  and you know thankfully by the time that Lou and   John had come back I was starting to feel better  and them coming and surprising me I was back that   I was Meed like the next day I'm like all right  let's go let's do this thing we'll look for an   apartment like I sort of lost that apathy of just  like being sad and feeling like a and then I was   just like let's go this was an amazing thing like  that was just such a like a huge jump start for me the community's response was overwhelming  Austin emerged From the Ashes with renewed   resilience to deted to give back to the community  that had stood by him in his Darkest Hour the fact   that you guys all chipped in all made this happen  just for me is that's that's worth more than you   guys know the fire seem to also have sparked life  into collaboration in the Tech Community the night   after the fire I'm sitting at Chili's with Lou  and John and Lou is pitching us on he wanted   to make a video for Fanboy rap a few months later  we actually did it you know like Lou put together   this huge shoot it was in LA so we are here for  the Fanboy rap official video had all kinds of   like Tech Community out you know locations it was  a I mean for us at the time crazy crazy legit on   ITC X that was I think a real Catalyst for getting  a taste of like what that real collab life would   look like building a community and sort of doing  something bigger look at this the entire Tech   Mafia Meetup there was a lot of stuff going on at  the time the iPhone 6 and bend gate so many things   like that happened in that year I think really  really helped Drive the community Community it   just felt the floodgates were open cuz we were all  like why are we doing this by ourselves hey do you   want to come out this weekend hey do you want to  come help me shoot this like it just all started   flowing cuz everyone just sort of realized like  oh wait a minute like there's like a whole world   up there Austin's Journey didn't just resume it  evolved he adapted to the changing landscape of   YouTube and continued to grow his brand with a  focus on quality and engagement he moved out to   California I'm actually moving out to LA in like  less than a week and built out a team to help him   work on a more consistent and quality output of  content once we had our own space that was that   was big right I mean you know I had an office had  no idea how to run an office I had no idea how to   do any of this stuff but it was just like you know  here's a spot it's not my second bedroom or closet   or like no this like an office and we're here and  we're here to start cranking on stuff and before   that I had been massively ball necked by myself  I was not seeing the full potential of what was   there and once 10 arrived and the office was there  we started setting stuff up you know it took off   right it was just like oh man here's what this  thing can be Ken bedo helped the channel reach   its potential and he is someone who still  works with Austin today I've been working   with Austin now for about s or eight years at  this point Austin's channel has consistently   evolved in the years since the fire and Austin's  personality and humor shines more than it ever has before ow ow Austin developed a style of content  that would keep him engaging audiences for years   and years blending humor and knowledge leading  into popular Mainstay series such as mystery   Tech welcome to another very special edition  of mystery Tech everything was new and exciting   Austin had just moved away from Missouri for the  first time had his own office and was making all   sorts of new videos I look back on those times so  fondly I I obviously everything is great now but   things are much more I would say stable now which  is good stable is good right but it's also not as   much fun right like these are businesses at the  time it felt like the sky was the limit you know   like I was going to go 5x their subscribers  every year and would sit in a park and shoot   a speed test with Galaxy S3 and get 7 million  views cuz like everyone was excited about the   iPhone it was just it was crazy it was crazy  just it like it felt like there's absolutely   no limit and it's nice to know that we've come  to a stable happy place um but yeah those T are [Music] crazy in 2022 Austin's  father passed away [Music] it was one of those things where he wasn't  in great help so it wasn't a huge surprise   I mean it was but you know as much as any  of these things could be um I had been a   dad for like 6 months at that point  [Music] yeah I don't [Music] know I   guess the way I would say is just  it it was a good sort of reminder on on how I should do things almost like a  passing of the torch I guess of like it's my   turn now right yeah it's easy because like I  think it's it's so easy for me to be busy and   you know bouncing from thing to thing I think  about a lot about how I maybe don't spend out   enough time reminiscing going through this stuff  cuz like you know uh the whole thing happens and   then just life kept going you know right back to  work right back to the grind taking care of the   baby all this kind of stuff and you know it's  I think everyone processes things differently   but I think it's just one of those things where  every time I go back and and talk it's like it   it's sad but it feels good right I don't if that  makes sense but it's like it's good to talk about   these things it's good to you know honor [Music]  him everyone handles things different differently   I would never want to judge and I I don't think  that I probably handle things in a quote unquote   correct way all the time but I think everyone  has to process things in their own way and I   think that I've got work to do I'm doing the  work and that lets me maybe hide from some of   the stuff sometimes and that's it's probably  not great but it's the way I you know that's   the way I am I guess I don't know that's just you  know there's pros and cons I think every the way   that everyone approaches any situation good or bad  you know and it's you know yeah my dad was a very   committed guy very committed to when he wanted to  do something he saw it through even when you could   argue you probably should bail if you start it you  finish it and if you commit and make a promise to   someone that you're going to do this thing then  do the thing he approached problems in a different   kind of way that I think was kind of helpful for  me to grow and probably the number one influence   from my dad was just like the overall attitude of  being a little chill about things I think that's   something that I very much taken to heart I was  like a lot of stuff happens a lot of stuff goes   wrong a lot of stuff goes right remembering to  Center yourself remembering that some battles   aren't worth fighting was something that my dad  always really instilled in me figure out the   problem try to make some solutions maybe tomorrow  when it's all said and done then go but in the   moment be serious just just sort of work through  it and that was something that I think was very   helpful for me in kind of thinking about how to  approach I mean even I think stuff like the fire   right of like the way that that is here's what's  going on figure out what you could do you have   a limited amount of time do what you can do and  then afterward you can kind of sit down and sort   of emotionally process what do what just happened  but that say that doesn't help anything in the [Music] moment today Austin Evans isn't just a tech  reviewer he's the founder of overclock media   managing several channels and continuing to  influence the tech World aiming to diversify   the projects and channels he was working on  currently overclock oversees several popular   YouTube channels including a more humor-based  Tech show this is hello and welcome to this is   It's a spider oh no as well as longtime Austin  Evans cameraman Ken bolo's Channel deny I'm in   taipe taking a look at the largest tech malls the  city has to offer overcup media has become a Hub   of creativity and Innovation reflecting Austin's  commitment to pushing boundaries and exploring new   ideas for me it's been really nice to be able to  build a business that functions I was gone for an   event for four or five days and then I immediately  got Co after I was gone for like a week and you   know what nothing burn to the ground today Austin  isn't just a content creator he's a business owner   a husband and a father your perspective changes  chasing the next subscriber the next one of 10   the next Big Brand deal like all these things  are still exciting and they're still great but   there was a very long time where that was  it with a steady head on his shoulders and   an understanding of how to navigate the ups  and downs of a YouTube career he has found a   way to remain popular even after 15 years on the  platform you're going to have wins you're going   to have losses you're going to have days that  are great you're going to have months where you   go negative subscribers all these things are  normal and fine that can't be how you define   yourself as a person because that's how I did as  the years have gone by Austin defines success as   being parallel with happiness as I you know got  married and had children and stuff obviously that   kind of stuff always puts into perspective what's  important and what's not a decade after the fire   Austin continues to thrive overclock media  continues to grow and every struggle Austin   has experienced has taught him meaningful  lessons that have helped him Prosper but   even as time has progressed and his business  has grown his work ethic and determination   hasn't wavered it's important to always consider  that this can still absolutely go away and maybe   there's a little bit more safety net than there  was you know back in the day but still there so   it's just like trying to find the right balance  of getting worked on being aggressive doing as   much as you can but also balancing that with  what is really important in life you've got   work covered you got family covered and you try  to you know do do the best you can Right From   the Ashes of a devastating fire to the business  Heights of overclock media Austin Evans story   is one of resilience passion and unwavering  determination to make a success out of hardship   from making videos in his bedroom to attending  the White House his journey is a testament to   the power of perseverance a willing willingness  to evolve and the support of a community that   kept believing in him this is how one man built a  tech Empire from ashes this is the story of Austin [Music] Evans decades from now right you're in  Hawaii or wherever you decide to retire   you're on the pool and you're sat back on the  chair you don't want to read a book you're going   do you know what I'm going to reminisce how do  you want to be remembered and what do you hope   people take away from the person that is Austin  Evans it's important to do what you love and I've   been incredibly fortunate to do what I love for  my entire adult life and not everyone gets that   luxury very few people get that luxury and I think  it's really important to be grateful for the the   good sort of things you are able to do and I think  that for me it's like the Tech Community could   has and will Thrive without me right like there's  no question about that like what I like to think   that maybe I've had a small part in in helping to  pushing things forward and and stuff I would hope   so but like it's not it's about something that's  way bigger than any one person and you know I uh   it's just it's one of those things where I think  as you get older perspectives change I uh not too   long ago I uh I met uh a guy um he was chatting  with him a little bit you he had been a fan of   the channel and he mentioned he had just gotten  his driver's permit and I stopped for a second   did the math I was like wait a minute and he's  like yeah it's my birthday last week I was like   so you were born after my first video ah and now  you're a full grown driving person talking to me   wow that was one of those moments where it was  just like you know life moves fast it moves so   fast and I think you blink and 5 10 years fly  by at certain point and I think it's just worth   trying to hold on to that but I think just when  it's all said and done when it's all sipping my   Ties on the beach or whatever I find to do  it's going to be a lot more engaging because   I can't sit still for long enough to do that I  think it's going to be a level of Pride I think   of just sort of what I was able to do and how I  was able to do it and obviously there's a lot of   mistakes along the way and a lot of things I wish  could do differently but ultimately just I think   I have already at this point in my life been able  to do everything I could have ever hoped for so   many amazing projects so many amazing experiences  like I I don't have a a bucket list of things like   it really is just like I've done so many amazing  things that it's going to be very hard I think to   think about like oh the regrets here the regrets  there like I think I've been in an incredibly   fortunate sort of uh position to be able to do a  lot of these things and and hopefully by the time   that I finally find that beach I'll have done a  whole lot more cool things but like I'm content   I think that that's like a that's a that's a good  spot to be I I feel I feel almost a little like   guilty about it cuz I know that's not a spot that  most people get to experience often orever and   it's just like you know it's it's it's gone well  and uh yeah it's it's it's good to be grateful [Music] [Music]

2024-09-06 05:11

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