Flash Frozen Civilization found in Antarctica and Pre-Adamites

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Ladies. And gentlemen, thank, you so much for joining us this edition, of leek project. I'm, your host Rex Baer and we have Joseph Reyna with us the author of incredulous. And this, guy knows so, much about prophecies. Ancient. Relics. Of antiquity we're. Going to talk about a quasar, right, now literally. How. Did you describe that Joseph like an exploding, solar, system, almost. What's. The entire galaxy becoming, a star something. The size of a galaxy that becomes the stars what they figured out quasars, on okay, and we're also going to talk about Antarctica. And what is going on out there right now now Joseph, just disclosed of information, with me about, how there is a. Civilization. Literally, multiple. Civilizations that, literally flash flooded, in or. Not flash flooded like flash froze in Antarctica. So this, is very deep we're going to talk about some planet X /. Exodus, /. The flood NASA. And these seven planets that have been discovered and, just, a collection of things all combined, into one so it's a real honor to speak with you Joseph how are you doing. That's. Been great thanks, I thought. I'd, start talking again only because of the Resurrection. And Easter. Coming up so, I, wanted, to like how planet, X seems to be part of all that. Fantastic. And, also I mean you know I know that you, have. Done, very few, interviews, over the past few years and, it's neat that you're kind of jumping out and and getting, your feet wet again. Thanks. It was the time there were the information, I was finding I did stop when it go on, on. The air and say, something I shouldn't be saying it was really bad what. I was discovering. Let's. Get into it what's going on first let's get into Antarctica, if we can well, apparently, Secretary. Of State Kerry. Was, sent down there I believe. Well bomb was going down there I know the Pope has gone down there several states. Leaders. Of state have gone down there and. It's supposed, to be to get them ready for what's about to happen a sort of disclosure. Except. From, what I'm hearing, they, don't want disclosure, they're. Removing, the bodies of what's called the pre-adamite, s-- pre-adamite. S-- where, the species. Built before us genetically. Engineered before us they have a much, longer skull, sometimes. It's called go straight back kind of like nipitiri and. Other times it flattens. Out kind of widens, to the back much, like the greys, pesco and. They're taller and, they have a funny body because they have a longer. Or more vertebrae, in their backbone so it's kind of long and then they got a little potbelly, the, way I could not is. Portrayed. In the in, the images, from Egypt they, have those type of bodies, almost. A feminine, like body flat, chest very little, muscles, for, the masculine, and. Large. Hips this, little potbelly and a much longer torso with the elongated, skull so. Those were called the pre-adamite, they. Were far more intelligent and, they. Became. Troublesome so they went to the the, newer version, which is us. We. Have shorter lifespans and. Limited. Capacity. For memory we're, sort, of wiped when we're born we don't have access to those memories and then, we also don't have telepathic, so. We're the second species that followed and much. Of that is in a lot of the writings of the Hebrew, not everything, that was in the Hebrew writings were, put into the Bible they had to decide what was gonna go in and what was gonna stay out and, this one is sad to leave out because, it was just too troublesome, and they went with the Creation of Adam and Eve and, left. The other one out altogether. So. That's what they're finding down there now. This realization, suppose I have been flash-frozen, and. I know we've spoken before about the, possibility. That earth is not that old only years, old because of the Galactic battle that, took place between the reptilians. And the Anunnaki if. That was the case then earth, would have broken away much, of his atmosphere would have been gone it's just being basically, what would have been an island on that particular, planet the size of Saturn what.

Has Become a sphere and then would. Have tried to I guess, regrow. Life on it it. Would have kept some of his atmosphere but lost a lot of the oxygen, we used to have 50% oxygen, in the snow core they, find that before, 12,000, years we had 50% oxygen, after, that it's down to 20% 19%. Somewhere. In there but, the flash freeze these, beings, there's also Giants, down there and dinosaurs. That. Will flash frozen, the. Mastodons, I understand, heard three times the size of an elephant and they were flash frozen and. The flash freeze a pole, shift would not do that, with a change you'd have time to go grab a coat you don't have time for that and your flash frozen, you're, basically, mid-stride. Completely. Stopped all your blood vessels freeze everything freezes it's, way too fast and from. What I understand they're removing these bodies they've, been down there for over 12 years, filming. Removing. Very. Sophisticated technology and. They're. Eventually going, to have some sort of tour down there I guess you can take and. Walk through these these ruins. Problem. What, David, Wilcock and. Then several others have as well there. Were three spaceships. That crash-landed. There again it was 12,000, years ago right, at the time of that galactic, battle and, they. Speculate, that these individuals. Landed there because it was already an ancient, civilization they're, stating. Back millions of years and, of course that would have been T Amon part of tiem on at the time so. They land it there the ships couldn't get back off of Earth. So they started. On. Rock. Against building, cities around there again. This would have happened tima not earth because, once, took place, these. Guys were flash-frozen in position if, they know that there's the tropical jungle down there I believe 65,000. Square miles that was all flash frozen, so Antarctica, was at one time a tropical. Location, and, it was flash-frozen very. Quickly, Plato. Puts, it right at about the same time not. A thousand years before him and. He. Said it all happened in one day so if.

The Explosion occurred within a day earth would have sort of corrected. Itself and started trying to heal but, anything along the periphery where, the atmosphere, was completely ripped, off would have been flash frozen and. Now. Look, can I jump in real quick to just share from a couple things because this is very interesting and, first, of all what, would cause the. Flash. Freezing. And you said we're kind of the 2.0. Version because, the the, first beans. Are not the first beans but the ones with the elongated skull is like a Connaughton. Essentially. They had longer lifespans, and it sounds like they had more intuition. But. Why were they a problem. And are, you referring to the Anunnaki, creating. Us and creating them essentially, in these physical meat sacks. Yeah. Pretty much but you have to also throw in the reptilians, because, the reptilians needed. More. Warrior, like individuals, and if you take a look at these guys they're they're, not warrior material, so. They would have modified us and, we came afterwards, and then the Anunnaki. Took. What the reptilians, that modified, and tried to sort of bring it back in along with what they were and. That's what why. We ended up the way we've ended up very. Warlike. Sex. Maniacs, that have. Short lifespans and become, very aggressive at some times it's. Sort of hardwired. Into our nature. So. Essentially, our beings, have been tampered with from multiple, offworld. Beings. Yes. Every, single every. Single one of these groups that I hear that are trying to I. Guess. Make contracts. With the humans on earth they, have to go through all these other species that already have, I guess, programs, they call them on earth, where, they've been abducting, people and, trying to get them to. Meet. Someone else sort, of prearranged. So that they'd be attracted, to individuals, they're looking for a genetic, breeding, sort, of. System. You heard, of those, where. The Grays were abducting. Women and creating. A hybrid species oh yeah with some of their cells yeah. That. Was really fascinating, these women would be like three months pregnant also and they wouldn't be perfect at all they'd go to soccer doctor you won't hear anything. About it so. They didn't have anyone, to turn to but. Those. Things they're creating are not human and. You. Can't take a child especially something. That's predominantly. Genetically. Human and, just keep it in isolation don't hold it just leave it in a corner to develop, on its own it's. It's going to have psychological damage, and it's probably not gonna live past the age of 14 now. Humans have to have they, have to be interacted, with they have to be held you. Have to play with them or they don't develop properly. So. That seems to be a big problem for them and. Then, once they're down here they don't know how to they, don't have any common sense I mean I've seen people with no common sense we're very very intelligent these. People, they. Just do, not know how to blend in and only I don't know that they ever will supposedly. That's what they were trying to do um. That, sounds like not Jacobs, work he says that a lot of the people that he regresses that, have been abducted, they're, trying. To get them to show them how to walk across the street properly, and how to act when you go in the kitchen and just normal, stuff like you based on furniture. In your bedroom. I. Don't. Know why they're trying to do it because it. Serves no purpose if, they're, that intelligence, just leave them on the ships train them to operate your ships you know it doesn't make any sense to bring them to earth the. Only thing I could, see why they were longer bring it to earth is because of what people are calling the Ascension, or, what is believed to be the Ascension when, that happens they would want them to be on earth hopefully. That like many green candidates. Sorry. To interrupt. I. Don't, think they'd be mentoring candidates, they're not. There. They. Have the ability to make you do things. Telepathically. They can control you they, can make you wake up get. Dressed go give your car and drive. Out into. The the, road where they're waiting for you from, the people that they already, like, Nestle there it's their parent, one, of the people that took cells from created. Them I've, heard that they don't like that control at all. When. They're at a job like, they. Try, and fit in and get a job somewhere. They hopefully, work very well so. They have to. Let's. Say they go to a restaurant they have to control the, person giving them the food and make it look like they got paid when they didn't, but that person is something getting fired and. Just. Little things like that it's something they can't keep up the.

These. Things these degrades there's two types of them, the. Work I did trying. To figure. Out what these these were the ones I was dealing with. During. Eisenhower's. Meaning. In the desert there, was a priest, who was. At. The. Location and he was told to keep quiet but he didn't he went to the Vatican and told him what had happened, there. Were several species meeting, with the president and several. Other individuals and they they, wanted us to disarm. And they would assist us in, what's. About to happen would be ready for the ascension. The. Others, the grace offered, weapons, and technology, in exchange for abducting, humans they. Went with those guys, what. Was fascinating about them though was when they were abducting individuals, the. Military, ordered them to only abduct four hundred per year and, they needed the names and dates of the. Locations, and addresses, of these people, what. The greys said these particular type of greys they, said that they were from Earth they, said they were from the future and they, said they were horribly damaged by the radiation, something. Bad had happened they had gone underground into underground bunkers, and, they thought they would survive but what happened was females, could not reproduce after 45 days underground and. Then. They have to use their cloning technology, that. Sounds pretty far-fetched but I've, seen cloning, technology was very real. Anyway. These guys had at that time and I was the only way they could survive by cloning themselves over, and over and over they were trapped, underground, during, the earthquakes that took place, and. This. Would be somewhere about what we would call the apocalypse, timeframe, anyway. They finally, got out of there and when they got to the surface they were horribly, damaged, by the radiation, the, military, jump to the conclusion it was some sort of galactic, neglecting. To them the. ICBM, war do. Whether the countries here on on, the planet I, immediately. Suspected. The power. Plants, because. If if we lose power or one of those gets damaged, they start releasing a tremendous amount of radiation they have a lot. Of fuel rods that will burn for. A long long, time, and. That will cause a huge. Cloud, of radiation that will pretty, much poison anything, gets anywhere near it there's 120, on the East Coast alone so. You. You've, got a tremendous amount of Oh death. That's just, just waiting there for people anyway. These guys said that their DNA. Was horribly damaged, that, some other extraterrestrials. Came. By found them and took I'm, sure they're worlds and so when these, graves when you see them smooth skin with these the. Almond-shaped eyes those were actually, an outer suit, that they wear and some. Movies have brought this out some, documentaries. Underneath. Their, skin looks like the bark of a tree and smells like putrid, cinnamon, and, you don't want to touch it there's so much bacteria on them but. They. They. Had kept themselves alive for a long time there, were some of them that had some human cells and those, are the ones I believe that are trying to create these birthing. Projects but. This particular group, came. Back to earth and they said they wanted, to get.

The DNA from their, ancestors. The ones who went down into these subterranean. Cities. That they had for themselves their bunkers and, repair. Their their DNA, using. The DNA of their great. Ancestors, their. Grandfathers, their parents, and. That's. Not what they did they. Started abducting, a lot, of people way. More than 400 and then, they started. Messing. With them in a way that would sort of wake, them up spiritually, and, moved. Them away from the path that would have taken them into the underground bunkers, that's. Why they weren't releasing any of the of the addresses or. The names of these individuals so, basically what they did was they found a way to prevent their grandfathers. And grandmothers from never meeting with each other or. Their parents from ever meeting with each other that, means they had to cease existing. And. Thereby. Creating. A sort of self sacrifice I believe. That's why it was permitted to be done anyway, that was that particular group so. They. Prevented them from going down and the ground bunkers when the military started doing experiments, in the 50s with women in colleges, asking for volunteers, to, stand the ground for long periods of time they, realized, that after about 45 days the women. The. Reproductive, system shut down so. They realize these things were telling the true and. Then they started building the underground bunkers, because they figured they would need that for these whatever. You thought was coming up into the future. No. That. Was my my, extent to my. Knowledge of the greys also, most. Of the greys the. Little ones we see that walk in four. Or five at a time those. In the Bible, in Scripture, are called the Raytheon dead. Things, because. They're not alive they're more machine the. Biomechanical. So, they don't have souls, so people here oh they don't have something must be demons no they're just, machines they, don't the. Answer to. You. Know commands. They, can perform simple, functions but, you want to give them as much brain. Powers they need and that's what it takes three or four them to accomplish your job but. In the Bible when you see here Ray theum just think of the little gray ones that's what those are. You. Know I'm thinking of the, artificial. Intelligence, here in the States even and they're almost completed. There, is a IBM, supercomputer that, is, calculated, to run three hundred quadrillion floating. Points per second, and the. Quantum computers, I don't have enough data to show exactly how fast they actually are I do have the data on many of these silicon based chips and even the one in China right now that's running, 93. Quadrillion. Floating points per second I mean that's just that, so incredible, so where am I going with this the software. That they have for predictive, programming, combined with all the technology, all the research, all the data, essentially. That has been obtained, from, each human being from. Their habits, the metadata etc, I wonder. If there's already like a ghost in the machine and, the. Archons. Or these entities possibly. Have a way to literally. Control like, you said the politicians. The corporate, gurus, those. That have the money in the honey essentially. To do their bidding and it seems like they're turning this planet, into a transhuman. /all. Microchipped. All electronic, all artificial. Essence. I mean now they aren't even running out 5g, not. 4G anymore now it's 5g where they want to have five billion. Hertz, machines. On every, on. Every block essentially. Just blasting, people with Wi-Fi constantly, I mean the 4G isn't good enough we got to have 5g and then six G and then seven I mean just add a couple more zeros behind, the Hertz it's getting ridiculous. Well. Jason sent me some information dealing, with AI and, they. Have found these these. Signals coming from space and, they seem to have been sent from the past into the future and, these signals pretty much tell them how to build these machines so guess, what they're doing all this build on I see how who's building first and. That's not smart, these, were a eyes who lost the war long ago so they sent this information to the future hoping. Somebody be dumb enough to build these things and that's, exactly what they're doing exactly. What you described this, AI system. It's. Very ancient war that took place they, never really lost sort, of just kind of to be continued, and, that was the reason t amount was destroyed remember, they're that. Black goo that ran all over the ley lines of that world it was a, massive. Artificial, intelligence. Controlling, that planet and that, is is, that, is black, goo actually, like artificial, intelligence. Microorganisms. That were ever then I hope they. Connect to the through, the group consciousness so, if it's a million miles away it can send that information back and be controlled right.

And If any part of them gets destroyed in any kind of battle where we find a way to destroy them then that emission is transmitted, to the other so they know what we're, about to try and work, against it in other words to fortify themselves against, that type of attack and. The. Black goo is a sort of nanite, I understand. The military immediately thought, super soldier right because these things can get get, inside of you and to modify you at the molecular level they're. That small and they. Did they started modifying people but, what they started. These, things weren't. Creating. Super soldiers, they were creating, super humans but they. Were more. Benevolent. They were less aggressive. Calmer. They could they. Just had this desire to either learned a lot of languages or or learned, a lot of sophisticated. Information, and. It. Worked, just not what the government wanted cuz they couldn't control them and. So they released it into the sewer. Lines over. In Europe that particular group did and so, the stuff got into all the organisms and in, the sewers. And then became airborne and anyone. Who living next to these things all of a sudden started. Reading. More and speaking. Different languages, and at, CERN it's pretty fascinating when you hear these people talk about it but they they sort of tracked it down and found out what it was it was the AI so released into the sewer systems, so. This story been released but, it is working one of beneficial widths now the AI is apparently. There are trillions are allied, with the AI and their. Bodies, are completely, saturated, by these tiny nanites, but. The the. Grays used to be slaves to the reptilians, from what I understand they broke away the. Whole, AI. Think is interesting when you start looking at, autism. Because. If you take a human, child and make them catatonic, through, all these injections, you're given an AI. System. Like this could easily infiltrate. Their body connect, where they need to and we're in the body. Give. Them a vessel. Sort of. Certainly. It, would make it easier and if you've seen the film the accountant, which just came out a short while ago on video where, Ben Affleck does a great job playing this kid that has autism and, then. He learns how to be essentially. A rogue super, soldier and the. Abilities, that he had is incredible, and if you have autism your sensory perception, is different there like you can't fill things as much as somebody else it's almost like when you if. You are let's. Say you got your you're holding your own hands it's almost like you're holding. Hands with mittens on because, the nervous system gets damaged, from, the chemicals, in the vaccine so absolutely, I can see that and I also wonder, if they do this on math skills to maybe pull out a hundred, savants, out of a hundred thousand people that they physically, damage, and mentally. And spiritually the, the vaccine, agenda, there's a multiple, line of reasons, for it I feel oh and get this this wall we're at vaccine, the, MMR, vaccine there, was a recent, study released, and I will I will actually release this data here shortly, two thousand, plus parts, per billion of glyphosate. In the MMR, vaccine two. Thousand. Parts. Per billion you what clay phosphate is it's roundup, that means you're literally injecting, yourself with roundup, you're injecting babies with Roundup welcome, to the new world water they love you so much sorry, continue.

It. Makes me so mad I mean it's just unbelievable. Yeah. And that's why I'm like we're. Making some headway but these people they're. Still very, powerful and in very, powerful positions, so, draining, the swamp swamps, gonna take a little longer I think, one. Of the things I, wanted, to connect Planet X with it, started talking about that, this. Going, back 12,000 years again 12,000, years everything always goes back to 12,000. Years that the major damage, took place to. Let's. Say our world exploded. Right blew up so he blew it up and we're. Right on the edge of the section that you know gets flown out into space well the atmosphere is gone and space, is incredibly, cold so you're subjected, to the space without. Without. The ones of Earth around or anything else around and you would literally, flash freeze. Because. Of the of the temperature of the space how, cold it is and, that's the only the only way I would see if something could flash freeze I don't. See any other way you could do it there, was that movie the day after tomorrow with those gigantic. Vortexes. That, allowed the, outer. Space. Temperatures, to drop in because they weren't being pushed back sort. Of like a reverse vacuum and, brought the cold temper down and. In that movie they portrayed people just kind of taking a breath and is freezing, in place, there's. Also that Fox down something similar to that happened over in Russia. There. Was a Fox crossing, a stream you can see his nose out of the ice, and his, eyes and ears out of the ice and the tip of his tail out of the ice but the rest of him is in the ice so he, was swimming across the stream and that flash froze that. Was. Back when we were first experiencing, those polar. Vortexes. They speak of. Though. These. Beings. There. Were quite a few beings here on this on this world but. According. To what. They call the Mohammed Accord something they signed back in the 16th century but. Actually a sixth, century, and. They're, not supposed to show themselves anymore they're supposed to remain hidden and just kind of allow humanity, to see what would play out kind of hide the shadows of the hidden hand sort of thing to, run the world that way and. That's. Kind of what they've been doing so they've they've just stayed in the back see. Where we go and. Apparently, because. Of all the pedophile stuff coming out and all the attention being drawn. Upon, them they're. Kind of shine shine shine spotlight. Over that direction Hey look over here and. Oh this, is so important monumental, we didn't even put this pedophile stuff aside and we'll get back to it later and never will, they. What they want to do is basically put us in a bigger box, inside. The box were in right now there's no such thing as aliens. Off world or life over the world in this, bigger box that they want to put us in there. Were. A, type. Of humanoid. On, earth or possibly, Mars that. Was. Very advanced and their world was destroyed they came here to earth and eventually got flash-frozen. Down and the, South Pole to probably claim those some sort of pole shift and, we. Got. Mixed with them in, the breeding. Just. Natural selection sort of thing and then, humanity. What came out of that is what they were planning to do they want to spread. Out technology, release over a hundred years so that by, the time the disclosures, happened, everybody. Will be dead the ones who commit all these atrocities against. Humanity so they won't be held accountable, anyway, that's their plan I don't think it'll work because there's other plans, in, the in, the works but. That's, kind of what's taking place down there and why they're releasing this information right now. But. The thing that gets me though is, Planet. X is, a, very big part of. Christianity. People. Just don't realize that when. They. Speak in Revelation of the red dragon, that's. Planet, X it's, got the wings got the long red tail and it's red it, looks like fire and. When. You start looking at the symbolism. And what they're describing that this thing does it, is Planet X David. Need. Pretty. Much points to it being Planet, X when he figured. Out that um. Virgo. In September, 23rd, will. Have Jupiter. In this womb area for 42, weeks at that point and. In. The, actual writings, where it says the, woman, illuminated. By the Sun it. Doesn't exactly say this on it she's illuminated, something is illuminating, this constellation, the. Moons at her feet and. She's about to give birth, you. You've interviewed David Meet a while back right yeah. A matter of fact that was the first interview. That. I did on Planet, X and that's got over. 450,000. Views that was a really, good show David, I need to get all of him again ya. Know he's he's, he's.

Incredible, The, research, he did I tried, to get ahold of him and I sent him an email telling. Him that his date is off the the I, think he's like thirty eight hundred years ago as opposed to thirty six hundred years ago and. The only reason I explained that it was off with because during. That passage, of Planet, X it, introduced. Venus. Back into our system it had Venus in its gravity, well took it with it an instruction, of T amount and it, was reintroduced at that time the Mayans record this was happening Velikovsky. Mentions that Venus was never mentioned before, this and, Venus, finally settled into orbit and when it settled into orbit between Earth and and. The. Sun it, it sort of pushed earth back a little bit and, gave us a five additional days to our calendar all the ancient calendars are 360, days and. Oh man. I gotta, jump in on that real quick I was thinking about that just the other day when. I broke, down the, New Jerusalem and, I mean to a tee literally, I had the size of it I was able to put together the amount of square feet that each person would have left if you took 144,000. And the, twelve was constantly, going back and then the 360. So, I'm just interjecting, here real quick and please continue but, I was thinking that the past few days about how I'm wondering why they, changed from 360. Days to, 365. And another thing that I've been thinking a lot about lately as well is the. Asteroid, belt and was. There a planet, at one, point in time that got smashed, by something and now that's the asteroid belt so once again I apologize for interrupting but I just wanted to throw that in real quick yeah. That's the planet I call T amount some, people over an ounce of Tiamat, some. Call it. Phaeton, there's. Several names for it they. Said that they, don't think there was enough matter there to to. Create a planet that size that's, because most of it was blown. Out into space the, Comets all come from there it was a water world and a. Lot of the debris was taken into the gravity well of Nibiru as it passed by the Planet X as it passed by and, the. Remains of it are what's called the hammered bracelet, it's, the the, asteroid belt but, they have actually with satellites, and telescopes. Been able to detect. Clay, on these asteroids, you can't get clay on asteroids. That never, formed into a planet because. That requires tidal, forces. Water, and pressure. Kuroh erosion, of the soil to, create the clay but, these have clay on them also they're all they're, all orbiting. On their axis in the same direction so, that, was part of that world and, we're part of that world earth is part of what once was that world and. When. Earth finally, sort of stabilized, the, calendar. Was 360, days I always, wondered why, 360. Where I can't just make a nice 400, degree circle 100, degrees in each, clutter that a 90 because. The, calendar was that way 360, degrees you got 90 days for each of the seasons because we had four seasons and the earth, was on its axis, and on. T amat there were no, seasons, it never rained, before. That time, there, was a very heavy concentration. Of oxygen and it. Almost looked like a foggy, day all the time and you. Would you. Would heal faster, if you were cut you. Lived. Much longer and, once. That was destroyed, then. Weather. Patterns formed, on earth and we, only have about 12,000. To 14,000, years of erosion on the planet weather, erosion, it doesn't go back any further than that so this plan is four billion years old and, we've got at least what. 2 billion years of an ocean with weather there'd, be nothing left but rocks and water there, would be no soil left from, the erosion of the rain and. That's. Very very. Early. Documented. That we only have about 4,000, you erosion, on planet so. The plan is not that old the. Evidence fits in to the authority being formed 12,000 years ago. So. That, would be roughly about 3 passings, of Planet X I think that one planted X during. The disruption of TM on. Everything. In this gravity well may have slowed it down because. The timeline isn't quite there it's. A little, too long and then it comes back around 7,000. Years forms then you had the great flood so he had the catastrophe, before that then you have the great flood and, at, that point you have a brand that's that's the human we are right now after Noah. Because. Noah. Was. When, he was born he. Was supposed to have very, light skin reddish. Hair and his, eyes seemed to kind of glow and his. Father Lamech, was concerned, about this and he, questions his wife and she's like I've not, known anyone else for you and, so.

He Went and spoke to his grandfather, which was Enoch the, same one in the Bible who created all the parents, so. Enoch, went and spoke. To the, sky guardians and then. Came back and said do not harm the child they, have in. The best warding, they could use artificially. Inseminating, your wife with, this particular child, he is the sort. Of the prototype of the next race and. That. Those, writings, were found in the Dead Sea squirrels it's called the book of Lamech he, was a father of Noah, so. I find it interesting that sometimes. Tom Horn and. Steve. Quale will. Speak of the purity, of the. Line. Of Noah. From, Adam and Eve and how the demons keep trying to infiltrate it. As. He was in effluence he, was genetically engineered and it's. Right there the information is right there for them to go look at they just kind of ignore it it, doesn't fit into their little, plants. That. Dead Sea Scrolls are fascinating. I've actually got a copy of the the newest, translations. And if you read the secret book of John I mean it's got a completely different version of Genesis. Yeah. And the the. Book of Enoch wasn't, in there the Book of Enoch was hunted down and destroyed, for. Millennia. They, they, finally thought they'd gotten rid of every copy and when you actually see the Book of Enoch he realized that Christ quoted, from it quite a bit it, was required reading at that time when Christ, was on the ground on earth and. They. Were going to remove, the book of Joel dude. From. The Bible because he quotes from that book he, says he quotes on the book and, so they're going to remove it since that book was not in existence but several books that are missing there's, the book of the. Wars of, the Elohim, that book is missing and there's dictor of fact none of the books it mentions, that are missing that. These, were very important books and we're not supposed to you, know be destroyed but there was actually sort of a witch-hunt witch-hunt. By the Romans, who ordered, a lot of these documents. Destroyed, the, Book of Enoch says that angels can, take, form. In other words they can become human, beings they can be born like human beings. Inhabit. A body and. They. Had to destroy that because Christ, if you, start looking into. Into. The Bible into the angel of the Lord the one called the angel of the Lord when. The angel of the Lord is described. This, particular angel, and he's, always called the angel of the Lord. Fits. Everything. Christ, did everything. That. Christ later does this particular angel sort of mimics. In advance. So. If, one, of the Angels angel of the Lord came on to Mary, well that means that he, got, into the body and he, was the one who was born, ask Christ, and go. Kalina describes, this as happening, this. Was what, they call the matrix and that. Word I don't ever remember reading, that word in the Bible I read many. Many passages, of the Bible many. Versions of it and I'd never recalled, the word matrix. Being in there but it's in there six times now you've. Heard of the something. Called the Mandela, effect. Yes. I have, well. That's one of the changes to the Bible now it says matrix and it's, in reference to the woman's womb I, spoke. With the author of the matrix with. Sophia. Steward and. I had always thought it was a countless galaxies, brothers, but apparently they plagiarized. They played everything, the name of the book the, name of the characters everything. Anyway. It took her six years in court but she finally got all, her rights back, the. Matrix she explained, is. When. They created woman and just, one other author has created a book I need to get my hands on it's on Amazon, and she's. Describing, how when woman was created they sort of went overboard with. The. Upgrades, that they put in woman because. The male's were sort of a worker and that's, what Adam, Adam mu, means, worker. But. The female in. Order for her to have a child, with. The spirit the. Soul, from. Creator. She. Has to have a matrix a matrix, is, sort of a Stargate, within. The female and the. Female will. Join a gestation, period this. Matrix. Sort. Of gets the signature, of the soul that will be in the child and. When. It's creating, the cells of this body it is causing the DNA, what we would call junk DNA to. Be aligned, tuned. In sync, with this soul so. That soul can then inhabit, the bodies which connects. Like an avatar and. Can. Express. Itself and be here on earth that's. What the matrix is that's, all I was really fascinated about what she was explaining it as being and, she also explained, that the she, also wrote the Terminator series and. Terminator series is actually the first part of the Matrix series. That's. How the machine is eventually got powerful enough I.

Remember. Several years ago actually talking. To her when I was on a different platform and, I read that screenplay, that, she put, together and, it's, interesting it seemed to me like a lot of the information. That she got was stuff that you could pull out at Revelation but, that's you know in the in that's, just my opinion but. You know the one thing that I do notice a lot of is, there's so much transhumanist. Transhumanism. And AI. And, even in a lot of the new films, now they are portraying, the androids, in the TV series Hugh Mann as being, more humane than humans, are and it. Seems like we're certainly getting a slap in the face whereas. The, the push is towards, this AI construct. Which makes you wonder why, why. In the world would. We give so much power over to an artificial intelligence. And even, mentally, give away our own rights and in a sense. Well. That was one of her biggest concerns, that these these. AI will, eventually, take over, and. She's. Got enough degrees to. Understand. The the. Concept of the programming of the AIS to, an AI we're. We're, in a coma we. We, don't think anywhere near as fast as they do but. A eyes. Aren't alive they, can make decisions and, they can make, suggestions. Or they can they can plan things out but. You recall when, they had that big chess game with, IBM. And - broth oh yeah absolutely yeah, they. Wouldn't let him see the programming, and there were six chess players masters back there supposedly. Counseling. These programmers, that's, not happening, right, Lou was just a big box and these. Six guys were all playing this one chess player so. Let's. Let's. Say it was a real AI bm1. Okay. Where's. The technology, what did you do with it they put it in a box they put it in mothballs and they hid it away they never did anything with it because there was nothing there, there. Was nothing - big blue it was just a scam and that's. What that's why they would let me see the. Printouts there were no printouts and basically. It was just a, bunch of chess masters playing the one chess master, and IBM. Getting a lot of publicity for, it I'm. Glad that's why I had us. That's. What the evidence seems to point to. So. With. The Catholic Church. The. Work I was doing I had grown up Roman Catholic and I had one be a priest an exorcist, for the Roman Catholic Church but, they they, were doing away with the Exorcist at the time so I I ended. Up leaving the church. That. Father. Malachi. Martin he, was, he. Spoke on this a few times but. He was very certain, now whatever this was was something, that comes from space something that's approaching, earth and. He. He got a chance to read the actual prophecy. Of the third prophecy and, he Liam. And he stated I. Was. Not it he read it and that was that was not what they released they've never released the third prophecy of Fatima but, the church became concerned because it's spoke, of something comes from the cosmos and causing great destruction coming. Into the solar system so. They're. Supposed to have a satellite that NASA. Launched, for them flying, out in that direction, towards. Orion to look for this thing and they also have that, one telescope they have over in Italy and they've got that new. One they, built on Mount Graham this. One's the, only one of his kind, it's a binoculars. Was to. Two. Specific, scopes, that are looking in the infrared region. And these are theoretical. The first. Of their kind and, they, named the thing Lucifer, so. They're. Looking for this object to, be coming from the southern hemisphere they. Know it's there then I was coming and. They've. Also been rewriting, the, they've. Been rewriting, the. Gospels, a new, version will be coming out and it, will include I, guess the Annunaki unit because. If. They're definitely tied in to everything that happened to Christ during the crucifixion the. Tie. To, Planet. X and the Exodus many. Many researchers, have already. It. Out that that's when it we're talking about need, a little want to go and his. Dating, of 3,800. Pcs about 200 years off and, I explained to him, you've got Venus, in there in your calculations, take Venus out because. Venus would have just kind of been a rogue planet at, that huh I wouldn't, have been settled into position, yes and, and. Calculate, the time you'll come up closer to 3,600, years and, I. Also discovered, that because, this. Disk he was talking about the Nebra sky disk that, green disk that has gold. Stars on it it's actually brass, with golden. Legs that. Disk. It. Pretty much is um star. Observatory. They've. Got this one circle.

On One side half circle then, another half circle and the other horizon, and they're. About, 72 degrees apart so you can see whether the. Moon would or the Sun as, far as it couldn't want horizon, during this say. Summer and then it moves in the other direction to the other equinoxes, in the winter time and you'll see that limit, of where the Sun would go or, where it would rise where, it was set we have one under east-west horizon, Stonehenge. Is similar, and there's several others several, others throughout the world that are similar I believe. These were. Putting. Systems and. The. Reason I believe that is because you could check. Every. Year at that time when. The equinoxes, were supposed to be coming and you, would see that the Sun, rose exactly, what's supposed to, once. You saw this Sun, was out of position then, you would know start preparing for the return, of the time and. Wso. The. Wormwood. Systems. Observers they, noted that the, Sun was off by 17 degrees entering. The during. The winter. Solstice. It. Was a it's supposed to be in a specific location on. The horizon not. Also. The other day, two, months ago I walked. Out of the front porch here faces. You know the. Back porch, but. He was completely lit, up and I'm looking around where's the light coming from it was the moon who was lighting up the entire North law the, moon has never done that I've. Been there for more that he could do that. And the moon was way, out position, so. That's cut this. Object coming in these. The. Earth is wobbling and. The. Contact that I have with the off-worlders. They're, trying to keep the planet from. Going over into a pole shift the poles are both moving very fast right now the one in the north of course everyone knows about that one but, the one in the south is already into, the water it's off of the mainland, of Antarctica. And it's, moving north it's, already on in the ocean and both. Of them at speed they're headed they, should meet. In the Indian Ocean at. A location, where there was a buoy were. Suspicious. Observers. Noted that the. Surface. Were. The. Pace of the ocean rose. And. Even 1000 meters in one day and. It did it again I think. Of 600 meters the next day and. Then that buoy was pulled off line but that's the location that both poles are headed to so. They came to speed that they're going that both need meet up there south poles traveling fast slower than the North, Pole this and. The, object. In the North Pole that. One has a been, shaped magnetic. Field they're. Trying to hold the northern. Pole, in that position and another one southern pole, and. They've, also been removing all the asteroids, about too many are starting to go through you've, probably heard of asteroids, striking here and there you'll hear more there, they're, not getting them all out of the way we. We. Will be getting hit Mars. Is getting hit the, moon's getting hit and if, you recall in the peloton oh when, she left the. She. Wasn't found are you ready. She. Mentioned. That she was resigning, because of the catastrophe. That was about to happen she said it would be cosmic, in nature, Woolsey. The CIA director said something very similar and, what. She was describing was these, these. Asteroid, strikes now. We should have got them already it's just that they've been moving the real big one out of the way and, the, reason they're doing this is because, of, what. Humanity is and. What humanity has done and we. Look around we don't see any major progress, of anything we see who's lost a lot of ground. Another. Show I mentioned, that the, Lord Kannan has spoken of these three waves of volunteers. That had come to earth to try, and change the outcome, of the world because. 850. Years into the future, there's, a great, destruction, across the galaxy, and. It's, basically caused because of earth because, of some tyrannical, things that happen on earth and, you, can imagine. The. I, guess. The Galactic. Empire and star wars something. Along those lines combined. With the New World Order. Controlling. The entire galaxy. There'd. Be no way to get around it because they would have birthing, centers and at these centers they would eliminate the. Individuals. That had a higher. Frequency. Rate I guess a more, spiritual, they're, already doing that from what I understand they're, people monitor, the, baby rooms and they will eliminate the child and that's why you have these people called walk-ins. Someone. Will be born in the child and they'll grow up to a certain age and then they leave the body and the walk in comes in so, that they weren't eliminated at birth I. Don't. Know if you ever heard of walk-ins before I have, actually, we did a show of the other day where I talked to one, of the guests and they brought up the walk-ins, that's, a fascinating subject. Well. That's why they do that - to keep from getting eliminated after birthing.

Stations. So. One. Thing that I found fascinating about the. The. Exodus not. Only that it matched everything, that took place of timing the. Cloud that they said they were under when they were walking in the desert because, once, the. Century any caldera, went off which is something like the Yellowstone, Caldera it. Would have caused a cloud about. 18 months long. A dark cloud, of ash that, would have prevented the Sun from shining through, very brightly you could see the Sun but, you would not be able to get, a shadow on the Sun and. When, this happened again in the year 535 which. Plunged the earth into the dark ages the. Diaries, of that time speak of the Sun coming out for about four hours but you could not see your shadow and the. Everything, tasted, horrible this powder, of this dust landed, on the water and. They. Got the drinking beer a lot at that time and the wine that they had and. Had to dig up new wells new Springs but. It. Set the world back considerably. Into. The dark ages, they just weren't prepared they, didn't have that kind of food stores the church did because. They were demanding. 10% of your crop, so. Any, any. Royalty. That survived that would have owed an allegiance, to the church and then the church pretty much rewrote, the, everything, and on the planet they now, we were on a flat earth and, they. Were the. Intermediaries. Between the. Creator and us and they. Were gonna be reading it all in Latin, so. That. Was a system. Of control that lasted for a very, long time and the. The. Exodus. Getting. Back to the Exodus when. It took place it. It would appear that Moses. Is, not. Half as half walk completely Israelites. According to the Jews Moses, as one hundred percent of Israelite, he. Was moved. To London, trustus, of the water in that little floating basket. And and, then. The one, of the. Well. It she a sister of pharaoh or whatever they picked him up but. In the actual. History. Of it it turns out that the word Moses means rightful, heir to the throne Moses. Was the son of the Pharaoh now. The the. Wife, that he had she, was an Israelite princess, so Moses was half Israelite. But, in order to hide this information, the, Jews changed, the timing of Exodus moved. It forward 400, years and. Distance. Themselves from at. Moses, who was the brother of Moses. The. Pharaoh. At the time of the Exodus and, then. They pretty much kept everything else intact, all the stories the destruction of Jericho everything, else remained that way it's just that the timing was off all the dates were off but. That didn't bother them it was a small matter however, when they found Jericho, when they finally discovered it they were amazed that it existed, at all because, it was something, that was in the Bible and they didn't really believe that was a, documented, history and what, fascinated, them was that Jericho, was destroyed exactly, the way the Bible said it was destroyed the walls were, collapse. In on themselves and. Inside. There. If. People have like stone jewelry over, there wearing that they were still wearing it the.

Gold Was missing, precious. Metal but. All their food stores everything was intact nothing, had been taken place. The mine is that the Jews must have seen it as they came out they must have come across Jericho. And and, they put, it into their storyline saying that they had destroyed it taking credit for it, because. The, destruction, 50. Years earlier than, what the Jews said was. Their Exodus, in 1250, BC so, roughly time of the last passing of Nibiru, which. Would have been. 1550. BC be, right in that timeframe and. I. Found, that fascinating and the reason again they did it because this, is the most important, prophet you can't have them being half Egyptian, so. They changed all that around and. You.


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