6 Snowball Gadgets put to the Test

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What's. Up everybody welcome back to my laboratory where, safety is not, born priority. And for today's video I'm going to do snow. Gadgets, it's, snowing this year very early and it's very beautiful I got, this snowball. Gadgets and why, I'm excited, it's known because, now I can put them to the test, here. I got here a snowball, maker, let's see how it works. So. You got yourself snow, fuck, it up like this and close, it and see what happens let's, see if it actually going, to work you, see it closed right, the way now. If. I open it boom, wow look at that perfect, snowballs. Let's. See if it's hard to take it out. That's. Beautiful. Perfect. Snowballs. Look. Go. Get your snowball come check it out, this. Snowballs are so cool ah. Look. At that that's a perfect. You. Can, just take it out look, awesome. Isn't, it it's. So easy it comes apart you, can haha. Looks. Like she wants to fight. A snowball, fight it's. So easy just a bunch, of snow like this and just. Squish it together. Look. At that it squish it together so, well and then, when we open it boom look at that we have a perfect snowballs, how. Cool is that this, should be a thumbnail that's, so awesome, Hugo come on you're. Gonna catch your snowball. Get. It. Look. Look. I got snowball, for you, look. Look. Kitchen. You. Got it right away look, look I got another one kitchen. Awesome. It's so easy to make more snowballs, you, put it together like this and then, you just squish, it, boom. Take. Away the, extra snow and boom, look at them perfect, snowballs. Luke. Want a snowball kitchen, Luke. A lot of kitchen snow balls, say. You know what guys thumbs, up for me huge thumbs up for me for this gadget for. The next snowball gadget, we got here a stick like that and boom you stick your snow into here, and then you launch, it okay let's see how it works. You. Stick it in like this and. Boom. You have full, stick. Of snow, then. You just launch it like this, boom. And a flies.

You. Can watch, it fall oh. Wow. That's cool I like. The note the noise it makes. Luke. Went for it. Wow. Easily. 55th. Line let, me show you how far it will fly, let's, look, at you guys Jesus, oh, look. At that I almost get the garage and I'm on my knees. Fill. It up and shoot. It look. Wanna catch a ball come on. Go. Get your snowball, ready. No. No. There. You go. Whoa. This, one is far. Who. This one one a hi. Look. At that. They. Tied to catch him every time. You. Definitely will have to go. Few times like this to pug the snow in so that way when you do it it really is flying far but. Wow, this. Is cool let me show you closer. Look. At that full of snow should, it boom. Twice, all the way yeah. Pack. It in. Look. How far that went, right, here I got another snowball maker, you, grab it like this boom, you. Already have a snowball, how. Cool is that, so. You, can just go and make whole bunch. This. Is actually, awesome gold away and then. You can spit them out. So, now you have, lots of lots of snowball, in. One seconds. You can make a lot of perfect, perfect, snowballs, this. Is unbelievable. How beautiful. This snowball, sir. So. Who, wants to snowball. Fight with me look, how much em I have now this. Is like full out of snowball, and it. Was really easy to make it. Let. Me just show you how fast it is to make snowballs you. Got don't touch my snowballs, Luke, stop it go away. Look. At that they perfect. Perfect, perfect snowballs. How cool is that. And. Also, they don't park too much -. Too, hard so that's why they, easy to break off this is honest a very satisfying. To make snowballs like, this. Look. How much already half I'm, ready for the bottle. And. Looks like the bastard you just go like that and that way it's, gonna trim it up in. A, perfect snowball. Sometimes. You gotta take it out but this okay and, this is warm talking but when I do heat, something you see how easy the breakaway. But, at the same time they. Stay together. Definitely. A thumbs up for me it's so easy to make snowballs and it's, not just snowballs, perfect, snowballs, well. I should have mentioned you guys that, this is going to be not just no gadgets, but snowball, gadgets, so. Right here what you do is get. Bunch of snow right, and then, with this one. You. Pack it down I guess. Into. A snowball, boom. And. Then. You watch it I guess like this, or. Not let me try this again go. A bunch of snow bucket. And. Then. Let's see if it's going to launch it yeah. Kind of get, bunch of snow then, pocket. You. Want kind of a little bit wet snow because, when it's dry it, doesn't build, up together okay, now let's do it whoa. Perfect. Idea I'm toe it as fast because there's. Two people in a way so, I'm going to get bunch of wet snow on asphalt, that. Works better than, pocket, pocket. One more time, and. Let's see if we can watch it whoa. Look at that that now works perfect, so yeah works way better with, the wet, snow. So. Grab some from the Oswalt when it's starting to melt. Then. Fuck it and then lunch it, look. Up far with it to. Pocket. Don't. Watch, this. One fell apart. Ready. To lunch. You. Know what it's not bad. Look. Out for that one it's pretty cool I like it snowball. Make, a Ana launcher, at the same time thumbs, up for me for the next gadget we got here snowball. Slingshot. I guess. You. Stole your snowballs in here I mean make him in, here just put some snow in there and. Both of these things and then just close. Them. Perfect. Now, you ready to take out snow, bullet here put. It inside, here and, let's. Launch one. Man. The top snowball, snow. Both. Flew, away as well so. Put it right here. Build. Some, so. Don't, do the same mistake loaded. And then you wanna close this say, don't lose the other snowballs, but. Also. You can just take it off and use it as a snowball maker so. That way they. Don't break. Every time you launch one. Stir. This again. Hey. Load. It up. The. Snowball, kind of falls apart in there. It. Doesn't really fly that far. This. Is awesome. Gonna. Shoot, one. Fell. Apart, bet. Mo, let's start to do another one oh man. They keep breaking off. Really. Cool but kind of weak and for the last no ball gadget, boom we got here snowball, maker, and a launcher at the same time, scoop. Bunch of snow, close. It all. The way, then. You open it click. It all the way and then you can lunch it. Now. Bad let's. Tie this again, okay let's start to watch it, keep. Shooting, it down for, somebody gotta elicit right here. Load. It up and look, now let's seal this a bit here there you go nice flow a little bit higher okay. One, last time. Fuck. It down. And. Then. Let's lunch it, whoa.

This One went far okay. I'm learning how to launch it a lot better. Well. Guys that's pretty much it I'm gonna continue plane and snow because, it. Only happens around here once in a while but when it does it's a lot so. Hopefully you enjoyed this video please thumbs up if you liked it don't, forget to subscribe and I'll see you next time.


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