Episode 637: Who Are 'They' And Can 'They' Win? w/ Richard Grove and Tom Luongo

Episode 637: Who Are 'They' And Can 'They' Win? w/ Richard Grove and Tom Luongo

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tom richard how are you guys doing today  breathing in and out repeating my nature   i'm doing wonderfully well pete no how you doing  doing very well doing very well i wanted to   have you guys on because i've had each of you on  recently and somebody in my patreon is just like   i think those two guys should get on an episode  together and talk and i'm like well what about   and they're like i don't know maybe about like who  is they because when we talk a lot of us when we   start generalizing and we start saying all this is  happening know all this is being taken from us all   who's in charge oh it's they and i think that  richard has a long history of coming on this   show and talking about who they are and tom i've  recorded one episode with you and we did you're   really really up on the world economic  forum so i thought that you guys would   be it would have a really interesting  conversation talking about the days   and so i invite tom to kick it off let me know  what you know about the world economic forum   and we can compare notes well so i mean from my  perspective it i you know i i like to call them   the davos crowd i don't even like to talk about  just specifically the the world economic forum   and i think you know if you look in the if you  look in the the across got what i like to call   you know political crime space today i think the  davos term has really begun to become it's it's   kind of a lift off or a critical mass and i've  been beating this drum for four years like it's   all coming out of these people who get together  every year davos and think well we run the world   and this is the way we want to shape the world  the problem with davos is that it's a very loose   coalition of people who come in and come out and  they're all a bunch of different factions that   the way i see it but they all have a particular  they all have similar but competing it's somewhat   slightly competing agendas at various moments  in time because i look at this whole thing as a   very big kind of the best way to describe i think  what's happening today is it's a multiplayer game   of go right it's not a two-player game of go where  you've got black stones and white stones you've   got redstones you've got purple stones you've  got green stones you've got red zone stones   and they're all vying for area control while at  the same time saying we all want to be in charge   right and at times people different  people are right onto the table to do   different things and as long as we  suppress the people themselves we suppress   freedom individuality and anything else  because at the end of the day they're all   just variations on commies you've got chinese  companies you've got european commies you've   got american commies you've got they're all just  commies i mean when it really comes down to it uh   just of different flavors and some of them are  you know neo-liberal commies and some of them   are neoconservative commies but they're all just  i mean from a libertarian perspective they're all   just very rejectious about it they're all commies  so that's the way i see davos i see you know   you've got the obama wing of the democratic party  working with davos but not necessarily and for a   long time you got the clinton wing but you don't  necessarily have other parts of the democratic   party working this way i certainly say it at the  at the lieutenant level you've got the wall street   banks can be seduced into davos for a while but  the minute you know davos says hey you know we   really want to throw you guys to the oda the uh  occupy wall street as chum because we really want   to introduce central bank digital currencies and  we don't need you anymore then wall street gets   off the bus which is kind of where we are right  now the federal reserve sometimes they're on the   bus sometimes they're off the bus it all depends  everybody was united around getting rid of trump   because trump and brexit were the two things  stopping the big agenda right which was to move   the ball forward the to keep the the this group  this various loose group of oligarchs in power   well beyond their use by date which was ending in  it's you know and they know it was ending in this   timeframe where the global monetary system um is  ending and they know it's ending and they need   to replace it with something else and the only  and they don't know what else to do other than   destroy it and rebuild it and so everybody got  on board because everybody's power was spread   and now that we're two years into this  project or almost two years into this project   factions are starting to splinter and it's  becoming very very difficult to see what's   what's happening and so they is now a group is now  a they themselves there's a bunch of days running   around as opposed to just one day which was for  about six to eight months absolutely one project   and that was from the me the beginning  of covid until right after the election   here in the us so that's and again and it's  a very complicated way of describing it and   i want to make sure that i've got the nuances  correct here but that's the way i see it and   that's this is constantly shifting which makes it  even more impossible to figure out what's going   on because you really do have to look at this as  you know a game of like multiplayer game of go or   you know an eight-player game of diplomacy  if you guys are you know board game freaks   like that's what you have to look at because  the people who are in charge the people who are   not in charge but who are winning at any moment in  time is constantly shifting because alliances are   constantly being made and reformed richard  shirt is already champing at the bit so um   no i'm not chomping at the bit  um so uh my understanding of go   is it's an asian game as opposed to uh checkers  and chess where it's one move at a time the   objective of go is to accumulate much territory  take it over as fast as possible it's an area   control game but it's an area of control game  of soft power meaning you place a stone on the   table then i place a stone on the table we go back  and forth and but imagine that game and then you   can get involved in knife fights at a particular  location or you can project soft power by placing   indirectly around the board to claim areas in  terms of saw power the way geopolitics normally   works is it's always a game of move counter move  in that in that uh in in that's in that space as   when it was a unipolar world and there were  two sides it was it was that we don't have a   unipolar world where we have at least four or five  different factions running around the russians are   now coming out of the board the chinese are  definitely one europe is definitely one the   united states and the uk are definitely ones and  so you now have to think of it in those terms   because to model it as chess or checkers or any  other two-player game is dumb the the in modern   parliament the other better way to look at is that  it's the final table at the world series of poker   everybody has a different stack size stack of  chips and it's that kind of game where you can   push chips into the pot to bully the pot and  you can play the game that way and you got   eight people at the table all trying to fight  to be the one guy though the end state of that   i don't think is i don't think works i think  go is it going to be a wind up being a better   end state where there's going to be one clear  winner but there's going to be other people still   at the table when it's with chips on the table  where pieces on the table when the game is done   the next clarification definition i wanted is all  these areas where you uh refer to them as commies   i would call those uh collectivists like communism  is a subsection of collectivism like i just i i i   don't i just yeah i gotta make sure that yeah as  i was interpreting we're we agree with that right   but i just i've just gotten to the point richard  i'm very reductionist about this yeah because i i   i want to disabuse everybody of the notion that  there are good commies and bad comments that   they're good collectivists and bad collectivists  they just all suck and that's the problem and the   best thing to do is to now just be reductionist  and dismissive and just go no you're not even i'm   a communist or i'm a social democrat or i'm i'm  at this or i know i really it's not that's not   socialism it's democratic socialism no it's not  it's just freaking communism yeah i get opening   yourselves freedom and slavery and and going from  that i need to make sure i have clear terms with   people when i talk to them because they might  think well you know communism is not slavery like   this flavor's not slavery it takes your personal  property this other way you know um the people   right now that are in control they know that the  the the economic way of life that we have enjoyed   uh while we've been taxed and debted up to the  gills uh it's going away that's why they're   running up you know they're just printing money  and they're just like they printed 40 of the money   ever printed since the start of the united states  in the last year during cova these sort of things   so when there's when it's detached from  the gold and they can just print it and   they're unaccountable these people they're really  brilliant because a a smart thief will figure out   how to steal what you have right these people  figured out how to steal stuff we don't even   have yet they're stealing from our children our  grandchildren they're stealing from the future   right now they're bringing up a debt that no one  none of us who have to pay for it we didn't have   anything to do with running up that debt it's not  ours it's theirs that's why they're gonna just   change over to a system where they can just wipe  away all those debts and the united states dollars   you know go the way of the confederate dollar well  ultimately right now the entire monetary system   is built on debt right so they issue debt in  order to issue currency we don't really have any   money we have currency that runs around and and  approximates money um those debts are unpayable   they've written and all they're using that  money for used through the cantillian effect   of they get access to the money first get to spend  it at yesterday's prices we have to then and then   they lend it to us at tomorrow's prices paying a  far higher rate on the money in order to in order   to get access to it i.e they they borrow  from the fed at a quarter point well we   got a mortgage of four per at four points or a  car owned at two and a half points or whatever   and so while they've compressed those numbers  down in order to keep us on the hamster wheel   um the truth of the matter is is that you know  real physical capital only compounds at about   one percent to one and a half percent a year  anyway so anything over one anything that they're   that they're still they're stealing all  your profit anyway they've already stolen   the profit now they're stealing your kids profit  as you pointed out or even our grandkids profit   we're we're so far in the debtor's prison  and they know that that now they have to   unmore the monetary system again from even  debt and just go strictly straight to script   right where all they do and that's what monitor  that's what modern monetary theory is right yeah   so we're we're on the same page there so let's go  into uh davos group right sure so i got some books   here i got the klaus schwab book here let me just  do this for the audience you got klaus schwab oh   kovac 19 grace great reset but before that he had  the shaping of the fourth industrial revolution   and before that he had the fourth industrial  revolution let me just show you like because   this is klaus schwab in the 21st century and then  i'll go into these older books but real quick in   his appendix i like to point this out i might  have pointed out on pete's show but in case you   don't know about this in case you didn't read the  appendix it's not called deep [ __ ] it's called   deep shift okay and they talk about implantable  technologies klaus klaus does in here right so   they've been working on this uh for about 40  years to get people implanted make them part of   the internet of people all these sort of things  so let's go back to the world economic forum a   partner in shaping history the first 40 years  right and if you go back to the davos manifesto   which should be right here so 70 71 was  the first year and then they get their   group together and then they do  this manifesto it must be right   here in the red tabbed page rich davos  manifestos let's zoom in for a second here   his royal highness prince bernard netherlands well  he was a ss officer during world war ii doesn't   make him a bad guy though he might have been a  eugenicist also doesn't make him a bad guy i'm   just saying he was one of the guys at the davos  manifesto the next one is aurelio piche who was uh   group the club of rome wrote limits to growth this  is a book which calls humanity the problem and and   then they tie that to economic growth  right and then they're coupling in some   malthus and their philosophy so this is what  they're doing today they're taking malthusian   economics and evolutionary eugenics putting  it all together and saying they can they are   a ruling class and they can reshape the world  in their image and i think it's the antithesis   of american freedom klaus he doesn't uh he doesn't  believe in american values though he's very much a   collectivist he speaks like a bond villain i mean  these are not good characteristics for somebody   leading this great reset and he's got pictures  in this other one building an international   institution of public private cooperation klaus  schwab for the world economic forum him and every   world leader him and xi jinping him and the pope  him and lynn trial there's like the the pictures   in the coterie and the cabal around him that's the  outer group like the world economic forum davos   those are the outer groups they don't know what  the people in the inner groups are looking for   or doing but klaus was also part of bilderberg and  bilderberg is a more secretive less public kind of   meeting that's gone on since 1954 and these types  of working groups do shape the policies that these   outer ring kind of ngo type of corporations and  organizations including the united nations okay so   are you familiar with the history yeah yeah okay  okay i i i i the thing is richard's like and i   wanna i wanna i wanna point a couple of things  out um i've been through all this um and i look   at the scenario as it exists right now um in the  libertarian circles i've been down this road for   years talking about the evil roth trials and this  one that one i have and i honestly have to define   i don't think they're evil but their their role  in my history is definitely unsubstantial like   not substantially meaningful documented in a way  that it's known and they're following me but my   point being is that you know the there's always  the talk about you know what what do iran iraq   and you know libya have and you know have  in common but they don't have a rothschild   run central bank for example that that  that ideas propagates through libertarian   crime space all the time i i fall over the  course of time i've just fallen to the um   uh to the into the same uh position as uh  martin armstrong on this which is to say look   he's like yeah at one point the rock tiles were  really important today it's goldman sachs like   there's the devil you know that's right in front  of you and then there's the devil that may be   two or three layers removed from that but at the  end of the day those people are the actual ones in   power that the gary gensler's and whatnot they're  in power and they're they're shaping policy and look i just think that at a certain point  everybody starts getting off the bus at some point   all right in 2013 lynn roth child uh christine  lagarde from imf they started the inclusive   capitalism movement which to this day has power  over like two-thirds of the world's investable   wealth has the pope on board in their messaging  yeah how is that that they lost power and gold i   haven't i haven't said that that's not what i'm  saying what i'm saying is i'm not saying that i   thought i know well i know where exactly where  christine lagarde is she's into the head of the   sea she's the head of the ecb she was placed there  by klaus roberts it was before that she was placed   in in terms of in front of the imf what i'm saying  is that it's important to know this to know these   things understand that the stuff started with  the club of rome back in the back in the mid 18th   cen uh the mid 19th century and whatnot i'm not  arguing it against any of that what i'm saying is   that um when you get to the crisis point everybody  can have all their pieces on the board and you get   to your crisis point and then we're going to move  the ball into this direction and they've told us   what their plan is and everything else doesn't  necessarily mean that one is going to work right   two that everybody that they've drafted is gonna  stay on board because eventually the compromat   like everything else is a time value of money  like everything in this world has an options   you know has a theta or you know an options  theory has a time quotient according to it   so well you can get people on board to do specific  things because you've got you've got compromat   on them or they're they were drafted into your  organization or whatever when the push comes   to shove and it's their ass on the line oh then  it may it may not work out so well they may not   actually do what they're what they were drafted  to do or even capable of doing what they were   that was true up until the pandemic but now that  people's internal dna software is controlled by   an external force that might also be one in  the same that we're talking about as the day   they have to make different decisions because  they won't continue to get the boosters to keep   them alive it's immunity on subscription for  some people i'm part of the control group i'm   not part of the experimental group so i wish them  all well but i think that the government has no   place in my body i agree i'm not i'm part of the  control group as well we'll see um you know look   we all know what these people were trying to do  at a metaphoric level they've rejected god and   they're trying to approach god through technology  i'm not necessarily a particular trying to be   god i know they're trying to be god because they  just because they don't believe in god so they're   of course trying to approach that state by be  and they just want to live forever and they're   not going to live forever they're going to die  and they're not going to man they're not going   to turn they're not going to you know they're  not going to suck all of our life energy away   from us in order to stay alive in perpetuity  it's not going to work we are we should all be individualists enough to know that all attempts  at collectivism of this magnitude have always   failed because they always because they have  to fail otherwise we would not be libertarians   otherwise we would not be austrian economists  because we would not actually believe that   people that individuals pursuing their  bliss are actually stronger than the the   forces trying to concentrate that so like  it's it's it's all fun and good it's all   i just i i watch all of this playing out and  i'm like well that's cute but you guys are still   gonna lose like it doesn't matter you can't hurt  between seven and a half billion cats no matter   how much you try because the pressure you put on  a system the way they're putting on the system   now is creating the very opposition to that system  which will ultimately cause it to fail because now   we're talking cybernetics you're right you're  right keep going talk about their intentional   their fear is actually going to create their fall  absolutely that's absolutely that's that's that's   just normal that's that's just that's just that's  just evolutionary biology like that's what happens   when you put a system under stress right so the  biggest problem the biggest problem we're looking   at with that and we know this is true uh we know  everything you're talking about is true is that   dying animals are really dangerous and they're  going to seek to take out as many as many of   us as possible so that's when we have to become  solutionaries i i agree like that's why i look   at things like i just look at like they're they  cannot pull this off without changing the world   monetary system but we already have we already  have a private monetary system operating 24 7 365   all around the world today acquiring bill hundreds  of billions of dollars in capital every month   that they don't that they don't know how to  control unless they have the back doors to all the   encryption codes that the encryption algorithms  that have ever been created which is crypto   like if they have shot 256 then they don't  have this one they don't have that one   it doesn't matter at the end of the day the  the technological genie is already out of the   bag they've already lost the war as a matter  of fact two weeks ago the head of the bank of   international settlements innovative innovation  forum the president of that wing of the of the bis was at a meeting and gave a speech and  said look central banks if you're going   to implement digital currencies you better get  started because you're five years behind crypto   and five years from now private  crypto is going to eat your lunch   so you don't have five years to institute the  digital euro the digital dollar or anything else   you've got 18 months it was an admission by the  member of the bis himself saying you don't have   it you've already failed i agree i downloaded the  bis white paper on their international central   bank cryptocurrency and i was like they're too  far they're too far behind the curve of course and   humanity and freedom can win because nerds nerds  yes hey pete you had two white pill guys on your   show that's what i'm figuring out i'm an optimist  tom's an optimist we've been around for a while we   could know enough to be black pilled by now but  we see i've already gone through my blindfold i've   already gone through my blackfield phase all right  good and and the other thing is and that was about   2004 by the way um for about 18 months you know  there's that is the old joke in libertarianism   what's the difference between miraculous and  anarchist about two years yeah about two years   two years yeah about two years so it's during  that it's like after that two years it's that   the next 18 months is when you go through the  whole black pill thing where they're going to win   and then you come out the other side if you're  if you ever get out of that stage where you go   yeah but they're not all really closeted austrians  manipulating the business cycle to their own ends   they really are just keynesians and malthusians  look at china look at china right now anyone who's   following china right now and following evergrand  right everybody's like oh it's lehman brothers no   it's probably worse than lehman brothers for them  and it's good it's beautiful to watch because it   is it took them 25 years what it took us to 108 to  do they just it is i agree but tactically the way   i'm reading evergrand i believe this is actually  part of g strategy i i believe that g is actually   purposefully allowing evergrand to fail because he  wants to nationalize the property market a great   swat to the property market in china and this  is a great way to knock down some tall poppies   within that system also to put a lot of financial  pressure on blackrock soros and all the rest of   the rentier class the way they finally come to  the under the those marxists to finally realize   that the biggest problem that they face from the  west is not nuclear weapons it's the rentier class   of all financial oligarchs who use who use the  cantillian effect of cheap physical money cheap   fiat money to buy up physical labor and then  cut overseas and then charge and then earn   rent against it and they're now they're on a now  g is on a mission same with putin over in russia   they're on a mission to end that system within  their countries and they're putting up walls   around their capital it's why she never created  never got rid of the onshore offshore yuan wall   okay between and he's doing that now knowing  full well that if he lets every grand fail   in a disorderly manner and doesn't  make the foreign bond holders whole   does it make the vulture capitalists like  paul singer and the rest of those guys whole   that that's going to create that's going  to help the federal reserve raise dollar   demand globally in this moment in time in a  short period of time and actually help crash   davos and the great reset i absolutely believe  that that is what's happening because i'm   watching it in the markets every freaking day i've  written about this to to to to a great extent if   you watch what's happening from the and look i'm  no fan of the federal reserve fundamentally right   from a philosophical perspective i'm completely  and utterly against all all central banking and   all the rest of it i'm a hard money guy but i  also have to live in the world we have not the   world i want in the world we have is one where  central banks are all fighting against each other   they are in a knife fight against each other  and right now if you look at the way the   byte administration came to power and has been  operating they've been operating to isolate the   federal reserve and destroy its credibility  in order to save the european central bank   a fundamentally different type of central bank  which has the capacity to go bankrupt by the way and to save itself by destroying the united states  politically culturally economically from within   undermining the confidence of the fed of the  general markets of the of the us political system   such that all the capital flies that existed  currently on onshore and fly somewhere else and   they wanted to fly to europe why do they wanted to  fly to europe so that they can prop up their dying   their literally zombie banking system that mario  draghi has destroyed through the application of   negative interest rates so if you've got the  situation where the fed went hawkish in june   by draining the world of over 700 billion  dollars of real dollars not [ __ ] credit   credit dollars we're talking real dollars real  euro dollar deposits over 700 billion dollars   moved into the reverse repo facility that had  just been sitting there doing nothing for years   and all of a sudden this year it's now sitting  at 1.3 trillion dollars before the fed raised   interest rates um on the reverse repo contract to  five basis points in june okay that the the the   balance there stood at 450 billion dollars today  it stands at 1.4 billion he just raised the limit  

that any one counterparty in the us can go to the  to belly up to the window so he's added another   three trillion dollars effectively of capacity  to that facility so we could literally pull in   up to four trillion dollars from overseas capital  right why is he doing that in order to in order   to give collateral back to the american  banks so that when there's a dollar crisis   they have the collateral they need to keep the  money markets flush jerome powell is actually   [ __ ] brilliant if you want my honest opinion  and he's right now under fire from davos because   he just lost two of his hawkish fed governors  yesterday the day before he got he got harangued   by harpy elizabeth warren in the senate hearings  this morning and they're trying to get rid of   him now because obama wants brainerd to take over  at the fed so that we can get full mmt and janet   yellen who's a davos troll through and through  a [ __ ] through is doing the same thing at the   treasury department in every way matters shape  and undermine the fed again no fan of the fed   but right now right this moment freedom and and  every individual who cares about their individual   individuality if you want to see the great reset  fail jerome powell is the best ally you have right   now because he understands the problem and he's  actually trying to save the federal reserve and   the united states banking system from being torn  apart and then handed over to a bunch of europe   european old crap oligarchic eugenicists and  malthusians i'm dead serious when i say this six   months an hour after he saved everything and we go  back to kit then we go back to kicking his ass but   for right now i think he's the best friend he's  the best ally we have and it pains me to say this   after 20 years of screaming about end the fed like  but it's the only thing that makes any sense when   i analyze the go board that i described at the  beginning of this it's the only thing that makes   any sense because everything i'm seeing tells me  that there's a massive split between the fed and   davos and china has no interest in being vassals  to europe they're not on board with agenda 2030   she's like yeah eventually maybe we'll get carbon  neutral by 2050 on our terms when we want it   i mean they all give lip service to this  stuff because they all i'll be honest with you   like if you think that those german eugenicists  like schwab and the rest of them don't think that   the chinese are anything but ants and that the  russians aren't anything but dirty slobs then   you've like missed all of european history they  freaking hate those people they think they're on   they think that they think they're subhuman and  therefore you think the chinese and the russians   don't know that the europeans think they're  they're subhuman or i i think they get that after   having been been uh been assaulted by these people  for the last 250 years so maybe they formulated   some really smart strategies to like say you know  what no and i think that's what's happening right   now and i think that's the main way that this  whole thing is going to start collapsing come the   middle of 2022 when the european market start to  really collapse which is what i'm expecting to say   and i'm beginning to see it now sorry i i started  to like grab the mic and go filibuster no no this   one this one's hard to explain it's a lot of stuff  and i have to take like the 10 minutes to explain   it also i agree with most of your points now  let's talk about janet yellen for a minute sure   what what kind is she a collectivist how would you  classify her like what's her belief or philosophy   system that makes her different than an american  that could be in that post no she's absolutely   she's absolutely um she absolutely believes in  everything she does she did while she was obama's   uh fed chair and um everything that she did she  put off tapering qe and all the rest of the whole   time she was there and then if you look at what  she's been doing since she's been a treasury   her whole raise on detroit at treasury is to force  trillions of spending for the fed to monetize that   it can't monetize without destroying the dollar  and to absolutely go after crypto private crypto   like everything that she has tried to slip into  every spending bill and every budget and every   infrastructure bill it's all been absolutely  like literally this is language written by davos   to outlaw private crypto in the united states like  and so no she's absolutely i i've picked i pegged   her to be the replacement for bite i think davos  is setting up to get rid of joe biden neutralize   kamala harris because she's completely worthless  the diversity hire that she is and they're going   to either put janet yellen or john kerry and  install them as president and you can do that   through by you can do that by having harris resign  a biden to point one of those by vp and then he   then he either resigns or dies a covet which is  what i think is going to happen i think i think   biden's going to die of covert by the way i think  what you're seeing in the white house is a stage   play and you got obama somewhere in his basement  in his pajamas and he's got the biden puppet on he   makes him say what he wants to say i mean biden  i mean obama said so in a clip like 2017. would   he run for a third term he's like well i'd like to  do the things but i don't want to do some of these   other things so here's how i would do it and it's  an exact description of what you're seeing today   so from a white house yeah down the street he and  susan rice are running are running the uh running   the government without a doubt uh valerie jarrett  is in there as well they ran a shadow government   the entire time trump was in power that's perfect  yeah all right susan rice is a rhodes scholar   and i want to talk about the history that you  mentioned when you mentioned the germans and   the eugenics yeah that's bad nazi's bad but the  people who funded them and the eugenics they   practiced came from the united states and western  bankers and those people didn't lose the war   they got there was never the bankers trial  that held the real bankers accountable and   a lot of those people rose to power right after  world war ii like nelson rockefeller alan dulles   cd jackson uh a whole coterie and and  and the people we installed over in   all over in germany and then you remember  installing the german governments the way we did   were were absolutely the marshall plan it's a  so i'm going to name this type of collectivism   globalism because it's specifically communism or  socialism so there's globalism and they needed to   crush america because american freedom and  american sovereignty stands between them   and really taking over the rest of the world so  they came up with a very specific plan that was   codified in 1902 in the last will and testament  of cecil john rhodes who he owned he created the   beers i mean he bought out the farmer de beers  but he's known for de beers diamonds he helped   to consolidate gold mines in south africa helped  to colonize it for the british empire and then   he left his legacy to be rhodes scholars and to  create a secret society the specific purpose of   which was to bring america back into the british  empire for purposes of world domination he says   right so the the cfr bilderberg trilateral these  other working groups they're all working toward   that same goal get rid of america crush america  drag our name through the mud get us associated   with foreign wars and and nation building and all  these other things being the property managers   for the british empire by the way most of the 20th  century and then let's bring america to a fall how   not through direct conflict because the  those globalist powers don't like to do that   they'll use propped up powers like they created  soviet union russia today they created a red china   they david rockefeller funded mao and said it was  his greatest experiment and these sort of things   these people have groomed china to to be the other  end on the vice to do exactly what they're doing   right now and so and then they just run the color  revolution script which is what they're doing   right now here in the united states absolutely  absolutely and then they had this whole pandemic   break out of a joint operation that you can't tell  if it's china or united states but it's definitely   not coming out of a batcave what's the battery the  way the way i've looked at the way i've looked at   um covet it being very obvious to me the day after  uh anthony fauci was caught dead to rights by rand   paul in the senate and the next day the media all  turned 180 degrees and went and john stewart was   on the friggin was on with with uh stephen colbert  and came out and oh no it's all the lab league it   all leaked out of a lav and wuhan remember we  weren't allowed to talk about that we would   get the platform we would lose our voice we'd  lose our bank accounts and everything else if   we mentioned that theory in 2020. and all of a  sudden in may 2021 we flipped on we flipped 180   degrees on a diet within 24 hours now that tells  me one they told me one thing and one thing only   davos was now i this is you want my this  is this is my working hypothesis of cobit   ready yeah oh it's absolutely uh was designed in  a laboratory okay that's fine this is and this is   my personal opinion i don't have like any i'm not  gonna sit here chapter and verse i don't need to   but occam's razor game theory this is what it  tells me it was created in a laboratory it was   created by a very small country of people who and  those people reside uh you know deirdre model fine   pick your poison as to where it came from yeah  and then they just leaked it from the lab in wuhan   and they framed the chinese for it because  what did the chinese do after it first came out   well did they do what the chinese  always do when there's a problem locally   they cut down they they they clamp down on  all external um uh media and everything else   they shut everything down and then they and they  control the scene because they hate losing face   and they don't ever want to show that there's  any internal division within china or weakness   they never do right this is very it's very  asian like this is very asian across the board   it would have been no different if this happened  in japan to be honest with you and so it would   have been there what would have been their purpose  of showing the videos of the people collapsing on   the streets over well i mean there comes a point  i think after that at some point um either that   stuff starts to leak out they can't control they  remember everybody thinks they have control over   the information space peter like davos some of  that was real and some of it i've seen recently   that was mocked up like that you saw the  other third camera view where people were   faking things and i was like oh because  i thought some of those were the actual   well that's that's a good question it is  it is a good question but i'll just say   i'll just say this you know it it comes to me at  some point that when they turn 180 degrees in the   middle of this whole thing and now legitimize  it going after they're coming from china out of   a lab in china then what they wanted then the  strategic play at that point is to turn around   and go and try and get the united states who's  now really angry about what happened over covet   to then try and blame the chinese because the goal  again multiplayer game of go if you want to take   territory how do you do it you take territory by  making the player number one and player number   two who's in first and second place at the  table fight while the player in third place   it's the it's just which is just bankruptcy  respond which is bankrupt just bankrupt europe   then so it tells me it's right it's like straight  out of james bond it is doctor no it's like the   opening scene his name is fighting fish and one  of them waits till the other two get tired and   then comes in and gets them both right so it's  like it's like this isn't this isn't tough here   and these people are very smart and they're very  clever well they're smart but they're not very   clever they use the same tactics over and over  again because as long as those tactics work notice   when those tactics don't work they keep going back  to the same well see the color revolution script   has been debunked putin knows has already shown us  how to beat it he's beat it four [ __ ] times now   right and they but they keep going to the same  well they tried it on china until when in 2019   in hong kong and it didn't work and they tried  it in belarus last summer and it didn't work and   they're trying it here in the united states and i  don't know the whole color revolution format comes   from a guy who did uh psyops for the united states  gene sharp who wrote wrote a book how to start a   revolution i think it was and then it was adopted  as their as the code i wanted to show you this   document real quick this is from january 30th to  2020 this is written by a colleague of mine it's   titled bats gene editing and bioweapons recent  darpa experiments raised concerns amid coronavirus   outbreak now this was a couple weeks but america  knew about this and this is an excellent article   it holds holds up to this day if you were to  go and find that on last american vagabond   ryan christian site good guy if you read this i've  referenced it so many times in podcasts over the   past year because whitney continues to point it  out the first people that came to us in january   2020 that said we're going to make a vaccine oh  it's darpa who licensed mrna to moderna who was   a cancer gene therapy company right but darpa's  also funding eco health alliance and peter daszak   and wuhan lab to do uh fern cleavage uh gain a  function outside of and they closed fort dietrich   in august 2019. so there's a whole bunch of moving  parts there that told me early on no wet market   is necessary for this occam's razor absolutely  absolutely right yeah oh absolutely i i and i just   know the big question is who would benefit from  actually letting this thing out and who was right james bond specter could be the globalists use  that so someone who works there is like not   affiliated with either of the other two national  parties but sets them up to fight with each other   what's interesting actually and i'll and i'll be  honest with you um better than spectre which is   winds up being what if you just watch quantum  masalas yeah quantum massage literally gives   away the entire script okay it's i wish the  movie was better directed that's the only one   the insider trading is that he's the insider  trading guy who literally says and we sell them   global warming in order to in order to to to uh to  to take over the world and they literally like and   all the james like the whole james the daniel  craig james bond series up though so i haven't   obviously haven't seen the last one has been  a story about the end of the british empire   and the end of mi6 and they want you to think that  it's ended they did that at the beginning of the   1900s too they wanted to end the empire and call  the commonwealth and lionel curtis gave all these   uh lecturers at columbia to say look we'll never  get back and engage with america if we're an   empire but if we're commonwealth and we start to  diversify we act like we're not an empire anymore   i wanted to show you this artifact real quick  because it ties into what we were just talking   about this is from the club of rome this  is the first global revolution a report   by the council of the club of rome  and in here because you brought up   the global warming in the uh james bond  script here's where it is this is 1991.  

i'm going to put my spectacles on because i'm over  40. i need to be able to see this clearly uh being   probioptic sucks doesn't it the common enemy of  humanity is man in searching for a new enemy to   unite us we came up with the idea that pollution  the threat of global warming water shortages   famine and the like would fit the bill in their  totality and in their interactions these phenomena   do constitute a common threat which demands the  solidarity of all peoples but in designating them   as the enemy we fall into the trap about which we  have already worn namely mistaking the symptoms   for the causes all these dangers are caused  by human intervention and it is only through   changed attitudes and behavior that if they  can be overcome the real enemy then is humanity   itself yep well you know they're all agent smith  dude it's not that hot they're just asian smith   humanity's a virus and i can smell your stink and  all that so it's it's just it it literally is that   and anyone not conscious becomes an agent smith  like plug-in they're like knarking on you to the   uh gulag masters i i it's yeah i mean yeah no yeah  i get it it's like yup uh-huh i the the worst one   the best metaphor though is not fight club is not  the matrix or anything the best metaphor for the   for the future that they want for us is minority  report that's very accurate because stephen's   jackpot is the jack buddhism in that is very  light and it's very early on it is yeah well   we see in that movie we we we get out of their  world very quickly once and once john tom cruise   gets out up underneath their system so that he  can then figure out what's happening no minority   report the reason why minority report is so  scary is because the pre the precogs are just ai   and everything else all of the technology in that  movie i i love i like the movies one of the few   philippe adaptations i actually like and i'm a  huge full okay dick fan um is we go and watch you   know own the dvd watch all the extra material and  steven spielberg a guy very close to davos well   who did he go to if not part of davos himself who  did he said like find out like when we built this   movie when we were doing pre-production on it what  did we do who did we talk to about building a real   you know a real extrapolation of the near future  well we went to all the great futurists who were   out there and literally they we went to the world  economic forum to find out what we were going to   what what technology was going to be there for  us in 15 or 20 years and all the technology that   you see in minority report outside of the precogs  all you have to do is substitute big data and ai   for that it's all in the movie and i remember  watching that for the first time by whenever   that movie came out with 2002 watching  the extra material like 2003 2004 going   yeah i'm not going to ever forget this because  that is a picture of where we're headed   and it was very obvious to me i would like  to substantiate your point uh i worked for   an artificial intelligence software company  at the beginning of this century and the guy   who founded the company wrote books his name is  earl cox and one of his books was called beyond   humanity future technology and cyber evolution and  spielberg used it to finish the kubrick film ai   and so if you think about it spielberg is  in a great place to be able to access anyone   get all this research together do predictive  programming into the audience so i would say   he's above the davos level he's more inner circley  understands the agenda and can have a long career   arc where every single one of his things meets  a demand that they have to program into people   that's part of the narrative i i mean look i  don't know that's i i don't want one i don't i   agree that's speculation so you don't yeah i think  so i think i i look at people like spielberg and   pelosi and schumer and the rest of this i  look at people at that level and i just think   yeah they're just if we go back and forth is so  such is always he's just such a boomer he's just   so obviously a person of that kind of world view  that he would be very easy to funnel these ideas   into but if we look at history you've got people  like hemingway john houston john ford uh frank   capra billy wilder all worked for intelligence  during world war ii to make propaganda because   these people these days they consider it but  we've been at war since 9 11. everything's   national security interest and wag the dog type  no i'm not like the idea that that that that that   globalists or commies or whatever aren't like you  know running hollywood jesus christ dude like i'm   i'm like i'm i'm so far down that rabbit hole i  think warner brothers has been sabotaging their   own freaking movies for years in order to keep  them from from uh you know reaching critical   mass i'm like i was telling peter the last time i  was on the the minute i watched zach snyder's cut   of justice league i'm like that changes the world  because that movie was never supposed to see the   light of day because the because the powers that  be told warner brothers don't release it then they   destroyed they destroyed the previous movie batman  be superman with the most vandalized that was the   most egregious act of artistic vandalism i've  seen in quite a while because if you watch the   full cut of the movie and you watch the theatrical  cut you're like why did you cut those 36 minutes   out of the movie because those are the 36 minutes  that made the movie make sense and yet we don't   know what's in that 21 minutes cut out of eyes  wide shut and kubrick died soon thereafter he   said no to the cuts you know he has final cut  well they're like we finally cut you and now we   have final cut so yeah i know i mean it's like  it's like everything else so they they ruined   brazil they ruined i mean they've done all sorts  of things over the years and i think well they've   actually taken brazil as their their business plan  haven't you noticed we are now living in brazil we   call it america but it's terry gilliam's brazil  all over it is and and and i think that what's   interesting is to watch this play out though where  what they don't under what they don't realize is   that no matter how much you you you can fill us  this is the funny part about it like watch the   coen brothers hail caesar if you haven't seen  hale caesar which is a brilliant movie um watch   that and realize how inept the commies in that  movie are and how bad they are actually at like   slipping their predictive programming or whatever  they're dialectic into this into the thing and   yeah you could say that that's a that's a that's  a a dodge or whatever i don't think so um where do   you fall down on the mccarthy communists i think  i think i think joe was i think uncle joe was a   was a very interesting guy i think he was  absolutely right i'm not crazy about his about   his methods because i never i'm never a big fan of  anybody using the state to do any of these things   but i don't think jungle joe was wrong they were  commies you know there were commies in hollywood   that's not this is nothing new and in dc and in  the white house oh yeah he was vindicated but   no one talks about it was the winona transcripts  they had tapped all these people but they didn't   have the computing power to decrypt and do all  this stuff until the 90s because it was soviet   communication taps and they found out there's a  whole bunch of people that mccarthy pointed out   and when i when i went and researched these people  it's easy to find their connections also back to   british intelligence yeah so it's funny how a  lot of powerful commies in this country also   we're working with british intelligence and how  kim philby was like one of the biggest communist   infiltrators or was that his job in the first  like they the british have a hard time spying on   america so what do they do they send some commies  in who also might have links back to mi6 and they   puppeted it look like as far as i'm concerned the  whole thing is nothing but a big british spy op   the cia the senator and the state department are  riddled with these freaking linings like i'm dead   serious like and the more i think about this  the more i'm like it's a special relationship   and you shouldn't question why hq is sitting in  the back seat of nsa all the time oh no i i i   i talk about the stuff on my live stream all  the time i'm like no and everybody doesn't   why was there british special  forces at wake up yeah   exactly um and no one wants to talk about the  uh the connection between britain and israel   and neo-conservatives and the state department and  well the new york people are not allowed to talk   about their philosophy from the lokud party yeah  and the relationship between uh britain and israel   is they called it before the state of israel was  created there was something called the british   israel world federation movement around 1912. and  that led to the balfour declaration which said hey   english monarchy you guys get kings from our bible  and they're like synergistic partners with goals   in the middle east and the 20th century's been  a mess and there's been a lot of blood spilled   because of that special relationship that  they have so there is really in my opinion   no difference between the intelligence agencies  of america the uk and israel and israel is the   most aggressive intelligence agency maybe aside  from china that we don't know about or hasn't   made it to my desk but no it's absolutely the the  the confluence of the three of them together is   is quite stunning it's enough to be able to take  over the world and and do things like what we see   going on out there well yeah i just it's like  but like everything else i just you know my   i think we're reaching the it's the problem with  uh with our i mean all the things that we've tried   we've talked about here and all the things you've  tracked and you know you've you've rabbit holes   you've gone down and everything else which is all  brilliant and and i don't i accidentally that's   the difference what's that i exit them after i  enter i know how to find my way out right right   my my point being is that what's what's important  is to always step back and take the 40 000 foot   level and go where are we in the cycle of history  how close are we to the end of it's so hard we're   living through the peak of the suck for lack of  a better term we're living through peak communism   okay we really are they keep telling us that  it's peak capitalism but they're wrong it's peak   communism because they think that somehow  that marx writing in the 1850s understood   what a debt-based fiat currency and a massive  world spanning continuing effect would have on   you know he would he would have on his theories  like he'd never conceived i was thinking about   this this afternoon i'm like like marx had no idea  how capitalism could be morphed into the kind of   aggressive collectivism that we see today if  capitalism failed it failed in 1913 it didn't   fail in 2021 okay it fails with the end of the  central banks okay that's when communism finally   fails because that's communism and money which is  the only real thing that matters in this because   without money there is no division of labor and  without division of labor there is no civilization   right i mean without the ability to coin money  there was no country that's why i was granted to   the congress to coin money but not to print  it not print money right right and so this   is why private crypto is the fundamental shift  technological shift the first real fundamental   technological shift that has occurred since the  formation of the bank of england since 1694. i mean there's no other way around it because if  the truth of the matter was if they had the back   doors into bitcoin do you think they wouldn't have  used them by now well i don't know because satoshi   or somebody's sitting on sixty percent of bitcoin  that's never been transacted i i okay uh i'm not   i'm not buying i'm not buying it i got a stack of  things right starting with the 1988 cryptocurrency   in 20 years or 30 years on the cover of the  economist right so they projected by 2017 there'd   be a global crypto current global digital currency  i call it right 1996 nsa writes a paper with mit   uh how to make a mint and they're looking for  something just like bitcoin and then all of a   sudden a couple years later this guy satoshi who  maybe an acronym or a group of people we don't   know i always look for like what's the evidence  and it's missing in this case so i have to   step in with belief and be like okay satoshi  was a good well-meaning libertarian-minded   individual who has this idea for you know puts  it all together right and then uses nsa 256   ssj256 right is that what it is right so there's  a little bit of government technology a little bit   of government id and in the middle with satoshi  so i was skeptical for a long time but also   i didn't want to miss the boat so i've had some  bitcoin in one form or another since like 2014.   right well the the thing is i i wrote my first  bitcoin article for blue rockwell back in 2010.  

okay i was literally user 37  at the original bitcoin forums   okay arguing this is regression theorem and  bitcoin all right how it could potentially become   a money yeah so this is where i go with this and  i and i've already been down that rabbit hole i   was an eagle guy i was a liberty dollar guy i've  been i was i was already you got any gold backs   i got gold backs now too i got from that so so my  um no i don't have any of those i just have i just   i just have physical gold um my point is is that  even if bitcoin and the original idea of bitcoin   was built by government spooks as a trojan horse  the space today every crypto anarchist in the   world is writing code that is being is built on  non-government um backdoored potentially backdoor   encryption algorithms multi-protocol crypto  i mean there are there's a half a dozen   better versions of bitcoin out there  proof of work style utxo blockchains   that can are that are that are running for quicker  transactions faster cheaper quicker transactions   are running on five different protocols i  can name five of them off the top of my head   okay i mean that i mean that i and then i had  that all have pros and cons that i because i   i you know i would agree it appears that even if  they started it it got out of hand they couldn't   control it and that's why they gave ross a  double life sentence plus 240 million dollar fine   which is about 10 of what they claimed so it's  almost like if he had the 240 million and paid 10   he could be just like hsbc when they get caught  money laundering and just pay 10 slap on the wrist   and go about his business they never paid they  never no don't give them that much credit hsbc   never paid more than point one percent i i i i  mean my broker's fees are higher than that for   [ __ ] sake i interviewed hsbc whistleblower and  he said when they made when hsbc made the payment   it disappeared the government had no record of  it it just went into the ether like it's who is   it's the hong kong shanghai bank corporation from  the opium days of the british empire that's who   hsbc was and uh the fbi director who's a tall guy  james not um yeah comey comey he's on the board   i'm pretty sure he's the dude on the board at  hsbc that gave 100 million dollars to hillary   clinton so when all that stuff was going on with  trump i was like this is right this game is so   rigged it's not even funny it's not even funny to  me to me the hong kong riots after the extradition   law that went through uh that china put in  place i i took one look at that and i saw the   the riots go crazy i'm like oh that's the british  empire not one of their mi6 guys who currently   work at standard charter and hsbc not wanting to  get uh remanded back to to mainland china where   they can get waterboarded and give up all the damn  secrets like that's exactly the way i read it and   i'm correct because everything we've seen since  then has been china then drawing in and kicking   out all the ngos and drawing and drawing back  in and becoming and becoming um a more of a   walled garden and kicking out the globalists and  the global solar screening i mean george soros   called gene you like the devil the other day  i'm like yes takes one to no one i thought it   was pretty ballsy when they deep six jack ma for a  while right when he talked out of school and then   how charlie munger came in and it's like oh that  boy is talking out at school and he what he got he   deserved and i was like [ __ ] man because that  tells me that munger and buffet and gates and   those guys they work well with xi jinping and  then now and now xi is turning on them as well   well that's because was one of the is one of  those tall poppies that needed to be knocked   down because jack ma went out and said we're going  to change the end we're going to you know remake   the world the the chinese monetary system and the  pboc was like uh no you're not and that was the   end of that and so and everything that the chinese  have done since then i was i've been i've been on   this story not as much publicly as i i mean i  talk about it every once in a while publicly   epstein jack ma well i i i've been talking  about with my patrons behind the scenes i   write private stuff with my patrons all the  time and we've been chatting about this and   i and i i hadn't put all the clues together one  day a

2021-10-02 18:15

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