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Bottom. Of the night TLS ease my name is. That right no. Citizen. Fear right I said what is my intro again it'll, come in time you, know it's been a while I've been recording. Song. Is fuckin vibing, with me right now welcome, back to enter, the gungeon Ace Ventura here, I've played this game before I'm not, very good at it I played it a lot in my Nintendo switchy and then. I tried to play it on the PC version, and I don't do good at pullet hill games or. Any. Games, for, that matter because. My brain runs at a very. Low, wooden. Plank level, but. I really like the game and I want to play more of it and now there was an update at the game called, Dungeons. & Dragons. Everything's. A gun. Based pawn who. Do I want to play us so I want to buy more of it and see if I can do anything else in the game now I don't know did they update actually go in who, dafuq those the Marine the Marine feels good let's, just go with the Marine let's, go with plain-jane here. Let's face it I'm. Just a basic. Bitch I don't. Really care about anything else I have I can't remember how this game works okay. Right click is my role, roly-poly. I'm. Gonna down here and buy pizza, after a while that'll be fantastic actually. You. Guys open what do you get what do you guys got you guys got good shit, hair. Bottle. Rocket-powered. Bullets. Are. They even bullets anymore, if the rocket powered I, don't. Know let's, enter, the gungeon let's, do its namesake. Oh, all. Right everybody. Better watch out. Pro-gamer. Here. Ready. To, mess with yo asses. I. Want, to get better at this I am gonna get better at this. We're. Gonna play this all day until I finish, the game, that's. My plan we're, gonna finish it here today oh that's new I. Don't. Know if the new kapal. But. I'm fine what, are you freaking out about I don't know if the new content is actually in this. I'm. Assuming it is, they. Decided a whole bunch of stuff. All. Right that room is cleared everybody's, dead I'm happy, it's. Gonna start smelling in here soon enough if I don't actually get out here something, what, are you. Whoa. Whoa you're, angry babies, that's a chair. Whoa. Can't catch me I'm the gingerbread man, all, right that rooms cleared. No. Problem Oh tits. Y'all, could just die real quick that'd be I. Don't. Know what that was but I'm. Feeling, this. Ha. Ha all. Right everybody's dead except. Vivi. From Final Fantasy 9 over, here. Both. Be firing your crosses, at me okay don't, force your religion upon me, I'll.

Be Whatever I wanted it what's on my wrists. Okay. Robins messaging, me Robin, you're messaging me from the future past. And. He's going to be editing this as well is it. Life crazy. Okay. We're doing good so far. Don't. Jinx it you're Harry. Same. Little. Dragon boys saying okay the shop is down there how, many do I have 18. Bay. To bridge I don't know what I haven't spent those 18 on. It. Had you for 18 years having. One in your kids. But. The lyrics. Then. A long time since I listened to the yay yay actually. It hasn't. What. Is this I got a telephone. Wake. Or transaction, gon take to win. Yes. That's. Incredible. Wait. Do. I just not run out of bullets this. Is 2121. 2000, the, whole thing goes down. Well. That's kind of annoying I'm going back to my regular gun as. I said basic, bitch Plain Jane vanilla. Man Jax Badu see. That's. What they called me back east. Like. A makes you say that now and it makes sense, back. East is actually back home back in Brighton, or Ireland. That's closer actually. Don't. Know third third the old god I need to kill these. Who's. Me. Who. Is that what. Happened, I don't. Know but I'm glad you're dead okay. That, was a pretty, simple. Room to clear no. Problem, it only depends on what boss I get. Cuz. Killing, the rooms is not the hard part it's killing the freaking oh, he's. Just fired a big giant inward at me. Okay. Enter, the gungeon my, god. That's. Not cool. Wait. There's two. Men oh no it's the same guy oh you're, still alive what did you expect I'm amazing. Jetpack. I can't buy it though I really wish I could that would be really. Cool I don't want to go near the green, blobby I'm. Not shooting here ooh sorry. That's, fine I'll just leave. Righty. How do I get into my map, again, tab. Tab, aru. All. Right let's see what boss we have to go up against oh. It's. The Birdman right. This. Guy he's actually not that bad. I. Got. Stuck in the wall of, a, little helmet fell off okay, let's use the microtransaction. Going to see how good it is. Bing. Bing Bing Bing Bing Bing Bing Bing Bing Bing cash for everybody. Warning. In here one in the bag bubbling, look, at your cash to get you cash coming in. This. Isn't I could just hide behind the things actually this is fairly, simple oh no, oh no. Don't, you there he's, sending in the nukes. Somebody. Somebody's, been listening to Kim Jong a bit too much a little, trigger-happy. They. Should you Kim Jong this cam though. Good. For him. I'm. Gonna I'm gonna wait here are you done Oh. See. I keep get messed, up coz, dodging. Is on my click and. Sometimes. I have to reload and I stop moving in a certain direction because, of it I mainly.

Just Making up excuses for, my own ineptitude. So. If you'll humor, me for a little bit I should. Be using this time to actually kill you should night oh did. I get hit I, think. I did cuz me my finger has to come off the, D to. Hit there or. Nice. Your, name is gasoline goal I never actually looked at the name before oh. Oh. Damn, my back my seven to a foreigner. Literally. We. Got this we got this no problem no, problem. No. Problem Oh aah. I. Got. Him right in his bird brain, what do you give me, look. At the cash to get you cash cubby need. Shooting. So baller now I got my mask back I mean. My helmets look mask, Winchester. Better than a box of roses well mama, always said life was like a box of roses. You. Never know who you're gonna shoot. Wait. How the hell do we get out of here ah. They're. Okay. Are you hey. Pretty. Beat up wanna take a break and come back later, hell, no, I don't, take no breaks I don't. Want no scrubs, I want. To be in the game I want to go for it man. Doing. Good. Okay. Just give me more bosses, like that that was that was fairly straightforward I. Don't. Want to say easy. Because. Everyone. In the comments to be like Oh Jax thinks it's easy and you know what yeah. Fuck. You. That's. What I have to say oh, no. I hate I forgot, the second layer down has holes in it. So. Now I don't have to fall off the map i'ma fall off the map so many times guys oh no. I have to kill the slides. The. Pink slimes, give. Me those ports. You. Know what the cool thing about the slimes is, I. Press. Space the dodge is that a right-click like, a doom. Where. They did that okay. We're fine, just, call me Edward Dumas oh. Oh. I don't know how to get through this okay where's the pattern. There, it uh there's, nothing in that direction I. Don't. Like that room that room was pointless it laid meat just, straight back to where it was anyway. Hey, yeah I'm still alive nice. Mustache, okay. Bye good talk, I don't. Know what these are I know there's a altars, but, the. Altar is empty I never know what I am able to put in there. Well. So how do we get more ammo I forget all my buttons okay it's made of wine. Punching. Me. We. Endure this I'm, a strong healthy, baby milky. Boy whoa. Okay. Come the eff down, dawg. Who. Pissed in your cornflakes. We. Need to get good at dodging through people's projectiles. That's why I let myself down whoa. Sneakers. Sneakers. Don't. Like it I don't. Like it hey, it's a label the. Septic eye. Dead-ass. Now save for later. I, can. Save, stuff for later. And. Now I can do that either that's good to know. Oh, man. They smooth a lot cease. Whoa. God, Almighty you, know, you're doing good when the game can't even keep up with itself. They're. All gonna know the name by the end of this you're. All gonna know the name of your victor the, best gunjan master. Holy. Holy. Frijoles. Yeah. Die, please. Could. You not. Yeah. But yeah but did you not though couldn't yeah but for real though for. Real yeah but for real though. Okay. Just keep going in circles Jackie boy. It's. Hard to hit movement arrogance hurt parent here which you can't see. Okay. Huh can I use the heart that I saved for later I'd. Have any keys. Should. Be able to a buy one right. Hello. I'm back. Watch. Out for the bullets. Good. Joke. I got, a crotch. Crotch. You, need it. Okay. Can, I see what these are doing ow. Crotch, ads aim assist of a sort everybody, needs a little help sometimes with, this crutch every bullet fired will try really hard to hit a target, even, if aimed incorrectly. The. Game knows I suck. Haha, alrighty. Then. Memories, of your years in training better reload speeds and weapon accuracy Wow, I had that and I didn't even know.

This. Is good for me this, is a good step forward in my life. Where. You feel like I'm maturing getting, better I don't, use the heart that I had I. Have. A Supply Drop can I change, I. Don't. Know oh it's Sam and Dean Winchester is coming to save me. Oh I. Kill. You dead with the force of a thousand, penises, oh. Fuck. That's. What I get from making dick. Jokes. The. Lowest, of the low form, of jokes come on Jack. Full. Maybe. You're full I'm not gimme. How. Do I use this thing I got the hardy, boy. Guns. Okay, items. It's. Delicious, active. Revives. A friend wants words. And. These are things I have on these are not that things I have all I don't have all these. These. Are the things I got before. Dang. It. Reiben, II where, did you shoot in that direction oh. I'm. Gonna die I'm. Gonna die like, that now. Sorry. My dick. They. Died because of my own folly Oh. Our spandex, I. Can. Do better than that okay I am gonna do better I'm. A strong healthy, baby bouncy boy. All. Right it's time to go to business Oh. God. They don't call me the contractor, for nothing. Well. They don't call me that at all but if, I say it enough times then people will that's how the internet works. It's. Basically what means our, does. Need to be funny it, does need to be something special. All. You need to do is say it enough times and then everyone laughs and admits great. Okay. I need to get better at my dodging, on, my spacial awareness and, my accuracy on my skills, but. After, that it. Should, be no problem. I don't. Know that is I'm trying to get it I'm trying to get this thing going. What. Do you have a green thing above your head. What. Does that mean. Doesn't. Mean you DYI slower is, that that's really what it felt like oh my. God and Mary Poppins. Whoa. Whoa. Sorry. Invite-only special. Birthday Thanks. Hey. Or. Again. Tug. Of battle. Just. Say active reload I need to go into this cuz I'm in doermann I don't know what they are enables. Active reader hey I knew that Oh. Buttery Lois that's just a thing that the the Marine has. Gotcha. And. They have the Supply Drop so I can get off. Thinking. Amal anytime I want I can also die in real, life you. Don't in real life you die in the game. God. Damn like I dived. All over away from it put, into put into. It. That. Wasn't an actual reaction, okay, I'm, better at this game than I'm letting on alright. I'm. Just I'm. Just doing it for all the people out there to make them feel like I'm a regular, bro. But you know like regular, gamer just like all of you guys. Let. The professional, piece, of alpha, dominance, that I actually have see. I'm. A battlecruiser. All. Right. You, think you everything. Okay. There the boss point oh.

Yeah. What's. My booted shit. Look. Doors just wink at me. Not. Sure how I feel about that that's the look, that's. The looks tired, of feeling sad we. Just decided to kick some ass and said I believe. I can press important it. Enables. Me to. Send. Out my blue bullets. There's. A lot going on okay I don't know what's happening at. The concentrate, I don't know important that is is it space, the. Blue bullets I have up in the corner I can hit that and it sends out a wave that gets rid of all projectiles. In the area. And. Inverse. Helmet. Door. I, like. This active reload. It's. Making me a better boy I fucked. It up I. Did. It again. Save. For later I really. Need to figure out how those work. Let, me send an or word at me do come on. He's. Like a dictionary but he's actually just a dick. So. He's a dictionary. It's. Good joke. All. Right let's go here. I. Am. Determined, to get past the second dungeon I have to get to the third layer I, have. To go three dreams deep and meet Leo DiCaprio okay, I have to bring him back to reality, needs. To meet his kids oh. It's. High. Noon. Just. Slaughtered. A whole bunch. Of babies. That's. What I do. Ruthless. Kool-aid. Machine what, do you do. Alien. Sidearm, that sounds pretty good hip. Holster. Or. As I like to call it hipster. Armor. Half, hearts. Armor. Would be cool a, key. Would also be cool. Alien. Side armor part of the dope AF, as, the. Litte kids would like to say let's. Just go see who the boss is what's my wrist doing god. Damn it stop it, so. My phone is attached to my Apple watch Oh. Fucking. Hate this guy. This, guy's tough because he has the biggest bullet hell attacks. Shit. Like. This. Price. I saw. It's. Night space I don't, know what my button is to send out my thing, what. Is it okay I need to lock it up I need to look it up I need to lock it up use, blank queue I'm, gonna die here anyway, just because. My. Ass. Demands. Death apparently. See. You if, it's. Thrown at me. This is it. This, is where boys become, men. Where. Do I keep rolling away this is gonna get me killed. He. Calls himself the bullet King there's, only one bullet King around here but, that's me. Pay. Attention I got. This I got this I got this I got this I got this I got this I got this I got this I got this I got this I got this I got this I. Got this I got this I got the doesn't delete that they delete that delete I thought that I got this I got this I oh. Sweet. Mama June, and her British. Bakery, I. Got. A pillow. 300. Dead count what. Am, i shooting zips. Out of a pillow. That's. Awesome, all. Right we've done did. Reload my pillow I fluff, it ooh. Yes. Oh. Oh. I want more can, I go back and get that half-hertz. Oh. Yes. Good. Night come. On cough up the big guns. There. We go moving on. All. Right that. Could have gone better you, know. It. Didn't. So. I'm moving on now. Right. Oh. You. Know what do. You know what. Suck. Some ass fuck. As. Good as weird. Axe, me also a pretty, good Oh. Sod. It I'm here, to just shoot my pull about you and just, be a regular old, bouncy. Boy oh you. You think I haven't seen that attack before it it oh that. Is so weak. All. Right let's, move on into the next dungeon let's, get it. Taste. My pillow, who has come for a sleepover. Whoa. I, just, wrecked. Him. Like. A real, gamer. Nice. I really wish I got that thing from last time you. Know the thing that helped all my shots actually reach their targets Oh. Oh. God, not. A. Big fan of what's, happening, here, oh no. It's, not space, to jump why do I keep thinking that. Where. Does everyone keep allowing me to be dumb. I'm. Really holding all of you accountable, for this. Because. I can't be trusted, we. All know that by now. You. Guys just calm the fuck down. Okay. Very, happy about that do I have a key I do what do they get Sub Zero heart. Of ice that's cold, yes. I. Do. Fires. Ice projectiles, on taking damage oh, so. You mean that I'm never going to use it because I never take, damage. Moving. On. Video, doo doo doo holy. God. Those. What. A bang okay I was. Really blown away by that guy. We've. Seen that the, episode of comedians in cars getting coffee with, Brian Regan in, the newer ones it's, or talking about being blown away by something does that even mean yeah. It's, good it wasn't, blown away by it and, then they talk about buying dynamite. Dynamite. That's not good so I, guess, that's. Pretty good I mean how to bang - it just wasn't. Blown away oh. God. Puh-leeze. I'm. Never gonna take damage. Hi. I'm. Jack I'm, a pathological. Liar and a piece of shit. Please. Like comment and subscribe. Oh my. God, well at least everybody's dead, for my ice crystals. It's. Like a participation.

Award It's, like when you got hit but you know what we're gonna we're gonna make it easier for you cuz you suck, Oh. A, tiny, beanie baby was left over Oh, like. That. How. Do we get better at this what's, my what's my tactic, here how do I get good at this game I put. These down first that's, a real good sir I think. Space. Invader style. They. Never even stood, it shoes, okay. How do I use my. We're. Not my Supply Drop anymore, oh. Man. I used up all my ammo. Can't. Get anything in the pots right. Who. Am I asking you you. Guys probably know the answers but you're not able to talk to me say. No more for the live stream. Alright, where's the shot I didn't. Find it yet so has to be one of these. Rolling. Around at, the speed of sound I. Am. A big bug baby. I hate. My brain I hate. It I know I just I hate it. Is. It. Is the worst. Who. Needs enemies with a brain like this am i right maybe, you should rewind some of my keys. Hey. What's. That that's. The sound of me going back into danger, I live, for it it's. My middle name well. My, middle name is actually Dahmer. But, that's Dutch for danger. Alrighty. Take. That chip eeny bitch. All, righty. Yeah. You want to go I don't even need weaponry. I've already got these Goods. So. Alpha. All. Right this is the one I'm. Feeling good about this one we could do it gang. With. With, with. Your. Spirit. And power and my also being here we can accomplish anything that we want to do in this game my. Parents may have told me never told me that they loved me but. That does not matter ooh. He's. Spitting out keys. Was. That the key to your heart. The. Feeling movement is very important, in this game but when I have to reload it hinders my movement and I. Haven't been able to like, adapt. To that. And. You know what people it's all if you if you understand you come what the hell that. Is. Big dick energy, if I have ever seen you need to calm the fuck, down. Ok. Right. He. Just came in there with his big swing. And donger. What. Was, that the whole room yes. Good. Job me oh, don't. You. Just love it when a plan comes together, oh. My. God he's behind he. Needs to be stopped. Somebody's. To put you on a leash. Ok. He's dead. It's. Seeing in the map there's a hurting you know it's right here. I won't get it now because I don't know how to do the save for later things so I'll come back to it if, I, like fight. The boss or something, or. If I need a heart going into it it's all plans. And tactics or, as I like to call them Jack Dix. Ha, ha take that I like the little sounds they make it makes me feel like I'm killing. A whole, bunch of tiny babies. That's. Not a good thing to say. Unfinished. Gone man I love the. Style, of this game I love the sense. Of humor that's in it everything.

Just Like being pawn, based or gun, base gun. Based puns or puddin based guns. It. Just works with everything all right here we go. That. Way, there. Should be a room with a chest somewhere, in here oh. This. Is not it this is the room with danger, in it, by. Which I mean me oh. You. Could swing pout and shout all you off but at the end of the day you're gonna get dick slapped. I really. Wish all the dungeons were like this can they just play an easy mode, like. Me a jack mode. All. Right oh come, on it gets stuck in the wall. Dang. It well at least I have to have power back there somewhere, I, don't. Need your big ends okay. What. I need is love and support. And. Also. Your complaints, in your own death. Hurts. Incisor, play. Well get hurts. Who. Extra. Chance for heart sunroom clear oh I'm. Gonna get a million, of them then cuz I'm the best. Joker. If ik. Don't. Save it for later you just used, it. I. Did. The sound effects with this game it. Was just me in my bedroom and a microphone. Didn't. Pay very well. Nice. Smart. Oh my. God you can just you. Can just hang back Sally. Okay. Oh. Sick. Dodge. Everybody. Sighing. That. Was good it took no damage in that room I, keep. Saying things that have, happened I. I. Played, this game. They. Got a third party, what, do you do. Each. Clip finishes, with a homing, bird. Okay. Flipping, the bird. The, empty room. Okay. One room left to figure. Out. Do-do-do-do-do. Do-do-do-do-do. I'm the best. Whoa. That's. Awesome. Then. I just take damage, like. A scroll pub. Here. Was the homing bird I ain't. No scrub them ok, the. Greatest video game master, of all time. Jax. Paducah. Alright. Should. I buy to have hurt my well too late I did it okay shut. Up. Sorry. I'm being very harsh on you it's, just cuz. Me. And my dad. Alright. I think, I fought you huh my oh god. It's the but babies b1 and b2 the. Trigger twins triggered. Oh. So, the secrets of this is to never reload. Because. Then you don't get the homing bird. It's. Ornstein in smoke it's, tired souls all over again I. Should. Whistle both of you down at the same time. So. On is not weaker, than the other because I don't I can't remember if you guys get stronger or not. This. Is going really well ah. Go. Far-fetched. He. Dies I knew it. This. Is better to win you down and get you into a weaker state on your second phase at that fuck. On Bopha. Dude. You had a serious. Case of liquid air for a while. Then. Oh and lick my nuts haha, leave. Maddie's nut not. Having this work um, they. Get a peak. Last. Around first chamber Oh get. Everything, okay. I'm not gonna be back here so I'm gonna save that for later I'm a shaving. For later okay. Let, me see what I got let. Me see what Santa, brought me. Shield. Of the maiden has joined the shootout I. Don't. Know what that means. This. Rare artifact, indicates mastery, of the first chamber. Did. I get that for clearing. The, boss without getting hit, because. I didn't get hit in that boss fight because. I'm amazing the, classic ball will never go out of style yes it will doesn't go with these pants. Sheila. The maiden don't what of. What. Oh. Wait. Jimbo. It's. Like that kick some fucking, ass boys. I. Didn't. Get ammo back. Whoa, okay. The. Bow bow is badass. You. Just have to wind it up though and I don't like, that you're. Like winding, it up whoa. Fuck. A. New. Challenger. I got hit like a dick. Got. Dick slapped. I'm. The one who slaves. Don't. Hit me don't hit me don't hit me no old papa. How. Did that hit me you big Minj. All. Right whatever I'll, take my licks and move on, take. My licks and suck.

My Kicks. Rock. Solid gameplay. Expert. Tactics, I'm gonna die. You, know I've even subscribe to the Jax pad I see Channel they know what they're in for. High-end. Tactical, gameplay. They're. Here to learn how not to play a game in turn, I'm making people better at games by. Proxy, okay. By. Being so bad at games. People. Out there then have a better. Barometer. If. I can lower the standards for everybody, then. Everybody's able to play the game together I. Don't. Want I'm fucking saying okay, it's. Hard concentrate, and have thoughtful, conversations. When you're let's play. Especially. When you're playing at such a high level zero. Deaths, no. Hits. Then. You can't even get to me look at this I love. You know I finished cocaine okay. That. Makes me a real gamer. Suck. On Bopha. You. See everybody I used. The term Bopha, and it sounds like a word on its own and then, when somebody usually. A noob falls. Into my trap and triggers that card I say. Both. A deez nutz and then. They get real. Burned. On that oh I got stuck on the table. Don't. Like you sir. Do. Not like you. Nope. Don't, want any of that look at you all homing in on me. Don't. I look like somebody who Jesse buddy heaven, it I don't know the words all. I know is that I'm bubbly. Look. At you go oh. Yeah. You bubbly, shield, of the maiden, please. Ask what they do. Need. The hearts though wasting all my money on this shit, you see if I was better at the game I. Would. Not have to do that I'd be playing at such a high level that, he would give me stuff for free. Save. This going for the boss. Gotta, hit him fast. Or. You know reloads, when you should be hitting people. Okay. I may use this tactical, wall. For. My Jack ticks you. Know how Batman has a baton everything I have a jack everything, jack, Moby in LA Jack closet, Jack suit. Maybe. Never my own Butler called Jack, Lee. He's. Not very good. Dueling. Pistol. Ricochet. That's, my favorite Irishman. Ricochet. He's so funny he bounces off the walls wait, my minimap is saying that I missed a key in here. But. I. Went. Straight out over that and did not see it I. Guess. I was just too focused on being epic, guys. All. Right. Who wants to go no, god I hate this already I hate this I hate. This. Okay. We're fine, I love. It now my home fell off oh that, would have been embarrassing. Where, you fire once and then that's it in. This. Modern society where, people are all go all the time under social media getting the clicks and their lights from their grams I can't. Be slowing down. The. Audience, needs me. Kill. Him before he disappears oh. I. Need. To get away I want, you get away I. Wanna. Fly. Away. I want. A milky, way. I've. Never heard that first in the song look up Lenny Kravitz, I want a milky way it's. Incredible. No. I, don't. Like any of this. How. About you take your shit, and put. It elsewhere, okay. Cuz I don't got time for this okay, okay. Have I said okay enough, where's. The key here it is the. Key of life I. Can't. Die all right. It's. Not gonna happen Oh. Oh. God. I hate this oh. What's. Worse than a spider a spider that spits bullets, and webs that go on fire at you. That. Is what we in the business like to call a dick, move. All righty, then. All righty. Then. Get. Out of here so. She get from not coming to my birthday Jerry. We. Need ice cream prank, you would've loved it. Jerry's. A piece of shit don't even give him a time in it don't even pay him any mind.

Cinq. Six kills six, kills. You. Know people wondering. Where you got that ass from your mama I got. These skills from my mama. Cuz, she never paid enough attention to me and I had a bunch of time to play video games. Good. Night gauntlet, and armor, every force. But. I got the Infinity Gauntlet and I thought I could just say the, end is. Near. Fondness. In the things someone, considers, when balancing out the universe but this this. Puts a smile on my face. Alright, did I miss anything. No. Alright I think, I, might soon the first one or the second one this is the second layer I. Have. A stroke can I remember anything. No. You're the one in the box, and, I didn't get a box at the game behold, sir he's. Actually pretty fucking cool looking. Except, he has all the goons. This, is still the first layer isn't it the first chamber. Don't. You dare okay, I want. A milky, way now. On a fly. Away. Yeah. Yeah. Yes. I'm. Gonna just hide out here. He's. A big sceptic I. It's. Annoying when your fucking bird doesn't go where it's supposed huh. Real. Shitty, on that one guys. Empty. Oh. Fuck. Nice, big empty, is not epic. Come. On me, just. Fight behind your wall just. Cower in fear. Okay. Just stick with your basic good. Stick. With your vanilla okay don't try new ice creams they'll, only let you down. All. Right it's. All about taking your train if I take my time I get, the line. I. Really. Like limes. Ok no problem. No. Grown. Man cries at videogame. All. Right all. Right all right. I'm. Going over here now I took that bitch again, I'm. Taking, my bowl and I'm going home I. Swear. To jebediah. If. I don't stop sucking, dicks right now they. Should be charging, I. Should. Just go food prostitution. I'm sucking so much dick I might as well be getting paid for it. Hey. Hang out hang. Out hanging out. Down. The street. The. Same old thing, our. State's. We. Did last week. Not. A thing to. Do. But. Suck, at, you. Feel. Like I was born playing this game and I can't get any further was that the second level.

So. Tell me what level I was in I got, a bunch of shit oh it is cuz I defeat yeah oh. If. I just held on a little longer oh. Oh. You. Guys, I'm, sad now this, is what a sad boy looks like. Hey, guys. I'm. Back. Did. You miss me I didn't. Your, parents. Don't love you. They. Pay me money to. Hang out with you Oh. Big, boy, for a big, lad. Totally. In awe at the size of this unit, oh. Yes. I. Don't. Know what it is you're spitting out but I want more of it okay I'm not gonna waste the ammo. Nice. Nice. Nice nice tight tight tight tight cool cool cool, kill. Him oh ho. Ho so many slaps. I'm. So, much money I. Think. You should buy a house in this game. Right. II may. Go just buy a key Oh. Shield. At the maiden who only, need two coins for that I want to get that because, I don't know what it does I. Really. Want that I want that in my life it's a thing that needs to happen oh. Look. At all these lads, ready, for smash I. Want. Me going to just go boy boy boy boy every time I fire it can I get a mod that does that. Kind. Of modern shot do that for me right now she, let the mate. Okay, all. Right how do we use this I forget how I use that I got rid of my supply, to do it but I never really used that anyway. Use. Blank map, Mexico and Gordon menu. What's. My special, thing how. Do I do it yeah fuck, oh it's space, I. Know. Every shield on my head. Good. Luck things from coming down Lake. Like. Stuff from my haters. Or. Can I just blog cuz I can't move when I use it this is just block projectiles, in general. Let's. See ah. No. Wait, maybe because he exploded, I need to test this. Maybe. I should go on to the internet and look at the enter, the gungeon wiki. And. Figure. Out from the entry, from gunjan Master 69, what, this actually does. Some. Of those times I was pressing space to, accidentally, try and use my freaking thing. Wasn't. Doing it I would, just put, down my Supply Drop uh-huh. Pulls, up a shield that protects the player from bullets and then. A game all about bullets that's good the, player is immobile, while the shield is active the shield can be active for a maximum of seven seconds the firing the weapon takes the shield down, oh. The. Bosses, are gonna feel this one. Can't. Touch me I'm unbreakable like. Bruce Willis.

I'm, Actually really glad I got that. Maybe. I should have used my supply and then dropped it. But. I don't have any we, do have another gun, could, I do that can. I just go back and get the. The. Thing and get ammo. And. Then. Drop that and get the shield again. So. They don't want to drop the shield and have a go forever because I really like it. That's. A question we need answered. Can. Somebody in the comments write down the answer to that so I can see it after a time when it's not necessary thanks oh. It's. Gone now. I guess. That answers our question. Bonilla. Had a sick key. Alright, let's. Do this where. We going up against bird boy, oh no. Not fat ass, hey. Twins, again oh. The. Shield that the maid was the other thing that was in the round with me why, am i taking damage. Why. Am I still getting hate. Ah crap. Awesome annotation oh my. God this is so much damage. Hey. No no, no no I need to welcome, on me, this. Is so obviously. Not what you're supposed to be doing. Fine. Do that. Wasted. I'm. One. Hit from death I can't. Even take another hit. I. Saw. It I saw, it in my mind's eye ramaa, shield, never. Died. Support. System of lovely people who loved me in my life and, what do we do I shed, all over it I look, it in the eye and I say not. Today happiness, I'd, rather, fuck, my day up. I'm. The best I'm the, best I'm, the best, at, this game and, the best at this game and I'm gonna prove it ok, you know I said before I was already doing that for the benefit of everybody else all right you're. About to see. Gunjan. Mode alright you're about to see me go off. Get. Out your gunnar glasses because, i'm. About to put on a clinic, you. Only be able to see it if you have then blue. Light filtering, technology all over your eyeballs, I, have. Special, eyes, here. We go here we go I'm. About to finish the game. This. Is it it's all about to go down. I'm. About to go to Nationals. For. Enter the gungeon they. Have that you know, and. The anime, is coming out next month. I'm. Playing the lead guy sir. Kills a lot I. Would. Love to voice something in an anime if there's anybody out there who's making anime who wants a voice actor furred yo, hit me up fam. Yo. My name is turbo and I love to get, high and sell ecstasy the kids at raves hit, me up high, I'm able to shoot fish anymore. That's. Awesome, like. Shooting fish out, of a barrel I get. It. That's. Funny, you're a funny game I. Mean. Because come on don't I look like a person who deserves. Good things in my life, I'm. Not a bad guy I. Deserve. To, win the game I. Think. So I've. Paid my dues. I need, to be careful about saying that because an Irish accent, pronounces, Do's like. Mildewed or your, dues or I'm do something, we pronounce two as jus. Like. I'm, jus, a promotion. But. If you say it like that and then you say I've, paid, my dues. Doesn't. Sound too good I said, that one time when I was out with friends and everyone was like wait. Hold on and then, it had a whole conversation about, it but, no one believed me there's. People in the comments back me up do. Any Irish people still watch me I. Hope. So. I'm. Gonna be going on tour there later in the year. If. You want to go through the jacksepticeye, live show comedy world tour you can go to jacksepticeye. Tour com2 get your tickets. Just. Meme the shit out of it. Alright. What do we got mr. dungeon master oh yes, I need. That I shouldn't, need that but I need, that. I also. Want this because there's a thing of you. What. Are we going. Fire shotguns. I got a shotgun shell, that fires shotguns. Are, you. Serious. This is, the best game. That's. Clever. Instead. Of a shotgun that fires shells you. Michelle the fire shotguns, aah. Oh. That's. Awesome. Ok there's half a heart and here somewhere yay. All. Right let's save that for the boss. Nice, nice nice nice very. Good. Very, very good oh I, could have seen the key for that Oh. Lumpy. Bread. All. Right let's go in here and kick some ass bird, boy shit, I've nothing to hide behind this time though. Whoa. You, almost exploded, me friend. How. Much time as you make fish to eat. Fish. It's. Like subway, eat fresh I'm. Telling you to eat fish I. Know. You guys got the joke but I thought I'd explained it anyway so he could just get really past the cusp of humor here I.

Deserve. Good things I deserve, good things I'm a nice point. P.m.. 8 p.m. 8. P.m.. Asshole. How. Powerful is my shotgun one. Pretty. Damn powerful okay, get out of here get out of here you're about to die if you're not careful. Get. Away from him, don't, get closer to him he's a stranger, man. Stranger. Danger remember, what your parents ate. Actually. My parents said go play in traffic. Suddenly. Explains a lot but he did it gang. Armor. Armor. Can I have a key you. Got. A frog boy boo-boo blaster. I know, that does he sounds like a can of Pepsi. Or. Whatever, your, beverage. Of choice is I don't know there's a lot of diverse lovely people out there I don't know what you're into are, you depends a year you'd coke are, you into cocaine if you are that's fine just. Please. We're. All here, for you this, is this the whole episode has actually been an intervention, I've, been playing the long Cod in this entire hour, we're. Here for you we're worried about you come home. Stop. Doing lines of cocaine off, rich. Men's asses I. Don't. Know how the sun's work do, you just walk into them I. Hate. This game I hate. It I hate. It actually. I thought I really, really liked it I just really want to be better at it. It's. A state of mind positive, state of mind means I'll be able to do it okay p.m., 8 p.m. 8. P.m. 8. P.m. 8. All, right you limp dick fuckers. Here's. How I do shit, ok I. Let. You hit me see you think you're stronger than you are cuz, I'm all about building other people up and making them feel validated. But. If you do it again I. Might. Kill you ready. Go, on. OK, and I need this, every. Time I go into the store I need one of these don't. Mind me just going to the store to try and get my life back together. We. Get hit. Ah. Not. Today soku. All. Right I got a key and I go back to the other place again there's a big black chest down there that I would have liked to get. Hate. This I hate this this. Is too many attacks, in one place oh. Oh. Yeah. I'm. Okay, stop freaking out. I'm. Not gonna die here I'm not I refuse. To I'm. Not letting it happen. Wait. Do the shotguns I shoot shoot, again. Holy. Balls. That's. So cool getting. Hit by a dick, is not I. Wouldn't. Know what that's like you. Know being the best at video games comes. At a price. Oh God. Oh God, okay. Oh don't walking away don't walk don't walk don't, die buy something stupid, like that, you're.

Better Than this, type. Of bullet that fires going this out I have two and one. Holy. Crap. I want. More health because I'm gonna die soon okay, you know what we're just gonna take on the boss I'm, gonna take on the boss with my extended, firepower. The. Boss was the door itself. That's. Awesome don't lick me door, lord. Oh. God. I can't. Even see what, I. Don't hate her leg it, this. Guy sucks. These, sucks. I. Died. Can, I go home can, I return to breach and never come back. That's. Great I got a lot of money can I spend it on things, can i buy some friends, which. This game a two-player, I, need. A booty I need, a co-op partner did, you go out there and kick some ass, rocket. Power bullets hell. Yeah, hard, cock hell you. Hegemony. Carbine. Gamma. Ray. Thompson. Submachine. Gun Thomas. The Tank Engine. Oh the, homogeny, thing that, sounds awesome and maybe, a gamma ray and. Maybe, a raywilliamjohnson. Yes. Okay. Luther's for this video on enter. The gungeon I'm. Gonna have to write down a shopping list because. I need to go buy. Skills. I need, to go to the pro gamer store and buy me one. One. Pro gamer set please I, really. Want to be good at this game but I just took a big old tip. Thank. You guys so much for watching this episode if you liked it punch. The like button in the face like, a. Boys and. Shh. Thank, you guys see, you bottles. Don't. I look like somebody who just got body heavy nobody. Better.


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