ENSULIB Virtual Event 6 May 2021

ENSULIB Virtual Event 6 May 2021

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all right one minute time and we can start let us wait that we have maybe some more participants hi harry all right it's three o'clock in helsinki so  good afternoon from helsinki or folk it may be   morning or late evening where you are but anyway  welcome i am i'm at the moment cheer for insult   and i wish to welcome you all to the very  first virtual event arranged by environment   sustainability and libraries if la section this  event is the very first since end sleep has gained   its saxon status only from the beginning of this  year after being people are sick for 10 years and i'm very glad that we have as our co-host our  former host section preservation and conservation   originally our plan was to have a satellite  meeting in cork island during the ifla flick 2020   under the same title environmentally inspired  is inspiring and engaging buildings research   education and library services unfortunately if leflic was cancelled due to  covet 19 epidemic and the satellite meeting   could not be arranged hence it was suggested  that a virtual event might replace the original   meeting in the autumn 2020 however the nslip team  was so busy to prepare the transition from sick   to saxon that we could realize the plan only  now well we may stay better late than never so today we will finally hear short presentations  of those projects which were supposed to be   introduced in the cork satellite for my delight  green libraries and environmental sustainability   is well represented in this presentations but  we have also attempted to include the present   with pressure basin and conservation aspect  and in this point let me introduce you ornela   client from the presentation and conservation  jackson the screen is young thank you ari okay yes good afternoon from milan milan is  cloudy now i am arne lafollemy new chair of the   stanley committee preservation and conservation  being chaired in charge since few days 10 days   i'm pleased to bring a short greeting  on behalf of our standing committee   to everybody so speakers connected people so i'm  also a member in god for the satellite last year   now concentrating in this short webinar  but very exciting i will thank terry   i don't know the pronunciation and all  colleagues of new section and solip   many wishing for the future i want to mention and  that and then thank also uh the two of the two   previous chairs of the preservation conservation  alain kakich and james drews for their competency   energy and empathy but i cannot forget the late  danielle ninja 2 with whom i worked as officer   secretary when the main topics in our section were  concerned natural disaster emergency desperatists   to rescue and curate damaged books since 2008 over  the time they have sponsored the special interest   group and sullivan you know they maintain the the  first chair maintain a constructed relationship   and active collaboration that has been always  very positive now they are sectioned many many   many missions again the general things  for the initiative consider the possible   impacts on libraries due to climate change  and the sustainability of their services   in the context of the sustainability sustainable  the developing goals of agenda 2030 to which ifla   constantly refers stimulating new projects and  good practice to be implemented in libraries   i believe that libraries have more and more  a great role of propulsion and stimulation in   local communities favors the grow of new awareness  for attentive citizenship with the cubs pandemic   that has hit all over the world it is necessary to  stimulate and promote form of resilience and also   the development of the sustainable new projects  the new green libraries are growing too and can   help to overcome the such economic and cultural  crisis affecting the human society globally   in many countries long time and diverse  intensity of the lockdown have brought out   about many changes in all life of all people also  the daily use of digital for contacts for smart   works in schools and has generated unthinkable  widespread use of communication but also   other power energy lacking in the future we pay  attention this robot rises libraries are showing a   good ability to react and to check to the changes  imposed for the severe dramatic sanitary situation   we don't know yet when it will be defeated the  sustainability of libraries during the pandemic is   one of the most discussed topics together with the  impact on the coveted socio-economic and cultural   life then on the old cultural heritage that  should be protected and also valorized libraries   as great app of information can give a high  contribution i'm concerned for this preservation   and conservation sharing reference lib drains  mission will continue to collaborate also in the   future it's my opinion desire we agreed to carry  out together action for transformation with great   commitment encouraging libraries to be more and  more inclusive and more green i cut here because   too long libraries have no to manage in difficult  times the long-term preservation and conservation   of registered analogical and distilleries all the  libraries and archives too but also museum i think   i think i know but also oral sources and in their  context their buildings and landscape and so on   the nature in general finally because here i  have to thank but last but not least vivienne   negan petra and other other colleagues of the  professional government structure who support this   event for day great availability and support thank  you for your attention enjoy your your webinar thank you arnel we are going to have now our  first free speakers and after that we have a short   discussion so you can make your questions and  i think it's best to make your questions in the   chat so within will help us to to continue from  there and our first speaker is jose pepitiello   he has been director of eblida european bureau of  library information and recognition documentation   association since 2019 he has also served as  the head of unit program advisor and expert   in various international organizations like  european commission and council of europe   he is author of six books and more than  100 articles in librarian information   science and history of culture and his title  of presentation is libraries and the sdgs   how to face the socio-economic pandemic and  you're welcome the screen is yours thank you   i'm going uh thank you for the presentation so  i'm going to share my my my slides just a moment can you see them no no okay just i will try again and now okay now we see it yes perfect good full  screen sorry for these technical inconveniences   okay now i'm ready thank you very much for  having invited me i'm very pleased to be in   the within the anse loop ensleep context and uh  so a few words about uh eblida for those who are   not aware of of this organization i believe that  stands for european bureau of library information   and documentation associations and we cover uh 100  we cover 35 countries and we have some 130 members we tradition i mean we are our organization is  born in 1992 and uh it was born so it's one of   the oldest organization live organization active  at the european level together with liber and   we were born with the mission with a precise  mission to lobby with european institutions   and on legal matters something like copyright  like lending rights and we have been doing this   for at least 25 years uh two years ago  then we uh we found out that uh in fact   we started to sit let's say on the opposite  direction of the train you know it may be a little   bit uncomfortable if you sit in the opposite  direction of the train but you have a clearer   picture of your of the landscape and also you can  focus on details and what did we did we found out   we found out that actually copyright is  a pervasive issue that landing right is a   pervasive issue and all these things now are dealt  with by within in library institutions there are   special offices and of course all organizations  now are well aware of of these legal matters so   after the copyright directive of 2019 we tried to  shift focus and we focused on sdgs i would like to   say a few words about the the strategy that  the bleeder is pushing also and to put it   in relation with the e-flat strategy at least  what is what appears from official documents   there is a difference between a bleeder and e-fly  in this approach we have a truly european approach   and when you say but why isn't the program  universal yes it is universal but there are   many different i mean in europe for instance you  know that there are 232 indicators for the united   nations programs the agenda 2030 but in europe  eurostat the official european uh the office of   statistics only maintain 100 indicators and this  is a because we europeans we think that we have   attained many of the sdgs that are present in the  united nations programs a second difference may be   that uh uh sd uh ifly is calling for stories and  i have created a wonderful tool the ivra library   map of the world and you will find these stories  in the uh in the lethal library map of the world   um but we think that there is more that  there are in europe at least we can go   much further than stories and we can link  we can create a true policies and policies   for libraries that can just can be assessed  through indicators and for this we have created   the sustainable development house which enables  administrators library administrators but also   local administrators to what to advocate  for libraries and it is what i would call   advocacy from below uh there are four false myths  uh we consider that should be uh that are present   in the perception of the agenda 2030. the first is  that uh sdgs are nice but they do not fall within   the library's core mission i mean the library  mission is to book circulation and then the reader   are the sdgs that's not true we consider that the  agenda 23rd is the new framework for libraries   and it should be really the core mission of  libraries also or even more so that it is   the core mission of the european union and it is  the commission for many many european countries   the second the false myth is that sdgs are really  focused on environment on climate change it is   true but i would say that this is an involuntary  greater thumb attuneburg effect it's the fact that   we are all very much focused on environment  but if you look at the whole of the sdgs then   you find out that there is a very strong social  and economic pillar the third false myth is that   sdgs concern mainly macro policies you know fiscal  and legislative policies and it is true indeed   because if you have let's say a tax on fuel then  of course you are incentivizing the acquisition   of electric cars but yes i mean talking about  the tax on fuels this happened in france like   five years ago or four years ago they did the  right move they put a tax on fuels and immediately   after after they had yellow jackets in the streets  and what does it mean this because they hadn't   thought that before you go for micro policies you  have look to look at micro policies in particular   the change of lifestyles and we can see  that the libraries can do a lot to change   lifestyles and then the fourth false myth is  that sdgs are nice but they are for small scale   projects of demonstrated nature not at all i mean  projects after project and especially if there is   a national library policy for sdgs then it becomes  a true a true policy and the true and this is the   way the whole nation actually can attain sdgs so  we um we started the strategy that was uh in 2000   so last year and the strategy as a very vague  name it's think the unthinkable but i think that   the the the the subtitle of this strategy is much  eloquent it is a postcard european library agenda   meeting sustainable development goals to be funded  by uh european union structural and investment   funds so this is a after the pandemic then we can  go towards we can deal with the socio-economic   pandemic so we have had three workshops last  year in october and this year in the first   half of 2021 we had workshops in seven countries  france italy netherlands greece latvia and spain   and we also are focusing on structural funds  because we think that they help libraries to be   structurally important in a country so what do we  provide we provide think the unthinkable services   of consultancy of change of best practices we also  look for sources of funding how these projects can   be funded and of course when the when the  projects are implemented and this will be   starting from next year then we will be looking  at the internationalization of the projects uh   we have created a tool and our most uh famous  let's say tool is the ability matrix and i would   uh really invite you to you to take your phone and  to put into the google search box a bleeder matrix   and you will find out you go into this section  in this section you find the selection of the   new programs of char which promote sdgs overtly  section two is the library policies the covering   sdgs because in fact there are library policies on  sdgs in many countries france germany and a lot of   countries actually many more than originally  i had thought of then you also find funding   opportunities for libraries and again i will say  it's focused on structural funds the main eurostat   sdg indicators and the library indicators too  the ones that we are little by little discovering   that can be relevant for the evaluation of library  performances and how they can match sdg indicators   uh i would like and here i am at the end of my  presentation i would like uh to explain why we   able to selected the european structural funds  for 2021 2027. you are you are well aware that   there are many european programs and i mean many  libraries know about horizon they know about uh   erasmus but creative europe but all these  programs in all these programs in fact there is a   strong r d requirement at least in horizon  for instance but also in creative europe   something that must be at the cutting edge you  know where the in structural funds projects the r   d requirements is not essential because there is  room for small as well as for big libraries then   uh programs are the s the structural  funds are administered at national level   therefore you don't have to create these complex  networks at european level and because structural   funds are of local nature then libraries are  strongly connected with local communities   and there is a more there is more room for  them to uh first to use these funds and also to   implement activities and then finally it may be  down to earth but the structural funds normally   accounts for one third of the whole european union  budget so there is an extremely really there is a   kind of bonanza that can be used by libraries so  we are providing these services and at the end   of the day i mean we hope that all libraries will  be structurally important for the european union   and i'm at the end of the my presentation  and i thank you for your attention thank you very much i said we shall go on now and  then have a short discussion after three speakers   and the next one is minamanika whose district  manager of library services in older city library   which is located in northern finland this is  for developing the libraries customer experience   mobile and self-service libraries as well as  sustainability issues in in general and her   title of presentation is a responsible  library as promoter of environmental awareness thank you harry and good afternoon from finland uh my name is min naman and i work  in as district manager of library   services here in olo city library and i  will now start sharing my presentation yes we can see it now okay great great great  okay so i'm here to tell you about our project   called a responsible library as  promoter of environmental awareness and regional state administrative agency in northern  finland admitted 35 000 euros for this project to   improve libraries sustainability and this project  lasted 11 months and all the city library acted   as project leader and e municipal library and  cool somosity library as partners in the project what we had in mind when we  started to plan this project   in municipal education and cultural services  schools and daycare centers reach children   and young people in their daily lives and  provide importance important environmental   education through them as a responsible actor the  library has the opportunity to reach especially   the adult population in their daily lives and to  promote their environmental awareness and ways of   taking it into account in the various activities  of everyday life the public library could take the   role as an ecological educator in society through  this project olo city library aimed to increase   the environmental awareness of staff and customers  thereby raising awareness of environmental issues   among local habitants the aim was also  to review the energy logistics recycling   and collection practices of the library and to  reduce the environmental impact of its operation in this project olo city library aimed to develop  a sustainable library roadmap based on the un   program of action on sustainable development  agenda 2030 and its objectives the foundation   is also based on city of olo environmental program  and on library's own eco promises we aim to design   libraries a green visual image that can be  seen both in customer rooms for library users   and on staff premises for librarians the output  of the project can also be used in regions other   libraries as well as in the units of other actors  in municipal education and cultural services we   aim to provide training for employees to manage  energy issues related to their own work and to   raise other environmental awareness and training  events open to customers were also organized   and then we aimed also to develop libraries  recycling processes so that all recoverable   material is diverted to recycling or power  generation what did we achieve with this project the project produced information material for  libraries in the area and for other actors the   environmental awareness of library staff and  customers is increasing contributing to the   reduction of each each of its own ecological  footprints and the ecological burden of   libraries own activities will be reduced in the  future and as examples of information material   are different kind of publication templates  like this powerpoint model which i am using   and this logo here in finnish and in english  and project produced also waste signs   for waste bins and informative stickers  which can be used in staff and customer rooms but the most important environmental  act of the project was the preparation   of an action plan for sustainable  development for the oil city library and   the roadmap supports the library's environmental  work and will will make the work more consistent   and planned and the roadmap is based  on the goals of the u.n agenda 2030.

the roadmap defines the main development areas and  sets employment implementation plan for each area   the four key targets of the roadmap are increasing  the environmental awareness reducing environmental   impact responsible construction and  the sustainable library of the future   the roadmap also lists two special targets for  further advancement and these are resource-wise   regional development work and promotion  of better remote work practices   and all targets were also  reflected with the agenda goals although all 17 sdgs are relevant to libraries  in some level we decided to take 11 of them   which best reflect the aims of our  sustainability plan as the basis for this roadmap   and these are goals number 1  3 4 7 9 10 11 12 13 16 and 70. here you can see all these 11 goals how they  are included in each target on the roadmap   the overall aim is that the sustainable  development will happen through all areas of   libraries everyday work and that way it commits  everyone to our sustainable work in the future   here is a straight link to a video  of the sdgs which we are committed to   and a link to summary of the roadmap if you  wish to look more closely into that later thank you so much for this opportunity to tell  you about our interesting project and for further   information you can contact me thank you thank you  amin and we will continue straight to the portugal   our next speakers are leone leonardo caspar of them are researchers at sham center  for the humanities in university thank you very much for having us i will  be presenting uh but paulo will also be   present and will both can answer any questions  that you have let me just see if i can share it properly yes we can see it and now if you  can carry it little bigger be nice   thank you yes perfect thank you eric  our presentation intends to discuss the   integration of sustainability competencies  in library information studies in portugal   for those that may not know where portugal  lies let me just say that is one of the 27   member states of the european union and we have  borders with spain and with the atlantic ocean it is generally accepted that competencies  acquired from higher education are a key driver   of social and economic transformation there are  even some authors that say that universities have   been assigned the central world in sdgs and as  they were set by the 2030 agenda therefore it is   our belief that lis education must play a key role  for compass development for sustainability culture   supporting inter and trans disciplinary research  to deal with complex changes that we are facing   although there has been considerable progress in  the incorporation of sustainable development into   the curricula and via education institutions  in europe particularly on competencies for   sustainable development and on pedagogical  approaches there has been limited research on   the connection between how courses are delivered  from the pedagogical view and how they may affect   sustainability competencies in what specifically  concerns the intersection of library information   service studies with sustainability competencies  management and sustainability itself the main   research focus has been on sustainability literacy  in this context we seek we seek to contribute   to the debate on sustainability transdisciplinary  context and also on the relevance of reflecting on   lis students recognizable qualifications profile  and employability we want also to discuss the   strategic approach to sustainability contents in  lis studies that we followed in our university   and current indie creation of a mastering  information management creation in 2015. the strategic approach to sustainability  competence that we developed in the master   in information management creation is  manually anchored in two course units   one before is performance evaluation and  sustainability in information services   and the other course unit is organizational  management and behavior in what concerns the   logical methods both course units put an  emphasis on students activating methods   frequently focused on solving real  community problems for instance   in the performance evaluation and sustainability  courses students explore and apply the model for   the alignment and evidence gathered of libraries  contribution to sustainable goals which is part of   a guide for libraries which is main focus  is to to teach and to guide all to align   goals that are at the macro level just like joseph  vitello mentioned about the the main focus of   everything so we what we try to do in that guide  which was tested in public libraries is to help   our line macro level strategies and policies what  the local level of action of public libraries   during these two course units students  should develop a set of competencies   that are useful and targeted sustainability  these complexes are critical thinking   and analysis strategical environment which  is this this focus on on the ability of   aligning the macro level what medso and  nuclear levels systems thinking and it's   anticipatory thinking evidence based management  and impact evaluation advocacy and personal   involvement communication and use of social  media and narrative tools ethics equity inclusion   and tolerance for ambiguity and uncertainty  and sustainability informational behavior as to the main outcomes of our experience  in india's academic contests this approach   prepares students for sustainability intervention  areas such as information and sustainability   literacy trainers first or facilitators for  libraries internal and or external audiences   and stakeholders to advocacy impact evaluation  and evidence-based management to promote   information services contribution to sustainable  development and third research on sustainable   informational behavior and greening libraries  to embed the concept of sustainability into   our everyday life and information practices  so these are our contacts for any questions   or to know further about our experience please  contact us thank you very much for your attention thank you leonardo and now we indeed to have  questions you can make to to the three speakers so is there any anything on the set um i am not seeing any  questions in the chat right now all right so please make your questions now   i was delighted to see how well the  sdgs were in presented on this section nobody has any comments or questions i'm not seeing any comments or questions right  now all right in that case i guess we can go on   we are well in time all right we have one girl  um it's from michaela can you share can you share   any specific examples leonard of videos  brainstorming exercises teamwork etc etc that   energize your groups well for instance we  we use that that model for alignment and   we we use it in in public libraries content so  if students were able to to develop a prototype   for specific libraries so they can gather evidence  of their contributions so it's kind of field work   but in well in a in a controlled unlimited time  of the course unit and another experience in in   the other course unit which is a student it's more  managed management information students prepare uh   apply for for a prize that is is well it's it's  carried on by a management uh association that   has to do they have to to prepare an idea of  improvement under the the theme of building back   better so they are just in this running  for this prize together with other students   it doesn't it's not the important is not to uh  to win but to be able to understand the concept   of sustainability in applied way and making the  information management as a valuable resource   and to compete with for instance with them  with other management courses our focus is   always on information i don't know if i hired  something more to the question of our colleague all right i guess that was answer it for question   you see any other comments or questions uh  vanilla i hope i say your name correctly saying   she's very interested in leonore's presentation  okay thank you and that's all we have for now all right in that case let us go on and our next speaker is leo ma   he is upper head of upper campus libraries at  the chinese university of hong kong apart from   managing branch libraries he has spearheaded  several digital humanities in initialities   and currently he is a standard committee member  of ifla academic and research libraries section   and he has published more than 20 monographs and  presented numerous conference papers and his title   of presentation is revitalizing learning spaces  an environmentally sustainable library project of   transforming the united college version  library of the chinese university of hong kong   and again you can make questions  on on the chat we are going to have   two speakers and after that short discussion but  now you're welcome leo and the screen is yours   thank you uh harry can you hear me yes i can hear  you thank you um good morning um afternoon or   evening depending where you are and it is evening  in hong kong and i'm so pleased to have this   wonderful opportunity um to share what we have  done in our library let me share my screen first can you see the screen this slide yes perfect okay  thank you thank you harry and um yes and i'm so   happy to you know talk about our project um you  know a couple of days back a couple of years ago   and to revitalize the learning spaces of the  united college wujong library and because of   time i may not be able to go into you know very  details about our life our university our library   systems but it's suffice to say that i mean the  chinese university of hong kong is a government   you know funded university and we have all  together seven uh libraries uh one main library   plus six branch libraries and united college  woojung library is one of the branch libraries okay yeah now as we all know i mean um  traditionally uh we got you know uh libraries not   only academic library but in particular academic  library was you know regard as a place a storing   space for you know library collections and to  fulfill our missions to support you know the   learning teaching and research needs of the  university community it has been you know   working so well for so many decades and and  uh but of course um today we expect um you   know much more about academic library and and  has also undergo you know evolutionary changes   and today and you know academic library is no  longer simply a collection space it is also   a a you know a a collaborative and active  learning space so that to facilitate the exchange   of ideas and to foster the acquisitions and  the creation of knowledge and even much more   if we talk about you know the third space and i like very much um you know this  framework put forward by coming hand and table   uh about the attributes of library as a learning  space um you know in this pyramid it it you know   uh working very nicely from a very tangible  attribute like you know locations songs which   space collections and information and network  which is they are all infrastructures they're   related to access and languages but when we move  upward we talk about you know users users of the   libraries and activities inside the library  reading writing collaborating you know etc   and much more we talk about connection between you  know users connection between users and librarians   which is dissociability and up on the to a  pyramid it is talk we talk about ambience   and sense of scholarship we talk about the library  image we talk about you know comfort confidence   uh comfortable and you know a places for  our users so this kind of framework can   very nicely shape you know what we can do about  uh our library in particular academic libraries   a little bit of background about you know a chk  library in short and uh we we are kind of busy   places we have 2.5 million wishes annually and  but of course these figures we you know this   record you know i was uh uh in you know 2019 and  um well of course we have um a drop of usage and   in particular in hong kong when we talk about the  social movement when we talk about the kobe 19   last year but we believe you know in designing  our libraries as a welcoming inspiring and   sustainable spaces is our mission and we believe  our library should be spaces where users interact   with both print and digital collections as well as  studying individuality and collaboratively and we   provide space for serious studies individual  theory studies we arrive for you know group   and collaborative studies we believe you know uh  these the library should be spaces that they are   technologically rich and vibrant responding to the  changing needs for learning teaching and research   tools and technologies i think about the  research data management thing about all   these you know open science technologies  that we have to fulfill as academic libraries   now uh this is a snapshot of the um you know  the youtube united college wujong multimedia   library you might already notice that hey there  is a a very um you know unique uh word called   multimedia library and actually um a day back  in 2001 uh united college uh uh uchung library   was turned into a multimedia library by that it  means the entire buildings was used to host all   sorts of multimedia libraries but you can see i  mean from these snapshots um you know this space   inside the multimedia libraries uh was i was  pretty crammed and looking from inside to the   outside there are a lot of you know obstacles  and it is not very nice outlook a nice wheel   but actually in terms of the landscape you  know united college uh library was situated   on the kind of the top queue side with a lot of  greenery and we next to our you know water tower   so uh in you know kind of evaluating our library  in 2018 we make use of all these elemental you   know uniqueness and advantages to you know design  our libraries and what we have done is to make   sure that the west facade of the ground floor of  the main entrance as well as the south west corner   are designed uh using frameless transparent window  walls so that user can enjoy the natural outdoors   with dewey lawns and trees the same concept  actually applied to the east versa lower ground   floor to bring in this spectacular waterfall wheel  the next concept is about free movement inside   the library the past obstacles on the ground floor  plan are removed to make sure that the core of the   vertical circuit circulation possible in  maximizing air freshness and student convenience   and using the new cluster design  reading spaces and e-learning facilities   and the uh on the upper floors of the library  building uh the bookshelves were uh were   rearranged as clusters such that various  interconnecting reading rooms that quote an   unquote defined by the bookshelves are formulated  this is intended to depict a quiet atmosphere   for oneself or being surrounded by knowledge  so this is the new look of the library after   renovation and you can see we kind of you  know developed we built in a lot of you know   a nice study space as well as a very greenery you  know outside view the lawn outside the library   to make sure that the library is connected to the  environment outside connected to the greenery so   to on the ground floor and the lower ground for it  is a integrated and open space which is attractive   and inviting environment we provide group studies  area on ground floor and learning cluster uh with   pcs on lower ground floor on the first and second  floor we provide individual and quiet study space   which uh a philosophy collection was is housed on  the second floor and major chinese classical text   on first and second floor now after the renovation  and of course uh we changed you know the library   from a multimedia library to a uh what we call a  boutique humanities-based library on upper campus   and actually we i mean united college library has  been serving as a multimedia media library for   18 years already thinking about the streaming  technology thinking about the video on demands we   we saw a a huge drop in usage of the multi-lead  i mean the physical multimedia collections   so we decided to you know uh renovate the library  into a boutique humanities app libraries and the   previous multimedia library area on the ground  floor and delayed reading room on the lower   ground floor have turned into a collaborative  learning space with it bridge facilities and   of course this facilitate the you know the  collaborative studies as well as e-learning   activities inside is you know a user space  on ground floor as well as lower ground floor   uh we provide you know a range of you know  technologies you know um from hardware   software and as well as including the very  free facilities to our users to make sure   that i mean the united college region library is  a technology rich and user friendliest library   and and of course we make use of this  opportunity to embed the environmental issues   and environmental improvement in this library  and the co2 detectors were installed at risk   to measure the indoor air quality and indoor  human occupancy counting its motion sensors   monitors the air freshness and controls the  ventilation need based on the number of visitors   this installation aims to improve environmental  quality as well as cost effectiveness   secondly with the budget environmental concern  we have recycled an upcycle approximately   50 of the box shelves and the old rigging cables  as you can see in the photos by putting newly   made a plywood what a table top with ash wood  plastic veneer pre-installed with electric plugs   usb hubs and lan ports for modern day elasticity  on the photo on the right hand side we have all   these usb usb hubs uh with electric products  on on the top of the build of the of the tables   and after evaluation we conduct a user survey uh  in 2019 remember our renovation was conducted in   the summer of 2018. we collect users comments  about the new service facilities and the   environment of the library after refurbishment  in the summer of 2018 we received to 239 response   print response is 172 we are also resolved receive  67 online response and uh because of time again   um there's a whole range of you know questions  uh in the survey and we if we just focus on the   uh final question as well as the overall rating we  as we see a very good response from our users and   obviously they like the evaluation of the library  they like the change of the libraries from   a previously multimedia library concept to a  user space as well as you know humanities-based   libraries concept so uh this is the end  of my presentation thank you very much thank you leo and let us go forward to dr  mohamed said miroslav he is a principal   librarian at international islamic  university islam about pakistan he has   published several research papers  in journals of repute he has also   searched pakistan library association  as the federal promise as assistant   secretary yes here you are fine and his title of  presentation is perceptions overleas professionals   about environmental sustainability  in academic libraries you're welcome thank you very much harry  i'm sure you are listening me yes i can hear you okay thank you very  much thank you to harry and all the   authors and the presenters particularly  for giving this opportunity to present survey based research with  my international colleagues   so i would like to share my  screen yes let us see how it works i'm sure my screen is yes you can see it thank you and if you can make it a little bigger  it would be nice yes yes yes i'm doing   okay yes now it's perfect yes yes i  would like to start for my introduction   as pakistan is then at number five among the  most vulnerable countries to be affected by   climate change according to a report published  by the think tank german watch in february 2020   pakistan has lost about 10 000 lives suffered  economic damages for 3.8 billion dollars  

and encountered 152 extreme weather events between  1999 to 2018. according to a worldwide report   managing air and water pollution  managing land and water sustainability   including agriculture and modern access  and building resilience international   disasters are three major challenges to  environmental sustainability in the country pakistan has paid serious attention   to addressing growing environmental changes  challenges in recent times several policies   and public sector initiatives have been fed and  several acts in legislation have been promulgated   strengthening of environmental protection agencies  and we say here epa environmental protection   justices agencies at federal and provincial  levels setting up of environmental laboratories   environmental course national environment quality  standards certified setting up the national   energy efficiency and conservation authority  are all significant masters by the governments to minimize adverse effect of this global  challenge awareness and mobilization of   human resources on this issue is utmost  required on war shooting so my paper basically   is an attempt in this direction just to see how  our librarians information professionals are aware   about this big phenomena this pakistan is  being faced so the core objective of this   research is to understand the perceptions of  library and information professionals about   environmental sustainability and practices  in academic libraries are pakistan the methodology which i have used to investigate   the research objective using i have used the  quantitative methodology and online survey of   earliest professionals was launched on three  lisas on yahoo groups and only 49 responses   were submitted i think it's small response but  however i it was not have any second option so   i decided to use this response for the analysis  of this paper uh if we see the data analysis of this paper regarding the sector the responsible  form public sector there were about 70 percent   uh response rate while uh 30 percent  libraries were from private sector if we   see uh province wise we can see here that  majority of the response were from the   province punjab and islamabad capital territory regarding the gender we can see here majority  of the respondents are made about 81.6 percent   while the age group responded majority about 26.5  percent belongs to the age group 31 to 35 years

uh if we see about the qualification  of the respondents majority 53 percent regarding the experience of the respondents 30  percent are have 11 to 15 years of experience this slide shows the qualification of the respondents from this uh from  where they got uh this slide shows the department   of information management uh university  of punjab and alumni call open university   are the two major institutions from where the  respondents got their education uh when i asked   does your institution have an environmental  sustainability policy response was 65.3 there   was no sustainability policy available and uh when  i asked what is the level of your awareness about   environmental sustainability and green library  practices on five-point liquor scale we can see   2.91 was the mean mean awareness level is  is somewhat most of them are somewhat are   slightly aware and regarding the green  library level its mean values compartment   and the results are clearer to the awareness  level about the environmental sustainability when i asked the respondents  when you first time listen   about environmental sustainability  practices or clean library practices   so we can see the responses from this table  that majority have no awareness before   this survey and 1 and 13 mean 26.5 have one to  two years before they listen about this phenomenon

these are some statements on which i ask the respondent to give their  response so the statements were the design of your   library sport use of natural air and light 40 0.8  percent were agreed mean uh 40.8 percent libraries   they have the natural air and light  facility in their live radius mean   regarding the environment sustainability next i  ask the design auto library has proven to storage   and use of rain water for gardening  and wc flushing saves water and money   16.3 percent just was agree and when when i  asked about the soft pads i have been putting   on the feed of studies years to minimize  nice significantly six point five percent   were afraid and plantation has been made inside  and outside the library to create awareness among   the patterns about environmental sustainability  at 26.5 percent were agree about this statement   when i asked about your library  gets rid of waste by compositing 2.4 yeah when i asked about your library  tries to best to keep your empty trash  

cans been around library premises to  help patrons to properly dispose of   purpose uh you can see here the response rate  is very amazing thirty six point seven percent   and uh your library has sufficient stock to keep  environment needed clean at fifty three percent   or aggregate about this statement so far liquid is  provided in the toilet restrooms of your library   25 were agreed about this statement and and  dryer is installed in the toilet or restaurants   percent were agreed about this statement when i asked about your library provide  separate recycle bins for different types of   waste trash inside and outside the library  to support recycling activities 38.8   were added library staff is aware to write  on both sides of the paper to reduce the   paper consumption about this  statement 36.7 percent world as well   uh the next statement about the printers either  uh duplex printer is being used thirty eight point   eight percent were agreed uh when i asked about  recycling of the ink cartridge for the printing   18.4 percent were agreed uh regarding solar energy  to use as an alternative 18.4 percent were agreed  

and about the timer sensor lights reduce  electricity usage 3.5 percent were agreed   when i asked about the laptop computers were  given preference to desktop compressors to save   electricity 22.4 per agree and use of ceiling  fan to cool down library premises instead of   air conditioning 49 were heavy and  when i asked about the usage of ebooks   uh to encourage to reduce the use of paper based  information sources 38.8 percent were everything   and regarding the last seven  statements the library had digitized or   digitalized uh its indigenous production  to save the spaces 46.9 percent were added  

uh about time is running out so okay okay okay  yes yes i'm going to close just it's a second last   slide so digitization has facilitated preservation  30 were agreed about the email communication with   the pattern instead of the paper-based or the  surface mail 26.5 were agreed and the about the   online catalog of this library has reduced the  use of paper and has facilitated remote user   thirty seventy eight percent were agreed so uh the  these were some statements and regarding uh the uh to create the awareness among the library  professionals 90 percent were agreed or they   ranked it at the number one that lia schools  include environmental sustainability or green   library practices in the curriculum so uh about  the implication uh this study it meant that   la schools in the country should include the  modern concept of environmental sustainability   uh to prepare their graduate speech information  literacy in environmental sustainability   library association ways may organize seminars  conferencing and workshops to educate their   members constitution of special interest group  initiate a newsletter are allocating some pages   in already published a newsletter and launching a  blog for this course may increase awareness about   environmental sustainability among  lis professionals in the country   so thank you very much for your patience and  your support thank you very much thank you   and now we have time for questions do we have  any questions already folio or muhammad's site um i don't have any questions for our second group  of panelists but i did have two questions for for   lea leonor back in group one so um if anyone have  questions for um dr mirza or um for our group two   list please go ahead and type it in the chat  or use the q a before we go back to group 1.   all right and i think that in the end we  can have questions for all the panelists   if you okay we have one we have one question  coming in um this is for the first speaker   of group two i'm i'm thinking what do this for leo  yes um so what do the student do primarily in the   new library space and the patrons volume increase  and the patrons volume increase or decrease after   the renovation uh thank you for these very good  questions but i have a problem with my video   on the webcam is apparently i cannot you know  turn on my webcam can we even help me on this yeah oh there we go uh you can try now uh okay let me  try again yes no no i was not allowed to um use my   weapon anyway i answered the question first and  basically and after you know uh converting the   uh united college library from a multimedia  library to a humanities-based libraries we   concerned very much about how our library has been  used by our users by our students in particular   and we have statistics for for example  using our lower ground floor which was   originally a what we usually call a late  reading room that is the uh the space   uh was open in in the mid light for the students  for state studies and after renovation it was   turned into a 20 uh 24x7 uh learning cluster and  this learning cluster space i uh was very well   received uh by our users and the patronage of  these learning cluster has been increased by 50   more than 56 percent uh of of the use of the of  these learning clusters on our lower ground floor   but you can imagine as i already mentioned that in  hong kong we have a very unique situation in 2019   and remember our renovation was  completed after the summer of 2018 but   in the 2019 uh we have we have i mean in hong kong  there will say social events and and that effects   are very much about you know the um use of the  libraries so and of course when we talk about the 2020 and of course we are affected by the kobe  19 we you know we lock down for some period of   times so and the usage of the library in  these couple of years has been you know   seriously affected by you know various  reasons but at least for the uh you   know learning cluster on the lower ground  flow of the united college library as we i   mentioned uh it uh it has been proved that the uh  i mean collaborative learning space uh is a very   very well received space for our users thank you i  hope i have already i have answered the questions all right we would have time for another  question a comment um do we have any the any   other questions for our group two panelists  please go ahead and put it in the chat if not dr mirza has to leave us so   thank you so much dr mirza and we will  hopefully to see you again in our future ve all right fine and let us  continue to our our group free   this is maybe a little more special projects so we start with elaine harrington and john who  they are both from the university college cork   ireland elaine is a special collection librarian  and she has of over 15 years experience teaching   people to think critically about information  and john is the senior technical officer   department of music his research's interests  include production and post production of   sound for screen medium he is also a former  content content producer for balcony tv cork   and the presentation title is the shock  project records quarks soon to be forgotten   anthropo sin sounds so you're  welcome the screen is yours   thanks very much harry um welcome to  all i'm going to share my screen now let's start the presentation and  now it's perfect very excellent   great so thanks very much to ifland and zulub  for the opportunity to present and whoops got   there too soon there we go so in 2017 members  of university college corks department of music   and the library created this interdisciplinary  research project the sonic histories of cork city   or the shock project which explores relationships  between sound space and history from 2017 to 2020   the shock project used archival and historical  sources to investigate what locations in cork   city might have sounded like in the city's past  and from our research we created historically   informed narratives and audio soundscapes  for these historically informed soundscapes   we use textual and visual sources like photographs  travel narratives and maps in combination with   sonic sources like film to redraw the lines of  what might be considered the historical record   however for researchers in the near or far future  we also wish to capture cork's contemporary sounds   when listening to sounds of the city each of  us may only hear our own interests and as we   only may travel across parts of the city the sonic  fingerprint of the other parts is a mystery to us   therefore capturing any city's sonic contemporary  fingerprint is best completed as part of a   community and to achieve this we developed  songcatcher an online collection tool which   allows anyone to contribute the sounds of  course ever changing contemporary spaces   in early 2020 we started to think about  the anthropocene this unofficial unit of   geologic time when human activity activity  has started to have a significant impact on   the planet's climate and ecosystem in part we  started because ucc libraries green energy team   ran a love our library campaign on twitter which  contributed to ucc being named the ninth greenest   university globally um in the ui green metric  world university rankings for through 2019 we   asked ourselves which sounds are particular to  now in much the same way that when we think of   harpsichords we think of the 18th century however  2020 had other plans and as the year progressed   we developed a new sound shorthand for the  pandemic all the new sounds of personal protective   equipment and the resurgence in the natural  environment and john will speak more on this   throughout today's presentation we're using the  lens of sustainability and the urban environment   to examine the changing sounds of cork city  and we explored these changes via sound catcher   contributions blog post and soundscape and  we invite you to tour our website for more   i'll now turn to the importance of collecting  and preserving contemporary sounds london's v a   museum of art and design defines rapid response  collecting as acquiring contemporary design   and manufacturing objects in response to major  moments in recent history many of the moments are   newsworthy either because they advance what design  can do or because they reveal truths about how we   live in 2014 a survey of 430 unique and distinct  collections held in ireland's khanna libraries was   undertaking including capturing preservation needs  but a mere two percent of these 430 collections   were identified as possibly containing sound in  any type of media one of the challenges the shock   project faces is the how and where to preserve  this 21st century environmentally related sonic   heritage we record pages of our website in the  wayback machine place our sounds and repositories   such as the nodo or by creating digital object  identifiers 19th century ship weather logs   now provide insights to the earth's changing  climate therefore it is imperative to preserve the   shock project anthropocene sonic record for as yet  unknown future cultural research and i'm now going   to hand you to john who'll talk on the practical  sound recording aspect john thanks elaine um   so a key element of the project is the  engagement with the city and the wider   community and we've organized several events where  we encourage the public to join in on sound walks   and familiarize themselves with the practice of  listening to the environment while also making   recordings with whatever they have available  and typically that's just a mobile phone   but the air to field recording is best practiced  using a portable audio recorder and a pair of   headphones wearing headphones and pointing the  microphone is quite an insightful experience   as we start to hear sounds hear a notice sounds  which usually pass through us unconsciously   as the ethnographer stephen fell describes it  the practice of field recording presents an   enhanced way of listening to people places  and objects perspective plays an important   role when field recording with the microphone  acting as a sort of lens magnifying sounds as   you get closer to them in the slide you can see  an image of a motor of a singer sewing machine   in a sewing shop in cork city center and  attached to the motor is a contact microphone   which captures the mechanical rhythms  which accompany the users of these machines   of course there are a whole plethora of  microphones available each with its own   set of characteristics and uses but much can  be achieved with simple low budget devices um r murray schaefer who popularized the term  soundscape and who founded the world soundscape   project in the 1970s talks about the soundscape  being composed of various general types of sounds   these include keynote sounds which can be  could be background sounds which often are   act unconsciously on us such as for example the  home of the ventilation system in your library   um sound signals these have more some semantic  meaning and they alert us to things and then sound   marks are more location specific so in court  for example we have the shendon church bells   or we have the industrial activity at the  corks port and of course these general uh   groupings can be categorized in a multitude  of ways for tagging and archival purposes   as elaine mentioned earlier um the sound  catcher app is a tool hosted on our website   which allows users to upload geotagged  recordings with accompanying descriptions   tags and images these are then then  displayed on an interactive map   sounds can vary from discrete individual sounds to  broader soundscapes and here you can see various   points representing sound recordings around the  city and of course we hope these types of projects   will uh serve future sound historians of course  naturally we started to ask how has the global   pandemic affected the soundscape of the city and  what are the sounds that define this strange time various stages of government lockdowns uh  have resulted in decreased human activity   in our towns and cities and at times led  to our city centers been almost abandoned   the whitening of the urban soundscape led  to a lot of commentary on the perceived   increase in birdsong for example this  at a time when electric mobility devices   such as electric cars bikes scooters are becoming  more widely available is continuing to shift   the urban soundscape however the onset of kovid  has brought with us a new sonic palette which   plays a mechanized soundtrack to our maladaptive  behaviors of sanitizing scrubbing cleaning and   socially distant forms of communication for  example the ucc library like many buildings has   changed as activities and cleaning protocols  and the slide shows some examples of these   the soundscape of the city is likely to  further evolve as traffic is electrified   and the movement of heavy industry away from  our city centre continues in cork for example   much of the port activity which defines the  soundscape of that part of the city is in the   process of being moved further out the harbour  and we're actively documenting this activity   before the sound of foghorns cranes and larry's  fades from the consciousness of city dwellers   to hear a short montage of field recorded  sounds which have become familiar   to people using ucc's library during the pandemic  i would encourage you to see our latest blog post   by searching the shock project and i think  we'll post a link to that in the group   chat if you want to check it out  so thanks very much for listening thank you thank you elaine and sean  i'm let's let us go to our last   speakers final actually france and andrew  fosberry they are both from library of congress   is analyzer chief in preservation research and  testing division she's an international specialist   on environmental deterioration to cultural  objects and andrew is a preservation researcher   presidential research and testing division also in  library of congress he researches using internet   based technologies to improve data sharing and  collaboration between the sciences and humanities   in cultural heritage institutions and the title  of presentation is assessing the condition of   the united states national collection and  vanilla you are already there you're welcome thank you um such a pleasure to be here and  uh andrew will be controlling our slogic this   morning so a really wonderful presentation  so far thank you so much and i just wanted   to give you an overview of the project we've been  working on our melon funded project uh next please   next please so one of the challenges we have uh  with our collections and which is why i've been   thinking a lot is you've been talking about  sustainability is so much of our collections   are still in print form and the digitization  of those to make them digitally accessible is   a huge challenge and many institutions are making  a lot of withdrawal and retention decisions based   upon very subjective and incomplete information  there's been a number of uh print and future and   print initiatives that have talked about the  need for objective data in terms of assisting   with decision making to make those decisions  and that's been a large part of what we've been   looking at here is we think about what sort of  pragmatic decisions need to be made next please so it's a little bit of background about  the project we had 540 000 for 14 months   we will be extending that timeline given that we  were not allowed into our building for about eight   or eight eight months or a little behind with  the physical testing but our two researchers   andrew and robin have been phenomenal and uh  working to try and get back on track with that   and so the point is to actually objectively  assess the condition um of a select set of uh   representative sample of books from the time  period 1840 to 1940 which is really where we'd   start to see the mass production of books and  the acidic papers so we wanted to take that time   snap to look at what where the challenges  might be and we're literally looking at   physical chemical optical data to assist  with those those decisions next please   we have five research partners so essentially  five different climatic zones cornell   miami washington arizona and you lose the colorado  boulder and they are we're analyzing the same   500 volumes from all of the partners i  tried we did a representative statistical   extraction from all of the different uh decades so  that we could try and make sure that we had a good   representative sample from those uh next please  i just want to give you a link to the webpage   that explains a little bit more i know we'll just  be talking about this very briefly today but hope   you'll visit our web page there to sort of look  at the project and see a little bit more about   what we're doing and we keep trying t

2021-06-02 23:59

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