Elon Musk Shows Jay Leno His SpaceX Rockets | Jay Leno's Garage Full Episode

Elon Musk Shows Jay Leno His SpaceX Rockets | Jay Leno's Garage Full Episode

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even if we're sure Earth would be fine forever do you want to be here forever do we have a spurt of Adventure do we want to go out there and see the rest of the universe do we want to find out what's out there maybe meet some alien civilizations and if so we need to be a multi-fanent species that's the next step and then we can go from there to being a multi-stellar species tonight on Jalen's garage we're getting ready to put the engines on a little different than doing an engine swap at the garage I meet up with one of the greatest innovators of all time wow Elon Musk and he's giving us an exclusive behind the scenes tour of a spectacular SpaceX star base facility you built this whole thing in two years yeah it'll show us how he's turning his sci-fi dreams of human life on Mars into an incredible and attainable reality if you're making one of these every three days really yes and that's not all because elon's Innovation have also made the Auto industry even more exciting skateboard legend Tony Hawk swings by the show is his tesla-powered retro mod Stingray Corvette let's use some more electron and if you really can't get to Mars or don't have the time comedian actor Tig Notaro and I show you how to go to a valley far far away in an unbelievably futuristic state of the art RV I think it was just a matter of time before we ended up in bed together now things might get a little dangerous massage your technology in here there's no chance of hoping was up but trust me it's gonna be great how many guys say that uh I wouldn't know not my wheelhouse answer this show no it's not just all about the amazing cars we showcased all the compelling people who drive them I want to talk about cars look at cars drive cars read about cars what was the first vehicle you want an Audi Fox a sensible car I like speed try your Frakes it's also about all the incredible innovators who keep on changing the car game and the way we live like my first kiss who has graciously invited us all down for visit to his state-of-the-art SpaceX launch facility outside Brownsville Texas I'm here at Starbase talking with Elon good to see you again my friend good to see you now tonight often you meet up with the richest man in the world but Elon Musk and I have some history he came by the garage with his very first electric Roadster way back when 6831 batteries is that what it is yeah and let's just say his latest appearance on this show was super boring see how are we I think you you're looking good on this side okay here we go you see what I did there now when he's not upending the Auto industry with high performance electric cars and trucks busy building tunnels below cities they're hosting SNL he's over at SpaceX pushing the limits of outer space and technology in fact thanks to their tireless pursuit of reusable Rockets Life on Mars may come much sooner than we think especially if Elon has anything to say about it this is very inspiring because I was one of those people I was all in the space race and then we just walked away from it and now it's back and all these kids are here doing this because of you and you're their Inspirations that's got to feel good yeah I mean I think we've got an incredible team and we're making great progress here we're trying to achieve the Holy Grail of rocketry which is a fully and rapidly reusable rocket doesn't it no one has ever made a fully reusable orbital rocket and number one that could be rapidly reflown like an aircraft and that is actually the essential sort of invention if you will that is necessary to make Humanity a multi-planet species and it seems like common sense I mean you wouldn't get in a plane fly at once yeah and then record everything and then build it'll be insane yeah yeah like like the current the way the way that Rockets used to be would be like if you bought a plane and then you over your destination you jump out with a parachute and then the plane crashes right and that's actually how rockets work why do you think it was not done before I mean it's a very hard uh engineering problem you need a lot of uh advancements in the on the engines the airframe the Heat shield and all of the technologies that go into the rocket in order to have it be reusable but still get payload to orbit right getting to space is easy right but getting to orbit is a hundred times harder than getting to space really yes okay confused let me try to explain first things first it's hard to believe space is just a mirror 62 miles above the Earth yeah a few miles and say a round trip drive to the nearest outlet mall but what we call low orbit sits at around 100 to 1200 miles up and is way harder to achieve primarily because it takes a lot more propellant to not only get there but to maintain enough speed to stay up in orbit if an object can't maintain a fast enough orbital velocity it'll eventually fall back into our atmosphere and probably burn up on re-entry and since the current price for launching a SpaceX Falcon heavy rocket is 97 million dollars we definitely don't want that these have been reused these ones here correct uh some of them yeah I like the patina of it because it just has a look of a vehicle in use you know yeah they look like they've been into space yeah yeah the whole thing is built on site here isn't it yes we're both in these high Bays here and in the sort of factory behind the high base the public isn't isn't really aware of this and I think this would be it's just a good thing to educate people on it's just how absolutely fundamental it is to make a fully reusable rocket right it's profound going back to the aircraft analogy we're talking about if you had to throw an airplane away after every flight it would be so expensive right that nobody could fly but see that's what I love is the passion that you have because most people need a financial position they would have Beyonds and racing cars and places on the Caribbean or whatnot but you put it all into this don't you yeah I live here I actually ran a house from SpaceX in the little village over there yeah I spent about half my time over past two years just getting this place built yeah I mean I I think it's just incredible now the SpaceX star base sits on just over 100 acres of land right on the western edge of the Gulf of Mexico and a lot has happened here at Star basins they first broke ground way back in 2014. the first tracking antenna was installed in 2016 and the first propellant tank arrived in 2018. in 2019 they successfully tested and flew the first prototype test vehicle dub starhopper and as of March 2020 Starbase had over 500 people on site working here 24 7 on the incredible third generation SpaceX vehicle Starship which had its first successful test flight 2021 now this is the most impressive thing I've ever seen so this is our Starship this is what goes all the way to orbit this sits on top of the booster right the ship is about 165 feet pole yeah I don't think anybody has any idea how big this is yeah it's a 30 foot in diameter on the inside yeah because when you see it on TV you're watching it from a half a mile away yeah I mean you're sending the Empire State Building into outer space basically here yeah it's a gigantic building it's in fact the the payload area has more volume than a 747. wow so but we can get closer if you want yes can we get a little closer you don't have to get too close to realize that the SpaceX Starship is an absolute technological Marvel the complete rocket consists of the booster stage below with the Sleek looking and state-of-the-art Starship spacecraft on top which is constructed with a specially formulated stainless steel body and simply put it's the tallest and most powerful rocket ever built plus it's reusable which means huge savings on launch cost and more money for say lunches oh that looks good but amazing design aside the real magic at SpaceX is in the manufacturing you're the only person I've heard talk eloquently about the actual manufacturing because that's the hard part anybody can draw a rocket yeah manufacturing is is by far hotter than the design I mean there's an old saying it's like one percent inspiration 99 perspiration right right I think it might actually be 99.9 yeah perspiration actually in America I'd say we underweight the value of manufacturing right manufacturers is extremely important fundamental and a very difficult thing to do even making prototypes of the rocket is is easy compared to manufacturing a whole bunch of them so we're gearing up to make one of these per month and then within a few years be making one of these every three days really yeah you know I always say we won World War II not necessarily because we had the best soldiers which we did but we were able to make a bomber every hour at a Willow Run I mean we actually built planes faster than the Germans could shoot them down and there's still an awful lot of work on these isn't it it's men with with welding equipment and tools and putting a rocket together in there I mean there is quite a bit of automation right so we use uh lasers like laser weld for all the larger Wells it's a machine doing a very precise laser world and what you want to do here is build what a total of a thousand Rockets how many Rockets are needed to create a self-sustaining civilization on Mars it's probably on on the order of a thousand so you can only go to Mars every two years hold on a second two years well that's right because every two years Earth and Mars are orbly aligned to allow for the shortest route between them okay Elon take it away so we've got a thousand shift if you're able to put 100 people on that ship that'll be a hundred thousand people every two years I'd say take you 20 years to get to a million people and figure I don't know about a million people is probably what you need to create a self-sustaining City on Mars well that's why I love you always think big I remember talking to you years ago about trains and I was saying you know 200 mile an hour train he said no no mine will be 800 miles an hour I mean you're always thinking that next step ahead which which I love as long as one is not breaking the laws of physics right it can be done and the SpaceX team is using those laws of physics combined with all new manufacturing Innovations to build the most efficient and Powerful reusable Rockets ever made the Starship is two and a half times the thrust of a standard five wow statified was the largest rocket ever to reach orbit and this is two and a half times more power than that and one a month and they're meant to be reusable we're talking about something that ultimately as a system is thousands of times more capable than the Saturn V program oh and that's yeah that's amazing when stacked and fully fueled the Starship and booster module together weigh around 11 million pounds and a 30 feet wide and 390 feet high it's also taller than the Saturn V rocket by around 30 feet and of course like any rocket Bound for the depths of space is going to need fuel a lot of fuel because there's no air in space you actually have to carry your oxygen with you the Rock it is almost 80 percent oxygen and then the fuel is the simplest hydrocarbon which is methane CH4 so it's liquid oxygen okay and liquid methane and what is the ratio it's almost 80 percent oxygen by mass and just over 20 percent uh liquid methane and we also sub cool the the oxygen liquid oxygen liquid methane so they're actually even colder than than their initial liquid point and this increases the density uh so as you cool them they they even as liquids they shrink right you get you can get more propellant on the vehicle this is intended to be the first ship to attempt to reach orbit there's so much new technology in here there's good chance the whole thing just blows up but we have another ship behind that another booster behind that if the first one doesn't work we'll fix the issue and we'll launch again so by the time this is stacked on the launch pad we'll have a second ship uh waiting and how how many of these would you test before you do human cargo I think we'd have hundreds of flights before we did oh okay hundreds yeah probably hundreds but when you're building one every three days that's that's gonna pretty quick and each one that we build can be launched daily if not multiple times a day I remember we talked once you had an F1 McLaren and when that came out it was 2 000 hours to make the carbon fiber tub and then now the P1 it's 90 minutes wow so it's that same type of manufacturing efficiency you're looking for yes manufacturing efficiency is essential and the fact that all this was done in just the two-year period yeah we're getting ready to put the engines on yeah a little different than doing engine swap at the garage well uh we take a look at the booster as well yeah let's see that coming up we Explore More of the SpaceX star base where Elon will show us how he's giving the future of space travel one great big boost the astronauts are they staring at us all done on the ground from here it's automatic no parallel parking is out of the way and later comedian take Notaro and I go Roofing it back on Earth and a fantastic new RV so amazing it would leave even the most Ardent camper speechless oh gosh whoa [Music] today inventory in this spectacular SpaceX star base facility located down in Texas with one of today's true Visionaries the incomparable Elon Musk but you've built this whole thing in two years yeah when we left off Iman explained how manufacturing a usable rocket is a major hurdle so while making one rocket sound like a walk in the park in order to realize the elon's dream of making Humanity a multi-planted species the reusable rocket manufacturing process must be absolutely cost effective something I've heard you talk about which I've never heard anybody else talk about is cost per ton the point here with customer tot is not like some Mercantile sort of you know businessy thing but really from a practical standpoint uh what level of resource is necessary to get enough mass and enough people to Mars to have a self-sustaining City and the self-sustaining thing part is important if the strips from Earth stop coming for any reason the city can't die out right right that's a very important threshold right now the cost per ton of payload to Mars is over a billion dollars in order for a self-sustaining City to be created we need to improve that by probably ten thousand times so a hundred thousand percent yeah okay well that would be an improvement how do you get that us down reusability is essential that's the key to it yeah okay how much rebuild ability is necessary after one use no I'm going to say rapid it's going to be rapid and complete reuse it lands you refill the propellant and you take off really just like we fuel on your car yes wow but just a tad more expensive oh and your mileage may vary now if you thought the Starship module was stunning wait until you behold the super heavy booster standing at 230 feet tall the booster is the bottom module of a complete rocket and does all the heavy lifting to get the Starship into space like to Starship the SpaceX super heavy booster is made of a specially made high grade stainless steel each booster is equipped with 33 incredibly powerful Raptor rocket engines capable of delivering half a million pounds of thrust each and to deliver the payload necessary to make the mission a success they need every bit of it so the first engine we developed is called the Merlin engine right that's uh that uses uh basically a refined form of jet fuel and oxygen it's a much simpler engine than the Raptor methane is the more powerful fuel than methane is a more efficient feel than uh kerosene which is jet fuel most people don't realize jet fuel is just kerosene right yeah yeah all the engines that identical power or yeah yeah and they move don't they so there's 20 engines on the outside and they're they don't uh move the 13 engines on the inside do move to steal the rocket okay now the astronauts are they staring at us all done on the ground from here no it's it's automatic it's on autopilot okay all autopilot yeah you can't steer it it's dude yeah yeah buys too many adjustments per second no parallel parking is out of the way yep and speaking of parallel parking another crucial technological innovation SpaceX has developed is a gargantuan two-armed Tower affectionately known as Mecca Zilla in order to achieve a full and Rapid reusability with rocket we need to be able to place the rocket onto the launch stand quickly right or place the booster on then place the ship on top of the booster and then when they come back we need to catch the booster with the giant mekazilla arms and put it on back on the launch stand and then catch the ship and put it back on the booster so we built this giant mechazola Tower to be able to lift and catch these gigantic rocket Parts it's never been done before so I think it'll work but it might take a few tries and elon's optimism is not unfounded because for every SpaceX misstep and there's been a few they've had a far greater number of successes by creating the first privately funded liquid propellant rocket to reach orbit the first private company to launch orbit and recover a spacecraft the first vertical takeoff and propulsive landing of an orbital rocket and the first private company to send astronauts into orbit among many many others but all of these Milestones are essential steps in order for Elon to achieve his ultimate goal of colonizing Mars but it's important to remember that when Paving the way for others this always inherit risk I'd say Life on Mars is difficult dangerous somebody might you know people might die it's just fundamentally are we going to become a multi-planet species or not even if we're sure Earth would be fine forever right do you want to be here forever I think we want to be a space-bearing civilization it's not like Let's Escape to Mars do we have a spurt of Adventure do we want to go out there and see the rest of the universe do we want to find out what's out there maybe meet some alien civilizations do we want science fiction to not be fiction forever and if so we need to to be a multi-planet species that's the next step and then we can go from there to being a multi-stellar species and get to other star systems I disagree with the notion of rationalizing becoming a multi-planned species with advancements on Earth it is good in and of itself it is important that we do this because eventually there's something will do us in right it might be in 100 years it might be in a million years but something will do us in what it comes down to is through one civilization to surround on Earth until eventually it is extinguished and all life is extinguished or do we want to get out there and understand the nature of reality there are grander things right that we should be considering than the the pettiness of the of everyday life right right coming up Elon Musk explains how the future of innovation could find itself all wrapped up in a lot of red tape we do need to be cautious about over regulating and and actually ultimately limiting the advancement of civilization but first comedian tignataro and I try to escape the inevitable Extinction of humanity in the ultimate futuristic family survival vehicle [Music] oh what's that so far we've been walking and talking with Elon Musk discussing why humankind needs to head into the heavens even if we are sure Earth would be fine forever do you want to be here forever but now we're returning to the safety of Terra firmer while it still exists of course with one of the funniest Comics working today who's recently become an unlikely action star the one the only dignitaro now when she isn't kicking zombie butt in Zack Snyder's Army of the Dead are traveling at War speed on Star Trek Discovery pig is bringing audiences belly laughs on stage or in one of her many stand-up specials including the completely animated and hilarious dignitaro drawn this spider lives up there and it's just like who's performing tonight not a fan well I got news for you spider I'm a big fan and I know you will be too you know I kind of laughed to myself because I know he was a comic and I see you in movies and TV shows it's this badass character novel but you're very convincing actually well thank you you like acting it's fun it's not my uh go-to like stand up but I enjoy it I remember you had motorcycles like a long time ago are you still right I don't they are sitting side by side in my garage I feel like just getting married having kids I need something that marries badassery and family life I think I have the perfect vehicle okay just follow me just trust me how many guys say that uh I wouldn't know not my wheelhouse oh gosh I didn't even see that this is the Ultimate RV and that's a word I don't just throw around lightly even though I throw it around all the time because the super futuristic LTI Earth room was every bit of ultimate and more okay it's no Starship but if you have eight hundred thousand dollars lying around you can explore the train like royalty in the earth room was Ultra lightweight and completely carbon fiber cabinet the chassis is extremely durable Ford F-550 and features a highly capable 330 horsepower 6.7 liter 10 speed turbo

diesel engine but the most impressive feature here may just be the rechargeable 11 000 watt hour lithium-ion battery bank which combined with the rooftop solar array will ensure you never run out of electricity this is nice pretty cool isn't it yes now at the exterior major draw drop then I hope some of you brought some extra socks because they're about to be knocked completely off between the full kitchen the wine closet enough storage compartments for weeks you'll also get a spacious living and sleeping area plus a shower toilet combo that sounds bad but it's actually good which you can use to take care of all your bathroom business twice as fast just storage everywhere at your trash in there also could be used as a toilet this could be used as a toilet too you seem preoccupied and look there's a ladder to help you get into bed oh well I think it was just a matter of time before we ended up in bed together that's the way these movies always turn out yeah is this a movie yeah yeah that's the movie well gosh whoa okay and this comes down like this go ahead thank you oh gosh that's a nice shot huh oh I see him I'm up here honey yeah watch your head well this isn't bad no it's not I love you your snoring drives me crazy oh God [Music] huh ready to go for a drive yes I am let's drive to the next place we're gonna sleep come on this is insane how does it feel it's easy and fun and I just want to like go nuts well the fun thing is you could have your entire family cats in-laws and everything back there and you right and me that's great from here on out Jay Leno is a part of everything I do that's right [Music] is it hard work doing action roles I mean are you are you doing a lot of running and jumping kind of stunts or is it mostly just operating Machinery I guess at 51 running would be a stunt right yeah yeah but I really technically only done one action film uh Army of the dead right and they erased an actor from the film that they had already completely finished production on right and then green screen meat in his place and so I had to film the entire movie by myself for two weeks on a green screen and I had to fly a helicopter and fight song If you're just doing this well I wouldn't say just doing it well you know what no but I don't mean but but you're acting yeah I'm like I'm I'm like there's a Teamster going off to the side pretending to be something else yeah yeah there was no real zombie right if that's what you're asking let's try some real off-road this does not qualify of a bad answer no you're in a really bad 10 miles of bad Road we're going 10 miles an hour the question is do you know how to get to badassery the road to badassery now we should have no trouble getting to badassery especially when you're factor in this thing's massive 95 gallon diesel fuel tank and 100 gallon capacity for crisp clean drinkable H2O now is that an insurmountable Hill I see ahead we'll see about that [Music] fantastic I'll go over the back and do some family activities I'll make some food cook some things that sound all right that would be great yeah let's do it all right Jay hold on my friend what's okay you're making tea I'll have some I don't know if my cats are gonna like this or my wife hope you're not working with knives let me know if you want me to come back there I can put it on cruise control I think I'm making you a badass cake all right Jay let me know is there any clubs coming up how's it going almost done foreign what the hell happened hit a bump that better be vegan coming up we go no holes barred with Elon Musk watch as he shares his uncensored views on the patent process patents are for the week there you go but first we'll get an exclusive look at a color changing BMW so futuristic you won't believe it it's now time once again to catch up on some of the all-new latest and greatest in futuristic car tech with keckle today is a 2022 BMW IX I've always been a fan of BMW they've always been on The Cutting Edge of it and this is really cutting edge let me bring in a gentleman help explain it Marcus Bradley Marcus come on in my friend now this is the BMW IX flow featuring e-ink featuring e-ink now you'll notice this car is gray but it won't be for long because this 2022 all-electric BMW IX can completely change its color with the touch of a button thanks to its phenomenal prototype e-ink exterior I mean it's so incredible you almost have to forget there's a highly capable and super stylish 80 000 SUV hiding under there explain to us how this works e-ink is a foil the center of it has millions of micro capsules within a clear fluid you have electrically charged pigment and in this particular case of e-ink which is a two ink system by using the corresponded electric field you will have from black to white and all the Shades of Gray in between see one day this may apply to humans that can go from denim to tuxedo if you would imagine if I could just be in a tuxedo yeah our main Kini or something yeah well let's take a ride and change colors out in the road see how it looks going down the street [Applause] [Music] it's so funny the eye Inc has overshadowed the whole car it's true but here an extrovert if you're like a big time rapper or something oh this is better than a wrap that's the wrap for the wrapper well Marcus thank you very much for bringing this to us it's great to see yeah thank you my friend no thank you it's great it's been great now it's time to meet back up with Elon Musk earlier in the show we got to look at some of the amazing things Elon and his SpaceX crew have been building for their incredibly ambitious Mars mission down at the star-based facility in southern Texas so we built this giant mechazola Tower to lift and catch these gigantic rocket Parts I think it'll work but it might take a few tries we've seen the sleek and sturdy Starship and be held a massive super heavy booster but as of any great business it's all about location location so it definitely begs the question why Texas we needed a place that was out of the way because these are giant rockets and they sometimes explode so it needed to be a remote location and it also needed to be on the ocean or on the sea Southward and Facing East so when when you launch Eastwood you take advantage of Earth's rotation to get to orbit and you want to launch over the water in case something goes wrong and you don't like land lock rocket debris on people right now while Elon and the SpaceX crew have all been extremely busy building rockets and streamlining their process to make it more cost effective they have also had to overcome a ton of hurdles to build up this amazing facility in record time tell me about regulations and red tape and all that kind of nonsense how big a part of the problem is all that it's something that we should be worried about is that the rules and regulations get more and more every year right in the past War has wiped away bad rules and regulations right but also we prefer not to have War right as the means of of getting rid of rules and regulations in the absence of that what happens is there are more laws and more regulations every single year and eventually we won't be able to do anything right right so we do need to be cautious about over regulating uh and having too many rules and regulations basically stopping Innovation and actually ultimately limiting the advancement of civilization and these are some of the Rockets here yeah and these are all manufactured on site here no these were made in California oh oh These are made in California okay but SpaceX SpaceX yeah I mean you make them yeah we manufacture the engine okay it's the highest camera pressure engine ever done operationally by any standard the most advanced engine ever made and how quickly can you turn out when of these we make them one a day wow one a day that's pretty amazing is there one thing you're most proudest of one particular achievement or one piece of manufacturing or design I mean the most counterintuitive thing is making the rocket out of steel probably yeah we use 300 series stainless steel is that something you patent no we're not really patent things oh really I don't care about patents oh okay it Tesla we open sourced all our patterns anyone can use them that's what I mean so you buttons are for the week yeah you share the there you go you know the problem is like patents are generally used as a blocking technique they're like using like landmines and warfare right uh so they they don't actually help Advance things they just stop others from following you and most most patents are are BS yeah any lessons from Tesla that you adopted to SpaceX well the automotive industry is very good at manufacturing and the rocket industry is good at Advanced Materials and making things light so that's where the cross pollination is most useful is taking manufacturing techniques from Automotive applying them to rockets taking Advanced Materials and design from rockets and applying them to cars right well Elon I know you're very busy I know the phone's ringing and people are drying you quickly thank you my friend all right thank you thank you for being such an inspiration and inspiring so many young people to get into engineering and science unfortunately have to rush thank you bye oh yeah yeah all right thanks I'll take care of this rocket stuff from here on in coming up skateboarding icon Tony Hawk takes a few pages out of elon's Playbook and turns his classic Corvette into a futurized electric icon I have this unconscious desire to downshift so badly and later this old bird will teach Tony Hawk some new tricks stay tuned you know long before Elon Musk set his sights on Mars and the Stars his team at Tesla already had everyone playing catch-ups after they totally revolutionized the electric car market elon's Tesla changed the way we look at electrics making them sleeker faster and far more efficient than ever before and now their state-of-the-art electric motors are even upending an all-new or should I say older Market hot rod my next guest is just dying to show me the one he put in his own classic Stingray Corvette now you haven't seen this car in like three years right just about yeah I uh gave it to Evie West in hopes of of doing something and then delays and covid and but here it is looks great and here's Tony Hawk the pioneer of modern vertical skateboarding for decades Tony helps set the standard for aerial excellence in the sport over his prestigious 17-year career he won too many championships to count and now when he isn't appearing all over TV he's probably at home playing his own video games in fact his first title Pro Skater generated over 1 billion Revenue making one of the most successful games of all time and now let's take a look at his electric Corvette conversion well let's go if you think what we have here it's a 64 Corvette but not just any old 64 Corvette convertible it's all gas guzzling 327 V8 has been replaced and futurized with an eco-friendly rare mounted 300 horsepower Tesla small Drive motor the good news is you won't have to shout at 70 000 price tag to your passengers over the Roar of the engine because this thing can now deliver over 2270 foot-pounds of whisper quiet torque so you bought it and it has a 327 probably with a four barrel 300 horse was it a manual automatic when you had it manual a manual I'd open the hood but there's nothing under here except batteries because the engine is in the back but we could still open it up just to piss off all the purists all right let's open the hood let's see what we got oh look at that oh wow oh looks like a coffin yeah not a lot to see under here and we even can't we can't even see the motor because the back doesn't open up it's all smoking mirrors but again this can be converted back at some point yes if you have grandchildren my grandpa he mistakenly made it electric you know so all right very nice cool so how are the car guys responding to this I don't think the Corvette purists are going to like this very much but I've never been one to hold on to just all the the original parts right no we still have them right yeah and you can go by nothing's been cut yeah the frame hasn't been modified you can put the original engine transmission back in at any time so my apologies to all the they will hunt you down I realize that yeah well let's see what she does all right so your first 25 feet feels good yeah same steering same steering yeah well everything else is the same yeah it does all you've got to change the amount of propulsion might even feel faster than the stock Corvette I'll let you know in a second how does the handling feel very similar to you very similar so it feels the same as it did I have this uh unconscious desire to switch gears yeah like right now I want to downshift so badly that's funny it's always your first interview what did you learn to drive on I learned to drive a 1977 Civic cbcc hatchback oh it's a nice little car yeah it was cool that's uh super automatic stick oh and stick too yeah my dad wouldn't have it any other way I bought the car for fifteen hundred dollars and uh he drove it to Tijuana had it painted red for my birthday that's funny I was your real car guy your dad he wanted me to learn how to tune up my car right which I didn't learn but um now as a kid did your parents ever think well look at this skateboarding nonsense out of his head and get a real job as an insurance salesman or something they were surprisingly supportive yeah yeah yeah my dad passed away in 95 that was right before I had my big waves of success right but my mom she used to literally stop strangers in the airport and say my son is Tony Hawk that's funny it's nice when I'm not with her but when I was with her it's awkward yeah yeah what did your dad do uh he was in the Navy during World War II wow and then uh he retired in San Diego it was kind of a jack of all trades so he did a lot of handyman work he worked on cars he actually formed the national skateboard Association when there was no governing or sanctioning body for skate events oh is that right yeah so he was a big supporter oh that's pretty cool foreign what are you doing you know we have our foundation yeah tell me about the foundation Foundation helps to build public skate parks and low-income areas right in underserved areas we've been doing it 20 years as of this year helped to fund over 900 skate parks well congratulations on all your success it's pretty amazing oh thank you Tony thank you my friend all right no worries all right some more electrons coming up the Donald lavazz is back and he's brought three all new Incredible Vehicles along to assess and caress that is our exercise in this segment and be sure to stick around and watch me turn Tony Hawk's whole world upside down for more cool cars go to JLo's garage.cnbc.com what's up folks it's time to assess and caress with Donald Osborne okay we have three vehicles today from one of my favorite places the our drain automobile museum in Newport Rhode Island something connects these cars somehow I think they're all cool they're all unique Donald what is the connection here well Jay we're here with you an acknowledged icon because these are three icons then why are you here I am a legend a legend okay we've got a 1965 Shelby GT350 a 1970 Porsche 914 6 and a 1963 Corvette 327 coupe right so we're going to start here with the dt350 of course you as the owner of the GT350 know how incredibly special this car is right the work that was done not simply to give it more power but to make it handle the lowered suspension the better Borg Warner gearbox and it had the aluminum cases rather than yeah exactly and this is a car that you know people think of American cars of this period as being cars that may go fast but they don't handle right this car does everything you want a sports car to do you know a lot of times that first generation just gets it right and this is a classic case of getting it right the first time let's talk about the Corvette and of course this has to be referred to as the split window because that's what set the 63 apart to this day I still think it's the most beautiful Corvette it's very rare that that a hard top sometimes is better looking than the convertible but to me this was so cool because you know the doors cut into the roof kind of race car style and this split window which Bill Mitchell loved and Arcus duntov who was across Mr Corvette who was the race guy he hated it he couldn't see out of it and they had a huge fight and Mitch is I will do it for one year and of course it became the icon one of the things I'm sure that also drove uh Dunta crazy were the fake grills in the hood right now what happened with these at extremely high speeds above 130 the front end would lift the air would get under it so these were supposed to be open so the air could come out and keep the car on the ground but it cost too much to poke all the holes or to drill them or whatever you do so they just put these covers on here which done talks it just was crazy you know I imagine somebody's taking your thing and now you can't do is yeah so it was it needs that mascara yeah I mean duntoff really gave Corvette the name and but he was constantly fighting with quote the bean counters I don't think you'd have that problem today because everybody is an engineer now right at American car companies everybody in the old days it was Bob from Maytag this is Jim from look at tobacco well this is some whatever it might be you know but that now they're all engineers and they understand the value of engineering so now let's talk about the last of our Trio here the Porsche pretty controversial car you know the trouble with these when they came out the idea was to build a lower price Porsche but that's the very interesting thing about this car and the fact that it was a joint venture between Volkswagen and Porsche and the idea was that Volkswagen would get a car to replace the Karmann Ghia and Porsche would get a car that they could sell at a lower price than the 911 to broaden their Market I think that the design of this car is absolutely brilliant because the designer was tasked with the role of creating a car that did not look like a Volkswagen or looked like a Porsche and in Europe they Market it as a VW Porsche right and they really realized that in the United States no one was going to buy a Porsche that had a VW badge on it but nonetheless I think it's a very special car and I think they did a remarkable job with it but this still has the problem Porsche always had it's not a 911. okay so which one has appreciated most in the last five years that is correct that is our exercise in this segment yes and your thoughts Mr Lena well okay fine go Shelby first Corvette second Porsche a third so in our signal orange sandwich on White Bread you're picking the top slice right the bottom slice right and then the meat in the middle right in the middle right right yeah five years ago this Shelby might have been 425 thousand dollars today it would cost 500 000 at least to get one okay the Corvette five years ago would have been about two hundred thousand dollars and that today would be about 275. the Porsche five years ago would have been about ninety five thousand dollars and today it'd be at 160 000. yeah okay I could see it technically yeah yeah okay all right hickories ah I'll give you that 200 Grand really 200 Grand that's what they're going for time to sell yours I gotta get out more I'm stuck in the garage now before we go there's just one more thing I need to do we're at Tony Hawk's warehouse this is half pipe where he practices and I'm ready to give it a shot you sure about that yeah how old do you think I am but she looks 78 no I'm only 72. oh okay you're good then yeah of course good let's give it a shot good luck Lean Forward [Music] oh [Music] this is not too old oh my God that was amazing I had a little out of practice but [Music] foreign [Music] [Music]

2022-09-25 07:34

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