Eşkiyanın İşaretleyip Sakladığı Defineyi Buldum!!!

Eşkiyanın İşaretleyip Sakladığı Defineyi Buldum!!!

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Hello friends We are starting the video with such a beauty today I found a perfect place I don't know how to explain a place beyond perfect I don't know how to show it but it is very nice so obviously it screams there are events processed here it says there is something here it says such a place I realized something like that something will happen now First I took a picture and where was it on that side Because I came from this region and came directly seeing it like this there is one Cashier over there I want to show it can we see look look look look look look at this beauty here Hey baby hey we have a cashier here waiting to be opened but with the machine Of course We'll check it, tell me, we'll open it, as if it 's here too I put it here so let's take it like this let's take the tripods away and we start looking here Because as you can see at the beginning, there are safes and they may be hidden in other places. That's why I started from a place like this. Because he may have hidden something on the rocky ground here , why shouldn't the old people hide it? I said I shot that much, the taste wasn't enough, is it ready, it's good , but I need to check, how long has it been, stop by there, but as you can see, I'll work on rough terrains, not in normal fields, so it's happening when there's so much electricity. Don't go out here, the lamp will be fine. I wonder I'm going to go out I'm going to get on top of it I'm going to look Ok something ok ok ok ok come on come on buddy, it's clear where to give a signal safe box It's obvious already but still look for something else Just in case there was another For example, there was something in this one too let's see if the machine is working no signal how come ya Exactly ask something and I'll change your thing Now here the tone was supposed to sound like there is no signal when there is a promise if here Maybe this foreign tape So he didn't open it, someone tampered with it. Maybe it was, that's why they didn't open it, he should hang it, he might have gotten it from here. Look, this is another craftsmanship. I'm so. Even if you

bought it, it's a wonder, but we continued towards here, we will continue together, we will continue this way together, how I descended like a ladder. I was able to click down. So, that shape could have been used as an altar, but where are the gifts? Did you hide the gifts in an important place? What did you do? I need to find them , or nothing will come out. By the way, in some videos, cubes like this come out. If there is a break, I say that I am doing something in many videos, specify the number so that I will give a gift. My purpose in this is Both distributing gifts and let's see the number of followers , more or less, I want to learn about the real followers, not just those who enter the channel and watch a video, because I say it in the middle of the video most of the time , the person who enters the channel can not understand whether there is a gift or not , the person who watches the video constantly The person who watches every minute can understand whether there are videos present or not , so let's watch the videos constantly, I tell you, my followers are not these fake followers Because there are a lot of fake followers, they follow, but they do not subscribe to the channel, they do not write comments here . Do n't be lazy, just what's going on, what's the news ? i'm not Now, if someone sees me from the side , they will say if someone listens to me in the bushes . It's a wonder thing, now this is a stone. I 'll

go there too. I don't want to go there, but in the bushes. he says another one, he will squirm in there from behind, the inner side of it, the inner side of it, has closed the property , it will be very difficult, but we will go to that side , let me catch you in any way, here and there The material will be great too. One sign has been looked at here. This rock

is beautiful. Where are you, it's right there, it was right next to you, I wonder if you can get out of here, it's a very narrow space . Let's open the camera , it's as if there is something there, my friend, there is something very beautiful here . Let me tell you, it is very beautiful and exquisitely embroidered. there's something, don't make it completely out of bone wow wow wow wow wow wow wow wow wow wow wow wow wow wow wow wow wow wow wow There is nothing else in it, it was just that. Wow , I couldn't collect it inside of it. he has a son Wow his friend What am I going to do now I will look at the machines again I will put the machine in let's see if there is anything or not then continue just open it like this I'm open, let's insert the crowbar Come on, my son, there is more food, there is no other nerve , there is no other signal Yes, friends, that's it, if I get out of the way, our place is very good . I can say we found a nice treasure, it's amazing We found something wonderful, let me show you Wow, something beyond perfect Yes, friends are reading the prayer, let's listen to our prayer and see you in the next adventure, I say goodbye

2023-01-29 19:01

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