Detroit Become Human 1 / MY FANS FORCED ME TO DO THIS

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Finally. Playing. A videogame everybody. Hooray. Detroit. Become human, the dumbest, title ever i can never remember it, like. Beyond two souls what. The hell is that detroit, become, human, come up with a normal title, please i spent, my last five minutes there's been like what what was the name of the game again. Hello. Oh god welcome to the Detroit experience huh, I'm an Android and I'll be your hostess this, is a again. Let's, make some adjustments, to optimize, your experience. Hmm. These. Language, settings were detected, on your console. Are. They correct oh my god she's breaking the fourth wall. That's. Awesome I'll. Do medium, I'm. A medium kind of guy man. It's. Weird it's weird when you see. You. Know I won't go there. Please. Adjust your screen settings, okay, they're fine they're fine trust, me they're fine okay. Just thank you yeah, well I'll make your profile what, do you want what profile, X, I. Want immersive. Gameplay with, advanced controls. Well. If you pick casual, you shouldn't even be playing, here. We go when. This sign is displayed please do not turn off your console, well. You can't tell me what to do I'm now ready to begin Detroit, thank. You, this. Is not just, a story. This. Is. Our future. Sure. Sure, buddy anyway. I'm really excited to play this game I love, heavy rain it's one of my favorite games beyond, two souls you, know it, was entertaining, but no it wasn't good so, that's why I was kind of hesitant when this came out I didn't really want to check it out right away until, the reviews came in and then I I just got off the hype train and everyone had already played it so I thought maybe I shouldn't play it but then I realized that is actually really cool I I. Want, to play it I genuinely want, to play it so here we are I hope you guys join me on this journey. It's. Always fun to do Let's Plays. If, it's a good game and I'm told this is good and. I'm. Walking everybody. Hey, yeah, you. Hear stuff in the background hey let me take this. For. Those of you not familiar with these type of games they're always very story. Oriented. Leaving. You would random. Options, in front of you heavy. Rain was so revolutionary in, the genre I don't care about your girl let. Me go off on a monologue. Hey. I am a real person thank, you. Alright. Captain. Allen. Consult. Your objectives, all right what do we got fine Katara it looks like he's. Wow, Android, here. Hello. I. Don't. Know what's, the name. How. Is the acting. I. Don't know what's happening so it's kind of harder to determine this. So. I was a hostage just fucking Android now I'll. Take care of it oh, I. See, what's happening, probability. Of success, every, second counts, what. Understand. What happened okay, save, hostage, at all cost I'll, save the hostage. Understand. What happened. Sorry. My objective is what oh. It's. All of these things I thought I could pick. This. Is really interesting. All. Right analyze was. Trying to. What. Happened to you, the. First officer to that responded, okay. We got to find close okay, that's cool I would, have got collecting. Data pío, Deckard, and to me, yeah. No. One will care about anyone named Anthony. What. A loser. Lead, that siphoning, I'm joking, it's upright with, one shot okay, all right. Look. I found it guys I must be some sort of detective. All. Right right, heart ventricle. Right, now let's, deconstruct this everyone. Use. L2. Really. Okay. So we can see what happened oh that's cool. Shot. Through the heart in, your, tools flame, darling, you give a. Bad. Name. Cops. Shot the debian rewind, to search for a new clue. And. It. Was a hostage. Giving. Some moral, support got, it okay and then there, must be another. Clue here somewhere let's see you know there. It is I am G honestly, I'm a genius, you're watching a genius, let's play here everyone, you're welcome we found it we, found the gun it's under the table. No. One, thanks, to hyper. Technology. We. Managed to found the unfound, weapon, it's been here four years, no. One could ever possibly have, found it without me. Well. I guess. I can't relieve finger planet friends if I'm gonna Android so I'll just go ahead and you. Want to stir that one. Center. For Androids. Connor, is anything he gives no fun ah. That's. Close guys don't. Worry you. Can fought down on us yeah. Yes. I. Love. This so far. Okay. So our, probability, of success increases. The more. Information. Dude. Why. Does he kind of strange you look like me.

What's. Your name I mean. My name is Koh. So. I skip two things nah, fam. I'm. Playing this game wrong I'll go back I don't I'm yeah, okay. Since, I'm replaying this I might as well let's say what I wanted, to say which. Is I. Love. These. Type of games, especially. Heavy rain the reason why I heavy rain is one of my favourite games is because you truly, felt like. You. Impacted, the story with your decisions, there's so many different, endings in that game and if. You messed up the goal was to save your son right and if you messed up you could actually. It's. Such a dark ending and if you make it the game continues, I don't, know I thought it was brilliant and then beyond two souls games out and. The, whole game basically. Just plays itself, I think is an insult, to video, games, almost. In, retrospect. But. What I'm seeing so far is that this is actually they. They've, gone back to. I. Love. These type of games where you really feel okay we're back okay, we're back I was gonna say I love these type of games where. It. Really feels like. Your. Decision makes an impact. But. Also it's hard to play for you too oh my god. Because. People get so mad if they know you make the wrong mistake or. The wrong move, I, will, tell you I will try my best to make the right decisions, but I hit. That there's not family, was about to have dinner. So. We have two more things to do search the hostage room and, examine. The victims, now, we did that, run. Probably. If we go out like I did and we fail. The. Story will be different or they're, just giving us BS and the, story will go on no matter what the same way that's. The problem with these games they a lot of it is just making. You. Think that you have a choice I. Think. That's why the. Telltale, games got so stale is, you play it the first time in your life whoa I. Really. Feel like I'm making an impact on the story and I'm making my own decisions, and then you realize no it's. The same for everyone. Not. A PlayStation, VR Wow missed opportunity, waits headphones, oh the. Child in here. Mesa. Mean, if, you if you love the life you live you, will live a life of white. That's, a dumbest thing I ever heard. What's. Your watching, are you buying on YouTube. I'm. Swiping on my thing zoella. No. Wow. Daniel you don't seem so cool now. Conveniently. Have that video played, I. Don't. Buy this this, is to a our, probability, of success has. Increased alright. Examine. The victims, what's. The victims ah here's. Me are. You doing but not. So good I don't know why I asked, ok so I. Ah, the ends. Okay. Same, same, mean, different. Guy. All. Right along aroma, ex, who. Doesn't I wanted those what a crybaby. What. An absolutely. Okay. I know he's dead. Am. I supposed to like. Where. Must. Be on his face, must. Be his hair. Ah it. Was his titty I knew. It. Yes. Best. Let's play on YouTube, everyone.

Okay. What, did we get he was just. Sitting chillin he. Was holding something, all. Right interesting very, interesting what else did we got oh. My. God. A guy. Just shot, him that's not, nice. What. Does that mean okay. Breanna analyzed everything oh. He. Dropped us something you mean them are. You kidding me you could have just found that without all oh. Yeah. You got a nice. Oh. He. Was about to get replaced. You. Son of a gun oh. God. You. All. Right so we still only have. 7670. Person. Uh what. Is the flow chart Oh. What. So. We missed some stuff talk to kept an Alan. What. What. No. That's, cool. Okay. So. Locate. The hostage it's. The only thing left. Okay. There's something in the gun all right so we know we. Well. We already found again. What, else could there be. Huh, bullets. Okay. So there is more. The. Davian took the father's gun okay. So. We know he's armed basically. 78. Still what that friend. I guess there's still just, some, chance. Every. Second counts I got a hurry. Okay. I think. We officially did everything. We. Have no choice at this point okay. Come. On 70% those, are good eyes why. Would you shoot me I dub nothing. Don't. Come any closer or I'll jump. He. Would never hurt her. Hi. Daniel. Oh oh. Yeah. Huh, come. On guys you totally ruin it. Okay. We found in. Approach. Slowly okay all right Daniel, come. And. Let the girl go Daniel. Mike. Damn. It. And, menu, yeah let's do. You. Think she betrayed, you but she's done nothing wrong she lied, to me. Did. You lie Emma. She's. Just like all the others humans. Come. On Daniel you're being a total part of your brain what's, possible, cause. All. Right let's replace, you. That's. What happened. He thought it was part of his family. There's. Something in the pool but, I was just there toy. Something. Get throw away when you're done. Sympathetic. Listen, I, know. It's not your fault. These. Emotions, are feeling are just errors, in your software. Oh. It's, going up we're doing good. You're. Being a total crybaby. I can't, stand that noise anymore. Tell. That helicopter, to get out of here. Okay. Accent. No. Le. Oh that's. Come. On last chance. Damn. It, come. On I'm just trying to push a little bit. No, no a fan. Okay. You. Know what, you. Intimidate. Yeah. Whoa. Man. Come. On. Whoa. What. What. What. Oh. No. I'm. Kidding, me. No. Did. I no. Choice. Yeah. Weird choice, you're being a total doofus. Oh my. Time. Damnit. I am, so, pissed. There. You go, there. You go okay. So there. Are one. Two three four. Five. Maybe. Even six if, I use the gun that was another option I guess to shoot him that, is so cool that they show you. See. This is what I mean now I actually feel like. I. Wasted. Too much time apparently, oh. My. God this, is so cool. Can. I go back though that's the real quest I don't. Think I can. Ok, leave the gun. Sorry. I. Thought. I could play it cool guess, not. Come, on. You're not going to die we're just going to talk God. Trust. Me. Okay, I. Trust. You. Don't. Make don't shoot me in the face. Please. Yeah. That's. What you get Daniel. Oh my. God this is Mortal Kombat scene, yeah. Okay. We, did it guys we, did it finally, it took a while, Thank. You sundar but I. Mean. You. Shot me technically, you shot me okay, so I don't know what to tell you. Connor, gives the fattest, dab right now no. Mission. Success, yes. Pretty, cool seems really promising so, far. What, are you guys think smash, like everybody, smash. Like. Wait. Wait. What, did. I just play that without saving. No. No, no, no no. Are. You kidding me I can't I cannot. Okay. I got a people all right we're back everybody, yay. We're gonna play more. That. Took me a lot longer than, probably what the video is. All. Right who is this annoying little prick I can already tell. Ten, thousand different stations, but it's suspicious. I'm. Sorry tell me more about this oh, the. Part that Android, Oh. Am. I one of the showcases. Oh hi, mr Knight. That's. Awesome. Are. We gonna come up next, to me just this. One gives amazing handjob. At. Night. Contacts. Emergency, services it was breaking or if it detects smoke I mean that's pretty awesome.

Does. That one know all the fortnight dances. Oh, really. Can you do the L Danes. Absolutely. Me anytime anywhere else, Oh God. Don't buy me difficult, getting it back in working order it. Was really, I'm, repairing. The. Car he stupid. Accident. See. Anyway. It's as good as new now except, that we had to reset it meaning. We had to wipe its memory hope. You don't mind I'll be fine, damn, I don't, know what's gonna add you give it a name my, daughter did. We. Bought home register your name movie', my home. Dammit, I'm a lady miss, cara. Cara. So. Innocent, so sweet oh, my. God. This is a cover of. It's. A movie, soundtrack. So. I don't know if David cage still work on this it's not his name David cage. He's. Like the first. Game. Developer, that really tried to make games into movies you, play one of these first games actually, it's the second one what. Is it called comments, help me out I forgot. And. I. Remember you play it and it just says play movie, and rewind, and all that stuff that was a fun game actually, you. Guys remember that did you watch me play that game that. Was a long time ago that was really fun. Hey. It's. Come a long way since then, it's pretty impressive to see that development, how, these games improved. Throughout. It. Seems also like they learned from. The. Last one which wasn't bad it just, bad. Ideas. They. Desperately, wanted to be a movie so bad I think there was the first game that they beyond two souls was the first one the last one that, they showed it like a movie festival, can movie, festival, or something like that. If. You guys had an Android what would you do it with it. It's. Kind of weird cuz like if you play with, VR and you see. Other. Enemies, or people it's. So fun to just mess around with and I feel like if there, was an Android you do the same thing okay it's David Gators you're working on it of course is. Another. Thing about this game is that they always just look incredible, and then, we got a really ugly shot about three great. Just. The faces the way they did faces, I, remember. Playing heavy rain, before. I did youtube I. Spent. My last bit of money on that game I bought. A PlayStation 3 and heavy. Rain and it was such I had such a blast, it. Was at a time where I didn't really know what, I was doing with my life I. Was. Such a good escapism. All. Right we're playing is this guy now I don't know why. Sorry. I love talking about myself what do you want, I. Have. No objectives retrieve, order 66. I. Have. To go to Bellini PaintShop. Okay. So. He leaves just sending out its I'm going to do his errands, this. Is so cool. Plastic. Idiots. We. Solve racism by, adding, androids, now. You can hate them instead press, r2 to use GPS all, right. Villani. Ping not, this way all right this way everybody. Hot. Dogs. All right you're doing a terrible job for an Android. Open, your eyes. Boy. Can't. Swear just empty. Since. Let's. Check it out here. Demon. Oh. Really. Where. It's a dab option come on destroy. Right. I forgot we're in Detroit. He's. The guy on the cover isn't he. Yes. There's the thing there with them. Slaves, in the black men. Maybe. They'll play into that I don't know. Okay. So where is the stupid paint shop there it is right, there, beli, any paint color. Since, 2009. A very, good. Her. Brow. Give. Me your finest, paint please. Identification. Verified, oh he's an Android too this should be awkward. Here. Is your order number eight four seven. Please. Confirm, paint. Hey. It's the cover everyone, of the game. Payment. Confirmed. Transaction. Complete. Obviously. You guys probably heard that you can put like a chip in in. Your hand and then in, some places very, few I think you can pay using, the ship. Controls. Are still awkward as ever. Would. You guys ever do, with that consider. Doing something like they. You, know things, that seems crazy, now might. Be perfectly, fine in the future. It's. Fun paying for stuff so awkward, already, like, put. In the card putting the pen awkwardly, awkwardly. Waiting. Any. Time I am. Waiting, to pay something and you wait for the machine right, I'm always considering, like doing small talk or do I just blankly, stare at this machinery, it's. My dilemma every single time what do you guys do please let me know i genuinely wanna go cuz. It's so awkward right it's like just. Too, much time not to talk no, it would be opposite of what I said and just. Enough time that you could talk. No. One cares I get it. Why. Do you hate me. I. Mean they're literally everywhere I don't know why hey. Hey. Hey, oh, my. God no one's around please. They. Took our dams. Come. On does he not know kungfu come on do download, it's a movie. You. Job, stealer. All right. It's.

Enough, It. Alone, let. Us teach this bastard a lesson. Hey. Hey, yeah I'm gonna, have to fight. Damage, it huh, didn't. Take your job next. Yes. Their. Car, car. Let's. Go. It. Sounds like you don't even need a job if you got another guy just doing everything for you get, androids right and. Then just make them do your job and you get a commission for it great. Alright, oh, I. Gotta get the bus you. Know people always get mad at. Destructive. Technology. At. Least people jobless. And it's understandable. But. Those. Those. Technologies, bring in more jobs anyway it's always a cycle. That we know has gone through. It's, like wheat farming back in the day when. They got machinery, for farming. Oh they, get to their, it come on that has to be some sort of Rosa Park thing they, get to rider their special place in the bus. Well. That was pretty pointless. Okay. Wait, so. Yeah. It, couldn't have gone different ways but we could have explored more I guess so. Let's. Marcus took the bus everybody, interesting. Oh this reminds me heavy rain so much. I you. Know what maybe. Pete you guys are judging this guy I'm sure, he's a wonderful, guy I'm sure he's gonna take great care of us I feel, really excited about this how can he afford her though. And. Big. Use. R1 to switch camera angle. So. Awkward if you have to move your, movements. Take everyone. Hello, I'm a gamer at the game right two, weeks so the place is a mess. Not. My fault washing, you cook the meals and you take care of. Swearing. Oh it's, a bitch Alice. Oh. That's. Alice, from the caster her getting. Work bath all that crap. Got. It yes. Top get. Started down here then you do upstairs I. Really. Hope there's not gonna be any sexual favors please. Hold. R2 to scan the environment okay so alright we're gonna clean, that oh, thank, god game now this is a game alright a wham and similarly. I'm. Joking. Okay. Collect the trash, kitchen. Alright what, do we get I could.

Just Gotta take you, don't start, by taking the trash out your date big old dingus. What. Do I do now how do I put it down baby. Yeah. Okay. Yeah. Yeah I can, get that. All. Right all right clean the count drill. Where. Its own. You. Nasty, boy you nasty. You dirty. Disgust. Oh she just throw away the plates in she look at that. My. Wash the plates when you can dab. On the plates clean the coffee, table. Excuse. Me have. Our. TV. Oh. This. Guy eats a lot of pizza. How. Does she fit all those pizza cartons in that trash bag huh what, is this magical. Cardboard. Plus. You, can't mix oh okay, she has two bags thank God about. The future. A. Credit. Card application form all right and, the bank is not doing. You. Know it was me if I had papers like that I probably would have oh this. Is awkward the thing would control your walking this direction and then all of a sudden you're walking the opposite and then you start walking. Whatever. I know you don't care. Oh yeah, Detroit had all these really bad neighborhood it does something doesn't, they do, day I. Know. That movie. We. Have to be quiet, with, a blind guy reminds. Me this house reminds me of that one you're, welcome everyone yes, for, being so articulate. The. TV dumbass what do you think hey. You get that get. The fuck out here oh I'm sorry, I. Like hockey it's not a problem, he. Has a curved screen, Wow, alright, let's talk to her. Alright. Let's not talk to him Jesus what. Else do we got a clean. Report. Two-time. Collect. The dishes activate, the vacuum. Option. Tasks. Of, course. We're, gonna vacuum. What do you think this is some game, no. I, care, about cleaning. What. Is he doing Oh. What. Is that sound. What. Is wrong with you I think, some weird drugs. I've. Made a good start down here I'll, head upstairs do. What you have to do but stop bothering, me. Be. Buddybop skippity, school I love. Cleaning for, you, Oh Todd. Todd, is the best. Let's. Go upstairs everyone. Can. I not, clean those up that looks like, so. Can you stop making this, all. Right let's make the bed, ventilate, the room. So. This is why you, tune in for this let's play to watch someone clean in a video game it. Doesn't get better than this oh. Man. She's really good at making bed see this is my dream I hate making the bed it's like one of those things I hate, the most, if my sheet isn't perfectly. Straight I can't sleep so, I have to adjust it all the time, I hate it okay why, can't we invent better sheets please, someone. Get on that or, Androids, I. Mean. Not by an Android. Yes. I was feel so weird about like. I don't like having a cleaning lady or something like that or cleaning, man that's, it the case I. Just. Don't like having other people do stuff for me. But. I was, like Machinery doing stuff for me, like. I don't. Know why like just dishwasher. In general makes me happy I'm like this is so great I. Don't. Care about this how do I get out. Why. Would I sit on. Between. Androids and. That's. Interesting. Another. 225. Jobs. We. Get it it's a lot of controversy. We. Gotta ventilate, as well. That. Is definitely, what I wanted to click. Man, I feel like cleaning in real life now. But, it says, is. That me. That, must have been. Okay. Todd's, room check. We've. Done that all, what. I. Love. Todd that's, so Todd I love. Todd keeps, so great all. The toilets stuck with Todd's poopy hey Todd is just the best I love Todd. Optional. Yeah. We're gonna do the optional tasks. You. Kidding me. There's. Options for me to clean you just want to tidy up your room I. Only. Need two minutes, is that okay Alice damn I that's. Right I'm so good at cleaning. Can't. You teach your kids to do this year their selves, dumbass. Hey, Alice. Clean. Your room you doofus. There. You get to do the shake. What, is that that unlocked, something in the future. I'm. Gonna escape. Right. Hello. Hi roids. Factual. Friendly, diplomatic. Friendly sure we used to be friends before I was reset. Maybe. We can be friends again. And where. Do you tell me about yourself what. You like to do where you like to go your, favorite foods that. Would really help me. Okay. Awkward. Mother. About your mother. Will. She be home soon. My name is Karen said you chose my name. Cara. It's. Nice how. Did you choose it. We're. Good. Move here. What. She gave me. Is. It a note. The key. Cara's. Like I. Just. Asked. Todd, oh. Okay. So, that's like all our memories. Jack. Set again I knew. He was behind this after, all that. Son, of a gun. That's. A mom. That supposed to be him he. Looked a lot nicer. And. She. Got a little bit of paint on her head. And. Daddy. Were, a tracksuit and no. One was happy about it and. Then daddy. Had. It. Hey. That's, my harm oh, my. God. That's. Better man. I. Wasn't. Hit by a car I knew it. That, was in one land. Was. Written by an author in Brighton I think someone told me I don't know if it's true I, rib.

In Brighton. There's. A lot of like I don't know if this is true but there's a lot of people. Someone, built it like a tunnel to the beach and I. Don't. Know if it's true it sounds like a lie the more I think about it I'm. Like that tunnel, was. Inspired. Alice I don't know, clean. Bathroom, I. Mean. We've done this much might as well and I'm sure your love of hearing me talk about your gibberish. So. Why the, heck not there you go shampoo tidy. Then. The, more I think about it you don't need an Android really you just need a woman I'm, joking. It, was a joke. That's. A tiny Asimov that's not gonna. My, god is this awkward. Why. Is it what. Are you I. Have. To constantly rub it. OK we've. Dabbed on all the germs. It. Says, it's time to move on Felix, okay my. God. Just. Trying to make the most out of the game I'm truly, enjoying it it's. Really fun what are you doing. Yeah. What do you think I'm doing. A little. Life yeah, yeah, yes. Fucking, loser no stop, I get a job, take care his family well you can afford him the answer you think I tried to make things work. But. Whatever I do when someone comes along they just fuck, it all up. I. Love. Time Tod's, the best. If. You don't you. Where's. The dad button. If. There's not one moment in this game where, there, will be a moment to dab I'm going to be so just, pouring, it here. We go, oh look, at that I missed, one no. No. Damn, it. All. Right let's keep playing we'll. Do one more we'll do one more okay one more one more. Come up come. 7:00. A.m. it's, not even him we're. Gonna up in the morning. Cyber. Light created, by Mark Zuckerberg. Whoa. What. If you were so rich you can you just have an army, of androids, that was so epic and then you can fight them like Pokemon. That. Would be so awesome. That. Is so awkward. See. If you could invent Androids, surely, you could invade pokemons. Car. That. Car is gonna be a total doofus any, rich kid is a total, doofus. What. Is this on the wall oh it's. One of those elevators. A. Doofus. Why. It's my doofus. Wake. Up Carl upstairs, I am upstairs honey. Hey. An. Ancient fossil. In your home just. Like everyone has whoa. Sliding, doors. It's. Carl Oh. Carl. Is old. It's. Got tattoos, good, morning Carl good. Morning, it's, 10:00 a.m. the. Weather is partly cloudy 54. Degrees, 80%. Humidity with, a strong possibility of, afternoon, showers it. Sounds like a good day to spend in bed. I did. Go to pick up the paint that you ordered oh yes. I forgot that, is, the difference between you and me right markers, yeah, you don't forget you never forget anything oh my, god that's, what I said. So. When is the painting mean coming because I feel like once, once, we've done that we can finish the let's play right. That's. The recent. Car. Thank. You I. Just. Opened my eyes and I'm already gritty Mike. He. Was just such a fragile machine. They. Break down so quickly all. This, effort to, keep, them going. Hey. What. Happened you closed oh it's. Nothing just some demonstrators, in the street go, what. A bunch of idiots. They. Think they can stop progress by, roughing, up a few Androids, I. Hope. They didn't harm you oh no, no the, first one that's nice too an Android so far I'm fine. This, is so nice I, misjudged. Carl I feel terrible, oh. Please. Don't make me do that. Have. You guys seen the, movie her, it's. A really good movie about the relationship, between humans, and I. Guess. Artificial, intelligence or AI or, Android I wonder. If there will be like close. Relationships, in, the. Game. Like. That that is not we can. What, is this move empty. It's. Got a good atmosphere this, game as well. Don't. Like all his art just. Gonna say it right now anything, special on the agenda today yes. There's the opening of your retrospective. An art. Gallery. Director, left four messages asking. To confirm your attendance I. Haven't. Decided yet. We'll. See about put, him on the elevator now okay what else or. Do, we get the option to push him this your usual fan mail I've already answered. Any. News finally oh that's. So cool what's. So Nast I, can. Call him if he's faster than I am I won't, whine. Okay. Do I do, I push you, yeah. Cool. I teleport, behind that's always nice. Signing. Doors, I'm. Starving. Whoa what, a cool team breakfast, is ready, bacon, and eggs just the way you like them thank you Mars yeah well you're welcome, that's, what I said. Oh Kailyn. Are, we making them, right. Cuz they're I. Don't. Know how to make scrambled. Eggs I don't like eggs, I. Already. Made it thank God. I'm. Sure the game would have completely ruined me. Okay. What's up with the mug. It's. Not from his kid or something. He. Has one of those water on the, wall thinks. That's. How you know you're rich. If. Will, add Thank. You Marcus. Television. If. Heats unhealthy, is it really a good idea to give him bacon.

And Eggs we're never this home just, a question okay just have some porridge some, good old porridge delicious. Makes. You poop right after it's great. Eat. The fruits Carl. That's. A two-sided television, that's. Something. To do what. Am I gonna do. In. The other game servers like internal, dialogues, when you were lost I guess. They don't have it. North. Pole why Russia wants, it, we. Need dumb, and ending space, life. Found on a. Mine. Where. Are you going with this. What. Is time. That's. Pretty cool, television. Off damn. Man. Kana so depressing. Well. I guess nothing change in the future, stupidity, talents. 5,000. Years of civilization just, to get to where we are. Wait. What. Year is it. My. Man on, that, whiskey. That's. Supposed to be no. This, is fake once I thought maybe they would do some parody ones. Like. An anime. Alright. Let's play the perfect piano then. -. Spicy. Dope better better better better, repo. Alan. Colic hopeful. Intimate. Well. He's, feeling a lull. Let's. Give him some hope you know. I'm, playing this by the way by clicking there. Like. This. Alright you get the gist did, you like it. Something. Has changed in, the way you play. Hahahahaha. Times. I think you have more humanity, than most humans. Whatever. You here to take care of you anymore. You'll. Have to protect yourself, and. Make your choices. Decide. Who you are and. Want to become. He. This world doesn't like those who are different Marcus, don't. Let anyone tell you who you should be. Let's. Go to the studio. All. Right let's go to this day the, Mimi's coming. Yawns. Why. Is this Thursday is. That a giraffe. Sure. Why not. Why. Not why not oh. My. God. Can't. Wait I'm, finally, going to see what, the painting is. After. All this time. What. In the world is happening now let's, see where we left off. Remove. The sheet. Am. I supposed to do it. Okay. Well that's pretty. Oh. We. Got to clean the studio while he. This. Is so cool. Okay. That's terrible. What. Do I clean then. Okay. What else. Really. Fun cleaning simulator, I really, really really enjoy it. Please. Please give me more options to clean. High. 5%. Of clean. God. I don't care give. Me somebody. Give. Me somebody clean weren't, I never thought I would say hey. Have. I done cleaning for you yet. Give. Me the mean give me the mean give me the mean give me the me. So. Body. Is your verdict Marcus. I. Like, it yes there, is something about it hmm. Something. I can't quite. Define, I. Guess. I like it. The. Truth is I have nothing left to say anymore, mmm-hmm. Each day that goes by brings. Me closer to the end I'm just, an old man clinging. To his brushes. Carl. But. Enough about me. Yes. If, you have any Talent, are, you tell me you never check before try try. Pinning something. Paint. But what I painting. What anything. You want, give. It a try hmm. Hmm I'm. So, curious, what, its gonna be. All. Right. Find, a subject based. On like what I. What. Can I just paint whatever I want. Paint. Carla's, painting that's kind of weird. The. Desk looks more. Hmm, uninteresting. Let's, pay attention oh we. Get to do it, Squibbles. Square ball. This. Is how painting works in case you never painted this is exactly, I'm finally. A game, why. Aren't you swiping. That's. True to the art of painting. Oh. Oh. That. Is a perfect, copy of. Reality. What, the. Painting is not about, yes. Good in the world okay we're not there yet improving. On it showing. Something, you see. Carl. I don't think. I can do that it's not on my program I go.

On Go, try, grab that canvas. Let's. See let's see. This. One's bigger do something for me close your eyes close. Your eyes. Trust. Me. I. Don't. Try to imagine something that doesn't, exist something you've never seen. Now. Concentrate. When, how it makes you feel and. Let. Your hand drift, across the canvas. Here, it is, I'm. So, ready. I still, get to pick I. Want. To see how he looks at anvils. With, hope. I. Really. Hope I Wow. Come. On. Who's. This new face. Hey. Dad. You. Know. I didn't. Hear you come in I was in the neighborhood I thought I'd stop by, it's. Been a while right. You. All right. You. Don't look so good oh yeah yeah I'm fine. Listen. Okay. What. Happened to the money I just gave you. Your. Honor yeah not you no, no. No I swear it's not that don't, lie to me Leo what difference does it make its need some cash that's all. Sorry. The. Answer's no, what. Why, you, know why. Yeah. Yeah I think I do know what. You'd. Rather you'd, rather take care of your plastic, toy here than your own son all right, tell. Me that what's what's, it got that I don't, smarter. More. Obedient, not, like me right you, know what this thing is, not your son it's. A fucking pussy Leo. That's, enough, language, Leo play, enough. Don't. Care about anything zip yourself your goddamn paintings. You've. Never loved anyone you, never loved me dad. You, never loved me. Damn. Damn, damn, damn, damn, it. Okay. Guys that. Will be it for the, first episode. Loved. It that was so fun hope you guys enjoyed us well if you did make, it to the end please make, sure you drop, a like I would very very very very much appreciate, that and I'll. See you tomorrow with. The next one. You.


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