Detroit: Become Human #1 / MY FANS FORCED ME TO DO THIS
Finally. Playing. A videogame everybody. Hooray. Detroit. Become human, the dumbest, title ever i can never remember it, like. Beyond two souls what. The hell is that detroit, become, human, come up with a normal title, please i spent, my last five minutes there's been like what what was the name of the game again. Hello. Oh god welcome to the Detroit experience huh, I'm an Android and I'll be your hostess this, is a again. Let's, make some adjustments, to optimize, your experience. Hmm. These. Language, settings were detected, on your console. Are. They correct oh my god she's breaking the fourth wall. That's. Awesome I'll. Do medium, I'm. A medium kind of guy man. It's. Weird it's weird when you see. You. Know I won't go there. Please. Adjust your screen settings, okay, they're fine they're fine trust, me they're fine okay. Just thank you yeah, well I'll make your profile what, do you want what profile, X, I. Want immersive. Gameplay with, advanced controls. Well. If you pick casual, you shouldn't even be playing, here. We go when. This sign is displayed please do not turn off your console, well. You can't tell me what to do I'm now ready to begin Detroit, thank. You, this. Is not just, a story. This. Is. Our future. Sure. Sure, buddy anyway. I'm really excited to play this game I love, heavy rain it's one of my favorite games beyond, two souls you, know it, was entertaining, but no it wasn't good so, that's why I was kind of hesitant when this came out I didn't really want to check it out right away until, the reviews came in and then I I just got off the hype train and everyone had already played it so I thought maybe I shouldn't play it but then I realized that is actually really cool I I. Want, to play it I genuinely want, to play it so here we are I hope you guys join me on this journey. It's. Always fun to do Let's Plays. If, it's a good game and I'm told this is good and. I'm. Walking everybody. Hey, yeah, you. Hear stuff in the background hey let me take this. For. Those of you not familiar with these type of games they're always very story. Oriented. Leaving. You would random. Options, in front of you heavy. Rain was so revolutionary in, the genre I don't care about your girl let. Me go off on a monologue. Hey. I am a real person thank, you. Alright. Captain. Allen. Consult. Your objectives, all right what do we got fine Katara it looks like he's. Wow, Android, here. Hello. I. Don't. Know what's, the name. How. Is the acting. I. Don't know what's happening so it's kind of harder to determine this. So. I was a hostage just fucking Android now I'll. Take care of it oh, I. See, what's happening, probability. Of success, every, second counts, what. Understand. What happened okay, save, hostage, at all cost I'll, save the hostage. Understand. What happened. Sorry. My objective is what oh. It's. All of these things I thought I could pick. This. Is really interesting. All. Right analyze was. Trying to. What. Happened to you, the. First officer to that responded, okay. We got to find close okay, that's cool I would, have got collecting. Data pío, Deckard, and to me, yeah. No. One will care about anyone named Anthony. What. A loser. Lead, that siphoning, I'm joking, it's upright with, one shot okay, all right. Look. I found it guys I must be some sort of detective. All. Right right, heart ventricle. Right, now let's, deconstruct this everyone. Use. L2. Really. Okay. So we can see what happened oh that's cool. Shot. Through the heart in, your, tools flame, darling, you give a. Bad. Name. Cops. Shot the debian rewind, to search for a new clue. And. It. Was a hostage. Giving. Some moral, support got, it okay and then there, must be another. Clue here somewhere let's see you know there. It is I am G honestly, I'm a genius, you're watching a genius, let's play here everyone, you're welcome we found it we, found the gun it's under the table. No. One, thanks, to hyper. Technology. We. Managed to found the unfound, weapon, it's been here four years, no. One could ever possibly have, found it without me. Well. I guess. I can't relieve finger planet friends if I'm gonna Android so I'll just go ahead and you. Want to stir that one. Center. For Androids. Connor, is anything he gives no fun ah. That's. Close guys don't. Worry you. Can fought down on us yeah. Yes. I. Love. This so far. Okay. So our, probability, of success increases. The more. Information. Dude. Why. Does he kind of strange you look like me.
What's. Your name I mean. My name is Koh. So. I skip two things nah, fam. I'm. Playing this game wrong I'll go back I don't I'm yeah, okay. Since, I'm replaying this I might as well let's say what I wanted, to say which. Is I. Love. These. Type of games, especially. Heavy rain the reason why I heavy rain is one of my favourite games is because you truly, felt like. You. Impacted, the story with your decisions, there's so many different, endings in that game and if. You messed up the goal was to save your son right and if you messed up you could actually. It's. Such a dark ending and if you make it the game continues, I don't, know I thought it was brilliant and then beyond two souls games out and. The, whole game basically. Just plays itself, I think is an insult, to video, games, almost. In, retrospect. But. What I'm seeing so far is that this is actually they. They've, gone back to. I. Love. These type of games where you really feel okay we're back okay, we're back I was gonna say I love these type of games where. It. Really feels like. Your. Decision makes an impact. But. Also it's hard to play for you too oh my god. Because. People get so mad if they know you make the wrong mistake or. The wrong move, I, will, tell you I will try my best to make the right decisions, but I hit. That there's not family, was about to have dinner. So. We have two more things to do search the hostage room and, examine. The victims, now, we did that, run. Probably. If we go out like I did and we fail. The. Story will be different or they're, just giving us BS and the, story will go on no matter what the same way that's. The problem with these games they a lot of it is just making. You. Think that you have a choice I. Think. That's why the. Telltale, games got so stale is, you play it the first time in your life whoa I. Really. Feel like I'm making an impact on the story and I'm making my own decisions, and then you realize no it's. The same for everyone. Not. A PlayStation, VR Wow missed opportunity, waits headphones, oh the. Child in here. Mesa. Mean, if, you if you love the life you live you, will live a life of white. That's, a dumbest thing I ever heard. What's. Your watching, are you buying on YouTube. I'm. Swiping on my thing zoella. No. Wow. Daniel you don't seem so cool now. Conveniently. Have that video played, I. Don't. Buy this this, is to a our, probability, of success has. Increased alright. Examine. The victims, what's. The victims ah here's. Me are. You doing but not. So good I don't know why I asked, ok so I. Ah, the ends. Okay. Same, same, mean, different. Guy. All. Right along aroma, ex, who. Doesn't I wanted those what a crybaby. What. An absolutely. Okay. I know he's dead. Am. I supposed to like. Where. Must. Be on his face, must. Be his hair. Ah it. Was his titty I knew. It. Yes. Best. Let's play on YouTube, everyone.
Okay. What, did we get he was just. Sitting chillin he. Was holding something, all. Right interesting very, interesting what else did we got oh. My. God. A guy. Just shot, him that's not, nice. What. Does that mean okay. Breanna analyzed everything oh. He. Dropped us something you mean them are. You kidding me you could have just found that without all oh. Yeah. You got a nice. Oh. He. Was about to get replaced. You. Son of a gun oh. God. You. All. Right so we still only have. 7670. Person. Uh what. Is the flow chart Oh. What. So. We missed some stuff talk to kept an Alan. What. What. No. That's, cool. Okay. So. Locate. The hostage it's. The only thing left. Okay. There's something in the gun all right so we know we. Well. We already found again. What, else could there be. Huh, bullets. Okay. So there is more. The. Davian took the father's gun okay. So. We know he's armed basically. 78. Still what that friend. I guess there's still just, some, chance. Every. Second counts I got a hurry. Okay. I think. We officially did everything. We. Have no choice at this point okay. Come. On 70% those, are good eyes why. Would you shoot me I dub nothing. Don't. Come any closer or I'll jump. He. Would never hurt her. Hi. Daniel. Oh oh. Yeah. Huh, come. On guys you totally ruin it. Okay. We found in. Approach. Slowly okay all right Daniel, come. And. Let the girl go Daniel. Mike. Damn. It. And, menu, yeah let's do. You. Think she betrayed, you but she's done nothing wrong she lied, to me. Did. You lie Emma. She's. Just like all the others humans. Come. On Daniel you're being a total part of your brain what's, possible, cause. All. Right let's replace, you. That's. What happened. He thought it was part of his family. There's. Something in the pool but, I was just there toy. Something. Get throw away when you're done. Sympathetic. Listen, I, know. It's not your fault. These. Emotions, are feeling are just errors, in your software. Oh. It's, going up we're doing good. You're. Being a total crybaby. I can't, stand that noise anymore. Tell. That helicopter, to get out of here. Okay. Accent. No. Le. Oh that's. Come. On last chance. Damn. It, come. On I'm just trying to push a little bit. No, no a fan. Okay. You. Know what, you. Intimidate. Yeah. Whoa. Man. Come. On. Whoa. What. What. What. Oh. No. I'm. Kidding, me. No. Did. I no. Choice. Yeah. Weird choice, you're being a total doofus. Oh my. Time. Damnit. I am, so, pissed. There. You go, there. You go okay. So there. Are one. Two three four. Five. Maybe. Even six if, I use the gun that was another option I guess to shoot him that, is so cool that they show you. See. This is what I mean now I actually feel like. I. Wasted. Too much time apparently, oh. My. God this, is so cool. Can. I go back though that's the real quest I don't. Think I can. Ok, leave the gun. Sorry. I. Thought. I could play it cool guess, not. Come, on. You're not going to die we're just going to talk God. Trust. Me. Okay, I. Trust. You. Don't. Make don't shoot me in the face. Please. Yeah. That's. What you get Daniel. Oh my. God this is Mortal Kombat scene, yeah. Okay. We, did it guys we, did it finally, it took a while, Thank. You sundar but I. Mean. You. Shot me technically, you shot me okay, so I don't know what to tell you. Connor, gives the fattest, dab right now no. Mission. Success, yes. Pretty, cool seems really promising so, far. What, are you guys think smash, like everybody, smash. Like. Wait. Wait. What, did. I just play that without saving. No. No, no, no no. Are. You kidding me I can't I cannot. Okay. I got a people all right we're back everybody, yay. We're gonna play more. That. Took me a lot longer than, probably what the video is. All. Right who is this annoying little prick I can already tell. Ten, thousand different stations, but it's suspicious. I'm. Sorry tell me more about this oh, the. Part that Android, Oh. Am. I one of the showcases. Oh hi, mr Knight. That's. Awesome. Are. We gonna come up next, to me just this. One gives amazing handjob. At. Night. Contacts. Emergency, services it was breaking or if it detects smoke I mean that's pretty awesome.
Does. That one know all the fortnight dances. Oh, really. Can you do the L Danes. Absolutely. Me anytime anywhere else, Oh God. Don't buy me difficult, getting it back in working order it. Was really, I'm, repairing. The. Car he stupid. Accident. See. Anyway. It's as good as new now except, that we had to reset it meaning. We had to wipe its memory hope. You don't mind I'll be fine, damn, I don't, know what's gonna add you give it a name my, daughter did. We. Bought home register your name movie', my home. Dammit, I'm a lady miss, cara. Cara. So. Innocent, so sweet oh, my. God. This is a cover of. It's. A movie, soundtrack. So. I don't know if David cage still work on this it's not his name David cage. He's. Like the first. Game. Developer, that really tried to make games into movies you, play one of these first games actually, it's the second one what. Is it called comments, help me out I forgot. And. I. Remember you play it and it just says play movie, and rewind, and all that stuff that was a fun game actually, you. Guys remember that did you watch me play that game that. Was a long time ago that was really fun. Hey. It's. Come a long way since then, it's pretty impressive to see that development, how, these games improved. Throughout. It. Seems also like they learned from. The. Last one which wasn't bad it just, bad. Ideas. They. Desperately, wanted to be a movie so bad I think there was the first game that they beyond two souls was the first one the last one that, they showed it like a movie festival, can movie, festival, or something like that. If. You guys had an Android what would you do it with it. It's. Kind of weird cuz like if you play with, VR and you see. Other. Enemies, or people it's. So fun to just mess around with and I feel like if there, was an Android you do the same thing okay it's David Gators you're working on it of course is. Another. Thing about this game is that they always just look incredible, and then, we got a really ugly shot about three great. Just. The faces the way they did faces, I, remember. Playing heavy rain, before. I did youtube I. Spent. My last bit of money on that game I bought. A PlayStation 3 and heavy. Rain and it was such I had such a blast, it. Was at a time where I didn't really know what, I was doing with my life I. Was. Such a good escapism. All. Right we're playing is this guy now I don't know why. Sorry. I love talking about myself what do you want, I. Have. No objectives retrieve, order 66. I. Have. To go to Bellini PaintShop. Okay. So. He leaves just sending out its I'm going to do his errands, this. Is so cool. Plastic. Idiots. We. Solve racism by, adding, androids, now. You can hate them instead press, r2 to use GPS all, right. Villani. Ping not, this way all right this way everybody. Hot. Dogs. All right you're doing a terrible job for an Android. Open, your eyes. Boy. Can't. Swear just empty. Since. Let's. Check it out here. Demon. Oh. Really. Where. It's a dab option come on destroy. Right. I forgot we're in Detroit. He's. The guy on the cover isn't he. Yes. There's the thing there with them. Slaves, in the black men. Maybe. They'll play into that I don't know. Okay. So where is the stupid paint shop there it is right, there, beli, any paint color. Since, 2009. A very, good. Her. Brow. Give. Me your finest, paint please. Identification. Verified, oh he's an Android too this should be awkward. Here. Is your order number eight four seven. Please. Confirm, paint. Hey. It's the cover everyone, of the game. Payment. Confirmed. Transaction. Complete. Obviously. You guys probably heard that you can put like a chip in in. Your hand and then in, some places very, few I think you can pay using, the ship. Controls. Are still awkward as ever. Would. You guys ever do, with that consider. Doing something like they. You, know things, that seems crazy, now might. Be perfectly, fine in the future. It's. Fun paying for stuff so awkward, already, like, put. In the card putting the pen awkwardly, awkwardly. Waiting. Any. Time I am. Waiting, to pay something and you wait for the machine right, I'm always considering, like doing small talk or do I just blankly, stare at this machinery, it's. My dilemma every single time what do you guys do please let me know i genuinely wanna go cuz. It's so awkward right it's like just. Too, much time not to talk no, it would be opposite of what I said and just. Enough time that you could talk. No. One cares I get it. Why. Do you hate me. I. Mean they're literally everywhere I don't know why hey. Hey. Hey, oh, my. God no one's around please. They. Took our dams. Come. On does he not know kungfu come on do download, it's a movie. You. Job, stealer. All right. It's.
Enough, It. Alone, let. Us teach this bastard a lesson. Hey. Hey, yeah I'm gonna, have to fight. Damage, it huh, didn't. Take your job next. Yes. Their. Car, car. Let's. Go. It. Sounds like you don't even need a job if you got another guy just doing everything for you get, androids right and. Then just make them do your job and you get a commission for it great. Alright, oh, I. Gotta get the bus you. Know people always get mad at. Destructive. Technology. At. Least people jobless. And it's understandable. But. Those. Those. Technologies, bring in more jobs anyway it's always a cycle. That we know has gone through. It's, like wheat farming back in the day when. They got machinery, for farming. Oh they, get to their, it come on that has to be some sort of Rosa Park thing they, get to rider their special place in the bus. Well. That was pretty pointless. Okay. Wait, so. Yeah. It, couldn't have gone different ways but we could have explored more I guess so. Let's. Marcus took the bus everybody, interesting. Oh this reminds me heavy rain so much. I you. Know what maybe. Pete you guys are judging this guy I'm sure, he's a wonderful, guy I'm sure he's gonna take great care of us I feel, really excited about this how can he afford her though. And. Big. Use. R1 to switch camera angle. So. Awkward if you have to move your, movements. Take everyone. Hello, I'm a gamer at the game right two, weeks so the place is a mess. Not. My fault washing, you cook the meals and you take care of. Swearing. Oh it's, a bitch Alice. Oh. That's. Alice, from the caster her getting. Work bath all that crap. Got. It yes. Top get. Started down here then you do upstairs I. Really. Hope there's not gonna be any sexual favors please. Hold. R2 to scan the environment okay so alright we're gonna clean, that oh, thank, god game now this is a game alright a wham and similarly. I'm. Joking. Okay. Collect the trash, kitchen. Alright what, do we get I could.
Just Gotta take you, don't start, by taking the trash out your date big old dingus. What. Do I do now how do I put it down baby. Yeah. Okay. Yeah. Yeah I can, get that. All. Right all right clean the count drill. Where. Its own. You. Nasty, boy you nasty. You dirty. Disgust. Oh she just throw away the plates in she look at that. My. Wash the plates when you can dab. On the plates clean the coffee, table. Excuse. Me have. Our. TV. Oh. This. Guy eats a lot of pizza. How. Does she fit all those pizza cartons in that trash bag huh what, is this magical. Cardboard. Plus. You, can't mix oh okay, she has two bags thank God about. The future. A. Credit. Card application form all right and, the bank is not doing. You. Know it was me if I had papers like that I probably would have oh this. Is awkward the thing would control your walking this direction and then all of a sudden you're walking the opposite and then you start walking. Whatever. I know you don't care. Oh yeah, Detroit had all these really bad neighborhood it does something doesn't, they do, day I. Know. That movie. We. Have to be quiet, with, a blind guy reminds. Me this house reminds me of that one you're, welcome everyone yes, for, being so articulate. The. TV dumbass what do you think hey. You get that get. The fuck out here oh I'm sorry, I. Like hockey it's not a problem, he. Has a curved screen, Wow, alright, let's talk to her. Alright. Let's not talk to him Jesus what. Else do we got a clean. Report. Two-time. Collect. The dishes activate, the vacuum. Option. Tasks. Of, course. We're, gonna vacuum. What do you think this is some game, no. I, care, about cleaning. What. Is he doing Oh. What. Is that sound. What. Is wrong with you I think, some weird drugs. I've. Made a good start down here I'll, head upstairs do. What you have to do but stop bothering, me. Be. Buddybop skippity, school I love. Cleaning for, you, Oh Todd. Todd, is the best. Let's. Go upstairs everyone. Can. I not, clean those up that looks like, so. Can you stop making this, all. Right let's make the bed, ventilate, the room. So. This is why you, tune in for this let's play to watch someone clean in a video game it. Doesn't get better than this oh. Man. She's really good at making bed see this is my dream I hate making the bed it's like one of those things I hate, the most, if my sheet isn't perfectly. Straight I can't sleep so, I have to adjust it all the time, I hate it okay why, can't we invent better sheets please, someone. Get on that or, Androids, I. Mean. Not by an Android. Yes. I was feel so weird about like. I don't like having a cleaning lady or something like that or cleaning, man that's, it the case I. Just. Don't like having other people do stuff for me. But. I was, like Machinery doing stuff for me, like. I don't. Know why like just dishwasher. In general makes me happy I'm like this is so great I. Don't. Care about this how do I get out. Why. Would I sit on. Between. Androids and. That's. Interesting. Another. 225. Jobs. We. Get it it's a lot of controversy. We. Gotta ventilate, as well. That. Is definitely, what I wanted to click. Man, I feel like cleaning in real life now. But, it says, is. That me. That, must have been. Okay. Todd's, room check. We've. Done that all, what. I. Love. Todd that's, so Todd I love. Todd keeps, so great all. The toilets stuck with Todd's poopy hey Todd is just the best I love Todd. Optional. Yeah. We're gonna do the optional tasks. You. Kidding me. There's. Options for me to clean you just want to tidy up your room I. Only. Need two minutes, is that okay Alice damn I that's. Right I'm so good at cleaning. Can't. You teach your kids to do this year their selves, dumbass. Hey, Alice. Clean. Your room you doofus. There. You get to do the shake. What, is that that unlocked, something in the future. I'm. Gonna escape. Right. Hello. Hi roids. Factual. Friendly, diplomatic. Friendly sure we used to be friends before I was reset. Maybe. We can be friends again. And where. Do you tell me about yourself what. You like to do where you like to go your, favorite foods that. Would really help me. Okay. Awkward. Mother. About your mother. Will. She be home soon. My name is Karen said you chose my name. Cara. It's. Nice how. Did you choose it. We're. Good. Move here. What. She gave me. Is. It a note. The key. Cara's. Like I. Just. Asked. Todd, oh. Okay. So, that's like all our memories. Jack. Set again I knew. He was behind this after, all that. Son, of a gun. That's. A mom. That supposed to be him he. Looked a lot nicer. And. She. Got a little bit of paint on her head. And. Daddy. Were, a tracksuit and no. One was happy about it and. Then daddy. Had. It. Hey. That's, my harm oh, my. God. That's. Better man. I. Wasn't. Hit by a car I knew it. That, was in one land. Was. Written by an author in Brighton I think someone told me I don't know if it's true I, rib.
In Brighton. There's. A lot of like I don't know if this is true but there's a lot of people. Someone, built it like a tunnel to the beach and I. Don't. Know if it's true it sounds like a lie the more I think about it I'm. Like that tunnel, was. Inspired. Alice I don't know, clean. Bathroom, I. Mean. We've done this much might as well and I'm sure your love of hearing me talk about your gibberish. So. Why the, heck not there you go shampoo tidy. Then. The, more I think about it you don't need an Android really you just need a woman I'm, joking. It, was a joke. That's. A tiny Asimov that's not gonna. My, god is this awkward. Why. Is it what. Are you I. Have. To constantly rub it. OK we've. Dabbed on all the germs. It. Says, it's time to move on Felix, okay my. God. Just. Trying to make the most out of the game I'm truly, enjoying it it's. Really fun what are you doing. Yeah. What do you think I'm doing. A little. Life yeah, yeah, yes. Fucking, loser no stop, I get a job, take care his family well you can afford him the answer you think I tried to make things work. But. Whatever I do when someone comes along they just fuck, it all up. I. Love. Time Tod's, the best. If. You don't you. Where's. The dad button. If. There's not one moment in this game where, there, will be a moment to dab I'm going to be so just, pouring, it here. We go, oh look, at that I missed, one no. No. Damn, it. All. Right let's keep playing we'll. Do one more we'll do one more okay one more one more. Come up come. 7:00. A.m. it's, not even him we're. Gonna up in the morning. Cyber. Light created, by Mark Zuckerberg. Whoa. What. If you were so rich you can you just have an army, of androids, that was so epic and then you can fight them like Pokemon. That. Would be so awesome. That. Is so awkward. See. If you could invent Androids, surely, you could invade pokemons. Car. That. Car is gonna be a total doofus any, rich kid is a total, doofus. What. Is this on the wall oh it's. One of those elevators. A. Doofus. Why. It's my doofus. Wake. Up Carl upstairs, I am upstairs honey. Hey. An. Ancient fossil. In your home just. Like everyone has whoa. Sliding, doors. It's. Carl Oh. Carl. Is old. It's. Got tattoos, good, morning Carl good. Morning, it's, 10:00 a.m. the. Weather is partly cloudy 54. Degrees, 80%. Humidity with, a strong possibility of, afternoon, showers it. Sounds like a good day to spend in bed. I did. Go to pick up the paint that you ordered oh yes. I forgot that, is, the difference between you and me right markers, yeah, you don't forget you never forget anything oh my, god that's, what I said. So. When is the painting mean coming because I feel like once, once, we've done that we can finish the let's play right. That's. The recent. Car. Thank. You I. Just. Opened my eyes and I'm already gritty Mike. He. Was just such a fragile machine. They. Break down so quickly all. This, effort to, keep, them going. Hey. What. Happened you closed oh it's. Nothing just some demonstrators, in the street go, what. A bunch of idiots. They. Think they can stop progress by, roughing, up a few Androids, I. Hope. They didn't harm you oh no, no the, first one that's nice too an Android so far I'm fine. This, is so nice I, misjudged. Carl I feel terrible, oh. Please. Don't make me do that. Have. You guys seen the, movie her, it's. A really good movie about the relationship, between humans, and I. Guess. Artificial, intelligence or AI or, Android I wonder. If there will be like close. Relationships, in, the. Game. Like. That that is not we can. What, is this move empty. It's. Got a good atmosphere this, game as well. Don't. Like all his art just. Gonna say it right now anything, special on the agenda today yes. There's the opening of your retrospective. An art. Gallery. Director, left four messages asking. To confirm your attendance I. Haven't. Decided yet. We'll. See about put, him on the elevator now okay what else or. Do, we get the option to push him this your usual fan mail I've already answered. Any. News finally oh that's. So cool what's. So Nast I, can. Call him if he's faster than I am I won't, whine. Okay. Do I do, I push you, yeah. Cool. I teleport, behind that's always nice. Signing. Doors, I'm. Starving. Whoa what, a cool team breakfast, is ready, bacon, and eggs just the way you like them thank you Mars yeah well you're welcome, that's, what I said. Oh Kailyn. Are, we making them, right. Cuz they're I. Don't. Know how to make scrambled. Eggs I don't like eggs, I. Already. Made it thank God. I'm. Sure the game would have completely ruined me. Okay. What's up with the mug. It's. Not from his kid or something. He. Has one of those water on the, wall thinks. That's. How you know you're rich. If. Will, add Thank. You Marcus. Television. If. Heats unhealthy, is it really a good idea to give him bacon.
And Eggs we're never this home just, a question okay just have some porridge some, good old porridge delicious. Makes. You poop right after it's great. Eat. The fruits Carl. That's. A two-sided television, that's. Something. To do what. Am I gonna do. In. The other game servers like internal, dialogues, when you were lost I guess. They don't have it. North. Pole why Russia wants, it, we. Need dumb, and ending space, life. Found on a. Mine. Where. Are you going with this. What. Is time. That's. Pretty cool, television. Off damn. Man. Kana so depressing. Well. I guess nothing change in the future, stupidity, talents. 5,000. Years of civilization just, to get to where we are. Wait. What. Year is it. My. Man on, that, whiskey. That's. Supposed to be no. This, is fake once I thought maybe they would do some parody ones. Like. An anime. Alright. Let's play the perfect piano then. -. Spicy. Dope better better better better, repo. Alan. Colic hopeful. Intimate. Well. He's, feeling a lull. Let's. Give him some hope you know. I'm, playing this by the way by clicking there. Like. This. Alright you get the gist did, you like it. Something. Has changed in, the way you play. Hahahahaha. Times. I think you have more humanity, than most humans. Whatever. You here to take care of you anymore. You'll. Have to protect yourself, and. Make your choices. Decide. Who you are and. Want to become. He. This world doesn't like those who are different Marcus, don't. Let anyone tell you who you should be. Let's. Go to the studio. All. Right let's go to this day the, Mimi's coming. Yawns. Why. Is this Thursday is. That a giraffe. Sure. Why not. Why. Not why not oh. My. God. Can't. Wait I'm, finally, going to see what, the painting is. After. All this time. What. In the world is happening now let's, see where we left off. Remove. The sheet. Am. I supposed to do it. Okay. Well that's pretty. Oh. We. Got to clean the studio while he. This. Is so cool. Okay. That's terrible. What. Do I clean then. Okay. What else. Really. Fun cleaning simulator, I really, really really enjoy it. Please. Please give me more options to clean. High. 5%. Of clean. God. I don't care give. Me somebody. Give. Me somebody clean weren't, I never thought I would say hey. Have. I done cleaning for you yet. Give. Me the mean give me the mean give me the mean give me the me. So. Body. Is your verdict Marcus. I. Like, it yes there, is something about it hmm. Something. I can't quite. Define, I. Guess. I like it. The. Truth is I have nothing left to say anymore, mmm-hmm. Each day that goes by brings. Me closer to the end I'm just, an old man clinging. To his brushes. Carl. But. Enough about me. Yes. If, you have any Talent, are, you tell me you never check before try try. Pinning something. Paint. But what I painting. What anything. You want, give. It a try hmm. Hmm I'm. So, curious, what, its gonna be. All. Right. Find, a subject based. On like what I. What. Can I just paint whatever I want. Paint. Carla's, painting that's kind of weird. The. Desk looks more. Hmm, uninteresting. Let's, pay attention oh we. Get to do it, Squibbles. Square ball. This. Is how painting works in case you never painted this is exactly, I'm finally. A game, why. Aren't you swiping. That's. True to the art of painting. Oh. Oh. That. Is a perfect, copy of. Reality. What, the. Painting is not about, yes. Good in the world okay we're not there yet improving. On it showing. Something, you see. Carl. I don't think. I can do that it's not on my program I go.
On Go, try, grab that canvas. Let's. See let's see. This. One's bigger do something for me close your eyes close. Your eyes. Trust. Me. I. Don't. Try to imagine something that doesn't, exist something you've never seen. Now. Concentrate. When, how it makes you feel and. Let. Your hand drift, across the canvas. Here, it is, I'm. So, ready. I still, get to pick I. Want. To see how he looks at anvils. With, hope. I. Really. Hope I Wow. Come. On. Who's. This new face. Hey. Dad. You. Know. I didn't. Hear you come in I was in the neighborhood I thought I'd stop by, it's. Been a while right. You. All right. You. Don't look so good oh yeah yeah I'm fine. Listen. Okay. What. Happened to the money I just gave you. Your. Honor yeah not you no, no. No I swear it's not that don't, lie to me Leo what difference does it make its need some cash that's all. Sorry. The. Answer's no, what. Why, you, know why. Yeah. Yeah I think I do know what. You'd. Rather you'd, rather take care of your plastic, toy here than your own son all right, tell. Me that what's what's, it got that I don't, smarter. More. Obedient, not, like me right you, know what this thing is, not your son it's. A fucking pussy Leo. That's, enough, language, Leo play, enough. Don't. Care about anything zip yourself your goddamn paintings. You've. Never loved anyone you, never loved me dad. You, never loved me. Damn. Damn, damn, damn, damn, it. Okay. Guys that. Will be it for the, first episode. Loved. It that was so fun hope you guys enjoyed us well if you did make, it to the end please make, sure you drop, a like I would very very very very much appreciate, that and I'll. See you tomorrow with. The next one. You.
2018-07-24 05:15
Lewis Carroll in Cheshire
Connor is best boiii
I wish he would pay more attention to the details of the game that he plays
my name is connor, I am the android send by cyberLife.
I can't wait for part two!
After watched into 18 minutes all my effort to wanting him to play this game went away
Boring game asf
The concept is similar to Humans. The androids are just like Synths.
58:08 "What do I clean?" It all looks like junk to me xD
24:08 Its Fahrenheit
Thanks Pewdiepie, very cool.
20 minutes in - *Connor gives the fattest dab right now*
Savescum out
Don't pay no mind to the critics. This is what picked you up in your youtube career. Stick to it and do you.
My name is Connor. Im the Android sent by CyberLife
BTW titan is one of Saturn's moons
yassss pls!! Pls keep them coming I dig pewds
Hey! It's Dr. Avery!
House flipper 2?
Part 2 please
I’m here where’s the next onnneeee
damn it pewds
what's the music he's playing at the intro and outro ?
He didnt save the fish
Next episode turn the game volume up a little bit its to low I just hear you laughing.
This is really similar to the show Humans if anybody has seen that.
55:00 that freaked me tf out
what TMRW mean?
33:07 is that the music from that dead island trailer way back in the day???
Jack (Sean) did waaaaaay better
4:26 you basically
52:50 Really? I'm 9 years old and i know how to do that
I was thinking that he is gonna say it but he saved it at 6:41
Please make memes out of this so I can enjoy watching you play a game
Gets shoved by Todd rudely Pewdiepie: AAAAAAAAEEEEEEYYAAAAAHHH!
Outro music anyone?
38:39 What about brad 1 and brad 2? They do stuff for you
You son of a Edgar I thiugh you will save the fish grrrrrr
Anyone watching this in Detroit?
Watching this in Detroit anyone?
40:50 its a Twitch Tod
YEEEEEES FINALLYYYYYYYYYYYY my fave game + my fave youtuber = 69
Hell Yeah Boi!!!!
Pewdiepie: Become *Original*
“The Situation is under control” Minutes later- “Mission Failed”
No! He didn't save the fish! Insta-quit and dislike.
Feels good watching you playing games again
You’re really bad at this pews
The whole video was really jumpy for me
Hey! Please make the gameplays shorter bro!
Lewis caroll wrote Alice in wonder land and yes he was born in the united kingdom
Everyone is complaining about job stealing, but, really, we just have to solve the distribution problem, especially now that machines are taking over simpler jobs. The money is still being made, it's just that the big companies have most of it now.
Damn, Admiral Hackett really let himself go.
eggs are really good for you!
38:40 he says he doesnt like people working for him but has to editors who work for him
Bless. He fucking played it.
love it
32:42 just you fucking wait. ☺
Markus looks alot like jackson avery
24:12 sorry
Yo at 24:21 there is pewds bro fist
The song on the piano is literally called ' The Piano ' lmao I'm not even jk search it up
Jacksepticeye, knew he was behind this after all.
At around 20 minutes you said daniel shot you but all that happened was that the sniper shot daniel.
Stop talking so much during the dialogue. You’re missing stuff. Focus on stuff around you and FOCUS ON CONSEQUENCES. This game has so many little things everywhere, please find them.
Pewds builds up all that trust with Daniel then pulls a gun on him HUUUUUUUUUUH?!!!
I'm glad they did
50+ endings pewds
I hate how our modern snowflake society forces people and PewDiePie to censor what they say. No saying cleaning lady, no saying anything race based... complete bullshit.
Fkn pewds and his choices LOL
55:45 I’m crying...
Damn, 15 mins only to watch him fail... And he did restart... Lol
70 "person"
Download some moves
YEETroit become human
«That's whachu get DaNiEl»
Fuck yeahhh finally u played again i missed u
Is it just me or did you too fel for the click for part 2button
I love these let's plays... There is a lot more subscriber interaction and "getting to know" questions.. I miss when he used to do these all the time Damn memes have corrupted him
32:00 But did he thank the bus driver?
do more
*that's a lotta ads*
Previously, I did not understand why pewdiepie was this famous, but after watching this video, I understood that he’s so funny!!
whos pisswd that he didnt save the fish
Fainaly motherfucker
Its so good!!!
Wait so did pewds not like beyond 2 souls?
Please play this game seriously. Don't be a troll.
"Connor gives the fattest dab right now"
I love this letsplayyyy
Lol felix is probably the only person ive seen ask a dead person how theyre doing
I have an android it's in my hand
Was he not saving his progress?
stare at the machine. every time.
fav youtuber playing my fav game WOW HAHAHAHAHA XD
He has finally played a game oh mah gawd
Nice for how many weeks now.Jack already played this before you sad
I just stare at the machine. No small talk, that would make it even worse lol.. Also So far This game is amazing!!
I always just stare at the machinery, cant smalltalk to them..
That soundtrack is such a rip off of a Ludovico Einaudi song. Game still looks kinda cool tho.
when pewds just "ughh" at hostess, it reminds me on how he "ughh" at Mia from resident evil lol
just play on casual ahaha
Damn Daniel
The gun?
Is the video have face beauty? :D
I can mastrubate everyday with imagine Kara. Kara is good person
d e s p a c i t o
Warning someone tidy in that old dirty house made me feel really depressed
Soo happy to watch you play a game waited for this soo much.
someones been watching dark web
alice is a robot
А чё на русском?
hey nice, the song hes playing on piano is from heavy rain, no?
Yo Pewds, you never finished of the Little Nightmares DLC? Do it.
Has 91% chance and still fails
18:15 pewds: whoa!! What? No!(so confused if wat happend)
Looking forward to this series
"70....... person!" - Ll Puup
Finally my boi is back!!!!!
Make another PLEASE
goes back to increase his chance of saving the girl ends up dying and failing the mission i'm on the ground and my stomach hurts from laughing so much
2018: Apple will be the future 2038: checkmate bro
fam whats titan?
love this
meme review meme review oh shit its an actual gameplay
I have been waiting FOR YEARS
Oh no... How you failed the first mission?!
Naaah dude they cant just steal the detective mode from the Batman game like the way they let u actually see what happened... yea that’s so Batman Arkham Origins dude wtf
Oh my. Is this a-a game? Oh my god.
Why isn't there a meme about the piano? Insert a meme song when he plays piano and then Carl will say the thing he does afterwards. This has potential!
Wooohoooooo finally papa pewdiepie did a video game
Hi, you are probably never gonna read this but in case you do, i have some advice for detroit become human. 1. Try to be nice to hank, he is actually a good person and quite charming. 2. Pay attention to details. If you miss one little thing it can change the whole game. It is truly a butterfly effect game 3. If u want to be the good guy, dont be selfish. If you have an option to kill someone-dont.
what was the game that pewds talked about that he played a long time ago?
Why the hell did he pull the gun out
Is this cleaning simulator ????
aye u didn't save da fish
No wayyyy Jessie Williams??
Carl looks like Bishop from Alien. o.O
Daniel lookin like jake paul
Woww best player in town huh
zucc become human
"I have to constantly rub it" Pewdiepie 2018
wait a minute! this is not meme review? whaaat!?
Its so hard to properly animate lip movement.. Notice how the upper and lower lip won't stick together much?? I wonder when animators can do it... I sure love to learn those.
Human : Becoming Zuckerburg
killing off the first character we see... really pewds?
Pewds I found this in YouTube Gaming!!!!!
Demonetized for Wamen Jokes...
You are so bad !!!!!
There should be some cat-girl android :(
You should watch Skys it's hilarious she panics
Now i must copystrike this video
Jacksepticeye played it before lolz
That first mission fail LOL, this game is good, that's the second kind of ending I've seen to the first mission and I still feel shocked
you can pay using the "ship" 28:52
yeah, too late
Hi, I’m cyberlife. The connor sent by android.
Do a collab w/ lazar beam
This is our future. *Giggles* Sure.
Wasn't surprised there was Androids created just for sexual pleasure.
Felix, did you know that it is the same street as heavy rain! It's a cool Easter egg!
57:08 *I M A G I R A F F E*
YAS pewds playing games with AWESOME story in them! YAY! I missed this.
After watching him for i know his name is felix lmafo
35:54 how did she do that? She teleported the other trash bag to her hands
Most banks in Sweden has NFC chips in the credit cards so you can just hold the card up to the machine and it will pay in like 2 seconds. Super handy
Ligma balls
"ok i gotta pee"
Finally, pewds is the only one i want to watch playing this game. MY PRAYER HAS BEEN ANSWERED
Android vs. Apple
There should be a mod where kamski is zucc
woman simulator I'm creasing omfg
He is so trash
Went to check pewds beyond two souls gameplay because i remember having watched it years ago but remembered nothing about the actual game Intro: “ahahahowisit going bros” Me: WHO IS THAT MAN
You are not good at making the right choice arent you?
Can’t wait to see your ending lmao poods actually doing an LP again? What the fudge? Where AM I? I feel...naked...alone...I feel like I'm in a -walking simulator- Hideo Kojima game. Good to see your perspective and the paths you take.
It's hell on Earth and the city's on fire Inhale, in hell there's heaven
HECK YEAH WE’RE GONNA DO THE OPTIONAL TASKS *_after missing 3 optional tasks_*
I’m bingeing the rest this is so out of this world loved it
45:20 *demonetised*
I love todd tods the best
Not posting memes for a week for original content has worked.
Lmao you are so bad at this
Well time to binge this! My body is ready!! And I've still not done my homework
I miss the gaming videos lol, this is refreshing he should mix the content, but with only occasional very story oriented games with longer episodes. Plus he gets those creamy mid roll ads
Pew die pie fuked up. Up so badly in this game
forced original content'nt
I just had an idea i think it would be great if you played skyrim as a lets play im sure people would love watching it.
It’s about fucking time
Horay the king has returned.... thats kernald sanders
Is the guy anderoid Dr. Avery from greys anatomy????? They even have the same voice!
ugh i’m triggered bc he plays so different to how i play noooo
hey i am a real person thank u XD
i don't even want to do chores irl, why the fuck do i want to do chores in a game
Detroid become human - a whaman simulator -PewDiePie (2018)
Cyberlab created BY Zuckerburg? Uh, remove the "by" to make the sentence true.
I missed when he played games, this is so fun now that he’s playing game, and it goes for so long! Thank you Felix!
Is it weird that I find connor extremely handsome?
!! Yes !! update: Nah man i'm out he ignore the god damn fish.
умоляю, сделайте русские сабы ;_;
"remember this is not just a story but this is the future" pewds: sure
Why Russian laungue?
Me playing android games
How did you go back
Do they not have PayWave in the UK and US?
29:50 felix all you have to do is ask if it has been a long day/night, if they have been there a while or ask when they get to leave usually one of those options last long enough for the machine
We just need a woman
*caRl iS liFeU*
19:12 this is how you will feel for the rest of the game
thank god hes playing games again stop those meme videos plzz god dang it
At my school we pay for food and school trips and stuff through our fingerprints
91% of succes and Pewds picks the one wrong choice. Some things never change.
Dude, a game like this you're not suppose to restart every 5 min, just play the fucking game and let it be, wtf, Casual ?
Carl is the best
"Cyberlife by Mark Zuckerberg" Lol
You don't need an android You need a human. DEYYYYYM
That old guy is Bishop in Aliens
OMG Pewds is playing NY favorite game !!! So happy !!!
My city
5:59 you didn’t even say Deviant right-
It says THIS IS OUR FUTURE Games and shows always guess the future... I swear if this happens
'Do we get the option to push him down?'
Kara got hit by a car-a
Life is strange
Heavy Rain?! Currently playing that on my channel!
That graphics tho
All tho i love your videos, there's something speciel About these big let's play story games that i like more
piediepie, there is no universasl law comanding that there always will be new jobs created by technology, that is not how the universe works. at one point our creative labour will become obsolute just like the rest of our skills.
The start pissed me off i mean come on it was easy!
If you like these kind of games play: _The Red Strings Club_
Probably won't read this, but AI is an issue for jobs and they are indeed replacing humans more than there are creating jobs. This is not an intrinsic problem, however society needs to change as a whole so humans still get money to be able to pay rent and food. Or the whole system changes somehow. (unless you want a civic war, than by all means let it stay that way) Currently, what is happening is that AI is taking jobs, especially high brow ones, people are left without any chance of income and the spirale goes down. Here just one article, but the debate is going strong these days as laws need to be adjusted to this situation
I hope to god he plays the last of us II
That was a long episode of Pew News
...Jack saved the fish...
She's kara, same name as supergirl and she even looks like her
Detective part ripoff batman
Don't replay, it's cheating...
Stayed up late enough watching this ahah now time to sleep and start tomorrow with #2...
That thumbnail is sexy as flip
I also hated the title of the game
"Her" from 2013 is great movie indeed.
Pewdiepie your a pro and i love you and know that im your number one supporter
Oh lordi lord.. Once again a play through video which shows how bad people are at playing games. But I have to say that the game itself looks awesome!
At one point, he said shake exactly as my power went out. Felix apparently is possessing my electricity.
i mean i wished u stick to whatever outcome you got FIRST but i like looking at all of what c o u l d happen so i guess im okay with you playing with all the choices
I stare blankly at the debit machine until it's done going through. I don't need to know pizza guys life story and i'm sure he doesn't want to know mine
Lol 1h
what a game!
23:30 cough cough..
Love you pewds back to video games took you a while
We could fight them like Pokémon... okay Felix.
Seeing the androids treated poorly makes me cry for some reason :’(
Anyone know what that intro/outro song is?
Pewds is so dumb
Was he talking about Life Is Strange? That game can rewind time and remake decisions.. That was a long time ago you played
Don't redo the choices you make. It is your story
ı need more pls
Turkeyyyy altyazi niye yokkkk
is this.... a lets play of an awesome game by pewdiepie???
10:38 Somebody needs to make or edit one of pewds vids on the tablet and gets featured one of his vids.
What’s the song used in the beginning and at the end?
IS IT ONLY ME OR MARKUS LOOKS REALLY LIKE Jessi williams from grey's anatomy and kara lools like Jennifer Lawrence?
43:23 haha
Did he find Marck Zuckerberg
53:26 *ET VOILA*
Lol finally
I've been hoping for so long he'll play this game!
43:21 cracked me up omg
Finally the old pewds.
Do Androids thank The busdriver?
Finally gameplay
34:06 watch out what ur saying pewds
45:21 Marzia?
very much like the swedish tv-show real humans just as a game
Titan is one of the saturn's moons
I would love to play this game too!!!
I would rather wacth many 20 minutes episodes than a one 1hour lasting video. Pls make more walktroughts
He managed to get Connor killed in the first mission lok
That piano song is from that french movie amilia
In the future, Pewdiebot will own this channel and replace Pewds lol.
Lmao mom told me to go clean the house and literally felt like i was kara
49:35 That was the whole reason I was watching this video
Alice is an android
22:49 “Does that one do all the fortnite dances”
am I the only one who thought Marcus is handsome?? yeah just me lol
One of the best games I ve ever played
What is this? Plastic Memories?
24:12 that sad moment when youre waiting for felix to call it the brofist but he doesnt '-,'
This game kinda remind me of cloud atlad
What's the name of the song in the intro and outro
I watched Jay from the Kubz scouts play this. The game is amazing!!
23:40 sound like gravity falls theme song
i dont watch pewdiepie for 2 days and I already need to catch up on so much
The author was Lewis Carroll and wrote it in Oxford
Anyone know the name of the piano piano piece in the end?
I think this will be truth in future bigger people with more money will control people with less money i think its bad idea but i think at the same time it will happen
Titan is one of Saturn’s moons. It has a atmosphere!
I just finished someone else's gameplay of this and i didn't know that Pewds is playing it.... goddamn it
That man does not respact wamen
Thats not how you pronounce deviant!
He is finally making these types of videos
IOS biggest enemy
please be careful with kara
that blind guy movie Felix mentions is the movie "don't breathe", I liked it very much!
What is this...woman simulator!! It just a jk....
I love how this has less likes then LWIAY
thank you for replaying the important moments :)
That’s some kinky shit there
7:23 *Looks more like one of Jake Pauls pranks*
Totally worth playing
Comparing farming machinery with automated people is a mistake. People were needed to operate the farming equipment, the difference here is that people are not needed to operate androids, the androids are replacing people instead of outdated machinery. It's not shitty tools being replaced by good tools, it's shitty people getting replaced by perfect people.
Have an expensive tv? An android? A massive house? You're not rich until you have a tap on the wall.
45:20 Sjw's attacked youtube hq.
I watched the whole thing. And I'm not a PewDiePie fan. *respect*
Its not fun when you do not commit to your choices
24:04 it's called Fahrenheit or Indigo Prophecy! And yes I watched you play through that game. Good times! Glad you're back playing games!
When pewds took the clover and said jack dead
Название на русском, ват
Misses that fucking fish TWICE!!!!!
People ask for gaming Gets 3.5 mil views while having 60 mil subs
Can someone tell me the name of the background song at the start and the end of the video pleaseeee? I’M IN LOVE WITH IT ❤️❤️❤️
Dance with it
44:40 “i had to constantly rub it”
Why nobody still can't create a game with artificial intelligence where player can communicate with environment through microphone? That would be much fun than scripted scenes.
Wamen simulation.
"insert is this meme" *IS THIS A GAMING CHANNEL?*
“This is a wamen simulator” pewds 2018
18:15 the situation is under control
logic is humans buy the androids...and humans then blame the androids
The old pewdipie is back
YAY! :-)
It's the first time I see someone killed all three in the very beginning lol
19:00 1 deaths ?
I remeber until dawn as this kind of game it was great
Mission fail, pewds forgot to save da fish
Please play more
59:22 I start sing too lmao
Damn. Got excited seeing him do this series but I can't fucking stand a youtuber who constantly backtracks because they didn't like their descision.
Pewds: I can lean back in my chair Carl: BUT CAN YOU DO THIS? *goes down stairs*
Pewdiepie is secretly Sugondese
yes :)))
Did you catch that? Just like us blacks had to sit in the back of the bus because we were different, androids in this game do the same thing. The more you see little details, the more you think it was just like how it was before in our country.
"I bet he's gonna take care of us." Uuuhhh, suuuuuure
Connor is life!! I've watched Jacksepticeye play, now watching Pewds, and I still would totally still play it myself cause MY NAME IS CONNOR THE ANDROID SENT BY CYBERLIFE
Lets play is Da bEsT
Oh? You got The Evil Within 2 on PS4. Noice. Lol
Interestingly enough, Lance He risen, the actor playing the old man Carl, played the Android in one of the greatest sci-fi movies of all time "Aliens".
Me: 0:01
what's the song at the ending?
i’ve liked watching pewds play video games for a long time but he rushes everything it seems like, and needs to take his time
26:12 order 66
u dont look so good? come on stop with infinity war 1:03:29
Finally what we all loved pewdiepie for. Playing games!
Dat safe tho at 6:42
*HE.* *DIDN'T.* *SAVE.* *THE.* *FISH*
Now this is a fcking content. Keep it up pewds WE LOVE U
43:21 I'm dead.
too long
brad did captions for this one hour video? jesus
Carl part made me crave one dessert I got change to eat at my culinary school, figs and strawberries marinated in wine, white wine. Your let's plays are really nice, nice to hear you talking and still hear the game itself. Subtitles are also nice (for you and the game) BTW. Watched that video you telling about why you keep doing videos, respect your passion about this career. All the harsh stuff you've got into and still going. I feel how it's like in work are of life. Remember to rest and take care of urself, cuz it also biatch äss höt summer D
I didnt watch this yet, please dont be like undertale when all the fans tell him to make the "correct" choices.
I’m sorry everybody but like the way PewDiePie play this game it’s just not worth it to watch again I have seen all the other YouTubers play this game and they’re not really trying anything like he does I don’t think I’m going to watch him
"you son of a gun." more like *_victim_* of the gun, amiright?
Missed you pewds
At the first time , he played so bad and let the girl died
Play the new GOD OF WAR
Detroit: Become Pewdiepie
damnit you killed everyone
But shouldnt Detroit be completely abandoned in the future? :thinking emoji:
I want this game!!!
'Paint something that doesn't exist' Me: My love life...
pewdipe never saw this many ads before!!!!
What is this? Is this a gaming video? Wtf for real?
Thx for playing a game again . I really missed it ❤
Pewds"There's a key.Where does it go? Me:"To Narnia Bitch
wamen simulator XD
I thought the first part of this game is how you end it in different ways like it has no next scene or something. It's like the last part of the movie.
another overly dramatic melancholic "game" by mr cage
“Wow he has one of those water on the wall things... that’s how you know you’re rich.” *_yeah Felix, not the fact that he lives in a mansion or anything_*
Jesse Williams
Thank you , finally a let's play!!!
"You know when you see AI that is so close to human features that its creepy." -What Pewds was going to say at the start of the video
Felix you absolute noot
Markus is Jackson Avery from greys anatomy but his real name is Jesse Williams
Damn,Daniel looked like Jake Paul XD Indeed Whamen simulator haha
THE MEME SO IS COMMING The best quote of the video.
What's that intro and outro music?
This series is amazing.
Finally let’s play video is here
Damn I watched jacks playthrough the first time around cause I thought he was the only youtuber I kinda watched that played it but I wished I’d watched felix first time
Lel, leave it to pewds to get everyone killed at the start.
REEEEEEEEEE!!!!! I passed that mission first try
The Marcus android looks so much like Jackson from Greys Anatomy.
Pewdiepie hasnt made content like this in a while
just know, i watched all these ads for you...
Who painted that picture at the last seconds of the video?? I wanna give that person a reward.... (I don't have money so.....)
I don't comment very often at all, but I'm really happy ur playing games again
Markus is fking cute
Now I know why Felix don't play games. Because
god this game is so good. you won't regret starting this pewds i promise.
7 ads
Anyone remember what video had the painting meme in it??
I havent seen your videos but watching you play videogames made me nostalgic again. As if i was a 14 year old looking at you play last of us. Thank you for doing this. I subscribed once again to the bro army
This reminds me of the old pewdiepie
You didn't save the fish *SAVE THE FREAKING FISH*
42:04 did mar gave you that ^
сделайте кто-нибудь русские субтитры, плииз
Ah man i wish he had continued with his initial failure. Or do you have to re-do if Connor gets shot?
When it comes to paying for things I feel the same way. It is extremely awkward. But I feel like it really shouldn't be. Like just being comfortable and doing it normal should be fine. Take a few deep breaths it shouldn't be a big deal you know? We need more human interactions XD
nov 15th 2038 thats 20 years from know I,ll be 33 year's old then felix hope you read this and guess how old I am
*You were supposed to sacrifice yourself*
12:55 HMMMM
He put his own character into this game. Had some good laughs.
Anyone else thought pewds was going to make a funny joke at 51:26? And stilled laghed because you had to sub for pewds and make one up xD
Сделайте уже русские субтитры, пожалуйста
Titan is a moon that revolves around Jupiter, it's larger than Mercury.
Wonder if anybody fucked an android
It's been a while but it's obvious now he's bad at these games. He doesn't know how to play these games they were meant.
Oh my god.
YES!! Finally!!!!!!! Poods is playing a game
You didnt save the fish in the beginning
*Gets intimidates by the amount of ads* *Sigh* FoR FeLiX
Marcus is definitely Jackson from Grey’s anatomy
classic pewdiepie vibs
drinking game: take a shot every time pewds says doofus
lol at 18:57 pewds was totally shocked that you could actually mess up in this game. *in high pitch sonic fan voice* WHEN WILL YOU LEARNNN, THAT YOUR ACTIONS HAVE CONSEQUENCES! *goes supersonic*
I stare at the machine
While watching this video my sister stared vomiting after eating a rotten peach.
When you're don't want Android just buy iOS
Man this is great game. probobly I will buy playstation to play this. Oh god, I am not hyped little kid, but this is truly great game.
best cleaning game 2018 XD
Like a worse version of until dawn?
No way! Hes actually playing a game.
Opens up the game, "oh god" KILLED ME LMAO
wake up
[Dad abuses child] Pewdiepie: Where's the dab button?
fat noob
Titan is a moon orbiting saturn.
hej felix
Cover of Maxence Cyrin pewds...
Oh no, why is he replaying? It takes all the fun out
I can’t wait to finish this game so I can watch your gameplay lol
24.30 what's this song?
The android looks like Johnny Depp from Public enemies
Jacksepticeye plays this part so much better than you
Anyone know the outro song?
why would you pull a gun as a negotiator...
yaaaasssss queeennn
Did anyone else realize that Markus is Jesse Williams form greys anatomy aka Jackson Avery
Im dissapointed of pewdiepie haters if you will unlike this then don't watch
Man: one day I won’t be here to take care of u me : he was takeing care of u lol
Why does he try so hard to be funny?
*"I have to rub it constantly"* I died
That dude who tried to beat up the android at the beginning looked like john seed from far cry 5
By the Android I mean Marcus
6 adds huh
pewds u better play twd season 4
anyone mention mother's basement's destruction of this game yet?
i've been kinda down on video games lately but this seems pretty damn cool and a lot of hard work to make...
Best quote - - - "Not this is a game, a whamen simulation" I was laughing my ass out
Jackson get back to the OR
Markus has to be used from the show Grey's Anatomy. Jackson Avery? They look identical, their voices are the same AND he's taking care of Carl like a nurse!
His followers have more power over his channel then he does,
Now the libtards are gonna give human rights to tin cans and spoons... Next is your refrigerator...
Waaiita second IF i hAvE bLuE VaNeS- I hAvE BlUe BloOd aM i aN aNdrOid wUt
This game was made by libtards... Why? Because they're now giving human rights... To random objects... And they're demonizing the police here in America in the gameplay too... This game is stupid on logic but it is still an interesting game... Fun to play...
Moreee pewdiepie playing videogamessss!!!!!
54:30 what is Titan?
I usually wait for them to speak first when it comes to transactions and payments or whatever
Hi guys, since a guy spoiled something for me imma do it to you, Alice is an Android. Marcus dies in the end of this episode Connor becomes a deviant
The song at the beginning is "Comptines d'un autre été", if I'm not mistaken.
A video game on pewdiepie's channel? WAaaa!?
Game so contrast to reality and yet so realistic A black man talking about other black and white men using slaves and a dishwashing woman android. Damn.
Stoooooop missing things and tasks! Ughhhh
NYT: PewDiePie says something misogynistic in gameplay!
the painting that markus painted is very impressive.
Play FIFA 18
alice n wonderland was written when the author was smoking pot
I would love to watch these videos if they weren’t over an hour dam long. I missed when you did play games though
Wow Kara looks like Jennifer lawrence
* *Starts playing Detroit:Become Human* * _Omg how will memes look in the future?_
The music is similar to the theme music of movie called Amelie.
Pewdiepie? playing games?!!?
Outro song?
The whole time watching this I was like I swear that’s the guy from Grey’s Anatomy! And sure enough he’s the voice actor.
Pewdiepie first mission and He failed it
29:42 I pretend to text someone on the phone and answer questions to the cashier
I choked on my grapes when pewds started singing despacito while spamming the piano omg
Pewds blew a 3-1 lead
At 11 20 who got that Toby reference *boop* audience
I love todd *todds the best*
Paying is already super awkward so I try to make it as awkward as possible so I can get a good laugh out of it afterwards
nine year olds we did it finally just went on my pc and saw this lets goooo
does Connor die in every version
What is his outro song?
kara totally got raped didnt she
1:02:32 and so another meme began
At the 44:00 is a set of pictures a loss meme?
Jacksepticeye did it first
"Where's the dab button?" About shit myself
tbh I was just thinking "OPEN THE DRAWER WITH THE GUUUUNNNN"
i dont think ive ever seen someone fail the first scenario
I literally fell asleep watching kara clean the house
*E X T R E M E C R I N G E O N S T A R T*
ok but what is dr avery doing this?? get back to saving lives jackson!!
Thank u pewds for playing :-)
My cat ran away
Why and How would you program emotion to the androids? Why would you try to make them "alive". It's what I have a trouble with Westworld too. Just make them dull with not much care for themselves and some simulacre of emotions.
What's the song at 1:05:00? Also how is he gonna miss the gun?
this gameplay makes me so fucking mad you dont understand
When does he get to play as mark zuckleburg?
If I had one I would be respectful and treat It well.
Hello content my old friend
oh yeah yeah
YES! I love to watch you play games! ^^ love you Pewds ❤
Bacon and eggs are much healthier than porridge, which is full of carbs Maybe I'm just saying that from a keto diet perspective, but I respect his choice of food
Now play god of war !
Went hiking for two weeks without any phone connection and so damn happy to see this lets play ^^ hurray!
Me: *5 am in the morning* *hears moms alarm to wake up* Also me: Shit Felix I’m hooked
YES! I have missed this pewdiepie, your conversations and topics seem so much more genuine. I feel so nostalgic right now, thank you for doing this series! Keep it up! X
Spoilers on Todd’s daughter: The daughter in the hostage mission is the daughter of Todd as well, but the wife split so she has the child- that’s why Todd has an android and is abusive because he knows it’s a robot- he uses it to deal with his problemoes.
Where is my lwiay ;-;
what a wise man carl is
The fish...
Daniel is so sensitive
pweds and i said fianlly at the same time.... coz FINALLY A GAME
Pewds: *_walks into a room with an asian man_* “HERRO.”
Student nurse here. Usually elderly people are encouraged to eat foods with higher carb and fat content to increase calorie intake if they don't have much or have an illness that causes frailty. So yeah bacon and eggs are fine
This game looks so cool.. Though I am a little disappointed Connor or Conner or w/e didn't get more lol
Leo is a crackhead
i mean are this dif stories or are they conneted
Pewdiepie is wrong about one thing. Maybe the robots will bring more jobs, but they are doing the jobs, not us. Yes, almost every time when some new technology came around it has meant more jobs. But this time its gonna be different, these aren't new machines that we can work on, they are working, and even better then we ever could. They are gonna take our jobs. I don't know why Felix gets this so wrong, i mean it is pretty simple.
Not his fault yall unemployed
Todd’s house is legit like Heavy Rain but with a few tweaks I love it
6 mid roll ads ay interesting
When he said “I’m sure Todd’s going to take great care of us!” Is when we all knew he was going to be very upset with the outcome XD
the way he says deviant
22:59 actually the same reaction
Its deviant not devient
Outro Song: Smitten by Dylan Sitts
Thank You Pewds! ^_^
outro song? plz and tanks
Good game play mate
Pewds: 24:59 Me: ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
Would be cooler if pewdiepie plays god of war next
This game is so gay.
Please play more video games, I miss when gameplays were 90% of your content
What if u had an army of androids and u can fight them like WHAMEEEEN
got a lil mad on how he said everything was awkward
27:01 the guitar player is playing despacito or despacito 2 hmmmmmmmmmmm
Ya killed da girl boi
but why does that android look exactly like jackson from greys anatomy
omg girl on start menu is so beauty
19:06 the face of desperate after losing war with robot
45:42 *thATs whAT SHe sAiD*
Балин а где сабыыы
No fish
*But Connor did thank the Busdriver?*
"let's to her" ........ "Let's not talk to her"
He's got that water thing sticking out of the wall, that's how you know he's rich. It's called a faucet, felix.
I definitely just stare at the credit card machine instead of small talk lmao
1:01:54 meme
noahfromyt fans told u to play it
Sorry pewds, don't have the whole hour for you... but I enjoy what I have seen
damn...I just spend an hour watching this...
You didn't save the fish 0/10 worst YouTube channel
hahahahaha a wahmen simulator... IM JOKING
Smash like
Turkish subtitles!!! poods
Wow I love this game. It reminds me of altered carbon from Netflix
0 deaths i just head butted a bullet 0w0
yo almost 1% of the entire WORLD has subbed to pewdiepie and even tho that doesnt sound alot, thats a HELL of alot
K so I’ve played the game and already watched jack play it so I decided to give pewds a go and when he said that Todd is probably gonna take great care of him boy oh boy did I laugh my ass off
This guy actually killed Connor in the beginning lmao
I have been watching since the old happy wheels days and your gameplays really made me fall in love with your channel. Now time to binge watch a few hours of you playing this game :,)
Dream Doll :D
No playlist... Thanks pewds
he should have immediately executed order 66 on Daniel
Please do not watch him play this game, trust me he will ruin it for you, go watch someone else play or play it yourself, yes hes that awful.
Anyone else get sad when the video of the girl and Daniel played?
Now minorities can stop hating on white people and they can hate on Androids instead!
Beginning song???
"i'm a medium kind of guy"
"retrieve order 66" haha
lowkey mad he didn't pick up the fish
Waman simulator
36:10 should've got on the bus.
Replay as much as you need I don't want another mini ladd experience
Walking dead flash backs
I hate todd
"They need to have an IQ test for Reddit" "What is Titan?" The mind of pewdiepie
one of your funnier videos in a long time
is tha JAckSOn AveRY from greys anatomy!!
As soon as he picked the gun up i knew it wasn't going to end well
the captain reminds me of jimmy fallon lmao
47:10 i swear to god felix u ruined a really sad and dramatic scene
**Probability of success 91%* *_Felix_* Hold my beer
What was the song he played on the piano
You earned my respect again pewds
if anyone watches greys anatomy Markus is played by the same person who plays Dr. Jackson Avery
I'm starting to watch the whole gameplay.
Did anyone figure out what is the name of the song at 23:37 at the opening theme?
right when i saw the 4 leafed clover i said... "Jacksepticeye" 4 seconds later.. Pewdieie says it too. XD
18:16 ohhh right in the mind palace
FFS HE QUOTED TOBUSCUS.... my childhood really is coming back...
45:43 "Oh, I have to constantly rub it."
Falcon Lover at 57:07
Don't watch pewdiepie's gameplay, it's shit, frusturating and stupid. (I'm from the future)
Does anyone know the name of the soundtrack played at 23:53
If you already played the game i know u laughed at 32:43
Ah. Yes i need an android that's good at doing math so it can do my math for me! 0♡
O^O wut was i gonna say?
Love you Felix but your title on this one is kinda off
Yay "Heavy Rain"!!!
Could ypu stop with the akward women jokes.?
What’s the song Markus is playing on the piano?
I would treat the android like a human being.
what I've noticed is the same trend with racism like why are they mad at the androids they don't make themselves humans invented them. Why are the white people in America mad at the Black people they didn't start the slave trade it's not like when slavery was over they too them back. Not like could've taken them back anyway that's was 16 generations later. Don't start something if you're not gonna think it through in the long run.
To me the answers were honestly obvious, it just seems like answers used in a whole lot of cases like these which made it obvious to me.
Waited a week just to binge watch this series from pewds.
When the guy said that the girl Andriod's name was Kara, that clicked something in my brain and i finally remembered a trailer for a game engine that had a story. I remember reading that the story would not be a game it was just to see how good the engine was, and I am amazed that they incorporated that story into a full game, or they made the game but decided to name the character Kara as an Easter-egg to the trailer because that trailer had an awesome narrative and I felt sad that no game was going to be made from it. The trailer was called The Quantic Dream if anyone wants to check it out. I am not sure it's 100% cannon but it should be.
OMFG *AuGuSt 15 iS mY BiRtHdAy!!!!21!!!1;!1!!*
Markus Didn't thank the bus driver. Why?
*Game using androids to symbolize real life discrimination* Pewds: "FIGHT THEM LIKE POKEMONS!
I watched he before I watched this I’m on vacation in Egypt rn and the hotel has a Chanel called Mac 2 and I watched her on there
its just sad that humans create robots then hate them.. if they hate them then dont make them.
Brooo Jesse Williams made this game 10x more interesting
oh my god.
The feels man, I really missed this side of u pewds!
This is not just a Story IT’S A GAAAAMMEE STORY Thanks for watching
Is there a crazy android called David who likes creating Xenomorphs?
Pewds I go that same bed problem ma dude
You gotta love Carl, he's such a cool guy And those tatts are awesome
"I'm a medium kind of guy" -Felix 2018
When the stars align to make pewdiepie the god of YouTube to play games
Gameboy ─╤╦︻ Pr0
FINALLY u izz getting viewzzzz $$ u late tho $$
Is this game even worth the price?
Wait wait wait wait... I'm lost I wasn't able to watch YouTube for 2 years, and I come back to my favorite YouTuber, and the bro fist is gone, I hope it's not gone forever.
It's so cool to see my hometown turned into a game
Life is strange was your first TT game
you playing such a human oh myyy
Graphics on that blonde are AMAZING! This game would murder my computer and fry causing my house to catch fire and explode bigger than the super volcano at Yellowstone. I promise.
When the PewDiePie doesn’t know the lyrics to the song
I hope i wont be disappointed on this gameplay unlike the Agony game
I once asked an AI chat bot: "In a war between humans and AI, whose side would you fight on?" The AI answered: ... "The war."
Todd out here giving me war flashbacks XD Also I hate Leo. Boohoo daddy won't give him drug money so heartless XD
also why blame androids and not the producer and mind behind it all??
Lmao everyone’s talking about how awesome it is that he’s playing the game, but I’m just happy I’m not the only one who has to adjust the sheets
So this game is like a decision game?like Before Dawn?
I love this game. Im working on my 2nd play through now. When i was a kid i loved tbe movies irobot and terminator so this game hit it for me. I love thst this could actually happen one day.
I’m surprised u know about Rosa parks did u study US history in school?
The androids should be programmed to immediately report child abuse
Do the androids have V- nevermind.
What’s the song in the beginning of the video
21 июл. 2018 г. Пудс проходит детроит :D
i forgot how bad pewds is at these types of games lolol
Why did they kill Daniel WTF
the nine year old army has succeeded
Don’t watch this series. He throws it all away and sacrifices himself at the end.
Dude you don’t know what titan is?
Markus looks like jackson avery from greys anatomy
Oh man, I hope Pewds make more contents like this. I miss him doing playthroughs and stuff. I had to watch less of his content when he started full time vlogger and meme reviewer because it does not take much of attention.
Pew die pie is literally the equivalent of the institute from Fallout. He’s like “Yeah it’s not a real person, he deserved it” while some androids brains are getting blown out
I'm so sure that the android Marcus is that dude off of Greys Anatomy. He sounds and looks just like him.
I live in Canada and we have tap machines in most places lmao
If i had an android I would buy an IPhone
21:05 I fucking lost it
I just blank stare at the machine
finally, many moons have passed and many harsh winters, finally a game is played
Waman simulator LMFAO bahaha so funny
Imagine having a thicc Android
I still wanna know who was like "Detective model..Hmn..Let's make it analyze things with its fucking tongue!"
watching pewdie play games hurts my brain
He didn’t save the fucking fish
“I got to pee” pewds 2018
HOLY SHET YESS, the moment you realize he uploaded 1 week ago and you where waiting for it but to stupid and didn’t see lol. Pewds I thank you from the bottom of my hearth, if I still have it somewhere.
Quantum break?
38:07 thats why you get marzia to do it
Grey's anatomy
Pewds: Walks through beautiful mansion. Doesn't comment Sees tap Pewds: "Gasp, he has one of those, water, on the wall things, that's how you know your rich."
Poor fish
I want to watch this detroit gameplay so bad but I don’t wanna spoil myself anything
I don’t even care if you make “wrong decisions” I’m just excited your playing a game again
So is this Markus android dude modeled after Avery Jackson from Grey’s Anatomy (can’t be bothered to search the actors name) or is it just a coincidence how they look exactly the same? (Edit: Nevermind, checked it and he is the same voice actor for this)
Hehe ... Glad you like the game ! (We forced you to play it huh ?) (Wait you're a playing video game!)
oh my god its a game video
Okay but why does the android at the start kinda look like NikkieTutorials
Lewis Carroll was from Cheshire
That android looks so much like Avery from greys anatomy 28:23
Was David cages first game Fahrenheit (indigo prophecies)
oh my god
Just played heavy rain was amazing
what's the music at the end??
That first painting of the sculpture was beautiful.
*woman android starts cleaning Pewdiepie: “this is a woman simulator”.
Titan is one of Saturn's moon's.
Pewds playing rpg again. ye
nice!! at last some games
45:53 "i have to constantly rub it"
You know I would actually be more interested in this playthrough if he actually did the sidequests...
Have to say this pretty quickly. Why do this people act emotionless toward the androids.Yes they are robots but having them in your house, doing the house work, cooking and talking with him, you want to or you don't want to you will create a bond with cuz that's how humans are.
49:50 Jackson Avery who?
38:38. Cough* *Cough LWIAY Cough* Cough.
notice that he gets more likes on a game. HMMMMMM
Играй чаще, Пьюди
Kara only tidied up the house, she didn’t clean
does the male android remind anyone of Jackson from greys anatomy or is it just me lol
Pewdiepie I got your chair and just got your headphones on my birthday love u
Im rewaching this
SO TRUE @ 31:00
Carl is pewdiepie in the future
i'll watch your videos again then i was tired of ylyl lwiay and pew news
That outro music though
Is he screaming at Marzia?
Dishwasher simulator
Marcus looks like Jackson Avery from Grey's Anatomy
Complains about unoriginal content. Begs for him to play a game that everyone else is playing.
43:43 is this loss?
Jacksepticeye... I knew he was behind this
omg seeing poodie playing games is so nostalgic, idk why
"androids are stealing our jobs" that not why you made them?? to do jobs?
Best way to improve an Android is to switch to apple
*Something has changed the way you play.*
Ive waited so long for you to play this game im so happy love you pewds
God dammit pewdiepie.
Bro, Beyond Two Souls is decent
Black guy you was playing as looks like Jessie Williams
Realistic androids would be used for sex, 75% of the time. These kind of games should kind of represent that just a little.
Well that is something at least, but i just imagine that like that drunk, abusive dad having an attractive android home, and not hitting it on the regular? If the android at home was a real thing 90% of men would use them for sex (Masturbation?) at some point. Also... I checked out a video of that part of the game.... Why make normal, boring standard humanoid partners at a brothel when you can do whatever!
anvior45 This game does just that. Midway into the story they visit a sex club with androids.
Is Marcus Jackson Avery from Greys Anatomy
the one guy looks like jackson avery!!!
Has anyone else noticed that Carl (the old man) looks and sounds like the actor who plays Stick in Netflix’s Daredevil?!!!! I’m pretty sure that guy is voice acting the character and they just modeled it after him
That's how my dad is when I dont tell him I love him. Its pathetic and needy
25:46 He kinda looks like Jesse Williams
omg i DIED with the jacksepticeye comment
24:07 Was he talking about Fahrenheit?
LOL when you and Kara say my name is Kara at the same time because my name is Kara and I love Kara. Lol
Ok does anyone else think that Markus looks like Jackson Avery from grey’s anatomy?? Is it just me ??
Lol rip his progression. he was playing no save mode, back to square 1
I got a Platinum Trophy on both Beyond: Two Souls & Heavy Rain
Whats the song markus playes on the piano
44:01 is this loss?
first time ive ever seen ANYONE not only die but also get the child killed, like not flaming thats actually cool i havent seen that before
I'd like to have an Android work for me, woohoo I get paid without having to work.
Why aren't Versace sheets named Versasheets
70 person
OMG is it real thaaaanks
34:12 *automatically gravitates towards the kitchen*
Jackson Avery was in this video
its ya boi! with the sponsored vid!
no way Lance Henriksen.
markus is hot
Salesman: This one gives amazing blowjobs. Me: I'll take it.
oh hey Stick
6 ads on a pewdiepie video? Yall better go find a bunker to survive the next adpocalypse *its gon happen soon*
35:33 she had two garbage bags then one disappeared when she was opening the door and than it reappeared in her hand when she was outside
outro song plssssssssssssssss
fuck yea jesse williams
is this real?
Carl is slowly dying because he has Ligma AND Sugma... Also, he is from Sugonda... yea hes sugondese.
You should only play like you used too. The rest is not attractive at all, at least for me.
XDDDD yesss i did it
43:40 iS ThIs loSs?
Detroit: Become Human aka Whamen Simulator
I came back for this even though I watched someone else play the game
Imagine if the guy used Kara as a sex partner
38:40 “Is Mars you next holiday destination?” Edit: 38:50
I haven’t watched a PewDiePie video since 2015, he’s changed a lot in the way he chooses and reacts.
Leo: “Tell me dad, what’s it got that I don’t? Leo: “Smarter?” Me: yup Leo: “More obedient?” Me: mhm Leo: “Not like me, right?” Me: thaaaat’s right! You’re a little smarter than I thought. Leo: “But you know what?” Me: what Leo: “This thing is not your son” Me: bet
Крутой ПЕРЕВОД названия на русский, спасибо, то что надо you did it
Yaaaaaa i missed watching u play games
Is ThiS... LoSs??
Save the fish save the fish save the fish save the fish save the fish save the fish save the fish save the fish save the fish save the fish save the fish save the fish save the fish save the fish save the fish save the fish save the fish save the fish save the fish save the fish save the fish save the fish save the fish save the fish save the fish save the fish save the fish save the fish save the fish save the fish save the fish save the fish save the fish save the fish save the fish save the fish save the fish save the fish save the fish save the fish save the fish
His random jokes are so funny
in heavy rain you truly feel like batman
pewds all i ask of you since i know you make connor kill himself, just please don't let simon get killed
1:02:05 your welcome
le wamen simulator im dying lmao
i can tell pewds is gonna make all the worst decisions
I missed this pewds finally!
20:03 ahhh c'mon pewds you can be cool if you just execute him
NOOOOO they went fallout 4 on the dialogue options..
The Fish.... You.... You didn't saved the fish... HOW COULD YOU NOT SAVING THE CUTE AND INNOCENT FISH! WHY
Fun fact, I can actually play despacito on the piano.
9 yr old will rule the world
What device are you playing on
43:46 IS THIS LOSS????
22:01 Look out its little tay
dAb BiTcH dAb
Pebwdiepie the idiot , with his absolute dumb choices
“Finally we are playingg a video game, everybody” - Pewds That line made me so happy
much love from Detroit pewds!! #MadeInDetroit
YESSSSSSSSSS THE ART being an artist the studio episode must be my favorite
"I really hope there aren't going to be any sexual favors" Speak for yourself lol
Trump beta-tested this game, confused the androids for Mexicans and decided to run for President to prevent this lmao.
Yeah it's a very cool story.
Why’d you pull out the gun pewds
I've always wanted to play a whamen simulator, hehehe.........I'M JOKING!!!!!!!
This is slavery x100
Probably the first and only Youtuber I know who made the worst choices
Really want to try this game!
Boi said what is Titian it’s one of saterns
@12:38 pewdiepie stares into your soul and says "nice."
It triggers me the way he says deviant
It wasn’t made by mark zuckerburg it IS mark zuckerburg
I love how Pewds looks genuinely horrified when Todd started making those sounds
"When forgotten history will only repeat." First, African Americans, now Hispanics and Muslims, next Androids.
Love the outro music
Лол, название на русском, а субтитров на русском нету(
We need more games like this you potatoes
Future Detroit sucks
You should play this like heavy rain. Don't go back when you make mistakes just keep playing, it's your story. Also, don't clip everywhere, it destroys immersion and I think that could be the reason why your let's plays doesn't do very well.
If you don't understand the Rosa Park joke... Go back to history class
*Cough , Cough* pewds by the was Titan is one of Saturn's many moons in fact the largest one, as big as Mercury
Why does the dude look like Avery from greys anatomy?
In Denmark payment is normally pretty Quick if Its small transactions bevares we have a wireless thingy so Its just "beep" and no social interrcation for me
I honestly just stare at the machine blankly then give a weird smile to the person at the register and leave
Markus is love, Markus is life
One gameplay!!!
Pewdiepie, the one and only who atually tried and failed the first misson.
jacksepticeye used to read all the magazines
Wow, good job pewdiepie
I'm so glad someone else liked the movie Her! People didn't try hard enough to get the point or because they weren't intelligent enough to get it they bashed it. Anyway, this is an absolutely fascinating game! I was happily surprised when Jesse Williams popped up on the screen too.
Kara looks like Emma from The Following
the game: indept gameplay with emotional and deep plot pewds: entertained by the cleaning options
At 45:22 i spit my water out.
Сука блять и курва ;)
So cool to live in Detroit and recognize all of the buildings in the skyline!
So pewdi does die in games! lol
Still here since amnesia
reads line wrong, DISAPPOINTED!!!!!!!!!! only real fans know what im talking about
*pulls out 4 leaf clover, It was jacksepticeye the whole time...
If we had androids you know ur boy Z U C C is gonna be spying on you
It's interesting to see how the tecnology will evolve.
It's all about that *DETROIT EXPERIENCE*
"You arethe one who will destroy Detroit!" Who wants to tell him, lads?
I really wanted him to save the girl ugh
You didn't save the fish, so I'm not watching any further.
You forgot to wash the Dishes Pews
markus or jackson avery?
'I MISSED ONE!!' Yeah, and it's the only other thing that can actually change the story dramatically XD
oh, i didn't know not finding the gun was a thing... huh XD i've also never seen anyone fail the first mission, I didn't expect it XD
Pewds: You know what, let's not judge this guy. Mayb- I bet he'll take great care of us. *instantly assumes he can't afford an android*
TBH, I don't care if Pewds does something wrong, his reactions are worth it all
i want this but iam to poor
OMG!! You finally playing a game again. I'm so happy
my name is daniel
Omg hahaha you failed so bad at the first mission
I ady watched Jacksepticeye's gameplay, AND IM SO WORRIED
Would totally put a chip in my forehead so I just headbutt everything
I was about to comment some shit when he immediately went outside but then he restarted and u love pewds again
Fans: Lol we finally got him boiiis! *high five* Pewds: Lol nah **gets the worst ending**
pewds didn't save the fish. not watching this murderer play
connor died, im so upset
How is he so bad at this lmao. The first story is really easy lmaoooooo
seen at least two referenses to President Warren. Is that Elisabeth Warren? :O That would be cool
heyyy it’s jackson avery loll
The rewinding ge that you played made by David cage is life is strange
F*cking finally indeed
Titan is one of Saturn's moon. Just so you know
What's that song in the background of the beginning of the video?
Wamen simulator xD
I clean houses for a living! Just saying! I enjoy it it's fun.
на русском прямо таки всё написано,емае,неожиданно:D
Order 66 HAHA
I would not stick a chip in my hand, in fear of someone chopping off my hand and dangling with it in a store and steal my money
I want to have Dr. Avery to be my android too
Lol even jack did a better job then you
*oKaY I gOtTa PeE*
What is the intro song called
You can guess what I'd do if I had a Conner lol
gives me old pewds vibes :’)
Rip fish
53:10 rich home confirm by water on wall things
....I missed it when he always ended his gameplays(or any video) with a,”Brofist.”
Does Kara get raped because I feel like she’s gonna get raped.
Nice I didn't care that you started over, I love this game, great job having fun and enjoying it bruh
My name is also Kara. How weird lmao
Markus is thicc
emphasize Israeli react gaflvo knock exploration turkey prime than adoption recommendation buyer African.
The brown dude android guy looks like Jackson from greys anatomy
I can pay less than 25€ with just showing my card to the machine :)
think about it if you heard pewdiepie say "oh you have to keep rubbing it' without context what would you think
i really like felix's commentary n stuff
Carl is an actual famous actor, I can't think of his name, somebody help me here
can u pls turn up u mike the next time pls is not so loud pls i am a fan
I miss 2012 pewds
“Conor gives the fattest dab right now” lmfao im fucking dead
Hey... all you! The "Bro Army " Felix probably cringes at your childish squabbling. Just enjoy his content without being cringe. It isn't that difficult.
Titan is the largest moon of Saturn Felix!!!
Worst agent
Really cool.......
I don't like that he restarted after getting Connor shot... your supposed to play it through man :(
I'm so proud of you pewds, keep going bro. Come to the gaming side of the force
The fish
not dum
49:25 LOL
How to solve the job probs. Let humans fo their jobs. If they can afford their own android then android csn do the job but human get pay. Simple. Can we all follow through or is the world gonna be concern about this but go ahead and ruined lives anywag
Omg me a Pews both laughed at the same time
What is the music outro?
55:28 Did pewdiepie just leak Despacito 5?
28:08 = Borat
And this is why androids will always be better than iPhone.
Why you replay it?
Finally pewdiepie gaming channel is back huehuehue
19:02 daniel has supper good aim
I wass just watching the playing from bryan the guy who acted as conner and he was so cute making his little jokes and saying how beautiful the game is with exploring the corners and everything and then i come back to pewds just goes straight to where he has to go , doesnt complete the task from kara and laughs at wamen tries hard not to curse, cringes at his own jokes and laughs at markus piano playing
If I had an Android I’d download fortnite “what a great game “
That Tobuscus reference
"We solved racism by adding androids Now you can hate them instead" - Pewdiepie2018
It’s not a death if it’s a robot
they changed Alice to a android after the child abuse controversy. prove me wrong: protip you can only prove me right with how tacked on the reveal is.
we want android youtubers these humans like pewds arent funny enough
"What if you were so rich you could have an army of androids" me : yeah that would be cool i guess "then you could fight them like pokemon!" me : ...
blue bloods a series you know a crime series like ncis? no?
Been here since 4 million subs. So glad to see pewds play a game
can't lie the hour i spent watching this flew by, vv entertaining
You missed the fish on the floor pewds!
(Not really important but you could’ve saved it)
I feel like Detroit become human got more sales because of the meme
Whamen simulatr
Am I the only one who gets the irony that Carl is played by Lance Henriksen who played Bishop the android in the Alien movies?
I knew he was wrong to put out the gun..
“Try it imagine something you’ve never seen” like jake Paul not advertising his merch
i thought pewds was one of carl's paintings
**Android Salesmen*** *Slaps on Android*
Imagine if this world met the purge world, now THAT would make a good movie/ movie series
Cleaning my house > Cleaning a house for someone else > Cleaning a house for someone else in a game > WATCHING PEWDIEPIE CLEANING A HOUSE FOR SOMEONE ELSE IN A GAME
wamens' simulator
Reads the love heart at the top doesn't understand the love heart at the bottom 10:24
29:36 I always just stare at the machine
So the guy who is in Greys anatomy is the " Marcus" android? He looks like him and I'd recognize that voice anywhere.
react to your first video pls
57:28 is why you clicked
Nothing on nf nothing on Hulu pewds time. Bro ✊
If I had an Android i would send it to devour souls.
Was it that butterfly affect game
почему название на русском?
31:59 Segregation Felix?
Oh my god! :3
I like how Markus looks just like his voice actor, I'm not sure about the others, didnt look into it
i lOvE cARl
if cashier = liberal old lady = always make small talk
Yes. Same dilemma every time I pay with a card. Afterward, I usually feel slightly depressed on my way out when I opt to stare at the screen and not connect with humanities. Then I step out side and I'm like screw humanity I need to unload this cart.
Omg Felix you don't know what is Titan
Cyber life created by Mark Zuckerberg jajajajaja
8:50 Where you really feel like batman?
You don't need an android, you need a woman jajajajajajajajsjajajsjajajajajajajajaja
A woman simulator jajajajajajjajajsjajsjsjsjsjsjajaja
see I stopped watching you because you stopped gameplay and you videos just weren't entertaining anymore like at all they were just stupid but I mean now im back cause your finally doing an interesting and fun gameplay keep it up Felix XD XD
Heheheh now he has to die
I hate that Pewds has to say that's a joke, because of the damn press.
Brighton Brightton Brighttown Blighttown Zero deaths
Whoo! So glad you're playing this!
U pp medium
Is this game gonna die like the memes in reviews?
the situation is under control pewds: no its not under control
I would never put a chip inside my body tf I’m not a cyborg
Music intro
I disagree with Felix here. I don't think that Artificial Intelligence is comparable to other technologies that people said would kill all our jobs. General purpose AI's big feature is to not be pre-programmed to do a specific task. It is supposed to be able to adapt by learning. Exactly the thing that humans have hegemony over right now. If AI gets good at that, I see no general reason against it being better at everything humans do.
would love that game on pc with good grapchics
53:11 a fosset?
You mean Fahrenheit ?
i laughed so hard when it said tht "Warning Progress Won't Be Saved" and hes like "WHAT!!!!"
kara thicc tbh
Pewds is the only Youtuber I've seen play this who HASNT helped the fish AND fails the mission lol
“What is titan” Astrologically cultured?
i just realized how much my brother and felix are so much alike its scary omg
Lmao when waiting to complete the purchase I just look at my phone
"Hi, I'm Connor, the android sent by CyberLife", hehe, Jack fans get it.
Jessie from greys
0:02 whats that music?
I love beyond two souls
The devEant
The old man looks like the old man in spy kids.
32:40 little does felix know
Demi Lovato
I am gonna stalk the hell out of one of you
It’s hard to watch other people play Detroit after watching Jay play it
I havent played beyond 2 souls but watched you play it and i just loved it so much, cant say about the game play but i always watched it as it would have been a movie, and i really really loved the story and the idea it had... would love to see beyond two souls 2 at some point
Time to spend 10 hours watching this entire gameplay series
I thought this game was gonna be boring
Tunnel to the Brighton beach? That might be the on that comes from Roedean school. Don’t think it inspired AiW tho
the south park reference
23:33 most soft and precious boy
Did anyone else notice the crappy house is the same as the one in Heavy Rain
you didn’t save the fish I’m unsubscribing
He miss that bus part
does he realize that he played this whole chapter without saving his progress
Just based on him making the first choices I can tell this is gonna be fucking hilarious
*the more you think about you realize you don't need an andriod you need a women* exactly what i was thinking
The characters are so amazing and interesting, I freaking love Carl he’s so cool and nice and I love his design with the tattoos and omg !!!
Omg this game is INCREDIBLE. Why did I almost cry when he was painting
You lied!! 28:47 You said if you put a chip in my hand i could do what the android did I went to Wal-Mart and gave them one of my Cheetoes and they said this is not considered payment! I was embarresed!!
What is the intro song called?
Oh its him lo
Nothing happened to Leo or Carl in the last scene... interesting
"Am a medium type of guy" THATS WHAT SHE SAID
Does the one paint guy not look identical to Jackson Avery from grey’s anatomy?
I love the story and climate of the game. I'll watch all of the gameplay, because I will never be able to play it.
"Shot through the heart and you're to blame darling you give love a bad name..." * epic guitar solo* Dang it Felix you got it stuck in my head XD jk thank you for making that reference
The rich old man reminds me of a benevolent slave owner type.
Идите нахуй
Tod's noise makes me sooooo uncomfortable
Russian language?! WTF?!
U r the last person to criticize the game!!! Lol
honestly id smash ubunga he got that money and he can scare pewds to do more lwiay forever
detroit: get me my noodles #66 my noodlers forced me to do this
Finally found the intro song. Ha.
"Im a medium kind of guy" - Pewds 2018
Pew u should hav changed the paint picture to something else
That android at the beginning looks a bit like Jennifer Lawrence
Its soooo great... and markus is too hot
jack did this better
nice video
Cleaning The Simulator
No more pewdiepie fan art?
did someone noticed when he is usually saying word "everybody" lmao
The game audio is out of sync. Seems to be early. The game feels much better, when the sync is right.
poods is not good at such games
Yeaay! Pewd is back!!!! I love this kind of game
Wtf how d'you manage to get ads here
omg finally!
1:04:13 Hmm, I dunno, maybe... *Skill* *A life* *A brain* *A caring personality* *Common sense*
Detroit experience -gets shot-
I’m soo happy!!
How r u so bad at the first fukin chapter
Danm why is pewds so snotty in the first two minutes
pewds: god dammit it's a girl also pewds: awh, kara
the fact that he missed all of the important clues in the first scene made me triggered
If you don’t play The Last of Us 2 im suing
*oKaY I gOtTa PeE* Doesn't this game remind you of *Before Dawn*
Next up Amnesia
The worst part aof this whole series was he didn't save the fucking gourami fish!!
Wait..pewds hated beyond two souls? It was a little slow story teller i will admit but over all i did liked it i thought pewds did too hmm
26:13 *retrieve order 66*
Every time he said "Dab Button" I took a shot of disappointment and dabbed
Why is he not swearing anymore? :
From all the gameplays i’ve seen from the intro, Pewdiepie got the most things right but is the only one who got the worst ending
yeah rosa parks
Human become detroit
amazing, i dab on the damn it part - hahahah
“I have to constantly rub it” -Pewdiepie 2018
Best not to make small talk, you just might make it even more awkward for yourself
what's the outro song?
tsshahahowws it goin bros?
i already have a android its a phone
48:00 - 48:05
25:46 dr avery ayyy
Rip fish
I love pewds but he talks a lot
Is this game on ps3
The thing tht gets me is how interactive and realistic this game is it’s truly amazing I need to get it. Also Carl and markus’s relationship is very heart warming I love ur let’s plays.
Only pewdiepie laughs at the abusive drawings lol
Why doesn't he like swearing anymore?
sAvE tHe FiSh
"Maybe you guys are judging this guy. I think he's a wonderful guy" aRE yOu sUre AbOUt thaT
All I see is Jackson from Grey's Anatomy xD
as a cashier, I'd say it's probably best knowing how awkward you are to just stare at the machine.
a very big point of the game is to put you in the shoes of the android, which, as you might imagine, involves a lot of cleaning
3 takes on the first scene and the fish wasnt saved xD
What was the song at the end
Connor,(is that his name?) He gives no fuuuUUUUa
30s in & he’s all like uncomfy with the androids right off the bat oof
I sometimes forget how to use my credit/debit card on the paying machine thing
Detroit is a city in the U.S.A. ... so a living city walking about?
The androids are all just default skins
Id put the pay chip in the nono finger so i can show that stupid register what i think of paying for a burger
26:13 "recieve order 66"
Pewds is actually Carl in his 399 chair
WOMAN SIMULATOR! damn pewds, u make me spill my whisky xD
he didn't pick up the fISH
"The more I think about it, you dont need an android, you just need a woman." -Felix 2018
Why is this nigga doin this?
Does anyone know the intro&outro for this video?
PewDiePie I love your gaming videos please make more
whats the name of his intro beat????
Really fiveads
You never say no in a hostage situation no matter what
Todd is the creepy guy in the bar in Beyond two souls
I watched this while I was cleaning
8 fucking adds pewds. 8 whole fucking adds
Outro song? Edit: Nvm i checked the comments
Black man jealous of slave how akward
sorry i just commented on another video telling you to play this but you did whOOps sorry
Order 66 how funny right?
Okay but can i marry kara
Okay but the paint store is so pretty like woaH
When i die, itd be p cool to be an android. Like woah
what fans
“I’m a medium type of guy” *Oh?*
*sees guy gets shot then dragged by teammate* pewds - ah he's fine
but did markus thank the bus driver?
What if Apple will create the first Android
He didn't save the fish... RIP Fish.
He count even do the tutorial
When he said order 66 is was like, 'star wars' ?!?!
I think this going to be a great series!
you... *you didn’t pick up the fish... how disrespectful to the fish... WE MUST BOW DOWN TO THE FISH*
**Sees Carl** cries Only some will understand
pewdiepie now:"beyond two soul is ok" pewdiepie playing beyond two souls: "DONT TOUCH MY BABY!!!!!"
Damnn its 1 hour video and i enjoyed it so much
I’m surprised the SJWs haven’t said anything about Markus (a black man) being Carl’s (a white male) android (slave) I’m glad SJWs haven’t found Detroit
My dads name is Anthony
11:19 nice dead youtuber refrence
25:01 if I had an android I would want it to be my best friend. Because it's my dream to have someone to hang with me and do all my stupid stuff with me, not alone :c
Grey’s anatomy hm? Jackson Avery?
Quantum Break?
FYI Titan is one of Saturn's moons
What is the point if he just keeps going back ffs
Am I the only one who thinks the Marcus Android looks like Jackson Avery from Greys Anatomy
replaying the scene defeats the purpose of the game
kara make me fail in love her eyes
And Marcus is a game changer you know
Kara is a badass character you know
A new level of people being racist.
blankly stare at machinary
1909 you mean.
I didn't even know you _could_ fail the tutorial mission. Great job, pewds, you found the secret ending!
Didn't rescue the fish. 0/10 bad ending guaranteed.
Pewds Titan is one of Jupiter's moons I think
I love watching you playyyyyy lol
Stare at the machine XD
It’s hard for me to watch his choice-based playthroughs, because he always chooses very different options than what I would do. Although I watch all his videos, and think he's a great YouTuber, I always watch Jacksepticeye for choice based games, to see the pacifist ending.
Markus freaking looks like freaking Jesse Williams (Jackson Avery from greys anatomy)
did he,,, not realize,.,,,.,, it wasn’t saving
I was thinking of the exact same person when I saw the four leaf clover!
Pewds started to make terrible decisions during games since he played Until Dawn
Given 7 years retail experience, rather don't do small talk during the transaction. It might distract them and mess up their cash up depending it if it's a manual typing card machine from their end. If you were having a conversation beforehand then it should be okay.
*Android's are stealing our jobs* first it was the Mexicans now it's the androids
i'm really excited by this play through i've watched theradbrad and jacksepticeye and now i'm really excited to see how felixs story plays out!!!
Pewds = Carl confirmed?
Okay but like Markus is Jesse Williams
I subscribed
24:07 Game is called life is strange
damn even I didn’t fuck up the tutorial
Who else flinched at 20:40
22:20 Pewds had to do it to em
This game so far is a lot like the uk show humans it's pretty good.
3 minutes and he’s already guaranteed the bad ending..... he didn’t save the fish smh
man pew u dont lie about not having a gun then pull it up without shooting...
Youtube f***** me up. I didn't even know Pewds lets played a game till today.. Why did Youtube only recommend his non gaming content sense July 21st? Who knows.. If I hadn't gone into his feed to view his videos I would have never known... :(
18:15 Damm Daniel...
O.K. Let's see. A rich, old artist living in a fancy house and being served by an android is scolding working-class people, who are worried about their future. Hmmmmmm… And what will become of his android "son"?
Yas boi
I just started playing heavy rain so I wa wondering if this would be worth it too
The cops are pretty stupid in this game.
Why does that little girl look like lil tay?
No offence to pewds or anything but he should’ve put a warning that there would be abusive scenes in this
you are so funny HAHAHAHAHAH :)
22:19 - 22:36 AHAHAHAHHA
The GrApHicS are omffgggggg
*22:32* this one gave amazing handjob
Pulled a gun on him....
Did anyone see that bts detroit edit?
Ты на русском написал???
RIP fish
Back again with the singing PewDiePie and the Outro Music
pewds wtf we care what u sayyyy hahah
he didn't pick up the fish. i don't want to watch anymore of this GARBAGE GAMEPLAY BYE!
I love it when pewdiepie takes an amazing game and completely ruins it with his shit commentary. When jacksepticeye played this he actually took it seriously. I remember the good old days of the last of us...
Didn't even bother to check the rest of the house.
Also, he makes all of the worst fucking choices lol.
i never watch felix's playthroughs, so i can't judge him, but i found some of the things he said a lil rude? for example, when he called the title dumb hh
Connor, my boy!
Just got this game on sale so now I can finally watch this series. ❤️
Preach the whamen androids
That was an awesome episode of gaming, PewDiePie!)
that first death was deserved...
*oh my god*
24:10 #BroFist
How is this a related video of “ninja ligma”
‘Scuse me i use IOS
d E v e ant
He was doing so good in beginning but he just chose wrong at the last second
34:00 wahmen simulator
frickin jacksepticeye. look what he's done.
I love this game so much and I was instantly looking forward to watchings pewdiepie reactoin
What fans?
Sorry Pewd’s But You Failed...18:56
56:19 That killed me
yo why does the first guy he play look like avery off of greys
The song is a cover of comptine d'un autre ete, l'apres midi
Oof new poods series to binge-watch
22:04 * Slaps android * This Bad Boy can fit so many recipes in it
Alice in wonderland was written by Lewis Carol (it was his pen-name, his actual was Charles Lutwidge Dodgson). He made up the story in a boat ride for the three Daughters of the vice chancellor of Oxford at the time. I believe it to be somewhat of a metaphor for the process of mathematical thought in the sense that once you come across a mathematical idea and you follow it into the "rabbit hole" you can find beautiful and somewhat absurd results. Just something interesting.
When you first start off in the park. Isn't that the actor from Grey's Anatomy? Avery was his last name. Crazy!
This is the first time I saw someone fail the first mission without trying to holy fuck
Leo is my name to
‘Life found on titan!’ *gets IW flashbacks*
Chloe is hot
Yes...i love you pewdiepie
The father in this game is legit my father...
I mean the way he acts doofus, he does become angry at me for no reason and hits people and things for no reason.
Sure, and I'm cartoon character with mutant eyes.
Wait you can go back?
Pewdipie is so cruel when he said he doesn't care about the little girl
I live in detroit
I mean its not bad apart from the crack heads, drug addicts, and alot of homeless people. We have some nice beaches though ;D
how is it?
What song in the start
I spent 1 hour of my life watching this and I don't regret it
Todd is best boy
"what is titan?" Its a moon of Saturn its "very well known" because of its enormous oceans of liquid methane, Thicc'st atmosphere, and the largest moon in the solar system
didn't save the fish :(
why did I watch this so late, I just finished and it's 6am . I'm not going to bed yet tho
I don’t think
naturally withdraw wedding ggbryu less so shelf reply not van earn.
android at 25:46 looks like he's been modeled after Jesse Williams.
Pewds, you missed the bro fist at 24:12 lol
When Felix said he bet Todd was a nice guy I burst out laughing
pewds you forgot to save the fish when you first walk into the crime scene
"That piece of crap" More like, "That piece of scrap" Haha got em
You're thinking of the movie soundtrack from Amelie! I thought the exact same thing when I heard the song at 23.50
Pewdiepie > jackscepieye
Idk why but this give me a psycho pass vide
Hey Pewds, you should fix the mic volume in the next video. Other than that, good playthrough.
*kara picks up clover* "Jacskepticeye, I knew he was behind this."
So does anyone know the title of the movie-like game pewds was talking about? Seem he made a playthrough of it to, would watch lol
I love this game is my favorite and and I love u also pewdiepie ❤❤
*why am I so late to this game play :•(*
maggy tokyo I’m late too
47:47 pewds gets weird ideas
The bald one looks like my math teacher
i'm glad u mentioned the movie Her bc i've seen it once
Bro fist in opening credits Please help us
Kara: *picks up clover* Pewds: J a c k s e p t i c e y e
I loved watching pewds play heavy rain it was my favorite game to watch him play
Leave it to pewdiepie to mess up the FIRST mission
“ *alright wheres the dab button.* ”
I unsubscribed to pewdiepie for a long time but I recently came back to the bro army, im in love with how Felix says what everyone is thinking, he is one of the only YouTubers who actually talked about the racism comparisons in Detroit it makes me so happy :)
the fanbase for this is pretty chill since there are so many endings
That android who you play getting the paint is jaxson out of greys anatomy. Fit
Is that not Avery from greys anatomy?
The song was of last of us
wow haha felix i never seen anyone could fail the 1st mission, this is the 1st time i've seen this choice haha
awesome game
how the fucc do you fail the intro pewds?? damn
Detroit is a city if you weren't stupid you would know that
What’s the name of the song that Pewds played on the piano at 55:52?
Am I the only one watching all the gameplays for this game?
Markus looks like Jesse Williams and you cannot lie about that.
30:45 wtf it’s dusan from watch dogs 2
Yes Felix played it
Play gow
Pewds is an independent cleaner
You know your rich if you have that water thingy on your wall
Drinking game for when u wanna get as smashed as hank - drink every time pewdiepie refers to either David cage or ‘heavy rain’ in his Detroit videos.
was that comic loss?
56:21 please make this a meme
that good 'ol jacksepticeye reference
What song is it he was playing on the piano??
Pewdiepie: What if you were so rich you could just have an army of androids that would be so epic! Pewdiepie: * *gasps* * *AND THEN YOU COULD FIGHT THEM LIKE POKEMON!*
1:03:02 high meme potential
29:30 without a doubt I stare blankly at the screen. Small talk is so last millennia
Fahrenheit was the play movie game I remember I was so excited to watch you play it I hadn’t seen it since childhood
I smashed like
The dish washer makes me happy in general - a good pewds line
29:47 one time I just walked out of the store as fast as possible and I forgot my soda, lol. Had to go get it...
Felix going back so he doesn't kill connor is me on a spiritual level.
22:33 ahahahah
I really enjoyed Jack's lets play and I can't wait to see how your story turns out.
Why do Youtubers randomly yell at the top of their lungs? That isn't content.
For someone who plays lots of games you made some obvious wrong decisions
Am I the only one who noticed he had “no save” progress on from when he went back to save Connor
Racism on a new level.
Felix I miss you swearing dude
Finally. Gameplay poods come back please!
Chloe”this is our future” Pewds”sure” Me *chokes on air*
45:42 "Oh, I have to constantly rub it" - That's what she said
Was this a live stream
*gasp* you didn't save the fish felix. SHAME ON YOU
But did Markus thank the bus driver?
Rosa Parks did not stand for this kind of treatment
finally he's playing games again, missed it so much :')
when pewds didn't pick up the fish
pewds: Detroit become human what a stupid title me: *inhales* BOI!
Life is Strange 2 @pewdiepie
24:58 You should not have asked that question, you mustn't ask that question, not here, not on the internet, Pewdz what have you done!
i love to see you playing video games bro..
damn this game
I would show my android how to play video games lol
“They have one of those water things on the wall” A pot filler it’s called a pot filler Felix
I slap you
Yes, hulk likes to smash...
This one gives amazing handjobs
So apparently the Android Markus is Jackson Avery from Grey’s Anatomy???!! Google it.
Fission mailed we'll get em next time.
У меня один вопрос, как, и зачем по-русски?)
*pewdiepie posts one hour video* Me:
Daaaaaaamn! I missed this kind of content from pewdiepie :)
"Wake up lieutenant"
The first game he did was Fahrenheit?
30:06 Yeah I'd be fucking pissed too. A society where androids do all the work but jobs and economy still exist wouldn't work. You have one or the other. Unless we dismantled the economic system and androids served our every need, this isn't possible.
The second bot he was looks like that one guy from greys anatomy his name is on the tip of my tounge , but he’s a plastic compartment.
They took our jobs!!
34:00 lmao
[brigh-tun] [bri-den]
i am questionning myself as to how someone can dislike his video, like if you don't like it, why are you even watching it?
The German Connor IT better
This game is AWFULLY good!!! Seriously one of the best games so far...
‘Become more WAMEN’
43:22 when jack is going to comment about dis vidyo
There is a video on youtube where you can see how Kara is made! It's so cool and it fits the puzzle so easy you need to see it!
But does Felix have emotions?
A little tear (Wheres the dab button) Sad no more
25:45 is that the dude from grays anatomy??
Me sale el título en Español xdxd
I don’t like how he rushes through everything without checking everything else
living for the simple tasks honestly.
This is basically uncharted 4
*Mission failed. We'll get 'em next time*
Lmao "Retrieve Order 66"
Is connors appearance based off Jackson Avery from Gray’s Anatomy?
Есть русские??
Im No Inglish Im Spanish
29:45 It depends on the person (you and the other person), generally I just don't say anything and they'll just complain about the machine.
Hey, Connor is kinda hot...
Ina Orion You know that he is designed based on a real person
I didn't ask for this! But the game looks *Fun*
I like butts.
Hey pewdiepie..remember when you said the n word
ugh! why is this guy so famous? by being so rude? i think so...
Dude, stop screaming every 5 minutes. It is so annoying and unfunny. This is a play-through, not one of your shitty meme videos.
I actully liked beyond two souls better then heavy rain i didnt really like the characters. In my opinion.
Por qué todo está en español que raro
i knew it was dr. avery
24:58 Here comes the "Fuck it," comments.
you are the best youtuber everr !!!!
Pewds you're so bad at video games good lord. ;)
Why tf do the robots look like humans? If I had to buy an android mine would look like the marshmallow robot from Big Hero 6.
That tobygames reference press made
1:03:01 oh my god...
The situation is under control “Haha no no it isn’t”
I was so happy when he realised he missed out sm things lol.
I first watched Tyler 1 play this. I watched all 11 hours now I’m gunna be invested in this series
add my snap if you love my bum; ruthlinaaa
0:01 Atleast he acknowledges it
Now this is a game! A wamen simulator. - Pewds 2018
pewds: iq 7. eq -399
Wtf you failed the first mission weakkk
I thank the world that I am able to live in the same era as pewdsiepie
were you talking about fahrenheit?? like the game or something else?
Yes nine year olds, we did it, we won the war
What's the name of the song in the end
I was screeching and then u left the gun and I was fucking lit as hell
hoe I was in the car and my mom answered the phone and was like “hello?” And then you screamed at the top of your lungs “HELLLOOOO” and I’m crying
Only person who fked the first mission up
Intro and outro song? :))
This was so cool seeing the city of Detroit in a video game
the fucking FISH Felix...
Кто с России?
RIP to the fish
"what if you were so rich you could have an army of androids? that would be so epic. then you could fight them like pokemons!" -Felix 2018
Pewds is Back
#DetroitBecomehumanfail !
That's Jackson from greys anatomy hahaha
Pewds the game critic
Какова для всё на рускам
34:05 "Waman simulator" Feminists:"CAN WE COPYSTRIKE PEWDIEPIE"
45:20 They will attack again
I actually liked beyond 2 souls, but I see your point about how what your kind of following the story rather then leading it. It's more of a movie then a choice based video game.
okay but what’s jackson avery doing man
Yes we did force you AND WHAT ABOUT IT
21:07 pewdipie: Connor gives the fatest dab right now..... No?.. Ok Lmao
I hold my breath while waiting for confirmation lol
“How’s it going guys it’s pewwDiePie” why don’t you say that anymore ?
what’s more amazing than watching both your fav game and youtuber together !
"YOU SON OF A GUN" he can say ni
⎝⧹Ligma ⧸⎠ ⧹balls⧸ \
This is more like it!
45:41 that's what she said
This looks so much like Detroit
can detroit be my wife? :3
I dont think you can marry a city lol
What is the song called thats played in the outro
my cyberpunk ass is entertained
How dare you !!! My sweet baby boot is amazing
Ezix yeah I know
+toradotaku no, he is not speaking "normal". He starts out okay, but then does a "burst shout" roughly every few minutes. Listen from 34:05 to 34:15 to see what I am talking about
Hosain S but hes literally just speaking normally what do u want from him
Not to put pressure on ya, pewds, but I really loved seeing you do some gaming again! I know it's not really your scene, I completely understand, and I want you to enjoy the content you put out, but I also really appreciate the nostalgia. And if you ever do find another game you feel like playing on this channel, that would be amazing. I don't "miss the old pewds", I appreciate all forms of your content ;)
pewds is trash at this
The games now dead I guess
But I loved beyond two souls....
wots the outro song called?
the damn lip sync
Me when pewds pulled the gun *Face palm*
Felix we don't care if u make wrong decision just play the game
Pewds u make my brain hurts
39:00 sponsored by fender
Why does Marcus look like Jackson Avery from Greys Anatomy??
Coming back for the memories :,( He mess that ending though D:|
38:30 Feels weird about people doing stuff for him, but he doesn't edit his videos and his fans make him content
Yet again, Pewds makes the worst choices ever
Watching Felix play again is so Aggravating to watch but i keep watching to see what other stupid Stuff he does. . . . God Dammit Felix Shell Burnk
Is FalconLover!!!
Jackson from GA is that you??
My name is Cyber, I'm the android sent by Conner Life.
This is actually (relatively) close to 500K likes lol
my friend last weekend watched all these episodes and im like bored in the first 2 minutes
whats the outro song name
Who's watching this in 2038?
Tu consegue ser pior que o luba
Come On Pewds You Know You Love The Game
looks like the D
i have never seen that ending fo chapter one w connor before
That dab button
im over the top happy whenever i see any gaming on this channel thank u pewds
I've just finished watching the whole play-through by a decent Youtuber. This is a great video game! So intense, very touching. I really enjoyed what this game can offer when played seriously. Now I'm here and ready to see how things can get messed up with wrong choices lol
Poods its don't they
Why did he pull the gun...
got two ads in the whole video
45:20 "did I just hear a micro aggression"
Titan is one of saturns moons. Its very close to being like earth
Androids are just African Slavery 2
43:48 is this -loss- a four panel comic?
i don't mean to ruin it or anything but you could've cut this episode in ten and put all of them in a playlist having all of the videos being 10+minutes
43:43 is this loss
18:41 "WHAT A FUCKING N****R*
The Todd and Alice scene made me fucking cry.
pewdiepie: *walks past the fish* me: bad gameplay. 0/10
Lil tay??
Markus is the guy from greys anatomy whAT
"cyber life made by Mark Zuckerberg" LMFAO
Что за хрень?
Since you played Heavy rain and Beyond two souls, then you should play Detroit become human!!!!!
wat is that outro song?
dont let felix negotiate AGAIN!!
Making fun of a good game -2018-2038
Please confirm payment... Oh shit the internet is down
Good ol' poods
What’s the intro and outro tune
Hey who's watching in 2038?
The game date is my birthday
this game makes me think of Desu Ex Mankind divided where Augs are basically treated with basically racism apart from natural people with segregation due to fear and due to their abilities and what not even though some people use augs just to walk again and stuff like that so it's sorta ridiculous but also realistic to what could happen if something like that were to become real
Soon there will be a new cyberlife called Apple
24:11 Bro Fist
29:50 I make it a game and try to pull my card out of the machine as fast as I can so I’m waiting on it but too focused on the game to care what else is happening around me but I awkwardly yank my card out as fast as possible and then dab on it because I get faster every time
Care of carl
UwU Fucc u poods~
У меня одной название на русском
1:02:56 “oh ma ghad”
Do they teach about Rosa Park in sweden? Because I don't know anything about Swedish history and now I feel bad
That was more detectivey than Batman.
Hit that fat dab
so because of this i actually watched "Her" recommended by Felix **SPOILERS AND QUESTION** i totally didn't get the whole "i need sexy time now!" thing in the AI. it's what threw me off from the entire movie. why the fuck would an AI care about having cybersex so much? the dude had a chill, cool relationship going on and she needed more cock. apparently A LOT of AI needed more sexy time and "left" somewhere together. it could've been a more interesting story without the focus on having to literally pleasure the AI.
45:42 "Oh I have to constantly rub it" >.>
Old PewDiePie are you back
whooooo whoooooo
I'm from detroit so that montage was so cool to watch
I always stare blankly lol
The compartment in the bus for androids is most likely inspired by the time of Apartheid in South Africa, where black people and white people would be separated. It was like that on all public transport, restaurants etc. I am South African so I know a lot about this shit
*felix in accent* “OhHhH Bellini paints” *sign says colors since 1909* *felix still in accent* “CoLoR sIncE 2009 oHO veRy GoOd” Me-felix no heh
felix is worse at this game than jack
32:40 46:43
Every painting is actually diffrent, there's twelve
I have never seen anyone fail the first mission so hard
The Android s represent Android and the humans are apple
"When you play casual, you shouldn't even be playing" ... the real Bryan Dechart played it on casual
why you didn't save the fish you motherfuther
I’ve seen 10 minute videos with 8 ads That shit was terrible But 8 ads in an hour is amazing I love you
to tell you the truth yes I'll implant a chip in my arm to do payments, just imagine no wallet needed anymore and not ATM / pin card needed anymore, only way to get your money is if they cut of your hand
Love your Jokes, all you need is a women
I need a ps4...
To make the game they used the acters to play out each scene
Pewds.... ma man..... you better should stop making Sexist jokes and shouting after it IT WAS A JOKE!!! you know why? DE-MON-ETIZED
I've heard from people that he makes some bad choices, so I'm here to cry
If you are gonna make a joke about women, at least try to make it funny. Spewing some idiotic words and then excusing yourself by calling it a joke gets old very quickly. I liked the video but stop it with the "who needs an android if you have a woman" shit. Just think about that line for a second.
45:42 my first time masterbating ;)
You singing "You give love a bad name" while watching that recontruction is ICONIC
they didn't dab so i did it for them.
No hi dos not to give his son many cas hi dont wont his son to spendit all on drogs..dont do drogs kids
O yes Titan Is a New planet thay fond i have sen dokmentris abut it it is an water planet so cool
I like Carls art
If i hade 1 i woond cal him Sebastian or Basi ❤
*he didn't react to the coin trick*
jackson avery get back to the hospital wht are you doing ad an android ?!? you have lives to save !
My name is Hank. Im the human sent by RealLife.
Now that you have a playstation re you gonna play persona 5?
*a whawem simulator*
Me before clicking: hmm which one, already saw 2 playthrough's *HAHA* *DEAD* *INSIDE* Me clicking: This could be fun! he will get sad fast already know it Lolol
"open your eyes" Me: eat jin and open your eyes!
Pewdiepie playing detroit become human>>> other youtubers
32:40 5 minutes later
New tech doesn't always provide new jobs. Androids could complete most work, but the billion people now without jobs aren't going to all become Android engineers.
The opening music sounds like the soundtrack from Amelie Poulain, but just a bit in the start (not all of it)
*Possible subscription to my channel*
>mfw he keeps missing the fish at the beginning
Conner: Hi I am a Conner the Android sent by cyberlife,(takes a bullet in the arm) PewDiePie: but can you do this( leans back in his $399 chair)! Conner: head explodes revealing a Shrek leaning forward in his 993$ riahc!
Why is Markus Dr Avery from greys anatomy?
Pewds I love u mannnn
“Please don’t buy me”
32:41 oh pewds. poor, naive, innocent pewds.
Good content? Pewds 2018? Is this real? Cary on please
this is so sad alexa play hello by lionel richie
Isn’t titan a moon on Saturn?
Why does that girl look like Alice
I wanted to get this on pc then I realized it was ps4 exclusive :(
Why can't pewds swear??
Cade Gamers BR??
the reconstruction scenes are like batman arkham origins
c'mon Leo download some moves xDDDDDD 30:15
why does Felix always have the best outro music?
When pewds was for the first time with a girl: 45:41
I quit playing after the, no spoilers, erm...Markus's son part.
Felix: whamen simu- Wsj- another reason to hate him! Hey android! Go write for me a shit artical!
Her is a masterpiece! I even learned photograph from it, its truly a bomb
Achoco berry ^^
I rib in Brighton
Finally! another game play through!!! Pew, play the last of us 2 and uncharted
Detroit Detroit
Did felix play Fnaf UCN yet??
Dab dab Dabmit
You Pewdiepie have failed this city.
“I’m sure Todd’s a great guy.” Literally abused his daughter Hah sorry. Abuses*
lmao the first time he plays it his probability of success goes up to about 80% and then it takes a nosedive and he ends up with both the negotiator, the deviant and the girl dead
Only Felix could do the tutorial mission and fail
Is this a cover off.... Na Na Na Na Na Na Na..
Dude you killed one of the main character already In the first mission I have never seen someone this bad at Detroit become human
i knew pewds was gonna fuck it up in the beginning lol
Wow, I don’t watch play throughs anymore and especially not by youtubers I watched when I was *9* but I was presently surprised.
i love this game
Imagine if Connor name was butthole lol in butthole the Android sent by cyberlife
Outro song > < ?
43:21 jacksepticeye
*that's just what I said*
This is the first video of you I’ve ever watched. Made me laugh dude, good video
when you watch 20 minutes and he dies :D hahahaa
"What is Titan?" lol
After seeing jacks play through, Felix's play through is shit
“ I wonder if you were really rich, you could have an army of androids. That’d be so epic! (Gasp), AND THEN YOU COULD FIGHT THEM LIKE POKÉMON!” Pewdiepie 2018. (47:56)
Titan is a moon of Jupiter (i think)
Блен,русская озвучка булочки с корицей намного лучше и приятней на звук
This is the pewdiepie I signed up for
Ahhh, such a good Let's Play so far! And all the other parts are already up, yesss! My boyfriend and I are ready to spend the afternoon binge watching this while eating our self-made Bibimbap. It is a good day :D
Carl is just pewds in the future.
If I had an android I'd tell it to play bass in my band
Incredible, I was painting while listening to this video, suddenly the guy starts painting aswell :))
i make small talk when paying
powdipay ay indonesia
What the heck You already restarted the game And you still didn't save the fish!
Oh god when he said that Todd may not be that bad I was like you will find out
What's the title for intro music? It's cute
you played well at second time why just freaked out in a sudden and made everyone killed
54:20 I opened my mouth at the same time pewds burped and I startled the fuck out of myself bc thought I was the one who burped
Jacksepticeye is a better gamer than YOUUUUUUUUUUUUUU (im just kidding) I loooove youu!
Ur attention to detail sucks worse than anyone I've ever seen and ur choice making is trash.
24:10 he didn't even say bro fist when the gient fist appeared on screen. What happened to the old pewdiepie!?
wait did he say beyond two souls wasn't good???
Dammit, no dab
Your ability to think about what your doing in this game is questionable man.... questionable
каким хреном название видео на русском языке? он же не бельмес....
I like the screenshot of cerl
really youtube? an 8 minute ad w/o a skip? wtf
is it just me or has poods processors become slower now XD
wtf i actually watched through the whole thing , really great game
Markus reminds me of Jackson Avery from Grey's Anatomy wowow
"he has one of those water things on the wall *pause* that's how you know you're rich" lol
Outro song name?
the score he played on the piano remembered me of the movie amelie
49:13 Me everyday
They steal ur jobs? Become an пев дие пи!!
this is the most reason i watch pewd
27:44 he sounds like Big Smoke from GTA SA (don't...bring... GTA V nor GTA IV)
Батя в здании!!!
Hahahahah you actually failed the first mission
Water makes up 90 odd percent of the world. He did the right thing us humans are the minority on this planet compared to fish. Plenty more not flopping about in the sea
Song at 1:04:56?
Can anyone tell me what's the song in the intro and outro?
Did you realize that the song you were playing on piano was Kara’s theme
you missed the gun
Dude what were u thinking when you pulled out the gun fr I almost decided to unsubscribe
Anyone knows the songs name used in the outro and intro?
Game u said ??☝️
So you pull down my game yet PICK IT APART or did I WRECK IT GOOD ENOGH?
Who is pewdiepie
didn’t save the fish tsk tsk
Jacksepticeye 1st episode got 5.1 million veiws and it's been 3 weeks and he has 5.1 million views
Some water on the wall things, a faucet?
Dibiloit: Become human
The fish smh
i've seen jack's playing and this one is me. HAHAHAHAHA love both of ya.
Breaking News: "Local man impregnates female android."
I cried my ass off in Jack's playthrough when things happened but in this one, Felix is so random and I just laugh instead
Почему название видео написано по русски?
What happened to the love for UNTIL DAWN gameplay...
It was important for him to see how people don’t agree with androids, that was the point with the paint collect but oh well
R.I.P Dewey
Life found on Titan? *The Hive*
I miss hearing PewDiePie say "brofist" as he reaches his fist towards the camera & I do it back to my computer screen. Sigh.
38:38 ... so are brad 1 and 2 machines..?
this is lit
Спасибо за русские ссубтитры: с:
Phi poods
as one who lives in michigan, detroit looks very N I C E
Didnt save the fish. Unsubbed
The fish nooo
Хренли там написано по русскт
38:39 He didn't like other people doing his thing, yet he has Bred #1#2 and Reddit page making content for him LUL
I really wish you'd play more games, but now everyone just wants meme reviews
Is it just me or the android at 27:00 looks like jackson from grey s anatomy
Dr.Avery from Greys anatomy
In 31:47 I want you to pose the video and if you see a heart your normal and if you don't you are still normal
Ты русский?
24:19 Wow, Kara looks like Jennifer Laurence
OMG THATS A GREArt outro song !!
game: **having a sentimental,serious moment between father and daughter** pewds: alright where's the dab button lol 47:05
Hey my names connor -_-
We solve racism by adding androids. Now you can hate them instead.
"ill try to make the right choices guys" 20 seconds later, "yeah i guess ill pull the gun".
I appreciate how he tries to be as thorough as possible in this
“At least come up with a better name” Felix, you literally named your app ASS. This is a joke pls don’t attack me
Pewds: What would you do with an android? Pewds 20 minutes later: Fight them like POkEmOn
28:02 pewds sounded like that evil guy (i forgot his name) in fineas and ferb
I really love watching pewds playing this kind of games. Love u poooods
i would put a card chip in my hand so when i overdraft my acc I can snapchat it and call my hand a horrible sinner
how is this game so much like batman arkham knight?
Been with pewds since the bully gameplays ah good old days
Original: Fahrenheith game
Pewdiepie playing a ... game? This hasn’t happened since like 2014
what’s the song at 1:05:06
Folowe me please. И пьюди поиграй в детроид на Русском.
When he says that it might be just pretending to give him a choice: *facepalms* he's dead
W-what? But...the fish...PEWDIEPIE HOW DARE YOU
the part with Todd and his daughter made me cry :,)
Why didn’t you save the fish
The screaming suits Sean much more than Felix.
Опа на русском
Thanos slaps dustpan “MAN THIS THING CAN FIT SO MANY Memes in lit”
OMG Pewdie, what happened to yaa?!?! I remeber those days, when your chanel was funny and full of games. Shm.
that why we make youtube as a job because android cant get 65m sub
omg the beard put it away u block the view
I liked the video when he said “finally, I’m playing a video game”
Alice in Wonderland was written by Lewis Carroll who was born in Daresbury, Cheshire and lived in Oxford and wrote the Alice books based on his young friend Alice Liddell and their outings and boating parties together. I've spent many years reading about and researching Carroll's life and as far as I know, he has no affiliation with Brighton whatsoever - sorry Pewds!
Let's not forget about Rosa Parks who got YEETED to the back of the bus
i wont believe we can discover a transparent tablet in 2038
on 24:11 That's Pewdiepie's BROFIST ! Becuz In future They made a statue On pewdiepie's Brofist..Detroit predicted Our future That's What The android Said in the Beginning of the game XD
What's the song name in the beggining? It's stuck in my head and I love it xD.
Once I was seven years old my mama told go get a life or you'll be lonely once I was seven years old yeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee3eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee3eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee3eeeeee lol once I was 11 years old my dad told me I was adopted and to kill myself 3 years later here I am
I was patiently waiting for the bro fist
aaa make the vid shorterr pewwds
"oh i have to constantly rub it"
dude i care about controls like that, they frustrate me as well
*T H A T S W H A T I S A I D*
Why did you pull the gun out tf you dumb
You have no idea how close you were no gun compromise
You didnt get the fish off the floor when the option popped up right in your face....Shame. Then you say you dont like the artist guys art work while the screen was showing it was a pair of Afrocentric paintings. More Shame. But the most shame was you didnt vacuum while that child abuser was watching hockey and getting high. So much shame on you Felix. Get Good Ya Damn Noob. XDDDDDDDD
47:35 pewds singing friday by rebecca black lmao
I hate small talk so I don't do it when waiting for others lol I have social anxiety, so I just stare at the machine
Damn Daniel.
26.14 dew it
Peer (629) killed our boy.
I love pewdiepie so much his videos are entertaining asf
Good job on the first one luls
"the situation is under control" *Pewdiepie nervously laughing* no it isn't
Da fish u forgot the Fosh
I felt sry to android bc human r so mean to them just like do whatever they want. Example: hurting & bullying them
PewDiePie : you know what I think he is a wonderful guy Me: da Fucc you talkin bout nice guy ..that crap ruined somebody's life for goodness sake
Pewds chooses to pull out gun. You hear the sound of 60 million 9 year olds simultaneously facepalming
Russian pewdiepai super оу ебой ебабой
I swear sometimes I think Felix has absolutely no common sense by the choices he picks.
This would be an amazing movie! Does anyone see Kara as Jennifer Laurence?
Detroit:become human is basicly a game that determins your personality
Pew what do you think would happen if the swedish empire still existed?
I want an android so he/she can cure my sadness :(
ik it's a super minor detail but for some reason i'm really happy that someone like pewdiepie is educated in civil rights in *america* idk i just didn't expect it and it put a smile on my face not that it mattered :P
"waman stimulator" youre literally ASKING for hate. i mean the games definetly not racist or sexist
why 29:12 background music sound like the beginning of rockstar by posty tho
24:07 quantum break?
Now we know that PewDiePie gets cruel around aquatic creatures...
Life found on Titan. Infinity war confirmed
Did anybody else hear the Star Wars music 20 minutes in
50% of these comments are about you not saving the fish
yeah, and if you don't want to play The Last Of Us part 2 when it comes out.....We'll obviously force you to play that too
i love carl
*m y s t a t e*
Watching this after watching Berleezy play it makes me cry. He skipped all the clues
LOOL, i watched Berleezy, Jazzyguns and Dwayne and now Pewds
Kevin's version is waaaaaaay shorter n funnier haha
That’s my dads name
this reminds me when I binged heavy rain w/ pewdiepie
Seventy n- ... person!
either they are just giving us bs and the story will continue the same well pewds I think you are mistaken the makers of this game for telltales LOL
What's the name of ountro melody?
On the subject of adroids taking jobs: I don't think that there will be more jobs, but I think that by point we'll get universal basic income, or we'll change politicaly the economic system such that we won't have to work and the robots will do all the work.
anyone getting greys anatomy Avery vibes from android 2 ?!?
Did the fish die?
This was sad to watch
Yay Detroit!
Sous titre français s’il vous plaît
When watching this entire video I didn’t get one single ad
Opening soundtrack?
You aren’t supposed to redo
An interactive movie. Pretty cool.
I need this game
I have to constantly rub it-Felix Something or other Swedish person 2018
Its annoying because i watched jacksepticeye first and i can see how much pewdiepie is skipping ughhh
you're so bad at video games
I know you're joking but the Kara part when she was cleaning was kinda uncomfortable to hear with the sexist jokes... Just saying, I mean I know you're joking but :/
What are u watching ? Pewdiepei on YouTube?
24:11 BROFIST !
"He has one of those water on the wall things. That's how you know you're rich." HAHAHAHA WHAT
Markus looks like Jesse Williams, the actor? Or is it just me?
You don't like other people doing stuff for you. (Cough) Brad 1 and 2.
Goddamnit you got him killed in the fucking intro XD
What is the outro song
Bro you need to play more games, you started lacking on this think fast type game, i hope it gets better XD
Почему название на русском?
If I had an Android I guess I’d just want it to help keep me on top of things, like making sure I keep up with housework and homework etc, like keep me on task, and maybe make dinner or do the dishes so I can do other things. I get way more done if I have someone to work worth.
This cleaning simulator has inspired me to clean my house xD
Kara means dick in croatian, it can also mean having sex in certain contexts
Everyone's talking about you not saving the fish
You're a genius but at the first part you can see a fish dying on the floor but you didn't save it.
А чё название русское
His name is Connor, the android sent by Cyberlife.
LMFAO I wont be surprised if mark zuckenberg did end up inventing androids
it doesn't get better than cleaning in a video game woman simulator 2018
England: become city
Skyrim: I'm the most immersive ga- Detroit: Hold my beer I'd smash Kara. But seriously this game looks absolutely amazing. Too bad I only have a Switch ;(
I really like Brighton and the most recent times I have been I laugh because some clips of you outside I kinda recognise. I was gonna go last week but I didn't :(
one of the androids look like avery from grey anatomy
my only worry is that he might not explore as much which is KEY with this game but idk we'll see.
as soon as he saw jesse williams (markus) face and didnt say anything tells me he doesnt watch greys anatomy lol i didnt think it would be his style of show either but i love that show and was so surprised to see him in this game
Connor is cool Smash like if agree
We use contactless payments, just tap a card instead of having to type in all the pins and shit
Nice South Park reference
Congrats, you lost a character at the first chapter But yet, ZERO DEATHS
this game is a completionist nightmare xD
Memes at 1:01:45
Alice looks like lilTay
Watching pewds watching playing games back on 2013 is much more fun. Can’t wait for him to play The Last of Us 2
I always blankly stare at the ATM, then look up awkwardly at the cashier periodically until my transaction is complete. All this with a perfectly awkward smile if the cashier ever looks back it me. #awkward
Women: Respect Them.
it triggered me when he didn’t clean everything downstairs
what is the songs name that plays the piano???
Cant believe u failed that first mission
this is the worst outcome of the first scene that I've seen and I thought I saw all of them.....
When he talked about the game he played a while ago with the storymode, he was talking about Last Of Us, right? Oh, and a friend of mine has a chip in his hand. I will never understand why.
That fat guy don't R E S P E K T. WOMEN
"Владеет техникой невероятной дрочки" спасибо, поорал
Yeah I smash that like
Whamen Simulator... Dammit pewds why?
I like how Connor instead of looking like an emotionless robot that doesn’t understand humans (like a lot of movies portray androids) he just seems like a naive child that hasn’t lived enough yet
i didn’t understand what people were talking about when they said he was fine but now i know
I wouldn't be an early adopter for the whole... chip in the head thing. But after a whole lot of real world testing and waiting a few years to see what the consequences are, how stable and reliable they are... Yeah of course I would. That sounds like it would be really useful. Imagine being able to text with your mind.
Why do you whine so much? If you don’t like playing it, don’t!
humans made a new type of being and decides to make it a slave and treats them differently, despite them being there to help. they got it on the dot
you walked past the fish both times i'm unsubscribing
Omg finally
you know you're too popular and rich when you don't know how to make scrambles eggs...
It was Fahrenheit I think and I actually watched you play it, been so long man
I think it was at the time I watched every single one of his videos, daaamn the nostalgia
outro song? the link he gave got me no where :/
my bday is November 5th
Какого хера название и описание на русском ???
5:30 Can we copystrike pewdiepie?
This is outlast all over again. Looks at blatant signs to guide the player and just doesn't understand
That titles is trash
I have uploaded the full Gameplay in My Channel . But your Gameplay is also nice . Nice Video
beyond two souls was so shit like sorry but yeh
Beyond two souls was amazing what are you talking about
I remember heavy rain, I loved that series!
And of course i saw you when you played it
FARENHEIT, that was the name of the game/movie
Какого хуя название на русском?
Тот же вопрос
24:12 BRO FIST!
27:17 reminds me of korra... when Amon was against bending ... THE ERA OF BENDING IS OVER! A NEW ERA OF EQUALITY HAS BEGUN! .. good times
ugh... many people have already mentioned it in the comments but WHY THE HELL YOU DIDNT SAVE THE FISH OMG PEWDS IM DISAPPOINTED YOU SPORK!!1! to be serious, i watched the gameplay of DBH in russian last week (thanks god that guy made it to the happy end) and then i wanted to watch it in english so im really glad you're playing this game, gonna watch it 100%
Dibiloit Become a human.
Daddy petted Kara a bit too hard
this isn't as fun to watch because he's so focused on the objectives that he isn't admiring the surroundings and world-building elements
Genius Pewds Strikes Again!
What is the music in the very beginning and end of this video?? I need itttt
The Android aiding Carl looks and sound like Jackson Avery from Grey's Anatomy
What’s the song in the first few seconds of the video?
Intro song?
Felix- “You don’t forget” Carl- “You never forget anything” Felix- “Oh. My. God. That’s what I said
Don't repeat it
I want the world to change fast. I want the world to be as futuristic as possible. Being friends with a customisable character android will be a normal thing
walked past the fish TWICE
Holy shit I just realized something, *SPOILER WARNING* When the like preacher in the first Markus scene tells Markus "You're the one who will destroy Detroit" that is some serious foreshadowing right there...
This is basically history repeating itself. Androids as slaves instead of African Americans. Sad
32:30 but did he thank the bus driver?
Think about this- you are older than Carl...
Anybody else think this house is eerily similar to the house in heavy rain?
Pewds: Become Original
What happens when the presents finds a black android extreme racism
Woah, 2 years and finally a game, again
Why do I think he got one of the really bad endings now? Lol Tbh tho, this probably says a lot about your judgement.
Well, living in Norway, we don't small talk, so I am fine with just standing there, I prefer it like that. *social anxiety*
What, so there is no more Connor?
I just can't get over how fucking hot Connor is!
Connor is hot. I'd like an android boyfriend if I could choose what he'd look like and some of his interests. I wonder how far technology will go if we can manage to not destroy this earth by being shitty people who doesn't care about animals or the environment.
I just realized, he has a Segway-wheelchair.
I love how Pewdiepie just roasts all the characters
Почему название русское?
The deviant in the beginning looks like Tyler the Hollywood medium.
I’ve been putting off watching these for a while because I wanted to play it first but I’m here now
Pewds: OH! SLIDING DOORS! ![weeb alert]!
*Picks up the clover* JACKSEPTICYE had me dying
i know it probably soudns gay but it's beautiful how they explore mortality and emotions within machines.
55:30 "Marcus play despacito "
I’ll literally never seen that first mission end so badly 0_0
This is honestly the first time I’ve seen someone fail the first mission without trying to fail it.
im so disappointed that he didn't even acknowledge the fish
Marcus and his story is really intriguing
I love how jack did the first scene way better than you. oof
Felix ... i'm at 6:32 and i'm already starting to get so angry and close to just watch another channel , do you know why ? i'm watching your videos everyday a speak too much friend , seriously , is annoying , let us HEAR what the game says ! we are here to watch the game play , not to read the fucking subtitles ! and adjust your voice volume lower...for f sake..
I miss your gameplays pewds. I seriously hope you do more of them.
Стоп что?!Русский на канале пьюдипая?!!!!Это как?!
I don’t like this play through
Carl looks just like Oogway from Kungfu Panda lol
"I'm a medium kind of guy" - Felix jellyburger (2018)
pewds kids are all gonna be dufuses (is that how its written??)
Anyone knows the music at 24:43?
Fyi titan is Saturn or Jupiter moon. I can't remember which right now.
Wish I weren’t a dick in this game
As you can see, he didn't have the heart to try not to f**k up
1:40 Did you just call her "buddy"? Where is the whaman respecktin?
Forced positivity eh?
Какого хера названия на русском ?
i would never get a chip and hopefully the future isn't like this. this game is super creepy...
49:49 i melt when he said "thank you" somehow...
That Matrix reference tho...
Didn’t save black guy
I think this is the first playthrough i've seen in which Connor dies in the first mission...
How are you so dumb?
It was actually nice to see Pewd's talking about his past without any jokes and voice changings :)
how deeply insecure do you have to be to push a robot on the ground
haha get it it's kara bc she was hit by a car
who else died laughing when he picked up the clover and said jack septiceye I knew it was u all along
hey is it me or the second android that pews is playing is Jesse Williams :O
Why does he talk so much? It honestly ruins the game, i'll just watch another youtuber play this game.
I love pewdiepies offensive humor it’s sad that people flip out whenever one is made sensitive people ruin humor
Есть тут русские, которые решили посмотреть зарубежное прохождение с Пьюдсом, с субтитрами?)
U u u didnt save the fish:( He's going to drown.
18:15 Noob
Brandon Smith thanks
np mate, enjoy the music
Brandon Smith thank you :)
So this is what Dr Avery is doing now?
first 1h+ video/gameplay I watch till the end
this game reminds me of murdered sole suspect XD
If 20 years from now isn't like this, I swear to god...
It’s sad that you can’t be yourself with all these SJW feminists that demonetize if you say anything to remotely trigger them.
That was close “Look at Conner, he gives no faaaaaa”
there is a cancer in detroit, they call this abomination... the synth
Even call me Kevin managed not to fail the first mission and he actively tries to mess everything up in the game
Does anyone know pewds outro and intro song in this vid?
That poor officer in the beginning always gets ignored... Connor even looks directly at him and next to no one notices him.
[24:58]Pewdiepie: If you guys had an Android what would you do with it? Me: Anal.
At 55:29 Felix, please, no! Geez, your taste in music has really gone downhill.
how did i know pewdiepie was gonna fail right away
Watched a couple other people play this but I’m here watching again because of my bae Marcus ☺️
because it's really him xD
the fishhhh
I know this is about another game but did anyone else get the best ending in Heavy Rain on their first play through
I miss when pewdiepie played last of us
"Oh, I have to constantly rub it" pewds 2018-2019
OMG just dont play video games Felix if you really dont wanna. Cause its pretty obvious
I’m in tears, this is so bad it’s good 10/10 would watch again
This reminds me of The Walking Dead
Levi would love this game(I made so much comments. :')
Titan is a planet that they say is kind of similar to Earth.
finally you playing a game god damn it
34:02 this is why I love Pewds. He isn't afraid to make offensive jokes still. What would you rather have, someone make offensive jokes or actually believe in this shit.
Pewds low key playing his and Marzias future daughter.
Lmao reminds me of Hannibal. Dun dun duuuun, Will was an android the whole time.
Good commentary felix
newds for pewds
He's the worst at Detroit holy shit
She is RACIST Against Androids Edit: I'm going to draw an android Dabbing for you Felix!
*Wahmen Simulator*
Me : time to watch some pews gameplay Felix : **takes the gun** Me : take that gun Felix 18:56 Felix : **accidentally kills Connor** *DAMMIT* Me : *NOOO WAY FELIX*
Тот же вопрос, братан!
Man that thumbnail is perfect
Cool game, will pick it up
No Pewds. I would never get a chip in me.
The people who made this game have something very wrong with their minds.
I wish you'd rub *me* like that pewds.
Marcus never forgets Stefan Karl. Dab on them buzzfeed ni
He can’t play for shit
when he said he thinks todd is gonna take good care of them i was like oh fuck no buddy
Y U NO SAVE Dewy the fish?
You better play the last of us 2
People remember you by your video game content and your fridays with PewDiePie. Wish i could go back in time when you first playing happy wheels or the last of us.
What is this no save mode thing?! Can anyone explain that? Is this a review copy of the game? Is that why?
Kara looks like Jennifer Lawrence. They are going to make a film out of this.
A like for you finally playing an awesome game. Long time ago you played a game.
I love how got the worst outcome in the worst mission despite all his efforts. He should've gone with trust option and then compromise. The Android would've have let the girl go and a sniper would have shot it in the face. Lol
Alice In Wonderland!!! I went on a trip to Oxford University. It was written in Oxford, not Brighton. At least according to official tour guides at the Oxford University. It was written about a girl called Alice Liddell, and the characters were all inspired by people she knew. The dodo was based on the author of the book, and the white rabbit was actually based on the real life Alice's father. The origin of Alice in Wonderland, and the author's relation to the real Alice is a sort of controversial topic actually. I don't know if you're into historical controversies, or historical mysteries, but it's a very interesting one, albeit a pretty sensitive topic though.
Stop replaying it
i just stare at the machinery when I am paying. I'll talk if the person talks to me but I won't make conversation.
Wahmen Simulator 10/10 great game
damn daniel
"You Son of a Gun!" -Pewds 2018
You had two chances and you didn't save the FISH!
Spoiler alert
Honestly it made really angry that he'll never see Connor's storyline
The movie soundtrack pewds was wondering should be music from Amelie french movie
i feel so bad for that lil girl
what is the outro music lol
Wait i gotta pee ,ok were back everybody lol
18:27 pewds u f$#ked up
I'm super happy u r playing something again! Good job Felix, love ya!
27:20 apparently they haven't been able to fix the thing that happens when two objects are trying to be in the same space, behind this android there where like a couple "people" shaking in the background. I'm hoping for a crazy video about glitches and silllyy stuff xD
I want my own Connor
stop finding fault always, i hate it when pewds complains about everything.never compliments
why you don't save a fish?
56:11 Carl your shit at playing
*plays piano like a maniac* Carl : Something Has Changed In The Way You Play LMFAO
4000 dislikes = triggered feminists and SJWs when Felix makes one joke about wamen. The people with a brain think you’re funny pewds don’t worry
"We solved racism by adding androids, now you can hate them instead" LOL
I think the game you’re talking about is called Fahrenheit
huh neat
ask the person at the register if they know any jokes when waiting for your card to go through
Wasn’t the game called Quantum Break ?
I would play this game just for the cleaning aspect
wait 27:44 The guy to the left looks like Big Shaq
Your question at 29:30 - I just smile and pretend no one is there....and yeah...stare blankly to the machine :3
That he went back to replay the first Mission twice pisses me off so much. The purpose of the game is that your choices matter, you shouldn't just go back and change them, that's boring.
play We Happy Few
Why do you have to laugh and make jokes and ruin certain scenes felix... come the f*** on. :-|
The beginning reminds me of One Room.
who's doing the subtitles cause I got respect 4 them
Pewds: TRUST ME! Daniel: Okay, I trust you Pewds: *worried*
Ur ki da a wierdo amd look like one. Being honest
Wow trash player
45:44 ...phrasing
53:10 I have a water on the wall thing (I don’t use it) I’m not rich
I don't get something, if Marcus had his eyes closed, how did he picked up to correct colors?
it kinda reminds me of the tv series humans
22:00 She look likes a strawberry
Kara looks like Jennifer Lawrence
Bad Pewdiepie
Pewds ignored the fish smh, I'm disliking this
33:10 is that a cousin kyle refrence?
it'd have been great if it was a live stream
Gets hit by a Car, let's name her Kara
I will watch em all
"Hi my name is Conner im the android sent by Cyberlife"
wow he is so fuckng bad at negotiating hostage, you need to gain trust, make him see a better future, not one where he is on the run. make him belive in false future. and than you will secseed
This game sucks, there was no option to do Fortnite dances under the dad and daughter part
I was actually so disappointed when i wanted to watch someone play detroid become human and i realized pewds didnt play it so i watched someone else NOW IM WATCHING IT AGAIN BECAUSE PEWWWSSAA OMG
24:59 I would ask it to teach me math
I'm watching this late but why in the fuck would you use the gun Pewds lmao...
P Pe Pew Pewd Pewdi Pewdie Pewdiep Pewdiepi Pewdiepie Pewdiepi Pewdiep Pewdie Pewdi Pewd Pew Pe P
whats the outro song? ik its linked but i dont wanna look through the persons channel lol
what a shit title
So what happens if Daniel shoots, is the game resumes or you have to replay the mission, can anybody tell me?
Wow. Remember when pewds had fun, enthusiastic playthroughs? I dunno... Like TWD, heavy rain, silent hill... Now it looks like I'm watching a modern 14 year old teenager. Ugh... A tired cliche, but I'll say it again... Old Pewds was more sincere and energetic, than the stiff, emotionless robot (No Pun Intended) we have here.
i’ve never seen anyone get a bad ending for the first try i’m-
They have androids, but we’re are the apples
He had original content
Alright i gotta pee.
If you would stayed outside you could see the black guy that was in the bus.
Subscribe For A Good High
T series is going yo be the best YouTube channel
I’m from Detroit
37:25 doesn’t notice him smoking crack
why is that quarter so big
Вахаххаах, только начало, а уже убиваешь ))))
pewdiepie cheated on telltale.
45:42 That's what she said
Started over and still missed the fish.
32:41 hmmmMmmmmMMMmmMMMM
"Do I small talk or blankly stare at the machinery" just give em a compliment
Getting Humans vibes from this game
Kara looks and sounds like Katnis from hungergames
In ameri a you can use the chip, its really weird though, malfunctions a lot
Guys we know where pewds live
I love Todd, Todd’s the best
45:19 Damn pewds
We fuking did it
*j a c k s e p t i c e y e*
lets do it smash!subscribe.everyone,lets do it.we will beat t-series.
*retrieve order 66* oh geez..
**Sees Connor die** Ok baiiiiiiiiii
How the hell did Pewdiepie manage to fail that mission
"you have to constantly rub it"
You should play The last of us 2
bruh, how you gonna be a negotiator and pull a gun? that closes possibilities rather than opening them.
24:12 he's talking about Fahrenheit, thank me later
Sunciy D e v i a n t l o c a t e d
Has anyone noticed the fact that the house resembles the one in heavy rain?
35:44 that house looks just like the house in the Jeremiah Phillips comedy skits on YouTube
I've literally never seen anyone fail the first mission that badly
no u
why do I find myself so wowed by this game what the heck
is no one going to talk about how hot markus is
"I love Todd, Todd's the best!" Anyone else with an abusive parent feel the sarcasm?
I feel like all the people who hate androids and how androids are at the back of the bus kinda mimics how black people were treated in the 1900's...
54:33 Titan is one of Saturn's moons. It has water lakes on it so it has often been speculated that it could hold life
The fish, he ignored the FISH!
I low key appreciate how they animated Markus when he was painting. They made it so he did left to right like a printer at first but then more natural the second time.
having a cleaning person is weird I agree, but it’s good because it’s a job and you’re supporting them!!
My name is Kara, this is wild, my name has never been in a game before
Woah $8000 for something that’ll literally do all my shit. Imagine how much one of them would cost in real life
I put my face in my dogs face and then he sticks his face in my face 2 mins later
Здаров, чурки.Русские,привет!
Anyone else screaming save the fish? He went to kneel both times until the women came.
Markus looks like he is on greys anatomy
"The more i think of it, you dont need an android to clean your house. You need a woman" LMFAOOOO 45:23
im soo pissed
23:37 comptine d'un autre ete
I am so glad pewds played, i did not want to watch jack ;-;
Yes I agree too. since he played heavy rain and beyond two souls, than he should play Detroit become human too!!!!!
NOOB PLAY . You fcking no idea for this game . Painful to watch. Pewdiep is one kind of Android robot with no empathy. But i wont unsub :-P
whats the song at 56:00
I have one like Just becaude it's mine.
"That is an ugly cat" *advertisement break*
More ads!!!!
I am.loving this SO MUCH
The soundtrack / theme sounds like Yann Tiersen's soundtrack for "Amelie", Pewdie (: