HUGE Q&A Patreon Sexy French accent Different personality in French LBGT life in France

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Celer youtube welcome to my much Q&A. Where i answer your questions that you sent me using my ask me anything form down below. Before I get started I just want to say a very, very big thank you to my very first patrons. I've got Kim Sasha, and aurally, thank, you so much for supporting not even finished, in case you guys didn't know I actually recently, launched, my patreon. Site which. Is the site where you can support creators, and it's kind of like the community can crowd fund projects, together so. You. Join the club in exchange for exclusive. Rewards so that may be private. Live streams, advance. Screening, of videos. Photos. Polls, messages. Things, that are kind of behind the scenes so your pledge gives you access to the. Club which I've called the Francophiles, and in, exchange you get lots of rewards and the reason you do this kind of thing as a creator, is so that you can fund, really. Exciting, projects, so for example at the moment I'm aiming to get enough money so that I can subtitle, all of my videos and French either, for my French speakers watching me or for people who want to learn French as they go watching my videos so it starts with or something as simple as that and then it goes up to opening. My own merch door launching, a website, having. Enough. So that I can travel to different regions, of France and do regional travel vlogs I've got lots and lots of dreams for the channel and your, support on patreon, helps with that so thank you so much for my very first patrons. If you, guys are interested in joining the Francophiles, i'll leave the link down below but. Without further ado let's get into this month's Q & A so, my first question is from Sarah and Sarah is going to be studying and stress look at the summer and wants. To know if I've been and if so what I think about it and also, wants to know what, parts of France you should travel to and you're in general, and also, says it's a very first time moving, abroad or living abroad so do I have any advice for that so um I haven't actually been too stressed burger unfortunately, it's definitely, on the list but I've seen photos of it and it looks beautiful. In, terms of places in France to go to I'm guessing that as you're just coming to study abroad for a semester or so you're not going to be investing, in a car so, I'm trying think about places that you can access easily, via. Train so I love Leon, I love Bordeaux, Greenock it's a really good one as well that's a nice mountain. City and I would have recommend Marseille. But. Only in, either June or September, otherwise there's way too many people there I think in Europe in general you can't really go wrong although, I have to say that my favorite, in terms of cost. Equality ratio and just, overall good food, culture. And beautiful scenery as, Italy, I did. A tour around Tuscany. In Italy and, of course you've got the cities like Florence but you've also got the surrounds, like Siena, and Luca, terms of advice on living abroad I'd say two things so first find, your people so it's. A really good idea I think to, find people, via groups on Facebook who are in the same situation, as you student, clubs expense, living abroad look, on Instagram, look on Twitter or later - that is all they say yes, so if anyone, ever asks you out to, have a coffee to go to a party to do, whatever it is to go away for a weekend yes yes yes always say yes and this is when the best adventures, happen and that's how you're gonna eventually meet, more and more people the, next question is from Marek and he's a French guy asking, me what. Is it about the French accent, that's so sexy, so why is it rated as the sexiest, accent, in the world so hmm. This is a good question I think that in general all accents. Are sexy because as soon as anyone's speaking, to you in an accent, it sends signals like ok they're exotic the foreign, it sparks a curiosity, you.

Want To know more about this person so accents, are already a sexy, and then. In terms of the French accent being sexy, I'm not sure it's because of the way it actually. Sounds. As such but, I think it's because of the associations. That we have with it through French stereotypes. Movies. Etc which. Is that. French people are very romantic, very, seductive. Very sexy, this is a little bit of the cliche, about French, people and French lovers so I think, because of that Association that we've been told we hear that French accent, and it sparks, those kinds, of oceans for us the, next Christian I want to squish two Christians together because they're quite similar so the first is from Emma, who's a Kiwi who's moving to France she saves in two weeks which means she's probably here now so welcome to France and she wants to know in a lot more detail how I actually managed, to stay. In France, I guess this is from a practical kind of visa perspective, and an obviously, related question coming in from Caitlyn, from the USA, who's, asking, how I went about from transitioning, from school to, the workplace are there any particular schools, that are better than others in order to do this and how, I managed to stay in France after, studying I'm gonna squish these questions together and recap my story a little bit so in order, to get to France for, a long period of time as in more than three months when, you are not an EU, citizen you. Need what's called a long stay, visa, and this long stay visa can come through a variety of different means it can come through marrying. A French person abroad, for example and, wanting to move. To France with them or it, can come through getting, sponsored. By, a company you know perhaps you're in a really highly. Sought after skills. Area like IT and, the French company has sponsored you to come and work so you'd, get the long stay visa that's related to working. Or being a salaried employee or. There's another category which is the one that I went for which, is the student, category and this is the one you get into if you want to study in France so because I got into a French University I, was able to come to Paris on a student. Visa after fulfilling all the requirements and. I guess after studying, there's kind of two main, options the first option is that you are already or have found yourself to be in a serious relationship with, a French partner, and, you. Are text, which is a sort of civil union, or married. With this person, and you've been living together for at least one year and can prove it as in both of your names are on all the bills etc and, then, you can apply for what's called a CAD V private familial, which, means a private. Family life card, the other option, is if you have studied to at least the, first year of a master's degree so, either the first year masters of the second year of your masters in a French, institution. You. Can actually apply, for a special visa that allows you to stay in France and job. Hunt which is called the RPS Jean, de plume M and then if you get a job offer while, your job hunting on this visa you're, able to change your status to what's called a talent, passport, so, a talent passport, is great it means that you've studied in France you've got a job offer and, you. Know you're able to stay here in France and work, and live for. Four, years, and then you can of course renew. It if you want to stay for even longer than that there, are some caveats for example you need to be offered I think at least 35,000. Euros per year speaking. Of good schools yes Kaitlyn there are good. Schools you, know depending, on your. Field you didn't specify what you're, studying so I don't know how helpful I can be but, what I would recommend searching, is grande, Ecole, and then what you're studying so for example if I searched rond Ecole, Human. Resources. English. Paris, my, school comes up these, grande, Ecole. Schools. Are very, very well seen so I hope that's enough details for you guys for now if you still need more information I, can do my best please just comment down below in this video and I. Will try and get back to you as soon as I can the next question is from Donna Kay who's asking, if couples get pecs and France do they call each other husband, and wife or is it only for married couples so. For those of you who don't know a pecs or a pact civil, to Silla da da da it's kind.

Of The French equivalent of a civil union and a lot of couples. Are getting texts, these days so no I don't think they do I mean I've never heard someone whose pecs called, their partner, their husband, or wife. You. Usually say the equivalent of my partner. There's still a status. Difference, in packs versus, marriage marriages still that one step up with, the official husband. Wife. And there. Are legal differences, which I kind of outlined in my how-to packs video, next question is from John who's, asking a French woman would be interested, in dating expect, men and also. How bicultural, relationships, are viewed, in my area, so um, I. Think like most modern, Western, countries I mean by cultural relationships, I just on the rise they're, becoming more, and more normal with, the generation, that's troubled the most out of any generation, and sometimes, that means that we bring home a little souvenir which, in the form of a foreign boyfriend or girlfriend so I think it's just, becoming. The new normal really and so it's, a positive thing and, there's nothing weird about it as for, the French woman yes I think that you'd be just as open-minded to dating a foreign. Man as, Italian. Woman Spanish, woman British woman so. I, don't see, why there'd be any barriers. From the French woman in particular and, if anything maybe being from a different part of the world could play in your favor the. Next question is from Nicola, Murray who's. Asking, me if I, change. As a person when I'm speaking French, compared, to when I'm speaking English because, she's, heard and she was right that in some. Languages when you're speaking a second language it, allows you to be more direct, or much more lighthearted or, more funny or whatever, it is and basically she's asking if my personality. Changes, when. I'm speaking in French and the answer, is yes I can definitely be more sassy and be more bossy, in French, let's, take the example of a situation that's happened to me quite. A few times now actually, where. You've, been left a card to call because the postman, has tried to deliver a package to you and you weren't at home and they've dropped it at your local post office but, when you get to the post office I like sorry. Can't, find it no idea where it is it's not here, so. In English, I'd probably, be like oh sorry. Could you please, look again I, I mean I'd really, appreciate, it, if you looked again because I've got the card, it says it's here it I'd be really grateful thank you so much. Whereas. In French, I'm like, what. Do you mean it's not hair please go and look again I'm able to be a lot more pushy in French and also because I've worked this muscle maybe a little bit more in French I can definitely complain.

A Lot more why don't speak in French I find it so much easier and it feels so good just to be like Oh Fetty, Galya so, it's, something that I can definitely do more in French for sure the next question was from Jean who's asking me if I've thought about signing, up for a theater, course or, playing some theater joining a theater club as. A way to improve my French and that is. Actually a really good idea I love. Doing, drama and theater I used to do quite a lot growing up I was, the head of drama at school, which meant that I was the student kind, of lead for the, drama section at our school and I. Wrote, and produced our school production, for example which, is a play for, the school community and the parents and everything so I am a fan of drama, and theatre for sure but it's honestly just a question of time I I work full time I've. Got YouTube going on the side friends. Families, you know how it is I just. Unfortunately. Don't have the time at the moment the next question is from Ben and it's question again about French, racism. So he's, saying he's from Singapore but an Eastern, Asian kind of look to him and he wonders if he'll have any kind of troubles when he's landing, in Paris, and I actually, just answered a question about this funnily enough in yesterday's, Q&A I don't think you'll have any problems, especially in Paris Ben honestly, no more than anywhere, else I, don't find the French to be more. Racist, than anyone, else of course when, you've got a population of millions, and millions and millions of people there's. Bound to be a handful, of douchebags, this happens, everywhere, but, I don't think that you've got anything to worry about on that front the next question is from Bella who's considering. Coming to France on a working holiday visa, or, to do their masters here, and they're. Asking for a little bit more insight, and to the process to get to France or the paperwork, and if, I can explain a little bit more about the text system here, though in terms of paperwork because I'm not really an immigration, specialist. And just. Advised to consult the embassy site of your home country for all of the paperwork all I know is that you're going to need a long stay these are of some kind and you'll find on your embassy site all the paperwork, that you need to get this visa but. In terms of the. Taxes, so it. Really, depends, but if you're going to be on a working, holiday visa, or, doing. Your masters it means that you're not going to be earning a huge, amount and when you're in France that means that you, have, a much lower tax rate than I, do for example as, a full-time working professionals. In general when you're working, in France I was quite surprised at how many taxes, we need to pay so next year actually for the very first time they're finally, going to merge your taxes. And your social, charges, together and it's, going to come direct. From the source of your pay so that gets taken out of your pay before even comes into, your bank account and I'm.

Expecting, To lose roughly, 40, percent of what I earn the next question is from Ashley who's asked me about my hair, care routine Oh. I've, never been asked, a question like that this. Is a good moment actually to say don't feel like you guys always have to ask me questions about expat. Life in France studying, in France and working in France I know about some other stuff too so you can feel free to ask me about anything. That comes to mind and I'll do my best to answer so Ashley has actually asked me about my hair care routine because, I mentioned in my 20 18 goals video that. I'm on a huge budget, lockdown, this year as I'm trying to get my student loan paid off and one of the expenses, I've cut, is going, to the hairdresser, so this means that I only go to get my hair cut maybe once every six months or so so the first thing I try to do is use really high quality shampoo, and conditioner, so I like to use the botanicals, range by L'Oreal Paris or, there's another brand called Bo lush that I really like and both, of them have no silicone no parabens, raw, natural, ingredients. So these, are the kinds, of high, quality, Shampoo and Conditioner products, that I'd like to use then. I try, not to wash my hair every single day because by washing, it every day it's a little friction that can cause actually a lot of breakage so I usually, just wash my hair once every two or three days and in between I use a dry shampoo if, I need to just to keep things fresh, and then I like to use the mythic hair oil by L'Oreal Paris as well I use that every single day from about here, down just, to infuse some nice natural. Oils into, the, ends of my hair. If. I do feel, like my hair's looking scraggly, and it really needs a trim between. Sessions. At the hairdresser, I just do it myself, so I've got some sharp cutting scissors specially. For here and I literally just look on YouTube but how to do it this is only if I want to cut a tiny tiny little bit though if I need a full style and cut I will go to the hairdresser, and yes, so I will link those products, down and the description, box below if you want to go check them out the next question is from event. Who's asking, me if I have done, DNA. Or heritage, test because, she thinks that I look quite European, and especially German. And she wants to know if I actually have a little bit of French in me so. No, I haven't, actually I don't know and it's really complicated, in my family because on both, sides my mum and my dad there were adoptions, and my grandparents, liberal hood we don't necessarily know. The, family heritage etc. So that, could be really interesting to, check out actually so I have, been looking at those kits, online you know that DNA. Tests and everything what, do you guys think should I do it the next question is from Imogen, who's asking, me if it's, always, been one of my goals and one of my ambitions in life to move to Paris and is. It really possible to do if you're really trained and going for it don't know it wasn't actually, I wasn't, one of those people that was obsessed, with Paris, and had the Eiffel Tower keyring. I did get to a point where I really, really wanted to move overseas I did, my high school I went straight into university. I, was at university, for four years I, working and I felt like I just went non-stop, without ever traveling. Or ever seeing the world and the thing about New Zealand is that it's really, far away from anything, and so I was really curious and really, keen, to go travelling and and go overseas, I didn't, necessarily think, that I would live overseas, especially not for five years like I found myself now, but hey. That's life that's part of the adventure and I think you know if I hadn't, met my French boyfriend in New Zealand maybe, I would have never ended up here in particular maybe I would have landed. In London or New York and yes of course it's possible anything's, possible and. I'm not saying that it's easy you have to do a lot, of planning a lot of research and put in a lot of hard work to get here especially if you're not an EU citizen but if you've got all the ingredients and you really want it yes it definitely is possible, the next question from Nico is why I came to France and what city I live in so as touched on a little bit just before I wanted, to move overseas and I met my French boyfriend in New Zealand the, main reason, I came to, Paris in particular is because I got into a really good master's program here so of, course it's an absolute, bonus, that my boyfriend, is French but I mean I would have gone to London, I would have gone to Amsterdam, like my I was very open-minded the thing that drove me first and foremost was, my, study program, or a continuation, of my career, and, I'm, living in Paris the next question is from Julien's, asking, me if I've ever been to Rouen, I've seen photos of it on the internet in Normandy, and.

Unfortunately. No I heaven it's on the list but this is what I'm hoping to achieve with the patreon, site actually, is being. Able to identify, places. That I should go to and, I should create videos, about so I can show off other areas, of France to the world so if you, guys are keen and supporting that journey please, check out my patreon, site down below and we, can work up towards those kinds of goals together the next question is from dinners who's asking me if I follow French politics, and everything that's going on in the EU if or, if I'm more so focused, on New, Zealand politics, still and what's happening over there so I would say that I follow what's, going on in France I've got my piñon about it obviously and. My opinion about what's going on in the au. But. I'm obviously more attached and passionate, about what's happening in New Zealand because I actually can. Vote, there, and I've got a voice there and so I think once I have the right to vote in front I'll feel a lot more passionate, engaged about it because I'll actually be able to you. Know speak. Up and and. Kind of do something about it the, next question is from rizz who wants to know about MBA, programs. Preferably, in HR, in front so, I. Would, say you know the, program, that I did which is the international. Human, resources management, program, at CFR, that's C I if, if Opie, that. Was really, well done but I won't put a few websites down below so campus France and master's portal, which will allow you to search through different masters programs, I would say that Google is your friend Google is how I found, my program, I was, searching. International, Human Resources Management, Master's English, Europe, upon't, Asajj or internship. And I, was just google, searching a whole heap of different things and it, came up for me so Google. Is your friend the next question is from Raphael, who's asking, me is it easier to live as an LGBT, in. New. Zealand or France and so. For those who of you who don't know LGBT. Is lesbian, gay bi transgender, I've got no, idea on, this one to be honest I think all that I can say is that in general New. Zealand is quite, an open-minded, young modern society, I know that, they've started opening, gender-neutral. Bathrooms. Or toilets, for example, in some places which I haven't seen in France and so there may be like a slight, progression. A hit of France, obviously, in both countries gay, marriage is legal, I. Think. In both countries that, would be quite the same there'll be the undercurrent. Of society, that don't. Really, like it so I'm thinking in New Zealand of like that really blokey, father or, or the big buff rugby, players who, had kind of maybe teased, homosexuals. For example, but generally. In New Zealand's like just, don't care I mean you. Do you but I think like in most places if you go to the city so if you're in Paris or if you're an Auckland or Wellington, and New Zealand I mean, you'll be fine you'll find your people, I mean you'll be able to be yourself like, and so. These generally, people are a lot more mercs, demographically. Speaking, they. Tend to be a higher, proportion, of the population in, big cities who are highly educated, so. I mean I don't think it would really be a problem in either place the, next question is from Bailey and it's a really good one actually it's, about having. Kids and having, kids in a bicultural, relationship. So if I were to have kids with a French, person, which. Parts of the New Zealand culture would I like to pass on and which, part of the French culture, would I hope that my partner, passes, on to my kids so I think the thing that comes to mind about what, I hope gets. Passed on from a Kiwi, perspective, is, really. Like that collective. Mindset, that team spirit like everyone, looking out for each other because, I've, noticed, in the French education system. The. Schooling, model is very individualistic. And it's quite competitive and even from a very very young age you, are doing exams, I'm, talking, like six, seven eight years olds, they're doing exams and. Their. Results are being published in front of the whole class so you can see who's getting which grades I remember, the biggest focus. Was on playing sports, having, friends. It's more. Community. Focused, I don't know there's just something more. Around being a team player. Which. I think is really nice and also just being, able to be a kid and not taking things too seriously, and also from what I've seen of the French education system, for younger kids I do think, that people become, quite scared, of failing and scared of making mistakes because they it's. There's a real focus, when you make mistakes and you know, you hear, about it if you make mistakes and.

I. Would, just want my kids to know it's okay to try things and fail, and, it's not work and, and that, they shouldn't be scared of taking, risks, and making mistakes and if you make a mistake it's not a big deal, as you, know you you, should focus on your strengths, focus on what you're good at everyone's, bringing a different, thing. To the table there's, literally no. One on this planet who's like you never has been never will be again so, like you do you you know from the French perspective I'd like my partner to really bring that kind of kadosh. As, we can say maybe, which. Is the structure, so it's it's, really passing on those, French. Values, of respect so, really respecting, that others. Around you always saying hello. You. Know you've got your your, rules that you follow in society, at the table, all. Of these kinds of things I think that French. Children, do. Learn a really, important, set of, rules. To follow because. In New Zealand we don't really have a lot of long, histories. Or traditions, and that kind of thing I would, really like that to be passed on to my kids so an appreciation, for tradition. So we do this at Easter we do this at Christmas and, this. Dish, is really important. The recipes been passed down through generations and, generations of, my family because, it comes from the, region, that my great grandmother, was from like all of these things to do with the past, and, the traditions, and the culture I'd, really, like that to be passed on as well the next questions from Gautier, who's asking me what I think about French art French, cinema, and French music. So I have to admit I'm a little bit of an art novice, um going. To art galleries and museums isn't. Huge. In New Zealand it's definitely not a regular, pastime, of people I think like every culture we've just got different interests, like for example our, country, on average is a lot more interested, I think in adventure. Sports and, adrenaline sports and and, nature, maybe then, the. Most part of Parisians, for example, so it's a really different population, so I didn't, really grow up getting. Really, fascinated, about art so it would be hard for me to comment on that one in terms, of French cinema I really. Enjoy, it it's frustrating because. This, never seems to be a clear, and obvious ending. But I love it because it's very deep and conflicts, and often makes you think, so. You often, get very moved, and, you there kind of passes, on huge. Lessons, about life a, philosophical. But then in a very kind of entertaining, and subtle, way and you. Often, have to create the endings, for yourself and although, that kind of drives me crazy sometimes I do really, like that um, and, in. Terms of French music I have actually answered this one before in another Q&A, so I'll again leave my Spotify, playlist, to my French music which I'm currently listened to in the description box below the, next question is from axel who's asked again about French politics, when I think about it and if, this kind of anything strange. About, it um, so. I would say the biggest difference is, how, your, president, gets elected, so for us it's actually proportionate. The voting so it means that 30 percent can vote for party green 40, percent for party blue and. 30. Percent for party red for example, and so. Even though blue, got. 40 percent, they. Don't necessarily, win. They don't have over half the votes so so, the 30 percent of green and the 30 percent of red can actually come together to, build 60, percent and they can be the leading government as a coalition, together whereas. In France I found it quite interesting how, you do the first round of voting for a president for example and you. Get the top two winners and, then, all the rest are out of the game and then, you have to vote a second round and vote for who, out of the two you're, going to vote for and, the second part of EXO's question is asking me if I like French media, or. If I watch any French youtubers, so I don't actually have TV, so I only watch either Netflix, or YouTube um, a, French youtuber that I'm really enjoying at the moment is. Kiku. Johnsy who does the bless series, I find him funny the next question is from Elena who asks about updating, a French boyfriend it's really frustrating only, speaking an English, and not really being able to understand, each other fully, etc, and we've, never had that problem because, my. Boyfriend, very luckily speaks, perfect, English so it's quite easy for us to communicate, I mean, sometimes I think he gets frustrated because he can't find the perfect, word.

But. In these kinds of situations usually, poutin, suffice, is just fine oh that. Is it guys that's all the questions for this session I think that's gonna be a really, long video so sorry. About it but, I do like to try and answer everyone's, questions and, if you're still watching this and you haven't yet subscribed, to my channel please hit the subscribe button I come up with new videos every, single week I do QA zai do content. I do travel vlogs I'm always listening, to my subscribers, so if you suggest a video idea for me it automatically. Goes on my list of video ideas I do try and get through those so anyway that's all for now guys I hope to see you next time in the next video. A bientot.


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