Price of my Knives

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How's it going guys I just want to make a quick video just, talking. About, knives. That I made and the. Reason reason I'm making this video is because I, get a lot of questions what I do with my knives that I make if, I sell them what's, the price that I sell them for so this. Will be just kind of quick run, through, what. The prices, are for my, knives that I made so, the first one is a, Karambit. That. I made way way back about close, to three years ago and. This. Is where it. All began. This. Is where my youtube channel began, I still, have it I'm not gonna sell it because this. Will remind me where I started, so here. It is. Second. Life that I made was, Huntsman. Csgo knife and, it. Was, requested. On youtube because. Of, the first knife that I made the Karambit it resembled, the csgo. Karambit, and I, had. An idea why, not make all the csgo. Knives, for, the csgo, fans so, this. Was a second, one that I made I still, have it. I did, not heat-treated, because. I messed up on a fooler so, this, side this. Side folder, looks pretty good I mean okay. But. This side I messed up it's, pretty. Big so I never, sold it I kept, it for myself and. It. Just hangs on the wall just. To remind me where I started. Third. Knife that I made was the csgo, shadow. Dagger I never. Sold it same thing I'm gonna keep it for. For. My memories, hangs. On the wall, this, one is made out of 5160. Steel. It, took me 45 minutes to, do one side with. The file jig you know the bevel and, so 45, minutes, 45 minutes flip, it over and on this side I started, using the disc. Grinder and. Grounded, on ground off a lot of indents, start using a file jig to fine, tune it so this. Was my third knife. The. Fourth knife that I made was the csgo. M9. Bayonet and I, traded, that one with. Mr., Barnhardt, I tried, to sell it at first but didn't. Have any buyers back, then I was not known, so. I traded, it with mr., Barnhardt, and he made me. The. Milwaukee. Bandsaw. Little. Table, and a wall mount I have a video that you could see of, how, it looks like so it, was a trade and I back. Then I felt, like it was a fair trade so, still do. So. Mr., Barnhardt, has that knife.

The, Next two knives that I made were from. S35vn. Stainless. Steel one. Of them was for my brother the, other one was for my coworker. For. My brother I just charged, him, $140. And. Just. For the materials, that I use and, for. My coworker I charged him $250. For the finished knife next. Knife is the vipera invader, and I. Sold. This knife, to, a gentleman. Okay. So the co-worker, that I sold the hook, knife he. Had. A job up. In the mountains and the, inspector, he was a Native, American Indian. And he, was. Interested. In making knives out of a stone. Or they take a I. Forgot, the name of the. Stone. They use or the glass or some and they chip it out and. He. Was very interested in that type of knife but the. Co-worker, that I sold my gut hook knife to he. Was a foreman, and he, talked, to this Native. American, Indian, who was the inspector, for our jobsite and told, you know they were just talking around, and he stated that I make. Knives so. Mr.. Wesley. Got. Interested, and wanted to see what kind of knife it was and. I, showed. It to him and he got interested and. He. Wanted to buy from me so we were, working there a couple of nights and. I think. He spoke to his wife that, he wanted to purchase the knife from, me and, we. Were working in the area where, there was no cell phone service. I sold. The knife to him for, $350. Later. On that night when, I left, out. Of that area and got, into the area where there was a cellular. Reception, I received. The. Message. In my Instagram, and his, wife contacted. Me she wanted me, to sell. The knife to her so, she would give to him on Father's Day because father, days Father's, Day was approaching, but because there was no cellular. Service. I could. Not read her a message therefore I just sold the knife but it would have been cool or. Whereas. You, know if I saw the message I would have told. Mr.. Wesley that I sold I just just sold the knife so I'm sorry I can't sell it to you and. Later on the knife would be would, have been presented to him through, his wife so that would have been cool but he, didn't work out but he said he said that either. Way the knife, ended up in his hands and he was very satisfied, so. That knife was sold for $350. Since, that time I made two more vipera invader, knives and both. Of them got sold for, $550. Each next. Knife is the Anglian, knife way. Back. British. Infantry soldier, contacted, me he lives in Britain and. He, asked me to make him a really beefy, knife very, thick knife. So. He could use it to break glass and stuff I don't know what he used it for but he. Drew up three. Images that. You. Know just for me to choose from and, I chose one of them and I redrew, and I sent it back to him and, told him to cut it out of the paper you. Know make sure it fits in his hands because everybody, has different sized hands. So, he. Liked it I made it for him it, was made from a one tool steel I. Shipped, it out to him I got paid I charged, me I charged, him $250. Plus shipping. He. Said that at that time he was in the process, of buying a house and couldn't, pay I more. For that knife so I worked with him and I lowered the price for like, I said for $250. And. I think I charged him $25. For the shipping so. Shipped. It out to him and I never. Heard from him again so I don't know if he ever got it I don't know if he's alive, hopefully, he is so. That. That's the end of that story never, heard of him again next, knife is cs:go bowie knife and it was requested by csgo. Fans, I sold. That knife to my fourth, cousin four hundred hundred twenty dollars next. Knife is a Krauser knife I sold. That knife for $200. And. Bagged. An eye I was starting, to get. More. Popular I guess on, Instagram, and YouTube and this, gentleman, contacted, me from Kentucky, and said, that he wanted a knife for me exactly. Same one so I. Started. Working on it, didn't. Sleep a lie and I remember, finishing it like 2:00 in the morning and. He, he, said that I wanted, done by September and, I had only like, maybe. Three, weeks to. Finish that knife while I was working so I I, put, in a lot of hours. And. I, got it done before the deadline and. I. Sent. Him the all the information. To working. You, know the building, and everything and she. Said oh no ship. It to me and I'll pay you once I get it and I said no no that's not how it works you pay, me first and then I ship it to you and he, disappeared. So I tried to sell that knife couldn't, sell it I, gave. That knife I shipped it to my previous. Supervisor, that, I worked. With and he was really nice to me and, he showed me how to work, with metal and metal lathe and stuff, so. I as, a you. Know courtesy, to him that's thing saying thank you I shipped. It to him for free and he was very excited. To receive as, a gift and, he was very appreciative. And. Later, on when I went on, vacation to Massachusetts.

I Met up with him and saw. That knife again and, it. Was nice to see you the knife again, next. Knife is source knife, CSS. 1.6. That. Was a, challenging. Knife for me to make because it. Would have been easy if I had a milling, machine I, would have milled out all the. The. Handle part and that where the blade goes but doing. It all by hand. He. Drove me crazy a little bit I didn't show it in the video but that, was a lot of work removing a. Lot, of steel and, that, knife I sold, it for. $400. And if, you want to see the person who bought, this knife you could go check it out on YouTube, he posted a video of unboxing, it next. Life is tanto, kukri I drew. That one up and I seen a lot of people make kukris. But I've never seen anybody make a tanto, kukri so. You. Know once again I throw. It up on a piece of paper and just get the just and I just and until. I got tanto. Kukri out of it and, it. Took me a long time to make it but I'm. Very proud of it it came out really nice and the gentleman, that bought it from me I sold. It to him for, $1,000. I I. I. Paid. $250. For the leather sheath I had to go drive. One hour each direction, to, drop off the the knife and then pick it up plus. The $250. I, think. With the materials. And everything it, came out to be. 450, to 500 dollars just in materials. On. Top of the, driving. And everything, so the. Second, cookery, that I made, I sold, it for. $1,600. And, with that knife I made more profit next. One is CEA's go butterfly knife I. Didn't. Sell it still, have it hangs on my wall. It. Was requested. Since. I made the all. The CEA's girl knives or started, started, to make all the Sears girl knives this. Knife was heavily, requested, to be made and. It's. Doing pretty good on YouTube channel it's getting a lot of use on it so didn't. Sell it still have it the. Reason why I went with the. Damascus. Steel knife is or, the blade is because. The. Next knife that I made the tanto, knife I, I. Did not work with a Damascus. Steel before, therefore. I. Wanted. To experience. On a knife that I wasn't gonna sell therefore. When I make made a knife, that I was gonna sell it. Work it, came out nice and I, tried. To. H it before, he treating, it and it, it, becomes like a dull, dull color, nothing. Pops out but when you he treated, the. Steel becomes harder, and, the. Damascus, steel pops, out at you so up, to this point you could see this, is hardened, steel and this is not hardened, steel you. See how. This. Part right here doesn't. Have that, great. Detail, where this one does. So. This, was experiment, knife with. The Damascus, and that's why I made it and. It's. It's okay I mean it's, not perfect because I used the grinder. To to, do all them cutouts, and, as you can see a. Bunch. Of little spots. Where I missed but. I'm. Not selling this one I'm keeping it. Like. I said the next one was a tanto, knife and. It. Was for the gentleman from, York he. Wanted a custom, knife one-of-a-kind. And he. Doesn't want me to make another one like that so he would be only person, to have it. That. Knife I sold for, $700. And. The. Damascus, steel that I bought I bought, a think. It was maybe. Two inches wide by, I. Want. To say it was about, 12. Or 11 inches, and for. That Damascus, steel I paid.

$270. Somewhere, around there so I used pieces, from. That steel to make the tanto, knife and then I made a the. Butterfly, knife and I, practiced, on this before I made his knife, and. That. Knife came out really nice I know I got a lot of. Mad. People or, whatever, that. I made the sheath, out of Kydex. For that knife I understand. That. It. Doesn't go with that kind of style knife but, you. Go with what the customer wants, or how much money they have to pay. So. The. Customer, didn't want to pay more for more, fancier, sheath so, I he. Went with kayaks sheath and he's, very happy with it and when I went to New, York on vacation I, met. Him again and I held that knife again so it's. Very pleasing, to, hold. Your, work. You. Know the knives that you made once again, once they leave your hands, and, it was actually nice to meet him too later. On he bought another knife from me next. Knife is serrated knife. It. Is the most popular, and it's the most requested, knife, that I made everybody, once there everybody. Wants to get their hands on it I, made. It for my niece and she, wanted to give that knife to her future father-in-law, and. He. Was very pleased to receive that present, since then he got into knife making. And at the wedding he. Came up to me and presented. Me with a. Letter. Opener that, is made out of iron. Wood. Since. Then I believe, I made four, more or five more Saraya knives with different style of handles. And. Yeah. Like I said it's very popular, knife, and each, of those I sold. For a 550, dollars plus shipping the. Next one is the mask is cured ashy I had. A couple of pieces left after. I've made a knife a tanto knife and, csgo, butterfly, knife so, I had little piece left and I decided, to make a cure dashi out of it the. Person, that wanted to buy from me didn't. You. Know backed out out of it so for a long time I couldn't sell it and. Eventually I sold it one of the customers, that lives in Los Angeles for. $200. But. He offered me. 250. For it he gave me a little extra so from now on I sell those for. $250. Each since. Then I made, three. More next, one is csgo Karambit. One. Of the guys that I know he. Wanted the knife he's, electrician, him on a knife to strip the wire so, I made, a knife for him and. He. Said he was gonna use, it and abuse it so I, make. It too fancy, for him and I sold that one for us fifty. Or seventy-five dollars, next. Two knives are vulture, Karambit knives, so. Two people, ordered those for me and both, people backed out of it both. Of them so I, couldn't. Sell those and, finally, the person that bought a. Damascus. Steel carry dashi from me he. Bought one from me and I sold it to him for $600. The second. Knife it's an interesting story, so. This. Person contacted. Me and said I want to buy. The. Karambit, from you I said okay so I made it for him as I. Was about to be finished with the knife. His, fiancee, contacted, me and said that. My. My, fiancé. Is gonna contact. You on Instagram, and. He's. Gonna tell you that he's backing out of the order, because, he's, getting ready for the wedding and. He doesn't have enough money to purchase it but, she said I would like to purchase that knife and I, would, like to present it to him as, a gift, so. I said all right a couple of minutes later I get. A message from him and. He said a brother, I, just. Want to tell, you that I'm sorry but I can't buy the knife from you and.

I. Got. A wedding coming up and I said it's, okay it's, okay bro you know wedding, is more important, he, could always get a knife later on. So. Once. I finished, the knife and I start, showing an Instagram, he contacted, me goes man the, person is gonna get that knife is gonna be one lucky person I said oh yes he is and. Once. I finished it I held that knife with, me until their, wedding I believe it was in, August, so. A couple of days before the wedding maybe a week before I shipped, it out they. Had. They. Had this I don't. Think pre-wedding, everybody. Got together and. They. Exchanged, presents and, stuff so he said uh actually. She sent it she, sent me a video of, her. Presenting, the gift of him so take a look, okay and I mean open the presents useful. And so far. It's. A. Yeah. Yeah Oh. Plastic. Knife here. Oh. The. Knife I gave you. Horse. We would like butter. Just. Save just. Saying. Yeah. No. Seriously. Good. No. Wonder he wasn't talking to me for a long time. Wow. I. Watched. Like him make this knife Wow really he, videotapes. Himself making, knives and like like. All his knives are like. I. Gotta. Thank him. Look. Like in the holster a, knife. In a holster Sarah, what's. The Sikh holster. He. Didn't want to tell me who he. Sold it to I was like whoever is getting that's yeah. I was like whoever is getting that it's a pretty lucky person he's like oh. That's. A perfect set of good job. I. Love. Watching videos like that. The. The first emotion that you see when a person sees their knife for the first time that that's what makes. Me happy, next. Knife is the csgo default, t knife I sold, that one for. $550. This. Knife was the first knife that I had to put on a on, a handguard, so. It was, it. Was challenging, but I made, it work next. Knife is a Blake knife, I made. That knife for my coworker he, wanted a knife, that he could use to strip, the wires he's, an electrician, and, he. Was very excited to see that knife. He. Uses at work at, home everywhere. And. Of course he D. Energizes. The system, before he strips the wire so he does not get electrocuted, I know, I'll get a lot of comments saying that. He's. Gonna get electrocuted but, when. You work smart you don't get electrocuted. Blake. Knife was sold for, $175. It's not a knife but still it's one of the. Things. I made in. My youtube, channel on my youtube channel so, I still. Have it it's a bottle opener. And. I'm. Not gonna give it away or anything so, it's for me to keep. Next. One is mr. Barnhardt's, cleaver I did, not make that cleaver. I only restored. It or shaped. It altered, it whatever you want to call. It. Was very controversial, video, that. That's, why I had to make a second, video. Explaining. What I did I did not make that video because I got my. Feeling, good feelings, got hurt by. All the comments I just got tired and tired of replying. To those, people that this. Is why I did this is what I did and I. Just, decided to make a video where I explain everything, and. That. And. Hopefully. Those people. Understood. What I did with that cleaver, and, like. I said I didn't, make that video for. Because. I got, really hurt. So. That cleaver I only charged mr., Barnhardt. $180. With. The materials, and everything I know I didn't charge a lot but. Unexpectedly. That video, had a lot of views and I made, up my profit, in through. The YouTube. Revenue so I'm. Pleased, next. Two knives are Falk knives mr.. Falk, contacted. Me and he wanted for me to make two knives one. Would be for him and one, would be for he is a friend, that got, him into hunting, and he. Does very exotic, hunting, like alligators. And stuff so. So. Basically he, wanted he liked the.

Handles, From the to gut hook knives that I made very very long time ago but he. Did not need the, gut hook part on it so I redrew, those, knives and. He. Liked the design and, he liked the handles, from the gut hook knife so that's what I did I used those those. Kind of handles, and, that. That's what came out those two, knives. And I named those knives after his last name which. Is mr. Falk so. Both. Both, knives were. Sold each for. $550. Plus shipping next, knife is the updated, version of the Anglian, knife that or the the british infantry soldiers, knife and that. Knife got sold to mr., Barnhardt, for. $400. So, right now mr. Barnhardt, has. M9. Bayonet he. Has the. The. Cleaver and the. Updated, version of the. Anglian. Knife and the. Last one is stingray, cleaver I sold. That cleaver, for. $625. It, was, made out of 1075. High carbon steel. That. Is pretty much it guys I. Just. Just, finished. Finish. The, expendable. Knife. And. As. Soon as I finish, editing the video you will be out. So. You'll. See it pretty soon. So. Now that you know the prices that I sold my knives for, if you notice, from the very beginning, I did. Not charge a lot for the knives that I made and the, reason there are two reasons why I didn't do it one. Was because, my skill. Level was not, that. Great and. So. I kept, my prices, down and because. I have a youtube channel and. Because, of the ads that are played on my videos. I get. A little bit of revenue from that and that kind of compensated. For, keeping my prices, low but. So. Let's, say the tanto, kukri, right I I. Sold. That one for $1000, the first one and. At, that time. The. Revenue that the YouTube was doing okay and, so. It, kind of reimbursed, me for the time and everything that I lost so I think. I, spent one when I made the second, tanta cookery I kind of kept track, of the time and I, spent like 30 hours hand, sanding, it so. Before. He tree I went from two twenty, three twenty, four, hundred six, hundred grit, sandpaper. And, then, after he tree I went. To. Twenty-three twenty-four hundred six, hundred eight hundred, twelve. Hundred and I went. 2500. On and grits on it so, that's why it took me thirty hours to hand sand plus the, shape. And then grind. In it. It has a very difficult. But. Very, difficult bevels, on it so that's. Why I had to go back and. Use. The the file jig to line, up all the the. Angles, correctly, because I'm, still learning how to grind. On the BET on belt. Grinder, so I couldn't achieve, the. The perfect shape. Of the bevels, from. The belt grinder and like I said I finished, it up on, both on both I. Could. Crease I finished it she finished off the, bevels. With the file. Jig. Later. On what. Happened, I started raising the prices on my knives because. At. That time. YouTube. Revenue, went. Down, to a point where people. Were, watching my videos and they were not seeing any ads in my channel so I had. To by, that time mine craftsmanship. Level, increased, and, I had to raise my prices in order to stay afloat in this, knife. Making business. So. Basically, I had to compensate what, I wasn't making on youtube I was. Compensating. With the knives, that I made on the side and what, I decided, was.

To Stop. Making. A lot of videos on YouTube and, started, making knives, for. The customers, this. Way I could kind. Of keep the same ratio. Of income, coming in and then. Lately, YouTube. Started. Going. Up again with the ad revenue, and. But. I already took a lot of orders so I had, I still, I'm still. Have. I still have a lot of knives to finish, for. The customers, that are waiting for their, knives so. That's. Why you haven't seen a lot of videos on YouTube but. Like. I said right now I, thought. Up my knives so. Medium. Price. Knife is, $550, plus shipping. Like the Curie dashes, are $250. And the. More fancier, knives are it. Just depends on what steel I use and, how. Hard it is to make so. The. Price goes up from there but. Like I said when. You're beginning, making knives and selling, them, nobody. Knows you so you can't charge a lot plus your your craftsmanship, is, not at the I'm, not at that level but, once. You made a few knives and, people. Start to notice. You for. Your workmanship. You could raise up your prices and. You'll. See for how much how, far you could raise your prices because they're they'll come a time or a level of, the prices that you'll. See people either back out or, someone. Will agree to pay that price and some won't so you might back down on your price and find. A sweet, spot so for me right now like. I said the serega knife is a very. Popular. Knife, and, I found that most. Knife makers, sell their fixed blades for around, $550. Of course, if the I. Use. Damascus, steel which, is very expensive then I would raise my price by a lot more so. Hopefully. You guys enjoyed, this video and I open up your eyes to my, prices, and. I. Don't. Know what else say I. Guess. I'll see you with the next video. Which. Is going to be this knife so. Take. Care guys bye.


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