7 Signs You Are Going to Be Successful

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Great. Coaches, great mentors, great seals if there's one thing they're very good at they're, very good adaptive certain intuition. Where, they know which player, talent. Or future. Leader to bet on there's something about them they get credit for choosing and putting. Their money on the right people right so think about it if there, was a technology, for you to be able to tell how big Arnold before Arnold became owner like a 14 years old what, if we could figure out a way to find out MJ. Before MJ MJ what, if there was a way to figure out, Alexander. Before Alexander, the Great became Alexander, Reza Shah Pahlavi, when there was a way to figure this I mean this guy became he. At 21, years old he's given Iran this, guy conquers, the world you. Know tooling a square miles of the world can, you really tell somebody, that's going to be successful I'm here to tell you there's seven signs there. You're going to be successful in life and I've. Seen this, from. People that I watched you were 18 years old thousand multimillionaires, at 28 years old I saw. This where the kid that was 14 years old 9 26, years old multi multi-millionaire, I saw, this with athletes, young now they're competitors, doing very well for themselves there. Are sides I'll share seven of them here with you let's start off with number one number. One is, they're. Absolutely. Super. Competitive, let me explain super competitive it doesn't. Matter what it is they have to do faster, better bigger they just have this one, desire. I'm gonna do it better than you and in. The world of capitalism it's. All, about competition the, whole, thing that makes capitalism work is competition, what makes sports works is competition. These political, people that think they're better for you and I to, vote for the one that goes to the top is typically the most competitive they. Want to figure out a way to do better so imagine we have a work environment we. Have a work environment and there's, a first place person in any office and any team in any basketball team even if the team sucks there's, somebody that's the best on that team then, you got a new cat that comes in town and it, comes into the work of work environment or goes into the basketball, team word up whatever it is this. Guy puts, this guy as a target, he, wants to beat him anything, he does he does diets. Work ethic time he comes in everything because he is super competitive and if he's out it'd, be super competitive, even, more it eventually passes, them up it's just simply how it is second. One. They. Like, to finish things let me explain, they. Can play a puzzle, right they. Can stop until they finish the puzzle they, play video games they have to finish the video game they, have to finish it they can't help themselves I got to finish the video game you, know they may be reading a book they got to finish the book there's a lot of people guys this is a sign when I see people that only read first.

Chapter To chapter and then they ask the question, how what do you think man I have like 30 books I've started I haven't finished well there's the sign you don't like to finish things you, like things to be given to easy the, people that finish things they always finish. Things they're going to figure out a way to finish things number three your. Circle, out earns you this is you this is your circle they're bigger than you in life in money in income in lifestyle, you're. Not you're the green one but if you if you have a circle, that out earns you're out succeeds. You you're. Eventually going to be there it's a formula this is not a accidental. Thing this is why you'll. Notice some of the people that don't achieve success they always want people smaller, than them around them because it makes them feel bigger, the. People that you need are super successful they, always put themselves on situations, where people are bigger than them because it's the next platform, next level, they're. Getting to. Next. One their mind never stops let me know what I mean by the mind never stops oh you know what what if what, if this happens and what if what, if I could have this life what if I talk to this person what if I go over here what, if we figure this out there in bed and they're still thinking you know what let me let me see we should do this one no, you know, earlier. We were talking about this thing three hours ago yes I was thinking about it I think we need to do this this this and what if we did this because this could happen that your. Mind just never stops like a beautiful, mind it never stops next. Credible. People see, you go in places, so. How credible, people credible, people view you let me explain let's. Just say I meet John and John. Has a principle a pastor. The, football, coach the, uncle, and a, total, different person that he worked for at a company, they, all say, this guy's going places he's going places, he's. Going places if those five gave, their answers, based on, authentic. Real answers. This cat is going places why because. These five people pastor, coach. Boss, teacher, principal, whatever these, five have. Spent endless hours with, this chap they know his flaws they, know his habit they, know if he likes to finish things they know if he out you, know he spends time with people that are ahead of them they know how competitive they know that so. If somebody says that there's credibility, they're so, credible, people believe. In you credible. People see you go in places next one your student it. Just. They will not stop learning, they can't stop learning they, can't help themselves they want to know this I want to get better I just I want to get better at this only get better at that there's, constant, desire to want to be a better student learn, more that's. Number six and last but not least. They're. Extremely, obsessive. They're extremely, obsessive. Like, I have, to have this let me explain if. You were really able. To dissect the mind of an. Obsessive, person, it would, concern a lot of people because, they would say there's, this person really think that way they, do they, really do think that way they really, want what, they want and they really end up getting what they want because, they have to have it they're, obsessed about it and any time they're obsessed about it they, start figuring out creative, ways to get what they want if it's a girl if it's a business if it's a position if it's a certain success if it's, accolades, if it's certain place they want to be if it's, a certain lifestyle, they want they're, going to figure out a way to get it because they're obsessive they have to have it they're just wired that way so, those are the seven signs where, you and I can. Tell if someone. Is going, to be successful. Or not see if you throw me that pillow right there. And. If you watch this video here if you're telling yourself man I got. Three out of the seven well go share this with other people see if they'll they'll validate. Where you're thinking with three out of the seven it's not anything you're. Working you got five people that are working with you and you wonder which one for you to lock onto you. Ask yourself, out of, these five people you work with which, one of them has the most you pretty much be able to tell which, one of the guys is the person that has a highest likelihood of one, day being successful, and by the way there is no hundred percent twenty, of this it's, just odds. No, one's ever going to be a hundred percent there's, a lot of smart people that you know drafted, to play then better becoming nothing and they flopped but, you want to be eighty percent you want to be seventy percent because if you do this right majority times eventually, you're going to put together most incredible, team in your, business to grow and go to different places now having said that we.

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