CTE Sector Week 2 Social Media, Digital Media, & Design

CTE Sector Week 2   Social Media, Digital Media, & Design

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all right welcome to our next installment of our improving online cte pathways speaker series my name is bob nash i'm the dean of academic affairs with cbc oei and i will help facilitate today for those of you who don't know our iop grant program improving online pathways grant program has supplied 70 grants to 68 colleges for a total of 27.5 million dollars awarded this since the start of july 2019 this funding came from state of california through the state legislature by way of our california community college chancellor's office for the purpose of two general goals creating online programs in cte areas toward either short-term industry-valued certificates or programs and or enabling pathways from our online college calibrate to one of the other 115 colleges in california community colleges today we are under the theme of social media digital media and design so we have three colleges ventura diablo valley and rio hondo who will present today they'll each have five to seven minutes to present which should allow us some time for chat and questions and if you would put them in the chat window your questions we will hold them till the end and ask our presenters at that time so feel free to type them in chat at any moment all right i will uh now hand it off to nick norris from ventura college nick unmute yourself and get started thanks bob nice to be here with you all appreciate it um put together just a few slides here with the help of our district office we put together a video which is a few minutes long and i think it tells a lot of the story of what it is we worked on and were able to accomplish so it's okay let's play this video and then i've got a slide or two after this uh just to you know highlight some more things and nail things home um but i believe donna you're um managing this my name is nick norris i'm a business instructor here at ventura college social media marketing is meant to give students the tools needed to work in and compete for jobs in a digital marketing environment social media is important today because it's in our everyday lives it's important that the students understand that social media marketing is a business function that has real business objectives there's real fiscal monetary return on investment that marketers need to keep in mind hi i'm jennifer call spec getz vice president of academic affairs at ventura college and i'm just really excited to share with you our new certificate in social media and marketing with this grant our goals for the program were to replace textbooks that were that cost with zero textbook cost resources give the students not only academic learning but actual hands-on experience for example record a podcast using anchor fm or to create a branded spotify playlist or to create a facebook advertising campaign not just read about it and talk about it and study it but actually do it another objective was to give students the experience needed to work in the industry remotely using technology and i feel like we've accomplished those goals from a technology standpoint things happen really fast so a textbook that was written four years ago for example doesn't take into account a little thing called tip-top maybe you've heard of it so we were able to kind of replicate the textbook experience with a series of podcasts about specific topics within the major topic of social media marketing influencer marketing leveraging content marketing from a social media marketing standpoint same thing with community management and so far it's been a huge success we include closed captioning so they are accessible um and the students seem to have a really really good reaction to that material been very beneficial actually um when i started the program i had recently started working at a non-profit and really wanted to learn more about social media marketing and specifically on the marketing strategies and ways that social media can help this is an industry of constant change and it is our jobs to embrace the change platforms and technologies and trends in how google algorithms change every year in how facebook's you know company platforms restrictions change every year we need to adapt to the times and the changes i did all my classes online for the most part um and that helped a lot because like i mentioned i was working and so it was nice to have the ability to do a class online and not have to commute so much and we have to imagine that some of these trends um that have happened as a result of the pandemic will be ongoing meaning that companies will continue to want their staff to work remotely and so we're actually giving students the skills needed in order to compete in the workplace now because they're prepared they can do learning remotely they can work in groups remotely they can work on projects and submit assignments remotely all of the same activities and behaviors that an employer would be looking for our students when they go through this class when they go through this program will have the abilities to accomplish what the the employers are looking for so without the additional hours and resources available from this grant i would not have been able to dedicate the dozens if not hundreds of hours that went into building this class and program online another really cool thing about this program is that the courses are cbc oei aligned which means that they are aligned to the highest standard of rubrics that support regular and effective irregular and substantive interaction as well as other really important things including ada compliance and accessibility it's been a great um experience i've learned about different career pathways that i can take we are training a workforce to have good paying middle-income jobs and we're pretty darn proud gotta unmute yourself there nick thanks for the reminder okay go back one more slide so relevance the students in addition to studying academic topics from the course outline of record is it critical for students to get experience using social media marketing tools so assignments were created to give students a chance to practice popular tactics and strategies it just so you all know i i started a small marketing agency like 12 years ago 13 years ago and everything that i had done professionally got paid for and bought a house with i bring that into the classroom and so the students are getting really really hands-on experience um that they can take to their jobs to potential jobs and so on uh if you go to the next one they'll be helpful so we really focus on um the tactics and strategies that students can practice in the real world uh and then again so the textbooks just weren't working out for me um so luckily with my contacts through my alumni network and previous clients and partners that i've worked with in the past i was able to record a series of podcasts uh focusing on different strategies within digital marketing or social media marketing this woman i'm speaking to right here is an influencer marketing specialist at duncan enterprises which is a global cosmetics brand and she explained to us um everything that she does on a day-to-day basis to build connections and and further her brand's efforts and so those were those were the lessons that i recorded uh while creating this class um and i think that's it we go to the last slide uh questions uh and i saw a few coming in the chat but i didn't get a chance to read them while i was talking so yeah that's okay nick we're get we'll get to those at the end just type in your ch questions everyone and i will definitely move on and save all the queues till the end right now we'll move on to diablo valley college and joanne please take it away hi everyone i'm ann kingsley i'm the kind of project coordinator as well as the distance ed coordinator at diablo valley college and i'm here with my colleague who we've been working together um on creating some online art digital media certificates so we're going to talk a little bit about our process for that today hi i'm joanne denning and anne has been wonderful to work with and she approached us when dvc became involved in the online pathways grant and we really knew at that time that we had to develop and build our online offerings we had currently been offering two or three courses online regularly one was the intro to graphic design and the other class was the intro to web class but we really didn't have um a lot of curriculum for students to take online part of that was we were kind of overwhelmed with just uh being a career education program trying to develop coursework and so what the grant allowed us to do is really get trained and train our faculty and to learn about the best practices of online education so it was very timely and we really wanted to be able to offer online courses because we felt that many of our students were working and couldn't come to campus regularly and we also wanted to be able to offer more courses we currently have three labs but we have a big program in at uh in art digital media at diablo valley college we have animation gaming we have web we have ux ui graphic design and video and we have certificates in almost all those areas so we really needed to just be able to offer more courses um to students and then lastly we wanted the opportunity to develop uh more advanced coursework that was um going to meet the needs of industry-driven uh uh needs at the time so we took this opportunity to um well why don't we yeah i think that's it we took this opportunity to build an articulation agreement with mission college which is uh down in santa clara and so we've been in collaboration with them uh really mapping our classes to see if we would be able to potentially let our students take some of the coursework down there and some of their students take coursework up at dvc so that if we were going to offer for example an intermediate web class we would know that we would be able to fill it regionally and we can go to the next line yeah so our project goals um were to create certificates of achievement in mind mode and we had a lot of curriculum we needed to train into online coursework and uh we really build some articulation agreements um with other colleges so that we could have offered some advanced curriculum and then you want to talk about challenges ann yeah so a couple of the challenges was there were some classes where the instructors had never taught online before we've never offered it online for example we have an art 105 which is like an intro to drawing and um it's just a wonderful class but is at heart and soul has always been taught in person so we had to figure out how to train translate that kind of heart and soul to the online um with training video and things like that the other course is we had an uh intro to digital imaging where it had not been taught online and the challenge for that course online was figuring out how to get the expensive software products into people's hands rather than from a la rather than where they would usually use it on campus which was a lab um and because of that those questions we figured out a lot of work arounds but because of the questions of software we um uh uh got uh those instructors involved in technology meetings and technology committees so i think those were some of the challenges that were in a good way brought everyone together um and then i know joann's going to mention a little bit about the articulation agreements yeah so what we did is um or what we're continuing to do is we mapped our courses with courses that were offered at michigan college and a lot of the coursework um was already there and then mission college uh is going to develop a few classes um and so that's been great and we've had that opportunity to really work with them to see if we could map this curriculum and then like ann said the training of the instructors was really critical and very timely because as we kind of went into pandemic mode i kind of think it saved us we had um i had been trained uh another full-time instructor kevin leaper had been trained and we have four full-time instructors in our program and three of us had gone through the training and were already able to offer quality online courses when the pandemic hit so that that really helped us sort of dive in and immediately start working with our adjuncts because in our program we have uh four full-time one hybrid full-time and then eight part-time faculty most teaching two classes and none of them had taught online before and so all of them kind of at that point were starting to think about training because of the oei grant and we were able to sort of jump in in the summer and i think what we'll do is we'll just skip ahead of the timeline so we can pass this through i'm sure these will be shared and i think we've mentioned some of the project successes but i'll just mention too that some of our courses have gone through the oei alignment and those courses again we use all the time within this program but also to teach out to the whole college on how to do this kind of work so really these two certificates have kind of spearheaded a bigger movement quality online instruction um so do you want to just walk through the certificates during sure if you could go back yes um so we decided because i had been teaching online and the web instructor instructor troy bennett had been teaching online that we would um start with these two certificates um the first was uh graphic design and that's where anne talked about the challenges with the art 105 drawing instructor who really had technologically didn't ever imagine herself that she would be teaching online but she really embraced it and went through the training and i think developed an amazing online intro to drawing class uh and then we had other courses that um we needed to develop and offer online like the digital illustration uh and then uh the digital media projects class which was a difficult class because it's actually uh sort of like a business students come from all areas of digital media graphic design web uh animation video and they build client driven projects in there and before we had offered it in person but we were finding more and more of a need to offer it online to make it accessible to students and we were able to really build that class and now we meet online the students collaborate online so i think in addition to really building our curriculum what the training gave us was a lot of uh new technology to work with that we've sort of transitioned into building better advisory committees with uh into having our department meetings and being able to collaborate a lot more effectively thank you joanne that's an interesting program and i see a question we'll get around to in a moment but uh we'll get to our last presentation which is a video we can't show the entire video to you from rio hondo but i will share the link so you can finish it on your own time it's about 15 minutes long so you'll see about the first half is that right donna and do you have that now there we go i'm uh associate professor of graphic design at rio hondo college and the full-time faculty here and i'd like to speak to you about the cbc oei project hi folks um so what i wanted to do is go over exactly um how excited we were to be able to participate in this project it really created a great opportunity uh for us to grow our program but also to reach students that might normally not be able to make it to our on-campus classes so a little bit about our area our program the graphic design program completely replaced a commercial art program at rio hondo college in 2015 we started to revamp and sort of gut what was an old commercial art program that had four classes and a small local associate of arts degree we are now over 14 courses including uh non-credit courses we have two associate degrees one a a and one a s uh the a s targeting graphic design majors in the aaa targeting artists who want to add graphic design skills and we also have seven certificates of achievement we have an entrepreneurial graphic design certificate which we're really proud we just introduced last fall and we have a variety of 12 unit to 18 unit certificates which are all stacked enabling students to easier move through the program it helps increase retention and of course student success our area uh the majority of our population is lactonics i believe our percentage is up to 89 of our campus and we primarily uh have an underserved community of learners who for the most part the majority of them have never even considered going into creative professions in terms of a viable option and we understand a lot of this comes from families who are unfamiliar or who are reticent about the creative professions is you know is my son slash daughter child going to be in my basement for the rest of their life but what we wanted to do when we redesigned the program was to make people aware that there is a huge industry in l.a and orange county that's growing by 10 percent in the orange alien orange county area in terms of employment opportunities over the next 10 years and we're really excited to be able to bring the type of quality education to our community but also to reach beyond it and perhaps really the entire state so um our program again graphic design for those of you who might not be completely familiar with it a lot of people think you know oh what do they do they design business cards well we do that and we do a lot of other things too it's estimated that every day when you wake up to when you go to sleep if you are in a western industrialized country you see an average of 500 to 800 visual images every day and we're talking about the typefaces on your freeway signs the labels on your shoes the boxes that you're eating your breakfast cereal from everything around us that generally tries to communicate information whether it's entertainment or you know viable environmental information directions etc that's graphic design and what makes graphic design unique as a foundational program is that over 30 job occupations and really to be that's sort of conservative over 50 of them are really looking at graphic design as a foundational set of skill sets that people can use to apply to other professions plus graphic design is used as a very viable asset to people who aren't creative professionals that if it appears on your resume that you have graphic design skills that can really increase your value in terms of employment as well so what we've really tried to do by importing our program and making it offered through distance education as well as on campus is to not only expand our reach to our local district students and these are students who have transportation issues child care issues people who work during the day when our traditional classes are taught people who might not physically be able to come to campus there's all kinds of variety of students who we feel we aren't reaching with a traditional on-campus course offering that now we'll be able to reach through our distance education offerings as well we also had a limitation just in terms of our own physical growth here on our campus because of the unavailability of physical buildings to expand into etc and now this gives us the ability to actually grow our program and add more content as our program grows as well we also want to reach out to non-traditional students incarcerated students anybody who we can sort of reach they couldn't make it to a traditional campus so this is really who we feel that we're reaching the most um our project goals are really to increase student outreach inside and outside the district to increase our course sections and of course our enrollment and to also increase student success in terms of skills vocational application and transfer and that last three triad of sort of pathways if you will is really what an online presence through distance education really empowers us to do so we figure our uh our market our target market or our target student is really three-fold it's the student who wants to add graphic design skills to their repertoire whether they're in nursing wildland fire law philosophy or whatever their major is graphic design skills are an asset to anybody so again this is what we talked about when i first started uh talking about the program is that if you show that you've got a certificate and let's say branding and identity design that we offer then they're going to be able to go to you whoever hires you and go hey could you think you could help us figure out this logo or trademark that we're working on or help us work with a design studio or something like that or people who are just curious lifelong learners who want to add those skill sets the second pathway we really look at are people that want to go into business for themselves so in our area we have a lot of entrepreneurial students who sell t-shirts at swap meets who are selling on etsy and ebay and doing things on their own out of the sort of trunks of their cars and portable screen printing machines and things of that nature who aren't as interested in transferring to a four-year college but want a more foundational sort of base of skill okay our seven minutes are up but uh we will share that the link to that video that you can finish and grant if you if you have a link handy you can share that in chat and everyone can get it there so let's go back to some of these questions um and they may have been answered already but uh lynn asks for students to create a podcast off-campus this is for the first program to create podcasts if you require that of students did you loan out microphones or any other technology for them to do that nick we didn't and in all honesty [Music] i don't think that's necessary it's nice it's nice to have a microphone like the blue snowball um but uh you know most computer mics and and phone mics work the anchor dot fm app goes on the phone and you can record directly into it like you were talking on the phone so it was not necessary we did not have anybody ask so okay a question for all of you any can step in what strategies have been developed to respond to individual learning styles to further individualizing instruction did any of you address that in a specific way grant from rio one of the things that we did at rio hondo let me preface this by saying i'm here in place of our faculty member who is the point person on this graphic design project i'm the dean of arts and cultural programs and i'm also the dean of distance ed so we talk a lot about individualized instruction especially in the arts areas and one of the things that we've learned is that you know through you know a century of teaching art at the college and university level we really are offering individualized tracking and instruction to students in large art music theater classrooms all the time so one of the things that we tried to to to bring into this grant program is the knowledge from a lot of our instructors who are used to having multiple uh ability levels multiple levels of training or multiple different approaches to learning um so what we did was the folks that came into this uh grant from the various cte programs we tried to set them up with a point person in the arts if they wanted to communicate directly about how they could reach these multi-level or as you say multi-learning styles in one specific classroom it yielded some pretty interesting results too we're not ready to really talk about it publicly but i think we'll have more information and probably a year we're working on some papers okay grant why while we have you uh your instructor mentioned serving incarcerated students can that be done online and how and how so that's a really great question i no it can't be um i think really is after recently incarcerated students um the work that we've done in our area is with students that are have you know come out and are now in the general population we have a really really large group of students on our campus that are doing that kind of work students that are inside they don't have internet access they can't use a computer a lot of them are specifically uh forbidden from using a computer um so you know i think the the real thrust here is trying to reach students who are you know recently formerly incarcerated okay thank you for that maybe one last question and uh this is actually an interest i have in diablo valley's program aligning with mission maybe collaborating with them um is this a could this be a joint degree program um because it's very intriguing you could offer a course in fall they would offer it in spring and and uh if you have trouble filling your classes between you you could help each other that way is that the idea yes that is the idea and what we're really trying to make it so that we're actually sharing um an advisory board as well so we have a pretty robust uh board right now that meets every spring with like 10 industry uh professionals that have been giving us guidance and we're hoping to make this a regional collaboration it isn't currently it's just faculty working together and we do kind of get support from management a little bit but we would we would really like to build fully online degrees that weren't college specific that would be the goal so that the workload is not on any one college and we really can look at what our program strengths are what we can't offer and and make it available to students so that is the goal um we're kind of in the initial stages of it and michigan college has a very robust digital media program like we do so they're kind of a good partner but we would really love to expand it very good thank you joanne henry is asked to make a closing comment we have 30 seconds henry take it away you have to unmute yourself where are you can you there you go yes here we go i would like this group to know you've been joined by a legend in the field bernie luskin who created uh telecourses online courses all kinds of stuff going forward so you're in a great audience and i want to express my appreciation to you because i served on the launch team and helped write the original grant for this thing and i am absolutely overwhelmed by what you folks are doing and how you're moving forward i'm getting goosebumps right now as i'm talking about this but congratulations keep it going i bernie and i are just absolutely overwhelmed with what you guys are doing out there so thank you very much thank you henry very kind of you to say it's great to see you bernie as always all right i want to thank all our presenters and our guests today this will be recorded for later viewing and stay tuned we have several of these uh uh speaker series webinars coming up so you can find those on our website and register for them there have a great afternoon we'll see you next time

2020-12-29 15:00

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