8 Failed Federation Experiments

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The. United, Federation of, Planets stands, for the progress of all its member worlds, through unity, and the pushing of boundaries both scientific, and exploratory. For. This reason, and common, good the many research, arms of Starfleet, in the Federation have experimented. With all sorts of technologies, and created, many marvellous, feats such as the warp drive transporters. And replicators. But. There is also a long, list of failed, experiments. And creations. Too dangerous, to ever be used again. Hi. Rick here and I thought I'd put together a list of eight of the Federation's, failed, experiments. Whether, through folly ignorance, or misguided ethics, first, off some ground rules these. Experiments, have to have been conducted, by a federation, world, Starfleet's. Or at the very least have, a Starfleet, blessing, secondly. They have to have failed or been suspended, so, for this reason the USS, excelsior great. Experiment. Of transwarp, in, 2285. Will, not be on this list as we, never get official, confirmation that. It failed entirely. And I, will be ranking these in order of fatalities. Cause. This. May, not be a complete list, but, these are the ones that stood out to me the most so. Starting, off at number eight with. A great, outcome, of zero casualties but. A potential, for exploration, matched, only by its potential, for disaster we. Have the transwarp, experiments. Often. 2364. Where. The USS, Enterprise NCC, won 701 D is catapulted. Across the universe, to, the m33. Triangulum. Galaxy and, then, to a realm where thought and physics are one the. Experiment, itself was led by specialists kasinski whose, antimatter, equations, had improved the warp, factor of several Starfleet, vessels in. Reality. This increase, in propulsion, was achieved by the influence, of a mysterious, entity known, simply as the traveler, who could seemingly, manipulate, space-time with his thoughts alone though. It required a great deal of effort on his part, he could even explore other realities. Thankfully. The traveler, seems, benign, and simply wished to, aid or, maybe simply observe Starfleet, personnel, eventually. Singling, out a young Wesley Crusher as a being with a mind capable of Sunday understanding. How the traveler, operated, this, project, was shelved with the reveal of the travelers true nature, and the realization, that Kaczynski's, alterations, only ever produced, a marginal, increase in efficiency guy. Was an ass anyway. Starfleet's. Obsession, with faster. And faster speeds, is understandable. As arguably. The majority, of its purpose is to boldly, go where no one has gone before. And you, can boldly go a lot more places if it gets done faster, so. The number, seven spot on this list goes, to lieutenant Tom Paris, and that, episode of Star Trek Voyager, you. Know the. One that upsets the entire warp scale and what do we know of evolution, in one fell swoop in 2372. The. Crew of the USS Voyager, in CC seven four six five six discovers. A new form of dilithium that's, allowed for higher and higher warp, velocities, inching. Ever closer, to the elusive warp 10 threshold, the theoretical, maximum, warp speed of infinite. Velocity as the ship, was stranded in the Delta Quadrant and facing a 70 year journey back to earth, Harry slept, at the chance to test this new dilithium after. Several promising, simulations, he was given the go-ahead from Captain Janeway to perform a manned test in a class two shuttle named, Cochrane, he. Seemingly, achieves, the unobtainable. Velocity. Of something like it as the shuttles that senses logs were filled to capacity with, readings from all over the galaxy, Paris himself, was rendered, unconscious, by the experiment, but seems to have suffered no ill effects, soon, after, we get a glimpse into treks version of body horror as Paris, begins to slowly mutate, sorry.

Hyper, Evolved, into. A potential. Future human form this, form ends, up resembling, a land. Catfish. And fibia sting but, not before he steals away Captain, Janeway in a delirium, and takes the Cochrane out for another spin, eventually. The, missing, two officers, were located. Both having, fully mutated, and had, even. Reproduced, but, fortunately, this experiment. Resulted, in no casualties, and the process was reversible, with the two restored, humans, having no recollection of the events, well. No, casualties, except. The three lizard babies who are probably going to die without their parents on some forgotten world, lost in the Delta Quadrant Paris's, warp ten program was shelved for the unavoidable mute, if effects, it seems to have and this episode, often. Cited, as one of the worst offenders, to continuity, and pre-existing, Canon I'd, scrapped it for the second part alone hyper. Evolved, my ass moving. On often. It's the best of intentions. That can breed the worst outcomes, one, such device was designed to bring life to barren. Worlds, but in the wrong hands would lay waste to, a world even, destroying, it entirely, the. Genesis device was, the shake-and-bake. Of terraforming, with a lifeless, planet's components. Broken, down and utilized, in a complex, matrix to, form the building blocks of a habitable Class, M world, the. Project was headed by a dr. Carol Marcus and assisted, by her and James Kirk's son David, Marcus this. Is the first project on the list to be kept secret from the general public and with. Good reason the concern, comes pretty. Much from, the first part of this Genesis, you see the probe will destroy, whatever environment was present on the planet before, it was deployed in its runaway, reaction before. Replacing it with a new one the, device was stolen, and used, by Khan Noonien Singh, where, it utilized, the components, of the guitar and nebula to form a whole new world and a whole new Fantastic. Point of view. The. Planet dubbed, the Genesis planets was completely. Unstable, attributed. To the protomatter, used that the devices call and although. Life teamed across its surface the planet eventually. Tore itself apart the, federation had set out to create an engine. Of life and, ultimately just. Built a new way to destroy, a planet this. Is how the Klingons, saw it too which led to several, war, in the attempted, procurement, of the research, the, death of David Marcus and indirectly, the destruction, of the USS Enterprise. Unsurprisingly. This project, was cancelled, after these events but, in apocryphal, content, some of the technologies, were salvaged, and used, in watered-down. Versions. Of terraforming, programs, so, not a complete, waste, still, it ranks higher on my list for the sheer destructive, potential. At. Number 5 we have another classified, one and the, first on the list with, direct, casualties. In. 2311. The United, Federation of Planets and, the Romulan, Star Empire signed. The Treaty of Alderaan, which, officially, established, new neutral zone territories, between the two powers and effectively, established, a peace between, the two enemies States one. Of its directives, stated, the United, Federation of Planets was, not to pursue the development of starship, cloaking, technology a, means. By which a vessel could hide from senses, and view to conduct, reconnaissance, in. 2358, Starfleet. Seemed to bend if, not downright break. This article, by attempting to create a phasing cloaking. Device I've, done a video on interphase. Before, but, suffice to say a phase, cloak and a regular, cloak are different, technologies but produce similar effects, this, project, was headed by a Starfleet, intelligence and, tested. On the research vessel the USS Pegasus, under, the command of Captain, Pressman, the, cloak would produce a phase effect to, bring the ship out of phase with the solid matter both, leading to light outside of, the field passing, through it and more, impressively, solid. Matter the device was field tested aboard.

The Oberth class vessel, and the, crew unaware. Of the experiment, until that moment mutiny. Against, Pressman, led by the XO, during. The ensuing skirmish, seven, crew members including the captain and, an, ensign, William Riker escaped. However, a malfunction, caused, the ship to lose control, and it was seemingly destroyed along, with all hands, in. 2370. Admiral, Pressman, took the USS, Enterprise, c17, o1d, on a mission to locate the remains of the USS Pegasus, and the clandestine, experiment. Was revealed, to the dismay of Captain, Picard and the Romulan Star Empire the. Project officially, canceled 12 years earlier was made public along, with the political fallout from the violation of the treaty on the Federation's, end and the. Oberth ship has a crew, complement, of up to 80 personnel. And only, seven survived, we. Can estimate the death toll at around 73. Starfleet, officers, honestly. The Treaty of all Garron is a sucky, deal for the Federation but it did maintain, the peace, despite, the Romulans, constantly. Looking for a justification, to break it the. Next one on my list is, actually, a bit of an odd one and you may wish to drop, it a rung as technically. It has a death count of zero or. Approximately. 124, 240. O Voyager, what did you do this time in. 2374. The USS, Voyager was making, its way lazily, back home when, it encountered, the dogless a fictional, Starfleet vessel that was equipped with the quantum, slipstream drive. Another. Method of faster, than warp travel, the. Ship turned out to be too good to be true but Voyager. Did escape with some pretty detailed scans, of the drive and later, that year they managed to replicate, the technology, this. Form, of travel allows, for greater speeds, than traditional, warp drive and brings, a ship into a slipstream of quantum, energy I have, no, idea. What that means but it makes them go. Testing. Of the device seemed of promising, but necessitated. The use of a shuttlecraft, to fly in front of the intrepid starship, to relay phase variants, calculations, back, to the mothership failing. To do so would drop these ships out of the slipstream, or violently. Explode, the drive this. Is exactly, what comes to pass leading, to, Voyager crashing, on an icy planet in the Takara sector, on the border of the Alpha Quadrant all aboard. Are killed the, shuttle piloted, by ensign Harry Kim and Commander Chakotay make, it back to Starfleet with the bad news and. Spent the remainder of their life trying to undo, the mistake caused by, an incorrect calculation. They, fix the issue and drop the voyager out of slipstream, moments, before the accident occurs thereby, changing, history so, this project was put on ice for the. Near-death it caused for the crew of the USS Voyager, a crew, complement, of around 120 for, 240. Ish, depending. On the amount of Maquis, recruited, still a lot of people and technically, it did fail before. It didn't, look my. Point is when you have the results to tie in travel to get a project to work you, goofed up somewhere this. Technology, is still far, too valuable to, abandon altogether. However and here's. Hoping that after the return of the Voyager to the Alpha Quadrant it, was one of the many intriguing technologies, that Starfleet, got to play with still. Due, to a lack of resources to perfect, and the potential, for catastrophe. The, quantum, slipstream project. Was, mothballed for, now. Next. Up is that, what. My, screen. Damn. It, look. Not now task. Manager and, process. There the. Omega directive, the. Omega particle, is a subatomic little, bubble of energy, with enough power to fuel a starship, a single molecule has, the power of a warp core and, some, even theorize that this, little ball of energy was responsible, for the Big Bang however. The particle is nearly impossible to synthesize and, even. When it is created, it is unstable, and detonates. Starfleet. Was researching, this potential, energy source, around. 2268. At, a classified, research facility. In an entire sector, a team, of 127. Scientists. And researchers led, by dr., ben des cataract, were able to synthesize, a molecule after. Decades of theorizing and attempts, it, immediately. Destabilized. And exploded. The, Omega effect rips, through subspace, destroying. It as well, as the very physical, effects of destruction. That rippled across the system seven. Light-years. Of space or. A by the blast and due to the damage to subspace, no. Warp travel is possible in the system, nor. FTL, communications. A single. Molecule did, this so. Starfleet. Classified, all knowledge, of the Omega particle, and placed a standing, order to all captains that any Omega. Molecule, was detected, were, to be disposed, of by a specialized, team, this. Single, incident, created, a directive. That surpassed, all others, and is, kept a complete, secret, from, anyone below the rank of captain, even. The prime directive can. Be overruled. So great is the potential, danger, of Omega.

The. Irony, is that Omega. Molecules, can, be stabilized. But it seems to only do, so in large quantities. Meaning. That the amount needed to create a stable energy source would, likely, be a galaxy. Spanning, explosion. If it went bad, within. The Federation however. Cataracts. Experiment, cost, 127. Lives but. It was the knowledge of such, a tantalizing. Prize that. Was the real lasting, damage at, number. Two based. Solely, on the number of deaths it directly, caused, is. The infamous, displacement. Activated, spore hub drive this. Frankly. Insane sounding, technology, attempts, to utilize a form, of interphasic, proto. Taxi tease a celebratory, to, connect a ship to the mycelial, network that spans out, of phase throughout the galaxy this, drive, was the brainchild of doctors. Paul Stamets, and Justin. Strahl - Astro mycologists. In Starfleet, who, are where to begin I've. Delved into why these spore drive was shelved before, but here's a summary, first. Off the drive required, the creation of a whole new class of vessel with the Crossfield class and only, two were made the USS, Glenn in CC 1030. And the USS discovery 1031. This, is already, a massive, resource investment, for Starfleet then. It becomes apparent that a ship's computer, no matter how advanced, cannot. Process, the information required, to navigate, to the mycelial, Network so an organic pilot is necessary, this. In, turn means that you either have to genetically. Modify a human, to be able to do this which goes against, Federation, law or, enslave, a possibly, sentient space tardigrade, to do the work for you also, not very Federation, on top. Of this multiple, instances, of temporal, and spatial anomalies, the, destruction. Of another life-forms, native habitat and the, accidental. Dimension-hopping, all, contribute, to this project being halted despite, working. Oh. And. The. Deaths the. USS Glen's entire, crew complement, of 136. Was completely. Wiped out when, they exited, a jump into, a Hawking radiation firewall. Which, created, the dimension, braking engine to spin. Out as statments, puts it basically. The ship was spun around really, really fast and it splattered, the crew everywhere, along, with twisting, them on a dimensional. Level this on its own puts the fatality count at, higher than, the Omega, experiment. But. Then, it was officially. Reported to, Starfleet that the USS, discovery, and CEC, 1:03. 1 had suffered, a spore, drive related. Explosion. So, at that point official, records list about. 272. Spore. Drive related, deaths, dwarfing. All but one other on this list. At. Number one, we, have the creation of the, marshmallow dispenser. From Star Trek 5 not joking at number, one we, have the first, simulated. Wargame, test of the m5, computer. Oh, Dickey. Days from what did you do. The. Multitronic, unit, version, 5 was created, by dr. richard, dave strim and field. Tested in 2268. Aboard the USS Enterprise NCC, 1 701, the. Aim was to produce an, advanced. Computer system, that could react logically, and command a starship, in lieu of a crew the. M5, was the first working prototype and modeled, on the memory engrams, of its creator the. Crew of the enterprise was. Joost to 20 personnel, and the tests began, pitting it against, multiple, situations, culminating. In a wargames simulation. Against four other constitution. Class vessels, each with, a full crew complement, things. Started. Going wrong when the m5. Accidentally. Killed, one of the Enterprise, crew though this was dismissed, by, de strim as, unintentional. And that, the crewmen simply got in the way however. All, notion, of continuing. With the multitronic, computer, project, was dropped when, the m5, completely. Usurped, control, of the USS Enterprise and, engaged, the other Constitution. Vessels at full power while, they were prepared, for simulated. Combat, taking. The USS, Excalibur, by surprise. The m5, killed, all aboard the vessel around. 400, to 430. Souls based, on Kirk's estimates, and the, full complement, of a constitution. Class. Unsurprisingly. This. Led to the termination of the program the, m5, and de strim himself, was committed, to a mental facility, to recover, from the experience. It. Was seen, by many as an, attempt from a renowned programmer, to capture. Lightning in the bottle twice and he, was given so much operational. Leniency, as he, was the man who effectively. Pioneered, Federation, starship computers, as we, know them this. Project, as far as I can tell has seen the single, greatest direct. Loss of life due, to a failed Federation, founded experiment. So. Can you think of any others, that I missed I can, think of a few but. These are the ones that had the plug pulled for, their failures. There. Were many transporter. Accidents, and the like but, transporters. For the most part are, a successful. Technology employed, by hundreds, of species warp. Drive too is, damaging. To subspace, but, Starfleet, has been taking steps to combat the damage ever since it was discovered and warp.

Drive Never failed. As, a concept, so. What do you think disagree. With my list or think that the Omega, directive should be at the top. Let, me know below, and, thank. You for watching I've. Been, Rick and until. Next up the whole K G's, fine, oh you. Know what one of you guys can take care of it I've I got the last one goodbye.


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