CIO Leadership Live Middle East with Dr. Joseph George, Chief Technology Officer at Smart Salem

CIO Leadership Live Middle East with Dr. Joseph George, Chief Technology Officer at Smart Salem

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hello welcome to this new episode of CIO  leadership light today with Dr Joseph George   chief technology officer at smart salm hello  Joseph how are you thank you so much hey Andia   great meeting you and thank you so much thank you  so much for inviting me for this session no it is   my pleasure and especially well I have a lot of  questions for you there are a lot of things that   we want to know about you because you were awarded  as one of the 50 winners in the Third Edition of   CIO 50 Middle East Awards many congratulations  thank you thanks Ana thank you so I I really   want to discover more about our winners more about  yourself and I think that my first question will   be like why did you decide to work in technology  is it something that you always wanted uh yeah   it's a it's a very interesting question to be  very honest um during my um school days I was   very much fascinated towards electronics and  my aim was to become an electronics engineer um   could be that time you know Computer Engineering  was not that popular and I'm maybe I didn't find   many computer Engineers around me but later uh I  got you know attracted towards computers and then   ended up in software engineering or maybe Computer  Engineering and I'm so happy that I choose that   stream well you never know honestly I met an  interview with one of our winners uh recently   and he wanted to be a pilot W and now he's I don't  know uh that's the beauty of engineering right I   mean you can just make I definitely you can't  a computer engineer cannot be a pilot but of   course a pilot can be a computer engineer same  way a mechanical engineer he can be a software   programmer but but you know but the reverse might  not be possible you know uh yeah I mean I had this   kind of passion towards Electronics you know I  don't know maybe uh devices are getting you know   that's something kind of Attraction during those  days but and when I started my passion towards   computer then there was nothing to look back and  finally I'm so glad that you know ended up being   that stream so I guess because of this decision  you never took any theour you have been always   focused on technology but let us know a little  bit about your career like where did you start   it um my first job was again you know um was a  software programmer um like let me just start   with my first that would be very interesting you  know uh it was in early 2000 andlike any other   fresh technology graduate at that time in India I  also took the role of a software program oh that   two was in healthcare Healthcare Systems know we  call it h developer I was I'm very fortunate that   you know I started my career in healthcare and um  and even now still I'm in heare so you're that was   my first job that was my first job and coming to  the journey you know um I'm started the journey   as a programmer then moved to management role  and then the leadership role now after a couple   of what do you call the management roles my first  leadership role was with Rashi Center for diabetes   and research with the Ministry of Health and  prevention uee uh that is back in 2009 um as a   head of technology so rcdr again was a PPP public  private Partnership of Ministry of presidential   offers and a Swedish Healthcare firm called Global  Health partner so that was my first leadership   role after a couple of management roles um then um  I mean can I continue the journey yes yes please   let us know I have so many questions for you but  I I want to have all the information sure sure   sure so then 2015 I joined sha Medical City AA  which was under Ministry of presidential Affairs   that time as a director of technology and TM uh  the medical office that was the healthcare arm   of mopa and you all know that now shria Medical  City mopa they are all coming under Pure Health   so when I joined it was coming under Ministry of  presidential Affairs uh it was a great time and   actually we could introduce so many changes and  Innovations know in healthcare at that time and   yeah one of the first AI Solutions in this region  in healthcare was implemented in skmc at that time so Ian this sorry yeah yeah yeah please go and  you know if you look at these two roles right   both these roles were mostly on government  and the PPP or a public private partnership   side and my first private healthcare Journey  started in 2020 just before the pandemic now   I joined Aster in 2020 as the GCC Regional head  of technology for Astro Hospitals and Clinics so   so I was handling UA Oman katar Saudi and bahin  um during this pirod um yeah that was actually   um and um and now again back to PPP join smart  Sal that's what I was gonna say and again back   to PPP smart Salam smart Salam is again a PPP of  Dubai Health yeah that's the right name the name   is now changed to Dubai Health Dubai health and  v v is a French Healthcare firm and my role on   smart Salam is a chief technology officer and has  joined in q1 this year and again at smart Salam   um I'm focusing actually on and again the PPP has  two phases right the public phase and the private   phase on a public perspective um with smart Salam  and with Dubai health I'm focusing on the Dubai   region specifically on medical free and on the  private side of smart Salam we are expanding in   Saudi and definitely I'm focusing more on sou the  region on the private pH of smart ZM and yeah we   are coming to other GCC country wow I always  I mean I met you before and I always checked   LinkedIn profile of the person with who I'm going  to speak to but you told us a lot of things that   maybe we don't know about you when you started in  healthcare in India when I met you you were in a   DN I didn't know all of this you know background  in the early 20s in the in the healthcare sector   so I wanted to ask you like how do you think  your background in asdm help you and support   you in your new role and do you think that it was  beneficial for you for a while to change from the   public sector to the private you have you know to  be more open-minded to know what is going on not   only in the public sector also in the private you  think that help you in your new role at SM salm   it's a very good question and I really would  like to say you know asra has a very special   place in my heart and even in my career part no  it was a multi- regional experience and I could   work with almost all GCC Healthcare Regulators  during my as time and during and during Co and   of course and you know I could a lot of different  perspectives and you know different views during   As Time know my previous roles were mostly on  PPP and government but as was my first private   healthcare environment you know as is really  an ocean of you know learnings and experiences   there is no doubt about it and in smart Salem  we are especially in Wellness Spectrum um I'm   not in illness um and I got exposal to GCC region  from Master only so now as I told you know we are   expanding to GCC region and the knowledge and the  experience what I gained from ason GCC actually   I'm utilizing that for smart salum expansion  that's that's very true and you know to be   very honest if you ask one thing we should not  miss actually if you ask any healthare CAO on a   technology for sure he will say or he will touch  Bas on one specific term called RCM revenue cycle   management so for most of them it's a pain or  an achievement I got a whole lot of different   dimensions and different perspectives on RCM  for master what are your top priorities as a   CTO um yeah straight to the point I mean if you  ask this question to anyone the answers are most   same right so straight to the point cyber security  um and um a sustainable technology environment and   uh a customer engagement more uh engagement  with customer or empowerment empowering the   customer or satisfaction so these are the three  main priorities which I have know penciled down   for the year now the first two thing right you  know cyber security and sustainable these are very   common with with any CIO that's a priority but for  the third point you know the customer engagement   and satisfaction um this has a different level of  magnitude at smart now the reason why I'm saying   yeah yeah yeah no please please this is super  interesting yeah the reason why I'm seeing um   you know uh the customer satisfaction is one of  the key priority or empowering the customer is   higher priority in SM Sal turn around time and the  customer satisfactions are always tightly coupled   I mean smart Salam is in medical Fitness we are  offering premium medical Fitness service um at   every stage of the customer Journey we are trying  to uh we are ensuring at most satisfaction so I'll   give you some kind of you know statistics um if  you are coming to smart salum for your medical   Fitness if you are a new Visa or let us say if you  are a renewal Visa you are not going to spend more   than 6 minutes in the CL everything is done within  six minutes and your results are ready the next   30 minutes wow I think yeah so if you are a new  entry to the country and if you need like to do   the medical Fitness as a new Visa definitely some  Radiology servic are involved then you might be   taking like 11 to 12 minutes so we have dealing  with minutes we are dealing with seconds so our   idea is to reduce the time as much as possible I  think that that you're bringing this we need to   talk about generative AI we are on it I mean maybe  in maybe in a different conversation we can work   on it we are actively into AI generative Ai and  even on Healthcare AI so I mean there the reason   why we are able to deliver it in 30 minutes right  and when I say reducing turnaround time it's it's   only 30 minutes then then why you want to reduce  no we are working on seconds so what we are trying   to do all the repetitive task are identified and  we are trying to automate or even automated with   RPS and you know we do have even service robots  available whenever you get some time just please   visit smart Salam you will feel now you will see  all our Robotics and our robotic friends there   yph do you think that in the healthcare sector you  know every time I attend panels about Healthcare   and with CIO of course everyone know is talking  about generative AI it looks like the Hot Topic   uh there are a lot of things that are not that  easy like everything sounds beautiful but I know   like the potential is not 100% yet because  you have access to the data of your network   you don't have access to all of the data of the  citizens in in a country within a country I think   that's something that in the you know National  Healthcare System it is something that uh the   countries want to aieve also cyber security of  course we are talking about sensitive data but   the third barrier that in healthcare we have  I will say we will say are doctors because uh   we are seeing a lot of advancements as you say we  are able to treat our patients so fast how doctors   are embracing all of these new technologies do  you struggle sorry do you struggle with this um   see Healthcare is a sector um I should say till  pandemic Healthcare was very resistant to adopt   the Technologies right I know they were the last  one um known for adopting technology healthare   so after pandemic we can see that you know uh  this exponential growth in healthcare sector in   terms of Technology adoption um see if you ask me  generative Ai and the different aspects of AI are   we directly utilizing that healthare as of now  I am not we are I mean see AI is in again in the   infant stage now but there are some know narrow  AI Solutions which are proven like for example   when uh in Radiology interpreting Radiology  images so this kind of AI mostly narrow AI   things are established they are going to help the  doctors and the clinicians to support the patient   Journey right so I normally don't use the term  artificial intelligence I always say collective   intelligence so AI has its own capabilities right  it can do wonders the same way human can also do   wonders at least in the current stage we are in  AI it's infant stage so what we are doing which   we should combine both the capabilities of AI  and the capabilities of human when we combine   it together the collective intelligence what you  are getting that's what I'm using right now so   um um utilizing generative AI straight into the  Health Care Systems and how can we utilize it I   know a lot of resources are going on lot of use  cases are going on we need to just know wait and   watch definitely as you always say AI is going to  replace those who are not going to are not using   AI so I mean remember in AI assembly I hope you  are there in the AI assembly um the minister was   saying you know if you're not using um AI you're  completely finished no absolutely like everyone   has to be there even for you know in media it is  happening as well so exactly exactly uh yes coming   back to your role um what are the top questions  a c should ask before saying yes to a new job wow very good question so let us put this in  a very simple way right so when you are getting   an organization it's it's a two-way communication  right the employer would be asking many questions   to you why they're asking to ensure that  the incoming CIO would be performing well   professionally and would align with the business  and his culture right that's the way they are   asking the question the I me to the candidate  the same way the CEO is going to utilize his   reputation and his experience for sure and he will  be using it to deliver uh you know the expected   things from the employer so it's a promise you are  accepting a lot of responsibility and at the same   time it is risky right because you are coming out  from a comfort zone you are well established you   are a CIO or maybe next to a CIO you are in your  comfort zone you are trying maybe you are going to   accept can you be in the comfort zone as a CIO  uh yeah maybe that's a wrong wording uh but um   yeah that could be a wrong but when I say comfort  zone I mean like you are established yes yes you   established you are established in a role I mean  no role is Comfort definitely yeah that's true I   mean you are established and you trying to make  your next gem so in that case you have to ask a   lot of questions to yourself and to the employer  in terms of a the business B the technology and C   definitely on personal growth perspective as well  like know for a CIO all these three dimensions   like business um technology and definitely  the personal growth I mean all these are very   important all the three dimension in current the  cios are not merely a technology leader right they   are more on business leadership than a technology  leadership so I would say 70% business and 30%   technology that is a CIO or at least 6040 you know  when how the CIO role have changed I always say uh   cios are no longer Tex leaders they are Business  Leaders that's very true that's very true and   you know now caos are increasingly involved in  business decisions and strategy there's no doubt   about it so that's why I was telling cios are  like 70% business and 30% technology i j what   are your priorities for this year um this year as  I told you my priority is one of the priority is   basically the what do you call the cyber security  and the sustainable technology third one as I told   you I really want to make our environment like a  five star retail luxury like Health environment   wow that means I really want to give the luxury  five star atere to our customers and you know and   The Limited around time and again you know I me  actually we didn't complete our question on the   previous role you know what are the question to  be asked it's it's very very you know a lot of   debates were going on what we should ask you know  as a CIO before accepting I really would I mean   maybe from my research and oh again what I did  you know definitely we have to ask a couple of   questions like is it an equal business partner or  the organization is treating it like a department   so or are you maybe if the CIO name is just like  a title and theard M are involved po members are   involved also in the t uh decisions yeah or I mean  see C cannot be treated as a head of IT department   no it's more actually right so that's something  which we need to get from the organization what   kind of perspective the organization has you  know in terms of cios is it going to be like   you know just a technology leader or business  leader that's something very important I know   a couple of inent there are couple of CIO they  rejected their offer you know once they came to   know about you know organization and you know what  sort of approach they give to the cios definitely   we should ask you know about the role itself you  know and the previous CIO so why he lives and what   did they like the most in that CIO right I mean  those kind of questions when you ask I it's not   about asking this I mean it's there is nothing  wrong in that because you are going to take up   a role so you are established and you are going to  come out from that role you are going to read lead   an organization not a department I will never say  a department you are going to lead an organization   it is no more supporting function it is no more  an enabler it is a driving Factor you are going to   drive an organization so you should get all those  kind of commitment most importantly we should ask   hey guys what sort of budget you guys have just  by recruiting a CIO nothing is going to change   CIO needs it its correct tools and resources to  operate right and also you are being recruited   as a CIO to make changes so now the question is  how willing I mean the organization what is your   change management culture what kind of authority  will I have on driving my changes and what kind of   support I'm going to get from the you know other  CC members so I think these are the things which   we definitely should ask I mean I I don't say  maybe in the first meeting no in the forthcoming   session definitely we should get clarity on all  these I think everyone that is watching us can   notice like you have been an IT leader for a long  time you have been in the market for a long time   you are an expert in the healthcare so I think  it is amazing that you are sharing all of this   Insight with with us it will help for sure it  leaders our readers but also it leaders who   working in the healthc care sector Dr Joseph yours  thank you so much for your time it's been amazing   like all your expertise all your knowledge that's  why you were one of the winners in the C 50 Middle   East Awards thank you so much for your time thank  you thank you Andrea thank you thank you so much

2024-02-17 02:10

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