Qoocam 3 Ultra 1-Month Review: Lens Guard, Stabilization & Overheating Fixes + 8K Reframe Tutorial

Qoocam 3 Ultra 1-Month Review: Lens Guard, Stabilization & Overheating Fixes + 8K Reframe Tutorial

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the new king of 360 The Qoocam 3 Ultra just  got even better with some major updates remember   those issue from my original review well they  are history now stabilization issue on drones   and motorbikes gone no lens guard now there's  one that is not only better but also cheaper   overheating issue not anymore it can run in  8K continuously forever and that is just the   tips of the iceberg they have added a true  10bit HLG curve for all your colorist out   there and a LUT generator for those who just  want out the box Vivid color in app or desktop   Studio a new 96 megapixel DNG Timelapse mode  with programmable shutter speed ramping for holy grail day to night   Timelapse at ISO 100 and Milky Way Starlapse a  new exposure clipping indicator for highlight   protection and they even fix the audio level  issue reframing in Qoocam software is a pain   well it still is but don't worry I'm going to  show you how to reframe 8K Ultra footage like   a pro using Insta360 Studio yep the most  powerful free editing software for 360 Framing and   just when you thought it couldn't get any better  I have got some extra to share including sweet   discount code if you miss the early bird price  so strap in and let's dive into this killer new features before we dive in let's talk about Kandao  Qoocam series it's not a household name and if   you have been on internet you have probably seen  some mix opinions when you think of 360 camera   you likely only know one brand right here the  Insta360 great camera like the X4 right here   super popular in the consumer world but if you  move up to the prosumer and even professional level   Kandao is the company create some very interesting  professional grade solution ever watch The Flash   by Warner Brothers and DC Comics starring Ezra  Miller as Barry Allen and Michael Keaton as Batman   in the behind the scenes footage you can spot  Barry stun double wearing a scorpion rig with   a Kandao Qoocam 8K Enterprise attached at the  end that is just one example on how creatively   you can use 360 cameras in Film Production and  Kandao Qoocam is right in the middle of it even they   don't didn't realize it until now because of this  video so if multi-million dollar movie are using   Qoocam for virtual production Kandao is clearly  doing something right they are making something   that professional love and now we have got the  third generation of their Pro level 360 camera   the Qooca 3 Ultra just so you know this is not  a sponsor video I'm going to be brutally honest   in this review so let's start with the biggest  update of all the introduction of the lens guard   just like the Insta360 right here the Qoocam 3  Ultra now support lens guard but unlik the X4 the   purchase of the Qoocam 3 Ultra doesn't include a  free lens guard. It cost you $21.99 sure it's   not free but it's still cheaper than the insta 360 premium lens card now let's compare the image   quality with and without the lens guard spoiler  alert you wouldn't be able to tell the differences   next we are comparing the Qoocam 3 Ultra lens  protector against the premium lens guard and the   standard free lens guard of the Insta360 X4 we will be  testing lens flare and stitching quality when it comes   to flare resistant and lens quality the Qoocam 3  Ultra lens protector is better than the Insta360   X4 honestly the premium lens guard from the X4 is  basically useless don't waste your money on it you   can clearly see the lens reflection right here  on the standard lens guard you don't really see   the reflection but there's pretty bad Vailing flare  that affect the image quality on the other hand   the Qoocam 3 Ultra give you some pretty cinematic  Sun bouquet that is totally usable now let's   talk about stitching they are all pretty bad at it  which is why I never used lens guard for 360 video   but if you absolutely must the premium lens guard  deliver the worst result the Qoocam 3 Ultra right   here once again pull ahead with just a very minor  Distortion so there you have it the new Qoocam 3   Ultra lens protector lens guard is impressive and  a great addition for extra piece of mind and for   the Insta360 stick with the standard lens guard right  here and don't bother with the premium lens guard   since we have got all the camera lined up right  here let's dive into the image quality comparison   one more time wow they all look pretty similar  now what happened well Insta360 X4 recently   have a firmware update that adjust its image  quality right after I released my first Qoocam 3 Ultra review if you are an Insta360 X4 owner  you'll be happy to know that your camera just got   a boost in image quality especially at 8K 30 frame  per second I'm all about fairness here so I got to   give Insta360 a big thumb up for continuously to  improve the image quality of the flagship camera   right here see competition is great for Consumer  my job here is to push all this manufacturer to   do better for you the consumer I serve  you not the camera company so help Kimchi   out by subscribing this Channel and support Fair  evidence-based camera review on YouTube speaking   of kimchi if you really zoom in you will still  see a lot more detail in the Qoocam 3 Ultra but   then we noticed a big issue with the Qoocam in  8 bit regular mode clipping highlights and losing   detail in Auto exposure you can see on the wall  right here if you own the Qoocam 3 Ultra avoid   using 8 bit mode instead shoot in HDR or hlg 10  bit mode and with the current firmware set your   EV to minor one to avoid clipping highlights  write that tips down right now when done right   in post shooting in HDR is like capturing in  mini raw video you can adjust exposure and   highlight situation in your favor eding software  when delivering this in REC709 color space   as you can see here you can't do much with the  Insta360 X4 8K footage but with the Qoocam you   can make adjustment without introducing banding or  compression artifacts and that is the power of   10bit HDR video in action and if you're unsure how  check out my original tutorial right here now if   you look at the video scope you will notice this  time is the X4 that is blowing out the Qoocam 3   in 10 bit dynamic range boost mode has way more  highlight head room than the X4 and same goes with   the Shadows you will also notice the X4 struggle  with high detail area like the tree behind me or   kimchi fur while the Qoocam 3 Ultra handle fine  detail really well to make exposure settings   easier on set Qoocam has introduced a professional  feature usually only found on prosumer camera the   clipping indicator you can turn on right here  this feature is a game changer for nailing the   correct exposure Outdoors especially in 10 bit  HDR mode I wish insta360 had something like this hey what's up everybody so me and kimchi  right now I'm carrying like a baby uh so me and   kimchi right now is outside uh under  the hot Califoria sun and kimchi love to run   around in backyard but what we doing right  now is an overheating test in a real world   scenario so that's what you should do right  using a 360 camera capture outside environment   uh with your loved one right here my love one  right here let you out uh yeah capture he ran away   uh so capture 360 video in the outside under  the sun and then we want to see the camera   which one will be overheat first and then  fail to capture the thing we want so this   is the overhead test so let's see uh we also  have a heat gun right here will give me like   a redar display to see where is the hot coming  out from the camera body and what is the exact temperature message right there a abnormal detective  uh Qoocam still running 25 minutes all   right let me try to roll the camera again  on Insta see can roll it can roll okay   so after overheat Insta can still roll uh  but let's check the temperature hold on a second okay so temperature wise the Insta360 is about 126 it went down a  little bit because it did shut down the Qoocam   is at 126 it went up a little bit 126 uh but it's  it's always under 130 Fahrenheit for the insta uh   sorry for the Qoocam for the insta is going back  up again 129 see if we can get overheat soon again it's shut down right there you see it Insta360 is 137 so when it hit 140 Insta360 just  shut down so even it's down right now is 136 uh   Qoocam is 131 so Insta when it hit 140 Fahrenheit  it just shut down no matter what uh Qoocam still   going so now you get the overheat test so I just  kept the camera rolling until the battery was   completely drained it never stopped recording and  the temperature stay below 140 this is a   professional camera with some professional feature  continuously recording without interruption and it   get even better with the latest firmware update  you can now record your 8K 360 video directly   onto an external SSD via a USBC connection  so if that USBC also provide Power you   have got yourself the best 8K surveillance  camera right off the Box pretty impressive right so in my original review I point out  the jello issue when mounting the Qoocam 3   Ultra on a drone or a motorbike the good new  is they heard our feedback and fix it check   out the before and after on the exact same  360 fpv Drone footage right here as you can   see the Qoocam 3 Ultra stabilization is  now Rock Solid officially making it the new   on the sky I can't wait to land  a job that led us to do some aerial   360 video with the ultra and hey if you got an  opportunity hire us kimchi will be the pilot both the insta360 X4 and Qoocam 3 Ultra  has a video timelapse mode and while they are great   probably good enough for social media sharing if  you want to create impressive 360 timelapse for   the Apple Vision Pro or the Met Quest 3 you will  need something better higher quality and that's   is when Interval photo mode comes in which is what  professional timelapse photographers use while the X4   kind of ignore this entire group of pro level  photographers Qoocam on the other hand does   not with the new firmware update you can now set  the max shutter speed all the way up to 15 seconds   this allow for very low ISO long exposure Timelapse  like this here is a Quick tutorial on how to set up   a day to tonight holy grail 360 timelapse first go  to intervals mode switch to auto mode and set   your target EV I usually like to set it to minor  one EV just to avoid blowing out the highlights   again use the clipping indicator and check your  frame in full 360 next go to the shutter speed   Max setting and set the shutter speed to at least  1 second for capturing this beautiful light trail   you see right here if you want to do Milky Way  starlapse make sure to set it all the way to 15   seconds set it to DNG only to save storage space  and set your interval to 5 second or higher to   give the camera enough time to finish capturing  and saving that 200 megabit dng file and as you   can see here the iso is always at its lowest 100  and here is how this Auto modes work first it let   the shutter speed go up all the way to the max  like 1 second right here and then the iso will   increase to meet the EV requirement if you set  it to minor one EV the iso will always stay at   100 giving you the absolute lowest noise timelapse  that will blows people's mind try out and let's   know the result in the comment section down below  there is one problem if you use an SD card instead   of internal storage and this is actually the  issue with the Insta360 X4 as well the speed of   saving that 96 megapixel dng is not fast enough  on a Micro SD card you can never have two to 3   second interval capture with a 1 second or longer  shutter time well the Qoocam 3 Ultra has a very very   fast internal storage to remove this problem  just don't use the SD card if you need more   than 100 GB of storage since the dng file are Big  around 200 mb per image you can even connect an   external SSD as a storage as you see right here  we have external power and external storage for   longterm capture this is the professional  solution I wish Insta360 X4 can have   the funny thing is the SD car write speed is the  limitation of the X4 8K not really the sensor   ability so I hope the next generation of the 1  RS 1-inch Leica 8K 360 camera will take notes and   finally give us an internal SSD class storage one  more thing I want to mention in term of timelapse   you can reduce the resolution to 8K 24 megapixel  dng and have HDR dynamic range boost timelapse   this give you 14 stop of dynamic range great for  capturing sunrise and sunset make sure you turn   on the Dr boost and see this label right here I  usually prefer higher dynamic range over higher   resolution I can easily fix resolution with Topaz Photo AI but AI cannot fix blow out images   and dynamic range problem that is an extra tip  just for you don't forget to hit the like button   and follow on Instagram as well quick capture was  missing feature on Qoocam 3 but is now available   on Qoocam 3 Ultra in addition the startup time of  Cam 3 Ultra is much faster than the insta360 X4   than to the open AI Android system so even though  the X4 battery lasts way longer the Qoocam 3 Ultra   can be shut down and start up immediately for  quick capture this make it actually more energy   effective than the X4 so don't Focus just on specs  practical use is very important and I am glad   Qoocam 3 Ultra can leverage Smart Energy Management  to overcome it short battery runtime problem   remember when I mentioned the audio clipping  problem in my original review well they have fixed   that by introducing a microphone gang feature  I recommend sticking with the standard setting   but does that mean mean the internal audio is good  now unfortunately no we've gotten another issue Fan   noise take a listen uh so me and kimchi right now  is outside uh under the hot sun under the hot California   sun and kimchi love to run around in backyard  but what we doing right now is an overheating   test yeah it's pretty bad the fan does a great job  to keep the camera cool doing outdoor shooting but   it really mess up your audio fortunately they  have listened to feedback and now they let you to   adjust fan setting just to be aware if you set  it to silent recording the camera will overheat   and shut down so you will have to decide what is  more important to you clean audio or recording limit so the Qoocam mobile app it sucks I never  use it personally but to be fair I don't use   the AI power Insta360 app for reframing  neither all this app solution limit your   output resolution which defeat the home purpose  of having an 8K camera no series Creator use a   mobile phone or even an iPad for reframe they use  a real computer and edit it in 8K I have already   make a very indepth reframing tutorial on DaVinci Resolve  19 which work perfectly with the Qoocam 3 Ultra as   well as the Insta360 X4 you can check it out right  here but if you don't want want to pay for Davnici    Resolve Studio you can use the free and very  very powerful Insta360 Studio to reframe wait   for it, Qoocam 3 Ultra footage ready to save  some money here's how it works first if you   are not familiar with insta 360 Studio here is  the indepth tutorial that covers all the hidden   feature it's one of the best on the internet  and I highly recommend you to check it out to   get Qoocam 3 Ultra footage working in Insta360  Studio you will first need to stitch your   Ultra 8K footage in h265 instead of proRES  that's because Insta360 360 studio just like capcut is an HEVC friendly editor you can still  use ProRes but you wouldn't get a real time   playback now go to Insta360 Studio and create  a new project drag in all your Stitch Qoocam 3   Ultra footage here you can use AI deep tracking  key frame animation velocity between key frame   Insta360 mega View retiming and speed ramping  and even 360 video transition and guess what it   play back in real time on my Mac how cool is that  let's add some text animation to our reframe video   pick a music track and Export it for social media  sharing the reason why I can do research like this   and help you to save money is because my video  unsponsored I can do whatever I want and teach   you the best tool for the job but kimchi and  I can't keep bringing you this cool knowledge   without your support so please subscribe give us  a thumb up and follow us on Instagram and Tik Tok what yep we just use the qoolam 3 Ultra as a  controller to play the latest black myths game   on Steam pretty dope right this isn't just  showing you how powerful the processor are   on the Qoocam 3 Ultra it is also a peak into the  possibilities of a camera that built on an open   Android system remember the RICOH Theta Z1 and the  Theta X right here they also have an open system   that let developers build API for Enterprise  level application like VR live streaming and   first respond capturing well you can do all  that and more on the Qoocam 3 Ultra development   platform we installed the steam link on the  camera to play video game but if you know how   to code you can take it so much further think  virtual tour enterprise level application or remote   camera app for the Meta Quest 3 speaking of VR here's  something important the Qoocam 3 Ultra right here   captures standard 30 Fram per second 8K video  which sync perfectly with the refresh rate of   all VR headset the Insta360 right here on the  other hand use a 29.97 FPS Cinema level standard   great for traditional 2D social media content but  not as ideal for VR just one more example of how   this camera are aiming at an entirely different  audience so don't ask me if you should get this   camera or that camera it really depends on you  your application and your budget they are two   different camera with two entirely different  Focus for example the Qoocam 3 Ultra right here   can capture 4K 60 frame per second per Lens 180 video  and with an upcoming firmware release it will enable    5.7K per Lens 180 video if you grab two of these bad  boys together you can build yourself a 10K VR 180   camera for the Apple Vision Pro with HDR support  for about $1,000 pretty nuts right but you do need   to be a DIY user to figure this out everyone love  saving money right if I could hook you up with a   discount code and a free give for this new camera  I absolutely would but unfortunately this camera   is like flying off the shell because it's just  that good don't worry though I'm doing everything   I can leveraging my YouTube following to negotiate  some deals on your behalf with the resellers and   the manufacturer if I succeed you will find the  discount code in the video description down below   so keep an eyes out on the Pinned comment and the  description there's a lot more tutorial coming   on the Qoocam 3 Ultra including my 10K VR 180 build  live streaming GPS Google Street View capture dng   HDR workflow on Apple Vision Pro on this channel  if you are looking for the full 30 minute indepth   review of the Qoocam 3 Ultra check out this video  right here and for a 360 experience capture with   the Qoocam 3 Ultra check out right here kimchi  and I will see you in the next tutorial ciao

2024-09-06 05:39

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