CERATIZIT - It`s Tool Time - Insight 1 - FreeTurn

CERATIZIT - It`s Tool Time - Insight 1 - FreeTurn

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[Music] [Music] hello everyone and welcome to this serotizid insight i hope that everyone who attended our two time portion of the show has now joined him again and who knows maybe we'll have some viewers who came especially and only for this insight in any case you've all come to the right place because this insight is about nothing less than the revolution in machining of course we are talking about high dynamic turning and the 310 tools of ceratisit and for this topic we have two experts here at cerro tissett brian lawrenson and patrick sovill hello harold so earlier in sarah tizit it's tool time they gave our viewers a very exciting preview and promised deep insights into high dynamic turning with the free turn tools but before i leave the stage and let you begin i have an important hint for all our participants online if you have any questions during our show or are interested in any specific detail please use the live chat function here on this website the chat areas on your right hand side write your questions or comments there spontaneously and receive answers from our experts who are located here in the editorial office within a very short time i hope you have fun let's go hello everyone my name is brian lorenzen on my side is my colleague patrick sobel today's topic is high dynamic turning with free turn tools thank you so much for your participation today we are going to share our incredible new technological development with you which we are certain will revolutionize the turning industry today we're going to show you here directly in front of the machine how to use free turn we will also discuss the advantages of working with free turn and even show some very practical examples even including the programming however to begin for those of you who may not be familiar with high dynamic turning with free turn tools we're going to give a brief introduction about what this technology actually is patrick take it away thank you brian in conventional turning we typically talk about the x z level high dynamic turning moves it to the y set level three turn tools use the y-axis and the milling spindle to create high dynamic turning this video will show you how does it work the tool in this case has an hskt connection and is clamped in controllable milling spindle the center of the insert and the rotation axis of the spindle are in line this is what gives us a tremendous amount of flexibility we are free to change the approach angle at any time either before eve or even during the process let's talk about machines for a second when speaking about high dynamic turning hdt for short we typically speak about machines called multitask a multi-task machine is an all-in-one solution to complete a part in a single setup equipped with automatic tool change these machines are ready for a highly automated production today in our technical center we have a dmg mori ctx beta 1250 tc-4a with free turn you can use the full potential of the machine to significantly improve your turning process getting more productivity out of your machine let's take a look at how free turn tools utilize the full capabilities and benefits of this type of machine free turn is extremely flexible because the angle can be changed during the cut so you can use the tool as you need it you can use it as a left hand tool or as a right hand tool you can use it before spindle center or even behind you're completely free you can use one tool for roughing and for finishing it's all just a quick adjustment of the spindle this flexibility results in a reduction of tools needed which means less tool changes less downtime more positions left in your tool magazine an overall increase in productivity to your process in addition to flexibility freetom tools are very stable very strong as you can hear here see on the example the tools are on all in monoblock design with this design the main cutting forces are directed straight into the milling spindle instead of bending the tool with conventional tooling this can be seen on the blue arrow as a result the cutting process is highly stable with very low vibrations resulting in a great surface finish another benefit i'd like to talk about is chip control the ability to adjust the approach angle during the cut gives you the possibility to ensure really an optimal chip during your cutting process here you can see how it works the pictures are taken on the same bar with the same feed rate and the same cutting speed just by changing the approach angle we receive three totally different chip shapes okay enough theory for the moment let's take a look into the machine and make some chips with free turn now i would like to introduce to you michel aigaer he's our operator for today michel please okay this part we are going to machine is made from the steel 42 chrome mo4 we start with face turning of the component the following first three cuts on the outer diameter we are changing the approach and a couple for each cut the first cut in this case has an approach angle of 80 degree on the slow motion camera now you can see very clearly how the chips are forming with the second cut we use an approach angle of 60 degree again in the slow motion camera you see very well how the chips are forming for the third cut now we are using an approach angle of 40 degree all those three cuts are performed before to spin the center so while you were looking at the video we took some of the chips out of the machine let us take a closer look here on the table simply by adjusting the approach angle we were able to generate completely different chips the ability to so simply change the cutting angle was not possible in conventional turning what is the benefit of this you will achieve a much higher reliability in your machining process using free tone but we are not finished with this component michael can you please continue we go on with static roughing of the first pocket these cuts are performed behind spindle center we go on with the second pocket and we are doing dynamic roughing these cuts are again performed before spindle center without changing the tool demonstrating you how flexible the system is have you noticed the change in the spindle direction so finally let's do some finishing the tool in this case is following the outline of the component now the part is finished we saw free turn machine before and after spindle center we saw static and dynamic roughing and finally profile turning we finished the whole profile in one cut on all those processes we had very good chip control especially in the profile cut all of this using one single tool to show you the difference we prepared the finishing cut with conventional tooling michel please start with conventional tooling we need at least two different tools a left hand tool and a right hand tool we start in this case with the left hand tool to machine most of the profile then we are going to have a tool change to the right hand tool with this holder we finish the 90 degree corner and the radius summarize the conventional machining two holders are required the chip control is not that good and we have a higher cycle time time mainly because of the necessary tool change between the tools and free turn element eliminates this completely now that we've seen some of the advantages of hgt with free turn tools let's talk about programming today we would like to discuss three different programming options available to you the first one is manual programming the second one is machine cycles and the third one finally we'll talk about is cad cam software let's start with manual programming programming directly on the nc control of your machine the tool path is written in din iso code or g-code and the dynamic movement synchronous actions are used on the screen of the machine you see an example the program is done similarly to a standard program of course with some extra commands like a rod to rotate the coordinate system for this programming option we have created a very useful tool we call it our cutting angle compass so this compass helps you to navigate through the programming process to always find the right orientation of the tool so if you're interested in and you would like to try it please ask yourself to sit contact to get one the second option certainly a more comfortable way to work with free turn are so called machine cycles dmg mori offers such a cycle with its own technology called free turn cycle within the cycle the freetown tools are predefined you can choose one out of four in the geometries what are available and with the cycle you're completely free to change the approach angle for every program sequence so and the tool path itself is defined in dniso code or g code as as with the manual programming before so here you see an example on the machine control on the top you see the free turn tool data as one part of the cycle some lines below you see the second part of the cycle with edge selection and tool orientation for the next program sequence followed by the tool path in dneso again this cycle is a very user-friendly way to work with free tone the cycle is available as mentioned for dmg mori machines type ctx and ntx with siemens control a new possibility to work with the machine cycle was recently introduced from the company heidenhein with its cnc pilot 640. the cycle is very easy and it offers full high dynamic turning for roughing and finishing the programming is directly done directly on the machine control in the well-known programming environment of heidenhain so in fact for the machine operator there's no difference if programming free turn or conventional turning it's all the same the control in addition offers also automatic collision avoidance and the 3d simulation of the of the turning process so it's very comfortable on the screen now you see some dialogue windows and simple simulations in the typical heidenhain style in these dialogues next to feed and cutting speed you define the toolpaths with parameters finally you can check the program using the included simulation so for our third and final programming option cad cam software we would like to bring in a special guest allow me to introduce our colleague robert douglas from the company openmind robert will demonstrate the cad cam software hyper mill he's going to present how hyper mill can be used to program high dynamic turning application with free turn tools so robert is going to present us with his hyper mill solution robert please come on in and show us what your software can do hello brian thanks hello robot hello patrick hey nice to see you yeah nice to see you also probably before we go into the tough programming work probably give us some words how open mind the company noticed free turn the tool yes we noticed three turns by an invitation of your r d development uh company in royte in austria so they invited us two years ago to have a look at this new technology you developed in turning tools and we had a look and we saw it and we saw the potential and we've been thrilled uh to be a part of this so since that time we are starting the development and the project for the free turn support of our software so and today you will show us what you have developed within this time within the last two years to work with free turn yes exactly we have a laptop here now so i will open it and we prepared some of this stuff and we can now go on our screen for the audience to have a look at what we are doing okay we are now straight on my laptop so we can see everything i have here we see our part on the screen and i'd like to give you a step-by-step introduction so we start looking at a tool we will look at a simple cycle we will look at a more complex cycle and also then we are looking on the finishing to give the audience an in view about how the programming works and how it is so let's start with the tool here in our tool database we have now the possibility to bring all the typical free turn tools and shapes into our database an important part here in this tool database is the cutting point setup where we can set up the tool for different purpose which is one we can use it in the high dynamic mode and also we can use it in static mode for using it as a normal turning tool where it appears so that is the combination of both technologies in our tool database and i'm showing you now the first cycle which is a simple cycle that we have developed so you can see what is possible so i have now here a simple geometric profile on the screen and i have what we called here sync lines that we are using the cycle for giving the tool the right angle so let's have a look how the cycle works and how it looks first of all here you see the tool and the angle that we are using on the second page you have the information about on what part and what area we are working on that part so it's really simple and straightforward this is an outside we turn to the left we give the user here the ability to define clearance and also some safe distance and now we come to this important part here it shows you the ability of using a synchron line and the number of synchron lines we are used in that part on the last part we are going more for the retract how we approach and how we drive off the part so let's have a look how this cycle looks when we do a simple simulation now we show a simple simulation of that one and we see how the turning tool arrives here use this area here static and on the end it starts from transition from this angle to this angle to be in the position to retract safe okay robert now he showed us how to create a simple tool path yeah but is it possible to change them and and if yes how do i do it yes that is a really good question but because that is really simple and easy changing a tool pass is really a piece of cake so you just have to click for instance on that one you use a command where you say okay i would like to move it i say i like to move it from that part move it to this area so now my transition starts earlier than before so i go on the cycle i just calculate the cycle and you can do the simulation again then i can do the simulation again and you see it reflects already in the tool path now let's do the uh simulation again and let's do it a little bit slower that the viewers also can see what we are doing we can drag this around so we don't have to play it always so by dragging it now you see when we reach this position now the transition starts so the user do not every time has to redefine the whole process it can easily be adapted just by changing the position or changing the angle so that means if the angle here is not appropriate we can easily turn that over change it just recalculate and the job of the programmer in that case is done already okay thank you now i think we go to the next cycle which is the roughing cycle where we use our max turning technology to rough the area on the screen which is a typical hard to machine area because you need to have more tools in a normal turning process okay and now you're showing us how to do it with just one return tool exactly exactly good so please go on okay so we switch off the layers that we have here so i switch on the other ones and we output that one so this is the cycle we already calculated so let's have a look at the cycle if we see that the difference so all the user interface is all the same over all the cycles some typical variations in it but the build up and the setup is always the same so you follow the rule you start here you have your turning tool which we like to use you have your profile selected so as we see here we have used a setup for an offset profile so we want to leave material on the part for the finishing process we also have here the strategy it's also outside safe areas and approach models and here also as you see here we have synchron lines what you notice now on the screen patrick here we have only two lines that are defining our angles okay which will guide the tool for the machining and so the rest of the machining the rest of the cuts are defined automatically these are done automatically and we are using our high performance strategy which is called max turning which is a cycle that really is developed for high-speed cutting which also have some unique features in it to be really smooth in the cutting and in in the process the tool is handled can you explain us a little bit in detail what are the what is the unique on the max turning cycles what are the advantages yeah the advantage is here that the cycle always look for not overlooking and overloading the tool when we zoom in here you notice a little bit here these approach angles here on a typical turning we always retract in a 45 degree angle and approach again our max turning cycle here use a completely different method to have a safe and soft approach into the material okay which is a benefit for the cutting edge and also the creation of the tool path then it's much faster okay so we can use much higher feed rates because we have a safe approach and a soft approach into it and not a push into the material which will make a real big difference in the cutting gun when we see it on the machine cutting so summarized it is really a smooth technology to have smooth cuts exactly so i would suggest we go into a machine simulation to have a look on how the material now is removed so you will see now this soft entrance here and as you see the tool has on the beginning the angle we have chosen here and now i make it a little bit faster and it automatically the transition is automatically to the other side and here the soft entrance also on the end which you see here in in these corners or for instance on that corner now it is always soft and the benefit is our cutting edges will be maintained and can work much longer okay on cutting in that part so this is a really nice technology and we can speed it up a little bit more so as we see here it moves also zigzag most of the cycles in the machines are working in one direction and we have also the time benefit then when we move zig zag we save a lot of time because we do not use so much fresh air cutting as we call it this is a real benefit for the user as well so the cutting time is optimized and it is the maximum shortest time how to remove the material yeah and if i see it right we use the left hand edge and the right hand edge so this is a benefit for the tool life at all exactly because then the tool where is you not only have to change your inset because your left edge is gone it's also always used left to right side so it is a optimized usage and from my point of view it's also a benefit because you can use it much longer double the time yeah normally okay now we are going to the finishing cycle to show you what is possible on a complex finishing cycle profile and as you see here patrick we also have all those lines now on the screen these lines are also used for the angle so let's have a look on the cycle how it behaves when he finish that profile so you see it starts here it follows that profile it turns over it always the engineer who's cutting that profile has the freedom to use the best approach angle on his given profile to be able to get the best cutting results as you have shown on the chips before so he's able to really drive his approach angle to the point where he needs it he's changing the angle with the zinc lines you mentioned and is he free to add free number of sync lines or is this limited no there is no limit it is the same working process that we have seen on the first cycle which is a simple class yeah it is here the same process if you want to change an angle you change the angle you move the uh you can add lines so show you in the software here when you go to the to the sync lines now we have used nine lines so whenever you like to edit you can have a new selection or you can have an edit section okay that means so if you if you see okay there's a need to change the angle again you just put a line in that place bring it into the calculation calculate the cycle and here we we go and we have the new angle in the cycle and it's automatically used for the calculation and for the tool path okay so that is the complete process at the end i would say we can start before we go to the machine a complete simulation very good we see what we have done in our complete program so we start the simulation i now change it so it looks more what people on a turning machine would like to see and we start the simulation so we did all the cuts here that we have seen in your videos and here we see how he's turning here now we see also multiple so we have okay statics we have dynamics dynamics and now we we think this is called what we use high dynamics because we are doing the max turning with the high dynamic tool which is able to use high dynamics so it's a perfect combination from our side also using that tool technology and this dynamic cutting method yeah to cut parts like this so we can also speed it up a little bit and this is what you can see before you go on a machine you can verify everything in the end we will see there will be a notice okay that we have no collisions in our part it is safe to bring the part to the machine and we've done everything that's the finishing now so we see okay we have removed all the material here is the check okay so this min now the simulation for me it looks fine yes so are you satisfied with the simulation yes i am satisfied i think that that's what we can do now we go for getting our program ready to machine so we do a post run to get our nc code to get our nc code and to be ready to bring it on the machine so you can use one or you can use the whole package so now i just have to click on generate nc file now you see it tells me that is the one so i can also double click here and then i can direct here straight go to my program and put it on here's usb drive i can put it on a network drive so we can access it directly from the machine oh we are ready to go okay thank you robert for showing us how easy it is in high permit to program free turn thank you patrick for having me here on the stage you're welcome thank you so robert is now leaving the stage and now we're going to run the part robert showed us the programming we run it directly on the machine so as you see misha is back on the machine and he starts we start with face turning using the cutting edge number one then we move on with cutting edge number two for straight turning of the outer diameter we start the cut as we've seen before in the programming of robot with static moving of the edge and at the end we are changing the approach angle from flat to 90 degree we go on with machining the front diameter first cut static to pre-machine the chamfer you see now to go on with dynamic roughing of the front diameter you see here very nice the movement of the tool again we start with a flat approach to go on and make a 90 degree shoulder now we go on with the dynamic roughing of the pocket using edge number three on the screen you may have noticed the graph of tool scope the digital process monitoring system the graph shows the torque on the spindle what you see now on the screen or on the on the um on the machining is the nice movement of the tool as we have described it before with the max turning cycle in hyper mill so at the corner of the cut we have really nice smooth entrance to the component and then we are turning from the left hand tool to right hand tool use both sides of the edge to yeah finally to have also good tool life with free turn okay the main roughing job is done now we go to cut out the pockets in between to clean out the corners again roughing one more pocket so finally we do the finishing of the front diameter include including a clearance or an undercut then we do finishing of the profile the whole profile in just one cut again you see the nice movement of the tool as we showed before in this machine in the simulation in hyper mill so okay now the part is finished michel on the machine will now measure the diameter in front to do a correction of one millimeter okay now the diameter mission measured is 49.64 now misha is going to do a correction in the machine and we machine again and machine and measure again the studs okay misha will now again measure the part with the finished diameter so can you tell me please meter diameter 48 65 so now we have diameter 48 65 what is more or less exactly the one millimeter less than before so you see with return we can also do a web compensation dimension compensation as with typical other tools so no problem okay after some machining we say welcome back brian to our machine so hello brian hi patrick thank you very much so we have now just talked about three different programming alternatives you have for free turn patrick what is your preferred way i think there's not one preferred solution the the best option for you as the user of free term is always depending on your environment in your production so now that we've talked about the programming options the next thing we're going to discuss is a success story an actual use case where free turn was utilized in the manufacturing of a rebar tool we have here the re-board tool right in front of us this part was manufactured using free turn and is been an incredible success we're going to look in detail at the information regarding this particular manufacturing process during roughing of this part we pushed the cutting speed by 77 to 0.48 millimeters per revolution this was possible by using a relatively flat approach angle of 30 to 60 degree the chip removal rate was almost doubled to more than 400 cubic centimeter per minute so on finishing with the very effective coolant supply we could increase the cutting speed to 400 meters per minute was quite high the big advantage gained on this point was the ability with free turn to machine the whole profile in just one cut so without interruption this saved us a lot of time to give an overview in total the number of turning tools could be reduced from three to one the machining time was reduced by 46 percent to two minutes uh 2.7 minutes as well as the costs was decreased by 46 percent and we saved a lot of energy in my opinion this execution could easily be called major success wow patrick what a major improvement this is uh really demonstrating well how a production process can be improved by implementing high dynamic turning with free turn tools if you'd like to read some more details and see an incredibly cool image video about this particular success story please check out our website cuttingtools.sarahtisit.com

there you can find even more details about this particular execution so patrick can we achieve this type of success in all applications every application is different what i'm sure about is with return we can improve your production process so test us out and send us your request for free turn contact your sarah dc representative or send us an email free turn at sarah digit.com okay let's talk a little bit about the product range itself free turn is not the future of turning it's the present it's the now uh right now we're currently offering four different inserts for machining steel stainless steel non-ferrous material the tool holders are available in hskt as well as psc connections everything on stock and available immediately test out the potential improvement to your production and join the free turn revolution thanks a lot brian and many thanks also to all other people involved whom i would like to ask here once again before the camera thanks to patrick sobel for the detailed insights into high dynamic turning and the three turn tools of course and thanks to robert douglas introducing free turn to hyper mill and last but not least thanks to our operator michelle aiga who had such a good handle on the machine and many thanks also to all interested professionals on your computers and mobile devices who followed us here and asked their questions in the live chat we hope that we were able to answer them directly and live for further questions we will provide the requested information later so should you have any questions for our experts after this insight please use the contact form here on this platform the contact person of your choice will then get in touch with you as soon as possible i wish you a pleasant day and i'm really looking forward to seeing you again when it's time to say sarah tisit it's tool time until then stay healthy and take care [Music] [Music] you

2021-01-19 16:48

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