CEO of Zeniq Technologies, Erwin Dokter talks about latest developments and new partners for company

CEO of Zeniq Technologies, Erwin Dokter talks about latest developments and new partners for company

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hey guys what's happening in vitajin is here and i have such a privilege and pleasure to welcome irvine doctor the ceo and founder of a revolutionary blockchain called zeniq i'm so happy and so excited you're here how are you doing thanks i'm doing amazing i'm really happy to be here and yeah i i cannot wait to share some news with you guys absolutely so you know i got very very excited about all the possibilities that zinic is offering to the world right now and innovative you know because when i saw the the next wave of crypto which is the tokenization market and the world economic forum is predicting a 24 trillion dollar market we can tokenize real estate art intellectual property all kinds of things you know nft is exploding right now and like and you are doing something that nobody else has actually done before and uh the the momentum is going so big your guys are growing so fast you know it's hard to keep up so i want to share with you guys you know what all this buzz is all about and how you can really take advantage of this huge opportunity to to this train that is moving so fast with uh tokenization and uh what these guys are doing is is really unique so uh i'd like to start with a little bit of background you know how this this whole project zinique was born in your head you know how did you like envision it in the beginning like hey i'm i want to do something revolutionary how did it start for you yeah thanks for the nice intro and uh yeah yeah i mean the whole idea started in in 2018 and uh um it's it's always in some projects uh having a nice glass of red wine and discussing about the future uh what could be you know the the next thing and uh yeah and one of my best friends is coming from my team since 2010 he's in in blockchain and um at first he didn't take a crypto seriously and even seriously it was um you know if you have some friends uh they are friends they are not business partners and it's always a different approach when you're talking with them and you're not taking them serious what they are doing you're going out having some fun but uh in 2016 i got really interesting in the whole blockchain and crypto market so i i really asked him a little bit more in detail so what is behind it it's real uh what is the idea how the whole thing was born and i i was lucky the the person that uh i found somebody who had a real knowledge in this area and this is it was so hard in 2016 there was millions of youtubers everybody was an expert in crypto i know right but nobody had the real the real knowledge yeah yeah and uh and so it was great for me to have really this experience guy who was actually actually in the space and building like know the blockchain inside and out exactly exactly and uh and and from this on um i was um getting more and more involved than i realized actually what possibilities this technology is bringing for us people say once in crypto you learn about it yes it's forever yeah yeah yeah i mean it was amazing when i realized what possibilities do we have and uh and uh so in in 2018 sitting uh uh with this glass of red wine and he told me look i have an idea let's build a decentralized exchange in a way that nobody did before the way that nobody and this was the hook this was the book when he said this sentence that i said okay wow uh what do we need and uh and i i was coming actually from totally different environment and i i knew you can bring the skill sets that you already have built like organizing things and exactly exactly and uh and and and to build up the the the team and and the resources that we need to realize this project this was my duty and i know that we were really strong in the development side and the blockchain side but we needed to set up the team you know you need marketing you need hr you need so many different things that uh to to set up a a big company yeah and and during this journey i mean we did a few really good things of course we are humans we are perfect but uh we are learning and and uh i think for the for the future there's a huge potential in all these areas and uh and uh when we started to develop this uh starting the idea from a decentralized action with the device going then to a model how this will work a business model a collaboration with different distribution partners and then in the end to say okay we're building a second layer uh to set up the cynic smart chain to do smart contracts to enter the tokenization to enter the nft market i mean just to do this step this is revolutionary i think in the beginning 2018 you didn't think about all of those different possibilities nft market delays not at all i mean you heard about it but it was not in in our target area but during the the whole development the move to dubai dubai is like a crazy area where you see so many people so many ideas so many entrepreneurs and it's growing so fast and then you said okay look uh what possibilities do we have all these digital art artists are living in dubai like the biggest ones and and then we said it's a non-brainer to enter this market and to start to work on these areas in the tokenization in the nft market and this was actually one of the the reasons why uh uh site from the maktoon family jumped in the program because they said whoa this sounds interesting that's a real asset which is which is backed you know by a token and you said okay i want to be part of it and this this is the first time when you see here we have a token and it's backed by a real asset and it's regulated and accepted by the region and uh and you're talking about here in dubai uh people that are are part of the the family here the royal family they got interested and essentially i said exactly we want to be a part of this yes it sounds very good very cool i want to support you guys now if you know uh what is the focus of of dubai and the uae there is a clear goal that they want to enter in the blockchain market and they want to put like say over 50 of all the companies on blockchain in the next few years i mean it's a very sophisticated goal but uh i mean they're pushing really hard and they did like really top regulations already in abu dhabi and adgm they are focusing now on on dubai in the difc and they're pushing really hard and i think they they will have in the next few years like the blockchain hub maybe in the world wow wow so zunig has a unique blockchain right there's coins and there are tokens coins have your own blockchain like bitcoin like ethereum so you build your own thing yeah which is super fast right like 50 000 transactions per second i mean this is possible yeah i mean we have to yeah of course but uh i mean if you know visa and mastercard they're doing 20 000 transactions and you know how big they are yeah so uh of course the the goal is to to to have a product which will be usable also in the next few years uh i mean bitcoin we know seven transactions per second at therian is 27 per second i mean they are really struggling and and in for the future if you want to survive you need these transactions you need the speed yeah and that's why you know it will be a game changer in the future i mean not now but it's becoming a big topic now in the next few months in the years and uh of course if you're a digital artist and you are having a blockchain which is very slow and costs a lot of money i mean you don't care if it's ethereum or of a bitcoin or whatever you will search for the best and fastest and safest solution and then you will go for it yeah right people today in crypto they they see so many different uh blockchains and projects and everybody say we're fast we're this how do you see is unique blockchain and and and what you are doing as unique that nobody else is doing yeah i think it started with the idea of the device because uh our decentralized action is running on the device yeah and it's connecting peer-to-peer with all the other cine cups that we have on the market and um this gives you a lot of uh freedom because you are not connected to to a website or you are not uh struggling because you have just one blockchain like uni swap is just an ethereum blockchain pancake swap just on the binance smart chain uh you have all tokens all kinds all blockchain decentralized on a device in your device and you're the owner and have all the tokens you can store there exactly exchange all kinds of assets yeah and i think this is already a big game changer and in the future uh there is coming a lot of different tools with the scenic smart chain we will have a scenic swap similar like uni swap also for all the tokens and the tokenization projects that we will have in the future and i think that that we are building the ecosystem where you have everything included you know and uh i think this is the the the new and the big thing that we can reach yeah yeah i was in the event obviously we did a huge event here in dubai uh i wish you guys were here whereas like all kinds of countries were there from around the world and uh quite quite some announcements you did yeah yeah uh one one is there was a huge private jet company in the way building a huge ecosystem and they said you know what what we're building our token on the other platform we are going to move to the next smart chain and that was exciting to see and this is just the beginning can you can you tell a little bit more about that that's exciting yeah it's a company it's called avignok avenok and uh they are on the terran blockchain and i mean it's a austrian company it's a private jet industry 13 billion a year industry yes they want to tap into yeah yeah now that i mean that in general a lot of people they don't know a lot about this private jet industry but uh for example one one topic uh seventy percent of all the private jets are flying empty seventy percent i mean it's crazy i imagine if you have the opportunity if you miss your emirates flight or lufthansa flight or whatever to say okay i go in the air there is a private chat who is flying also to germany austria or whatever and it costs nearly the same boom booked one click be with the tokens stop in the private chat and you're flying crypto private jets exactly and and i think this is this is really just one of the reasons why this company will succeed and uh and we want to build actually for this company the highway so that they can really speed up on the highway you're supporting them you know the ecosystem customers they'll be in your app in the scenic apps or it's already already right oh it's already integrated of course taking yes there are a lot of possibilities that we are working on and avenok is one of the companies who trusted or have trust in us and uh then you have to tupan which is the amazonas yes um tupan is another uh project that we are working they are tokenizing the amazonas so totally tokenizing i read their white paper it's like seven times the size of singapore they have the place there exactly yeah now super crazy project uh super experienced guy uh mr uh ferrani odely and partnerships yes and i i this is just the beginning these are two projects that we announced there are shifting to our uh cynics marching and there will be a lot of new projects who will also come to us and uh we are trying to provide you know the perfect and best ecosystem we can do so that uh in the future hopefully much much more companies are coming we're working on different partnerships and uh a lot of announcements will come soon that's great so i know uh the numbers are crazy right now we we sold how over a hundred thousand hubs right now is it milestone yeah yeah it's crazy yeah so we were having this conversation that you know if you are one of those um 500 000 first devices if you actually bought one of which right now you have the opportunity to we're still early on in the game that you're being lucky the lucky one in the next couple years yeah hopefully this will be uh one one special day ah you were one of the guys supported this this scenic one hop i did i did and you're like you are the one you are you are the you're part of the lucky lucky club no no we we passed uh um i think a few days ago over 300 000 people who believe in us so far and i think we're still growing and i hope that uh we will grow even more and for me that was a couple days ago yeah 300 000 years yes yes and uh as we said before i mean we are still in the beginning from what we can reach and i think 2020 will be a very important year for us where we really want to show the people uh what we can deliver what what do you think will happen 2022 like uh give us a rough idea rough idea i think it's for us it's um the year where uh we really want uh to showcase what we are able to do um not just uh on on one area i think in different areas starting from tokenization nft market how we are developing different things how this marching is working how the exchange is working how scenic swap is working i mean there are a lot of things that are really close to be launched or to be started and that's why 2022 will be like uh the year of truth for us and uh to show the world that what what we are able to do i know that you like have so much dedication to to this project you know yeah you are like a fighter you know if you if you take something like you can scale it to the moon you already proved to yourself so i know everything you touch it turns to gold and uh i'm so glad you're now working on your own thing and uh like making it a beautiful uh big masterpiece that is that is changing lives yeah it's already changed so many lives and we are so early on in this in this game yeah i mean uh for me especially in the event that we had a few weeks ago uh i was speaking with people from nigeria and uh and they they it was crazy because i you know they were telling me ah this and this and you cannot imagine what you did already for the community and i mean you hear this a lot of times but when you see a guy who is starting to cry and he's watching and you tell them uh all okay and he said like you're saving lives in nigeria and i like come on and he said no it's no joke there are people who are buying this kneecap and they are minting they are meeting senicoins and there is another guy in their market in a supermarket to have an app he is downloading the app and he is paying them with the knee coins to this guy and he's buying breads for his family oh really this is no joke he's fine he's paying with the nick no he's going there with the app and transferring them coins you know and he's running from one to another from one app to the other area and and and this is like crazy because he's buying like food you know for his family and and this was like for me like shocking and somehow in the moment because i mean you're in a different world and then he's saying like people are minting the coins and then they go for shopping and they're buying food for the family with this yeah and then you're rethinking everything and it's crazy actually and i i was surprised and uh and you already have some partnership directly in austria that uh exactly people can actually take the the zenith coin go and go shopping yeah yeah so i mean it's it's uh so far it's not activated but uh everything is some place we got already the improvement and it will be now in the next um two three weeks latest end of november we will have the official activation we will of course do a nice video from the first customer who will buy something with the nik coin in the future and we will have a lot of different merchants who can accept uh coins officially and you can pay in austria then with any coins do you plan to expand beyond austria of course we are planning of course we are planning but uh i mean first you need a lot of regulations uh license uh of all this um in in different countries because each country is a little bit different uh but we're looking for partners to develop this system in other countries also maybe in dubai that we are talking already but uh but yeah we are working on that and also the atms in austria you can withdrawal dancing coins uh against euros in austria go to atm and put the new coins there take euros from the atm yes it's also possible end of november then yeah oh wow wow wow uh what can you say about um like real estate like a building or something like that um is something like that already in place or is this future we're talking about um i mean to tokenize uh real estate it's not something that's never done so there are already companies who are doing it so it's nothing new but uh there are still let's say um it's still a process in different countries to get the right regulations so there are a lot of countries that didn't even have a regulation to do this yeah also if you are capable if you have the right technology if you have the right lawyers if the country is not ready you cannot do it and so you need to look for the right uh let's say environment and the right the regulations and the right team to do it yeah and then if you have this already done uh then you can start to tokenize different projects yeah and then you can enter for example in real estate where you said okay you have a building of 100 million euros you do 100 million tokens and then you have different models you can do of one apartment you can do an nfv of one apartment or you can say one apartment have eight tokens for example if you have the eight tokens you own one apartment and then in total the whole building is 100 tokens for example yeah okay and so you can create different models you have to do to economics you have to do like a kind of business plan that it's working for because uh the project itself needs to make sense because i can also tokenize the chair but nobody will buy it yeah right so it should be big enough exactly it first it has to be bigger but it needs to make sense you know if i'm tokenizing a chair which is done by an artist who is like super creative and it's really something special ah then it's interesting because then there's a real value behind it so yeah you need to evaluate uh like in real life if the project makes sense and if you can make money out of it or not do you plan to tokenize real estate of course of course we are planning the token not just real estate art different so really you can tokenize actually everything yeah and uh and what we realized like a marketplace yeah well what we realized during this this journey now the the last half year of of planning everything uh is that um there are too many people and too many companies who want tokenize different things and that this is maybe not the way that we want to go so we changed a little bit the strategy and we're focusing now until end of the year to have at least five super strong partners who have millions of different clients to work with them and to tokenize with them or through them yeah and so that we can offer them the infrastructure the service the lawyer the regulations the whole package and they are actually educating a team that they are doing the tokenization blockchain of course yeah yeah so i i can imagine that each one of these tokenization projects can increase the value of the nic because it's more use case it's more of course building more value on the blockchain exactly yeah but you know can we reach a point when we have you know 100 200 tokens on this unique blockchain or maybe more is that a possibility what do you mean like each tokenization project is its own uh on this on this unique smart chain has its own token yes right yes so can we have like 200 of this in the future we can have one million of this there is no limit because each project is their own token yeah they can be real estate token one real estate token two real estate token three and uh i mean 20 we will have uh most probably in the first months yeah not even we will have even more and uh so there there is no limit and you can produce as many tokens it's like ethereum has all these tokens built on ethereum and it at the end of the day increase the value of ethereum because developers went okay i can go and build something on ethereum because they develop some standards that is easy to do so you plan to do the same like standard but for tokenization so people say okay i want to tokenize something where can i go okay i go to zunic they already have everything yeah yeah exactly so the goal is um to build let's say a similar infrastructure so that people can say okay ah look i i have the infrastructure also on ethereum or in the nic but scenic is faster and cheaper so uh why i go to ethereum then and and so this is the gold but of course i mean they don't have so many developers so many people who are working on this blockchain so i mean of course they have a certain advantage but we need at least to have a similar infrastructure so that people realize wow actually better work on this blockchain to develop hear the things because they long term i mean it's always a matter of how fast and how cheap you are yeah i know i know and it seems like you are the first to market and into this type of uh like standard standardizing the tokenization industry as a whole it's like pioneers in a sense kind of i mean there are already companies you know who are doing that but maybe not a specific blockchain who is focusing so detailed on this and and who can still adjust and do certain things you know and uh i mean in in the end all the people who are jumping now on on tokens on crypto on blockchain they're all pioneers we're a small percentage of people who realize the potential and the opportunity that we have you know in five years everybody will maybe use it yeah but but now we are still a small percentage and i think we are all pioneers still in this field and so i'm happy for everybody who is asking and who is actually getting uh the education to know more about it so right now the main product that you have is this hub is to buy a hub right that's the main thing and and buying a hub right now you can mint coins you can means in coins for like 20 years yes yes so um the blockchain started in in february 2020 and uh so it will have 20 years of uh of production and that you will have so until 2040 it's it will produce coins yeah and then what or is too long no i mean and then what and then i hopefully the coin will have a certain amount of value and then for each uh half coin or or less that you're producing you're very happy because this is more than the salary that you can work on right right right yeah it's it's a long time frame 20 years but you can produce coins right now mint them in the blockchain every single day and every time somebody buys a hub or a series of hubs which you call a minting farm there's in place a team that is the moment somebody buys they plug in like it starts minting exactly exactly you don't have to wait until the hub is delivered you're buying as soon as you're buying the activation is immediately starting and then you're producing already coins so that you are not losing anything yeah and i think that is designed this way every year so it will produce like 50 less coins gradually yeah and the more sales of the of the hubs and the more time pass will gradually it will produce a little less coin so the sooner you buy the hub the better it is exactly your fridge is more correct yeah yeah so so we have actually two half halvings that one is the time half thing as you explained you know it's approximately every year uh actually it's not the process exactly every year 50 less but not on a date like bitcoin like the bitcoin halving it it's actually every day a little bit less until next year at the same time where it's 50 percent yeah and and then you have the sales halving which is directly connected to the sales yeah every 1000 pieces you are now producing uh 2 less on the coins yeah every thousand more two percent less every thousand more two percent less yeah and uh so this is going until 100 000 and then it's one percent less and then other again fifty thousand it's hundred fifty thousand and it's a half percent less and so it's it's going every 50 000 is a chunk for every thousand but every 50 and then every thousand it goes less than percentages but it cannot exceed more than 50 percent in a year on the time halving that it decreased so it's a mix it's a mix of both so it's fifty percent and the sales having included so it can be more actually than zero yes yes depending on on the sales helping actually directly so yeah it's a it's not a good idea to sell right now we're in the very early stages if if so to buy right so it's it's a very unique concept and at the end of the day you want a lot of users you want millions and millions of users yeah yeah that's the goal yeah i mean in the end the the biggest value of of a project like this is the community and uh in the the stronger and bigger the community is the the the more you can do you know and uh and i think we we started i mean a little bit more than one year ago you know to focus with the launch and everything and i mean 300 000 it's already something you know it's not nothing right and of course this is still the beginning we know and we have a long long journey in front of us but uh yeah i mean if we reach on the 5 million the 10 million or even more these are already big numbers and these numbers are helping us i mean you have thousands of of different exchanges yeah we are starting with a community of 300 thousand people who will trade on our exchange yeah i mean show me show me an exchange who starts with three hundred thousand uh customers it's not existing right right it's not existing you first build the community then you launch the decks yeah so in this is not existing this is one thing we didn't tell you yet is that every coin holder of zinique is actually participating in the distribution of profits of this uh decks that is coming 100 they are profiting on this and this is a so because it's decentralized you know we wanted to include really the whole community so that everybody is making profit out of it and and sees the concept and it's totally transparent because it's all on the blockchain there is no cheating no keeping no freezing all this all the more coins you have the more profits you're going to get exactly from the it's called the decentralized autonomous organization the dao yeah right so it's distributors like automatically in this decentralized way yes it kind of yeah so so um a way how it's working a little bit it's that for example when you're doing a trade you get this fee that you have to pay for each trade when you're changing bitcoin to ethereum or whatever and this fee is used to buy scenic coins yeah it's not staying with the company it's immediately buying the knee coins and the sneak coins afterwards directly are destroyed that means that the total supply is getting less and through the consent coin the the the the the value of the coin is going up so it's it's a very very strong model which uh will help the company that's what you mean by distribution like the the the the buying of the nick and burn in it yes exactly exactly through which the coin value exactly exactly how it works exactly i don't want to explain because uh there is uh yeah it's very technical and uh and uh i mean we still have a little bit of time we will announce this uh exchange in uh q1 latest and uh the quarter two uh in 2022 and uh but until then um you will have the the whole white paper how it works but uh but this is already a thesis so you can imagine in which direction the coin and the whole model can go that's very unique i have not seen such a model that is existing right now so it'll be interesting to see how it imp implements and you know you have you're combining so many different things into one project from from decentralized exchange tokenization you know all of these things it's really something unique i would say yeah i mean some people will say sophisticated but i mean when you start to do such approaching and you have really amazing people behind you know with a lot of experience you see that a lot of things sounds maybe so much different or so complicated but sometimes ah if i do this and this i can integrate this and this and i have again this amount of tools and and so a lot of things are connected and and i think you will see especially in the year 2022 that everything what we are doing is somehow connected and it's helping the whole environment to grow and i i i think on this on this point so that's why next year will be the year for us uh where people will see wow this is connected with this and i can do this and and a lot of dots will will make sense then that maybe now the people don't understand or also they don't know right but then next year it will be clear yeah bit by bit and next year because i know you're not going to stop just next year no of course not but um let's say they're um it's a so fast moving in environment the whole crypto blockchain market that uh i mean of course we are trying to do three year five year plan but already one year is so packed with so much stuff you know that uh also already 2022 it's crazy and i cannot even tell what we are still working on and uh so some some things we need to keep for a secret exactly so people can anticipate yeah yeah that's what i like you know a long-term project you know that people can be part of be proud of and say i belong here i like it i love it i want to share about it and build something for a long term create a legacy you know people want to have a legacy for their kids they they want to have something like they say okay i missed a bitcoin already mining bitcoin is is right now maybe too late for me it's so expensive but you can win the new coins right now which is super early on and uh it's totally different you know we are and and decentralization here is built in um was a thought because it's not like being minted at just one place it's distributed it's distributing different locations around the world so um that's really crazy you know i'm i'm really happy that uh first of all you're here you're in dubai you know uh and and and you are just non-stop working on this building this bringing the right people and all of this i know it takes a lot of work so thank you so much for that that's incredible and um for all of you guys who are already part of this amazing community there is a lot to expect there is a lot that is coming so that's exciting and for those of you guys who are still not in check it out guys you know it's literally free to register you can see inside you can you can watch some videos you can um you know you can see how it how it works on the inside and see for yourself it's working it's it's incredible and you can take advantage of this opportunity for to meet coins right now for yourself and um to to spread the message and help build the community and uh you can be amazingly rewarded for that you know i i've seen some numbers and what some people have done it's it's incredible and you already some raise some bonuses that was something that uh for the most ambitious of you guys there is room for everyone to grow in in this community right of course so uh anything uh last you want to say to everyone about uh zenik um i mean something that uh it's maybe maybe important also that although that we are growing quite fast and we reached in let's say in the last year really a lot of things and we developed a lot of ideas and things we are still a startup you don't have to forget because people are now comparing us directly with aetherium or with bitcoin i mean these guys are already a little bit longer in the market and i have already a bigger community so of of course this is the goal and we want to be compared with them but we're we are still starting we are in our early stage and uh and so we are also humans we are not perfect but uh one one thing i want to mention which is very important that uh i will do everything to to succeed in this project and uh you know me now a little bit and i was stream professional yeah so there is uh uh kind of a focus that i was uh really uh pushed through my whole life right now right when you have a goal you have a focus you're like man i'm i'm going for it i'm going for it oh and i'm i i think we have a great team and i'm really looking forward for the next few years i know i it's challenging but you know you you are [Music] i don't know it's like building this this this team building the right people you know i've met a lot of uh you guys people in the event and all of them are incredible people on the team yeah committed dedicated and like full on board so um yeah very exciting guys if you if you want to learn how to participate all the information just reach out there is going to be some info somewhere around this video so just check it out register and get started we are still early on in this game so thank you so much airwing doctor i appreciate you so much and i'll see you guys that was incredible

2021-11-13 05:21

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