APOLLO 11 - TRUTH PROJECT 2018 NASA Secrets & Destroyed Moon Technology

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You, Forbes join. The search. You. I'd go to the moon in a, nanosecond. The. Problem is we don't have the technology, to do that anymore we used to but, we. Destroyed. That technology. And it's. A painful process to, build it back again we are headed 3,600. Miles above, Earth. 15. Times higher from the planet than the International Space Station. As. We get further away from Earth we'll pass through the Van Allen belts an area, of dangerous, radiation. Radiation. Like this can harm the guidance systems onboard computers, or other electronics, on Orion, naturally. We have to pass through this danger zone twice once. Up and once, back. But. Orion has protection. Shielding. Will be put to the test as the vehicle cuts through the waves of radiation, sensors. Aboard will record radiation, levels for scientists, to study we. Must solve these challenges before we send people through this region of space sensors. Aboard will record radiation, levels for scientists, to study we. Must solve these challenges before we sent people through this region of space and, what. Comes after, the International, Space Station, once its mission is over how, do we ensure the present, of humans, in space. Well. That's a great question. The plan. That nASA has is, to, build. A rocket called SLS, which is a heavy lift rocket it's, something that is that is much bigger than what we have today and it, will be able to launch the Orion capsule with, humans, on board as well, as Landers. Or other, components. To the. Destinations. Beyond Earth orbit right now we. Only can, fly in Earth orbit that's the farthest that we can go and this new system that we're building is going to allow us to go beyond and hopefully. Take humans into the solar system to explore, so the, moon Mars asteroids. There's a lot of destinations, that we could go to and, we're, building these building. Block components, in order to allow us to do that eventually the. Technologies. That we're testing out on space station are definitely, helping us with our goals of going, beyond low-earth orbit, so we have a really robust, exploration. Program at NASA and here's. A quick look at the technology, that we used to, make it to the moon here's. An image of the command, module, being, rescued, in the ocean, this. Made it to the moon and through, the Van Allen belt and back, to earth here's. Video of a command module taking. Off from the moon.

Here. Are some images I downloaded. From NASA's website showing. The module and a close-up, of the, technology, that we sent, to the moon. So. Yeah I was, surprised to hear about the Van Allen belt because we, went to the moon nine. Times and sent 12 men during, the Apollo missions from December, of 1968. To, December, of 1972. Apparently, NASA, lost the tapes that recorded, data of the original, Apollo 11, moon landing in, 1969. The. Tapes included, biomedical, data on astronauts, video. Footage of the Apollo 11 landing, and all, of their telemetry and, engineering. Data but, based on everything I can research it seems that NASA actually, lost not just the Apollo, 11 telemetry. Data but. NASA lost all of the telemetry data from, all of the Apollo, missions that, landed on the moon that's. Well over 10,000. Lost tapes and over, a ton literally, a ton, in weight of, missing. Tapes. Fortunately. Though they, were able to restore the original moon, landing footage that was broadcast to earth we've. Made significant. Breakthroughs, in technology in, the past 45, years so. Imagine today's technology that, NASA could bring to the moon to record and study it imagine. The beauty that they could show the entire world, because. We could have crystal-clear, high-definition. Footage taken directly from the surface of the Moon I mean, 4k, resolution, stuff that would blow everyone's, minds but, instead everyone seems to be okay with not going, back and that's, despite the original, video of our, first ever moon walks during the Apollo 11 mission being, destroyed, but. I guess it doesn't really matter either way since, we destroyed the technology, to, get back to the moon why, does it look like this, flag is flapping, or, blowing in the wind and, this. Module taking, off looks pretty weird, to me. So. Yes a lot, of the moon landings, and stuff surrounding outer, space can. Come across as odd, and yeah. Maybe each odd thing can be explained away it's. Just that when I look at all of the oddities as a whole it's, a bit creepy.

You. This, is Gemini 4 that, was completed in June of 1965. That, was well before the Apollo 11 mission, this. Is the first, American spacewalk. Recorded. Using an 18, millimeter, lens camera, and it, recorded at 6 frames, per second. You. A turning. Helmet, appears. To be only happening, during this first-ever, spacewalk. Because. The thing is is, that my, research showed that the helmets, couldn't turn or swivel, because they're fixed, to an airtight ring base and once, the suit is pressurized, it all, becomes extremely, stiff, and I don't see the helmet turning again in any of the video for, this spacewalk, or any others but. There's, a lot of footage, available that's, been taken from. The International, Space Station the ISS. This. Is it here of course. A lot of live interviews, and videos. Have, been done and recorded. From the ISS, and that's, resulted, in a lot of footage to look at, you. Look like you're in a studio maybe in Omaha, Nebraska or something the shot, is so clear is this a hoax are you really in space still yeah. I don't know we're gonna have to do something for you. It. Looks like this guy is grabbing, a wire attached. To the guy next to him he's. Not grabbing air and there, is no reason why any of these guys would. Be wearing wires in space. You. This, guy with the red shirt looks like his shirt is being pulled by, a wire. There. Are lots of these instances out there that you can research but, it's not exclusive, to the ISS, it, also happened on the moon itself and I'll show you that in a moment but. Look at the guy in the middle of these men he. Looks like he's actually wearing a harness this. Was a live interview with Boise, State and. Look at how awkward this is look. At this astronaut, who turns with his back to us pay. Attention to his back heels it seems, like there may not be enough, slack so his heels stay off the ground okay, maybe that's hard for you to believe or see but. Look at this awkwardness this, astronaut, looks like he's being yanked up by a cable so, how does he get up like this on his own I mean, the other astronaut, did not pull him but it looks like he was lifted by some external. Force, outside of him and it's. Not the guy next to him straight. Up it appears that these astronauts, are attached to cables, or some kind of harnesses, at times because. It pulls the astronauts, in unnatural, ways it. Even prevents, them from falling, all the way down sometimes. They look like puppets on strings, due, to the way that they're being pulled or, moved along but, how else could they be doing this well. It could be more special effects and likely, something called augmented, reality and, or. Green screens and this. Is what it looks like. This. Is an actual video that NASA did they, meant to do this this. Is an example of augmented, reality and, then, there are chroma key screens so. Outside of green screens there, are also blue, screens and that's, what you're seeing right here you're seeing the former president, being. Pushed, through, this. Nasa area and behind, him, is Tim, Peake an astronaut. With. What looks like a blue screen a chroma, key screen right, behind him and you, see the. Green ball I, mean. We can compare, footage, around that same time. Compared. To what was caught on camera you, can see it's the same background. It. Looks like the same deal and I've. Only ever found, one other video that's, ever shown, this, chequered, blue screen this. Is that one other video that I'm showing you right here but, how coincidental is it that they use this blue checkered, background, which is extremely. Similar to, or add virtual set, technology, I mean. This is the kind of stuff you can do on a budget right here this video. Now. Here's something else from the ISS. Look. At this card floating, this. Is directly, from NASA's YouTube channel. This. Card, it just doesn't look real is, there. An air-conditioner, on up there I mean. Look at it it looks like they're doing everything they can not to laugh. Next. People, say that the spacewalks, may have been recorded, underwater and not on the moon at all because.

As You, can see here, astronauts. Are definitely, trained underwater, so, a lot of folks believe that they may have faked the spacewalks, by doing it underwater, as well and. That seems to make a lot of sense when you study a lot, of the, spacewalk, videos. Because. You're. Gonna see what looks like a lot of bubbles, go. In all these different directions. Who. Knows which direction the camera was actually pointing when. These were recorded, but, they look like air bubbles. Escaping. Maybe. From underwater pools. Where, some of these things were recorded, or faked. Last. There. Are zero-gravity, planes. The. Only way right now that we can simulate the gravity. On moon Mars asteroids, is parabolic, flight so, yeah there is likely hours, of video of real weightlessness, that, people have experienced. But. You can't do that all the time so, there needs to be other options, especially. For the longer videos like, I showed before. Okay. This. Is a time-lapse video, of earth recorded. From the ISS, but I want to step off the space station right now I want. To look at the Apollo 11 crews, first, public, appearance after, returning, from the moon. Was. Our pleasure to have. Participated. In, one great, adventure. It's. An adventure that took place not just in. The month of July. But. Rather one. That took place in the last decade. We. All here. And the people. Listening. In today had the opportunity, to share that adventure, over. Its developing, and unfolding. In. The past months. And years. It's. Our privilege today, to. Share. With you. Some. Of the, details of, that. Final. Month of July. That. Was. Certainly. The, highlight. For the three of us of. That. So. A lot of people question that video and the, emotions, that they showed at this press conference especially. Neil. Armstrong, who. Was in the middle but, yeah it looks like maybe they were impacted by being on the moon that could be a significant. Moment just. As a heads up this news conference occurred, on September, 16th, 1969. And these, astronauts, returned to Earth on July, 24th. 1969. So. Yeah it's less than two months for them to get their bearings but. It turns out that they did forget, a lot, in that short timeframe. When. You looked up at the sky could, you actually see the, stars and the silver thread in spite of the death we, were never able to see stars from the lunar surface or, on, the daylight side of the Moon by, eye without, looking through the optics I, don't. Recall during, the period of time that we were photographing the so deferral of what what, stars we could see I can't, imagine that he was debriefed and that, kind of question, wasn't asked, what. He saw what he felt what he experienced, while on the moon and, now, listen to Mike Collins who, was sitting to the left of, Neil Armstrong. I remember. Seeing any. Neil, you were a little. Bit concerned you said. So. Now Mike doesn't remember seeing any, stars either we. Have to remember that the reporter asked, about them looking up at the sky and if they could see the stars based, on their circumstances. So, Mike Collins answer, has, got to apply to his experience, in the command, module itself, because he didn't walk on the moon or go down to its surface but, let's look again at Neil's response, to what Mike said. Notice. His body language and it, looks like Neil even whispers, something under his breath - Mike was. He telling him to simply shut up I don't know but the interaction, looks really odd to me all.

Right Here, is another interview, with Neil Armstrong, and right, after I show you this quick piece I'll immediately, share, a few more statements, made, by other astronauts, who, shared what they could or couldn't see while, in outer space. Stahma. Song I do realize, that when you were on the moon you had very little time for gazing upwards but could you tell us something about what the sky actually looks like from the moon the Sun the earth the stars at any and so on. The. Sky. Is, deep. Black. When. Did from the moon as it is when, viewed from cislunar. Space the, space between the Earth and the moon. The. The. Earth is the only visible. Object, other than the Sun that can be seen although they've. Been some, reports, have seen planets, I myself did, not see planets, from the surface but I suspect they might be. Visible. Mark. Hammering, this is from our camera whilst, in space have, you ever looked away from Earth into the black void. Yeah. So, you can, see as, you can see the stars oh yeah. And pretty, much all the time you can see a star, the. Sky. Is. Deep. Black. When. Dude from the moon as it is when, viewed from cislunar. Space the. Space between the Earth and the moon face. And you're on the Sun side of the orbit the, Sun light washes out all the Starlight so you can't see any stars just like peer on earth there's although there's all the stars in the cool thing is about you can see it during the day yeah you can't and there's more than stars you can see planets. Rising. Moons you, see the get the gas. Magellan. Clouds up yeah yeah pretty. Much all the time you can see the stars then when you look out into deep space away, from the Sun it's the darkest black you can imagine, the. Cost of the three moon Rovers, in 21st, century currency. Nearly. Sixty million dollars. Each. Though. They had fewer parts than a jeep where. Was all this money going. Then. There's the flag, blowing. In the wind at. Least twice on, the atmosphere.

'less Moon here. The editor cuts to a still shot of the flag just. As the effect becomes noticeable. Here. It is unchecked, this. Rare clip attained. Decades, ago was never re-released, with the inevitable, increase in experience, and scrutiny. To. Demonstrate, one-sixth, gravity a, bouncy. Floaty feel, to the astronauts, moons would be similarly, achieved, with relative, simplicity. Slow. Motion, you. Are viewing the scenes as they aired more than thirty years ago, now. Let's look at them with the speed doubled. It becomes, discernible, that they are in fact in Earth's gravity, and are. No more leaving the ground, than they would on earth. It. Is. Clear from these rarely seen color, television, pictures that, the crew of Apollo 11 brought, a high resolution, color, video camera, with them on their mission yet, the only pictures, broadcast, live from the moon's surface were, these from, a low definition, black-and-white. Camera, in fact. The network's complained, because in addition to this they, were forced, to shoot the images, second-generation. Off of, a projection, TV, of the technology. Of 30 years ago and, were not even allowed to take a direct feed, which, further degraded, the quality, and clarity of the images. Perhaps. This was precisely what NASA and the federal government, had in mind, after. All it was the first, regardless. Of where they were better. To open up their debut mission with, fuzzy pictures and numerous, blackouts, rather. Than show too much revealing, detail of a false scene that, was yet unproven. And finally. The element, that seals their fate of, all. The footage of Apollo 11 requested. From NASA over a five-year, period, one. Gem was discovered, just before. The completion of this documentary an, old. Reel received. By mistake. It, contains, the raw or unedited. Footage of, the crew of Apollo 11, michael, collins edwin. Aldrin jr., and neil armstrong, staging. Part of their mission for, nearly an hour in living. Color with. Exceptionally. Clear behind-the-scenes. Audio, of conversations. Discussing. The techniques, used to achieve a disingenuous, picture. Depicting. The earth at a distance, in order. To falsely, demonstrate, their far journey from it and their. Ability to survive, passing. Through the Van Allen radiation belts. It. Cannot, be misconstrued, that this staging was done for some other reason, prior to the mission for, the real itself, is slated, and dated, July, 18th, 19th. And 20th. 1969. The. Very days of the mission when, they were said to be approaching, and achieving, lunar, orbit. Understand. Turn but, only about 20 seconds, of this raw footage was, ever broadcast to the public and these, conversations, discussing. Their deception, were, believed to be private. Until. Now. Here. They discussed, that these television, transmissions, were, in fact not broadcast, live as everyone believed they. Were first streamed and edited, for, playback, later. The. Weekend when we get to playback we can go to correlate, what were you paying thank you very much. Here. They discussed the fact that they have turned out the lights and have blocked out sunlight from. Entering the space breath through the other windows as, to not cause any reflected, light to fly onto the spacecraft's. Wall in the foreground. 2a up. Number. One window under any reflected. Light, and. We only have one window, that has. A view of the earth and, it filled, up with the Big D camera.

This. Is where the astronaut, is back in view but the lens was supposed to be on the, window. Is. It legitimate I don't. Know there's just so many weird things about the Apollo missions, when, you research them and again. I'm not vouching for a funny, thing happened on the way to the moon but, it does address, a few questions that seem to make sense that, seem to be worth asking and. Then. There are the space shuttles, which, are supposed to be gliders, when, they reenter our atmosphere. And they land. So. Space shuttles don't have the appearance of what you would think is a glider and, they. Make, what appears to be lots of crazy, loud, jet, propulsion, noises. When, landing on runways, just. Like regular jets, do when they're landing. Baby. Charlie hobaugh blaring up the shuttles, notes or landing, in, as. You can see the main. Gear of. And. Since. We're talking about jet propulsion let's. Go back to the moon for a moment because, some, have pointed out how there's no crater underneath. The lunar module landing, the. Jet propulsion would, have likely created, a crater or at. Least some type of big. Marking, from, its landing there, isn't any dust anywhere, though not, even on the legs or feet of the module I would, think that some kind of duster rocks should, have been blown around from, the lunar module landing. On the moon keep, in mind that the module had a 10,000. Pound thrust, engine, except. It seems to have left no, disturbance, underneath. It also. Neil, Armstrong, is sitting on top of that engine when it's initially, landing on the moon but, he's heard clear as day when, they're landing. Within. The. Potential, for the disastrous rise. Of misplaced power, exists. And will persist. The. Very word secrecy is, repugnant in a. Free and open, society, and. We are as a people inherently. And. Historically. Opposed. To secret societies to, secret, oaths, and a. Secret proceedings, but both in skullenbones the, secret society, is, so sick we can't talk about what does that mean for America. The. Conspiracy, theorists are gonna lie. First. Of all he's not the nominee and. That. Look. I look for the big news. Monica. Who's a beloved, colleague one. Of the premier journalists, of our time Tim Russert died, this afternoon he has been a very, familiar face on this network and throughout, the world of political journalism, as one. Of the premier political, analysts and journalists, of his time I, will. Tell you director Deutsch as a former Los Angeles police narcotics. Detective, that the agency, has dealt drugs throughout this country for a long. Director. Deutsch I will refer you to three specific agency, operations. Known as Amadeus. Pegasus. And watchtower. I have, watched our documents. Heavily redacted by the agency, I was, personally, exposed, to CIA operations. And recruited, by CIA personnel who attempted to recruit me in the, late 70s, to, become involved in protecting agency, drug operations, in this country I have, been trying to get this out for 18 years and I have the evidence my question for you is very specific, sir if. In the course of the IG s investigations. And Fred hits has work you, come across evidence of severely.

Criminal, Activity, and. It's classified, well, you use that classification. To hide the criminal activity, or will you tell the American people the truth. If. You have information. About. CIA. Illegal. Activity, in. Drugs. You. Should immediately, bring, that information, to. Wherever you want but let me suggest three place, the, Los, Angeles, Police Department. The. Los Angeles Police, Department. The Inspector, General or. Office. Of one of your Congress. Persons. From this. So. I want to thank you for coming you were at the last meeting, the. Staff probably had the spelling, of your name wrong but. We we. Would like to talk to you we. Have been looking for, a couple of days. We. Want. To make sure that. You, contact the, committee because obviously you, have some valuable, information if. You want to give it to me privately, if you want to hand it to that age where I can contact you this evening, please. Do it don't let us get away without getting, a car back for you thank. You sir stop doing now so, everyone can see that I got it that would be fine thank. You sir for the record for the record my name is mike ruppert our upp ERT I did, bring this information out 18 years ago and I got shot at and forced out of LAPD because. Of it I've been on the record for 18 years non-stop and, I'll be happy to give you congressman anything that I have. Michael. C Rupert took his own life on April 13 after closing out his last radio show the, lifeboat our, secret. Organizations. Of the world power elite are no more mercy. The Bilderberg, Group put. Their objective, the world, domination. Ladies. Never tolerate, outrageous conspiracy, theories. Do. You want to know. What. It, is. If. This drug was in fact for the AIDS virus sent, parents, a letter warning them to make sure their children are vaccinated immunization. For our children, amidst the group takes money from, industry. To. Have Radio Frequency Identification ships. Place. Inside. Their hands. You.


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