BUSAN IS READY (ENG Subtitle) [Full version] (BIE Presentation in PARIS)

BUSAN IS READY (ENG Subtitle) [Full version] (BIE Presentation in PARIS)

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Too many people still don't know that it looks like a paradise here but we're under threat and we really need people to  hear us out and work with us they say our village might  be underwater in a few years where are we going to live then? I want to build up programs  that helps crafts grow better so I want to learn to code but we run out of power I wait for hours for my mom  to get back from the hospital maybe those birds in the sky  could bring the drugs instead I like electric cars because  they don't give off bad things  but daddy says we can't charge them at our home Our wells have all dried up. We have nothing to drink How are we gonna put out those fires? My grandma can't walk well so it'd be great  if she could see her doctor on screen. I want to learn new things  things that will change my life. We will all need a job when we are grown up. These are some desperate calls from  our friends who are worried for Their village, their country and their future.

How are they going to cope with all that? So dear friends, here we begin a new journey A new path to find answer for your future for our future you are the future of our planet so you can be the judge of all these ideas and tell us which ones will work and give us a new and different future and here are our participants  Hello everyone, My name is Jai Sang Park, but to many, I am better known as PSY. Distinguished delegates, Thank you Distinguished delegates,  Thank you so much for inviting me to be a  part of this meaningful, honorable event. I’m here today to introduce to you ‘World EXPO 2030 BUSAN’ and why Busan is the one and only,  optimum city to host the World EXPO. Being here in Paris brings  back fond memories from 2012  when I did a flash mob of my song  ‘Gangnam Style’ with 20,000 people  in Trocadero Square, facing the Eiffel Tower.

It was truly the biggest event and I realized, even though we all spoke different languages,  everyone came together as one. As a musician, I’ve experienced  that K-pop has the power to unite, transform, and transcend boundaries. And like this performance, I believe World EXPO 2030 Busan will unite us all. Some 22 years ago, I made my debut as a singer-songwriter in Korea. 

Out of the norm and entirely unconventional,  both musically and physically,  my debut came as a shock to many. Despite the challenges I faced along the way, I never gave up, just like Korea never did   70 years ago. With that Korean spirit, I had the willpower  and the unwavering drive to  create without conforming.  Luckily, people gradually began  to like my carefree style. While the Korean entertainment  industry is known for  its competitive and meticulous nature, Korea also embraces a culture that values freedom.

With such freedom, we have been  able to reach fans globally  with K-POP, as well as with K-Drama and K-cinema We love to mix different genres,  and create something unique,  like our best-known meal, bibimbap. With <Parasite> and <Squid Game> we were able  to deliver to the audience a mix of suspense,   comedy, and social commentary. We tell a story in a big bowl   with various elements mixed in well, just like our delicious bowl of bibimbap, and all the pieces come together to create empathy for people all around the world. From the music you listen to,  to the shows you watch, smartphones, cars and TVs,  Korean influence is deeply  rooted in your everyday lives.

That influence comes from a country  that once struggled to feed its  people, but now has grown this much.  Can you imagine the vibrant energy  such a country can bring to the Expo? At World Expo 2030 Busan, we will showcase  the transformative power of  our culture and technology.  We will demonstrate our commitment  to global cooperation and innovation.  We'll share our journey, our growth, and our vision for a sustainable future. Indeed, World Expo 2030 Busan  will serve as a global platform. 

where governments, industry  experts, academics and citizens  gather to exchange ideas and find solutions for our shared progress. This is why I'm so excited  about the World EXPO 2030 Busan,  because I believe it's about  the things we share—our   shared future, our shared challenges and the  unlimited opportunities we have before us. In case for someone, who is  having hard time recognizing me  Let me wear this before I finish.

Distinguished delegates, I'm so  grateful that even after 10+years,  my Gangnam Style still brings  people together whenever it’s on.  I hope that the World EXPO  2030 Busan will do the same–  bring the whole world together and  shape a better future for all of us. Thank you so much. I’m Yangkyo Chin, the chief architect of our proposed World Expo site. Today, I would like to discuss  the World Expo 2030 Busan  as a SPACE that presents innovative  solutions for the future.

Our expo vision is inspired by  the long-standing Korean tradition  of harmonizing nature, humanity, and technology. Here, as you can see, the Hanok, a traditional Korean house  built with natural materials  such as soil, wood, and stone,  fully embodies this concept of harmony. It influences the central themes  guiding our World Expo planning,  including the design of the Expo site. The North Port of Busan used to be a busy international seaport  before it fell behind the waves of new industries. 

The area is now left with disused buildings and abandoned machines. Our plan is to turn these  remains of old industrialization  into a space for sustainable life where nature, humanity and technology   coexist in harmony, a site of GREAT TRANSFORMATION  where we’ll share our vision for a NEW EARTH. THAT is our space design  concept for the World Expo   2030 Busan – “Re-Earth.” The Expo site will be a living, spatial embodiment  of the key themes of the World Expo 2030 Busan, an_eco-friendly, carbon-neutral space. Across the site,  you’ll see dynamic, porous patterns, that form gaps and openings  amid layers of concrete so living forms can coexist with humanity. All structures will be built using as much sustainable materials as possible. 

The expo site will be powered 100% by green energy and transport will encompass eco-friendly mobility  like UAM and hydrogen vehicles. The waterfront,  the interface between our site and the sea, will be a model of carbon neutrality,  and our cutting-edge technologies/  for harmony with nature. We want this special space to be a place for Caring and Sharing,  where all nations around the world come together, discuss our challenges and share solutions. If nations so desire,  they may organize JOINT exhibitions Fostering a spirit of unity and cooperation.

Additionally, we are thrilled to present the world's first/ UN Habitat floating city.  This groundbreaking addition presents yet another innovative solution. The T-Square will be open to all, including individual creators,   to contribute their ideas – because we want our Expo  to be truly inclusive and welcoming. And perhaps most importantly,  the legacy of our collaboration will not simply disappear when the Expo closes.

For instance, once the Expo is over,  the repurposed silo in the North Port will become the Expo Big Data Silo  to preserve all the history and data spanning 180 years of World Expo. There will also be an ODA Memorial Hall to tell the tales of human solidarity,  of our commitment to caring and sharing. Distinguished Delegates, Our ambition is to make this site  a place for harmony/ of nature,  humanity, and technology,  where problems find solutions to shape a new and better future for all. Thank you. Good morning the time now is 6 a.m 30th May 2030

and the weather is perfect for your trip to Busan make sure you get to the airport on time Good afternoon! Did you know that over 250 million children  worldwide lack access to education? 70% of 10-year-olds cannot read basic text, a huge increase from 57% before the pandemic. I am Soo-in Lee, the co-founder and  CEO of Enuma - an ED-TECH company creating digital learning solutions for children. Our journey began when, as game developers and designers,  my husband and I wanted to empower   children with disabilities to learn independently. Our educational software designed to make  math and language learning enjoyable, turned out to be very popular,  among not only children with difficulties, but also those without.

However, during our journey  we discovered that education barriers affect  not just children with disabilities but also those facing poverty. As we believed every child should experience  the joy of learning, this reality compelled us to take action. We Koreans have always believed in EDUCATION’s power to shape our future. Even during the war,  our parents priORitized building schools and printing textbooks.  Education was Korea’s path to growth and recovery.

We received support from the Korean government,  to develop a program teaching children in developing nations  how to read, write, and do math, even without a teacher. Gratefully, our program became a co-winner  at the “Global Learning XPRIZE” competition, for our efforts to eliminate ilLITeracy. Since 2020, with the aid of the Korean government,  we have provided this program to children in developing countries. Distinguished guests, Our innovation is just a small win  against colossal challenges.

To overcome these obstacles, we must UNITE our efforts–  governments, businesses, and ENtrepreneurs– with our shared love for humanity. This/ is exactly what Korea's  Busan Initiative is about. Through the initiative,  our government is already engaging in various global challenges, sharing our green technologies  to combat the climate crisis,  implementing IT innovations to enhance  the global digital environment, we also have healthcare programs supporting mothers, newborns, and children,  and agricultural development programs addressing the food crisis. Our businesses are sharing their expertise too, bridging the digital divide, restoring forests,  and implementing rainwater collection  systems/ in vulnerable regions. ULtimately, our vision for World Expo 2030 Busan  is to find solutions to address humanity's most   pressing challenges TOGETHER.

Collaboration across borders is crucial,  as no individual, business, or nation can solve these problems alone. I sincerely hope that World Expo 2030 Busan  becomes a symbol of global partnership. Together, let us help the future generations  reach for the stars and unlock  their boundless potential. Thank you! Mr. President, Mr. Secretary General,  Distinguished Delegates, Ladies and Gentlemen, I am honored to present Korea’s promise  for the citizens of the world and future   generations at today’s 172nd BIE General Assembly.

I highly commend the BIE’s leadership.  Since its founding in 1928, the BIE has   greatly contributed to the world’s  economic growth through free trade.  World Expos played a crucial role in  facilitating trade. They also helped to   reach solutions for humanity’s pressing crises  and challenges. Their visions inspired us.

But the world today is facing new uncertainties  and complex crises like never before. War and conflict, WMD and terrorism not only  threaten world peace but even civilization itself. Digital divide and economic inequality endanger   sustainable peace and growth  of the international community.

2.9 billion people, or 37%  of the world population,   lack access to digital tools and the internet. Climate change is becoming an  existential threat to humanity. Last year, the average global  temperature rose 1.15ºC  above pre-industrial level.   Over the past decade, the pace of sea level  rise has more than doubled than the 1990s.

More than 200 million people had to  leave their homes due to extreme weather   like torrential rains, heat waves, and droughts. The impact of climate, health, and food  crises is critical for the Global South.   The Global divide is widening.

To address humanity’s urgent  challenges, we must act now. Busan is a gateway to the Eurasian continent.  It is a maritime city reaching the oceans. It is a city of adventure. A city of the future. The World Expo Busan will be a solutions platform   addressing humanity’s complex  and urgent challenges. The Busan Expo will be a venue  creating new business opportunities.

Korea’s state of the art digital technology  will provide a fantastic stage for exchange. The war 70 years ago once turned Korea to ruin.   But thanks to the help of the international  community, Korea transformed itself into an   economic powerhouse full of high-tech  industriesand innovative technologies. Korea wishes to give back to the international  community what it has received thus far.

Korea is fulfilling 1,258 ODA projects  with Member States of the BIE. Through the “Busan Initiative,” Korea will  share its development experiences with   the international community. Korea will  lead in tackling humanity’s challenges. Furthermore, the World Expo  Busan will be a culture expo. Cultural diversity will be respected.  Everyone will be equally treated It will be an expo where every nation can freely  express its unique culture, tradition, and skill.

Korea is committed to providing the largest ever   assistance package for more than 110  Member States that are participating. Also, the Busan Expo will be a platform  of ideals for future generations. We must pass on a clean and safe earth,   and sustainable peace and  prosperity to future generations.

We need to build a world full  of bigger dreams and visions. Through the Busan Expo, the  young generations of the world   will learn how to work together as a community. Korea has already accumulated plenty of experience   by hosting two Specialised Expos – the  1993 Daejeon Expo and the 2012 Yeosu Expo.

Korea is also a country that has hosted  mega-events like the 1988 Summer Olympics, the   2002 FIFA World Cup, and the 2018 Winter Olympics. Korea is a qualified candidate. Korea has been fully investing  in preparing for the Busan Expo.   We will make it the best World Expo of all time. Central and local governments, companies and  citizens, all political parties,and more than   7.5 million overseas Koreans are truly  united in their wish for the Busan Expo.

Ladies and Gentlemen, The 1851 London Expo and the 1900 Paris Expohave  each served to spreadthe British industrial   revolution, and French arts  and culture to the world. The 1962 Seattle Expo has been a  catalyst for opening a new space era. The 2000 Hanover Expo has helped  economies and industries turn their focus   from technology first to nature and environment. And, the 2030 Busan Expo will be remembered as one   shifting our priority from  competition to solidarity.

Busan is ready. We are united. Let’s transform our world and  navigate toward a better future. See you in Busan in 2030.

Thank you. So we've heard from all our participants and the choice on the future  of humanity remains with you Do you think they have what it  takes to really solve our problems? The choice is yours!

2023-06-26 01:32

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