BITE Webinar: Identifying Risk in Sensitive Technology Supply Chains

BITE Webinar: Identifying Risk in Sensitive Technology Supply Chains

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all right um great so again I apologize for the technical difficulties just want to welcome everyone and thank you for joining our webinar today my name is Ann REO I'm a data scientist on The Bite team and I joined by Tim Guild our chief strategy officer at bite um Tim can you say hello and introduce yourself thank you an my name is Tim Guild I'm a co-founder of new borders I formerly work for Department of Homeland Security uh focused on strategic trade controls and investigating us export violations Welcome to our uh webinar today thanks Tim so just briefly I'll walk through our agenda today so first um Tim will kick things off with some industry Trends around semiconductors High Tech um high-tech and microprocessors so that'll be our theme uh we'll go through those industry Trends then I will um do a brief use case and go through some of the data that we have available um as it connects to sensitive technology we will uh wrap up with some additional resources in this area um and then uh have a Q&A session at the end we do have a uh Q&A box there's also a chat function uh so feel free to use those throughout the webinar um and we will do our best to uh respond to those questions either as they come in or um we will get to them at the end so without um any further Ado I will hand it over to Tim to walk us through some industry Trends thank you an in this space the information technology space which also includes information and community ation technology ICT we see a general Trend in international trade for increased compliance and less emphasis on policies facilitating trade looking back over the last several decades you can see the policy pendulum moving back and forth between these two competing goals trade facilitation and trade enforcement where the emphasis was once on free trade trade agreements and lowering barriers to facilitate the movement of international trade now due to the current International Security environment there is more emphasis on enforcement and compliance and this trend is global certainly not limited to the US the UK EU Japan and the US have coordinated controls on common high priority Battlefield items critical to Russia's war effort the focus is on electronic components such as integrated circuits and radio frequency equipment which are critical to Russia's military effort they also include CNC computer numerically controlled machine tools at the same time the US has implemented re Visions to export controls on semiconductor technology to China to limit China's military modernization efforts also we see a focus in the US on developing regulations for critical and emerging Technologies these Advanced Technologies Quantum information Technologies Advanced Computing artificial intelligence communication and networking Technologies are significant to US National Security the US is currently trying to develop a regulatory regime around them but it has been a challenge so the compliance requirements for the trade community in this space are increasing and becoming even more complex this trend in tradeing enforcement policies for the Us and other governments emphasizing trade enforcement over trade facilitation will continue as risks and the Global Security environment continue or perhaps even increase this trend requires that the trade Community adopt compliance tools to identify risky transactions without interfering with the movement of goods and Technology is critical to their business operations so today Ann will walk us through some use cases to demonstrate effective risk management approaches that identify high-risk transactions in an efficient streamlined process over to you an thanks Tim um sounds like there's a lot for people to keep um in mind as they're going through their risk management processes um so I will take us through um some of the data sets that we have available in bite and um begin to share you know uh per per what you just said um some of the lists and compliance um tools that we have available let me go ahead and share my screen so this is the um bite platform at bite we do two things so we have a backend um large AI based uh data analytics platform and then we also have our um frontf facing um platform that allows for quick screening of tool of Commodities and entities so um just taking a look here at our homepage there are a number of tools here I won't go through each one just want to touch on those that um would be useful for this conversation and this audience who's interested in sensitive Technologies so we have our watch list so these are um you know the typical uh denied parties restricted parties um globally we have lists from the US EU um and multiple other countries we also have our bite list I will touch on this a little bit later um but here in the bite list we have um PS beneficial ownership um we also have our bite list which is made up of trans shippers and then we o have a number of ESG related entities um and force labor related entities so that's all available for screening your entities in your supply chain um what I really want to talk about today and um what really applies to what you just talked about Tim and the different um regimes that are coming down is our trade protection module so in the trade protection we do have um an HS code lookup it also includes um combined nomenclature for E anyone from the EU and and schedule B and then we also have regimes and control so um speaking to what you were just talking about Tim we have a number of lists available in this module that are related to sensitive technology so taking a look at um the us we have um the critical and emerging Technologies list that you just spoke about um so we have commodity names and what we've done in this module in general is map Commodities to HS codes and allowed it um to be a quick lookup tool for example I can search semiconductor make sure I spell it right semiconductor here and um we can see the critical and emerging Technologies list that I just referenced um the Department of commerce's Commerce control list we also have um if I go a little bit further uh Netherlands Ministry of Foreign Affairs um regulation on Advanced production equipment for semiconductors somewhere in here we will also have our high priority Battlefield items and others so um we have the T dual use codes from the EU as well as the EU restrictive measures applying to Russia so quite a few data sets in this trade protection module that bring together um what you just spoke about Tim do you want to speak any more to the importance of screening against these lists sure um and I'll just add uh in case participants aren't familiar with a harmonized schedule it's a 10-digit numerical code that captures all the various types of Commodities and products that are shipped internationally it's maintained by the world Customs organization and we have put in a lot of uh effort in correlating the different types of uh microprocessing equipment semiconductors all these different types of uh components subject today's webinar and uh putting them into HS codes and that is uh the standard used in international trade it's a very important 10-digit code and we are able to quickly go through all the various lists so that we just touched on today such as high priority Battlefield items and you will see as you go through the list they are covered under multiple regimes multiple countries the EU the US um so they're very important especially given uh today's uh geopolitical environment a lot of these are critical in supplying the Russian military effort but they're also important in uh China North Korea Iran other countries subject to sanctions so we have brought all that into one place here you can uh run the queries and find the different regimes associated with those semiconductors you can find the different controls by country um International regime whatever it is and the goal here is to just make it more efficient for people performing risk management they don't have to go into different systems and go back and forth we brought it all into one space and you can see it before you um as you query it thank you an thanks Tim um so I'm just gonna go back to our modules page here um so uh watch list bit list and trade protection our data focused modules along with cyber protection um we also have our bite search which I'll use for my use cases our analytics fault allows um for tickets to be stored these can be stored automatically from bite search and just allows users to keep track of risk analysis and upload any investigative reports and users can maintain a paperless audit trail of their um compliance efforts and then bite GPT um connects is an open AI integration uh you can ask it trade or compliance s related questions and it crawls across all of the data that I just covered um as well as goes out to the internet um so I will um show that uh just now when I search um some use casesi so Tim you briefly mentioned um machine toolss in your um discussion so searching here 8458 91 for these Machine Tools I can save my results as a ticket and um get score so as as you mentioned um you know each of these HS codes may be uh regulated by one regime or multiple regimes so in this case um we can see the industry sector sanctions high priority battlefields also um this HS code is hitting on our Advanced Conventional Weapons filter in each one of these records we can open up and see um the details associated with the record and why it's returning a hit in this case um for the EU if it does have um its dual use codification that's included as well that can also be searched upon so going over to our entities um similar to the Commodities we can type in a company name here in this case I will search altway again I want to search um save as a ticket and get my score and here we can see uh four results returned so three of them are on our beneficial ownership data set so you can open that up and see um the who's who is the interested party in the entity and a number of links there to follow up on that data but here I want to talk more about our bite list so altway UK is a hit on the bite list and the bite list is a proprietary list that um our team has developed that is available through the app and also um can be purchased through different data service providers as well and you can um what we've done here is gone through and list trans shippers so as I said we have a large data set um behind the app and in this case um in every case you can see the reason for listing on the bite list and in this case it is um shipping Commodities that are dual use and we actually include our investigative notes so in this case this entity was seen shipping Commodities on the high priority Battlefield list um to Russia it was seen interacting with Asia link Shanghai which is on the bis entity list and also with two entities that are listed by ofac uh so in this case um users can then decide you know how they want to to um interact with this entity um just as an example uh I'm I'm noting down some of the details of um these investigative notes so that I can include that um in my GPT question but I did save this as a ticket so if I head over to my analytics fault I can see the ticket that I just saved and it's saved there um with a PDF of the um results and I can also um share and comment so that's saved as a ticket now and then going to bite GPT I can uh um submit a prompt to the bite GPT So based on what I've just found in searching altway UK I've noted the H CH codes so I want to want [Music] to a risk summary um I want to write a summary of the risk associated with Trading with altway UK um the commodity in question is as an HS code 8541 point10 and I want to draft a few paragraphs that outline the risk associated with the transaction based on both the entity and commodity um please Focus specifically on the Strategic trade control risks um and then you I'm going to direct it to look both at B data and and online and the by GPT does take just a few minutes as it goes out to the open AI servers and reviews the data in the app and it keeps you updated on what it's doing um so that you can uh go back and retrace that as well and here we see um the risk analysis in here it's pulled out um what we saw on the bite list as well as the beneficial ownership and then is summarizing what it has found for um the HS code and the Strategic trade control risks so in this case what I typically do when I'm I'm using this for my own work is I copy the um B GPT response I head back to my analytics Vault and um edit and I add it as a comment and save it and so now I've been able to screen um for my commodity my entity and have been able to see the um strategic trade control risks associated with um this commodity that's connected to semiconductors and I then have that all available in My Vault for future reference Tim you want to speak to that use case at all sure um so what we've done here is we' brought in all the watch lists from all over the world we have gone through using over a billion trade transactions in our uh analytic platform and identified all the entities that are supplying denied parties so that's as an said that's a proprietary data set unique to new borders very critical for risk management because the sanctioned countries and entities are very Adept at circumventing these types of controls so because of that we've done a lot of uh analysis in our AI platform to identify those high-risk trans shipment points and that's always is one of those they are supplying denied parties and then when you layer on also the uh different lists we have for the commodities that we've been discussing today high priority Battlefield items and all the other controls that are out there for these types of uh equipment and you see altway is shipping to a denied party they're shipping Commodities subject to uh higher controls around the world then you can see the risk increases so we brought all that into the platform we've run it against our data sets and we also go out into the internet and see what other information you have that capability and finally it is all summarized in our vault so that's very important for risk management you want to be able to capture and document in time what type of queries you ran in this case on our platform they're very comprehensive in addition uh what was the information you saw that supported the decision you made so when an agency or licensing group wherever it is comes back in time and wants to know why the shipment ended up wherever it did you have all that information in a paperless record so what we're trying to do here by showing all of these capabilities are the different efficiencies that have been brought into the system to lower the burden for risk management on the companies thank you an thanks Tim um and it it does look like we have a question that came in so I do want to just make sure that we address that that um live so how do you verify that the information provided by by GPT that is sourced online is accurate and reliable so in that case what you can do is um request that it provide you uh links to the data so um then you make sure that you have the citations that that you're looking for there um so that's one way to just make sure that that's reliable um and if you have any further questions there please let me know um and so um again just to highlight uh our machine tools I did save that as a ticket as well so that's also there so both of the searches that I did during those use cases are available and you can download the PDFs um for your records elsewhere so finally just some other resources that are available here in the app we do have um bite you so this includes howto guides and then also industry training guides um import compliance export compliance these are um available through our Enterprise subscription so um uh all of our pricing is available on our website um B dat. there's a tab at the top um pricing so you can go there to check that out so as I said bite you is available on the Enterprise pricing and we also have a YouTube channel um once you're in the app you can also see industry news so to keep yourselves updated uh there's a stream here and um finally we have a newsletter that keeps you updated on industry Trends um all of our social media updates on as our lists are updated so if you're interested in following um compliance Trends generally make sure to follow us there and in our newsletter um and that about wraps up our use case um and demonstration of the app I'm happy to take any additional questions now um either on the app or um on Trends and patterns that I will throw over to Tim I'll just mention um due to the constraints and time we're just really scratching the surface of what this uh what this bite app can do if anybody has any interest in going deeper we can uh reach out to an please and we can do a a more comprehensive demonstration of the system but in summary I just like to emphasize we brought in all the different lists we've created important list the bite list that show trans shipment points and importantly we have brought in all the different regimes different control regimes multilateral regimes National controls for these different commodity types correlated them into harmonized schedule codes HS codes although you can still query the system using the commodity itself just the description of a term like accelerometer or microchip whatever it is all these capabilities are brought into the system to uh really provide a very comprehensive risk management tool thank you an thanks Tim um doesn't look like we have any other questions that have come in so um as Tim said if if you do have any future questions or if someone's watching this recorded please feel free to reach out um anytime and uh our website uh through our website you can sign up for a 14-day free trial of the app and um Tim thanks so much for walking us through trends and patterns and um if there's nothing else we can wrap up there thanks so much thank you an

2024-07-27 12:48

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