Best Meta Quest 3 Accessories! - The ULTIMATE VR Review!

Best Meta Quest 3 Accessories! - The ULTIMATE VR Review!

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if you finally decided to dive into VR with  a brand new meta Quest 3 or just looking to   upgrade from The Quest 2 either way you're  undoubtedly on the hunt for the ultimate   unmatched experience you guys actually broke  the record for the most requested review since   I started this channel we were offered a quest 3  for free but I actually turned it down because I   want this to be a real review that you can trust  about 2 and a half million of you loved our Quest   2 review and this one is exponentially better  than that one I'm going to take you through   the unboxing and give you my honest and unbiased  firsthand Impressions compare it with the Quest   2 psvr2 and the allnew Apple Vision Pro we're  also going to compare all of the most popular   and most important Quest 3 accessories so  that you don't regret picking the wrong   ones and ensure that you have the best possible  time with it this is the new Ultimate VR bundle   we emptied our bank account to purchase nine  of the top headstrap attachments and compared   them to make sure that you get the best most  comfortable and long lasting one haptic vests   and gvn recoil haptic attachments allowing you  to feel your games for high quality sound we   got the soundcore vp10 earbuds and prism XR Vega  T1 earbuds as well as cases straps and covers to   protect you from avoidable tragedies always use  protection because this will likely become your   most loved device to keep it safe and staying the  cleanest you just got to wrap that Quest 3 and as   a bonus I'm going to give you some exclusive tips  to enhance your VR experience I'm also going to   show you how to unlock the best possible graphics  and open you up to the amazing world of PC VR   with way way more absolutely incredible games  we've spent thousands of hours reviewing and   testing many gaming PCs over the past year so  we're going to show you which VR ready gaming PCs   that we recommend for every budget I'll have links  down below for all the products that I mentioned   first up before all the optional accessories let's  check out the actual headset meta Quest 3 I love   unboxing things we got the 128 GB version for $500  and for $650 you can get the version with 512 GB we've got your two ring free touch plus  controllers the quality of these actually   feel closer to the quest Pro controllers  than they do the Quest 2 controllers this   is it next to the previous Quest 2 controller  we now have this little handy button at the top   that lets you easily pull off the battery cover  you actually had to just yank them off with the   quest too all four of the triggers feel and sound  about the same on both the Quest 2 and the quest   3 the quest 3 triggers are a little bit more  of a matted rougher material versus the gloss   finish from The Quest 2 I prefer the quest  3s just a little bit more the joysticks feel   about the same the quality of the buttons is  definitely a lot better on the quest 3 there's   actually a little bit of a rattling effect  that you hear on the Quest 2 when you just   rub your fingers over it but enough about  the controllers let's check out the main event on the front right here we've got your  dual RGB color cameras your depth projector on   the bottom your volume button charging pins an  ipd adjustment and then on the left side your   power button flipping it over to the inside we've  got some instructions for that ipd adjustment and   how to pull it farther from your face for  people with glasses let's go ahead and take   that out we've got those same warnings like  we got on the others no liquid on lenses and   no sunlight on lenses this is where you can  see how that ipd adjustment Works basically   depending on the size of your head mine's pretty  large for my big brain so I might have to just   scroll this all the way we've also got these  two buttons on the left and the right with   four different levels for people with glasses  yeah that's the first thing I don't like is how   clumsy that whole process was right here on the  straps are our speakers which are apparently 40%   louder than the Quest 2 before I actually put  this on we're going to see what else is in   here we've got this small box and in here we've  got your power cable your charging brick Little   Instruction Manual welcome to meta Quest 3  voi meta Quest 3 basically a pretty handy   quick start guide all right let's go ahead and  try her on pretty snug can see a little bit of   light here by my nose not really a fan of that  yeah overall width and without a hat I do not   think these straps are that comfortable it's not a  very even distribution of the weight so hopefully   one of those headsets that I got does a better  job than this next up the meta Quest 3 charging dock got a charge cable the instruction booklet   and two rechargeable batteries  just pop this off and put those in we got a nice little Flex where you actually  put the headset which is pretty cool and then   there's nothing else in the Box no charging brick  which is kind of lame power adapter not included   minimum 18 WT power adapter required ired 45 W  recommended for how expensive this was that's kind   of ridiculous I tested with both an 18 and 45 WT  charger and you can see here that it did actually   charge 20 minutes faster with a 45 overall it's  pretty nice and simplistic and easy to use but   for $130 you really should have included a power  adapter next up the yoji's game handles or yoges   yoges correct use posture okay Mom instructions  on how to attach it you fit this in here wrap   it around but this one can click a little bit more  to make it even tighter wow that's actually pretty   intuitive and also attach these together this  is if you're doing any kind of rowing motion   or I guess a double-sided saber I also got the I  exoto VR handles which had a slightly different   setup this one you just attach this top part to  the bottom part and then the little wrist wraps   just kind of hung out which I didn't really like  both of these similar attachments were weird and   glitchy in beat saer and gorilla tag even when  you have that oriented perfectly facing the   headset naturally 5 to 10% of the moves that you  do are going to lose tracking and result in enough   occasional flickering to be annoying neither  one of these add enough to be worth getting   connecting the two sides and using kayak VR on the  PC was pretty amazing though as long as you had it   oriented perfectly facing the cameras and held  it far enough in front of you it did add a nice   little touch but between the two of these if you  basically want to get it for just one game then   I'd go with the yog S as installation was easier  and it was just overall more comfortable to use   next up the T solel or solle handle accessories  for the quest 3 user installation instructions   for meta qu 2 for meta Quest 3 already  sounds pretty legit wow that is a strong   magnet fit the clasp around the upper half of the  controller and then place it into the controller case these are for if you're using the quest two as cheap and simple as this solution is after  I manually calibrated it into my game this   thing was a game changer when it came to accuracy  with two-handed asult we@pons a little bit of a   learning curve when it came to finding the magnets  when reloading swapping gvns or throwing grenades   but you'll get used to it I also got the T solle  handgvn attachments these were pretty easy to   attach and with my headset off and I can actually  look at them they seem pretty cool but I really   didn't like how much wiggle room the controllers  had but during gameplay when I can't actually   look at them that extra wiggle room made them  feel not that secure a bit insecure actually why   don't you look at me during the actual Direction  the gvns are facing while you're in game is way   off from where they're pointing right now which  really doesn't matter too much but honestly in   game you kind of forget they're even there so in  my opinion these aren't really worth it so jumping   into the head strap attachments I actually got  massive forehead headaches when using the strap   that came with the quest 3 and that top head strap  was pretty uncomfortable too so you're definitely   going to want to swap this out let's just start  off by showing you what not to get by showing knew   what sucked bin boach VR USB power cable excellent  strap the bin boach head strap with battery from   Amazon was absolute trash yeah it looks pretty  cool and the concept with double battery charging   was great but the actual battery connection was  incredibly glitchy and about as reliable as a cat   walking a straight line after a catnet party  when the quest 3 ran out of power before the   battery did I had to wait 10 to 15 minutes just  to get back up into gaming for just a little bit   of buffer power plus this cheap little knob on the  back of the headstrap was already starting to give   up on me and loosen on its own this one's so bad  that I actually give it four poo emojis the next   headset that I do not like and do not recommend  the insanely overpriced medaquest Elite strap with battery on top of this head strap being way more  expensive than the others it also had the most   uncomfortable rigid almost sticky silicone  material on the back that actually kind of   rips at your hair as you put it on and this  top strap wasn't any more comfortable either   the only thing that I liked about this one above  all the others was that you could actually see the   battery percentage within the quest 3 dashboard  but it was also annoyingly the only headset that   only charged up to 70% if you had the quest  3 on while charging for safety reasons we'll   talk about how all of these headstraps compared  when it came to battery life and recharge time   here in a sec it still just blows my mind that  this head strap is more than double the price   of most of these that I'm about to show you  overall I give this one deuce doodo the first   one on my list that actually deserved a  good rating the kuek design Comfort head strap this one doesn't include an extended battery  like the others but it's great for those of you   casual gamers that are fine with a two hours  that you get with just the quest 3 battery or   for those of you Tethered to a computer for PC  VR this one gets a 3.9 out of five for comfort   and that great price just $15 after a $5 coupon  that's pretty good the only thing keeping it away   from a better score is the fact that it doesn't  hold very well if you want to visor it out of   the way for a quick minute in sixth place on  my list the Kiwi design Comfort battery head strap that is quite the instruction manual this one is just as comfortable as the  one that I just showed you but a little bit   more quality in the way that it looks and feels  and it also includes a 6400 mamp battery which   gave us about 2.6 hour extra of battery life  but it did take 3.6 hours to recharge and this   one didn't visor Up and Hold very easily  either about 1 hour of battery more than   that stupidly priced Elite strap I give this one  four stars number five on my list the Bobo VR M3 Pro this one is the successor to my favorite  headstrap on the Quest 2 but compared to some   of the others that I'm about to show you it's  just not as good 1 hour and 40 minutes of extra   play time was all this thing gave me and this  was the worst battery life out of all of these   headstraps I did like that the battery was  magnetic and you can get two of these with   a recharge stand for easy swapping but eventually  you will run out of juice because it takes almost   2 and 1 half hours to recharge since I do all  of these tests with a completely drained Quest   3 I discovered that this battery also doesn't  provide Power quick enough a couple times the   quest 3 actually powered off before this battery  was even used up and this was because it couldn't   replace the power to the quest 3's internal  battery quick enough having to stop a game a   couple times for about 5 to 10 minutes for some  buffer charging was just a little Annoying not   really something that you'd notice if the quest 3  started at 100% though for this one 4.2 Stars oh   my warning it's a choking hazard swallowed magnets  can cause serious infections and death yeah if you   can swallow something this big you've got other  issues at number four the atop battery head strap because of there being so many points  of contact here this one was even more   comfortable and with this coupon only $50 for  the version with a huge hug 15,000 milliamp   battery the one we tested was about half that  at 8,000 mamps and this one gave us about 2   hours and 40 minutes of extra play time and  ours completely recharged in about 3.5 hours   and this one actually was engineered in a way  that allowed you to temporarily lift and hold   your quest 3 very securely this one gets 4.4  Stars third place on my list the Kawai battery

headstrap this one was pretty unique in that it  had a click wheel adjustment on the top as well   as on the back this gave it that extra level of  customizable comfort that I really liked it even   comes with two Fastener options that allows it  to connect to a Quest 2 or a quest 3 and this   one also comes with removable battery packs  not magnetic which is kind of a bummer just   kind of Clicks in but these batteries had  the second longest battery life out of all   these head straps 3 hours extra of Play Time on  top of what you get with the quest 3 and about 4   and 1/2 hours of recharge time and my second  favorite head strap overall the KK Co bvr Q3 Pro what sets this one apart from the others  is this side knob design on both sides which   gives you the perfect amount of control when it  comes to how close or far you want the headset   to be from your face this is especially useful  for people with glasses and with this one we   actually have the ability to visor up the quest  3 up and over your forehead we tested 2.8 extra   hours of battery life and only 3.3 hours  of recharge time this one is a solid 4.8   stars and at number one my absolute favorite  of them all the Bobo VR S3 Pro battery head strap not only is it slightly more comfortable  than the rest but it actually has a cooling   fan built into it which wasn't that strong and at  100% it was actually kind of loud but it did feel   pretty cool when your face was Dripping with sweat  and with your game volume at about 75% or higher   you won't really notice the sound you can adjust  the fan speed with this little scroll wheel on   the side and the digital display above it will  also show you your battery percentage not only   did this battery last longer than all of the rest  but it was the only one with a recharge time that   was actually quicker than the draining time so  if you purchased an additional battery with the   recharge station you get essenti play your quest  3 indefinitely all day every day anywhere this   is where your ice cream comes from the creamy poop  of a Mystic unicorn the only real negative is that   since this is a newer more powerful battery pack  the older Bobo VR battery packs will not work with   this headstrap this is the only head strap that I  think deserves a five-star rating now if you just   want the cooling we tested the Q3 AC and high  blocks cooling fan attachments both of them had   about the same cooling as the Bobo VR head strap  but the Q3 AC was more comfortable with slightly   stronger fans and less light came into the nose  area on this facial interface that it connected to   if you have an older Quest two headstrap another  cheaper route is to get one of these 3D printed   adapters by dead ivr which actually allows you  to use your quest two head strap with your quest   3 if you only plan to be doing this once I guess  it's kind of worth it but it was honestly pretty   crazy how tough it was to get my old Quest 2 Bobo  VR headstrap on it I really felt like I was going   to break it just to get it on I just think it's  3D printed way too large to protect our Quest 3   we got the I exoto silicone protector cover set  this included controller grips disposable face   masks lens covers a silicone facial interface  and a front silicone cover the controller grips   were easy to install allowed you to still access  the batteries and overall were very comfortable   and secure definitely recommend these the facial  interface cover that went around the edges also   felt way more comfortable and smooth against  my face and this little extra flap that came   out around my nose blocked out that last bit of  light that originally annoyed me the Disposable   face masks were surprisingly not uncomfortable  and it's a pretty good solution to avoid sharing   sweat when taking turns with friends from personal  experience it might just make you look like a stud   too oh yeah this front cover on the other hand  it was easy to put on but also way too easy to   slide off don't use one of these you're going  to want a hard shell covering that actually   stays on protects it better and doesn't slide  around like that silicone one we got this one   is from jusa wood on Amazon and it clicks on  very securely and also includes lens cover for   the three front cameras now to keep all of this  safe as far as the most popular cases go we've got   the anao the case Matic and the main official  one for meta the anpro is by far the coolest   but technically the least protective despite the  fact that it has 3D geometric patterns to resist earthquake your controllers just kind of go in  this little bag right here where they can bang   around against each other and the only hard part  of this case is this polygon design topl LD the   rest is padded but still pretty flexible and soft  I originally thought that with this more sleek   and compact design that it would not fit a lot of  those third party head straps but to my surprise   it actually comfortably fit all nine of those top  head straps that I tested and with my scientific   testing of a very normal person without any  mental health issues that actually proved to be false I'd say $30 is a pretty good deal for  this one oh it looks like you can pose like   you're in a boy band too for $30 more than this  one the best protection that I've seen so far   the case madx custom travel case for meta Quest  3 it's the only one that's extremely customizable   by removing these foam blocks on the inside and  just like the anao every single head strap that   we tested can fit in this one too the controllers  can have their own customized spots too so that   you can guarantee that they don't bang into each  other the only downside to it is how bulky it is   compared to the rest for $10 more than that at  $70 you get the smallest case out of the three   the official Quest 3 case for meta it's very  protected as the top and bottom are both hard   shells not really a fan of this very stainable  rough gray fabric material on the outside it's got   a designated spot for cables and your controllers  to fit in very nicely but if you plan to get the   attop or Kaw headstraps you're out of luck as  those simply won't fit technically the Bobo VR   S3 Pro and the KK Co vbr did fit but it was so  tight that I'm pretty sure either the zipper   or the headstraps are going to break after only  10 or so uses so a whopping four out of the nine   head straps I would not use with this one this is  actually my least least favorite one especially   considering that ripoff of a price the one that  I've been using with my Quest 2 for several years   and my personal favorite the case matics because  I prefer function over form a close second is the   anao the only thing that I didn't like about  this one was that less protective controller   bag now finally getting into the really fun  stuff the be haptic tax suit x16 and x40 vests 200 VR title with built-in haptic  feedback works with the meta Quest 3 The   Meta Quest Pro meta Quest 2 sink into your haptic Powerhouse wow as you can see it's Custom  Design to my apack got a little quick start   guide accessories number one additional  mesh lining got ourselves a little sweat vest ooh that's snug all right oh  I kind of feel like a fat guy in a   little coat fat guy in a little Co oh we  got some snaps to bring it down a little   bit that'll help back massage ooh take  me to dinner first let's check out the   haptic world real quick shotgvn whoa oh oh  that's got some kick to it all right I could   actually see how this would be pretty  useful when you're trying to figure out   very quickly where you're actually getting  shot from now for the big birtha attack suit x40 o this one's got a gold emblem this one's  quite a bit heavier only a six-pack on this one   so it must be designed for someone else ooh this  one feels a lot better it actually feels like it's   made for big kids definitely feels stronger  for sure it is more intense but honestly the   only real benefit is the fact that it covers my  entire midsection in firstperson Sh00ters the   body recoil from the gvn specific to where your  gvn actually was on the body custom recoil types   depending on what gvns you're using explosion  effects and the ability to use another sense   to immediately determine where you're getting  hit from all of that gave me an extra level of   immersion that I did not expect the rumbling on  epic roller coasters was also another game that I   think added a nice little effect I wouldn't really  get it for boxing games though the vibrations from   that didn't make it feel any more real real  istic honestly you're probably just going to   take it off if you're playing any active games you  already get pretty hot with those and to be even   more honest with you when you're actually playing  these games you kind of forget which one of these   you have on they both felt very very close to  each other it's just the x16 is smaller with 16   motors versus 40 Motors on the other one if you  do care a lot about looks and don't want to look   like a nerd like this guy huh sh then by all means  spend $200 more on the x40 for your own reference   I'm 510 you're short when it came to upgrading  your sound qu quality there's two popular earbuds   that people are purchasing with their Quest 3s the  prism XR Vega T1 and soundcore vrp1 inside their   boxes both include very similar attachments and  charging cases after a lot of testing in several   different games and different types of music I  found the prism XR to be a little louder with   better Basse better EQ presets within the app and  it sounds a little bit more crisp and high quality   overall the sound cord does look a little sleeker  though and has cool RGB that corresponds to the   device that you're connected to if you want to get  multiple dongles then in the app you can actually   quickly switch between them one con with the  sound core though is that the tap controls were   a little glitchy and didn't always work this is  what the quality of the microphone on the sound   core vp10 earbud sounds like and this is what the  quality of the microphone on the prism XR earbuds   sound like pretty much the same as far as what  everyone else will hear if you do get the sound   core make sure you get the one from Best Buy  that I have linked below not the Amazon one the   one from Amazon actually uses an old dongle that  does not allow pass through charging a huge deal   breaker if you can't charge a quest 3 with these  on one thing that I love about both of these is   that because they're connected to the quest  3 with a 2.4 GHz USBC dongle there's very low  

latency unlike the latency that you usually  get with Bluetooth connections this allowed   for game sounds to feel a lot more in sync with  what I was actually seeing both of these earbuds   also work with PC and gaming consoles except for  Xbox unfortunately and they also both flawlessly   switch to my phone when I get an incoming call  which I thought was pretty cool it even tones   down my game sound so that I can hear the call  and then brings them back up after the call is   done one thing that I can't stand that they  just removed from the Quest 2 and the quest 3   is you no longer can get phone notifications on  your quest I have no idea why they're removing   features but that's just zucked up next up  something that I was really excited about   protube VR these are controller attachments that  actually add haptic recoil feedback for gvnshots   I got two provol volverse Force tube gvn stock  for assault we@pons putting everything together   and getting it connected was pretty easy but  I was really really shocked at how few games   actually support this jumping into to the forums  I came to find out that many other people actually   had the same issues that I did a few of the games  that originally worked now no longer work the gvn   stock was actually a bit annoying at first as it  was pretty tough to find the magnets to connect   the controllers to every single time I had to  reload eventually I got used to it but I really   don't think it's worth a hefty price tag to get  it with this haptic attachment the one on the   gvn stock actually felt pretty weak and it didn't  make me feel any more immersed I absolutely loved   these Pro valers though the haptic feedback  for the pistols felt way more realistic and   it was so freaking cool dual wielding them  in super hot on the PC after installing a mod unfortunately many of the games that protube  says work with these don't actually work with the   pistol haptics just the assault we@pons and that's  a huge bummer so I honestly wouldn't waste your   money on the pro valers either as especially for  only a couple of decent games and my favorite one   being super hot only available if you're connected  to a PC once you connect your quest 3 to a VR   ready gaming PC you are not going to want to go  back as a PC Gamer the graphics on most Quest   games really make me kind of sad some of them  almost make me feel like I'm playing a Nintendo   64 again that all changes with a good gaming PC  though with a gaming PC you unlock a whole new   world of way more VR games access to mods way way  better graphics and the ability to customize game   graph options and cranking them all the way up  is enough to bring tears to your eyes when you   see how incredible everything looks kayak VR looks  absolutely stunning and beautifully realistic it's   actually kind of become my relaxing Zen space when  I just need to get away I mean this game looked   great before but I've never seen it look this  good this is incredible it's like hard to even   tell that it's fake and halflife Alex is another  amazing PC VR game that I just can't stop playing   this looks incredibly realistic these graphics  and textures are insane I've never seen better   graphics and textures in VR before and Microsoft  flight simulator was mind blowingly realistic   when I cranked all the graphics settings up the  fine details on those cities and environments   was insane wow oh it's storming this is insane  we got a yacht for the actual pcvr Link cable   I originally got this popular sych cable but  it charged very slowly if it actually charged   at all so then I got the Neu Oculus Link cable  for Quest 3 and then plugged my original Quest 3   charger into this and it charged beautifully along  with high-speed data from the PC get this one not   that one as a tech YouTuber that specializes in  reviewing gaming PCs I've got some great Insight   on which VR ready gaming PCs that you should get  based on your budget and I'm going to keep my   recommended VR ready gaming PCs links list below  consistently updated for the next few years as   well Pro tip if the same game is available on the  quest and the PC get it on the quest and you get   access to the PC version for free too if you're  coming from a console like an Xbox series X or a   PS5 and you want your graphics to at least match  that then I would get this cyber power PC Gamer   Master with a 4060 GPU anything less than this and  I'd say it's not really worth the minimal Graphics   Improvement that you'd get if you want to step it  up a notch for something that looks better than   an Xbox or a PlayStation then I would get this  Sky Tech Azure 2 with the 13th gen I 5 and 47 TI   that I reviewed this PC is just as fast as the top  tier PCS less than 2 years ago but now less than   $2,000 versus the $4,000 that those PCS used to  be to step it up even further to ultra Graphics   I actually recommend the Alienware Aurora R16  as my test showed it to have an insane price to   Performance ratio this one is a little over $3,000  which is actually one of the least expensive   gaming PCs with an I9 and 490 GPU proprietary  Alienware PCS are a little harder to upgrade so   I would only get this one if you plan to be doing  only minimal upgrades my most recommended king of   gaming PCs though is the Corsair Vengeance  i7500 this one is very upgradeable it's got   higher quality components and comes with a 2-year  warranty versus the one year from nearly everybody   else it's actually the third most purchased PC  by my viewers the number one most purchased when   comparing with other top tier PCS with I9 CPUs  and 4090 gpus if pretty much everything in this   video is outside of your budget and you're just  watching this to live vicariously through my   credit card debt then I highly recommend you  just get the older Quest 2 especially if you   don't really care about the higher resolution  colored mixed reality the quest 3 has about a   30% better resolution and a wider field of view  which does make you feel more immersed but at   $200 The Quest 2 is just a better bang for your  buck that's less than half that of the quest 3 I   still have no idea why the psvr2 was $450 I liked  that one and I gave it a decent review but without   mixed reality a lower resolution than the quest  3 and no pcvr connectivity made it a huge pass   reports are showing the Quest 2 and Quest 3 to  be outselling the psvr2 by about 30 times I tried   out the Apple Vision Pro and that one is just on  another level it's incredibly Superior screen with   a resolution miles ahead of the others made it  the most immersive VR experience that I've ever   had sadly the lack of games and support for PC VR  made it pretty much pointless $3500 is ridiculous   even having the best resolution nearly perfect  mixed reality and eye tracking it's still pretty   much pointless if there's not that much fun you  can have with it you can have way way more fun   with a Quest 2 than an apple Vision Pro The Quest  2 and the quest 3 can do most most of what the   Apple Vision Pro can do and more giant screens  and multiple monitor setups for your computer 3D   YouTube videos and playing Xbox games on a giant  virtual screen in my living room was pretty cool too okay so I'm about to sum up everything that I  actually do recommend you getting after all of my   testing but before I do that please remember that  purchasing all of this cost me several thousands   of dollars of my own money so please remember  to help support this channel by using my links   in the comments and description below as I get  a small commission at no cost to you even if   you purchase something different after using my  link overall if it doesn't stretch you too much   I would get the quest 3 if you don't plan to be  doing any PC VR then I'd get the 512 GB version   I actually ran out of space pretty quick with  my 128 GB version with just a few large games   then get the Bobo VR S3 Pro super strap the case  Matic carrying case the bhaptics x40 for adults   an x16 for kids under 12 the prism XR earbuds  this very handy VR floor mat which has been   the perfect thing for keeping me in one spot  and protecting my walls from getting holes in   them and this hard shell front protective cover if  you're now interested in the Quest 2 instead then   make sure you check out my full review on that  or if you'd like to significantly enhance your   VR experience with PC VR then make sure you check  out my full review comparing in detail all of the   most popular gaming PCs also make sure to like  comment and subscribe with notifications turned   on to stay up to date with all of my latest tech  thanks for watching guys I love you guys God bless

2024-07-07 01:40

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