Banana Chips Mega Factory: Processing Millions of Bananas with Modern Technology | Food Factory

Banana Chips Mega Factory: Processing Millions of Bananas with Modern Technology | Food Factory

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welcome back to trending Farm today  we will guide you to visit banana   chips Mega Factory famous for processing  millions of bananas using modern [Music] technology in this video we will explain to you   the process of growing bananas and  modern banana production [Music] lines please like the video and share  so we can start this discovery process [Music] together do you believe that  bananas are the most consumed   fruit in the [Music] world are bananas  really as beneficial to your health as   the Press claims [Music] bananas are a  delicious choice for snacking baking and [Music] cooking in addition bananas also contain  vitamin B6 potassium fiber and vitamin   C which help maintain cardiovascular  health promote digestion and provide   instant energy to Fitness enthusiasts [Music]  in addition to their culinary versatility used   in everything from delicious banana bread  to indulgent banana desserts bananas also   boost local economies through agriculture  promoting agricultural consumption in the [Applause] [Music] area have you ever  visited a large banana plantation [Music] have you ever wondered about productivity  and agricultural practices that ensure profitability join us at trending Farm as we  explore these topics further in our upcoming video [Music] segments before learning how  Farmers grow and care for banana trees   we invite you to take a panoramic tour  of the do banana Farm in South [Music] Florida this is one of the largest  banana farms in the United [Music] States this Farm Supplies bananas to grocery  stores restaurants and schools across the country Dole owns a total of more than 1,000 Acres at Dole   farms in South Florida and more than  188,000 Acres of banana Farms [Music] worldwide this Farm grows many different  types of bananas including Cavendish grows   Michelle and saba and produces over  10 million boxes of bananas each year five we couldn't take our eyes off the  footage of the vastness and lushness of this Farm how about you if this  vastness attracts you don't   forget to like and share the video to encourage us [Music] okay now let's see how the  workers in the food factory grow bananas at this Farm banana trees  are grown from tubers called seedlings the selected seedling needs  to be healthy pest free with a pseudo   stem about 1.3 to 1 .6 ft tall with 3 to Four Leaves farmers will prepare the land  for planting while the seedlings are transported they will create planting holes  approximately 1.64 ft deep and 1.64 ft wide seedlings are planted in fields and are  watered fertilized and controlled for [Music] pests with young bananas Farmers need to   water regularly keeping the soil  moist but not water logged [Music] combined with periodic fertilization top dressing   two to three times a year  During the period of strong [Music] growth they also regularly weed and cultivate tree   stumps to prevent pests and  diseases from affecting the tree normally bananas this flower  about 8 to 12 months after [Music] planting after flowering bananas  need about 3 months to fruit and [Applause] mature during this time farmers  will remove banana flowers and   cover them with film to protect  the banana bunches from insects [Music] when can bananas be harvested at this Farm bananas are harvested  with precision and care to ensure premium quality after 12 to 13 weeks of  growing skilled banana Growers   determine the ideal time to harvest the  fruit which is done 6 days a week [Music]   harvesting involves cutting the entire stem with a   machete protecting each bunch of bananas  with foam cushions to prevent [Music] damage bananas are picked when they  are still green so they ripen perfectly later after harvesting the leaves are left  to decompose and enrich the soil for the next [Music] crop using an 80m cable car  system across the farm harvested   Bunches of bananas are transported to  the packing plant where they undergo   rigorous quality [Music] checks this includes  washing inspection and packaging in especially   designed boxes to maintain freshness and ensure  minimal damage during transport to the food [Music] factory once harvested on  farms in Central America the fruit   is quickly transported to food factories and  specialized refrigerated containers [Music] [Music] before departure strict inspections ensure   the containers ventilation and  refrigeration systems maintain [Music] freshness bananas can be moved by train or truck [Music] at lyman's Container Terminal each  of the 2,000 containers is meticulously   cleaned inspected and connected to  our electrical system for the cold chain Dole's Fleet includes the two  largest reefer container ships in the   world Dole Columbia and Dole Chile each  containing about 1,000 containers [Music] Gantry cranes expedite loading and unloading temperature sensors and  onboard technicians ensure optimal   conditions throughout the 3 to 8 day Voyage to us a upon arrival the container  is quickly unloaded plugged into   Shore and prepared for transport  by [Music] Road Dole prioritizes   preserving the fresh flavor from  Farm to food factory for each banana in the next part of the video we invite  you to visit the banana chips processing food   factory where modern technology processes  millions of bananas into crispy delicious snacks starting from Lush banana  plantations professional Farmers   meticulously plant and harvest bananas they employ sustainable  practices like using green bags   to minimize pesticides and  ensure consistent in growing conditions at the food factory bananas are  thoroughly cleaned and washed to maintain quality selected bananas are precisely cut by hand   and go through a pre-cooling  process to preserve freshness only the highest quality bananas are  selected to produce fried bananas in the food [Music] factory green bananas ideal for their firmness  are sliced uniformly using Advanced Machinery [Music] these banana slices are then evenly  fried in hot oil to achieve the perfect [Music] [Music] crispiness after frying at  the food factory the fried bananas   are marinated with many different  flavors and carefully packaged by   an automatic machine to ensure  uniformity and freshness [Music] each package is rigorously tested  before distribution from the food   factory maintaining high standards until it  reaches the [Music] consumer the final step   in the production process of fried bananas at  a food factory ends with packaging of fried bananas after the bananas are processed the fried   banana pieces are packaged  by an automatic packaging machine this process ensures each package has  the same amount and flavor while also protecting   the bananas from moisture and outside air keeping  the fried bananas crispy and delicious [Applause] each package of fried bananas  is Thoroughly inspected after   packaging to ensure the expected quality and [Music] taste substandard  packages will be discarded   to ensure only the best products are sent to Consumers finally after inspection the  fried bananas are boxed and prepared   for transportation to retail and distribution [Music] points cartons are also marked and managed  by barcode for easy tracking and [Music] control   the banana chip packaging process in the factory  focuses on maintaining quality protecting the   product's flavor and cristas to ensure that  each banana chip the consumer receives is the best this is the entire process from  the banana Farm to the banana food factory if you are a fan of this banana chips  dish don't forget to subscribe to the channel   and share this video more widely so that more  people know about this interesting banana dish trending Farm will continue to learn  more about modern food factories around   the world in this video don't change  the channel and stay with [Music] us the United States is the world's third  largest producer and exporter of wheat after   Russia and the European Union with 33.3 million  tons of exports in 2022 14% of the global total [Music]   it is expected that by 2024 the US will grow wheat   on 31.7 million Acres accounting for  3.4% of the country's arable land

area witcha Kansas is known as the wheat capital  of the world with 20,000 hectares of land the farm owner carries out the  wheat harvesting process using   a John Deere X9 1,450 machine with  sharp blades rolling Jigs and conveyor belts powerful beaders separate seeds from  stems while while sees and fans remove impurities large tank and Wing system one when the bin is full  the truck driver dumps the wheat   grain and transports it to the processing plant I see that the boss is very satisfied with   the use of Machinery during the  harvesting process on his [Music] [Music] farm at the Mill the  wheat is mixed inspected and clean [Music] the seeds are M and screened  to remove [Music] impurities they are   ground into white powder removing the brand and [Music] germ the factory produces three types  of white flour high protein bread FL   flour low protein cake flour  and medium protein allpurpose [Music] flour the final product is packaged and distributed do you often use flour in your dishes   share your recipes with us  in the video comment section [Music] in this section we will explore  the harvesting and processing of soybeans then it's doing a pretty decent  job other than still agricultural Machinery   equipped with rotating shafts and  scrapers collect soybean plants into   trough while a Crusher system crushes  the stalks returning them to the field after harvesting soybeans are loaded onto  trucks through pipelines connected to [Music] Harvesters I think I think  about four tons of soybeans were [Music] collected these soybeans are then transported to  the processing plant where they undergo a shelling [Music] process workers use elevators to drop beans into  Hoppers which carry them to the crusher through [Music] pipes the beans are mixed with hot  water to cook and cooled in a vacuum chamber the concentrated soybean mixture  is separated by centrifugation removing   insoluble fiber and starch  to be recycled as animal feed additional spices are mixed  in before the soy milk under   go quality testing sterilization  and packaging ready for [Music] consumption soy milk in the US ranges  from 1.5 to 5 USD depending on type and [Music] weight can you guess this  harvest season how much money did   the farm owner make from those soybeans [Music] did you notice the man digging the [Music] ground that is cassava also known by other names this is an important food crop with  cassava flour consumption second only to   cornstarch [Music] originating from South  America cassava is now commonly grown in   tropical and subtropical [Music] regions  usually harvested 8 to 12 months after   planting the farmer removes the leaves  and cuts the stem close to the base [Music] these tree trunks are bundled  to prepare for the next planting [Music] season the owner was driving an excavator  digging up cassava tubas with the hard   ground requiring workers to pull  the cassava out manually [Music] transported to the processing area cassava  batches go through a washing process to   remove mud and impurities and workers  peel [Music] them they are then chopped   and crushed using a centrifugal separator  that separates the water from the raw powder dry in the oven and cool experts ensure the  moisture content of the dough is below [Music] 11% finally cassava flow is packed  into large bags for distribution [Music]   are you curious where these sacks go  share and comment for more updated   answers in our upcoming [Music] videos  coffee beloved worldwide for its taste   and mental boost increases alertness  AIDS fat burning and improves mood this video explores how  Americans Harvest and process coffee subscribe to modern farm and enable  notifications for more interesting videos [Music] [Music] after 6 to 9 months  ripe red coffee cherries are   carefully picked with Farm  owners investing in costly [Music] [Music] Harvesters the cherries are washed  dep popped and the seeds dried under the sun [Music] specialize Machinery Mills and  classifies the beans by size and quality roasting at temperatures  below 180° enhances flavor and   Aroma with longer roasting reducing caffeine content finally the beans are packaged or  ground into powder for stores and cafes [Music] coffee production transforms  raw cherries into finished [Music] coffee are you still following the Journey  of American farmers harvesting agricultural   products with us comment number  one let us know [Applause] [Music]   rice is the most commonly used food in the [Music] world andras Farms California  famous for its large rice cultivation   area of up to 24,000 Acres  about 9,712 hectares [Music]   apply Advanced farming techniques use water  saving irrigation systems and renewable [Music] energy the harvest season  starts from November to April [Music] the farm uses a Kabota dc93 Harvester  with a threshing and screening system   with a large diameter threshing drum which  minimizes the loss of rice when operating the [Music] [Music] machine the machine has a maximum  capacity of 93 horsepower along with a   moving speed of up to 2.1 Ms and a cutting  jaw width of up to 2.18 [Music] M with these   indicators the owner is proud to be able  to harvest tons of rice every [Music] day   after being harvested rice is poured into the  truck's tank and transported to the process [Music] plant they are poured into a mill to peel   them then the white rice grains  follow the conveyor belt to the container the grinding process will create  rice brand powder which will fall through the seed finished rice is packed into sacks and [Music] consumed cocoa fruit also  known as cocoa pod is the fruit of   the Cocoa Tree which is native to the  tropical regions of Central and South [Music] America the cocoa fruit is  a large oval-shaped fruit that grows   directly from the trunk or branches  of the Cocoa Tree [Music] the fruit   contains about 30 to 50 cocoa beans  which are surrounded by a sweet white [Music] pul the beans and PP are the two  main components of the cocoa fruit that   are used in the production of chocolate  and other cocoa based products [Music] cocoa fruit is harvested when it reaches maturity  which can take between 5 to 6 months after [Music] flowering harvesting involves cutting the   fruit from the tree using  a machete or other [Music] tool once harvested the Coca fruit fruit is  opened and the beans and Pulp are [Music] removed the beans are then fermented dried and   roasted before being processed into chocolate  liquor Cocoa Butter and cocoa powder [Music] the pulp on the other hand is often used  to make juice or Jam or it can be eaten [Music] fresh how many dishes have you  experienced using this ingredient   let's disc discuss in the comments section of this [Music] video harvesting cashews is a laborious  process in which workers must carefully   handpick the cashew nuts the swollen stalks of the   fruit before separating the cashews  housed in their hard outer shell [Music]   in larger scale operations mechanical cracking   machines are used to streamline the peeling  process ensuring efficiency and [Music] productivity after peeling casew nuts go  through many different processing stages to   prepare for [Music] consumption they are  dry to reduce moisture peeled to remove   the thin dark skin covering and graded  based on size color and quality [Music]   roasting another essential step enhances  the flavor and texture of the beans while   removing residual [Music] moisture innovation  in Cashew processing has led to the creation   of a wide variety of products including seasoned  cashews cashew butter and even dairyfree cashew [Music] cheese thank you for watching our video  If you find the content useful click like   And subscribe to the channel so you don't  miss the next interesting videos [Music] click the notification Bell to receive the  latest updates from us thank you for your [Music] support thank you so much guys  for watching this video so since we   don't really have any clue of what kind  of difficulties that you could be facing   in your Farms please don't forget to  share all the problems you're facing   and obstacles you're going through as this will  tremendously help us with our upcoming video was

2024-08-29 09:25

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