Azure Terraform Crash Course | Terraform Training In UK | USA Client | 1-1 |JOYATRES |
so National Grid PWC in multiple points Okay so uh then all the cloud migrations kind of thing stuff and then around 2015 onwards like that okay all the terraform and ISC kind of things okay so you are into IAC completely yeah completely now in devops okay completely okay so devops is very wide infrastructure and coolings multi-cloud now Azure AWS TCP everything okay because now around 2015 20 like that time it was there Enterprises were going in one cloud and all but now like all the companies are evolved they want to switch over because that whichever pricing is easy they switch over they want to switch over to that okay yeah hope you can see my screen right yes okay okay [Music] so first of all that terraform okay is like how you did arm templates and all that so terraform is it is not like a traditional like those dot net like those kind of languages are it is not like that okay so this is more like a H what do you say a declarative language now now all the new languages like for example you might have heard uh puppet Chef okay yeah even the bicep okay so these all all are what it is these are declarative languages okay so we don't have to tell how to do it and all how to do each step we just have to declare what should be the end step okay and it will go and create it accordingly so we don't have to worry about that but in the traditional languages and all like python see Java and all that we have to give each step okay so that's a bit easier that's why the learning curve is easy on on on these kind of languages okay so terraform is also one of that okay like how ansible um templates populate these are all declarative so that's why learning wise it is I would say being done all the programming kind of a python and all that in past Java and all so it's the learning curve is quite easy and there is a finite amount of things which you need to learn okay so there is a boundary to learn otherwise if you see other languages you know there is quite wide things you need to learn and all okay but these ones there are fixed things there are kind of a a particular structure of uh in the terraform language and there are a couple of modules like that each module and once we have done through that so everything revolves around that okay so we have a finite amount of things to learn so that is again a good thing for a learner like they won't be overwhelmed with the level of information and all that okay so just going through with some videos like these uh variables and providers like syntaxes like setting blocks and all this I was able to understand yeah correct yeah so that is very easy yeah so that's why if you see the structure like for example the variable block is there okay and the provider block so there are kind of around 10 to blocks are there which we if we know all that that's done okay our day things are done okay so that's why our code time framed okay we don't want to keep months and months like that it will be very time framed and we just have to go through each each block okay and we could which may not be some things there could be some things right which may not be relevant immediately as a starter okay you may need after doing day in day job like for six months after one year you may need some very Advanced features okay towards the end we will take or we must keep it okay because anyway even if you learn it now you if you don't use it you will forget it so all the languages nowadays like that if you don't hands on you will very quickly forget it okay so I would advise you the day-to-day activities yes yes yeah foreign terraform and CLI uh Azure CLI have done it okay yeah so we can skip like whichever things you already done install terraform Visual Studio code so our day-to-day job will be on the visual studio code yeah I have done it here AWS we will skip it because some students want AWS as well so it's optional purely because if you are focusing on it on Azure let's purely focus on Azure only okay so agcli and all installation is done and then we will start from here the top level blocks okay whichever the top level box and in the first our intro this one we can skip a lot of things and we will see what are we will going to do which all blocks we are going to do so we'll we'll go through each of the block at a high level okay and once then each block we are going into very drill down level like what is the day-to-day use of the provider block okay how what is actually used uh what is the purpose of it how to best utilize it so the second module will be the first block the terraform block and the provider block okay and then we will go through the resource block okay which will be our meet of the course you can say we the day in day out you will work more on the resources side okay so here we will do all the resources block and while using the resources while creating the resources we may use a lot of other blocks okay helper blocks or we call it meta arguments like ground provider life cycle for each these all we will use okay so these are very relevant in day in day out okay whoever either it is AWS you are using or azure so after doing that then we will come come to the chapter called modules okay so this will be the like one of the key chapter which is used in all Enterprises okay so whoever whichever company is using terraform they are 100 using this this knowledge okay terraform modules and this allows you to share your code and work in a team okay so currently whatever resource you do you might be creating on your own okay but there is nobody can contribute on that okay or you cannot share your code properly but using this module in one code like 10 people can collaborate and work okay so Enterprise everyone they follow this module so we will spend a good amount of time here and then terraform State okay we will see what is the purpose of the state file how to recover that and change that and all so these all the curriculum I've like done after seeing my day-to-day work okay for the last two years whatever I'm in day to day I'm I'm getting so that from there only I created this course curriculum okay okay and expression then four actually okay yeah that are for module so whatever usually in all the Enterprise or whatever project you are going to do in any organization okay so you you have to do it using modules only okay because these are first of all reusable okay easily manageable and all you can share it to uh to better manage manage the resources and control it okay so ultimately we'll be using resource but after the resources there the packaging like how to deliver it through the modules okay so you are going to deliver your end goal in a module okay so and then the state file okay you've got a copy of the existing is in the file oh yeah it is kind of your golden copy you can see all the resource information will be there here okay and how to configure like clone the state like let's say uh your your um you got into some project already somebody has done the coding and all but the code is not available with you okay so how to understand it from the state file how to copy it you you have your state file information locally already created okay now you want to migrate it to terraform cloud or terraform Enterprise so this knowledge will be useful because ultimately the the organizations and all they they won't be using terraform locally okay they will be using some form of either terraform Enterprise or terraform cloud or something like that okay or or even they will have their own remote state okay so so that it gives the power to have to share the things or do it in a collaborative way so let's say you are you are creating the resources locally on your laptop okay but now tomorrow let's say somebody else wants to continue work on it or or you want to uh do some somebody has left the work off and you want to continue so if you don't have the state file and all you cannot do that job okay so that's why all the organizations will manage the the state file centrally okay so the the small organizations they may go for either keeping it in a in a storage account okay and as your storage account or in AWS S3 bucket okay gcpe bucket as well so like in a central place and then you point to your code to that state file and do the day-to-day job so that 10 people can also work collaboratively in that okay so that's why the organizations will go in that way like remote remotes remote State managing the remote state so we will see you in that area and we will also configure the remote State using storage account and S3 so I've seen many startup companies or small organizations they go in that way like they keep a keep their own uh a S3 bucket and in that they do or a storage account and they will do that maybe it's a mid-level or big organizations they will go with terraform Cloud okay or some much more higher they will have their own licenses and they will go for terraform Enterprise okay but the backend code and the language or the writing style everything is same okay it's only there the tool is changing like that they will have more features like in an Enterprise like how the cloud is different but the so that it gives many other governance features like you can have policies in like usually in a group you can do right management group management and all that policies thing what what one person can do so these are very like necessary things for Enterprise so they will go in that okay but maybe for the startups or small organizations they don't want that many bells and whistles new things so they will go with creating their own uh remote storage okay buying is storage account or anything this also works fine only thing they don't have that GUI and all that stuff okay so this is that part and the terraform expression and function this is very small chapter because as I said this is not a very traditional language like Java Python and all that where you can create your own functions and subroutines and all that here we are using the function which are already given by the RC Corp terraform okay so we will just go through couple of important functions which are used day in day out like whatever as per my experience like couple of first 20 functions or something we can take okay just a matter I will just open the door somebody's coming sorry okay yeah so this is that chapter to go through the functions and all and how to convert maybe formatting okay so storage ID you want or subscription you want from the a lot of big string okay so these things we will we will encounter here okay in this chapter and seventh chapter is more on the troubleshooting part on the logging and all it is purely optional I would say okay maybe you want you want you can skip it in day two in day in day out we don't use that much okay like logging you know like and so it's just maybe 15 minutes chapter this one okay okay and yeah like um uh yeah from the yes so let's say you are creating some terraform code okay code is fine but it is not creating in back end connectivity is not happening to Azure okay our authentication is failing to Azure your service principle or certificate authentication is failing so those sort of troubleshooting tell you like how to enable the trace logging how to do the central debug logging in that we will see that okay so that's why this is not that day in day out so I will give you the helpful resources and my notes which I have for this part and still we will go through that but it won't be very extensive like there is State or the resource okay and terraform cloud and this this one uh also like because terraform cloud like for five View kind of users it's free okay so we will go okay like this will give you a feel of working in kind of a getting experience in the Enterprise like how they do the terraform Enterprise and the terraform Cloud okay the look and feel is same exactly there is slightly the features here and there it may differ but the look and feel and the experience is almost same okay so this will give you a a I call it enterprise-wide kind of experience where you have to till now we will do all the coding locally okay on your own laptop but here in this chapter whatever code is already developed we will push that to the gate repository okay so we'll couple of git commands also we will do that day in day out how whatever commands we use there are not many okay a few only so and then how to integrate that in a pipeline and all that stuff like how to push it through the terraform cloud and do that this is again chapter nine is optional I've added it because some of the students they want that because they they do through the Azure devops integration okay this is the pipeline integration okay so whatever code you do you it is already there in gate but you have to trigger it from the Azure pipeline okay I should know so it's purely optional if if you feel that your organization which you're planning there using that we can go through that okay or we will do it anyway like if it is optional we can put more Focus otherwise it will be a little bit like point to point will be there because it is again a vast topic but we will we are touching only the thing which will in give us the capability to to do a CI CD of terraform pipeline okay yes so yeah so this these things yeah so these separated mandatories yeah yeah yes because in Enterprise they do that okay so till now what we are doing is we are learning all the terraform here and here we it is more on Enterprise kind of exposure because whenever you go for any interviews or anything like talking they will that say ICD word will come okay they will say like how you how you are creating the resources using terraform so if you say that I create my file locally and run that so that nobody nobody will know like they will immediately know that okay this is not the proper way in Enterprise so proper way in Enterprise is they they build the code locally they push it to git okay then the branch so and then push it to a pipeline and the pipeline will run and create the resources okay so that will give you a very end point so if they're using uh Azure devops sorry Azure Cloud then they will push it to Azure isn't it like Azure Cloud isn't it instead of using it because it's it's not mandatory okay so uh organizations this is a pipeline okay so pipeline means what whatever tasks you have created okay it is running on a scheduled way or on an event based okay so you can hear some organizations will go for Azure devops some will go for Jenkins okay some will go for GitHub actions which of actions is pretty kind of new and fancy so a lot of organization even Microsoft is pushing very hard for GitHub actions so it depends whichever pipeline they are going for circles and many tools are there okay but so whichever tool you you see if your organization or your whichever you're planning to do if they are using GitHub actions we can do with that if they're using Jenkins we can do with Jenkins okay so it is not mandatory that this one only this is just an example I've given so some organizations will be using some sort of tool okay either some sort of CI CD tool so that these will be running on a event trigger basis or on schedule basis something like that because nobody will be doing that manually or something like that at night or on a routine way yeah so ah that nine point maybe on on your like if you think okay not as you divorce maybe Jenkins or or maybe something else you can accommodate that okay so in organization level I we work on all the sort of tools different projects will be using different sort of tools and all okay some organizations will have a a standard tool but many other small small projects will will have their own tools okay so you have to know a little bit of all that but all the logic or the the basic science is the same okay only that technology might be different but the basic fundamental is same in that CI CD okay so these are all the topics okay so after seven humans say these are these are optional kind of these are not core terraform uh thing this is all the code terraform which you will do and all the modules we will cover like the uh whatever blocks you we we discuss the core blocks those all blogs we are going to do in much detail so let me see where is our blog topic yeah so these are the core blocks which we are going to do okay the terraform block and the provider block resources block okay so these are blocks are are used day in day out okay whenever you are doing telephone these are the the like hundred percent of the indiot you will use this input variable output variable local blocks module blocks data source block okay so the entire knowledge revolves around these blocks only so there is a finite boundary to learn so then that's a main good thing in that okay and apart from that there are few uh meta arguments these are also block but there are some kind of special block okay it depends on count for each so these are also used day in day out not everyone maybe depends on is used count for each and provider okay life cycle we have not much like on need basis only so these all things will be our scope while doing in in the entire course okay and how the course will be right a bit of theory and then directly on doing the coding on on the visual studio yeah so it will be structured like that and we will have a git repository so all the code whatever we will do will share it okay so that you can either I will give you some homework that okay complete this code we will I will start something and give you or or maybe I will tell you to write some example maybe create Azure function okay or as your VM or or I will give you some code okay there is azure VM already there now attach a disk into that okay and some kind of that that kind of homework or will be there which will which it will force you little bit to learn something okay even if it is not covered in that or or do your own research or ask me how to do that and all that okay so this is all that things and tools already you told right so these all will cover some part of git will be there okay because later git will be needed in in the in the actual uh true scenario I will use the kit only okay so this is the very high level and connectivity also you have Azure account right oh good for you so it it won't be like uh you can have anything free or pay as you go whichever is there because we are not going to keep the resources for long we will just create it and delete immediately we'll create it delete it like that yeah and usually you just want to understand in the Azure or like you will be more focused on the infrastructure as a service like IAS side or the platform as a service pass and all kind of thing or or is it not aware at this point for you uh mostly Ias infrastructure is okay fine so we'll focus more examples on the on that point then okay infrastructure is okay but pass will also be there Azure app service we will cover as your function app okay logic app at least we will cover touch Point these all important things which are used in the Enterprise okay [Music] foreign any other queries or anything from the course content uh one of you or there any specific timing also you can say like when you won the course like you are based in UK right yes yes yeah you you're based in yeah I'm based in London yeah okay which part where I'm I'm in East London um popular okay okay foreign [Music] are you flexible with timing or how how it works out um what is your feasible time actually uh evening anything after five is fine like you are here or sometime in day also like um or if you any anytime might be 30 minutes someday something one or it's up to you also like how quick how you are grasping I will go in that space okay so it's not like pushing all the few hours on you like that so I will ensure that okay you are getting that content and you know it's helping you okay so it's not purely of professional basis so at least if you are not understanding or not reading what is the point of teaching okay absolutely yeah okay thank you so it will be like that so based on your learning Pace I will adjust accordingly what is that okay hmm so um let me know whenever we can start we can start today also or tomorrow anytime like I'm fine with anything anyway it's weekend or like how you want to do on weekends or not all right it's up to you or you how you want to do okay um what about mornings will suit for you yeah mornings is fine like morning what time around what is your time like like six to seven something like too early is it possible for you no no it's fine I wake up early only okay so six to seven is a good time yeah yeah that will be fine yeah because nowadays the summer it's quite early right day time yeah yeah okay yeah so that's fine six to seven is good so let me know if tomorrow is fine we can start tomorrow or anytime like based on you uh [Music] [Music] second thing on my WhatsApp number and all okay so that [Music] people
2023-05-19 02:27