Azure for Students : Setup Guide, Usage Tips, and Demo | Step-by-Step Tutorial

Azure for Students : Setup Guide, Usage Tips, and Demo | Step-by-Step Tutorial

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hi today I'm going to show how to get started with aour for free for students um students get $100 free credit to use over the 12 months um it's a fantastic Learning Resource as well so you can use that and there's a whole load of free resources you can use you know throughout it'll always be free um so this video we're going to show you how to get started with that we're going to have a demo of going through the process with a real student account as well uh we'll show you how to get set up with devops as well as creating a web app and we'll take a look at the education Hub and we'll also talk about optimizing um your workloads to save costs and budget alerts as well so I've been working recently with um some students at Peterborough aru um aru Peterborough in in the UK um and we've kind of set this video to just show how to get started for free and we're going to be working on some modules and training with those um uh with the teams there so if we get um started so how do we get started I mean the first thing to do is just do a search for as your for students and you'll find out whether on your favorite search engine whichever that might be and it'll take you to the um main page which is going to look like that U I do have that page open as well so just BR that up here and you can see from here there's a lot of information and links here as well so you can get started with this link here and you can scroll down and there's lots of information um that can help you here as well so you know starting with um the type of workloads that you can build and a whole list of free um resources so even if you've used your $100 credits um there's still a bunch of free resources that specific SKS of things that you can use for free and if you click this link here you'll see that in the demo ler there's a whole list of things that are there for free so you can get up and running um and get up to speed with that stuff quite easily and further down you've got the links to Microsoft learn there's a whole learning path and depending on the different areas that you're interested and we'll show that in the demo as well and also some of the terms and conditions as well you know um you you can renew after another 12 months um FAQs and and a bunch of um other resources there as well so we'll do we'll get we'll go back to the slides okay so see these are some of the the totally free resources here as well so we take a look at these bit more details you've got app Services functions Cosmos all these services are free and so you can get started and build these and we'll build a web application in in in the demo as well later I will'll also set up the devops so you don't need a credit card for any of this kind of stuff um here's a list of the some of the free products that we saw on that page as well but I would recommend you do add your credit card details as well because there's a lot of things that are free that are just not available with the with that um as your for students package uh one of the things is as your virtual networking so if you want to learn about Networks and also create any virtual machine type things you're going to need a network and that won't work on on the free resources so you do it won't cost you anything uh but you do need to um set your card up um to to be able to use these resources so that's something that you should do anyway and then keep a track of your costs or or just use it stick to the free costs um here's is your devop so we'll show you the URL so once you get started you'll be able to look for as your devops in the isure portal and get started that create an organization and you can use that to you know um practice um you know setting up tasks and Boards project management and also code libraries and and repositories for managing and and working with code as well okay some some of the free resources that are really useful um the VMS so you you get this kind of spec here that's always free virtual networks are always free um unless you start adding the the Dos standard dos protection but without that it's all it's all free um there's also something called nsgs network security groups and that's kind of layer four firewall rules and they're also free um there's a skew of the virtual U virtual private Network Gateway and that's also free as well now that gw1 is not going to be available for much longer see our a your site to site video for more details on that so I'm not sure what's going to happen to that one um the seal server functions and was your policy and update manager so you can use that for that uh understanding governance and access control and those kind of things as well in here okay so you can go you can also go straight to this URL here and get started from there give you some tips here about optimization so in in order to optimize so you've got um your free um subscription you've given your credit card details and what you should do is then learn to just um make sure you don't keep things running on the platform because they start cost you if you're using anything other than the free resources especially um so make sure you can just uh once you get familiar with it try understanding templates and scripts so you could use um you could even use Powershell bicep terraform those kind of things um to deploy your your resources all in one go so once it's saved as a script you can then just deploy what you need and then you can also just tear it down when you finish using it and then just redeploy when you need it therefore you saving costs that way as well you can ALS also use things like as your functions or as your automation to go and clean up these resources on a schedule so you could potentially have a script that just runs every night to go around and delete all your resource groups for example especially when you're training um at the end of the day um you've also got shutdown um options as well which you can automate um for VMS and those kind of things and also just recommend deleting things if you don't need them uh we'll also show you in in in the demo coming up in a moment um on budgets and alerts how to set those up so you get a alerts um to notify when you comeing up to um reach your your budget for that for that month whatever you will set it to okay so okay so let's go to the demo here of the account so as I mentioned uh we used a real student account happly my daughter which is also name is Leah which is the L in La net by the way um so let's just um flip to that so here's here we are just searching for where to go so we we find the Microsoft as yoga students page go through the um terms in there you can see some exclusions so there's things like um Marketplace and express R and those kind of things you can't actually um use for free and then what you do is just put in your details your address details email date of birth and what we've used here is our um or the student use their aru um academic um student account so it all it's kind of linked to a student domain already so it kind of knows so if you're using an or something you'll need to verify your academic status as it shows there and I'll send you some uh emails to your um academic account as well so just do that and go through the verification process here just to make sure you're a real person and then what that will do is confirm and set up your account and just ask you so we decided to record this and and play the whole thing through and just show it in progress because there's a lot of articles that show you this is what you need to do but not actually show you it working so we thought we'd set this up tried to hide details as much as possible provide your feedback on the setup okay it's then going to open up the ual portal for you and take you straight to the education Hub and from there you should be able to see your um subscriptions so it's going to create you as your subscription uh you might have to wait a little while for that one and just refresh it give it a few seconds and you refresh it and you should see yours your subscription and that is kind of your container for where you can create resources inside aure so everything belongs to a subscription which is like a billing boundary and in there you can see any resources that you've created or you can go and create a new one so in this case we'll create a new Resource Group here and just call it a test Resource Group and a resource Group is again there another container to create your object so Resource Group is just another way of um organizing your um as your resources and You' normally do that by a service for example so if you've got a web application that needs um some web apps vome database those kind of things you and it's all work to the same uh for the same service you'd put that into a resource Group so that's kind of a starting point there and here's a list of some of the um all the free resources that are available if you go further into that link as well so you can see there's quite a lot of things you can have a play with and start getting familiar with and what we'll do is we'll take a look at the Azure devops as well to show show where you can store and manage your code okay so if we go back to the portal we'll do a search we'll go and um look for a virtual Network for example create resource virtual Network and I'll show you what happens here even though it's a free resource it's going to ask for your payment detail so suggest you go through and fill fill this bit in and so you get the best experience right over there okay so the next thing that we're going to do is look for devops we'll set up the as your devops instance so first you go to um do a search for as your devops and it'll take you to your organization it'll just ask you a bit more details about your name and email address and then it'll take you to set up an organization that will give you your URL for as your devops we'll see that in a moment so we need to create an organization and we won't we won't go into too much detail we'll just go through the setup here so you can see that's the URL you'll get and you can change that and that'll take you into your devops and as I mention you can use that for your code repost for example we'll show you just um um where that is and then just link it up to visual studio code for example so we'll create a project here as well and and then that's where we can start storing our boards or repos pipelines and those kind of things and here we're just going to click on on the on the repo and then clone it in vs code so we've got a copy of the code locally and we can start um doing some training around our code so make sure you got visual studio um code installed first point to which folder you want to store all your Visual Studio code and then you'll see um add it to your workspace here and then it'll show up inside your tree in this case our is called training hyen one because we already had another one called training um so all your code can go in there so as you start writing code and creating code save it in there sync it up and it will all um get sync into the back end which is your devops repo up here okay so now what we'll do is we'll take a look at uh creating a web application so remember that's one of the free resources that we can create and we'll just do a search for create web app and we'll um create that web app here notice you only get the free um skew so the web apps have different SKS free uh basic standard and premium uh so we're just going to use the free one and we'll see some of the limitations with that as well so the name needs to be globally unique so you need to can't just call it my web app U as it says as you can see it's given a URL which is a globally unique URL so as it's a shared platform you need to give it a a unique URL choose your locations or what kind of um code stack you want it to run on just choose um West Europe in this case for our example and it's going to create so a web app needs to exist inside an app service plan so it's going to create a plan and we can see the pricing plan is there is free and we're not going to do any of the advanced um networking or anything on this one so we're just going to create the web app and you'll see it's going to um provide us with a a public URL and that URL is going to be accessible and what you need to do then is kind of um upload your code to that web app so then your application will start running um inside this as your web app which means you don't you're not um managing or setting up a virtual machine for the web application just uploading your code to this resource which is a a p resource platform as a service so they're just providing you with a web application and you just deploy and and provide the code and and manage it that way okay once that's done it will turn green and say go to Resource so we've gone to the resource Group there we can see our app service plan so that's where it's hosted and then if we do a refresh a couple of times you'll see the application turn up and if you hit on my my web app and give it a minute and you'll see the URL in there and that's your web application with the default code already deployed so it's not really doing anything this what this is your container you can now use that deployment Center for example and then deploy your code to that application and if we go on the left hand side you'll see all the different options that we've got so there's a whole load of configuration options so we can use our scale up settings so looking at the spec of the those plans um and also scale out looking at how many instances and those kind of things um we can set now as we go higher up you could be able to set up all kinds of custom rules for um number of instances and and scaling automatic scaling and all kinds of things as well as some of the security settings and the key one is custom domains as well so you can't do that on the free version so you'd really want to move to one of the higher plans and and just use that for your training so and here we would need to um use one of one of the higher plants to be able to set up custom domains with that we'd need to verify that domain with your um ISP or wherever your DNS is stored and then you can have your own custom domain and also add certificates and those kind of things in here as well but for this this free account we just get this free thing just to help get started so that's where recommend putting your credit card in using this using the very low standard version so you can then start understanding all the features once you start getting used to the free stuff okay let's take a look at the education Hub so you can search for that and inside there there's al already some free services links to free services templates um links to training materials and those kind of things so we've got templates there at the top um some of the free services and also free soft W that's available as well in terms of training you can look at the different roles what kind of roles you're looking to if you're an AI engineer or devops engineer it will take you to learning paths in Microsoft learn for that um and also some of the free free links to download visual studio code and various other things as well you can also look through the learning um catalog there all this is basically links to Microsoft learn easy way to to access it and look at it via the different roles of um the you user Persona you can also look at the templates here and actually use these templates are already pre-pro you can deploy them automatically so you just click on deploy It'll ask you to check your authentication sometimes and then put in the details there already um screen set up so we're using my account now um and then in there you provide the information that you need and then it'll go and create um the resources that you need using the templates so it's just a nice easy way of deploying resources without having to go through um the menu or any code you sell these are just like quick start templates you also get access to um geub student developer pack as well and also co-pilot for GitHub is also free now to point so these are some of the co um the um courses that are available in the learning pth so if you go into any of these it will take you to the Microsoft learn site and so if we launch that it'll take you to Microsoft learn and it'll take you through the course details all the modules and everything and these are all free and you can use this to learn about the platform as well and what we can do is set up budgets alerts as well so if we look at Cost management um we go through alert rules and add add a rule in here we're just going to give it a name see that set budget alerts here and we're going to set up um an amount in this case I want to know if it gets up to a percentage of my actual uh spend so know when I've put on a limitting of60 or something and then in that when it gets to 90% of it it's going to send me an alert there are also ways to automate things as well so you can send um your alert to an action group and that Action Group um will then you've got the ability to kick off a run book or do something in logic caps to go and do a task um but in in this case in this demo we're just going to set up alert um for that um spend if it gets £65 um it's up to 90% of that I I'm going to know about it so that that can be really really useful um to protect you from you know sometimes accidentally leaving things on for example and you you'll know about it so you can manage your costs a bit easier that way okay so I hope that was uh useful um we just went through you know how you can use your $100 credits there's a whole load of free resources but to get the most out of it use your credit card and and and so you can unlock a lot of the other services of very cheap ones or the free ones including virtual networks which is really important um we shown how to get started how to set up your devops environment and create a web application take took a look at the education Hub and also Microsoft learn and talk to about a little bit about optimization and setting up those alerts so um hopefully that was um useful um if you get stuck or anything drop us a message on our YouTube channel and uh yeah one of us will get back to you and hopefully um it's a good start to help you um get kicked off with with aure and yeah give it give it a spin and see see how you get on and use a lot of free um training material there's also things like virtual training days it's called Uh Microsoft provide like half day sessions which include some training and free exam as well and I think students get discounted or free exams as well so those are also very very valuable and very useful so strongly um suggest you check those out as well okay thank you very much for watching

2025-01-03 18:15

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