Automatic Camel Milking Technology - Modern Camel Farming | Farming Documentary

Automatic Camel Milking Technology - Modern Camel Farming | Farming Documentary

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automated milking technology has reduced  labor costs by up to 40% on Camel Farms what makes automated camel milking  systems a GameChanger in this expanding industry discover the Innovations and benefits  in our farming documentary on trending Farm the shift from manual to automatic  camel milking systems is rapidly   growing in popularity due to its efficiency and [Music] benefits why opt for an automatic system these  machines can milk multiple camels simultaneously   boosting productivity and increasing milk  [Music] yield they are designed for optimal   hygiene reducing bacterial contamination  and operate gently to ensure camel comfort [Music] [Music] automatic systems also save labor  and provide accurate data on milk quality   and quantity aiding and effective  herd [Music] management the main   components include a milking table  suction cup milk pipe and control [Music] system the process   involves preparing the camel attaching the  suction cup and letting the machine handle the [Music] rest benefits include improved  milk quality economic efficiency and   support for sustainable farming  [Music] practices for an in-depth   look at how these systems work check  out our farming entary on trending [Music] Farm explore various types  of milking machines and find the   right one based on your Farm's needs and [Music] budget camel milk is used in a variety of products  each with its own benefits fresh camel milk for   drinking or cooking powdered milk for Easy Storage  probiotic camel yogurt richly flavored Camel   Ice Cream saltier camel cheese camel butter for  cooking and camel condensed milk for drinks and desserts Dubai has a notably High camel  milk consumption rate compared to other   countries due to its ability to provide  hydration and essential nutrients in a hot climate camel milk is prized for its  Rich nutritional content digestibility   and health benefits and is growing in popularity   due to its cultural significance and  growing demand for natural products chalous is one of the most popular chemel milk  brands in the world especially in Middle Eastern countries their products are popular not only   for their quality but also for  their variety and convenience you can buy camelicious camel milk  at specialty stores high-end grocery   stores large Supermarkets online  platforms and luxury restaurants and [Music] hotels to learn more  about these products watch   our farming documentary on trending Farm [Music] camels the iconic animals of the Arabian  Desert are Central to Dubai's camel Farms   which are not only crucial agricultural sites  but also popular tourist [Music] attractions   these Farms are designed to meet the demands  of the harsh desert climate featuring space   ious Airy barns that protect camels from extreme  temperatures and dust ensuring their comfort and [Music] health large water  tanks and expansive grazing   areas provide essential hydration and  ample space for roaming and foraging [Music] [Music] Beyond milk production camels  are used for various purposes   on these Farms including Transportation  where they serve as traditional desert   vehicles and as sources of meat and wool  contributing to local Cuisine and textile Industries the modern milking and  processing facilities efficiently   produce camel milk products such as yogurt  and cheese enhancing the Farm's versatility [Music] [Music] visitors can explore the unique camel  farming culture enjoy fresh camel milk   ride camels and learn about their multifaceted [Music] roles the Farms are also equipped with strong  safety measures to protect both animals and [Music] guests as a general rule in animal  husbandry nutrition and feeding   practices need to be taken into account  and ensured so that the animals can grow   to their maximum potential and meet  the objectives of each Farm [Music]   camels mainly eat hay and straw for  fiber cereals such as corn and barley   for energy and green vegetables  for essential vitamins and [Music] [Music] minerals although they are  capable of surviving for long periods   without water camels will need a steady  supply of clean water especially in hot [Music] weather feeding is done on a  regular schedule with meals divided   into smaller portions to prevent digestive [Music] problems it is important that farmers on the  Farmers on the farm always ensure that the   feed is clean and free of toxins and provide  mineral supplements to meet their nutritional needs regular Health monitoring  helps to promptly address any dietary [Music] issues camels have a long  reprodu Ive cycle with a gestation   period of 12 to 14 months giving  birth to a calf every 2 [Music] years factors such as the harsh  desert climate nutrition and   overall health all affect the  reproductive process [Music]   mother camels usually give birth alone  at night or early in the morning and   the calves are born healthy with thick fur  and able to stand and walk immediately they   are nursed for 1 to 2 [Music] years human  involvement is essential to maintain the   health of the mother create a safe birthing  environment and ensure proper care of the calf newborn camels are very fragile and  need special care to ensure they grow well keep them warm and provide  them with enough milk in the early [Music] stages when the calves are about  6 to 8 months old Farmers start to   gradually reduce the amount of milk they  receive and supplement them with solid food this combined with a constant supply  of clean water helps them grow well [Music] in addition stimulating them to  exercise and giving them full   vaccinations ensures the best  quality of meat and milk in the future in general caring for a calf is a process  that requires patience and meticulousness if you want to raise camels learn carefully  about how to care for them to ensure they grow well don't forget forget to subscribe to   the channel and follow the farming  documentaries on the trending Farm Channel ham is a dish made from pork ham is a  delicious nutritious dish suitable for every meal it is a rich source of protein which  helps build repair muscle tissue in the [Music] body protein also helps you feel  full longer and boosts [Music] metabolism it has some important  vitamins and minerals for the body   such as vitamin B12 iron zinc and  [Music] phosphorus it is also a very   useful product because it can be stored  for a long time and is easy to prepare [Music] you can eat ham directly make ham  sandwiches ham salad or add it to other dishes do you know the ham production process  trending Farm will help you discover that please   support us by liking and following the Channel  all good things will come to your family [Music]   to produce ham effectively people will optimize   the production process starting from  directly producing raw [Music] pork   China's largest pig farm is a massive  26-story Building located in EO Hub Province it is is owned by  huon and kway modern [Music] farming this high tech facility boasts a  production capacity of up to 1.2 million pigs per [Music] year the farm uses Pig breeds of domestic   origin and imported from reputable  countries USA Germany UK Belgium breeding pigs must ensure good  adaptability and high lean meat content the breed is healthy disease-free  uniform in weight and has Rosy skin they also use piglets  directly from SES on the farm experts will take care of the  mother pig from pregnancy until birth support the so farrowing process  to ensure the maximum number of piglets [Music] born newborn souls and piglets will  be raised in two different cages [Music] mother pigs need to rest after  giving birth and are fed a special diet separating piglets from their mothers is  an important step in the process of raising piglets normally piglets will separate from the   mothers after 3 to 4 weeks of age  then they will be fed age appropriate Foods the farm is equipped with  Advanced automation systems that   help streamline operations  and ensure Pig health [Music] [Music] the automatic feeding system delivers  the exact amount of food to each Pig while the   climate control system maintains optimal  temperature and ventilation for animal comfort in addition people also feed pigs hay  to supplement their necessary [Music] fiber   the farm also uses an automatic Barn cleaning  system combined with automatic shower water [Music] fountains lowering the pig's  body temperature maximizing the ability   to clean dirt on their bodies and waste  on the barn floor ensuring cleanliness of [Music] bacteria pigs are typically  harvested when they reach a   weight of 98.42 lb to 24251 lb  and a fat percentage of 10 to 15% the time to raise pigs  for meat is usually 5 to 6 [Music] months pigs will be transported to the   processing plant by trucks with  specialized compartments [Music] transport vehicles must ensure ventilation and  provide enough oxygen and moisture for pigs during [Music] transport people will spread a  layer of sawdust to reduce the friction   of the pigs on the [Music] truck  workers will regularly check the   condition of the pigs to ensure good  health throughout the trip [Music] surely you are curious about the working  process at a meat processing Factory right   please comment to let us know you are still  following this [Music] journey after being   brought to the factory the pigs will be put  into an anesthesia chamber using electricity   or CO2 [Music] gas the goal is to avoid suffering  during processing comply with Humane Animal laws   and reduce Factory workers feelings of  phobia [Music] Pig hair will be cleaned   with hot water in a high-speed rotating machine  and then burned on fire to remove the remaining [Music] hair then they will be cut in half h on hooks  and brought to the meat dividing [Music] line   experts will divide the p into many  large Parts legs belly meat and internal organs next the worker will  separate the meat and bones   into different types of tissue  tenderloin rump ribs and pork [Music] leg workers will work in a  cold environment to ensure the pork   remains fresh dry and ensures  quality during packaging and [Music] transportation the meat  is divided into portions that   will be packaged and transferred  to another processing stage [Music] [Music] ham is made from lean shoulder meat  lean loin meat and lean pork butt [Music] meat pork is carefully selected  ensuring Food hygiene and [Music] safety the worker will trim and   remove excess fat tendons Skin and  Bones then wash and drain [Music] the meat is marinated with salt sugar spices and  different herbs depending on the recipe of each [Music] manufacturer salting time usually ranges   from a few days to several months  depending on the size of the meat [Music]   the meat can then be naturally fermented or smoked if allowed to ferment  naturally the meat needs to be   washed of salt dried and stored at  a temperature of 2° Celsius [Music]   the smoking process helps create a characteristic  flavor for the ham and helps preserve the   meat [Music] longer people will hang the  meat in the smoker and smoke it with wood or   charcoal [Music] smoking time is usually from 8 to  12 hours depending on the size of the [Music] meat   finished products will be packaged in a variety  of ways from Whole pieces or sliced [Music]   ham can be used in many dishes and has different  preparation methods depending on the chef's [Music] creativity thank you so much guys  for watching this video so since we don't   really have any clue of what kind of  difficulties that you could be facing   in your Farms please don't forget to  share all the problems you're facing   and obstacles you're going through as this will  tremendously help us with our upcoming videos

2024-09-19 00:59

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