Applination Part 1

Applination Part 1

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actually doing something with was it four  triple Z in Brisbane where I've got to   document my life for a month and everything  I do for a month and they're going to turn   it into a podcast so I'm just going to do the  start of this and so yes there you go all right   good morning everybody and welcome to today's  event sorry for the slight delay there in the   beginning but there's a few little technical  problems as there usually is with these things   when we're trying to bring people in the room  together with people online and I think it's   fantastic we've got the online capability these  days so that if you weren't able to make it out   here today you're also still able to join us from  home we have got a fairly long session today but   don't worry we're not going to ask you to sit down  for three hours we're going to have a break during   the session and you'll be able to go out and help  themselves through some morning tea outside and a   tea and a coffee hopefully the urn's finished  boiling now that's one of my other jobs I'll   go do after I've said all the good mornings and  things we'll go outside and make sure it's ready   to go there is going to be plenty of time for  questions today both the people online at home   and a few people here in the room as well  and we thank you for making the effort for   coming out this morning thankfully the rain hasn't  started yet and thankfully or let's hope fingers   crossed there'll be no rain by the time you head  home today so we'll all be staying nice and dry   firstly I'd like to acknowledge the Wadjuk people  and their leaders their past present and emerging   and thank them for the land we are able to meet on  this morning I also would like to thank VisAbility   and the Lions Eye Institute for making today  possible and especially thank everybody online   and everybody here in person for attending this  morning for those people here in the building   let's prospering as we don't hear any alarms if  we do hear any alarms what we'll do is just exit   out of the theatre at here we'll go out through  the main front doors that you came in will go   through the gate down to The Pedestrian lights and  cross the road and we'll wait at the train station   and we'll let the fire brigade come in and do all  the rest I've told this joke a million times but   I'll tell it again please leave all your personal  belongings because that's what makes our payment   for today okay we'll take that to cash if it no  we won't really okay so please leave personal   belongings because you can't replace you that we  can replace a handbag and a phone and things like   that so don't worry about that but it it'll  be safe and let's hope the fire people come   in there's no problems anyway it's not going  to happen so that's all good toilets if you're   looking for the toilets when you walk out of this  room if you walk straight ahead and just before   you hit the wall on the opposite side if you turn  right there you'll find your toilets there let me   get this right in my hand I think it's females to  the right and males to the left if I've got that   wrong come and see me afterwards after your event  okay let me know Elsa and the tea and coffee will   be on the right hand side just as you're walking  through to the toilets but we've got plenty of   people here today that are more than happy to help  you out and assist you wherever you're going so my   name I'm Ryan Honschooten I'm actually the youth  Support Officer here at VisAbility I've worked at   VisAbility for on 20 years in a variety of roles  some of that role has been working in what was   our industry Skills Centre teaching certificate  one in it and what was the other one business   that's right that was a long time ago I haven't  been involved in the assistive tech for a long   time now and as one thing I said to mag did the  other day when she asked me to talk here today   was that I said Magna is one of those things if  you don't keep using it you tend to lose it a bit   and it's honestly it's true I mean Manny's go  to Jaws person and I find it quite embarrassing   interesting now these days I've got to go  to Manny and ask Manny hey Manny what's that   keystroke again I used to know them off the top  of my head because I talked about them every day I   lived breathed Jaws keystrokes and a lot of other  assistive Tech but because I don't now apart from   what I use in my daily life I do tend to forget  it as well so that is one of the things I guess   I'd like you to take home today from me personally  is that just occasionally if you're not using that   app that you do like but if you haven't used it  for a couple of months it doesn't hurt every now   and then when you've got that spare 30 seconds  in your day so pick up that phone or pick up   that device whatever it is you're using and just  have another quick flick through and have another   go on it use it work it out because otherwise you  do tend to get those little tips and tricks it's   like riding a bike you know you can get up there  and redo it again or riding a horse or whatever   you want to do or whichever sport you're playing  or something you can get up and do it again but   you're just going to make sure you practice at  it every now and then all right no more talking   from me I'm going to invite everybody up from the  team one by one to just come and quickly introduce   themselves so you know who they are so we'll go  with we'll pick a manga first shall we why not do you like to come up as good morning everybody  thank you very much for being with us in person   today and online my name is Magda I'm a research  assistant at the Lions Eye Institute I work for   Professor David Mackey who is a well-known  ophthalmologist here in Perth I got involved   with our wonderful VisAbility team about a year  and a half ago now and we've been working together   in Partnership and collaboration to put through  some put together some presentations for you and   get some experience and learn from one another  so today Judy and I will be talking to you about   various apps that you can use on different smart  devices and we've got some more information about   assistive technology in general coming to  you from our friends here at VisAbility so   I'll let Judy introduce myself as well and say hi  everyone my name is Judy and I am an occupational   therapist with low vision I don't mind placement  at a VisAbility at the beginning of this year and   now I've just grabbed attention from coaching  University three weeks ago and qualified as an   OT and yeah I'm really glad that I can have  this opportunity today to share some of my   experience with you and yeah hopefully  everyone will enjoy the session today I'm sorry I'll let you guys talk with Manny  afternoon hello everybody my name is Manny some   people call me Emmanuel if I'm in trouble I work  here at VisAbility as the Assistive Technology   and Blindness Product Specialists and then my role  is to assist clients in the assistive technology   the matters and we provide some trainings  and VisAbility and when you come out later   through the door on the left hand side we have  brushes about services from VisAbility the one   that we offer to clients and you are welcome  to bring us the table the brushes thank you   who's coming up next we've got a Landover Maria thank you Manny thank you so much for inviting  me up to say a quick hello I get my name's Maria   Clark, social worker here at senior social worker  here at VisAbility and really wrapped welcome to   our wonderful presenters we've got four people  presenting to you and I will sneak in at the   end as well today we're absolutely have been  start to have a partnership together for the   last as magnitude year and a half with the Lions  Institute so we've brought you a series of talks   so anything else you need to  know about me see you later I think Lynn still shop kins okay all right so  okay so it is a parent Place requirement to keep   your masks on while in the room except for those  people presenting so that's why I offered to do   this a little bit because I can take it off every  30 seconds or so I will stop my own recording now   and but to let you all know that we will actually  be recording today's session so if you happen to   be like me and occasionally not off during these  presentations true my CEO woke me up Once In This   Very Room but if you happen to miss something or  you want to go back over it we will be releasing   the link later sometime give us a couple of months  to edit a few things and fix it up but we will be   doing that so just to let you know it is being  recorded we have muted everybody's mics at home   and turned off their cameras at home okay we  will be taking questions from people at home   when you need to do that you can unmute yourself  later when we invite questions people in the room   put your hand up I'm sure someone here with eyes  that work better than mine we'll figure out and   get that question question and the way I think  that's all I need to say so I'm going to hand you   over to Magda now who's going to start with the  presentation thank you wonderful thank you Ryan if you're right in please everybody all right so let's get started for today so  online if you can't see the screen please   let me know is it possible for us to  have the screen turned on in person okay screen change apologies I'm not super  familiar with teams unfortunately do we know where the share screen option is okay Shannon screen window oh no that's fine okay can we see it in the  room though okay all right okay now we have done that before shall  we just start and the link will be made   available to everybody who would like  to access it in the future perhaps okay let's just get started so we've entitled  today a smart guide to Smart devices and as I   we mentioned before we'll be talking about  different applications that are available on   these devices and some accessibility features as  well so we want to start with a disclaimer Judy   and I will only be speaking about a very small  sample of all the apps that are out there and   exist so it's definitely not an exhaustive list  and it's important to keep in mind that not all   of the apps we'll be talking about today may not  author may be relevant to you so it definitely   depends on your personal circumstances so  whether you use an Android or an iOS device   and your personal preferences as well so Judy  and I are iPhone users so that's iOS so we'll   be presenting from that perspective but all the  apps that we're going to talk to you about today   most of them will apply to both sets of devices  so IOS and Android so the information that we're   going to give you is very much interchangeable  but we will present you with some alternatives   for the different platforms where we can if  we could ask you to please save your questions   until the end of the presentation and if you have  any very specific questions about an app that you   already use please come and see a small trailer  at the end and we'll address those queries then   okay so you may be asking yourself what are the  benefits of using smart devices like tablets and   iPhones and just smartphones in general what  we're seeing with these devices they're now   trying to occupy this area of assistive  technology and because these devices are   so technologically advanced they're powered  enough to be able to support lots of different   applications and features that are already built  into the devices that essentially turn them into   a digital multi-purpose tool and as a tool that  you can use as multiple more traditional assistive   devices at once so the great thing about these  devices is that they're completely customizable   you can go in and change things according to  your own needs and they're a good idea as they   reduce some of the costs that are associated with  buying multiple more traditional options the apps   are wonderful is generally you can download  and use them immediately there's little to   no cost associated with most of them and there  are lots of instructional videos tutorials and   reviews that are available online to walk  you through these apps and how to use them   step by step and of course as Ryan mentioned our  friends at VisAbility are here to help as well   so we're going to start with the category of  navigation and getting around to start off   with and I'd like to invite Judy up to the  lectern to talk about Microsoft soundstage all right so the first app that we're going  to talk through today is Microsoft sounds good   and I feel the outstanding future of this app is  that it provides a 3D sound to you which makes   the sound cues will come from the direction  of the place for example if let's say a cafe   is not allowed the sound will come through your  left earphone and tell you oh the Duncan Street   Cafe is actually left about 50 meters away  from you so it gives you that kind of like   immersive feeling and help you build that mental  map of your surroundings and about unfortunately   this app is looking for on iOS users at the  moment but it works quite well with voiceover and for Apple devices it can be run on  app on iPhone SE 6s and later versions   and when you turn on the map I feel the home page  it's easy to navigate and not very cluttered and   it provides good colour contrast and now talk  through the main features of this app so on the   home page at the bottom there are four buttons  from left to right they are on my location   around me I'm sorry yeah around me ahead of me and  nearby markers so the first one my location if you   click this one and it will tell you where you are  for example the name of the street and on which   direction you are facing for example it might  tell you like facing Southeast on basily Avenue   the second one around me it will tell you for  four things like one thing of each quadrant so   one thing ahead of you one thing to your left one  thing to a right and then one thing behind you   and for the third one ahead of me it will  tell you four things like obviously ahead   of you and nearby matters it will tell you from  up to four markers that are close to you on an   intent intends to orient yourself with the  things that you have you've already known all right the other main features  are nearby places in audio book so for nearby places the app has already  set several categories for you for example   like public transportation food and drinks and  Banks and ATMs so you can just choose on a place   of your interest on from those list or you can  also answer to applies in the search bar if you   know the name and once you've chosen a place  of interest you can start the audio became so   the app will tell you the direction of that  place by using bacon with different rhymes   so for example if you're if you are facing  like the opposite direction of the place   the beacon will be in the low page and be very  slow but if you're facing exactly towards the   direction there will be like extra things to  tell you all right you're on the right track   and the other thing I like about this app is that   if you turn on the app and work around it will  tell you the name of the like shops or restaurants   when you pass them so for example if I walk along  the Albany Highway here in movie Park where there   are so many restaurants and shops they will  tell me the name and I I like this because   you just bring like make the handouts so much  more enjoyable because I feel like stupid to   stop in front of aerial shop and take a photo  and then zoom in to see what it is but with   this app I can just walk around like anyone else  and but I can know what's happening around me and the other thing about this app is that it  provides help and tutorials within the app so   if you go to the manual icon at the left top  left corner and then click help in tutorials   it will give you extra information about how  to use the app and by how to use each function   yeah now I'll hand it over to Magda for the rest  to navigation maps all right so the next option   we have for you is called the Lazar Willow GPS  so this is an application that's available on   both IOS and Android devices so it's similar to  soundscape in some ways but this one gives you   more of that classical turn-by-turn navigation  as you're trying to go from point A to point   B so it gives you that information in real time  for different modes of getting around so both for   walking and traveling by bus and car and it does  give you the option to order an Uber straight from   the app so for this one similarly to soundscape  as you're walking through the environment it will   let you know the location of different places of  interest so again it could be a restaurant or a   pharmacy or a doctor's office for example and  you can go into the app and you can customize   what pieces of interest you want information about  so generally this app you can have running in the   background of your phone so you can be sending an  email or a text message for example and once this   app is activated it will continue to run so as  you're walking through the city for example it   will give you directions to your destination and  then it will announce perhaps there's a cafe on   your left and a pharmacy on your right and it will  let you know where they are in the environment   and it's also great because it announces  intersections and key reference points as well   the last navigation app that we have for you today  is called move it so move it is a premier public   transport app this one gives information in real  time on different public transport services near   you so that includes buses trains and ferries and  again this one will give you live step-by-step   directions of different stops and train stations  but it's very comprehensive in that it tells you   the distance to walk to that particular stop the  time the arrival time of your bus or your train   or your Ferry and generally how much that service  will cost you so all the services on this app are   live tracked so that you can identify the correct  service to board for example and it's wonderful   because you can access all the timetables for  every single public transport service here in   Perth and it will give you a sense of service  disruptions so if there's roadworks for example   and your bus will be delayed or it's taking a  slightly different route the app will let you know   it has a feature that you can turn  on and off in the app that will let   you know when you're about to reach your  destination so typically when you're about   eight to five hundred meters away you'll get  a little notification on your phone to tell   you to get ready to disembark and then once you've  actually arrived at that stop that you want to get   off that it will let you know that you've actually  arrived and it's time to get off the service   there's also a wayfinder feature available here  so what the app does is it uses the camera on your   device whether that's a tablet or a smartphone and  you can hold it around you and it will actually   show you where the station or the stop that  you want to depart from is in your environment   it is an app that can be used all around  the world they add a new city every couple   of days and because it's using GPS tracking  it will know automatically if you travel to   a different city and it will update all the  available services for you straight away so as I mentioned before all the various  timetables are available in the app very easy to   access those particularly with voiceover so this  app is compatible with voiceover and it's quite   comprehensive in the different features of  VoiceOver that you can utilize within that   it also displays the timetables for all your  cat services as well so it is very comprehensive   it's wonderful in that you can use the map in  the app and it will let you know where you're   located and it will automatically display where  different bus stops are relative to you and then   it's a matter of tucking on those bus stops  and it will actually show you what services   are available at each of those stops or stations  so it's a very easy way of finding out information   in real time what's available at what stop without  for example having to go through the trans Perth   app so if you're out and about in an unfamiliar  area this is the quickest way to get information   about what trans what services public transport  services are around you So within the app in the   user interface it's a matter of just typing in  where you want to go you can set for example   your home and your work addresses and any other  places where you tend to travel as I mentioned   you can order an Uber right off of the app as well  so it's a matter of typing in where you want to go   and then the app will automatically show you what  services or suggested routes around you and then   you can go through those to see which one suits  you best so depending on how many transfers there   are and so on and so forth how much you're  going to have to walk from one to the other   and then from there once you pick the option  that's best for you it will go in and it will show   you the map and it will give you a sense of where  you are how long it will take you to get where you   want to go from there you can alter the time of  departure so if you're running late or early for   example it will change the timetables it will let  you know when the services are departing and that   can all be used with voiceover so once you click  go it will give you the live directions that   we're looking for and again with voiceover this  becomes audible so you can hear the directions   if I just skip ahead to the way finder feature so what you can do here is that through your  camera on your device if you actually Point   your phone or your tablet whatever using  in front of you and point it down the road   it will actually show you an icon on the  screen of where your service departs from   okay so next we're going to talk about  some multi-purpose apps so these ones   come in different iterations they're  all similar in how they use artificial   intelligence and adaptive technology to work  and typically they combine lots of different   channels so you can use one app for lots of  different doctors lots of different features   so the one we're going to really talk about in  detail today is seeing AI so this app initially   started off as a research project that was led by  Microsoft and it was developed by and four people   with low vision or blindness so what it does is it  uses the technology to access the camera on your   device and through that camera you can use the app  to describe the visual world around you so there's   a couple of different channels here first off  there's a channel called short text which reads   out any text that appears in front of the camera  so great for reading for example product labels or   bus timetables anything of that sort it will read  out documents and what's printed or handwritten on   those it can identify products through a barcode  scanner people in the environment although I must   say that it tends to over overestimate people's  ages unfortunately it can identify different   objects in scenes and the amount of colour and in  the environment so just a bit of a disclaimer for   this app as well it can be tricky to use sometimes  when the font or the text that you're trying to   read is a little bit complicated when handwriting  is a bit scribbly or not very legible it can be   difficult as well and some of the channels  that this one uses are experimental they're   still building on making them a little bit more  sophisticated and they don't tend to work as well   unfortunately but it is a very powerful app  and it is compatible with a voiceover as well   unfortunately it's only available on Apple devices  at the moment but they are working on an Android   version as well so to give you a sense of what  the app's about when you first open it you've   got the channels across the bottom so again  with voiceover it's it reads out those channels   and the channels do announce themselves  so hopefully we've got the audio on this thank you okay so unfortunately theirs aren't working  I have got some bits and pieces with me so   maybe it would be good to just demonstrate  the app live so apologies for those of you sir the text was working before I'm not sure why it's  so not the text the audio it was the computer okay do you want to have a go away it might turn off her presentation  guys no not there here yeah laptop foreign I think it's just easier to do a live  sort of demonstration here so hopefully   those of you that are online you should be  able to hear what's happening in the room   let me just turn my vole up sorry taxed okay  so I've just opened the app here and as you go   across the bottom where the channels are the  app will let me know where I'm at thank you   product person and so on so if we go  short text to the short text Channel   I've got a box of crackers here so if we  put those in front of the camera original   not fried original suing hopefully  you can hear that original so let's turn it over see if it actually  try this one see if it does any better free no fives gluten free no additives no  preservatives free lining ingredients coconut   kernel extract 89 Water a-y-a-m-t-u coconut milk  May solidify in temperatures of ICC or below   without affecting its quality the natural cholera  so that you have coaches like grey to document   so like I mentioned before if they're sort of  complicated text it can struggle a little bit   but that just gives you a sense of my attention  not visible that it is kicking up on the text   that's shown in front of the camera so if we  go to the barcode the product scanner instead   this one will emit a sound and the closer you  get to a barcode it will pick up in frequency   and in pitch and then it will hopefully  scan the barcode and identify the product so let's see if processing me and coconut milk so that's done   from here you can click on an option called more  info and it will give you a more of a detailed   description of what the product is so some  of this feature doesn't work for all products   sometimes it works with some products better  than others but it gives me a description here   and I can go in and I can play that and premium  coconut milk 100 natural with no preservatives or   additives this premium quality coconut milk  is perfect for curries soups and desserts   so it gives you a little bit more detail and  from here you can share this information via   text message or email with other people and you  can change the size of the text that appears   on your screen if that is of interest to you so  another feature seeing AI is the identification   here it will identify people so I might just  take a photo of myself and let's see how old 21 year old women with black hair  wearing glasses looking neutral   I am not 21 so that's a great result for  me sometimes with masks it can get a little   bit tricky but this feature is nice as well in is  that in that it tells you how far away people are   from you and what you can do as well is actually  program friends or loved ones into the app and it   will remember them and it will recognize them  so when you're you know in a social situation   you can tell who's around you as well so we won't  demonstrate some of the other channels because it   would take quite a while if you're interested  in maybe having a go with the app after we've   finished presenting today or if you want more  information please come and see us afterwards so there are a couple of other alternatives to  this app so there's Envision AI which is available   on both Apple and Android devices this one is  has very similar features it has an additional   feature which allows you to identify objects  in the environment so doors or example chairs   it you can download it and use it for two weeks  for free but then it comes with some subscription   costs so over the life of the app there are some  there's an expense involved but Envision AI have   introduced a general lifetime subscription for  this app so instead of paying monthly or you   know once a year you can pay a fee once and then  you're covered for however long you have the app   so super sense Ai and Google lookout are  also really good options with Google lookout   in particular being available on the  Androids and super sensors available   on both platforms and they're  both free to download and use so we're going to change tack a little bit for  this last part of the app presentation we're   going to talk about two apps which allow you to  access Visual information by calling or via the   live video stream a cited individual through your  device so most of these apps so they're called be   my eyes and Ira they work on a similar principle  so they connect you with a sighted volunteer live   and On Demand through the camera on your device so  it's important to remember that 4B my eyes it's a   community of volunteers that you're connecting  with so these individuals are from around the   world the way that they start when they sign you  up they ask you for a language preference and they   ask you for your time zone so they connect you  with people who are going to be awake first and   foremost to give you the information that you're  after so you can use this for any sort of task   that you like I've got this app on my phone  and I've had a couple more really wonderful   experiences with people around the world so I've  spoken with a gentleman in America who needed   some information about some fashion choices  he was making there was an Australian lady   who was cooking dinner for herself and she made  a potato and the potato had fallen on the floor   and it was very hot and her dog was running  around so she wanted some assistance to try   to find the potatoes that the dog wouldn't get  sick unfortunately I think she may have called   me a little bit late because we couldn't rotate  the container and then most recently there was a   lady who wanted some assistance to figure out  what mode her air conditioner was in and what   temperature she had it set so this one's for you  to download and use there are lots of there's more   volunteers than there are individuals using the  other for accessing that visual information so   it's pretty easy to connect to someone although  keeping in mind remember that these people aren't   formally trained you may have some privacy  concerns about this but within the app you   can only use the camera that's on the back of your  device there is no option to flip the cameras so   unless you're specifically pointing the camera  at yourself it's completely Anonymous and it's   but almost impossible to tell who you are  and where you are and what you're doing   so the alternative to be my eyes is Ira the  main difference with this one is that it is   a subscription however it's a service that  you pay for so instead of calling volunteers   and connecting to volunteers you get connected  to agents so this app is based in the states I   believe and IR agencies they're called their  trained extensively in different aspects of   communication but also the services that they can  provide you so for example if you're traveling   and you're at an airport that you might not be  familiar with and you're trying to find your way   to attacks you or to the baggage claim for example  when you're not sure where to go you can call up   an IRA agent and they actually have schematic  diagrams and blueprints of major buildings around   the world and they can actually direct you to  where you need to go they plan follow Uber rides   for you and book Uber rides for you there's  what they can do for you is essentially almost   Limitless as I mentioned there is a subscription  post Associated so here in Australia they charge   forty dollars for 30 minutes per month however if  you are requiring an IRA agent to say checking an   expiration date or a very quick task you can  call them as many times a day as you like as   long as your phone call or your video call I  should say is less than five minutes per day   so something to keep in mind   all right so I'll invite Judy back up onto the  stage to talk about some accessibility features can be all right cool so now I'm going to present some  accessibility features of iPod devices   and I list five here their voice over spoken  content Zoom magnifier and voice control so the first one I'm going to  talk about is voice over foreign foreign foreign foreign foreign foreign foreign of you have already been familiar with voiceover  because like it's really a cool feature of iPod   devices to help you know on what's on  the screen and interact with your phone   in the next one I'm going to talk  about this spoken content foreign for spoken content I regarded like I personally  regard it as an easy version of voice over   because it's owning tells you like what's  on the screen or on read out read aloud the   text that you select so it won't change the  gesture of how you interact with the film   and to turn it on the gestures for every single  it just swipe down from the top of your screen   with two fingers and then it will read aloud  the whole screen and let me show you the video foreign foreign foreign foreign just one comment on the speech controller here   because we can't customize the colour of this page  controller sometimes the colour contrast is not   enough for me to find where is it on my screen so  hopefully Apple like in the future can change that all right the next one is zoom so it's  kind of like yeah you can enlarge the   screen either like part of the screen  with the whole screen and the gesture is   to tap the screen with two fingers or  three fingers twice let me show the video foreign foreign foreign so the next one is magnifier it's like a butane  app in Apple devices to help it's use the phone   camera to like take a photo and then zoom  in to help you see what the picture is about   sure so yeah let's play another video foreign thank you foreign foreign the last one is voice control and it's  originally designed for people with a   physical motor disabilities but nothing it  can also be used on by us like people with   visual impairment to help us interact  with the phone so let's play the video foreign remember that's coming on at  all so I definitely have some foreign might be a big chunk of information like there's  so many different gestures and instructions to   use those accessibility features so if you  need like more information or you want to   review those videos you can go to the Apple  support YouTube channel you can either search   a specific accessibility feature in the search  bar or you can watch the accessibility playlist all right so the next session is about some tips  and tricks that we can use to help us use like   the first one is about trans Perth  I realized that recently there are   like some qri code at each bus stop it's  usually at the bottom of the the schedule   that you can scan it and then it will bring you  to a web page to tell you the time of the next   five buses and I find it quite useful  because because it's live feature the   time is much more accurate than the printed  schedule on the pole so sometimes I can just   like tell which bus is coming based on the time  yeah so just like to share this trick with you   hopefully it can help you the QR code is  available at most bus stops but if not   the other way to do that is to call question  number one three six two one three until the   number of that bus stop and then you will tell you  what's the next available service at that bus stop something that is worth being aware of as well if  you own an Apple device is knowing that there's   some services offered at the stores here in Perth  so there's one in Booragoon and the other in Perth   City so Apple offer these sessions called today  at Apple essentially these are curated workshops   in different aspects of your device so whether  that's an iPhone or an iPad what have you so you   can book in and they hold these sessions in basic  skills so if you're new to iOS you've never used   it before they can take you through how to  best set up your device for you and then the   workshops go all the way through to creating music  photography and even coding they do offer sessions   specifically in accessibility features as well  so as Judy mentioned we have given you a lot of   information today so you can't book in a session  at either one of the Apple Stores and have someone   go through these features with you one-on-one  and they can help you to activate them or to   turn them on on your device and give you a sense  of how to use them as well so important to keep in   mind that we've talked a lot about Apple devices  in accessibility features as well but Android   phones do offer the same features if not exactly  the same they're very comparable they work in a   very similar way so as far as I know there aren't  any sort of Android based workshops available like   they are for Apple but luckily there are lots  of different resources available online so one   of those is Hadley they are based or associated  with the national Eye Institute in the states and   they've put together a web page where you can  interact with other users of different devices   or different apps they have an online community  there and then they Rec they have lots of links   and lots of videos and tutorials as well on lots  of different assistive devices but then also apps   and features of our smart devices as well and then  the other community that you can connect to online   is put together by Apple this so again this is for  Apple users but this is specifically a community   of people with low vision so there's lots of  information that you can access through there   and support by connecting to other people around  the world so Manny and Ryan if you've got any   comments on anything we've talked about these guys  have a wealth of lived experience between them yes the first thing I want to say is for the  people at home we are aware that the audio   from the presentations didn't come through so  what we'll do is and it was a lot of information   to take on board so what we'll do is after this  event give us time to have a Saturday afternoon   lunch and at least a Sunday nap during the week we  will bring all those links together that Judy was   playing in her presentations and I think even  the links that Magda's been talking about and   we'll put them in an email and we'll send them  out to everybody all at once so that everyone's   got those links even the people here today you're  probably sitting there thinking this is all great   and you walk out of the room and two seconds later  you think you've got what are we talking about so   it happens to me I don't know if it's just me  but maybe it is but you know it'll be great if   we can back this all up and put it into the  links so the Apple viewers and the Android   and all that sort of stuff man he comes down we  can share the desk together one thing I will say   with Android one thing yes the accessibility  is good I've been using Android ever since   I moved to a smartphone that was about in  2009 I think 2010 why because I wanted the   challenge everyone else was going to Apple and  I said to myself well I actually just read the   Steve Jobs book and I thought I don't like  this because I don't like the way he's going   I don't know the way he likes to control the  world and control all these users and I said   that's not me so I put my hand up and took on  the first what was the Nexus the Nexus One and   yeah there were struggles in the beginning yes  there was a lot of handing my phone over to   sighted people and asking them to fix things and  do things and get things sorted out but it's come   a long way I'm now using my pixel 4. you can ask  Manny I'm always running into Manny's office every   time Manny you want to see what pixel's doing now  it's certainly great it's really good so that's   all I've ever known that's all I've ever done used  even at home my whole house is completely run by   Google I've got them everywhere I use them all the  time so everything I do is Android it's never been   iPhone in fact I've played with a few iPhones and  they frustrate me okay I'd much rather see them   swimming on the ocean or something like that but  I do understand it's also horses for courses you   know like I said everything to everybody we're  all different people and we all have different   I guess parts of life that excite us and that  don't excite us and that sort of thing and what   works for you is best for you one of the things I  did want to say just touching quickly and I'll let   Manny talk in a minute but in regards to the QR  code on the bus stop that Judy mentioned if it's   not in your area yet Transperth are still rolling  them out if it's not in your area yet give that   number a call one three six two one three and ask  them to put it in your area another little hidden   trick too with Transperth if your bus stops not  accessible or it's not got a sheltered bus stop   because you know you can make a complaint and  get that changed okay all you've got to do is   ring the one three six two one three and let them  know and if they don't do it this week ring next   week and ring the week after it's part of their  policy they will make bus stops accessible if   they're not okay so just to remember that yeah  Manny you guys enjoying the session so far   yeah oh that's good I'm just here to give you  some tips about the apps it's good to have the   accessible apps on your smart devices but keep in  mind the first one is you got to have most of them   requires data internet data so keep in mind you  got to have a data from your sim card provider   either from Telstra Vodafone Optus and so on  it's just keep in mind you got to have data for   the apps to work and the second one about the  the apps navigation apps so I use a track here   Aftershock bone conducting headset so it goes  around the back of your head and then it's just   sit on top of your earlobe and then there's a  speaker sticking out on the your cheekbone and   the reason I am using this headset is I can hear  what is surround me the sound the people around   me when I'm walking and using the navigation  app and also the Sam from the phone itself   so it it doesn't block my ear to website people  and environment Okay the third one is hygiene   okay you have devices but I make a habit every  once a week I clean up my handset my phone my   tablets my laptops with just a normal lens  cleaner a disposable lens cleaner so I clean   it I cleaned them once a week at least once a  week because there was a survey I don't know if   it's right or not they said your devices it's  is building as moderate than a toilet bowl so   this is research done by the professionals but  just keep in mind because you're touching your   device all the time so make sure they are clean  and hygienic and I think that's all for me and   it tips on using voice over money or magnifier  that you know with iPhone okay so the tips is   YouTube is the big source of training learnings  and then also social community so if you have a   group of people that doing activities like here in  VisAbility we have CAC Community Activity Centre   where people get around to do Pottery woodwork  handicraft Braille stuff music cooking class   they can mingle together and then have inputs  feedback from your friends within the group or   you can you know when you socialize with people  sometimes they talk about technology just ask them   questions so that's the tips yeah excellent we're  just about to go to questions one other thing that   I did for Android users that there's anyone  out there using Android with me is I actually   downloaded eloquence which is the same voice as  jaws and I think I paid like twenty dollars for it   back in 2009 and I'm still using the same license  so I don't actually use the Google voice that they   supplier because I didn't like it so and I guess  I still used to using Jaws that was another thing   and something else and I don't know this the full  facts on this but I know envision just released   the act for free or for a one-soft subscription  in July they've actually announced they will not   be charging for it anymore correct in July yeah  because they've made too much money out of it or   something like that already or they're actually  invested in making it a free do you know more a   bit about Wellman many so they're going to have a  a new software update in the middle of July around   20th of July so from there on you have either to  uninstall your current Envision app and then just   install the new one and then that will be free  of charge but you still can donate if you want   to donate to them yeah so that's the Envision  yeah but they have done a lot of good work The   Envision AI app you know the scene description  is very good the colour description is good   the one thing I did speak to many about during the  week is sometimes I've got three different apps on   my phone which I use for colour detection and it's  amazing that you might scan it with one it'll say   grey shirt the next one might say great kind of  grey shirt and the other one might say kind of   light grey shirt so sometimes it is Handy to have  the three because you especially when they're all   giving you slightly different colour do you find  that many that's right yeah so I guess yours might   be my eyes or IRA to call a side of Britain  and then tell me what colour I'm wearing yeah   so all right we're going to take some questions  now so unfortunately for the people at home you   can still ask questions but your voice won't  come through the theatre right here so it's   going to come through into minor ears my head  and so I'll have to be your voice for you but   we'll just while people at home you'll have  to unmute yourself as well but firstly we'll   just run to the room here is there anyone here  that's got a question if you'd like to put your   hand up Maria we probably need someone  to bring the microphone around to them my parents first of all Wordle word all that knocks on that  yeah oh a word or is New York Times word or game   do you know that if we can get that to be  accessible for the vision impaired Squirtle many we usually there is when you download the app  there is a new book the times word or once a   day word so I don't know so we have to contact  the developer some of them they are very open   some of them they are not interested in reading  our feedback so just cross your fingers if you   know we can try to contact them and then this is  the issue can they make some improvement in terms   of accessibility someone had told me to download  JavaScript it will do it but unfortunately with   JavaScript lets little things get into your phone  that's right correct yeah I don't know maybe look   it's one of those fights that every single one of  us in this room and anyone at home with a vision   impairment has to learn or has to be willing  to take up if we want this world to become more   accessible we've got to as a huge Army worldwide  stand up and say this is not good enough I want to   do this I want to make it happen something I've  mentioned several times is just recently I was   flying back on from Brisbane to Perth and I spent  the whole five and a half hour flight writing an   email to Virgin telling them how ridiculous their  onboard entertainment system is it took me a while   to get it all together and brought it and all that  sort of stuff have I had a response no did it send   yes I know I definitely said I got a receipt  but I've heard nothing since now is that going   to stop me now no when I get time again I will  contact virgin again and do something about it   but if we don't say something if we don't put our  hand up and say hey this is not good enough I want   this made accessible for me and not just for  me but for all my other Vision I've had correct   people nothing will ever happen so that's that one  now the next one not be better for another time I'm a grandmother and I was up until five years  ago I had to read and see and do all of that   now I should think that there would should be  an app out there that I could open a like a   tree but I don't even mind paying anymore that  I did you know it's the one that covers lots   of stories for children no the picture book  you know put some boots or you know whatever   I've got a little child who's two years old he  always wants me to read books well I can't read   them and I'm just saying what's a mistake you know  whatever so is there an app that will read with   voice over with me controlling it story books  for children you've got their picture started yes good question if we could bring Sinead in  right now I know she's at home listening in but   we would get her to comment on that  because there is something that's   going around the office at the moment it's  been communicated through our VisAbility   there's a lot of talk about a lot of  different suggestions I suggest what   you do is contact VisAbility during the  week and ask to speak to Shania responding I said I find it really helpful  changing my voice over advanced two and two things why right and return to  that home screen two fingers slightly so what's   I'm not sure which app you're using  though grenade to read the books but I'm Story Time for Kids open nap up as you normally  do now open Story Time for Kids then I'd click   across you know stories from zero to two no  three to four no whatever but I'll let you   go back to zero to two so I'll fight for  tap tap then then I'll swipe through the   stories put some boots a little red hand you know  whatever right then I tap on the one that I want   then I should be able to with my gestures  like people say on click or tap Turn the   Page and then I'll read the text I might  have to tap on the three of the text   you know some and that like that so there's a  tablet on the iPad so the little two-year-old   can see the picture I can't see what he can see  it then it'll say your monkey work climbed up the   tree and that's it can you see the tree the main  point this tree swipe the little monkey jumped off   the tree and down onto the ground you know that's  what I want but not me to speak it but my device   to talk that's right yes at the moment with lots  of girls they use a program called Reading Eggs   and within that it's on a website actually so  you can sign up for a subscription and it has   lots of stories and you can put in what age  group you're looking for stories and you can   click on it for the audio to be read as well  so you don't have to read it what was the name   of that app again it's Reading Eggs Reading  Eggs is any double G yes on Apple website okay don't know until we find someone  that someone goes and says navigate hey Brian I don't know talk oh hi I am more  than happy to look into that when I return   like now that I'm coming back to work because I  have the same issue for reading books to my kids   so I'd be really Keen to look into reading  eggs with this accessibility for voiceover   so just for everyone's information Sinead  is one of our occupational therapists that   works here she's a m of two beautiful kids  and Sinead has a vision impairment I don't   think you'll mind me saying that Sinead  no not at all Sinead's going through the   same problem right now she wants  to read books to her children so TV Guide so someone suggested  Oz TV well it's you know   I don't even know but I would like it so that  you can tap on the channel and the day or   the day in the channel and then click through  what's on these are an easy one should I Manny   so it's like trial and error so basically we have  to look at similar apps to that app and then it's   just testing yeah testing it if it's like really  all fine questions are really drawing people and I want to be able to do the same thing as I  would have done five years ago as I do do now to   bring someone up to play a Wordle I've got to ring  some up you know yeah Welcome to our world that's   exactly what our world's like and this is what my  world's been like 48 years so the good thing about   Apple because I I think you are using voice over  which is Apple devices on Apple devices they've   got Apple accessibility hotline that you can call  they're useless they won't give you information   about apps that's not their job they say no it's  not our job not like how to use that your iPhone   another way you might be able to get around using  the TV Guide is to buy yourself an accessible TV   so there are some TVs that are out there on the  market that are known for their accessibility I   know that Sony make a very good accessible  TV and so does Samsung the ironic thing is and say right what can I be watching tonight and  go through I've got all of that you can use all   of that but you know if I'm away from the TV and I  think what do I want to watch tonight go straight   that's our community I've got a Sony and a Samsung  I use all those features but I want something on   my iPhone that's purely Manny is theirs accessible  group Apple this so   so many people post their questions there and  then most of them get the answer straight away dot com so Apple this yes one word so post your question  there that's Universal worldwide so people with   voice over skills they usually answer questions  and then give you Direction in terms of apps and   tips yeah okay all right and it's one of those  things if we don't share what we know with   everybody else a lot of people go you know without  or they don't know about it so that's why we bring   you here for these sort of things and hopefully  over morning tea all right I'm going to have   to skip to someone else in the room well then  I'll go to online so anyone else here quickly my name is Peter my Applebee's have someone that  actually made word or work on a banking word or   the game accessible so that's that's one thing I'm  not too sure where on Applebee's at the moment I   haven't been there for a while but also there's  another tip I've got for for using seeing AI   with when you're scanning a document if it's  not working for you just the lift you just   lift your phone and it will eventually  say steady so once you've got it once   you've got it in place then then you can take the  picture and it will take the picture for you okay all right if someone at home's got a question  if you'd like to unmute yourself quickly and   ask your question if they monitoring the chat we  haven't received any questions but yeah no one I'm   any more tips from you Sinead oh hi can you  hear me yeah I just thought Emmanuel might   be able to elaborate because I found this  tip really helpful with the new iPhones not   having the home button that you can change the  advanced voiceover settings that I do the two   finger swipe right to get back to the home page  rather than having to do that one finger slowly   swiping up feeling the vibrations yeah and then  the two finger swipe left for the app switcher   yes so you can find the settings under voice  over settings and then you have to swipe to   commands and then under touch gesture  you can assign two finger swap to the   right for your home screen gesture and then two  fingers swipe to the left to the app switcher   so you can change your touch gesture commands  on either your iPad your iPhone using voiceover   and then the other tip is remember about the  barcode scanning app the one that I found it's   reliable is VIP code reader and the developer is  export Japan so export Japan and it will give you   like the beep which the phone camera try to find  the code and then once you scan the code it will   be there in the app so you can say save them  as your favourite so if you go to a particular   restaurant the one that has a menu and then it  they have a barcode that you can scan so scan that   barcode using the VIP code reader and then you  can save that into your favourite tab in your app   all right any more questions in the room yeah sure is this can we ask for an industry standards about  the Year by day because it exactly the same place   on each product it's a nightmare for me Josh  by day because they're all in different places a fantastic idea I don't know who would control  that in the industry but if you've got the time   to sit down and write that letter or send that  email like go for it what a great I mean that's   a fantastic idea it's a great idea Ryan I'm  wondering too whether the the the sort of policy   and bigger picture kind of advocacy that blind  citizens Australia would be probably the best way   to go yeah it'll be great yeah that's what  that's a great City and I think I love it   I mean someone once had the idea to put  dots on the notes so we knew what notes   they were you know it was a 14 year old boy  and now look what's happened it's happened   but it's got to start somewhere someone's  going to put their hand up and say I'm   going to take this on and make it wasn't  me was it no oh no I wish I was 14 again yeah but what a great suggestion anyone else for  questions we're aware of the time getting away but   oh my promise you a comfort break  shortly if everyone can hang in there   not like so yeah mine's not a question that's an  issue with voiceover I've got an iPhone 7 plu

2022-08-03 13:43

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