Amazing Snail Farm Technology - Snail Harvest and Processing - Products of Snail

Amazing Snail Farm Technology  - Snail Harvest and Processing - Products of Snail

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hello did you know that in 2023 the US consumed 2.2 million pounds of fresh snails generating 11 million [Music] USD curious about how they are raised and processed to achieve such profits join us to explore the fascinating journey of snail farming and processing right here snail farming is the process of raising edible land snails mainly used as human food or used as [Music] Cosmetics farms mainly Harvest Meat snail eggs and MCAS for production [Music] snail farming is an activity that brings many economic and meaningful benefits to [Music] humans with a scientific and effective farming model this can become a new Direction in sustainable agricultural development and Environmental Protection [Music] snail Ranch is proud to be the largest snail Farm in the United States there are more than 150,000 snails [Music] here the farm uses sustainable farming methods with the goal of long-term farming [Music] subscribe to the channel and we will show you the house of little [Music] snails the cage system is specially designed to meet the growth and development needs of snails [Music] the barn is made of sustainable materials such as wood wire mesh and plastic and surrounded by Steel mesh [Music] panels This ensures that snails cannot crawl out of the breeding area lose their numbers and avoid affecting surrounding areas [Music] in addition the ground will also be carefully dug to plant mustard or mustard [Music] plants not only does it provide a place to live for them it also provides organic food for the snails [Music] snail farms need constant watering so clean cool water must be [Music] provided the automatic watering system uses nozzles that create small fine water jets helping to water evenly and without hurting the snails spread throughout the [Music] garden what do you think about this livestock Barn model like the video if you like it or comment your opinion on more convenient models [Music] at the farm snails will be fed mainly grains and green [Music] vegetables during the breeding and hatching period they will be fed mainly ground grain to suit small snails we workers will spread grain directly on pallets after they are 2 to 3 weeks old they will be moved to the vegetable garden the vegetables grown on the farm are mainly leafy vegetables mustard greens [Music] snails are animals that need a lot of water to live and grow workers will regularly provide water to them at fixed times of the day [Music] [Music] to start a snail Farm we will buy some snails in the spring the farm will choose reputable disease free seed suppliers [Music] seed snails usually have a shell diameter of 1.5 to 2.5 cm or more shell color is bright without spots or chips [Music] [Music] did you know that snails can hibernate for up to 3 months when conditions are favorable they emerge from hibernation in March drawn to the cool and damp weather ideal for [Music] reproduction to facilitate this process a specialized spawning room is prepared featuring small clay pots meticulously arranged within a container system equipped with mesh flooring for proper [Music] ventilation wooden bars are strategically positioned to allow mother snails unrestricted movement [Music] their diet during this crucial period primarily consists of [Music] cereals maintaining precise environmental conditions is essential the furrowing room must be kept at a temperature of 20 to 25 DC and humidity levels maintain between 70 to 80% [Music] soft lighting is provided to create an optimal atmosphere conducive to successful [Music] reproduction these carefully controlled conditions ensure the well-being of the snails and promote successful breeding ensuring a thriving population for future [Music] harvests snails are raised both in green houses and Outdoors outside they are placed under wooden pallets snail farming occurs from April to September ending with the Harvest workers handh Harvest snails in the early morning or late afternoon when they [Music] forage snails clinging to pallet walls are scraped clean with a plastic bowl and placed in a bucket [Music] each pallet can yield several hundred snails which are then transported to the processing plant the farm also harvests snail eggs a delicacy with a unique flavor that many diners [Music] love each tiny white egg is about 2 mm in size and bursts with [Music] flavor although expensive at around $30 for a 50g box snail eggs provide substantial income [Music] after harvesting snails are stored in a cold room to maintain freshness before being transported to the production site for thorough [Music] cleaning placed in Black baskets they they are sorted by size to streamline [Music] processing at the factory A specialized rotating cage ensures uniformity with any defective snails removed once sorted the snails undergo meticulous packaging for transport to the snail processing [Music] plant before processing strict hygiene measures are enforced including hand [Music] sanitation the snails undergo rigorous washing and size classification before skilled workers separate the meat from the [Music] shells cook to remove any odors the meat is then packaged and labeled for distribution [Music] renowned for its nutritional value snail meat offers vitamins and minerals supporting overall [Music] health whether stir fried grilled or steamed snail meat is a versatile delicacy known for its immune boosting properties and support for bone health and weight management have you tried it share your experience [Music] below did you know snails are valued in the beauty industry for their nutrient-rich mucus [Music] this mucus full of proteins vitamins and minerals benefits the skin [Music] greatly mature snails are steamed in a special machine that stimulates mucus production which is collected for use in lotions [Music] in beauty spa snails are sometimes placed directly on the skin to moisturize and massage [Music] naturally this method requires expert supervision and is chemical free [Music] would you like to try this beauty treatment let us know in the comments and don't forget to like subscribe and turn on notifications for more videos from trending Farm [Music] Cobia or Far Eastern Cobia inhabit tropical marine regions of the indopacific ocean preferring Coastal Waters with Sandy or Coral bottoms at depths ranging from 3 to 60 [Music] ft they migrate seasonally for feeding and breeding characterized by elongated bodies silver gray Hue with black stripes large heads wide mouths and sharp teeth Cobia are for able Predators consuming small fish squid shrimp and [Music] crabs their population is declining due to overexploitation and [Music] pollution often confused with sharks kobia share similar appearances and behaviors but belong to separate fish families [Music] both species are Swift swift swimmers and [Music] predators are you also prone to confusing these two [Music] creatures fishermen employ two main methods to catch giant Cobia fishing and spear fishing [Music] however it's crucial to note that depicted fishing operations are conducted by seasoned professionals attempting these techniques without proper expertise is strongly [Music] discouraged now let's explore the typical process of Cobia fishing [Music] a sturdy boat and well prepared bait a vital Anglers wield heavy duty rods usually 7.9 to 12 ft long paired with standard spinning rails weighing 0.1 to 0.2 [Music] lb they employ a 15 to 30 lb spinning rod a Carnage cast Slammer 6,500 reel 50 lb braid and 40 to 60 lb L [Music] strength BLS like the Mad Scout are commonly [Music] used once geared up fisherman to areas marked by shipwrecks oil reeks cor reefs or web bull sharks and rs or web bull sharks and Rays [Music] frequent precise bait casting is crucial to L [Music] Cobia upon bait uptake the angler swiftly reels in the line while a teammate stands ready with a net to Hoist the captured Kobo board [Music] in this instance they successfully catch a 1.2 ft Cobia El listening Victorious

[Music] Smiles they repeat this process until their catch increases [Music] significantly do you find kobia fishing easy or challenging share your thoughts by commenting one for easy or two for [Music] difficult catching Cobia with Spears requires expertise and teamwork carefully selecting targets to ensure both kobia and divver safety from sharks though this method offers precision and minimizes shark disturbances it's extremely perilous and not commended for [Music] amateurs fishermen Don specialized diving gear alerting each other to avoid cobia's dorsal spikes a painful lesson learned from past [Music] encounters with practiced aim they target the cobia's head to impede its Escape grappling with formidable specimens weighing 50 to 60 lb and measuring 5 to 6.6 [Music] ft larger catchers demand coordinated efforts with two fisherman huling Spears to secure their [Music] prize wrangling the spirited Cobia into a container vigilance is Paramount against its threshing attempts at Freedom wishing you abundant luck and remember to share the video for positive [Music] vibes Cobia is a seafood with high economic value fishermen can earn from 10 to 20 USD [Music] pound according to a report by the food and agriculture organization of the United Nations file more than 30% of the world's fish resources are over or undere [Music] exploited therefore many countries have developed models of raising Cobia near the sea to protect natural resources [Music] kobia are raised in net cages placed near the [Music] coast these cages are made from highdensity polyethylene HDPE which helps them withstand harsh Marine environments [Music] the mesh cage has a convenient design for cleaning and saving water surface [Music] area the density of fish in each cage depends on the cage area and fish size ranging from a few dozen to several hundred fish they are fed 2 to three times per day [Music] the food is mainly small fish that are crushed for easy digestion and to Ensure [Music] Nutrition occasionally they are also supplemented with synthetic brand containing essential micronutrients for Healthy Growth to maintain the best meat quality Cobia Farmers also pay great attention to choosing fish [Music] breeds the selected fingerlings must be uniform in size and weight swim fast and show no signs of disease have you ever seen a Cobia farming model please share what you know about this fish in the comments section below let's continue to learn how people harvest cobia in this cage by clicking like on the [Music] video after about 7 months the Cobia fingerlings grow from a size of 0 point dou 3 ft into fish weighing about 14 to 15 [Music] [Applause] [Music] lb at this time fishermen will use physical net tools to harvest them the Nets lining the bottom of the cages will be raised higher to make harvesting Cobia [Music] easier the farm owner will check for fish that have not reached the standard weight and are released into neighboring cages for Continued Care [Music] after being picked up they are placed in large barrels or buckets to be transported to the processing area they are very healthy so they need to be covered carefully to avoid losing the fish [Music] Harvest they will be stored in ice trucks to ensure the freshness and firmness of the fish meat before reaching the processing [Music] area to check if the Cobia is fresh or not look at the Slime layer on the outside workers keep fresh fish in its protective outer layer and need to wash it before processing the internal organs are removed through a neat cut in the fish's belly the cut must be precise so as not to expose the meat inside and avoid contact with fresh water so as not to affect the quality of the fish [Music] meat the worker used a knife to stab the fish from below the pectoral fin extending all the way down to the [Music] abdomen he recommends cutting close to the pectol and pelvic fins to get the most fat out of the fish continue moving the knife toward the fish's head at the angle closest to the gills to collect as much meat as possible cobia's head is as hard as steel different from other types of [Music] fish continue to cut along the fish's back to create a slit then carefully insert the blade to separate the meat and [Music] spine he needs skill to use a knife to get the maximum amount of fish belly [Music] meat he continued to cut diagonally into the ribs to completely separate the belly meat from the bone do the same with the other side to have two large pieces of fish meat and a complete [Music] skeleton the Cobia processing process has not [Music] stopped the technician uses the tip of a knife under the fish rib meat to separate them from the fish line then moves the black film inside the [Music] ribs the fish belly contains the most fat and the fish loin will be skinned after being [Music] cut the fish head is separated from the backbone and the remaining meat is [Music] filtered the the processing of a large Cobia has been [Music] completed what do you think about this process please like and share this video with your friends so more people know about this [Music] fish Cobia is a type of seafood with high nutritional value containing lots of protein omega-3 vitamin D and important minerals such as iron zinc and [Music] calcium these ingredients not only help promote cardiovascular and joint health but also enhance the immune system making Cobia a great nutritional choice for all [Music] ages the ways to prepare Cobia are very diverse and Rich [Applause] grilled kobia brings a rich and greasy flavor while crispy fried kobia brings a delicious and attractive [Music] feeling when steamed kobia retains the natural sweetness and freshness of the meat while kobia Sashimi enhances the sophistication and purity of fresh seafood [Music] no matter how you choose to prepare it kobia provides rich and nutritious [Music] meals if you find this video useful please like and share so more people know the great value of kobia fish [Music] AI Technologies are gradually developing and created by hum kinds what if each processing Factory gradually has fewer people working please share your thoughts Below in the comments section of this video and lastly don't forget to recommend the channel to your friends so they can watch too thank you and goodbye see you again in the next videos

2024-10-08 08:52

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