Advent of code 2024: day 12

Advent of code 2024: day 12

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and we're live what's going on YouTube  it's time for another day of Advent of   code today we're tackling tackling day  12 and we'll dive in here very shortly   interested to see what we have for us  today um see what kind of problem we   have hopefully we can solve it  in a reasonable amount of time looking forward to diving in and and seeing um  I haven't seen I don't think we've seen a parent   child node problem in a while um or yet so I'm  thinking maybe we might have some sort of tree   problem coming up uh feels kind of appropriate  to to see one of those um we'll see excited to   dive in and see what we might be getting into here  I'm also looking forward to um holding my skills   a little bit further and uh just kind of seeing  how we can improve dayto day I may end up doing a   review uh yesterday I got tripped up a little bit  because they said that the stones would come out   in order but actually the order wasn't important  to the final problem which led me down a 45 minute   journey of inefficiency so hopefully I take a  little bit more time today and think through   the problem I'm going to get my iPad out ready  I think through the problem a little bit further   before I start putting in code together and maybe  we can do it the right way the first time this time yeah minute 54 hey what's going on glad you joined just getting ready to start Aven  of code day 12 got a minute and 30 left does anybody have any uh predictions on  what the problem might be for today uh   whether we're going to be tackling a grid problem   or some sort of string rex or maybe a  node Pro a tree problem parent child relationships any thoughts I was thinking about day 12 from last  year uh was a node problem where we   had to Traverse paths uh starting  at start which was the root node   and ending at end distinct paths along  the way other big caves and small caves so wonder if we'll do something similar to  that today or maybe we'll get into something else got 19 seconds all right let's into day 12 Garden groups  why not search for the chief historian near the   garden and his massive Farm there's plenty  of food so that the stor grabs something to   eat while they search you're about to settle  near a complex arrangement of garden plots   when some Elves ask if you can lend a hand  they'd like to set up fences around each   region of garden plots but they can't figure  out how much fence they need to order or how   much it will cost they hand you a map your  puzzle input of the garden plots each garden   plot grows only a single type of plant and is  indicated by a single letter on your map when   multiple garden plots are grow growing the same  type of plant and are touching horizontally or   vertically they form a region for example  okay this 4x4 Arrangement includes garden   plots growing five different types of plants a  b CDE e in each group into their own region in   order to actually to calculate the cost of the  fence around a single region you need to know   that Region's area and perimeter the area of  a region is simply the number of garden plots   the region contains the above Maps type AB and  C plants are each in a region of area four the   type e plant are in a region of area three and  type D plant are in a region of one okay got it   each garden plot is a square and so has four  sides the perimeter of a region is the number   of sides of garden plots in the region that  do not touch another garden plot in the same region the type A and C plants are  each in a region with a perimeter 10 K the type B and E plants are  reach in a region with perimeter a and the lone D plot forms  its own region with perimeter 4 um hold on each Garden so has four sides the  perimeter of a region is the number of sides of   garden plots in the region okay so one two 3 4  plus the top is eight two sides is 10 okay got   it 1 two 3 4 1 two 3 4 5 6 7even 8 for B okay  got it visually indicating the sides of plots   in each region that contribute to the perimeter  using okay yep got it plants of the same type   can appear in multiple separate regions and  regions can even appear within other regions   regions can appear in other regions okay so this  what these X's multiple separate regions got it one containing all of the O garden plots and  the other the four x regions each have area   one and perimeter four R contain 21 type zero  plants is more complicated in addition to its   Outer Edge contributing a perimeter of 20  its boundary with each X region contributes   an additional four to its perimeter for a total  perimeter of 36 due to Modern business practices   the price of fence required for a region is  found by multiplying the Region's area by   its perimeter the total price of fencing all  regions on a map is found by adding together   the price of fence for every region on the  map in the first example region a has a price   of 4 * 10 which is 40 okay we'll deal with the  pricing in a little bit the second example the   region with all the O plants has price 21 Etc  here's a large example it contains a regional   r a region of I another region of I okay  region of M region of s so it has a total   price of 1930 what is the total price of  fencing all regions on your map okay let   me just look at the puzzle input real quick well  that's fun it almost looks like a picture okay okay got it okay so this is what I think we can do my thoughts are if we start at 0 and we  crawl out in the four directions um and we   try to build a reg region based on the four  directions uh let me look here for a second I   don't know if we have to worry about angles I  don't think so let me look here if we can see   what that type of plant is indicated by a single  letter which growing at the same type of plant   that are touching horizontally or vertically  so we only have to worry about up down left   and right so we we start here at position R  and we grow out for each letter that matches   and if once we find a letter that doesn't match  we stop processing and we process all these and   then we keep a map of visited locations um  once we're done with that we go to the the   next iteration next next so on until we get  to an unvisited location we build that region   go to the next one we build out that region  and we Mark all the visited ones as we go and   then eventually we get down to a set of all  our visited and then we loop back through all   our visited sets and we determine if um what  the value is I think that should be fine um   we're really just looping through this once and  then for each one we're being selective about   which records we check next to build our region  and plot and then we continue through until we   find one that hasn't been processed and we'll  have to look through every single one of these   records once to do that uh I think that's going  to be okay so that's the approach I'm going to take and we know that our test input is  1930 so we'll come back here change this   to 1930 and then as far as our reading of our  data um we're just looking at strings here so   we're going to come back here and we'll use our and we'll save that and  that should give us all of our records and we'll worry about the the scoring  of each one separately because we have the two   perimeters but let's let's let's Loop through [Music] this and then we can say [Music] for right so we know we we've  got that and thanks Matthew actually   my gitlab repo if you are interested um I try  to take a test driven to approach this since we   know what the end result is supposed to be  um but you're more than welcome to pull it   down yourself and use it or pull from it  or you know it's up to you um just going   to call this [Music] step and I need a visited  [Music] list we'll just make it a map of string uh [Music] whoa and so we'll do [Music] [Music] [Music]   this is an in this is a string and this will be um yeah I it's it's good practice to go through  these um I haven't you know I've done some of   admin code over the last couple of years but it's  fun to tackle these problems and kind of see what   we can get uh you know what we can produce um  this is row and then this should be visited [Music] key row column and uh we'll do yeah we could do an empty struct there  if we' really wanted to make the uh the   value smaller but not going to worry so much  about that and so we're going to pass our   our grid in here and we're going to pass in our  character and we're going to pass in our um our map a streamable [Music] and because we are going to  step uh and then we want [Music] a our Direction so we can say [Music] for we're going to step we're going to pass  our Matrix in I'll we're going to pass our   V in we're going to pass our Direction  in and we're going to pass our visited in um this what this doesn't do is return  back our uh the things that matter right   so I think that's the last thing we need  to do is return back a set of set of ins um yeah so first thing we're  going to say is if uh M do well okay okay we're not going to use B here  we're going to use we're going to do a position   instead [Music] um yeah so we'll do R comma  C and we have a Direction so we'll say if m dot plus equal uh dur sub zer   and C plus equal dur sub one and we'll say  if M do inbounds R comma c um it we'll say if not then we return return that so we know we're  off the map and uh we should do NR because I want to maintain  the original for our next check we'll call this NC this will be fine n r  and N C and then we can say if NR equal to I'm sorry if M sub R Sub C [Music] uh we'll say not equal then we return so  these are kind of like the guard Clauses   and then finally um if if we are good then  we can say essentially what this is which means um we can step and we want to do  NR NC and then all of the directions   so anytime we step somewhere we want to go  there again uh and then one more caveat is   that if we've already visited so if it's  not in bounds if the values aren't equal and if we've already visited we return the empty set and then we can [Music] otherwise set visited equal  true me no I don't know any assembly I've looked at some but I've not done anything  professional or um in detail with assembly is   there a particular project you have in mind that  you'd like to look into further I wouldn't mind   giving it a look I mean so so we're going  to set the visited a true so we don't come   back to this particular node and then um so  one last thing I want to do is we need to uh for lack of a better name [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] so this should then set R to this each time and  then R is always going to append whatever the sub   piece is so we should get our grouping of letters  that match so then uh this is going to be our groups and yeah so this is going to be [Music] that so we're going to pend the entire  group so that we have all of the index   positions in each group so we can  come back and analiz um but I think   we're going to start there uh  we'll go with that so now if [Music] we and [Music] something like that something like that first try nope score yeah okay uh yeah  we can get rid of that for now all right you know it's late and I've been  doing this pretty much non-stop I'm   making all kinds of mistakes there  we go okay um lots of empty slices I to not have quite what I was expecting let's   just log the first group that it's a  little bit clear on what's going on here right okay yeah just a whole bunch of those yeah so they should never be nil um ah this is NR NC this has to be NR n then see  okay that might be part of my problem here yeah there we go okay but there is still one issue which is [Music] here um I need to do two  things first is maybe I can reduce   reduce this but I'm going to just go ahead  and do this for now um and keep it in here   so we're going to keep one at this higher  level so as we go through that whole Loop   um we're going to check and if we've  already visited we're not going to   visit again otherwise we visit it for the first  time and we're going to do our new group [Music]   ah okay so there is a little bit of an issue here  [Music] as and then this is going to be new group   equal to a pen new group dot dot dot and then  we do groups equal to um append groups new group   probably just call this group let's make  our variable names a little bit [Music] better so we've got 11 let's just count  this real quick one 2 3 four five 6 7 8   9 10 11 okay perfect so I think we got the  right groups and then if we look our first   group is uh that's actually our second group  let's change our logging real quick um we'll   log the zero index group just so we don't go crazy  and we've got one Zer one one why did we get one zero as our zeroth group we're missing we're  missing that oh that is because this should   be R comma c um here and here so we we start  the group off with the index that we're on   at that level which is 0 0 and there we  go so and then 24 is the last one there so zero one two and then was there a 32 there's a 32 okay perfect so okay so the region of R plants with price  is 12 * 18 which is 216 so now we've got our   groupings so let's look at R here we've  got one two three four 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 so 12 is the the area right so like the  area if we look back here at area in order   to calculate the cost of the fence around a  single region you need to know that Region's   area in Perimeter the area of a region  is simply the number of garden plots the   region contains so now if we come at  through here and we say okay [Music] for we can say our [Music] area and then we've got the so this is going to be a  little bit more challenging um so how would we do this what's the is there a way to calculate an area of [Music] points this just like a Normal  area so we've got one two yeah okay so is it something like we did like uh [Music] [Music] what's the what's the calculation here there's  got to be like just a way to do with math [Music] ex yeah is there some way to just like we know that the top here 1 2 3 4 just trying to think here if  there's a way where we can determine this I mean if I go through each  grouping and I check each point if to calculate I could start at the first point  and I can check all the directions and if there   is a character of the same then we don't count  it but if there's either out of bounds or or a   character but different we count it and then  so we would basically be recalculating every   grouping considering the size of the graph  that we have right now I don't think that's   going to be that terrible um maybe we just  try that and kind of see where we land and so and we'll go with our Matrix again [Music] yeah and then from here we've  got a grouping and so we can say um for [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] yeah so we can say if in bounds um P sub Z Plus dur sub Z and then we'll  say p sub one plus dur sub [Music] one say if not then we'll do perm um and then continue and then we're  going to return perm and we'll put an in   here okay so now that's go if we know that  we're out of bounds we know that we're on   the edge and we'll calculate both of  those for a given thing otherwise uh if we can just say or um yeah I'll just do this because this will be easier   to articulate actually we'll just  call R CU we don't have another one [Music] so if our current position is not equal to rc um so if either of these conditions  are true so we're not in bounds or the   letter doesn't match then we're going to increment   and that's going to be our perimeter  so now it will be oh we'll call it [Music] perm [Music] okay so much for that  keyword shortcut uh all right   M and then we pass in our group and then  our sum or our score is plus equal area   times perm and then why is it not  like this our score equal to 0.0 maybe and then we return [Music] score  yeah let's try that out for our test here awesome so now we'll grab our input for the seventh time apparently um place   that here and see if it will run  in in a reasonable amount of time that wasn't confusing all right awesome part one  done let's take a look at part two fortunately   the elves are trying to order so much fence  that they qualify for a bulk discount under   the bulk discount instead of using the perimeter  to calculate the price you need to use the number   of sides each region has each straight section of  fence counts as a side regardless of how how long   it is consider this example again the region  contains type a plant has four sides as does   each of the region contains plants of type B D  and E however the more complex region contain   the plants of C has eight sides see this new  method of calculating the per region price by   multiplying the Region's area by its number  of sides region a through e have price Etc okay I don't understand using perimeter to  calculate the price you need to use the number   of sides so C has eight what is considered a side  did it tell us here perimeter using and the sides   of the plots in each region that contribute to  the perimeter using okay so why does why does c of eight on why does c have eight 1 two 3 4  5 6 7 8 n no I don't understand this a has   four sides one two 3 four okay I see and then C  has 1 2 3 4 4 five 6 7 8 okay I understand now so that's kind of fun um all right  well let's see how to if we think   this through a little bit um if  I start here and I check to my left I know that I can get a side row if it's not  similar to what we're doing parameter I can check   to my top and I know I can get a top row and then  I could iterate to the next one and that's also a   third so one two 3 right we go down to the next  C we go over to the left we already have that   column cataloged as a side so we're not going to  record it again but if we try to go down that's   not us that's a row now then we go over here  okay so very similar but instead of recording   the r and the C I'm just going to record the the  rows and the columns if you will that we're in   and that'll give us our our sides per a per a  thing and if we're out of bounds that will be a so if I go to the right that is a Col that is  a column and if I go if I go vertical that's a   column if we go horizontal that's a row um  and so we'll catalog okay right so so then   let's do sides so let's come back here let's  create a part two we could probably condense   this down uh later but for now it'll just  be easy enough to copy and paste and then   instead of doing perimeter we're going to do  sides and we're going to create a funk called   sides we'll borrow from [Music] our um perimeter  one it's very similar pattern so we'll copy it [Music] yeah a little bit  more complex but not too much [Music] more so what we need is I mean we could just do I mean this is this will work in and um [Music] full and calls so this will give us  our ability to anytime we reach a   condition instead of just blindly adding  it we're going to add we're going to add   to this and we're going to say I don't know  I did it continue here but um we'll do rows um yeah we'll break this into two so  what we can do is and we'll do slice of in and we'll do matrix. dur up [Music] down and then that and then we're going to do  the same thing here but the difference is and the   reason we're doing it twice is because instead of  doing all four directions we're going to catalog   slightly differently so and this is going to be  dur left and dur right so now if we're going up   and down we know that we want to catalog our rows  so this will be rows oh this is goang [Music] and then we can just do the length of rows plus  the length of calls and that should be it um we   don't actually have to count this anymore and  our same test input produces 126 so we'll go   back to our test we'll put in a 126 here and we  will rerun our test and we've got 1930 for part two expected 126 actual 1930 ah that would be why all right th2 so what didn't I do right here let's see yeah let's let's just put  some logging out real quick so what I can do is [Music] is have you uh doc  jolas have you coded in ging   before or like what language are you most familiar [Music] with and let's just  go ahead and do our group [Music] gotcha so area 12 sides 10  okay so I got that one right   area four sides four that one's right 14 area  sides 22 so why didn't I get C right so C nice glad to hear that I'm pretty close  I'm not particularly fast at these I'm   just kind of enjoying the process of going  through them um and I figured I'd document   it here so our our C's are wrong what  else do we have here 146 1428 so our   area is right we know that but the sides  are off so 16 why do we not get 16 one 2 3 four let me go back here and see Matrix dur up D down left and dir right so we're going to do both oh did I have these do I  have these reversed if I go up   I want that column and if I go left  I want the row I think I have these reversed okay well 12 and 9 four and four 14 13 okay maybe  not if I go to the left no no I do I do want the row go to the left I want the row go to the right I also want the row [Music] still G be the same result yeah so if  I go if if I'm here if I'm here and I   go to the right which is J I want this  I want to catalog that and I if I know   there's an edge here then we're going to  track that let's look at this the side   a little bit more maybe I'm missing  something in the calculation for the side the e-shaped region has an area of 17  has 12 sides so 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 okay hold on 12 sides Y 2 3 4 five let's go back to our simple example a  is four one two three four oh wait a second has four sides under the bulk discount  using the perimeter to calculate the   price you need to use the number of sides  each region has each straight section of   fence counts as a side regardless of how  long it is each straight section of fence so but I mean shouldn't this actually be eight I mean I don't make the rules here but two 3 4 five six 7 8 I just don't understand what it's asking for here each straight section of fence counts  as a side regardless of how long it is do we one let's at B for second as do  each of the sectors BD and E so one 2 3 4 a has it because it's one two three  and four right okay so that that makes   sense C of 8 makes sense but why would my  algorith not work [Music] so go to sleep Siri this is Rose this is [Music] calls yeah 12 and 10 4 and four 146 still getting  last this one wrong here so let's look let's   look at this 1422 for the C's so I need  to go to the larger example draw this out okay so the problem is this gapping right here so it's not the way I'm calculating it is  wrong because I'm just assuming   that it's the row which allows me  to capture this but because there is other C's in that row that are at different positions columnwise that's why it doesn't work okay so I know what the  problem is now how do I how do I correct for that um oh really h that was interesting okay so we need to can I look at this from a different perspective if I'm here and I go here no yeah I had a CPU Spike I don't  know why it should be getting better let me see OBS is having some issues here let me try closing some [Music]  things see if that might help that's what I get for  a streaming on a MacBook Air let's see here it still says poor well let me Focus okay I appreciate that um so if I what if I took a different approach here and instead got all of the positions outside yeah it's an it's an M2 it's an M2 it  actually just it's done pretty well this   is the first time that I saw that it's had  issues um so i' I've streamed a couple of times um actually this is my 12th live stream   video actually to be more precise so  maybe I have too much going on here um okay sorry let me Focus um so  I like to finish this up here so if I yeah I'm not sure it's my CPU is spiking like  crazy I think maybe I just had something going   on not sure um so if I if I Traverse this I I  think I'm close but it's the continuous side   part right that that is an issue where we've  got this side here and then there's this this break and then like it's it's not  it's not contiguous is the thing so think I have to be a little bit smarter about it's not just the row and column I have [Music] to I have to walk so if if I'm at a point and I can check  all the surrounding points and if one of them is a point I can check so if we go  down and there is there's that is   considered a side because there's  not another C then I can check the left and the right and if there's  one to my left then I can utilize   that and consider consider that  as part of a side and follow that chain but if I'm if I'm heading left so like here I'm heading left so I head the direction I head a  direction and I continue to follow   that direction and when that  is broken that is considered a side and that's cataloged and then that's visited   and then I can check the other point for the  other side and the other point for the other side and I can go I can  continue in that direction of left and then I guess my  visited would have to be the   the point and the side in which we are visiting on uh I'm not sure if that sounds crazy or not  but I think I think that's what we have to do here I think so so this isn't going to work so we  know that's not that's not it and [Music] [Music] okay [Music] so if we come here we visit um we're going to [Music] go I think this is how we want to do it maybe I   come with a better function name  great if I hit the right key um but for a given Direction so the  visited here is is going to be this   saying that we visited this node in in  full but we're also going to have um if but we don't want just this we're going to do  a f.s print s print F and we're going to do the key and uh we'll do the direction so [Music] yeah there we go so we're going to check to see  if we've visited a specific Direction um or if   we found an edge at a specific Direction  and we're in if we have we're not going to we're not going to calculate that one again [Music] um maybe follow Edge question mark um and so if we go up and we find that we're not inbound or that position is not equal so then we're going to want our RNC [Music] and our Direction [Music] and really what we want to do here is we just  want to follow the edge in either direction   and all we're going to do is if this is true  then we want to set visited for that specific Edge um so and then we want to we  want to recursively call um visited so we want to recursively  call follow Edge so we we are [Music]   right and then we call [Music]   let me call M visited RC and then dur so the dur   for the follow Edge is not  so if we if we're on R and C we want to go left to right and we want to go right and we want to do that on p 0 and P1 because we want to go right  to left of that um but we also need a checker which will be [Music] that so essentially if we were to look at  look at this at least this is my [Music] plan we go black here and then we go 72  maybe do 64 and then if we change the font something a little bit more Monaco sure and maybe we zoom  out just a little bit and then I will bring up my tablet well I got to change the font of my tablet  because for some reason it's not the same um   I don't know why that is but it that  is what it is Ben low let's try that   go bold why not okay so the idea is that  I'm going to start at some position we'll say we'll start at position C and we're  going to check all these surrounding areas and anytime I find that we are on an edge  because that area is either out of the bounds   I'm going to so like if we look at this one  here that is out so we know we have an edge   here I'm going to proceed to the next C or the  next one to the right and the next one to the   left and I'm going to determine if if this is  a part of that same Edge in that direction and   if it is I'm going to catalog that in the map  and for that given Direction and so then that   should give me the ability of you know if  we go back to we maybe use this other side here starting here and I check the left side and I see  that there is no um Edge then I will go   down to the next C because that is in the  horizontal fashion and I will check and   I will see that it's part of that same Edge  and then I will go down to the next one and   in this case that's not a part of this  Edge because there is another C here um   and so that one does not count as being part of  that edge so that stops the calculation on that   edge then I'll go to the next point or the next  Direction which is up and I see that we have   another edge here so this is a new Edge because  it's a new Direction and I will check the next   C and see that it's a part of that same direction  on that same plane and then we'll go to that next   character and no that does not included and  then that c at that edge has been processed   already so we count that and then we just kind of  go around and we keep doing that until every Edge   is fully processed and I think we'll get to  an end so at least that's the that's the plan   that's the strategy so we follow the edge and  really all following the edge is going to do is   is going to Mark visited um on the appropriate um  characters so we set visited to true for a given Direction it's great I don't know  why it's uh an arrow here but okay maybe because this yeah not sure okay so right um so we don't want RNC we check RN C  and then we're going to Mark visited   true and then we're going to follow the edge  until we get to an end so when we follow the edge we are so R is equal to [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] so this is our original R and c and  this this is our check R and check   C so if in bounds check R check C and if M of um so let me actually do so the first thing is um M subr sub c um if that doesn't [Music] equal r m sub new R new see then we continue so that's basically saying  that it's not the or we return so that's saying   that if if it's not the same character  going left or going right then we want to return and then if it is the same character  then what we want to do is we want   this is actually NR and NC so that's that  new character and if the check which is   going to be the direction so it's going to be  above or below depending on what direction we   were heading so we're going to go to the left  go to the right check above or check below uh   depending on what iteration we're on and we're  going to see if that that is true then the NR and the NC is going to be at the check not  the direction we're heading but the check in   this case that's the check and so we are  going to indicate that is true and then   since this is also true we're going  to follow the edge again passing inv visited um [Music] so if we're not in bounds or it's not the letter we're currently on we're on an edge right um then we also want to  say if not m. inbounds NR n c then we return so that way if we ever get  off all the way to the left or all the way   to the right all the way up all the way down  we just return and then we continue to follow   the edge and it's going to be NR NC and the  direction is going to continue to be the same   and the check is going to be considered the  same check so we're going to recursively   follow that until we return so as long  as that we are we have something out   of bounds and we're following along the  edge we're going to follow that edge and so that is going to give us that and so how do we how do we turn that into an ed or a score or side so I think then what that just means is  that each time we iterate and we get to this   point it is just incrementing and so we've got  to do the same thing for this but now we have to inverse left dur up and uh I'm sorry  durite and then this is dur up and dur down   so I think if we do that that'll  ensure that we don't double visit anything um okay and then this  should be just sides at this point awesome so same input I  think we just run day 12 now awesome there we go that's the right answer  we got a gold star way to go uh let's clean   some stuff up real quick let's just kind of walk  through this um I think that worked out pretty   well our strategy at least that we that we walk  through here um worked out the first time at least   efficiently enough um it's some seconds  so I'm not you know not too worried about   it I mean I'm sure there might be some way  to optimize here we can look at that in a second just clean up some of the logging here yeah um so let's kind of review let's look  at part one so part one we just need   to go through and create all the  groups uh thanks man appreciate it um so just kind of in group one we went through  we walked through using a map uh using a visited   node for the specific uh row and column marking  all the keys or all the locations in a unique   map and then anywhere we would step to all of the  surrounding locations I think we could actually   reduce this into just a um well maybe not um but  we step through all the surrounding locations and   if they were the same character we continue to  recursively step so we could look at that here   we have a couple of guard Clauses so if we're not  in bounds um if it's not the same character or if   we've already visited previously any of those  conditions we exit um otherwise we set visited   true because we're visiting that node for the  first time and we step through all the directions   kind of recursively the thing that's kind of neat  about this is that um since we do that that means   that each iteration we go through here of each  value um since we visited it in the subgrouping uh   we'll just skip a whole bunch until we get to the  next you know fresh group and then work through   that so I think that's pretty pretty efficient and  then last we we just go through and calculate the   area which is the length of the group and then  the perimeter uh and then set the score to that   adding up perimeter was pretty straightforward  we just walked through and kind of calculated   all of the uh inbounds um in that same kind of  Direction directional uh thing and then finally   um to round it off we had to for part two was  very similar but we had to determine the sides   as opposed to the perimeter and so the way that  I chose to do that was to kind of Follow The Edge   so we start by finding a point in the Grid or  the grouping and then we visit that point and   then we go through a set of directions and  then if we find an edge for a single point   we follow the edge in either direction  just marking everything that is on that   edge and so that gave us the ability of in a  condition where we had a turn or a change of   a side that we were able to catalog that but  we could still catalog all the flat sides so   once I implemented that correctly um we were  good to go problem solved um I think I could   probably reduce some of this repeat code  here uh I might do that off stream here   and do some refactoring but I think this was  pretty successful so I appreciate you guys   hanging out you have any questions dark Joel is  about go or anybody if you have any questions   or just about anything at all I can willing to  answer those or we can just hang out for a bit no all right well I appreciate everybody hanging  out was great uh great having everybody and uh

2025-01-06 11:03

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