Sadhguru at IIM Ahmedabad Full Video

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Today we have with us a man who needs no introduction as I would invite the crowd I will. Dive. Right into the questions shall. I say something but shortly. Well. The. Question is definitely. There in a lot of people's mind why a moment. Like this how. This came about. In. The last 36. Years that, I have been active with people. There's. One constant, refrain from, people, thousands. Of people have asked me the same question that. Is. That. Grew when I was 20, where the hell were you you. Came, when I'm 60. If. You came when I was 20 I would have done this that and something else. I've. Been hearing, this from so many people continuously. So. We thought we will step out and talk, to people who are below 25, years of age and. That's. Why you turn truth and, the. Fundamental, of this is. See. What we call his life, this. Life you, may have so many ideas, about it so. Many emotions, and thoughts about it but. Essentially, this life is a certain, combination, of time. And energy we. Have a certain amount of time and a certain amount of energy. Time. Is rolling away for all of us, if. You sit here it rolls if you do something it rolls if you sleep it rolls if you're awake it rolls, whether. In. Wakefulness, or sleep in, work or laziness. With. Your way in dynamism, or lethargy time. Is rolling for everybody. In. Tamil, there's. The, term that is used for death is kala mai tongue it, means his time got over such, an appropriate, description. After, all, that's all that happened time got over, so. Time is getting over for all of us as we. Sit here it's, not the clock which is ticking it. Is our life, which is ticking away, you. Cannot control it you can't slow it down you can't roll it back no choice about this it, rolls forward for all of us no matter what we do what we don't do, but. Energy, is something we can manage when. We talk about energy, this. Segment, of life that, we refer to as youth, when. You are in this segment of life your. Energy, as is, at its highest exuberance. Most. Youth do not understand, this they. Think they are going to be like this for always, you. Just have to pay attention to, the old people, they were not born like this. They. Were also, used. Slowly. You. Know volume. Gets little down not me. Otherwise. Slowly, the intensity, of energy volume, gets lower and lower if. You just observe how they sit and stand and walk you. Must know you're going to get there very. Fast actually. So. When. Your energies are at their peak. If. Only if you brought little more clarity, and. Balance. Into your system. Well. This. Energy could work for you in a miraculous, way. This. Exuberant energy can, do, wonders, in human life, or, it. Can cause disasters. In human life the. Same enthusiasm and, energy has. Taken people's lives, I am saying, this because I, grew. Up in, 60s. And 70s. By. The time they were 35, at. Least, 12. For sure other - I think they also went. By that way. 12. To 14 people that, I knew and who were dear to me they, all died before their 35, years of age, simply. Somebody overdose, somebody, drank themselves to death somebody, killed, themselves on the motorcycles, somebody. Fell off the rocks. All. Kinds, of things. It. Is the same exuberant energy which, got them into these things, the. Same example, and, if it had a little more balance and clarity they, could have done wonders, but, unfortunately. This happened it's not only in terms of death it happens, in so many different ways disaster, is not always, in the form of death life. Didn't take off that itself is a disaster. So. When. You look at this see. Every human being every individual. Has. An innate genius within them the. Question, is only will. They find an appropriate, ambience, within, themselves, and around. Themselves to, unfold their genius. This. Unfortunately. In this world does, not even happen, to 1% of the population this. Is my estimate in your institution, if it is more you must tell me but, generally, in the larger population, not even 1% of, humanity, manages. To unfold, their genius, simply. Because, concerns. Of earning a living survival. Some nonsense, takes them up they fall in love. Something. Happens, either. Outside situations. Don't cooperate or inside. Situations, don't cooperate. So. What. I am looking at is, if. Only, if we can increase this percentage. Let's. Say in this generation, from 1% to 10% we. Will have a phenomenal, world because. You cannot, create a great world or a great nation, or a great society you, can only create great human, beings if you, create great human beings great. Societies, and nations and world will happen it's, a consequence. We, cannot create the consequence, but the source of this is human, genius must unfold, only. Then you, will find human beings functioning. At a level well. Beyond, what we normally consider, as normal, it. Should become normal, it's it's normal, for a flowering, plant to blossom.

Similarly. It must be normal, for a human being to unfold, and blossom their genius because, it's in it it. Is only looking for an atmosphere, where, it is possible, to do that can, we create that in the society maybe. It's a long way off but can, we at least create it within ourselves that, if, you're willing is possible, in this generation that's why I'm here with you let's, see what we can do. That. In, essence answers, the first question which we had planned for you so. But. What, we have tried to do is we have tried to so, be a representative, of the student community and we. Have taken their questions, and actually tried to divide them in themes and several. Themes have cropped up and we. Received. Theme wise during, this conversation, the, first theme that cropped up was about ethics and morality and. Even. Though this wasn't, the exact formulation of the problem there were versions of this and the, version was that, if Sadhguru could go back into the past, not because, of yogic, past but if there was a time machine and, with. Foresight. A bit. Knowledge about what happened during the world war ii would. Sadhguru, kill baby Hitler is. The first question that co-op problem. Would. I kill, the baby, Hitler. Knowing. That six million Jews could be saved. Say. Yeah. Adolf. Hitler is, a consequence. Is. Not the cause of World. War two. In. The sense. There. Has been centuries, of hatred, about. The Jewish people, it's. Not it did not suddenly crop, up because. Of Arab Hitler well, he used it politically, to do all kinds of things that's a different matter but this. Hatred has been endemic, in the population. Not. For one or two years for. Literally, eighteen. Centuries, it's. Been alive. Now. Adult. Hitler became, a representative of, that hatred and, he. Consolidated. That hatred, organized. It in such a way that it, became a mega. Disaster but. The disaster, has been unfolding. For a long time, forever. People, have been accusing Jews of being. A Jesus killer and wanting. To get them in so many ways they've been persecuted not in one way every. Generation has. Small-scale. Persecutions. Happening, in various societies across, the that, part of the world at least not here so. When. Adult Hitler came he, saw what, you are accusing of adult Hitler, his competence. Everybody. Had the same hatred, he. Organized. His hatred into a very competent. Results-oriented. Thing. Any. Number, of human beings have come who, are as much, tyrannical. As a dull fiddler fortunately. They were not as competent, I.

Don't. Know if he studied in I am. Because. His, organizing, skills are extraordinary. You. Have to look, at that if, only if he had organized, this. Not. Against, a particular community but, for the well-being of the world what a fantastic organizer, he is so. His competence, is what we'll be talking about hatred. Was there in the society, he. Organized, it and made. It into an end result of a disastrous, kind, see. In, every, generation there are tyrants, fortunately. They are important. Fortunately. They are everywhere don't. Think they are not there every day I am meeting thousands, of people you, should see what kind, of mindsets people have how. Much endemic, hatred, they have for somebody that they do not even know including. Me. People. Who have never met me people who have not had a word with me they, have so, much hatred so, what's the problem you not even seen me at. But. No. So. This endemic, hatred is bred in the society, in the form of religion, in, our society, in the form of caste creed. Ideologies. See. Everybody. Is focused in adult Hitler I am. NOT trying to belittle what he did he. Is one, man, so. Many people caused pain to each other but. He is one man who organized. Human, pain like. Nobody, else he, made a machine out of it, in. In a real organized, way like an industry, he. Did not do killing. Just for killing sake he made a killing industry, you know proper. Industry, actually they set up factories of death. So. Never before, nobody, organized, it but don't ever think, nobody. Had those intentions. Nobody, had those same emotions they had but. This man organized, so would you kill the baby Hitler no, it wouldn't help because, another guy maybe with competence, would have come up you. Never know so. What. We need to work at is, we. Need to work at as, I was telling you a culture, of peace. This. Is important, we. Never worked at culture of peace only when he explodes, in our face we, want it solved otherwise. We're just going about our business the. Way we are driving on the street is violent, alright he's. Not fast, it's. Just violent I wish, they were driving fast if, they were skilled they would be driving fast they, are unskilled, and their violent, drivers. Violence. Means you you don't mind if somebody gets hurt isn't it hello. Violence. Need not necessarily mean I'm going to throw a projectile at you I don't, care if we go get hurt, this, is violence isn't it, so.

This Is all over the place we, need to see culture, is not something, that you can build overnight. Slogans. You can build overnight, you, can do anti, demonstrations. Overnight you cannot, build a culture overnight, it takes a lifetime of dedication, to, bring that about nobody, has shown that dedication, everybody, wants immediate solution, when something explodes everybody, will scream once, it's over they go about their business so. It, is very important. I want you, to understand, adult, Hitler's can be born just about anywhere, just. About anywhere because, the culture, of, disliking. And hating other people who are not like you is. So. Rooted in the society, it's, just a question of he, must do an MBA here. I'm. Giving, compliments to the institution, it's not. Completely. Edit but the main issue over here so is that you tackle the root causes rather. Than manifestations. Of the yes, exactly. So consequences. Cannot be dealt with it, is the process we need to address. So. The youth of today have a bit. Of confusion about the whole spirituality. We. Believe, that the basic tenants, of humanity, like. Justice, equality fraternity, should. Be enough, to, be a better human being and if, you are a better human being and if, you are happy by yourself, does. There is there really room for spirituality. Please. Repeat those three values. Justice. Equality and fraternity. Justice. Equality, and fraternity I, want. You to understand, this, these. Are wonderful, thoughts, but. With horrible results, on this planet. Because. People. Who talked about this. Well. Marx. Spoke, about it angle spoke about it. Joseph. Stalin spoke about it. But. Joseph Stalin. Killed three times more than adequately. Am. I correct on the number or your disputing up not, disputing, the number. Will. Come to that I am. Saying you. Can carry any number of values. But. You will see people will learn to subvert their own values, in so many ways depending, upon how much pressure is put upon them, so. Instead of morality. Instead. Of. This. Kind of moral structures. It. Is better that, we fall back on our humanity which is more reliable and always there. If. We want to fall back in humanity, if you'll give me a couple of minutes ok. So. What is it that is setting as a part why is it I must, think that, there must be fraternity, because first of all I think you and me are separate, now, I am trying to build Brotherhood, isn't, it so, first. Of all I think the. Way you are is. Whatever. Now I am trying to include you but for, how did you come to this you, have come to this simply. With little bit of accumulated. Information in. Your mind the data that you carry which, is your thought process your entire thought process is coming from limited, data, now. This data is, the feed for, your intellect, because. You understand, somewhere, maybe, not. Articulated. In your own mind but, you fundamentally, understand, the, nature of your intellect, is it. Will always make you under separate, because. That, is the nature of the intellect only. Because the intellect is functioning, you have a discriminatory. Mind, that you can discriminate, that, is him this is me otherwise. You won't be able to discriminate the other, dimensions. Of intelligence, which is in human being are all unifying, in nature. Instead. Of going into those dimensions, of intelligence, and functioning, you, are using your intellect if I ask you a simple question, would, you like your intellect, to be sharp or blunt. You. Must choose I'm going to bless you right now. You. Want it sharp. Because. Intellect. Is a cutting instrument. So. You use a knife to put, people together you. Will. Leave it in tatters believe me, you. Use a knife to cut things that's. Fine to. Handle material aspects of life you use a knife because, you want distinction, when. You handle people if you use a knife maybe. With the best intention, you will still cause. Enormous, damage. This. Is the unfortunate. Manifestation. Of the. Principle, of communism, there, is no more compassionate.

Expression, Of humanity than communism do you understand you. Can you can tell there. Is actually, in philosophy there, is no more compassionate. Expression. Because. Everybody. According, to their need not, according to their greed is a fantastic, idea but. Wherever they try to implement, it what. Happened, was, enormous, violence simply. Because it's an intellectual idea, and the. Intellect can only cut, if. You try to sue with a knife, everything. Becomes status this. Has happened repeat, again, and again but, there's another dimension of intelligence within you I will skip in, yoga we look at human, intelligence as sixteen parts I will, not go into it the, last part of intelligence, is referred, to as Chitra. What. This means is an intelligence. Without an iota, of memory, in it why, is this important, east see, you are who you are and I am Who I am only, because of the memory that you contain within you isn't it you are. Separate I am separate how that. Is one silo of memory this is another silo of memory when, I say memory it's not just what you remember and don't remember, there, is evolutionary, memory there is genetic memory there is karmic, memory this varieties, of memory the, very way you sit and stand is because of your memory yes. The, very way the shape of your nose is the tone of your skin everything, is memory so, what you call as myself is, a product, of a. Huge amount, of memory memory. Allows. You to do many things in the world but, at the same time memory. Is also my boundary, this. Is my friend this is somebody. I do not know how because, I remember this one I don't remember this one it's memory which decides, who is mine and who is not mine what, is mine and what is not mine so. There is an intelligence, within you which, is beyond memory, if. Only, if you dip into that dimension, of intelligence in. Your experience, all boundaries. Have disappeared, in the sense if you sit here right now in this hall and even, for one moment even. For one single moment if, you experienced, all these people, just. As the way we experienced the ten fingers of your hand as a part of yourself after. That do I have to tell you morality, fraternity. Equality, this that when, you see somebody as a part of yourself when you have known somebody as a part of yourself there. Is no need for any principle, or any morality this. Is what spiritual, process means spiritual. Process, means you, begin, to experience, something, beyond, your physical nature why. This is important, is physical. Nature can only happen, in defined boundaries without. A defined. Boundary, there, is no physical process isn't it this. Is my body, that is your body how, come because this is a boundary, now. This is my mind and that's your mind because, there is a boundary but, there is a dimension, of intelligence which, has no memory if you enter that dimension, you, will see that, there. Is no memory because, there is no memory but still your alert and alive because. Of that there. Is no boundaries, this can be explained in so many ways see. If you do something very intense, if you do like this and just, hold it like this you can check the experiment, just for, 20 seconds vigorously. Rub your hands together with your eyes closed. Hold. It about 3 inches away from each other. There's. Something happening between your two hands or you didn't try that you don't believe in experimentation, oh that's. Fine. Did. You did. You see something between your hands, there. Is a certain energy why, I am saying this is right. Now your definition. Of this is me and that is you has, come like this it. Is see, how do you know can we do another experiment, ok, your. Right hand it's that your left hand is, that you, yes. Yes. Touch, the chair on which you're sitting is, that you how. Do you know this what. Tells you this is me and this is not me. No. No no. There. Is sensation, here there no sensation, here isn't it essentially. It, is the boundaries of sensation, which tells you what is mean what is not me, what, spiritual, process means is you, get your life energies, into such an exuberance, that, your. Sensory, body expands. If. Your sensitive, body expands, everything, with within the boundaries of your sensation, you experience, it as myself right.

Now This water and this tumbler is definitely, not you but, if you drink it it becomes you isn't it this many kilograms how did it come something. That was outside now, is within the boundaries of your sensation, now, if all these people or within, the boundaries of your sensation, even for a moment. If. You actually experience. As a part of myself, after. That do you need morality. I. Guess. The main part was that the question. I think got lost in translation because. In, essence you guys were both talking about the same things I thought you were speaking he was picking an English wasn't, true. But translation. Is not always just language. It's also intent okay. He. Also implied, that if, people. Start, looking at other people not as other people, but, as humans, but how will you do it according. To me the. Knowledge that we are all humans, is, essential. To us see it between human, beings that. This problem happens we. All know we're humans if, you were a tiger I wouldn't fight with you in, essen again, in essence we are seeing literally the same thing which is coming from different, fronts. We. Are all humans, the, fact that certain people have not acknowledged. That we are humans now is the cause of this problem I don't think they have not acknowledged, they have acknowledged, and repaid, different, kinds of humans not, really within. A family there's a lot of fight going on brotherhood, fraternity. Equality, but. More. More. Clashes, are happening, within the four walls of a home. In, a family then between India and Pakistan believe, me. And. No you. Your little frustrated, you can ask me more questions. Huh, I'm. Generally, not frustrated. By this it's just that the. Example, which you have just given that there are more clashes which happen is it happening or not then outside, is. In. Essence first of all it is not. Essentially. Fact-based because, it, doesn't take into a it's as one an assumption of how many clashes occur. Between India, and Pakistan the, second, is it, assumes, that clashes, which are occurring within the family are.

Of The same magnitude, the. Magnitude is. Different because we are not armed. Within. The family and we. Have no intent, to kill alright, we have no intent to kill but, clashes. Are happening, isn't it emotions, are happening, of. They're happening or if you believe of everyone, as your, extension. Of your spiritual, being what, clashes, also, not say spirituality. Is not a belief that is where you're wrong, so, you think spirituality. Is one more belief like your values, your, values are made up by you spiritual. Process is not made up by if you sit here and breathe, what. We exhale the trees are inhaling what, the trees are exhaling or inhaling is. It the fact or is it my idea. It's. A fact now this fact is only intellectual, but, experientially. If you sit here and actually. Experience, one half of my lungs is actually hanging out there which is the fact if, you, experience, this after. That do I have to tell you don't cut the tree. Say. There. Is there. Is human, thought this. This whole thing comes from the fundamental that. We, have made human, thought far more important, than the reality of the existence. Human. Thought is very small, because it is just a consequence, of little data that you have in your head isn't it all, the, thought that you have he is coming from the data that you have gathered, whatever, data I have gathered whatever you have gathered whatever all of them put together have gathered is, still a miniscule. In this existence is it so hello. You. May be a PhD, but I'm asking you, is it a mini school so, with such a small, piece of information you. Are coming to conclusions, which is not right, that is why spiritual. Process, means you, don't attach, any importance, to your own thought and emotion, you. See how, to dip, into those dimensions. Of humanity, which, is not, defined, by boundaries, of your physical nature this. Is what spiritual process means spiritual.

Process Is not a belief system it, is not an ideology, it is not a philosophy, when, your experience. Of life is. Little, more than your physical nature, then. You use this corrupted, word spirituality. While. Answering the last question you talked about memory, right, so my, question is if, all we are doing so so what's your, view, should. We have an all income, and compassing. Memory or should, it be a memory less being, you, know because if we are a memory less being then, there's no concept of future and past. There's. No relation between actions. And consequences. Talk. About experience, that, doesn't exist now, how does this idea come memoryless, being. You. Talked about Sita, that. Has I said memory. Less intelligence. And, intelligence. Which is beyond memory I did, not talk about a memory less being because if there is no memory there is no individuality, of any kind, isn't it so. That's what the point is, to. Be an individual, memory, is important, but because we have memory, issues. Not memories, important, memory is the basis, of your individual, nature it. Is individualism. Important, like, being. The. Individualism. Means. Your, trying trying to make a religion, out of yourself. There. Is no individualism. It. Is a privilege though. We. Are part of everything here, if. We don't understand, this we'll get the point when people bury us that. We are a part of everything right, now we stand up see, your existence, here is like a pop up on your computer computer. Screen you pop up for two minutes and you go okay, in, the life of this planet you were just a small pop up you'll, go poop and poop that's, it. You. And me right, now when we are here we think we are this but, all this countless number of people who came before us you think they were idiots, they, were also like you and me big people but. All topsoil now isn't it so. Anyway, we. Have no individuality. Individuality. Is, an assumed thing, this. Is a great privilege creation, is given as though we, are part of everything we, are allowed to experience, life as an individual, how fantastic, it is we, are greatly greatly. You. Know grateful. To, this process, because. It allows a little bit of individuality for this fewer years, that we here these, years in the life of this planet is really nothing two seconds, they calculate, something after. The billion years whatever it's been here so. If two-second pop-up, assumes. Individualism. What is that. It's. A privilege that we have some, sense. Of individual, experience, otherwise, we would have no experience if there was no memory ok. So, if you dip into cheetah does. My individuality, completely. Vanish, no. When, you dip into it it gives you an experience beyond, the boundaries of your individuality. Because. Of the sea you are in this country or an Indian but, can you travel out, if. You travel out you are not an Indian anymore, still. Am you still not just, the same way I am still, the same person but, I am no more limited, by the boundaries, of my physiology and my psychological, structure anymore this. Gives me a larger, sense of experience. We. Want to the, mythology.

So. We. Know that. Eliot, was written by Homer right, a blind. Guy he. Wrote that there are 14 thousand horses. But, since we know that he could not have seen it for himself we. Believe that there is some sort of. Historical. You. Know storytelling. Going on there. Would. You say but but nowadays all. The scriptures. Religious, scriptures are taken as gospel, so, should we also believe that there, is myth. Making in in, the Ramayana in Mahabharata. And that. Taking, them as gospel rather, than just work of literature is wrong, I I, don't, see anybody taking Ramayana. And Mahabharata is a gospel. They. Cannot because, they'll. Get freaked out with confusion. Because. There are all kinds, of people in Mahabharat, the. Best sort of men the worst sort of men in between every kind of man and woman is, their hundred thousand characters, how can you make a gospel, out of it, so. You said storytelling. I I don't know if you've seen the byline of youth in truth not, the seriousness of gospel, but the playfulness of gossip because gossip, has always been reliable. Know. At, any time in history nobody, went by the official, version whatever. The official version came people asked, around with their friends and relatives what happened when, five people said five different things people learnt, out of their wisdom to, extract, some truth out of the gossip. But people always relied, more on the gossip than the official version isn't it so it's not just today always however. Given, that this gossip, can lead to a transformation, of this truth to, an extent, where it's lost forever do. You think that's troubling. See. First, of all you're questioning, did it actually happen right so. We are saying that the, same argument which you have given is the, argument which is usually used these days to say that. Buildings. Which were constructed by the Mughals were actually. Not, mobile. I hope. Okay. However. That's was it being misinterpreted, completely. Now. Say. If, you come further south, people. Are questioning whether, Rama existed, or not, okay. This. Is a just a question of poor, memory. When. The entire nation, has been talking about it for thousands, of years, now. The problem, is your trust, in printed, word is more, than the spoken word that is the whole problem but. You must understand, this is a rural culture, we always transmitted, most significant.

Things Orally, you may, you may think it's insignificant. Because it's not written but. Anybody can write it down people. Have written it down now now it's a printed word but. Now somebody, questions, did Rama exist, or not not. In one place in entire culture, when everybody, is talking about the same story with minor variations, here and there it. Could not have been just made up by all the people since I guess I guess his point was also by bringing in the Iliad example, the same that the. War, on Troy did, happen but, the fact that Homer, says that fourteen thousand horses were there is, clearly not truth maybe, not maybe ROM did exist but. Other. Facts. Which are hardly, aware, after, all Indians, we, we. Invented, zero. We. Have certain freedom in using number of zeros we're. Taking liberty with that don't. Say. See. Whether whether, six seven thousand years ago whether hundred, thousand, men fought or ten. Thousand men fought doesn't. Make a difference the. Way the story is said in this country, is not for, its facts, but, for its truth. You're. Trying to bring out a certain truth the. Fact of it whether a hundred thousand men for ten thousand men what what does it matter you don't have to manage that war today each over. So. The important, thing is what is there for me to learn from that all right if. If, that's a question mark we can go ahead with that I guess that was his point itself, that when you look at religious texts as you. Would learn they don't call them religious, texts this is nation's. History. So. Let's say if you look at another piece of literature you. Would derive, learnings, from it literature, is different histories, different. Literature. Literature. Can be friction. History. Is written in. A dialectical. Way so. That it's, always relevant for you I am, saying 6,000, years ago whether a man existed, or not what's my problem. Unless. He has something to contribute to my life today isn't it however, if history has been written and the facts of the history are not clear, see. This is what I am saying the. Fact is like this. Suppose. 6,000. Years ago Rama. Had. A wife whose, name was not Sita what's, my problem. You're. Not questioning whether the name was, not only the name I am saying okay, he was not his father's, name was not that it was something else he was somebody else what does it matter very even question the sequence of events over here you. Can see. Sequence. Of events also you can question but what I am asking is a 6,000. Year old drama, if. It got a little mixed up it, is not your problem the problem, is just this is, there something. For us to get from that, that's. All the thing is now, why, we are worshipping Rama in this country, is he's. Not a super success. He. Is a serial disaster, if you look at it yes. Even. Today is having real estate issues that's why you brought this up. But. It. Is not today alone it's. Not today alone right from, the beginning of his life he's in trouble and trouble and trouble and trouble, he's. Rightfully, a king, he. Is coronated, at the age of 17, or 18 he. May marry a. Princess, and, within, a 1 or 2 years he's.

Sent. To the forest they. Didn't go to the jungle for picnic, as. Some. Of the television serials, are showing Rama Sita doing. All that, no. It is a it. Is a like you know throwing, him out of the kingdom from his power and everything that. Itself would have shattered a man but he settled down there but. Rama is also, an insecure, person who. When. When, Sita came back to him first she sucked river he will come there don't jump first let's kidnap her no. Now. You are changing. Then. Now you are changing the sequence of things. First. Let's kidnap her all, right. Now. This, Sri Lankan people come and kidnap his wife and go away after. All after all he is a king. If. Somebody. Steals his wife and takes her away some 3,000 kilometers down south there's. No GPS to even find out where is Sri Lanka all right at, a time like that being, a king you could have found a local solution. There. Would be any number of women to marry the man he's a king, but. He. Goes in search of her not, with a big army just him and his brother like, ordinary people if. A man has to walk 3,000. Kilometres, down south not knowing where she's whether. She's alive or dead or what's happened, then. She, must mean so much to him yes, or no otherwise, why what a man walks up that, distance. Now. He. Goes there he, forms a Tamil army don't forget this and then. There. Is a fight kills. Hundreds, of people burns down a beautiful city gets. Back his wife. Comes. And settles down before, this I will tell you he goes for a year of penance in Himalayas, his. Brother asks are you crazy, this, man stole your wife and, now. You're doing penance for his death. He. Said he, had ten basic, qualities, Ramana. Killing. Those nine which were horrendous qualities, I know, penance for me no repentance for that but. He, was also a great devotee and I killed that also so. One year of penance the man goes for this, is not a. Victim. And, then he settles down and his wife is pregnant you must understand, for a king his, wife is pregnant means, it's not just about a child, it's a progeny, for his empire and the many things involved no. Sonogram, so he doesn't know whether it's a girl or a boy or boys or girls or anything but. Once again a political, situation evolves, where he has to send his wife to the forest which you are saying is in security. So. We can even begin from the first point in which after, he rescue Sita Sita. Has to sit through a fire to prove that. She, is pure. For. Whom, so. That other people will accept because, Rama cared about how people, saw Rama. When he came back a random, movie in your kingdom said. That Sita, I am NOT like Rama who will keep a woman in my house who, might have a child which is not mine, for, this Rama sends, a vicita, again. To the forest that that. Is the insecurity, you talk any point Rama wanted, his, people to love him no. No let's come to this properly. Today. In our country there are many kinds of things I'm. Asking, you do, you want a leader for this nation who, puts the people of this nation about his own family and his personal love, I'm. Asking you, or. Do you want a great rashtra at any cost to my son. You. Want a man who. Puts the. Citizens. Of this country. Above. His family this. Is not a jest another woman for him he, went and fought a battle for her walk 3,000 kilometers this is not just another woman he, is living for her but still he.

Sends Her back to the jungle when she is pregnant, knowing, fully well that it. Could be his future. For this kingdom and, he. Is putting seeds is not just about adobe this is what your mistake you're taking these things literally when, adobe said what it is being said these ordinary, people are talking like this, ordinary. People have no trust in the king that he, he's just brought some woman from somewhere and she's, made of our Queen, because, queen is, seen as a mother to, the we, don't want such a woman as our mother that's what they're saying she, went and lived with some men somewhere, this, is what the people of those times are saying so. If the King says I don't care what you think I allow my wife and keep her that. Would be not a good thing not a good administrator so. He's putting, his, people, about, somebody. That he loves very very, dearly and she's, pregnant, it's. Not a small thing for him it means a world but. Still he. Sends her to the jungle this. Should be bowed, down to this is why we bow down to the man. No. They. Say. No. No no. No why he, has something to say please so. There are different types of responsibilities. Of you as a person, as a king there are different responsibilities, and as a human, as a, family. Member you have different responsibilities. Now you can't just throw. Away your wife and send, her to a jungle, it's. It's like just objectifying. Her it's. Not treating her like another human, who's pregnant who need different. Things that have promised her different things well. Then you, are against Gautam Buddha you, are against Rama everybody. But, you need to understand, this in the right context. That is, if. This woman didn't mean anything to her he, wouldn't have traveled, down to Sri Lanka what, a battle and brought her back isn't. He. Is pride you know God he could have got a hundred, wives around him if he wished but, he went for this person who means so much to him, moving. On no, no you must see the words that he uttered. You, must see the words he uttered about Sita what she means to him how, he cried, to Lakshmana, and what he said, actions, are we more important, why are you reading all these evil intentions, in his mind that, he, did not express anywhere, he. Did not express without words we can say anything as. Far as you are concerned you, know only what you've read you, don't know anything else about his life neither me nor you all, right so. From. What you read nowhere, does it say that he was insecure. No where does it say he went for his pride no, no. No everywhere, it says very clearly let. Me tell you the, reason why he, is worshipped today though. Life, through disasters, have, two disasters at him the. Man never became resentful never. Became hateful, never became angry he, did, not become a recluse either he, went about fulfilling every, duty that he has to do with, a personal, pain and grief that he is carrying all his life the.

Man Went about doing the best he can do for, his brother of the day if, this is being accused of being as, Pride and this. There. Were strong reactions, to that question but I believe. I think that's a nice segue to the next one which is one. Why do you say it's a reaction. At. Least. You. Had once said that people should not react to injustice, but. This country, has been based, on civil disobedience, movement. Did. I say they should not react to injustice. There. Was a court of you like, what said, that, people. Should not why don't you just read the court and so forth paraphrasing, like this maybe. You read a quote was I should. Not react, to India justice. Yes. Yes. But. I did not say you should not respond, sensibly, we, we want to know why. What. Context, because, the context, is I am, differentiating, between. Human. Response, and human reaction, if. I react, I will, only cause one more injustice, right. Now what I think is injustice I will, feel angry, and I will do one more injustice, but. If, I see this injustice is happening, and respond. To the best of my intelligence, and my capability, there, could be a solution, defined. Reaction. Yes, reaction. And response have, clearly defined all along. Is. It not important, that you respond, consciously, rather, than rely reacting, violently we completely agree with this right. I'm. Glad you serious, face is gone you're laughing now we can come. So. This. Was you good at somewhere that religions. Have, nothing, to do with the lynchings that have been going on around. But. If, we see the facts of, members. Of a particular minority. Community. Are being, targeted by. The perpetrators, who, identified. Themselves with another, religious, community, and if. These are the facts then how can you say that religions. Are not connected. To the lynchings. Say. Probably. You're just going by the television reports, just. Go a little further into that so. Read your book as well. Book. I'm talking about lynchings, yeah. So in your book you have mentioned that you went to a village and, all, these men was your friend and you mentioned, that no. I will tell you the incident properly you don't water this down I. Will, tell you that incident, properly. Will. You give me in two minutes all. Right. See. I was. Living, in a remote part of Karnataka, Karnataka. Is generally docile peaceful. Place it's. Not a very activist. Kind or violent. Kind there's no religious, frictions. Happening, it's very docile. People. One. Day I just write down into the village and the big crowd. And. What. Is it I just park and go and see the beating, one person, like you can't imagine, with. All kinds of things whatever they get. I try. To stop they just brush me aside and said you don't get into this as. I saw, within two three minutes the man died. Don't. Know who he is. Those. Days in the villages nobody wore trousers normally. They wear either short sword OTS and things like that this guy had trousers, and some kind of dirty looking shirt. And. Somebody. Thought he's a child lift up. Right. There they killed him on the, dug a hole right outside, the village where everybody can see and the, buried him right there because nobody, has any, fear that, this is going to be a murder this is going to be pursued.

There, Is no such, thing. They they, think it's their right to do, that I was. A poor till then I had never faced a situation like that in my life I was just 22 23, so. I wrote. Down to the police station which, was just about eight eight, or nine kilometres from there. This. Policeman, thought, the sub-inspector was, my senior in college so, I knew him so, I went to him and I just saw this you have to come and do something he. Said you do not get, into these things I said what they. Kill the man I can show you where he is buried this body is right there. Nothing. I, try. To talk to the local MLA he. Said please you don't get into this. When. I really, looked at it then. It happened after three four days late. Night around 1:30 I am coming from Mysore city to my farm on. A remote road is a very remote, place you know it's in the hills I ride. Him young. People are standing there with fires burning, with sticks and rods and everything oh this. Out the motorcycle, comes means, if. You don't identify yourself. You would be killed too right there without a question. Because. The rumor is gone around somebody, is doing child lifting, there's, a local dam coming up they're sacrificing many children. Nobody. Knows where the hell is the dam, nobody. Knows if anybody, ever lost a child in the region but. Just, this rumor goes around, then. When I really look at it I saw another, one like this which happened, for, some stealing, that happened another, one where. He was beaten but he did not die, when. You really look at it every. Year in this country over 40,000. Children go missing. So. There is a paranoia, in the villages, especially. Girl, girl, children who go missing they, just never found found never, ever found, so. Tomorrow, if my child disappears, what, do I do hold, on a fire and sit there and praise it. So. First. Thing. Is to react in such a way, if. My child is stolen is it an injustice. To me hello. And. Never to find the child again not knowing what happened with that alive or dead if they die in front of you it's okay but.

They Just disappear, and you don't know whether alive, or dead you know what the parents go through so, there is a paranoia, about, this the, same thing happens if somebody steals any animal, or if. The cut a tree in there this is what happens when you use gossip, as your source of information. You. Are just misinterpreting. The whole thing please I have to say this, where. Is gossip as you, you think the whole script the, all the literature. Or whatever. The history that we are talking about is all gossip, no no I don't, going. Back to the point no no why are we referring, to that now. You're. Referring to remain as just gossip I am NOT referring to that same point you only, said that there was a rumor going around. Obviously. See, you're calling, it gossip but, I am Telling You this is fear. This. Is fear of a, population, who, are not protected, by any law except their own stuff they. Are on their own don't. Think some police force will come in a helicopter and save your children there, is no such arrangement, when. There is no arrangement like that they make their own crude, arrangements, unfortunately, I have, seen somebody. Says one, cow is stolen immediately. 10-15 boys get on the bicycles, and ride in different directions, one. 30 40 kilometres this if. They catch the guy that's. The end of him right there not, because curve, is religion, simply, because it's economy with. Two cows I am making. My life if, you steal my cow my children will go hungry tomorrow, morning so, they will fight so. This is cause. The. Law has not spread itself to every inch of geography, on this land you must understand, this even, today in, a big city I'm telling you if something, happens to you if you want to file a complaint you, will have to take the local MLA somebody, else a businessman who know somebody by, yourself, you can't find this, is the reality. Somebody. Who has no basis, in his life does. This imply mob justice, is valid. How. Are you saying these things do I look like a ninja for you then. Why are you asking that question I am telling you. This. Is the problem the problem means we, don't want to understand, the reality, in the pain of the people we, just want to make a judgment on them I am, saying, unfortunately. Nobody, has provided them a way. So. They're doing their own things when, mob enforces. Something, this, is the unfortunate, way it will happen do. We want this to happen absolutely no but. Do, we have means to stop it right now till. You make law available, to everybody and quick justice, to everybody, I am telling you people will do their own things, if, you think they should not do because you are living in the safe. You know enclosure, of a wonderful institution you, don't understand, what it is in a village when my child was missing what do i do what. Do i do where do I go. You. Don't know I have seen people women, crying and beating their breasts and walking around because the children are missing they don't know where they've gone finished. Can. I speak yes, sir. So. You. Have talked in general about, the lynchings that have been happening and we don't deny that they. Have been happening throughout the history they have been happening in this country, and our inability to bring. Them to the judiciary, is the cause but I am talking about a specific ID, or a I got, which have increase, recently, and which have facts that they have been increasing, recently, it's not about my. Cow getting steamed it's about there. Is a car somewhere out there it's, been killed and now I have to Lynch for that there is a difference in mentality and, it has not been seen before definitely. There is it's not that it's not been seen before it's. Right now being reported because. This. Is one of the strategic political strategies, that's happening in the country it's not also about political, strategy, or there are many incidences, which have not been reported by media but are still happening at this research being going on about about, that so whatever we found, out about the lynching are just like few percentage, of that it's, a very small percentage what you found out till. Now in this for years because basically this is all focused, towards this particular government all right so, in this four years 42, lynchings, have been reported, out of these 12 lynchings, are supposed.

To Be, more. What. Do you say religious. Basis is there to it 12 of them out, of 42, but. Over. Three and a half to four million, bovine. Animals, in this country are stolen, every year and they. Smuggled, across both the borders now, western, border has become very tight because of security issues largely. It's going through the eastern, border when. This who is losing these four and four million cows you must see this whose, economy, is ruined somebody's economy, is ruined his family economy is ruined isn't it because animals went away over. Three, and a half to four million animals are stolen in the country every year and anyway, for your information. Every. Year in four, years 42, lynchings, have happened 12 of them have a religious, connotation, to it for sure there's no cause that is reported that is reported, but. What is not reported, is every, year over, hundred. Uniformed. Men including. BSF, soldiers, are lynched. And killed by, the cattle, smugglers. That's. Totally different, it's not doing that into it that's totally a different issue no. No please wise it is connected, right so. This is not justice, please let us why just. Because somebody wears a uniform he, is easy supposed to die I am just saying let's not connect these two issues only Regis. Security. I want you to understand, when there is a large-scale, crime, going on. When. There's a large-scale, crime going on four million animals means. On this, side of the border they are approximately ten to fifteen thousand rupees across. The border they're between thirty to fifty thousand, rupees I want, you to calculate the numbers you are the business guys all right I won't, get the numbers right please get me the numbers, with. You so when I've been happy please, understand, this these cows don't fly. They. They. Have to be walked all. Right these, cows these animals, have to be walked or transported. In trucks only, small, amount, is transported, in trucks rest, of them are walked in the nights okay. From, across the country four million animals when. Such a large scale crime is happening you. Think there will be no reaction at all when. Nobody is caught, by. Change now right, now I said. Few years it is not now it is only reported now it's always been happening I am telling you if, they have reported, only 42 lynchings, I will. I will you know I am on camera but I am telling you from my experience of, rural India I would. Say anywhere, between 200. To 500 lynchings, have happened in these four years and. Similar. Numbers are much bigger numbers, have happened in the past because. Unfortunately. This. Is how things. Are enforced, in this country, you. Have to change it means you have to create, an enforcement, mechanism, that's available to everybody in United, States they say an average time, in which a police car arrives is three minutes and 20 seconds even, if it's in Montana, average. Time in, New York City they will arrive within 30 40 seconds, armed, men not. Just handguns, if you open their boot they got a short gun they got rifles they got works, now. A lot, of welding cycle. Grid and policemen, come, you think he can handle this 1015 youth or 100 youth were indulging. In this violence he, is not capable of handling. So. Can we create a nation, where, law can be enforced, or are we just going on accusing, each other you did it I did it I did it you did it what's the point if, you want to create a law-abiding nation, the. The. Instruments, of law should, be strengthened, we, are talking about police reforms, for 25, years where the hell are they. To. Wrap up the argument, here, allow. Me I'll be. So, you what, are you suggesting is that mass hysteria is, pretty. Common has already existed mostly. Because of say you can give see you can give name sitting, in the comfort of your well-to-do.

Homes You can give these names it's mass hysteria tell. Me any of you ladies I'm asking you suppose your child is stolen and you. You know that you may never find how. Will you react you. Will, go wild, all right don't, call it mass hysteria this, that this, is absence, of law enforcement. Be. Or also agreeing with that that, it is strong, but why are you calling it mass hysteria as, if it's some kind of an ailment I mean, this is caused because people, don't have enough information or, they believe in rumors or because. There. Are rumors, but why are you ignoring, every. 40,000, children are stolen it's not a rumor it's a fact for. Nearly 4 million cattle, are stolen it's not a rumor it's a fact legal, enforcement needs. To be strengthened, the fact that these things. That. Is all I am saying but, you pick up one sentence, and you say supporting lynching how can you say that this, this looks like I. Am. NOT supporting, Lynch against, lucky one important, thing is these. Are things which we came across which, we felt that you, can ask me there is there is no problem asking any question, he wanted to know what was the context, this is the lyrics all right because as you pointed out people should not react to injustice had a very different context, they. Must respond, sensibly, in, a conscious manner human, being means one, significant. Aspect of who we are is. Cp2 the same things animals, do we. Are born they are born we, eat they they, reproduce, very produced, we sleep they sleep we, die they die we. Do the same things only. Difference is we can do these things consciously. If. We give up that one consciously. Acting, we're just one more creature on this planet so. I am why was making the distinction if you react you, will just express, your animal nature in some way so, this whole lynching business is just a reaction but. At the same time people are helpless, they have no other way, there. Is no other way you can go and file any fire and hold this paper in your hand you will not see anything happening, in a village. You've. Said that all, men and women are equal we all believe that why. Should you believe. Like. There is no disagreement, here I thought, it's the same species what do you think it. Is but. You also said that you, cannot imagine your, own household, without a non-working, mother. Did. I say that. Yes. No. My. Mother's mother was working more than anybody, else. She. Took a lot of pride in doing her work. Okay. Let's come, to the major, point so. Unlike. Your, mother my mother she's also working mother. The. Woman have had a choice right, my my mother had a choice your mother had a choice but, that's not the case with everyone. Right, so the main point is that of agency, right. And then, believe. That the agency, is being, taken away because of, the. Gender of the. Person so, they. Are. Not allowed to decide, what, is what, is happening site will expecting. Expectations. Are there when you don't fulfill expectations. There will be some price to pay but, that is so for everybody that, is, see I am NOT trying to say there. Is not been a certain level of exploitation, there definitely has been but. Don't once again react to that and do reverse job, all you, have to do is. Educate. Educate, educate just. Leave it you will see in a generation everything, will change this, is the first generation of women, in this country who stepped out please. Understand, women have stepped out and doing so many things in the world not, because of your liberal, ideas, it's, only because of technology.

Because. Technology is, leveled the, playing field technology, has taken away the significance. Of man's brawn, isn't. It so man's. Muscle, has become insignificant simply, because of technological, development, not because of some liberalism. Or feminism, or whatever it, is only because of technological. Development, women, are able to step out and do the same things that men were doing in the past or even, for, the men it is new to sit in the office and do this. Otherwise. They were digging something all right once. The machines, came man's. Muscle, became insignificant. Because. Of that there is a way so just allow a little more time rather than doing something in a rush in a reactionary, way and breaking the social structures. Because. If you break them do you have a better alternative. That's. A question right. Now you are talking about your um. You who didn't want a working mother my, mother was working all the time and she was very proud of what she was doing, and she was the most respected, person in the family. Only. Thing is only. Your idea of work is how. Much did she earn. It. Was not significant, for her. The. Rupees and paisa were not significant. For her her values, were totally different. Again, I think, intent. Of the question got mistranslated. Tremendously. Why are you so. Would. You say that you, know you only mean. The reading, the question and how can it be miss translated. So. We can talk, about you know the changing gender structure, in the workforce and all that but, do you feel that you, know all the major movements, feminism, civil, disobedience, anti-apartheid. Anti racism these are responses, or reactions. See. Anti-apartheid. Is a different, dimension, altogether, alright, that's, a different thing. Similarly. We. How. Is it different see it is a an, engineer. An engineer. Discrimination. Alright. Between. Men and women, things. Responsibilities. Were divided. It. Is only when. It so happened, that our. Values, became purely, economic, suddenly, we thought women. Are at a disorder, disadvantage, if, you go to the village and see men and women are working on the field as equals, well. She will do planting he will do digging does it mean to mean to say in equality he. Has more muscles so he does that kind of work she, has another kind of strength so disease does this and, well. You brought my mother into the picture. Now. She had, four children. When. You have four children you have a project on hand. All, right well. It's an important project she did a good job on me. The. That. Kind that I was if, she did not tend to me constantly, I don't. Know what I would have become, all. Right she. Did a good job on me and I'm glad. Not. By domineering, presence, but, simply, out of her loud you could not do. Anything that she won't like simply, because he will simply sit there with a tear in her eye and finished, everybody's, finished in the house. That's. All she, never said one word she never, scolded anybody abused, anybody beat anybody if we did something that was against. Whatever, she thought is good for everybody, just. One tear appeared in her eyes finished we were, everybody. Got fixed, absolutely. So. She had that kind of power and she exerted that when. She had to because. She did not earn money she seen failure, to anybody I don't think so I don't think. No. No when you say working mother, and a, non working mother it's. A wrong description. They're, working, only. Thing is they may not be getting paid for it exactly. How you say that react and response are, nuanced, versions of the same forward, working. Non-working, Harney, ones, so. We're talking about you know the gender roles that are usually associated and. And, what the expectation, is say if if a woman wants to work outside. Anyway. There is a biological, responsibility. For some reason, nature. Is trusted, a woman more, than the man and. Interested. No. Interested. This responsibility. Of. Manufacturing. I am using the word manufacturing, intently intentionally. Manufacturing. The next generation. Using. This one of the most important. Things that needs to happen in, human societies, hello. If. We don't do this properly it. Doesn't matter what kind of management techniques, you learn is. It going to work in the society, I'm asking, so. Now once, you have a child. Human child is not born like other preachers you drop you, know a cow drops a calf and immediately it starts running around a human, being is not born like that human. Beings needs nurture. Now. We are in a society where. The first generation, has stepped out to work outside.

Once. Again because of technology there again started, working from home which is a very good thing actually, but. They stepped outside but, we don't have social structures. To, take care of the young, ones. You. Leave your children into somebody's, hands and go you. Know what all damage can happen you know how America, is suffering for this though, they have lot of structures, and laws about how children should be taken care of in, spite of that I'm, just I'm just saying this because just. A few days ago they brought this child who's eight year old girl from Ohio, an Indian couple. When. The child was young they left this. Child usually teenage, students. Take. Up this babysitting, because. They need some extra money so this. Is called as what they shake them like this what's it called there's. Some term for this that, they shake the children like this when they're crying so, that they quite not so, this, girl was shaken like parenting. Bad. Parenting, no no no the babysitter's, the babysitters, are known to do this there is a term technical, term for that because, there, are so many thousands, of cases where children have been damaged because of the shaking so. This pine got damaged and this. Girl the left side got paralyzed, and. They. Brought this girl to me she 8 year old girl now we are putting her through various, things she's beginning to walk but her speech is not there so, many troubles. Normal. Child, but. A 17. Year old girl who. Came there to do. Babysitting, she's, just got, irritated with this baby crying and she shook her so. Child a human, child needs. Not just nourishment. It, needs somebody to play with somebody to laughs somebody to smile somebody, to love and hug and kiss the child till. We make such arrangements don't. Be in too much of a rush because will damage a whole generation of people we. Need to make those are inventions. See. Just. Now just. Now this society, has just, beginning, to more away from, joint family, structure, where, we had the luxury of grandmothers. And arms and this and that all that is gone nuclear. Families, have come just husband, wife children now, there is no support system nor, is there an organized. Support, system either by the government, or private agencies, nobody has come up with a real-time. Support, system, for young children where. Are you going to throw them and go when you go to work I don't believe he's meaning you throw them and go I am says it I did. Not say he means that, are. You taking everything like, I didn't, mean he I mean, I didn't mean he said that I mean, to say suppose. I have I am a woman and I have a job and I have a child what, do I do. When. The society doesn't make arrangements, what do I do with my child where, do I live in whose hands. Because. Of positive time, and because many might. Also have questions over here will have to open the floor for questions. Will, be opening the floor for questions right now so, people in that quadrant. But. You, should not translate, their questions okay. I have a question that uh, if, I, if. I say if I get a seat at I am and my parents are very happy and then they congratulate, me for my hard work but, the same thing if I do not get a seat they are like you will get what God intended, for you, so, if already everything. Is predestined, for, me why do I take, up all this effort to even work hard no, no. It. Is not predestined they are just they, just have a system, as to, how to address the failure. They. Don't want you to get totally frustrated. And agonized by something that did not work this, is God's intention just, enjoy the God's lap okay. This is a this. An effective way of creating. Solace this. Is not a solution but. This is a solace this is a psychological, process that. Somebody is. Trying to diminish. Your suffering, for that moment so that you, understand, you, are in greater, plan that's why we didn't get the admission. Namaskaram. Sadhguru, my. Question is everybody, has got their own dream especially, related, to Korean but, sometimes the dream of a child goes against, the willingness of his parents, a child, who want to do something and his parents want him to do something else what. Should a child do in this situation should. Should. He go against, with, his own dream against. His best parents. With his own dream or should, he kill the dream inside him and obey, his parents. Are. You the child son. No. Luckily I am NOT. Well. We. Must understand, this. If. What we want to do is. Not in already, laid out path, if. You want to do something different. If. You think you will ever do it with everybody's, approval, it'll, never happen all. Right. At. The same time somebody. Has born you somebody, has brought you up somebody, has educated, you somebody, has in, many ways they lived their life for you can. You just reject, them do what the hell you want, No. So. You. Must understand, the parent, and child relationship. Is that of love. You. Must increase, the love volume, and, do. What you want to do. Now. The problem, is when you when they say no you, will get angry and, say nasty things.

No. You should not react like that you must respond, by. Increasing the, love volume, when. You increase the love


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