Китайский SMD Установщик ZB4050 Pick&Place. Настройка мультиплаты, отладка, запуск печатных плат.

Китайский SMD Установщик ZB4050 Pick&Place. Настройка мультиплаты, отладка, запуск печатных плат.

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Hello everyone! Glad to see you all again on my Youtube channel "Electronics Manufacturing Technologies" In this video I would like to show you a Chinese SMD installer. PickAndPlace. Chinese, you heard right. I would like to show you how to defeat him with his settings, so that he begins to obey you. Chinese SMD machines are quite capricious, their settings are not logical. There is no clear logic in the settings, more precisely, the logic is different. Not always the first time, or rather never the first time at all, you will not be able to set up a machine of such a level that it immediately begins to assemble printed circuit boards. There are a lot of pitfalls that I would like to tell you about.

Let's get started! SMD installer ZB4050LY. They are produced in 3 varieties - LY, LS and some other. An SSD is installed in the internal computer of the machine, Chinese windows of course. Advertising We launch the program, it works under Windows. Nothing will start by itself. This plate reminds that the program needs to reset its coordinates. To do this, the head of the machine must be moved to the 0 position. Machine head at zero position. Now it is necessary to select the width of the common conveyor.

There are two buttons in the program to set up the conveyor inside the machine. Widen - to expand, Narrow - to narrow. To do this, we open the lid, take the printed circuit board and begin to select the optimal conveyor width.

We need to expand .............. and achieve a little backlash. We need to ensure that the PCB runs well throughout the conveyor and does not jam.

Snap, great. Now we kick out the board - OUT PCB Now let's start setting up the printed circuit board itself. There are SMD and DIP components on the PCB, we will only assemble SMD. The machine has a safety button on the cover. When you open the lid, the speed of work

decreases many times. In case a person suddenly opened the lid and reached inside with his hands. So that your hands are not injured there. The machine has two optical sensors that monitor if your hands accidentally get under the cover. With the lid closed, if someone reaches into it with their hand, then the optical sensor is just at this level.

The sensors are located on this side and on the other side of the machine. If during the operation of the machine someone sticks out his hand, then the machine stops hard. The program at the machine breaks down because it is a Chinese machine. The place in the program where the machine stopped, then this place is lost. You can't go back to this place and you won't be able to start with it. I've already checked that. The car goes into an emergency stop.

The next time the machine is turned on, the head must be moved to the zero position again. It is no longer possible to continue from the place where the machine stopped abnormally. This is a software bug. In all other cases, it is possible to continue where the machine stopped, but after an emergency stop of the head, it is no longer possible. After an emergency stop, it will be necessary to remove all components from the last printed circuit board of the board that the machine did not assemble.

The printed circuit board has arrived. There is a sensor under it, thanks to which the machine understands when to stop the conveyor. Further, the platform itself is pressed. Now I'll show you how it happens. The printed circuit board must be pressed against the conveyor - UNLOCK PCB - lowered. LOCK PCB - the conveyor has clamped the PCB. The bending of the printed circuit board is possible only in the middle. Holds it seriously enough. Feeders at the machine are pneumatic.

Only pneumatics, there is no electrical part here. Components can have different steps. A little more about feeders. This is an 8mm feeder. You can determine by these numbers - 84, but here 825. The difference is that 84 is a full step, and 825 is half a step. The tape is 8 millimeters wide, but the components can be stacked in different steps.

Either a full switch step or half a step is a very small switch. With a blue handle, half a step. Look .... it goes a little bit, and 84 is a full step. The component is shifted by a full step or half a step.

The only 2 feeders - 84 and 825, where this difference is. The next feeder is 12. For feeder 12, the adjustment takes place on the feeder body. It is necessary to unscrew the 2 hexagons and displace the drive. Left - full step. Right 4 is half a step. Gear shifting is limited to the movement of the pneumatic actuator. Air comes in here and .... switching.

Restricted by moving the plate. The same goes for the 16 feeder. There is also a plate. Left or right. This is a 12 feeder. See how close the quartz is in the coil. The 12 feeder can also contain microcircuits.

And the step will already be different. The machine can work with vibro feeders. Knows how to work with pallets. You can customize this pallet to collect components. The machine does it perfectly. 32 feeder is the largest. There are connectors on it. A coil with connectors is installed.

32 feeder. Let's go back to the program. Description. Product - at this point the process of installing the components takes place. The next button is EDIT. Here is the SAVE button. FILE - This is where 1 PCB components fit inside one large multi-board. The next button is PCB. The initial configuration of the multi-board is carried out via the SORT button. Configurable number of printed circuit boards, length and width. We have 2 by 6.

The next button is MARK. Diagonal fiducials are set in this menu. The next button is FEEDER. The machine has 100 different feeders including vibro feeder and pallets. They are all configurable at each individual address. SETTINGS button. Conveyor speed in X, Y, turning speed. NOZZLE button. 6 nozzles are adjustable. Every time you change the nozzle, everything is manually reconfigured here.

It is necessary to indicate what type of nozzle is at each address. At the 6th address there is a 505 nozzle. The nozzles are distributed in sizes - 500, 501, 502, 503 ... 510 from small to large. This is where the nozzles are calibrated. The set includes a penny with paint. Everything is calibrated on paper through paint. SYSTEM button. There is nothing to change here. The start of setting up this machine starts with EDIT. FILE button. Here is the window where we add each component if we configure it manually.

Or we upload a CSV file. File - comma delimited, regular file. This machine has its own characteristics. Features in the columns of the file. Before uploading something here , create any program here and watch on the computer how the machine creates a file. First NAME, then TYPE, X, Y, ANGLE, Value and NOZZLE, which is configured here. NOZZLE is not in the program. The problem with the machine is that it cannot tie this list to the PCB based on the datum point inside the multi-PCB.

The problem of snapping to a fixed point cannot be solved in any way. To solve the binding problem, I list the virtual component. ADD button, the upstream component is cloned. I call it REF. Any type, for example 1206, no difference. Next, we move on to this component. It does not exist yet and we indicate it. By the center of this component, we indicate just the reference point from which we will start! Zero position and very important in further settings. Save, OK. Now you need to bind other characteristics to the same reference point.

There are 2 buttons for this in this menu. This one with Chinese characters. Pick the center of the REF component. It is already in the center and we indicate it. Save and OK. The next button is CONT FILE. The action is the same - specify the center of the component. 0 degree angle. He saved the origin for this multi-board. For this PCB, the inside of the multi-board is set to an angle of 0 degrees.

Next, we begin to adjust each component relative to the snapping to the new reference point REF, because it was REF that became the zero position. All other components on the PCB are now pushing away from it. Move, you can see the component has clearly shifted its center. We need to return all components to their centers. Also, the angle is indicated here if the component is placed differently from how it lies in the coil.

It needs to be rotated by a certain angle. To do this, there is the ANGLE menu. Calculate in the head and indicate the angle, if we create a program from the very beginning and we do not have a CSV file ready. We count and install here. So I go through the entire list of components and set up one PCB inside the multi-board based on the REF. The value is no longer B10S, but NULL. Excellent value. This component is not involved in the installation process, and the feeder address is not tied to it.

It appears precisely as a support. For now, I will continue to establish the centers of all components. Next R1 This procedure for configuring components occurs once. If there are a lot of components, then this may take some time. On this machine, I could not overcome this problem in another way. After half an hour, I got to the last component on my list.

I need to determine its coordinates and that's it. I ended up here. Optimize button. It is possible here to optimize the process of installing components along the path, at face value, by nozzles, and by efficiency - this is a strange point.

The fact is that if you have already placed the feeders at their addresses, then pressing the Optimize button will redistribute the addresses of the feeders at the discretion of the machine so that the intake of components is the most efficient in time. Perhaps no one will do this, because the overall efficiency is extremely low. I usually did it along the path - PATH. Further SMD Analise. What is the meaning of this menu? This menu lists all components with a count of each one being the same. It is also necessary to indicate the type of feeder here.

8, 12, 16, etc., so that he correctly calculates the time intervals for air supply to the feeder. This is for the mathematics of the machine, he himself calculates through what distance the components are. Although I may be thinking wrong. Further, here you can click the Save button. Next, go to the PCB menu. PCB button. In it we set up a multi-board. SORT button. Here we indicate the number of boards in width and length. We have a 2 by 6 multi-board. After that X-prior. We have a longer multi-board in the X coordinate,

so X is the priority. Here is the Reset spacing and angle button - Reset the spacing between the boards, lengths and angles. We configure them again. We press this button and he tells us - move to position number 1 on the schematic diagram that is drawn.

Here they are - number 1, number 2, number 3. Move to number 1. Remember the REF component from the FILE menu that I created virtual? This point will now be here and in the next MARK menu when we set the diagonal of the multi-board itself. It is this first point that is already beginning to figure here.

This is the key that I pulled out of this machine, so that it positions the components relatively correctly and accurately. Especially the small components 0402. This is very important. Set it up and click OK. Then the machine tells us - move to point 2 on the schematic diagram.

This is the very last printed circuit board in X. Let's go to it, increase the speed through the H button in the center. Move the head to the last PCB on the multi-board. We indicate exactly the same point. Center of the same point as on the first PCB. Next, we move to point 3 on the schematic diagram.

The topmost on Y, we go to it. Here she is. The speed of movement of the head has three speeds in the center. Low, Medium and High. 3 different head movement speeds. The most accurate setting of coordinates is Low speed. And he moves it very slowly. So, OK. We save. Now the machine knows the angles of installation, the width of the multi-board, the height and length of the multi-board, 168 by 67 including 5 digits after the decimal point.

OK. Now we have 12 printed circuit boards. 12 PCBs on one multi-board. But that's not all. Here you need to check the reference points on each PCB, because all the same, PCBs come in different qualities.

I recommend checking each of them - check the setting of the datum point. These are 12 printed circuit boards. We move around each PCB and check the correct positioning. The calculation of each reference point is carried out by the machine itself based on the data that we have entered. Here you see - a small error. The center is shifted, it must be corrected, because the printed circuit boards are usually made the same and this error will now be on all multi-boards.

The same is on the last PCB. Corrected. OK. Further "Get to work" I have already translated these Chinese characters. This translates to "Get to work". The bottom line is to apply. While clicking OK in itself implies application, I don't know what they mean. We kept everything. Then we go to the MARK menu, in which the total diagonal of the multi-board will be set. Determination of the main reference points. Playing with light. The key to playing with light is to add contrast.

The greater the contrast in the drawing that the machine will read, the easier it is for it to determine and compare. Oxidized and differently reflecting surfaces are very heterogeneous. They reflect light in different ways and can be difficult for the machine to identify. On all machines, non-uniform reflection is a problem, but nevertheless the greater the contrast, the easier it is for it to identify and compare the resulting images. Everything is on the machine. Remember REF from the FILE menu?

Here it is, zero. He moved to MARK too. It has survived - here is its template - an imprint. We move to it. He photographed it. He has a defect with the second reference point. The second point must be specified manually. She is on the opposite side. We're going to her.

We are saved. The photo has changed, the coordinates have changed. Update. The machine has already counted the angles, but the actual angle has only a slight deviation. Initially, when we set up a PCB, it is positioned to be perfectly zero-aligned. By the way - in the PCB menu the height of the nozzles is set.

The total height of the PCB, components on it. That is, so that the head does not demolish any installed component when moving , if it is high, then the height is set here in millimeters. That is, 12.8 millimeters is the total height of the PCB with all the components installed on it.

This is adjustable up to 13.5 mm. We returned and check if everything is correct, if everything is determined. There are already small errors here. Let's correct the UPDATE. OK. Now we can go back to the FILE menu and press the MARK button on the side. It is needed to test the location of the PCB and its corners. We have launched the PCB and we need to determine its position.

For example, to configure some kind of component. We drive the printed circuit board, press the MARK button, the machine begins to determine the position. Everything is ready, installed, there is an angular error. Now you can navigate to any component. Adjust any component. That is, this whole table with components is tailored

to the location of the new PCB that has just arrived there. We are done here. The setting of the fiducials is yet to come. We pass to the next item - FEEDER. Only 100 addresses for feeders. They are all pneumatic. So, bc 817. Feeders are configured

as follows - we need to establish that this is our 9th feeder. The exact coordinate of taking the component must first be specified. For this we go to him GOTO. Here's our component. STEP FEED is needed when determining the correct take of a component. We press the button, the cover slid off on the feeder. We can set the center of the component for the correct take.

As a rule of thumb, I set the center to the middle of the width and height of the cell itself. The component inside the cell can lie, it lies unevenly and you need to set the center exactly on the lodgment. OK. Now you need to take a component and define it. The TAKE MATERIAL button means to take a component and bring it to the camera. You see, it defines the angle and center.

The origin is on the right. Defines the offset relative to X and Y. The definition is based on the mirrored points of the component and the path. There are many of them. There are 2, 3, 4, 6 8 .... depending on the component. SOIC8 has 8 points and it defines each of them. And by points determines the size and the correct location of the component in space to compensate for the angles. The component is not necessarily taken in the center, it can be taken here, it can be taken here, here, and in order to compensate for the error, it is necessary to determine the correctness of its location in space. To determine the component is moved under the camera, it is checked where the center of the component is relative to the nozzle.

Compensates for this. You see the angle is different, the center is different. And he calculates and compensates mathematically. You can play with the slider. This is a game with light. You need to catch the optimal value when the component is correctly identified. The machine has a choice of component type, 1 pin, 2 pins, 3 pins, 2 rows of pins, a microcircuit, four rows of pins.

BGA, tall LED, and extended versatile option. I have tried everything, it does not define well. The only thing that works is the CURRENCY clause. Defines a component correctly enough, correctly. This is more than enough.

The next item Feeder delay is 150 milliseconds. This is a very important indicator, depending on the speed of movement that is set, he needs to have time to switch components and do not forget that this is a pneumatic feeder. The speed directly depends on the air and there is a small problem because of the time. If we reduce the speed of taking a component, for example, by 50 milliseconds, then it may not have time to take the component and will leave. An error will fly out. Therefore, 150 milliseconds. Not less. Otherwise, he may not keep up. We set it to 150 milliseconds. For example, there are 10 identical components in a row. The machine takes the same components to different nozzles and between each take, the machine needs to count the time, which will be enough to switch the feeder to the next component. We press STOP. The component is sent to the reset. The discharge tray is located there.

Further. We need to set Value. This is the value of the component. All components are moved completely to the table, which we set in the FILE menu, that is, we gave them names, remember? FILE menu, we have NAME here, there are coordinates here, we have VALUE here, that is, the name of the component and all this also moved it is in the Feeder menu. To do this, open the list and select the component we need. BC817-40, OK. Package is the same. We install here based on the case.

We just drive in manually, but it takes part in this column too, It needs to be the same. And he takes part in the feeder menu. The high and low symbols matter. The next item is coordinates, we have already figured out this. Further, the angle of taking the component. By default, I would recommend setting 0 everywhere here. And adjust the component setting from the FILE menu. Here to set the angle of installation

directly onto the PCB. We take from the feeder with an angle of zero. It's easier to count that way. The height of the nozzle is 13, then we indicate the thickness of the component here, here you need to try again. The machine has a big problem in that the height of the take and the height of the installation of the same component, and this applies to absolutely all components that are installed according to the program, the height is the same! The setting of the set and pick heights is the same. You cannot take a component in one location and place it in another location with two different heights. I take a component with a certain thickness, I raise the nozzle so much, so that it does not press hard on the component. That was enough to capture it from the feeder. The machine took the component, brought it in, and it must also be installed, and the component pick-up level and the PCB level are different and not on the same line.

There are large inaccuracies here and this height is sometimes lacking. And you need to lower the component just below. This machine has problems with component heights. To correctly pick up a component from the feeder, I need to move my head there.

Look. We bring our head to this component and in order to take it correctly, it is necessary to lower the nozzle to the position where the component lies, suck it in so that it does not fly away anywhere. Almost point blank to go down to him. Take it into the nozzle and for this I need the NOZZLE HEIGHT item. It controls the height of the component. I'm setting up exactly NOOZLE HEIGHT.

You also need to specify the thickness - THICKNESS of the component. If the component does not end up in the nozzle, the nozzle will not hit the PCB and the solder paste that has already been applied. To prevent the nozzle from getting dirty. This happens because the component can fly off, break off the nozzle, it happens. If the thickness of the component is not set, the nozzle will fly

directly into the PCB, hitting the solder paste. This is bad, so the thickness must be specified. You need to choose the thickness to sufficiently press the component against the PCB. It is the height of the component that plays a key role just during installation, when lowering the component, Paste speed - everything is connected. After we have done everything here, click OK. Now you need to specify the nozzles. We go to the SETTINGS menu and select NOZZLE.

All nozzles are pre-installed here, which are necessary, based on those components that we have on the printed circuit board - chips, large components, very small components. For 0402, 0603 I put 502 nozzles. 0603, 0805, 1206, SOT-23 I put 503 nozzles. On microcircuits and large components, SOIC8 put 505 nozzle. 505 large nozzle, large grip to hold the component more correctly as the component is heavy.

For the SOT-23 body you need 503 nozzles and in the Feeder menu set 503 nozzles. Press the Location button and the machine brings the nozzle to the component. Open the feeder tray (Seem Feed button) and lower the nozzle to the component (Nozzle button). There is a contact! There is no backlash between the component and the nozzle. The height fits perfectly here.

I adjusted the nozzle to the stop on the component and this means and this corresponds to a height of 13mm. The next menu item is the DISTANCE button. This button works when we have a pallet. When this button is pressed, the machine will ask set 1 component, it will ask you to specify the number of components in X and Y so that the machine understands through what gap are the components in the pallet. This is important for their subsequent correct capture. the Take Speed and Paste Speed buttons indicate the speed of taking the component and the speed of insertion. TakeSpeed 70 the nozzle goes down to the component, 100 - the nozzle rises. Paste Speed 70 component setting button, and 100% nozzle lift speed after component setting.

What other features are there in the settings? High speed camera can be selected It is impossible to see wide connectors on it. The dimensions of the connectors go beyond the boundaries of the camera and it does not detect such components well. The High Definition camera copes with this relatively tolerably and I chose it. You can turn off the check altogether.

The installation speed increases several times, but you need to understand that there will be no compensation for the centers of the components. There will be no compensation for the angles of the components. Components will be placed crookedly. But if the component is huge, then you can even ignore it. Compensation for dimensions and angles is important

for small components where installation accuracy is very important. This was our 9th feeder. In this way, all the feeders that are involved in the assembly of the printed circuit board are configured. The RELOAD item means that this component is reloadable. That is, if we installed a pallet and indicated, that there are 100 components in it. The machine will count and as soon as it takes the hundredth component, the machine will stop and say - replace the pallet. OK. I do not recommend pressing the OPTIMIZATION button, because the machine optimizes the entire process in terms of efficiency. The machine will reassign the addresses of the feeders to the places that would be convenient for it to speed up the assembly, but this is inconvenient for the operator. After the operator has installed all the feeders,

and then pressed the OPTIMIZATION button, the machine will reassign everything in its own way. It is not advisable to reassign feeders to other addresses, therefore it is better not to click this button. Next is the SAVE button. Then we return to the FILE menu. OPTIMIZE button. Along the way - PATH.

We look at the list to see if all the nozzles are assigned. Click the Optimize button, select PATH, can be selected by nozzles. I choose PATH, sorting by the number of components. The more of the same component, the higher it is in the list. Further SMD ANALISE. Here we see if all the feeders are assigned. Here are 2 question marks. This is B10S. Go to the item feeder, select B10S, which is located on the 44th feeder (address). This feeder is on the other side of the machine. For some reason it is turned off. We turn on! Let's check how it works at the same time.

Let's try to take it. Before that, the machine blows the nozzle, travels to the feeder and transfers the component to the camera. See how the machine defined it. The item is selected CURRENCY. The machine has determined the center, understands how displaced the component is offset from the center and angle in both planes. Press CAPTURE - take a picture of it just in case. After that, the picture breaks, do not pay attention to it, this is normal for this machine. Further STOP. The head transports the component for disposal. And that's all.

The FILE menu, optimizing along the way, SMD Analise, again looking for question marks. Except REF, all other components are without question marks. After setting up the project, press the SAVE button. Let's name the project 1. It is saved in CSV format. SAVE, overwrite. And on top, the SAVE button is to save other settings, who pointed out. In addition to the fact that we have a specification of components with centers, with corners, we have other machine settings and they are saved in the H9 file. Weird file extension.

1.H9. SAVE. After that we return to the PRODUCT menu. Only from this menu can the machine install. If you switch to another during installation point, then it becomes. This is his feature. You can start the work step by step.

STEP button. Not RUN, but STEP. The machine will perform each operation step by step, in turn. If you need to check or control something. We turn on the AUTOLOADING item if you have an automated installation process, the machine works without problems and errors.

The supply of printed circuit boards is adjusted. If the feed comes from the loader, from the printer. Check this box and the printed circuit boards will enter the machine by themselves. You fit only the problem arises. I am currently emulating the work of the machine when defining the PCB. Press the MARK button. Determined the lower left and upper right reference points. The machine recognized, good. The entire coordinate system of the machine will be based on these reference points. I take out the printed circuit board, try the next one.

Let's see how the machine will correctly determine it. Press the MARK button. Let's see how well the next PCB is defined. It was great! Thus, it is necessary to check about 5 printed circuit boards. See how correctly they are detected when there is no solder paste on them.

This applies to this particular machine, because more advanced machines have completely different mathematics, another comparison of images. Everything is completely different. This is a budget machine, it is very cheap, but nevertheless it is available to many. The Chinese make a lot of different machines, they are roughly clones of each other. Differences from each other are minimal and naturally the definition of reference points is poor. It is possible to achieve results on the machine with good fiducial definition.

When a printed circuit board with solder paste goes, it will be inconvenient to fiddle with the reference points. Don't do that. Better to do on an empty blank when the PCB is empty. After all the settings, I take one PCB, put solder paste on it on the printer and do a test run. I put the printed circuit board on the conveyor. AUTOLOADING is disabled. Press the RUN button.

It works slowly with the lid open. Now let's close the lid. For you, I'll press the lid button to make the machine run faster. This solves the problem with this machine. This is how it was set up. There are a lot of problems. Sometimes there is no way around problems. This is such an SMD machine and you need to either put up with it or buy an industrial machine 10 times more expensive.

Everyone chooses according to their own pocket. I really hope that someone This video will help you set up the same or similar machine. Be sure to put LIKE. Subscribe to my YOUTUBE channel. Below the video there will be a link to my INSTAGRAM and my TELEGRAM. Be sure to subscribe. Ask questions in the comments. Consultations are held at TELEGRAM. Thank you for watching this video to the end. Bye Bye!

2021-07-09 22:20

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