260th Knowledge Seekers Workshop - Jan 24, 2019
It's. Time for change to. Move, into. The real. Work of the universe. And. It's. Time to understand, that. We. Used a baton state. To. Reach the. Level of understanding. Of. The. Soul of the man. Now. You. Understand, maybe. Why. The. Creator has. Sent his messengers, and that they want whatever you, have had. Is. That they, bring the. Ears, and. It. Can be used when, the time of the Messiah comes, they. Can teach the soul and the messenger, not. To oppose, but. By, them understanding. Through those who have become messiahs. To you from their souls to these to animate. The. Job is, made easy. The. School is there and, the students, are they. Wouldn't, be there, then. There, won't be any fight, between what, they called the Muslim land demolitions. The. Lamb and the lion will, eat, and, sleep in, the same nest. The. Christians, and the Muslims will. Receive, and pray in a mosque and the. Same church in. The name of their souls not. In the name of religion, that, is used to create so much conflict. For. The benefit, of those who were, the harbour at Children's. The. Time has come the, time of changes, here. And. As I said. My. Wish is, my command. There. Is your wish to see peace. Paths. Are peace is, a very big deal. It's. The soul of the collective. Awareness. By. Giving, one, create a position, of the change no. Other. There. Is no pend, in, the soul after that. And. I'm sure once, you go into the universal, community. You. Will never see anything written, but. The, balance, of the fields of the scholar existence. Try. To. Be humble enough, not. To become arrogant, in the power that you have understood and, you, possess. Otherwise. You're, following, the same path, of the church mosque. This, is what. We promised. But. Missus, what we have delivered. We. Have to understand, the, operation of the soul and we, have to understand, the soul of the man is a star, in. Cosmos. Of the, universe. If. We, compare. The. Soul of the man and. Many, of us seven. Billion, in, one collection, earth. Is like a galaxy. With. So many stars. When. We look in the depth of the universe, we see galaxies, with hundreds, of millions of the stars in it. So. Is the planet earth. Carries. Seven, billion, beautiful, stars which are the soul of the man. Carries. With it so, loved so many trillions of. Animals, plants and, everything else. So. If you look. When. Someone. Who does not see the physicality, of the earth and. His content, what. Do they see they. See a galaxy with. So many beautiful lights charlyk, each. One according to their strengths. Each. One according to, their position. An infant. As. A beautiful soul so. Has all God. To. Those who do, not see the physical punishment, is planet. But. They see the strength of the field, we. Are a crustose of stars. The. Human race every. Single soul, no. One from a distance, sees does. The soul of a Fisher man versus, all of the cosmologists. Does the soul of the president. They. All shine. Irrespective. To its quality. This. Is the magic this, is what the, new science, has to bring to man, when. We, look to, our soul. We. See nothing, but star, in the other Souls and. This. Is the break this, is the understanding this. Is what all these, teachings are about. Coming. To mature, to the next level to, understand, in, the deep space. The. Universe. Is. The holy sir, or knows also sir. Then. Magnets. Value to us, please then. Money is ready to become part. Of the universal, community which has been promised, I. Never. Promised, you heaven, I, always. Promised, you the. Variation of the man to. Join the family and. Now. You, have the key. It's. You who has to open the door to. Understand, if I can raise the soul of these people, or, millions. Of other souls that. The physical, life on this planet changes. That. I'm worth me to be part of the universal, community to. Be there to serve to.
Expand, To. Be there to, be part, that. In the cycle, of life of universe, I. Become. In. Being part, I, become. Harder. Totally. When, now reaches, that point a. New. Dimension, in the strength of the soul of the man will appear. Which. Is. Beyond. Imagination, of understanding. Of the mystical I. The. Gate to, the opening, of the new life in. A new dimension, which. Is beyond, imagination of. What you might call a. New. Beginning. The. New cycle, we. Start cycle, carries with itself. It's, the elevation of the soul to. Serve, become. The key. Not. After all of. The physical life. The. Time is right. The. Time has come for the man to go through this process. You. Welcome. Everyone to the two hundred, and sixtieth. Knowledge, seekers, workshop for. Thursday, January. 24th. 2019. My. Name's Rick creme and I'll be your host today and as. Usual, were joined with mr.. Moran kesh of the Keshe foundation. Spaceship. Institute, and. I'm. Sure that. He. Will give us some, interesting. Information. And. Teachings. Today. Mr.. Cash are you ready to start. Today's, session. Yes. Good morning I would write you, whatever. Whenever, you listen today's, knowledge. Seeker series, this. Has become actually, a. Fixture. Sentence. For us that, we welcome all knowledge seekers, not. Only present about physicality but present, what they saw. In. The past. Two. Hundred and sixty. Weeks. Or, sessions, there is a discussion that how many sessions we've had but. In total past, 95 years we. Have, shared a lot of knowledge and, we have elevated a lot of people to start thinking in the different way in a new way and. In. The process of teaching we learn a lot and, in. So many ways we. Shared a lot. What. Is important. Is. To see where we can go over this knowledge and how we can go up and we can go with this knowledge, there. Are couple of announcements that. Keshe. Foundation, webmasters, and, their, doctor Keshe foundation want to make be God in the book. Number. Two is. Ready. It's. A lot there that I can finish, with this and at least I will teach it. This. Also mr. cash kid maybe, check your microphone. Get. It a little closer or something there's no. Odds. We by rethinking. The. Middlee copyright let me know is, a lot there to, introduce. This. Week we actually had. Happy. Moment and that happen and was releasing. Book. Number two the structure, of light on. Amazon, so at, the beginning of January we, had book number one please. And. Hopefully. Next. By. The end of the month we'll also have, the, book number three but. Right now on Amazon, anyone. Who goes on Amazon, amazon.com. Or any Amazon. The OTE. Any. Kind of country, amazon, has site on and simply, types may hunt have a cold cash or. Times the name of the book and they, will see the. Listing for, the book the, the price for online book is, $19.99. Euros plus taxes. And. It's. Immediately as. Soon as you purchase it severely, for available. For download on any, of your devices, you, do not need to have specifically. Amazon, Kindle device to read, the book electronically. You can install, on your computer the, software that Amazon, provides and, very. Easily you can read. That. Will, be put in the chat so, everyone, who like, to, go and see the book directly send. The links in the chat for the people to click on and. Go to. If. The, host would like to, you. Can share them maybe we can also show. Oh. Yes--it's. Join. Me to show a picture that just, the second, year we can get that I. Was, searching, in Amazon, and. Are. Searching in Google and it came up with Amazon, for, the structure, of the light and. It. Actually came up let. Me show you this first it's kind of fun the. Key. Let me just share. So. This is the first link. That came up in in. Google. Actually was the. Structured the light second, edition, oh sorry. This was a different. One then. Books, being. Taken. In. The name of the Kish in, the name of mr. cash was actually. Abusing. Well. It's it's interesting that, there's only two, used ones available at and they start from eight hundred and ninety, five dollars.
Yeah, I'm trying to do that here now, to get that stream though can I get the page for my folks that watch first, about. The second nice. To get a cut, on that ain't miss Rakesh. Just. Like it's interesting because it it, just shows it, just shows how valuable, the first, editions. Have become perhaps so that's that's. Quite interesting okay. I think this is what you mean. Ella. Quick. Kinda look inside there above the picture, I live on 399. For shipping to, allow. You're doing something wrong. $22. Well. We will publish the first edition, mystification, will go to. $900. I. Don't, white Oh. A. Few numbers some, books. Have been signed I think one day they might have something you if. There is no copies of them. Okay. That's good is do you have anything else to offer us except the book. You. Yes. We, actually would like to remind the simple about the that. We have last. Valentine's. Rink, if you kindly share. The link. With us. Okay. Just a minute here I find, the. Mean. We. Have in the Valentine's. Promotion. Packages. One. Package is the. Cosmetics. Pancake plastic air in. Which we offer. One. Shower. Gel one shampoo, and one, liquid hand soap that. Are having very unique fragrances. For for. The type of cosmetic, and of. Course. Somatically. Process, therefore. We. Created the gift. Package, for $14.99. Plus, taxes. Which. Would normally be at regular, price. $19.99. So. The, promotion, is valid until the end of February, and, for. Your. Special Valentine's, or it can be something for you to pamper. Yourself again take, another. Package. That we have is the. Plasma. Pulse the. Plasma pouch is, a, package, of product, which. Contains. The, pain relief and the plasma neck pad plasma. Relaxation, mask and a, last. One. Version. Eventually, that will be launched. And. They. Are all together in, a carry-on, pouch so that it's very easy for you to take. It. In and. Have. It as, soon as you and the. Price point is. 149.99. Plus, shipping and tax so. The. Same of the promotion, is valid until 20th, February, and be, sure to get yours. Thank. You very much. Indeed. What. I try to do this week is, something. That. Opens. The eye of some of you who are familiar, with. The science, well. Some of you might. Come. To it somewhere. Down the line. And. It's so much in respect. To the reality, of life, in, the world of science and. How scientists, are developing different aspects. Of technology in the background and and it's, taking hold in a very what, I call. Elite. Scientists, in, the world, you. Know that we had society. So claimed that, the black. Hole is the. Eating machine and the rest of it which we have proven it and we know we see in. Reality is not, which. Will, it the. Water. Horrid, a. Lot. Of terminologies. Has been created, and. These. Terminologies, are, very hard to get out of the system because a lot of it lacks up to that. The. What. We call. Deter. Lg's like. The horizon point, of rise and then the rest are just comes through the black hole that wants to get to this one, point of rising you. Can never come back and. The gravity will take hold of you and in. So. Many ways. These. Theories are still carrying on. Because. One, person, one. Person. Has not asked, your sharing, pictures on, this can you take these pictures of these, some. Of these sharing pictures on the screen. Because. I just received it histories, of my, son. Well. Just for a second. Probably, comes again for the dismount they. Should. Be seeing the, knowledge. Seekers workshop with. Stars, background. There now. No. I'll see the pictures it's, okay no problem. What. It's saying interesting. Is that. These. Terminologies, in the world of science. Creation. Of black holes which is started with Stephen, Hawking still. Carries on and. As I said the, comparative, you've got to change because, they come up with so many theories on it that these theories have their top is own momentum. And. I was getting defended, by scientists, in a very aggressive. Way and. The. New technologies, are coming in that by development, of these technologies. We. Are creating, more fallacies. And more. Unacceptable. Knowledge, in, the world of science and one. Of these is called the. Three. Dimensional. State. Of the universe, and what they call the hologram. Some. Of you might have had this terminology, what this terminology is is that the. Whole. Universe, is a hologram, there. Is no reality to it and.
The. Reality, is that the, universe, is flat, two dimension, above. And what. We look at is. No, reality to it but we, have come to accept this reality and. What. Is interesting is. This, this hundreds. Of millions, of dollars are getting a spent on, this. What. You call. Fancy. Talk and. It. Is good for the Keshe foundation. Knowledge. Seekers to, understand. What this is and. Then you understand how this. Thing has is taking all the governments. Are spending billions, on it and. Very soon some of you have all bring it to. A point of. But call it reality. What. Is her graph version, of universe, is this. A is, considered. That the universe. Is, flat. And. Then the. Reflection, from this flatness. Creates. Images, inside. Which are not real being the galaxies, and stars, of, everything else, and. In. So many ways we. Can redefine it, this this. Would. Be called. Holographic, principle, is. Getting a lot of morning spent on it it started, a few years ago and, now there, are actually creating. Things, to confirm, it's true and people. Because they can see things they believe in it what. It is to say there's, a they say there's a picture. Two-dimensional, picture of the galaxy, and then. Underneath, of it if you look at it that way here. We see a galaxy. Which. Is actually. There is no black sea is just light shining, toy, pixel. Image and one. Of these normal little things is planet, Earth because it's got a game image on a search sub to dimension. This. Partially. Comes, and started. Due, to all of. What. We call computer. Programming, and then. Now the writing, computer, programs which. Actually can make it and show it is, but. In, reality. No. One has asked a single question more these people are spending so much money on all of our cases because. We. See this. We. See this in a real real life and. Nobody. Is stopping this what. I call. This. Game of what. They called the hologram. Picture. Of the universe that, if, there is a galaxy. Here, actually, creates, and there, is a pen across it that it holds his position so. This, imaginary, pains but magnetic, fields is there so, you, see on the surface of there. What. Are called the two direction, this is to them the reality this, is actually, exist and, whatever we see underneath, is just. Hologram. So. The, real life is in two dimension. And. We see water. Explaining, but. In reality. Nobody. Astral is people, that. If. You stand. Stop. It on their head. My. Famous man. You. Don't have the Sun the. Sun is flat. None. Of us sees, the Sun as, a photosphere. We. Always, observe the. Sun as, a flat, duty but, in, a shape so. So. We, know the, Sun is there because, when. We look at, the. Earth from, the moon. We. See earth. Digging, in flat. So, in reality. Is. Their throught we are living on it but the earth is round. And. Because. We know we mined in it we travel, around it we go everywhere, of it. So. When it comes to the new, science of holography, and, in. In a way trying to convince you that the. Universe, is part yes. In the eyes demand, as an observer, is, right. What. In reality, is not because the, man on the moon sees, the earth as a flat disc the. Man on the earth sees, the Sun as a flat disc and the moon as a flat disc so. This, theory, of hologram. Paulo, graphy. They. Have created divisions. To it and have. Created to say that. It. Is a flat, entity. But. What, is interesting, what. This topic, this subject, brings up is. Now. That they have managed, to create, hundreds. Of millions of stars and they said their hologram, and they, confirm, that he. Has aphasia, like. The purpose outside like, very much if we have corruption. Inside the Sun we, see it on the surface of it because it bubbles up and we see it and. They. Say that. This. Surface is right and it's two dimension. And. This. Hologram. Of the universe, as we see it is. A reflection, of flat, surface. This. Changes, in very fundamental. For. The first time mankind, conference. That. Universe, has, a face. There. Is an end, plate. The surface, exactly, like the surface of the Sun. Earth, and, in, so many way in this, theory that they're building. Up not. In, fact quite. Possible. That, the. Universe has. A face, because, as we say the, universe, is únicos, and so, as we stood here and. We watched the earth and the Sun on the bone if. You stand another dimension, we'll see the face of this universe, and. As, is in book number three we. Are part of the únicos, there, are many of these flat surfaces. With. The two dimension. Pattern. Because. Actually. The light through, the universe, shines. On service. Back. You fish. In. The ocean. But, one, fundamental question to, ask from scientific.
World Of what I can explain me. Is that when, you are on the sea on, a. Boat. You're. Sitting on this flat surface of the universe. And. It's as transparent. Of anything, is. This galaxy, a fish. Swim, in the ocean of universe, as, it does if you were on the boat. On. The. High seas. Doesn't. Mean that, our universe, hasn't started opening, up. Does. It mean now that and, it's, getting understand. Or, in. Its, mistakes. Is confirming. The existence of, technicals. Huge. Amount of one is getting a spent in. UK. Not. A state on. This holoband. The. Last stations, 416. Million dollars, just. Image. Producing. Computer. Programming. Originally. About. 10-15, years ago this. Came, up because, people. Could not accept, the. Totality. Of everlasting. Blackboard. That he covers. Up everything. Along. Scientists, originally, thought if, everything, ends up to nothing, what's gonna happen to us so, this is a miracle spent, a year in. So. Anyway nuclear. Physicists, the, cosmologists. And in. So any extra, physicists all together ganged up to. Confirm, there. Is no. Existence. There. Is nothing. Because, we, were convinced. That we all, end up in this black hole created. By Stephen, Hawking and, we never come out and darvid end. But. If you look at, the fundamental principle. Of understanding. Of the reality. About interaction. Of the. Pattern. Of, the fields. Of the universe. It. Goes back to the same thing, is. As much magnetical. At, its gravitational. What. Does this mean it, means. Even. Black. Hole. To, consider it. Due. To confirmation. Of its, existence, as, atmosphere. And. As, we see with the interaction, of the fields of the planet as. We see with the interaction, of the fields of, the Sun it. Creates his own reports. And. This is what the, world of science up to nor has denied and. This. Is why we, are coming with all this what, I call ridiculous. Concepts, because. At this moment of time in. The world of fantasy. Of, the, black hole eating everything up, we. Have never allowed the. Reality, that as much as its called gravitational. He. Has a magnetic, or an atmosphere, to. And. As. We've seen with, the earth, which. Has any, energy, of certain, what. Call it mass, enters. It it, creates, light with it it. Creates, dimension, of existence of, an atmosphere, so, has, happened, on the, surface, in the boundary of the atmosphere, of the black. We. See this. Ripples. Of. Confirmation. Of the existence of, the atmosphere, of the black hole when. You, look at the black hole in the, background, of new musics of all. The galaxies, and the fields. Of the universe, as they cross. We. See shimmers, you see play of games. So. It, means for the first time we can confirm, a black, hole is an entity a black, hole is a confirmation, of, existence. Very much like the. Sun the earth and, like. Any other entity, in the universe where, not, only has. Gravitational. Pull but. A as, his own atmosphere. Stephen. Hawking process, to this mistake. That. We always looked his own gravitational, field, but, in fact is, and, same, as any other entity. It. Has as much gravitational. As magnetical, and in the paper which I wrote the. Creation, of backhoe, this, is what. Was, the meaning an emphasis on. That, why, we see lights on. The. What, we call. Magnetosphere. After. Black hole it. Shows that, he reflects right out as much as it takes in as much, as it pulls him in, the interaction, with the fields of his magnetical, field it. Creates and releases.
Light. The. Way we see what. Meteorites. Enter the earth and they. Burn out and the clear light how. Come all those lights get, attracted inside, but we still can see on the fringes of it outside. So. For, the first time if you understand, this those. Of you who go into, space, technology. In the dimension, of the travel you, are understand, this is one of the biggest gift, mankind. Has ever been given. High. Speed. Faster. Speed. Transportation. Using, black holes from one spot to another. Don't. Forget what, you call backhoe he is the center of intensive. Fields, compactness, nothing, else and. If. You, came from earth to, lock into one and an approach, to lock into the next one it. Might ask the magnetosphere, of it but. You, can increase your speed beyond, the speed of light but, billions of times. Man. In time come, to understand, the, beauty of the black holes. As. You know in the recent past, if crane, was. Built up that, they, call it dark, energy. Dark. Matters, dark, energy, in the galaxies, the cause of the movement, and, now this theory is totally, been abandoned, by the cosmologists. A nuclear, physicist, it doesn't exist. Anybody. Speaks to you about the dark matter or of the old generation have not read the new science, book because. Now, we understand, that, there is no such a thing as dark matter. Energy, because nobody has ever seen it yet, it's, just a guess we just started with a lot of other fallacies, but. What, is important, this. Part of the theoretical. Cosmology of, physics, has to be understood, by, the Gates Foundation supporters. Who become, part of the space technology, you. Go beyond, the present understanding of the science you have, to go beyond it that you can understand, the, speed of light, is. The. Speed of light of time and space you're, traveling. Maybe. In, the space of the speed of the light at the earth gravitational. Magnetic field, but what whatever we guessed we but. If you create another, gravitational.
Magnetic Field, with the same material, you, might reach another speed, which. Is the artists me in the gravitational, field attraction. Of the light in that mattre, state. Could, be two three, ten times faster. Than estimate of life on earth. And. This is the reason why, we see the shimmers on the. Magnetosphere. Of. The black holes. Ask. Different. Matter, strength of the. Fields, decides. To adjust in respect. The the strength of background, and then. You, see the shimmer see the shimmers of the gravitational. Magnetic. Field, or what they call the Macra, of death, black hole is. One of the best clear indication. Of the existence, of the entity, as a whole. The. Like Sun as much. As he gives. Ethics. It, takes in this transparent. Condition, compared, to. The illusion of the black inside and, it gives the. Same. Two-dimensional. Translucent. To share around what. We see are shimmers or what we call is not interest me. In. So, many ways as we, enter the space technology the. True space, project, the universe non non man-made with some rocket, propulsion, this. Will play huge, game, in the, dimensions. Of the space travel. What. This means if, mankind. Understands. The creation, of the black hole, within. The structure, of the cores of the space star, formation. Then. A new dimension, in violation of the transportation. Appears. Where. Zero. Time, travel across, different, dimension, of the universe become. Reality. Without. Interacting, and interfering, with any object, these, galaxies, the, star or, any other entity. The. Creation, of what. We call these. Three-dimensional programs. Which are working on to call it holography. After. University. Dimensional. To show that it's just hologram, and it's no reality to it opens. Up a lot for, those who work around acacia to, programs, knowledge, innovation. There, is an extension in the field of, unified. Field theory, the. Book number, eight, to, be released, and to be written is, only, and, only, about. Magnetic. Fields of the universal. How. They. Are created. How. And what is their origin, how. They, become, to create what. We call the two-dimensional, factor, to lead our nation and. How, our body has. Adapted itself. For, lack of what, I call, understanding. Or make, it easier not, to jam the brain with walk away, convert. Everything, of a distance, to a flat surface and. These. Scientists. Are using this. Holography, as. A way of the same as cheating what, more. Or less I stand. In to us in respect, to speed. Of light. If. You think of it when. The earth is, flat, in the eye of the man on, the moon. Then. This. Ill-luck. Reaches inside. Water. Inside, -, I and the, whole caboodle, of stuff. Then, there, is a, fundamental. Point in the whole understanding. Of the structure, of the space and. That, is. How. Come, that. This. Pack of dust, on. The boundary, of the solar. System, here. Becomes. A planet. An. App so smart. Is do it, is. There, a reality.
To The. Term that, there is a black hole inside. Every, planet. That. Is to, strength, that, it can create. His, own dimension, and. Its own magnetosphere. And. Furthermore, there. Is the, point in, the dimension, of the soul of the man which. Replicates such. A planet. Do. We have a black, hole within, the structure. Son of the brain of the nerd which. By, absorbing, from, the totality, of the universe, release. A song, which, becomes, the manifestation. Of culture. There. Is nothing but the truth. But, what is important, for. Mankind, is to understand, the strength that this, blackhawk, pulls from the environment of universe, that, in depth of the space they can use it to, feed the physicality, of the plan and, that's gonna man to. Kill. To. Sustain, life in. The, depth of the space. Where. Do we go now, what do we do. The. Only thing available with, us is, that fields, which are free within, a span of unions, and this. Black hole is, called the center of the soul of man. And. In, so many ways if you look at it the, size of the brain of the man is, a magnetosphere. Of. This planet. Then. You have to decide through the emotion, by the way controlling. Do. You want this field or do you want this field or, you're interested, in this field depending. What. You want to reflect yourself as to be or, watch. Part, of which open up this physicality. You want. The. Way we, open. Our eyes imma go to a supermarket, and, we see. Chicken. Leg. Rest. Zero. Mistake. Tina, plumato, and, orange, and apple, why. Do we do this because, we, have learned something, very simple. We. Can take this. Put. In our mouth and, convert. You to what we need. What. Our body needs we, need vitamin, C and we need become a name, why. Not works with the soul of the man to, absorb, the fields, which led to creation of, this. For. It to be converted, to this to become a deep economy. In. A very, short track. When. A man takes it to space women the gravitational, field of the universe will. Learn this, because. It's, very hard, to. Do this in, the structure, of this planet because, it doesn't allow you and, secondly, does not have the field strength for you to. Be. Able to test it. For. You to be able to examine and see how it's done. So. What. You need and what we need to learn from. Understanding. Of the black holes for. Possible, papers, called features of Blackboard, you. Understand. Black. Holes are not only. To absorb but. In, absorb. Again. As I said in different. Dimensions. In different, terminology. Of the physics, we, call this in a human, body the, brain of the man is. Magnetosphere. In, earth. We call it the Earth's atmosphere, and, in galaxies, and black holes, we. Call it the Shivering once I mean the size dimension, of its. Existence. So. In. Fact, the. Whole world of science changes, when. You understand, through, the structure, of your brain to. The strength, of the structure of the brain of the man man. Can travel the space of universe, in no time, using. The, condition, of the structure, of his own existence to. The search operator, what we call the solar. Now. Do, we need to accept. Luckily. All. That, science. Is. Strong, in us. Just. Because from. A distance, the. Body of a man is, not, too. Will. Not look at you from a distance I, see. Pencil. But. You know in that this heart, is long and is. Hearing. But. What is important, for us is. Half. Of an recall, to see through. This. Central. Point the soul of the man in the center we don't fall back all of, resistance. Of the right of math, literacy. In. The human brain we, have found places, before we this is emotional, subtle some whatever but. Where. Does. In, so many ways. The. Secret, is very simple. If. This is the black hole. And. The. Black hole in the galaxy, summer existence. Can. The Marigny so much. That. They can't help, not. Only to. The black hole itself, to, its spirit. And give it a strength as, it means. Now. Feed itself. In. Spaces that. We. Always looks, at. Absorbing. Energy from the, origin. World. What absorbing, energy from that.
The Universe, is. Reality. With. Salaam. Now, you understand, that knowledge changes. The. Game of knowledge. But. To understand, this creation. Of the fields, and direction. Of motion and. In a way the feedback, of it that it can become part, of what you need. Needs. A little. Bit more. Understanding. About the truths about America. I. Prepared. You for this last week in, a very simple, way but. I prepared, a little bit longer the. Detail that, you. Come, to understand, something, very new. If, you look at it. The. Magnetic, field for like that. Most. Are more magnet ordnance. But. We, know. By. A condition. Of the existence. That. Will come, back on its own. But, we know. In. Reality. There. Is a, field, flaw, in. The opposite, direction, in. The whole process too. Because. When. We, put to North Pole, the. Guess teacher. Increases. Base. And. As. We. Are in plasmatic. Condition, this, numerous. Amount of north and south poles in the past mobility. Then. You, will understand. As. This, needs to travel this way. From. The point of observer, up here, this, is mechanical. And this. Is gravitation. But. From the point of observation here. This, is gravity, and the, suspended. But. What, is important, to understand, is. This. That. This, thing itself, as. A. Field, and, this. Field in. The, interaction. With. Its environment, it, creates. Very. Much a. Magnetosphere. Of itself. And. At the same time the. Same happens, and applies, to, this. That. This creates. Is. All. Magnetosphere. Now, what will be interesting, to see is. The, interaction. Of the two magnetic. Fields, floating. In the direction, but, by the compactness. Of the material, inside the. Matter States. Will. Create a light, in, this, region, which. Creates. A very effective. Line. Of interaction. But. The speed, that if the man understands, become. A trajectory for, a specified, travel. Depending. On what the strength of light is traveling. So. What. This means, it's. Very simple. That. Is, every. Field, we, see which floats. Every. Dimension, we see and, we understand. Is. That as, you, have the, gravitational. Field in. Respect. To, here. You. Have magnetic on, the. Same which. Is. In. This direction and. In. Being, dynamic. They, create, a cortex. Of life a light. Which. Mackenzie. In, so many ways if, you look at it. What. Is a stronger, and one is weaker, and. As the meteor comes to treat, the stronger, decrease. Or tricks that the, interaction, of the field of the water excretes, light or what we call, visible. But. At, the same time the interaction, of these two fields, create nodes or. Sound. Or images. Of. Some. We. Know the images, of sound very well, but. We, have never, understood. How. We. Know the images, of a sound of what. Light. In. The perfect, motion. And. We. Have learned how. To convert, it but, when they sit, and think. Literally. Understand, disposes this, will become a. Painful. Barrier, for many of my kind in the depth of space. Many. Many. Men. Or, human, beings, will. Return from space. Totally. Totally. Mentally. Disoriented. What. Is the reason. Man. Knows this effect, on this planet, but. Has never stood still to, understand, it because, now when a space, will, face this and, he has to solve this problem, for. Itself not. No, one else. Let. Me explain it this way. We. Had the soul. We. Explained last week that. In time of sleep, or even weakness, I, is. The. Doorway for, the soul but as. As much information goes, out of it. More. Comes, ended. The. Unite, does. Not matter if, we close this or not. Continuously. Absorbs. The. Vision, of seeing. What is happening and the, soul uses, the eye in the cavity, of the fire or the whole of time to. Be able to penetrate and, break into open, spans of the universe, in a much easier without, the battle. But. With, a very very big butt and. At. His. We. Go to sleep. And. The. Vision. Of the soul of the man does, not matter if the physicality, of the eye of the man is close. Comes. Across the mother. He, can see any. Return. Recognizes. This soul to, his image of the mother. But. Since. When. Since. Which. Time. We. Listen to our, eyes. When. You dream. Does. The voice of the mother goes through the ear hole. That. You hear the, conversation, or. On, return. Of it. Is. Converted. To the, noise, of the mother the voice of the mother then. Returns batteries. Then. Is. The reason, that. Man. Considers. That he hears the voice of the mother and what she says, truth here in the soul or, is, the, information, is, actually.
Transformed. To the knowledge of the words we understand, and it, reached ultimate, and. Not. Would, you hear. God. If he speaks to you or if. You put your fingers, in your ears you will not hear him because you block to hear part. From, there what. We call the physicality of better. Now. You understand, how. The. Soul of the man through, that mention of itself, not. Only sees but, he is through the same. Fields. And shares, through the same. Does. Not need our mana back to feed itself but through the span of us, see what has seen enhance, can. Take for the monks. By. Anna strange enough when. It comes to the depth of the space. You. See the. Soul of a creator, for, the, soul of the creation, and it's for you to, understand, what it says through. The light of, the. Eye of. The man as, the guy does not make a noise that he can come through the ear of. So. What we understand, is when we dream about her. Mother. And. She speaks. Do. We hear the noise through, our ear or, do we convert, the voice, in, the, eye of. The man indirection, of the solid. So. If, you are deaf. Should. Not be able to hear the mother and. If. You are blind you should not be able to dream of the mother and see how she does. Or. When. You speak and close your eyes you cannot hear, or see, the. Mother but, you remember everything, about what she said how she looked, what, she was wearing. Now. You. Understand. How. Simple. The. Truth about. Creation, of, God is and, how. Much we have, misinformed. Ourselves, and, now. We are creating, new dimensions. To fool ourselves and, convince. The others that, what we say is a. New science. Then. If you understand, this the. Soul of the man is, flat. And. There is no brain. And. It'll. Occur is any unsaved. Razor. Now. We understand. How. Far we, have, to. Become. Open-minded. Turn. The standard to touch, and. Not. When they're near space to think there. Is somebody in my head playing. With my head somebody. Is talking to. Because. If you change the, strength of the, fields. Of your, soul or, the back wall of your soul, then. You can hear. But. Not. Necessarily, liking, what, you have. I hope. Y'all understood. It, is not easy. If, man. Chooses. To. Close his eyes and, intellect. Two, fallacies are present solaced. Because. You're gonna have a hard time in a space. You. Do not see with your own eyes. But. Your, soul sees the dimension, of existence. You. Cannot hear nothing, with your ears, but. You communicate. And converse, with, bodies. In front of you without. Actually using, any. Voice. Then. It comes back to what you always, how. Do the. Babies talk and communicate with, each other and. How the. Small. Animals. Know, their ranking, when. It comes to me they. Have no numbers, on their back and they are not very good mathematicians. With numbers. How. Do they, wreck themselves and they appreciate that right. If. You are a farmer, and, you. Have a herd of cows when. They come back in from milking, always. Number nine calls first before, number 10 and. If. Number 10 is taken now to be done something to number, 11 knows, this point, you will not touch. So, what, it comes to us as, human, being is. How. Do, we see in the depth of the space and, how. We can connect and, connect, to culture, the knowledge we have with. The real science, of understanding of. Our own creation, how. We are created, and, if we are time how we are created, then, we, can create any, creation, because, we. Know how, and where, and what, needs to be done to, create that condition, then. It, comes to the point of. Do. We need the, made on a female to, have a reproduction, of the sounds, of life. Or. In. The dimension, of the existence, of the universe in. Realizing. The demise of our lives that we cannot, absorb, more from the universe, to be able to give more. We. Decide, to split. That. The, interaction, of the two gives, the total entity, of man.
And. Then we, decide, how we share, the field. This, is not an easy job. Because. Sooner or later we. Have to face it they, have to understand, the strength of our soul we, have to understand, how far we can extend, the, planets of this soul that, it can hear what's going on on planets this or that or you, buy yourself something. They, could comfort, our, another. 20 centimetres, of it is better. Any. Questions. Thank. You mr. Kesh. And. I'll remind the attendees, that they can put their hand up and we can, patch. You through to be able to speak. Unless. You should be able to. Speak. If you wish. We. Have a question, in the live stream from, freed. He, says printed, Holograms, can be cut up and have the whole picture in, them is that. A better understanding. Of holography. As in. The parts comprise, the whole or. Is, fractals. A better approach. Repeat. The question, on your financier. Just. Read it again that is it's in it. That, okay, so. The. Question from freed is printed. Holograms. Can, be cut up and have. The whole picture in, them is that. A better, understanding. Of holography, as in. The parts comprise, the, whole or, as. Fractals a better approach. So. You're saying mr. cash that the answer, is contained. Within the question. As. In, it's the same idea, that the. Parts. Of the picture contained. The whole picture. At the same time, in. The way yes, so. What. Is macro, is in Michel. But. Now the, plasma, field has a full spectrum is, not like a telephone. It. Actually. Is. The. Dust smaller. Than just. We, have to look into. The. Reality, of the time and space, we. Have to look into dimension. Travel of. Entity. Towards, us. And. Then. We. Have to consider. We. Are. 246. But. In, three dimension. That's, very simple, extremely. Any, of it. I'm, just looking here mr., Kesh and. Waiting. Patiently through one, of our panelists, or attendees, to venture a question. See. Here. It's. Nothing in facebook or YouTube. There. Are a couple, of questions. But I didn't, not. Sure if they're relevant to. To. Our current, conversation. Here so. I'm. Waiting. For something. Relevant. And profound or, maybe. You see the, one. Of the most important. Things. Which. Man, will come to understand, as he, says, that. The black hole's absorb, everything, and, when. In the center, of the body of the mountain there's a black hole to call itself or the brain. Then. There, is a very fundamental question, to, ask. When. Do, we. Get to play with all. Or. To. A pigeon, holler and ignore, a lot of it to fit some of the formulas, we want. These. Things cannot, be taught and just crossed spice to another subject, this. Thing is the needs to be listened to this this we talk about. It. Needs a full comprehension. Of the totality. And then. It comes back to one thing. If. Everything. In the universe gets. Absorbed inside. The, black hole. And. When. We look in the depth of the universe, we, only this black. Are. We ourselves, trapped. In a black hole. And. Then. As they, say the. Information in the back home gets all muddled, up and. On. The. Line. Of horizon, it. Loses, everything there. Is no information. But. Does that actually happen. I. Was. Oh go. Ahead sir, do. We leave. The, imprint. Of the knowledge we gathered on the surface of that black hole as is the fear it's all science, is talking about or.
Do. We carry it with us within. And. Then. It's. Part of us and. Then when we come out of this black hole in any shape or form according. To the president. Scientists, do, we carry that knowledge back with us out of the black hole and. Is. That black hole the, soul of the man would listen to it which is so compact. That he has the fooled spectrum. Or to feel the strength of the universe. Even. Of the creator. The. The. Understanding. Of. The. New. Philosophies. In, cosmology. Because. You have to understand, from. The time in, 2004. Stephen. Hawking confirmed, that he's made a mistake the. Scientists, had true for something else to spend their money and time on and they, came up with this holographic. Universe. Because. Now, what they were to confirm, the. Boss is gone he's turned up to be a liar. So. A new lie has established. But. We. Are, the. Passengers, of this, flat surface and. According. To what, they want us to believe in there is nothing underneath of us we are just floating. But. As, we see the. Magnetic field strength, as it, slows down it, compacts. One, of the biggest fallacy, in the world of tech. Cosmology. And. It's. The creator, of most of the understanding, of the problem in the cosmos physics and. Astrophysics. And. In, the present, physics that even, ancient again, auto visitability, emphasizes. On is, that. They use the terminology. Of the cooling, of the, universe. Not. The reduction, in the magnetic, field strength of, the fields. Of the universe. Universe. Never, cooled down. But. In the, attraction, of the fields, it has lost. Its strength and in the reduction, in the field strength that, it leads to creation of the new matter in the new dimension, and strength this. Is another, fallacy this is something, that as. Nuclear. Physicists, as understanding. Of the total, structured, cosmology. We, cannot get this thing out. There. Was never a heat in the. Creation of the, universe. If. Step-down. Reduction. In magnetic field, strength, which, leads to the creation of new matters, but. The strength of their vision, not. In totality. Of it otherwise would have been one solid, block of universe. Because. There's all matter, all the time. We. See matter in different, strength in our line of vision and.
Confirmation. Of existence, not. In cooling, of the fields. Is. Not a cooking pot is the. Interaction. Of the fields that. In. Reduction. We, see the, creation. This. Is what, I say, bunch, of. Bookkeepers. Suddenly. Took hold of everything, and they, became. Normality. It's like today's, politic. Bunch. Of pundits, have, a start running the universe to cut the world and, criminality. I'm bombing and killing come. The norm. So. When, you speak about, the. Truths about the fields. Of the universe, and somebody, tells you it, cooled, down and, life. Was created I. Don't. See any cooling down when, a neutron. Splits. Into electron, and a proton I. See. Reduction, of fields, and according. To the package and the size of the fields, and the strength of them they, create a new dimension, what, we call electron. Interpreter. We. Have heat, in, what. We call nuclear reactors. Because. The fields interact. With. A matter state of the liquid and they, lose their heat to it but. Inside. The plasma of the neutron there is no heat as its. Reduction in the, field strength. In. My. Teachings, few weeks ago I referred to this that, is the. Center of the Sun billions. Of degrees they tell us or is just the reduction, in the field strength and in touched like a nuclear, reactor when we touch the water. Of it different. Matter state, with, the fields, of the radiation, of the what. We call nuclear. Material, in their motion we. Create heat and. This. Is what happens on the surface of the Sun this. Is what happened on the surface of the earth due. To the interaction, of the fields of, the universe, with. The inertia, of matter state, of the planet we create heat, not. Due, to the interaction, of the gravitational. Magnetic field, from the center of the planet. The. Whole world of physics, is totally, upside. Down so, much with, nonsense, that, not, to get it right is. God's. Job because. No man can, change the whole situation. When. You, read the paper about unified. Field theory you, understand, where, you sit in respect. To yourself and. Then. You, don't come up with all these nonsense, of the, extension, breaking, gravity, is different than magnetical, and the magnetical, is totally, something else than gravity, it's. Just a point of reference and. In the, field to get to you it, reduces. In the strength of the crests, closer, to you because, it has to interact with so many other fields and in that process it heats up because, it loses so much of his energy. If. This was so that by, the interaction of the fields we. Create. Heat. And the heat reduction leads. To creation of universe then. When you put two magnets together, nor. Some thought you should see creation, of a lot of universes, because there should be a lot of heat in there and you can cook on it. It. Doesn't happen. Fallacies. In the physics, and in the world of people who do not understand, has taken hold of the science, and he, has to be corrected. This. Terminology. Of the cooling of the universe, led to the creation of, the Stars is. As much as. Mr.. Hawking's, black.
Hole And, Aston's. The, speed of light made. By a bunch of people who never understood the. Science of creation. The. Fields, from the central, line of the universe, as the. Strata they, interact, and they're in the interaction, leads. To, reduction of fields, that in respect, to that position, in the universe, leads. To compactness, of, what. We call observational master. State in the eye of the man, not. In that position we, call it a galaxy, or a star, but. If you, are from another dimension you don't see anything, it's, non existence to, us, galaxies. Exist according. To us to, point of observation of. Us. But. If you are from, another universe. If, you are of the highest order, of, the. Strength. In. Creation. Of the structure, of your soul, the. Galaxies, is just like walking through the cloud does. Not exist. Because. It's. Not at the strength of my, strength, is below. So. To me, has, no matter state. But. Then. I see, other galaxies. In the position, and a different, dimension and times. According. To my point of observation. We. See there's a lot of emptiness. Between the galaxies, we. See a lot of pepperiness between the stars, there is never ever emptiness, is not that. That, is because our, vision. Our point, of vision magnetic, field strength or the protein, of the man does, not see the entities, which. Are sitting in these captured, areas. We. Are galaxies. Within the galaxies, but, we don't see the outer layers, and in, fact there is more structures. Within the galaxies, that are not, visible to us because, our amino. Acid, at 43. Proton. Electron whatever. You want to call it only. Can't, create in it other give the strength and. Not. Beyond it and then. We say nothing exists, because we don't see it. Can. A blind man say the, Sun doesn't exist because he doesn't have the eye to see the brightness of the day has. Men become that is stupid. As. You become. Manifest. Space, you. Have to open, your mind you. Have to understand, the, totality because. Somewhere, you make a mistake and you end up in the center of a stone. Not. Necessarily, a stone, in, the strength of the field of the man but, in a stone in this strength. Of the field are the dimensions. Of the universe, now. Get yourself out of that. Today. I. Open. Up specially, dimensions, of the theoretical physics. Because. We. Doubt it we, will lead we, will move into more. Problems, and then. We still stick, to the fallacies, of the path, and, we cannot see the, new way head. Theoretical. Physics has to be opened up that, with the theory of understanding. We can understand. The totality of the reality, of the size of the creation. Many. Terminologies. In the present, physics has to be restructured. That. Is understood. Step-by-step. And, why. The, reason, I bring, these two reticle physics on the discussion, table. Different. Groups of the Keshe foundation, start, training teachers of the new universities. Different, countries, it. Is the response of the Institute teachers to, teach the correct physics, from the beginning and not to be a camel. Bird or. An ostrich. In. Understanding. In totality, you can bring an explained but, if our teachers. Of the new cycle which, are going into universities, to teach the teachers of the future that they teach the. Children. Of the future and, we start with the same fallacies, of the past will, end them up with the same thing then somebody, else when he explains it truth the totality, then, they have to, fight it because they've been taught different. In. A coming weeks as we go approaching, March and starting teaching the teachers of the universities, for different countries I.
Start. To open up the theoretical, physics. Like. Today. Because. The, theory has. To be understood, in its totality is, not just making a, course, on the reactors, and the matter, most. Wrongly some, of you when you make these things never, understood, the theoretical, physics, you. Still working as a camera where you make something but you cannot see so it doesn't exist. The. Fundamental. Theory. Of the, creation, is, the origin, of. Transportation. Reduction. And interaction. Of the fields and. The. Rest is accident. Of the University. And. By. Order of the magnitude in. Packages, how, you gather, together will. Come to be and man has given it differently. When. You get stopped on the motorway, bottoms, of the colors, in the what, we call inner, ring and outer ring, in half a city, do. We call them a new galaxy because, there are so many stars, will be called the cars with the lights stopped in it, some. Of them going away in some of them coming I have man become, now the creator, of new galaxies, on the. Flatland. Of the surface. Of this planet. We. Have to understand, the. True physics, not. Made, of physics and. Man. Has a happy to jump from one thing to another when. The one goes they, find another leader to be one, day this and then that guy calls now it detects something else to confirm, our existence, but, if you understand, that you exist you did nothing to attach result. Life. Is. Life, as, long, as is within the framework, of the. Time and a position, which, that life was created, be. The planet with, the galaxy, be the universe. Then. You have to understand, is is, the. Interaction. Of the field which. Leads to creation, of, packages. And, depending. On a position, and their strength and and. Most. Of all. The. Motion, of the. Fields, how, they're allowed, to interact with each other leads. To creation of life in, that position leads. To creation of kree creating. Entities, not. Necessarily. Just, life. We. Call our body. As, a. Living thing with. Arms and legs but, we. Look into the galaxies, and we see these things rotating. And recording, galaxies, it's, another life. This. Is another form, of existence a. Galaxy. Has a magnitude sphere, a galaxy. Has a heartbeat, a galaxy's a living, entity. He. Has arms, he has legs. He have a moves. It replicates, itself, and, in, a dimension, of the existence, creates. An image of itself and. In. That process we create. One, we call it a child but, that galaxy, has nothing, to do. Does. The interaction of the two galaxies, creates, a new cycle, of life in the universe. Like. Egg. And a sperm, and. Does. The magnetosphere, of this entity, leads. To creation of fields, from the dimensions, of universe, to, confirm, for it to exist for billions, of years. Just. Because, we, call it as made of iron and that one's got more gas on it has. It changed the truth about the existence, we have a kidney a bone and a finger and a toe on the liver. We. Exist but that doesn't, man. Has to understand, the truth are the creation, and. Not be limited to his all equal. Of being. Just a man and a king of the creation. In. Farsi, we said at, math what it means to. Complete. The head of all that created, things, the. Less you are the more arrogant. The, whole world. Of political physics.
Has. To be understood, rewritten. To the actual. Point. Of bavette, a, dream, of a man on the back of accounting. And. Not, to, the writing. Of a man who has nothing to do, sits. In the, name of itself, with bunch of rubbish. The. Position, of the interaction. Of what. We call, matter. State. There. Is no resemblance, in. The position, of magnetic, field strength. Newton's. Law does, not apply, in a dimension, of physics a plasma, no. Way. The. Laws of thermodynamics. Cannot. Fit into the, position, and understanding. Of the work of the plasma and interaction, of the fields of the plasma the. Equations, of blood relative, T has no meaning, in the. Dimension. Of no matter state of the fields, where, it needs, matter to confirm its existence. Then. You. Understand, man. Needs to create a new, dimension, a new, book of understanding. Of the creation in true, essence, of it not, in the fantasy, and fantasy, of many I. Started. Today's teaching with, the new. What. Are called beautiful. Girl in town which, is taking root in the world of science and it's called, holography. Of, the universe and. Now. That Stephen. Hawking thanks, God has come and has, committed, all his rubbish with, all the stealing, now. That, Einstein, is not that more, rubbish to the standing, of an old German, now. New cycler, people, trying, to make named world themselves, to, create more barriers, for scientists, for Humanity. To step further with, more rubbish on the back of their rubbish. When. This has to stop. When. In the space you come in the face something new in front of you is. It hologram. Or is it real. If. I hit it would, he hit me back most probably will. And. That. Is not a hologram anymore, is it if. I. Push the field on one side of it I get pushed on the other side by the field it's like a spongebob. We. Are losing as I said many. Times. Man. Is looking, for, a prophet man is looking for, new gurus. And this is what I have a stopped in the structure, of the Keshe foundation. That. We, all have a say we all share knowledge share all knowledge, seekers, that. We, stop this habit because, in the universe, we, should be able when we come across something to, explain, it to be able to live with it within. It and survive. To be able to carry on to the next time. It's. Our intelligence. And understanding of. The true. Structure. Of the creation, of the universe which. Allows the man to live in, its space not. The dimension. Of the physicality, if, this route is read I better, don't touch, he'll. Kill me there is no fruit in the, universe, for you to pick but, there are plenty of truths that he can dilute yourself, to nothingness, or. Do, we create a Central, Station that, this, guy disappeared. In the field because he entered, a orange, green light somewhere, in the universe sorry. He didn't have enough time to transmit, that. It, looked like an. Apple, and it was in the handoff if. We. Have to understand, that, we. Understand. The totality, of the, science, of physics and. Now. That becoming, international, in. Teaching. We cannot teach wrong from the beginning then the next, teachers have to come and correct you because, you're all, plasma. Teacher from. Cash relations, said this so we accepted, it that's correct. As. We say in Farsi, we are above and walk on bring the tongue to get it loaded donkey, is gone or. How do you wanna get the Lord kaan again. The, whole. Structure. Of the new teachers of the Keshe foundation, the. Whole teaching which, goes in the background, and Kev SSI and now going into universities. And round the world we, see many publications, coming out in. Publications. In journals. Carry. The name of cash condition, underneath of it many, many are appearing, again and again. We. Are quoted. For our correctness, we are quoted, for, delivering. A new knowledge, and is, in the hand of our teachers, to understand, themselves, before they teach. Last. Himself. Mr.. Cassius that if he was here how would he explain this. Know, going looking for mr. Kesh his, dad is gone. Then. We. Get into all the fallacies, of the, lies and cheats trying to confirm and, conform. And miss face be lost. Now. We are entering a massive. Teaching ground you. Will see in the coming time in, a coming weeks and months cash, our nation will blow in such, explosion in science, and technology and all the economy that. We. Have to be correct, and not. To, sit and, rely, on the fallacies, of the past. If. It doesn't happen, why. Do. Not mix thermodynamic. With the others we, see people coming up we, have mixed Tesla, Sears. And cash to build something. Testa. I accept, but Tesla, is in the matter state. Sees. Beyond. Just a little bit but is still in the matter state, we. Are in a plasma state. When. You explain, the, beautiful, work of Tesla, understand.
Test Our work in a matter state condition. Do. Not mix it with, what you learn as a dynamic plasma. With no dimension, in the world of Keshe. Foundation and teach. Your students, the same. Spend. The first hours explain. The difference, between Tesla's. Work, vacation. Dacian, work and, the. Lines of Newton and the, fever not, Stephen. Home. You. Have to understand, how. The structure. Works. You. Have to understand yourself, to be able to pass the knowledge. Why. Do. You get a nun or a year, and. What is the function, of a nun or a year, is. It just a field or, itself. Is an entity, which can maneuver, to accommodate, then. You have to understand, inside. These beliefs there is interaction there is life. This. Repetition. Of energy, absorption. The. Theoretical. Plasma physics, the. Theoretical. Plasma which, leads to the creation of life in the universe, has. To be understood, in essence, as I. Said in number, eight are right and, somewhere. In it if, you are wise enough the. Book will be written the same as blessed his name Muhammad if. You read from. Beginning to the end, somewhere. There. Is hundred, names of the Creator which. Is us the beauty of our own soul but. Ninety nine is Richard the. Hundred is, the totality, of the. Total, of 99. Which. Makes, you the Creator so. In the science of plasma, when you start teaching in a new cycle, try. To. Make clear with. Your students, with, special. Ink fssi. Especially. In the universities which now we start teaching training, the teachers to teach the students, to teach the students, of the future. Clarify. The. State of the matter in the eye of the man the. State of plasma, in the work of the universe. And. In. Understanding, how you, go from one to the other and you come from one back, to where you started or, where you want to go to. Is. For the first time in the cycle of the understanding, of a man that, we have managed to go from matter, to energy and. From energy, back to matter. You. Start with a copper, you, put it back in as a, Gans and with, the interaction, of the Gans you make gold.
Its. Transmutation. Of the fields, of the universe, not, matter state of the US. Because. You. Matter, state consider, as matter for the stick is in fact another dimension, of the plasma. But. In a more compact, state. Matter. State, in reality is, a mirage it doesn't exist. Is. It. You. Well. Strangely. Enough I, think, we've lost mr., Kesh t'adore back. Where. You were saying about. Being. A mirage and. Yes. Everything. Disappeared. And that oh, yeah. Somebody. Was in the background the. Truth. So. What, we understand, is we. Have to become aware, the. Next few weeks till, we build up to the time as our, new teachers, going to universities, to teach them what I call the teachers to become in. September, the teachers of the universities, and the other dimensions. Are all teachers I, try. To cover more of the theoretical physics. Unfortunately. I don't have much time to sit down and write. But. It's. Time for you to write what I teach, and, then, as it's. Manual, scripted, to. Be able to be reached I, have. Given instruction to accomplish, that. From, now on every. University, students, which is taught in the dimension, of cash foundation, technology, as, a free, access to all the knowledge education foundation, accepted, special subjects. Like. Help. All our, knowledge is, freely. Available, with. The students, of the University. And. Its application, of the permission to set, up structures that all. Students. Ride across the world will work together today. I've been in touch with the officials on tipeee common, of Sierra Leone that, we, reopened. The. South solonian, University, as an leading agriculture University in Africa. Because. Then. We, can support. The. Same way and all, our teachings, to the University students are free. Then. Each be given their own email, access that, they can come in and. To. Educate. In. Talk about the Fisher library in universities, education. Structure. The, same thing will apply up top in to the government there that. We start teaching the right way. Does. Not matter which country I. Search. You you're, working the background, with, number, of governments, in the background, number countries, for education. In. This, process, we, can teach correct. In. This process, we, can step, further. In. The whole, understanding. But teach. The. Students, the, right way the. Right theory. The. Way it is not. The way somebody fancied. Or. Somebody. Talking, through the ignorance. Newton. Laws. Are. Sacrosanct, in, the, matter state compact. Plasma energy. Not. In open, plasma. Energy because. It doesn't work because, the fields, of the, magnetic, field are, unload. Themselves and, they. Interact with each other and at, the same time they, have magnetical. I have, occasional. Newton. Laws under. No circumstances. Apply. Laws. Of thermodynamics, in. The dimension, of the plasma does not, apply. But. Still. The interaction, of the field in, a gravitational. Magnetic field. Creates. A, solution, light and, creates. What. We call universal, heat. Which. Has, no formula. Does. Not obey any rules. As. Always, say if. God. Had, a formula. Then. Allah says 200, kilogram of zinc. And 300, kilogram of this and 20 gram of that will create an inert, creation. Of this planet is, the accident.
Of Universe, in the interaction, of its fields, of different. Strengths and different position. And. It's the same with everything. In New York. This. Is the habit of the man because now he has then to make him mold and make a cup and because I can make a cup is the same but the court doesn't exist. Unfortunately. God. Never created the factory, and, never knew what the molds are. Ask. Yourself, look into the depth of the universe and see why are there so many galaxies. And. Why. There's so many stars, within, these galaxies, how. Did they come about to be and. Why. All more, or less follow the same system. And. Sometimes. Is like one. Going faster, than the other or one being a little bit going to the left like, the cars on the street. Crashing to each other and. What is the outcome. There. Is no repair carriage of galaxies, in the universe, the. New fields, create new dimensions. New a strength new. Life. Cycle. If. We were supposed, to have a carriers in the universe, to repair all these galaxies, I thought. Part. Without giving up there's too many accide
2019-01-29 21:07